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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 17 KB, 800x400, haskell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8013731 No.8013731 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the best language to program science?

>> No.8013746

fortran, c++, vba

>> No.8013757

stick with python

anything else will be too advanced for physicists

>> No.8013758


>> No.8013759


The following prints "Hello World":

[math] \texttt{++++++++[>++++[>++>+++>+++>+<<<<-]>+>+>->>+[<]<-]>>.>---.+++++++..+++.>>.<-.<.+++.------.--------.>>+.>++.} [/math]

Obviously very efficient.

>> No.8013778

The one that lets you complete the task at hand the most efficiently*

*Note: efficiency in this case does not necessarily mean runtime, as languages for which there might be a shorter runtime could take much longer to develop in. For a program that is only being run a handful of times, a much slower runtime is acceptable if the program was developed very quickly, and also if the program is developed in such a way that it is modular and recyclable, as this affects the development time for future programs.**

**Also to be wary of are languages which support a more sinister kind of inefficiency in the form of large amounts of time being spent by the programmer engaging in online debates over the superiority of said language over other languages instead of working on the task at hand.

>> No.8013782

Fortran and NumPy

>> No.8013788

Just be sure to use Sleep Sort for any of your sorting needs.

The algorithm was actually invented by 4chan.


>> No.8013795
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The cultural factors outweigh the ones inherent to the language, I'm afraid.
Those languages with libraries and readable code make it. There's large libraries for Fortran and C, we'll never get rid of it, not in my lifetime I'm afraid. And there's python. I currently use python at my job, btw. I'm also the guy who made the Idris thread (>>8008449) and languages like that (e.g. Haskell) don't have large libraries and are hard to learn (impossible to learn for uninterested people)

The guy who's making Idris is also the author of Whitespace
(a language where the code consists completely of blanks and tabs, any symbols visible to people are treated as mere comments)

There's a wiki that lists the esoteric languages btw., good is also LOLCODE (code in lol-speak), Shakespeare (the code is disguised as a play), Chef (the code is disguised as cooking recipy), and the two-dimensional languages

Hello world:
>Romeo, a young man with a remarkable patience.
>Juliet, a likewise young woman of remarkable grace.
>Ophelia, a remarkable woman much in dispute with Hamlet.
>Hamlet, the flatterer of Andersen Insulting A/S.
> Act I: Hamlet's insults and flattery.
> Scene I: The insulting of Romeo.
>[Enter Hamlet and Romeo]
>You lying stupid fatherless big smelly half-witted coward! You are as
>stupid as the difference between a handsome rich brave hero and thyself!
>Speak your mind!
>You are as brave as the sum of your fat little stuffed misused dusty
>old rotten codpiece and a beautiful fair warm peaceful sunny summer's
>day. You are as healthy as the difference between the sum of the
>sweetest reddest rose and my father and yourself! Speak your mind!
and it goes on for two more pages

>> No.8013819

Shakespeare code takes "terrible yet Turing-complete programming languages" in a new direction. I quite like it.

>> No.8013831
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the term is

>> No.8013833

>Malbolge programming language, named after the 8th Circle of Hell
>Designed to be the most difficult language to write in (Brainfuck is nothing compared to this)
>"Malbolge was so difficult to understand when it arrived that it took two years for the first Malbolge program to appear. Indeed, the author himself has never written a single Malbolge program. The first program was not written by a human being: it was generated by a beam search algorithm designed by Andrew Cooke and implemented in Lisp."


Hello world:
[math] \texttt{ (=<`#9]~6ZY32Vx/4Rs+0No-&Jk)"Fh}|Bcy?`=*z]Kw%oG4UUS0/@-ejc(:'8dc } [/math]

>> No.8013837 [DELETED] 

>Malbolge programming language, named after the 8th Circle of Hell
>Designed to be the most difficult language to write in (Brainfuck is nothing compared to this)
>"Malbolge was so difficult to understand when it arrived that it took two years for the first Malbolge program to appear. Indeed, the author himself has never written a single Malbolge program. The first program was not written by a human being: it was generated by a beam search algorithm designed by Andrew Cooke and implemented in Lisp."


Hello world:
[math] \texttt{ (=<`#9]~6ZY32Vx/4Rs+0No-&Jk)"Fh \} |Bcy?`=*z]Kw%oG4UUS0/@-ejc(:'8dc } [/math]

>> No.8013839

C++ and meme snek

>> No.8013844


>> No.8013856


>> No.8013870

BASED, BASED reply. Thank you! I love all these esoteric languages.

>> No.8013959
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I find these 'esoteric' languages so cringeworthy.

It's like, "I don't have any innovative talent or ideas so lets make something farcically stupid instead to earn some recognition"

>> No.8013969
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>I don't have any innovative talent or ideas so lets make something farcically stupid instead to earn some recognition
I'd argue the exact opposite is the case, but let's not argue.
Improve the world or fuck it up, or make something funny or interesting : My perspective.

The real meme is
>I climbed up a basic career ladder and now I'm a family father in the west

>> No.8013994

Who is this cum sponge?

>> No.8013999
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>Improve the world or fuck it up, or make something funny or interesting : My perspective.
That's a shallow philosophy.

>The real meme is
>>I climbed up a basic career ladder and now I'm a family father in the west
I'd argue that it's a more praiseworthy endeavour than making an 'esoteric' language so you can get a page on wikipedia.

>> No.8014009

>I'd argue that it's a more praiseworthy endeavour
Yeah, I get that you'd argue that..

Define "shallow". (Or don't, it's pretty off topic).
It's also not my whole philosophy, obv.

Smiths girlfriend, see (>>8013831)

>> No.8014012

>white gurl dating a black guy
How can whiyte men even compete?

>> No.8014131

Is this language turing-complete? I assume it is based on what I read in their PDF document.

>> No.8014177
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In this context I mean lacking depth.

I know it's not your full philosophy, I'm just oddly irritated by people giving praise to things that are, well, shallow endeavours and futile achievements.

Then again, I'm in a depressive episode at the moment so I can't help but come off as trivial and pedantic.

On a positive note, Smiths gf is hot af

>> No.8014181
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>this language
Which one?

brainfuck and other goofy languages are designed to be Turing complete. Latex is also Turing complete, but some dependently typed languages like Agda are not Turing complete on purpose. Turing completeness is slightly overrated imho.

>> No.8014189
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We can take this somewhere else if you want. Or not, this thread can't give anything to OPs original question anymore anyway.

Another thing, Magic the Gathering is Turing complete.

And then there's

>> No.8014191


joke languages are about as funny as reddit.

>> No.8014192

I meant to ask if the shakesphere programming language is Turing complete?

>> No.8014278

I don't know for sure, but the point is that, given that Müller already came up with the minimalist brainfuck (together with a compiler of kB size), to get a Turing complete language, if you're lazy, you really only need to parse into it. See e.g.


>> No.8014304

while ($_ = shift and @ARGV and !fork);
sleep $_;
print "$_\n";


>> No.8014310

What requirements must a language satisfy to even be Turing complete? I'm not talking about the vague notion of being able to do everything a Turing machine can do be what specifically are the minimum aspects or characteristics a language must have? If you had to guess would you say Shakespeare is Turing complete? I think the authors on the site say it is but it isn't clear if they are joking or not.

>> No.8014325

Not Python. Literally anything else is fine.

>> No.8014339 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 680x478, search.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would guess, yes.

And you must implement
where you run through ordinals and do logical if queries,
the "head wandering over the tape"

>> No.8014341
File: 88 KB, 680x478, search.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would guess, yes.

And you must implement the "head wandering over the tape",
where you run through ordinals and do logical if queries


>> No.8014358
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compare with pic related (brainfuck).

Heavy typed languages that are used for theorem proving (Agda) are used in a way that you don't really code practical software but instead have the formal expressions correspond to raw math and compiling is proof-checking. "Programs are compiled but never executed". Those languages are still expressive, though, but Turing completness is sometimes purposely not achieved because it extends the language by expressions you're not interested in while at the same time giving rise to non-halting / non-provable stuff. (But don't pin me down on that)

>> No.8014361

I'm on mobile but I just found a paper that says Shakesphere is a Turing complete programming language. They used brianfuck to demonstrate it

>> No.8015743

The idea was to create the smallest possible compiler.

>> No.8016244

The smallest possible compiler is reality itself.

Arrange your circuits, and reality compiles it.

>> No.8016287

>The smallest possible compiler is reality itself.
>reality compiles it.
So what is it?
Or is "it" itself our reality as such?

>> No.8016291

This almost sounds like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kolmogorov_complexity

The length of the shortest computer program (in a predetermined programming language) that produces the object as output.

>> No.8016334
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>> No.8016647


Fortran for numbercrunching.

Sthg functional for abstract stuff / modelbuilding.

>> No.8016656

A mixture of MATLAB, C, and Python.

I wish JS would supersede Python, though. It has a lot of nifty and really useful functional programming features that Python lacks.

>> No.8016662



>> No.8016663


>> No.8016677

Then I mixed it up with Coq

>> No.8016683


kill yourself

>> No.8016685

Matlab and C++ work.

>> No.8016695

/g/ knows shit all about applied computation in the field of scientific research. Go shill for a board that needs it, like /wsr/.

>> No.8017417

> program science

i hate you

>> No.8017553

javascript of course
>stop wasting your time thinking about memory allocation.
>Create code that runs in every modern browser and do cloud computing over http using JSON directly at very descent speed thanks to engines like V8 or at server side thanks to node.js
>Create beautiful and useful interfaces in HTML5 that let you fast and easy share your results.
>Port all your c code to js using emscripten C/C++ compiler

>> No.8017554

>I wish JS would supersede
it will happen my friend, there is more smart people watching the JS Potential.

>> No.8017585

>english lolxddd

>> No.8017628

C for efficiency

Matlab for libraries

Julia or swift for dat sick real time compile

python for literally no reason because julia and swift exist

>> No.8017675

JAVA for simple models and input-output-graph programs
C++ for Physics/Simulations
Python for Computer Sciences

>> No.8017681


Fuck off and never return

>> No.8017683

Some colleges actually require it.
Good research institutes as well.
Salk Institute for Biological Studies is an example.
Are you actually going to insult Salk?
You can fuck off and never return, actually.
>The ignorance of 4chan never ceases to amaze

>> No.8018457

Which ever one is easy and suits the application you snobbish circlejerking faggots.

>> No.8018503
File: 541 KB, 1450x1100, R-Programming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my niggas at

>> No.8018508

Maybe he won't I will. Any serious computations require c++/cuda/fortran anything else you use Python. The Salk institute is filled with people who don't know how to properly code

>> No.8018537
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isn't R too specific?

>> No.8018691

>Heavy typed languages that are used for theorem proving (Agda) are used in a way that you don't really code practical software...

You mean dependently typed languages. There is a language called Idris that is like Agda and is meant for "practical software".

>> No.8018699
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You want specific?

>> No.8018745
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Yeah I know. Actually I made that Idris thread a few day ago. Too bad nobody wants to ride that train with me.

Even Microsoft has one or two such languages, a few places on the right of C in the alphabet:


>> No.8018775

>writing science in static-typed languages

okey, just wait a minute im just gonna create 4 different 4 classes that represents datastructures that handle the various primitive datatypes, aka cancer java.

desu, any dynamic language should do, since haskel has type-signatures it is less of a mess and actually I recommend it other.
Python is fine too.

C++? Only for more advanced programs.

>> No.8018778

Although functional programming (haskel) is beautiful, at times you just want it to flow and thus python a dynamic language that is fully turing complete with a huge library is so much more convenient. But then again, I am a comp. engineer and I don't do science.

>> No.8018787


>> No.8018801


>> No.8018802


>> No.8018822

R is a steaming pile of shit.

t. An experienced R porogrammer

>> No.8018837
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Looks like you copypasted around in your post, because it's hard to read.

Haskell is based on System F, and was of interest because it was shown you can do full and fast type inference (from the terms) with it


Also, if you implement parametricity in your language


like Haskell does, you get a interesting bunch of "theorems for free" (doesn't have its own wikipedia entry, strangely).
Like if you say t is a generic type, and you consider the function type

t -> t

then there is only one function which exists for all t (sadly I don't have spoiler tags here), namely the identity
f(x) := x
or as lambda term
[math] \lambda x.\, x\ :\ t\to t [/math]
(Proving that a proposition t implies the proposition t.)
(If, for example, you consider t=Nat, and the function term Nat -> Nat which has functions like + associated with it, then there are of course infinitely many functions. E.g. f(x) := x+5 or f(x) := 6+3*x+x*x.)
For general t, you can write "theorem provers" (term constructors), and quiery it with
t -> t
or rather
forall t. t->t
and the compiler/interface will give you the idenity for free. You don't need to code it yourself, so to speak, because the computer understands there's only one thing you could code.
Similarly, if (t,s) is the product type of general types t and s, then there is only one function
(Proving that the proposition s & t is the same as t & s)

Haskells interface with Hidley-Milner implemented does some elegant things when you e.g. apply a generic functors operations on arrows on a list, and he does the type checking and infers you must want the List functor to be applied.
And people also like how monads, implemented once, remove so much baggage from otherwise if-clause haunted code.


>> No.8018875
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since I've looked into Idris
(and I compare its system with the principles of Homotopy type theory as I do so),
I've also found that in Idris you can't e.g. set up an equality as binary predicate to Boolean truth values
(in the sense that "7=2+5" would evaluate to true) on the type level, there.
They forbid you e.g. to be able to define a predicate
forall t. t -> Bool
isNatQuestion(t) := (t = Nat)
because such a construction would appearently break parametricity, which they really want to keep (because Idris is looking with one eye to proper programming, not just theory proving stuff).

But, I want to add, they have an equality
= : Type -> Type -> Type
so that when you e.g. pass String and Nat, then the result
"String = Nat"
is a type, and while this isn't a bool in itself, you may not proof that String equals Nat because you can't construct a term for that type.
Maybe it's confusing what I say, I just wanted to reflect on parametricity in that system.

PS somebody already showed 2 years ago that you can't have a homotopy theoretical notion of equality in Idris ... bummer


>> No.8018878


The Queen's English.

>> No.8018879
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>> No.8018894
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ad 2.:

And by "you may not proof" I mean it in the theorem prover sense:

= is of type
Type -> Type -> Type
and there is a term Refl defined for it, if both values are equal, e.g.
Refl : Nat = Nat

You write down
Refl : Nat = Nat
in a file and have the compiler run over it, like you'd compile C code. The compiler accepts it, meaning the deduction system approves of your claim that Nat is the same as Nat.

You may want to claim and write down
Refl : Nat = String
but now the compiler will tell you it's wrong.
You might have a function F mapping the type Nat to String, then
Refl: String = F(Nat)
would compile, because the compiler does reduction on the type level.

If you were able to implement homotopy theory, like it's possible for Agda or Coq, you'd be able to define an equality, denoty it be
and don't (just) have things provable with Refl,
but also if you construct pseudo-inverses/homotopies etc. etc.
It's a more structural notion of equality and the CS people are atm. wrangling to give it a more constructive interpretation, so that you can set up nice languages with it, languages that would follow an inherently structural logic.
And implementations of algebraic topology and such would be native.

>> No.8020600

What are some relevant languages developed in the last 10 years?

>> No.8020799

Go, for one.

>> No.8020890

>tfw the original thread is dead now that /prog/ no longer exists

>> No.8020950

Had it been stickied?

>> No.8020953

nevermind i found a mirror http://i.imgur.com/LdgLc.jpg

>> No.8020958

>That greeting from Reddit at the very end

Anyway, I'm surprised no-one in that thread found it as hilarious as it is.

>> No.8020969

>too advanced for physicsts

go fuck yourself cs/ce faggot

>> No.8021772

I like it. It's a functional language, install.packages() has never once fucked up on me with 0 effort, CRAN is quality and vast, shiny and rmarkdown is looking nicer, I mostly like how vectors/lists/matrices/dataframes are implemented, can call to C, fortran, and there's Rcpp. Good support for shapefiles, projections, that sort of thing.

After bouncing around languages a lot for no particular reason other than which I prefer using, I feel very R is very comfy.

>> No.8022156

>>R is a steaming pile of shit.
R is the latex of statistics fukboi

>> No.8022186

we have a winner

aka why I still use matlab

>> No.8022192

python because I don't really want to learn julia and swift while I'm studying for prelims

>> No.8022419

right here all day erry day

>> No.8022423

depends on what you mean by specific

its main utility is certainly heavily geared to statistics research, but it also has a large suite of built-in functions and easily available packages that make data exploration and visualization a breeze

it's excel on steroids, basically, and it's a godsend for anyone who has to work with moderate-sized datasets and knows how to make flat text files

>> No.8022489

It's obviously Mathematica, guys. Just look at how efficient the code is. Here's a sample:


>> No.8022512

I like that R is functional.

`[`(c(5,6,7), 2) # 6

>> No.8022531

i've never seen someone actually use R primitives before, it's like seeing someone pull out a flint and steel instead of a lighter to light a cigarette

>> No.8022539

`<-`(urmom, "gay")

>> No.8022557

Obfuscated R Code Contest when?

>> No.8022772

You aren't telling me anything I don't already know as I've been using R professionally for years. My opinion stands: As a language, R is a steaming pile of shit.

>> No.8022779

Justify your shitty opinion then. As it stands, R is the best tool for statistical bioanalysis there is.

>> No.8022850

>R is the best tool for statistical bioanalysis there is.
Perhaps, but isn't this really because of the great libraries people have written for R and not because of the half-assed attempt at a programming language in which the libraries are written? Just because a bunch of folks have been forced into using a shitty language by academia doesn't change the fact that it is a shitty language.

>> No.8022860

you idiots aren't going to get anything done if you don't first define the features a good language should have and that R lacks

>> No.8022874

Nothing more matters.

>> No.8023268

That's far away from general purpose, isn't it? How can it be the best for scientific computing?

>> No.8023270


>> No.8023273

bad meme, ugly syntax, everything else is fine

>> No.8023276

qt girl

>> No.8023278
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>tfw we'll never have Python without forced whitespace

>> No.8023308

having strong opinions about whitespaces is a stupid meme

>> No.8023330




Wrong field of science retard, physicists have a boner for fortran.

>> No.8023364

it's not a meme

>> No.8024106


Any of these JVM languages but never Java

>> No.8024591

Is there a listing of languages by size of community/available resources when writing in it`?

How do those differ?