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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 240 KB, 1831x949, check-out-this-lego-cyborg-arm-with-smartphone-mount-489815-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8016241 No.8016241 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about transhumanism.

I want to be a cyborg ninja with super fast and strong robot limbs with laser guns attached to them and nanomachines in my brain that make me super smart and give me telepathic powers and immortality with my consciousness having redundant backups.

I also want a jet pack attachment.

how about you?

Oh yeah and the jetpack is here.


>> No.8016264

a pair of brains that let me understand the meaning of life

>> No.8016269


The future is going to be cool. But only if the normies don't ruin it with their desire for mediocrity and meaningless strife .

>> No.8016276
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, 3027921-poster-p-cyberpunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine a cyber punk future...

>> No.8016280

What's the science behind the meaning of life?
Before we ask the meaning of life, we should ask: what is life?

>> No.8016289

Or that

>> No.8016296

what do you guys think about nasa cutting their feed when a huge ufo showed up?

>> No.8016315
File: 45 KB, 580x386, 01_R17INT_1149980k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is your guys opinion on living forever through scientific treatments?

>> No.8016343


>> No.8016700


>> No.8016756

>nanomachines in my brain that make me super smart and give me telepathic powers and immortality with my consciousness having redundant backups
The brain already has distributed memory/backup semantics. All your really need is some kind of nanolich supraconsciousness (Google it) and you're good to go.

>> No.8016760
File: 13 KB, 1000x1500, muhsingularity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talk about transh
I tried but nobody went for it.


>> No.8017238


>> No.8017248

>replacing highly specialized machines refined over millions of years with shitty prosthesis
lmao have fun when google designs your limbs to fail after 2 years

>> No.8017469

I just want to be a brain wired into a prosthetic japanese girl body.

>> No.8017484


>> No.8017603
File: 76 KB, 959x573, 1447041976427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you guys feel about lossy data in a hypothetical consciousness transfer?

Simply thinking about what's possible for people to accomplish in your lifetime, it is EXTREMELY unlikely that, even should artificial life extension come about, the technology will be "complete" in a sense. The first wave of it would undoubtedly be a painful, stunted existence, or one in which the transferred consciousness cannot yet completely duplicate the feeling of being alive.

Would you still sign up at the first opportunity knowing that your mind would be transferred in a flawed, lossy format that renders you retarded or as an amnesiac, and probably both?

What guarantee would you need to feel that one's mind is safe to transfer?

How would you deal with the dilemma of knowing that you should choose to wait for technology to improve, but that you could get hit by a car or a heart attack at any time and that immortality, even one in which your consciousness is damaged beyond repair, or perhaps lost and replaced by a facsimile, is already available?

>> No.8017605

/r9k/ would be literally forever alone

>> No.8017612

Are there any sci fi stories with Apple-like planned obsolescence in things like mechanical limbs?

>> No.8017616

When it comes to cybernetic immortality, I guarantee you they're going to regulate it so that those that are counter-culturalists or question authority will be deemed unfit due to mental illness.

Even if they have serotonin and dopamine modulators, it's going to be a blackmarket war.

I absolutely guarantee violent cons will receive implants way before accused political-psychiatric patients will be allowed access.

100% guaranteed gov lockdown when it gets to a certain level, and all people will be tracked.

Transhumanism isn't going to end up the way people think it is.
It's not a bridge to total freedom and self-control.
It's going to be controlled, regulated and eventually only populists will have access.

>> No.8018109


Obviously it would be tested on volunteers with terminal illnesses first

We just need to hope this shit comes around before they cure painful terminal illnesses or we lose volunteers

>> No.8018141
File: 16 KB, 634x571, tmp_26934-1460224799062367758105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transhumanism is bullshit, but the singularity is real. I have some computer code that can write computer code.

>> No.8018211

>with super fast and strong robot limbs with laser guns attached to them
nope, gun control, bitches