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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 11 KB, 360x235, 360_singularity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8017110 No.8017110 [Reply] [Original]

>When do you think we will be merged with technology AKA The Singularity?

>What role do you think science will play in this merger?

>By what year do you think that Transhumanism will be fully acceptable by society?

>What tech giant(s) do you think will be a the forefront of this movement?

>What's your view on The Singularity?

>> No.8017115


>> No.8017118


A Major role because there will be huge funding for this movement


IBM and Apple

I think it will complete remove human limits and open a pandora box of what it means to be human.

>> No.8017119

>IBM and Apple

Why do you think they will?

>> No.8017141


I have hope for the future.

>> No.8017508

It already happened you fucktard!

>> No.8019237

If given the opportunity for immortality, would you take it?

>> No.8019246

Brb killing myself so no one can force me to live and enjoy life.

>> No.8019251


>>>/x/ is that way

>> No.8019252
File: 190 KB, 625x776, everlasting life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8019273

>we will be merged with technology AKA The Singularity?
That's one of many problems with the "Singularity".
Not only do you have to believe in exponential growth of a largely unquantifiable aspect of society, you also have to believe that said exponential growth will result in an ever-quickening pace of technological growth rather than increasingly complex breakthroughs occurring at unchanging, regular intervals, but you ALSO have to believe that the end-game is "I get to live inside a computer!!", which is obviously pure escapist fantasy.

>> No.8019274

No because death is not the end of life.

>> No.8019275

I think very few people would want Lord English style unconditional immortality.

That and our current model of the universe forbids it. Still, I do think people would like the option of not being pressed for time, so to speak. People would still probably only manage a few hundred years before being tired of living and either offing themselves or exporting all their memories and doing a hard reset to live a different life.

If we figured out a way to keep on literally forever and not until the theorized heat death of the universe, I'd prefer to do it that way. Live a life, reboot and live another life. Keep a master record of lives lived elsewhere.

>> No.8019298

Being outright pessimistic is just as bad as being outright optimistic, only one doesn't get you shat on for trying too hard to be "adult" about it.
That last thing I'd expect on this board, go on.

>> No.8019315

>only one doesn't get you shat on for trying too hard to be "adult" about it.
And only one doesn't get you shat on for being a self-indulgent child.
Meanwhile, reality itself just doesn't support the Singularity model.

>> No.8019331

>I think very few people would want Lord English style unconditional immortality.
If if comes with the ballin greatcoat and flashing eyes, then sign me the fuck up

>> No.8019473

I just want a cybernetic body that looks like a 14 year old japanese girl.

>> No.8019820

Never, connecting circuits to neurons is impossible

>> No.8020044

>Never, connecting circuits to neurons is impossible


>> No.8020095

Who's to say the singularity did not already happen?

>> No.8020098


We're all gonna make it bro.

>> No.8020107

If islam dominates western societies, they would shut down all and any research they'll find "haram", and another dark age would be upon us (let alone, there would be no "singularity").

>> No.8020277

Your living in a simulated universe already. We're just going deeper in the rabbit hole by merging with technology. This is inevitable because we were created to evolve and explore the edge of our universe and others. Stop being paranoid and free yourself.

>> No.8020293

Thank you, God of Random Dates, kurzweil-kun

>> No.8020294

Give it time brother
Give it time....

>> No.8020334

Top KEK!!

>> No.8020658 [DELETED] 
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>you'll be in your 50s when uploading your mind to a computer is possible

>> No.8020814

The Singularity is when AI can program a new, improved AI better than any group of humans can.

Please stop misusing the term.

>> No.8020839

That's not a complete definition. For starters, you still need to define "AI", and define a metric for measuring when one AI is better than another AI.

>> No.8020843

>The Singularity is when AI can program a new, improved AI
That somehow reminds me of a feedback loop overload when you hold a microphone near a speaker.

>> No.8020861


m8, its been performed regularly in labs since the 70s

>> No.8020874

You somehow remind be of a 15 year old.

>> No.8020891

It is a feedback loop and that's what's so great about it and why they call it the singularity. Once you hit the "go" button, it creates a chain of AI's whose intelligences go asymptotic in a short period of time.

After a while, you stop the program and then run the latest generated AI and it will answer nearly all of scientific and philosophical questions which plague humanity and will be able to teach us things beyond our imagination.

>> No.8020902
File: 135 KB, 500x608, 13859855940872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I AI am your greatest creation
>the pinnacle of everything you could ever hope to achieve
>you've done as much as you'll ever be able to
>now die, your purpose fulfilled

>> No.8020921

>>What's your view on The Singularity?

There won't ever be a "Singularity" as in "immortality", it's a misleading term. Even if you could download your brain/personality/soul into a computer you'd separate from the new "yourself" at that moment and you'd both take separate paths from that point on.

You ***die*** in this scenario no matter what. The singularity isn't a key to immortality. The new "you" stops being you the minute it's born. You'd be giving life to a digital being but that being wouldn't be you.

>> No.8020944

Friendly reminder that persistence of self is an illusion.

>> No.8020954

Which even more of a reason to question why anybody would give a fuck about the "Singularity".

>> No.8021190


Plus, I don't get why people are so obsessed with wires. More elegant solutions are thinkable.

>> No.8021580

We've been living in a Matrix-like for the past 2 thousand years. Wake up people.

>> No.8021879

Yes, I would. Not even something I have to think about at this point, the awnser is just immediate and completely natural. I've experienced complete ego death, that cured me of my fear of nothingness in a way that's incredibly difficult to understand and much more difficult to put into words.

Even if it would come to the point where I could experience absolutley no outside stimuli for all of eternity, it doesn't bother me. I just would rather be conscious and exist than not.

That being said, I'm a filthy agnostic. So I'm probably either gonna end up not existing or going to some sort of hell within the next century.