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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8014549 No.8014549 [Reply] [Original]

> University you're currently or did attend?


>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?

> Did your parents help you pay for college?

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?

>> No.8014551



Loans (fuck you Navient)

Yep pretty much anon...

Nope they hate me

I'll probably off myself.

>> No.8014555

> University you're currently or did attend?
ENS de Lyon, in France


>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
Actually, I'm getting paid 15k a year to attend, yearly fees are about 150€

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
No, but I'm engaged to do my PhD in France and work for public services for three years after that.

> Did your parents help you pay for college?
They paid for my room and food for the first three years, when I was preparing the competitive exam that got me there.

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
I'm going for a PhD in number theory. There aren't many job opportunities so it will depend how well I do with my thesis.

>> No.8014556
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>How much did you or are you paying for your STEM degree?
169€, twice a year

> University you're currently or did attend?
Göttingen, Germany


>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?

> Did your parents help you pay for college?

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
What does anybody ever do with a degree?
The knowledge gained in what counts to me. I'll be doing some job (chances for a good career in academia seem too small) and I'll continue learning in my free time, hopefully finding out out something noteworthy.

>> No.8014573
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> University you're currently or did attend?
Delft University of Technology


>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
16k I get for free thanks to socialism. Currently have to loan from the government due to reformed student money laws against a 0.01% interest rate, most of which I put on a savings account with a higher interest rate (jewish_merchant.webm).

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
No, probably just 1 or 2 years I will be paying some meager sum per month back to the government.

> Did your parents help you pay for college?
Yes, but only to pay for housing so I have to loan even less.

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
Either R&D or PhD to become a quantum mechanic.

>> No.8014580

You need professional help anon...

>> No.8014582

You have a great future. I wish I was this lucky.

>> No.8014585

>University of Panama


>Cash nigga. Each semester costs 27.50 US dollars. Feels good to live in a first world country :^)

>Every 15 days I earn enough money at my part time job to pay all 8 semesters, and then have some to get a pretty nice and expensive 200$ dinner.

>Nigga, I don't live in a shithole of a country.

>I am sure that I have a secured future as a mathematician, so in 5 years that is what I'll be.

>> No.8014588

You clever senpai. Very clever...

>> No.8014589

>Each semester costs 27.50 US dollars
This is too good to be true.

>> No.8014597
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>Arizona State University lmao
>Molecular biosciences and biotechnology (actual major name)
>I got paid $8k every year to attend
>No loans, just the cost of attending a notorious party school
>My dad's employment there offset the tuition by 75%
>Get into a biotech company, suck some dicks, run some PCRs, and get them to pay for my masters, then keeping sucking dick in the local biotech industry

>> No.8014601

- Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris)
- Biology
- 5€/year
- 25€ for a masters degree so no
- Same as above
- Bioinformatics

>> No.8014602

>How much
Sticker price is 30k.
UC Berkeley
Mechanical Engineering
>pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
Paid with mostly Veteran's benefits, some student loans
>Working for the rest of my life to pay back loans
No, probably will pay them off in 5-10 years
>what will you do in the next 5 years
I'm currently working in the Environmental Fluid Mechanics lab at the university, I'm applying for internships at most high-profile Aero companies within California for next year. Honestly couldn't tell you where I'll be in 5 years.

>> No.8014606
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I get nothing from lying. Here is my first semester receipt.

On the right down corner there is a list of what is being charged.

>> No.8014613

>UC Berkeley

Top KEK come to MIT m8

>> No.8014619

It is. They pay for it in their taxes.

>> No.8014622

Possibly for my eventual PhD. I'm planning on doing my MSc at Berkeley in the year after my BSc, and going into industry for a few years.
I'm not a huge fan of Massachusetts in general, though.

>> No.8014625

>Sticker price is 30k.
Good luck senpai. You'll need it.

>> No.8014626

WOW why is it so cheap desu?

>> No.8014627

Thanks, and I realize I'm lucky, but I'm not so sure about my future in academia.
I get good results, but I'm lazy and I hear it's extremely difficult to get a job in arithmetics if you're not one of the best.

>> No.8014629

I end up paying about 4k a year on average. I'm doing just fine.

>> No.8014631 [DELETED] 

> University you're currently or did attend?

CS courses

>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
Tuition assistance + cash from my job, the estimated cost to attend Duke is $67,654

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
Probably, but I'm not going to Duke next semester. Headed off to another college which is significantly cheaper. I feel like some people might look down on me going to another school, but they aren't paying my bills.

> Did your parents help you pay for college?
KEK is that a joke? My parents barely have enough money to make it week to week. The thought they'd pay for anything is hilarious.

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
Hopefully be in a PhD program in CS

>> No.8014635


It is a public university, but public in the actual meaning of the word, where all the workers are paid for by the government and so there is no need for a high price.

I mean, I sometimes wonder why the even charge at all, when the fucking entrance process is so violent, but I suppose they got some clever finance dudes that calculate that if the students pay 3% of the university's budget then the government can handle the remaining 97% just fine, but if the government had to pay for 98% of the budget then a financial crysis would ensue, or some shit.

I hope things don't change thing and you americans should probably start to protest towards a similar system.

I mean, this is literally a third world country.

>> No.8014636

Unless he's riding through on some insane scholarship, he's paying for his school through taxes as well, and will continue to for as long as he lives in that country.

> University you're currently or did attend?
Iowa State University

Electrical Engineering

>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
Some of each. Parents helped some and I worked summers and paid as much cash as I could as I went along, had some scholarships too, but the rest was in loans.

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
Nope, paid off all my debt off within a year of graduation.

> Did your parents help you pay for college?
Yes, although I repeatedly tried to take the loans they had in their names the stupid government-contracted loan office wouldn't allow it. I sent them a lot of money for it to help pay it down but they finished off their end with their tax return when they got it a few weeks ago.

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
Work, which I'll also be doing for the next 40 years after that at the very least. I don't think social security will be around for me to retire on, so I'll probably just work as long as I can. Enjoying it so far.

>> No.8014639

No thanks.

I don't want to be forced to pay for 4 extra years of babysitting for every kid in the country. Being forced to finance dance majors at the barrel of a gun doesn't help the me or country at all.

>> No.8014645

Stony Brook University
Phyiscs/Math (probably gonna drop Physics)
Nah, a large chunk is covered by financial aid.
Grad school for Acoustics

>> No.8014650

>How much did you or are you paying for your STEM degree?
So far roughly $10000 in four years (finished B.Sc+M.Sc), but I am receiving a scholarship of $2000 per month, so I have actually gotten a lot more money from the university than I've paid

> University you're currently or did attend?
Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Medicine (MD-PhD program)

>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
No, I already got more money from the university than I paid them

> Did your parents help you pay for college?
No need, I had savings from my army service.

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
I am not even going to finish my degree in the next 5 years, it's a 9-10 year program and I'm just on my fourth year

>> No.8014657

>Universidad Autonoma Nacional de Mexico
>Software engineering
>$0, university here is free
>Nope, like i said, its free
>Probably work for a company

>> No.8014660

Maybe we are financing literal retards but is it really worse?

I think that your 1.4 trillion dollars in student loan debt is not sustainable at all. You clearly cannot stop people from being retarded, but you can at least build a system in which the retarded people do not fuck up your entire economy.

Also, it is not for every kid in the country. Maybe in the past when this university was open (it was the first university in the entire country it was opened like 80 years ago) but now there are plenty of for-profit universities like in the US. I know my ex-gf is getting charged 5000$ per semester.

Now that those for profit universities exist to supply education to the morons, this university can be a lot more selective. I did mention how fucking violent the admission process was and I am really glad that I will never have to go through anything similar in my life.

>> No.8014666

>>Software engineering
>>$0, university here is free
I should definitely move kek.

>> No.8014673

That debt is there, and the rise in the cost of college, is almost entirely due to the government already. By making student loans easy to get for people going for worthless majors with no hope of paying them back, the government creates the debt. By making loans so easy to get students become less cost-sensitive since they're young, stupid, and see extremely cheap money offered to them because the interest rates are kept artificially low, so way more people go to college than should be.

>Also, it is not for every kid in the country.
Try giving away "free" college in the US and saying it's not available to every special snowflake in the country, and all the illegals too. It would never happen. If it's not for literally everyone, you'd get shot down with a million bullshit discrimination lawsuits.

The reason most universities in the US have so many Chinese and other foreign students is because they couldn't get past that selection process in their own country, and US schools will take anyone who can pay, and they often pay less than students from other states in the US if it's a public school. In effect the US is subsidizing foreign education, albeit a relatively small percentage.

>> No.8014686

Fucking liar you need to pay de $0.50MXN (0,09
dlls) fee.

>> No.8014689

So you'd rather pay abusive interest rates to attend universities? I can't see much logic here.

>> No.8014692

>Try giving away "free" college in the US and saying it's not available to every special snowflake in the country, and all the illegals too. It would never happen.

You already have the SATs. Simply set a minimum SAT score and if you get that then you get partially free college.

To make it liberal-proof simply don't exclude anyone. If you are a black trans woman wolfkin and you get a high SAT score then you get your subsidized education. This wouldn't really hurt anyone.

>> No.8014712

Federal University of Itajubá

Electrical Engineering

It's "free"

No loans

No, but they did pay for everything else

Nothing, I dropped out and am pursuing an army officer career, good pay + very stable.

>> No.8014735

> University you're currently or did attend?


>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
Neither, I received a full ride with an extra 2k per year for miscellaneous fees

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
No, although I will pursue a masters in most likely biotechnology along with the multiple internships and research ventures I will be occupied with.

> Did your parents help you pay for college?
No, although they have helped pay for things like my laptop, bike, and other stuff.

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
As said before, get my masters and head into the industry with hopes of working my way up to a leadership position of a well established company.

>> No.8014743

Look up what an unsecured loan is.

It's not that I want to pay more for college, but we're already paying more than it looks like by giving out loans to all these idiots that go for interpretive dance or african studies and never pay back the loan.

Not everyone takes the SAT, but I get your point. I'd be ok with some (basically STEM only, but I wouldn't want a glut of those either) of those high-scoring people getting a cheap government loan, but treat it like an HSA. You get a certain amount of money but you have to spend it yourself. That's been shown to make people more cost sensitive than just having everything taken care of for them. There would also have to be reviews at the end of each semester and if you have below a certain GPA for 2 or more in a row you get your loan revoked. Repayment would have to be as close to guaranteed as possible, meaning wage garnishments when you finally get a job if you aren't paying back your loans. It's not fair to taxpayers to make everyone else foot your bill because you waited a certain amount of time only paying off the interest like you can in some countries.

>> No.8014784

People with university degrees pay more tax over their lifetime due to earning more, and actually end up more than paying the tuition back in taxes.

>> No.8014785

>eceived a full ride with an extra 2k per year for miscellaneous fees

I must be a dumb ASS than because I only received a 1500$ grant because I'm a lefty. Shit my future looks grim.

>> No.8014786

I can believe that for STEM majors, or if the stats were from decades ago when relatively few people when to college, but I'm gonna need some stats to prove that figure overall. Look at the majority of people pushing for "free" college in the US. Many have >$100k in debt and went for some stupid fluff major at a school they knew they couldn't afford. How is it fair to take my money at gunpoint to pay for that?

>> No.8014814

I just realized this is board is like College Confidential but for compulsive liars.

>> No.8014826

A state school in NY


No debts

Parents paid fully; only child

Continue working on machine learning and making dank projects with my friends

>> No.8014840
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>> No.8014861

Oh yea forgive me. **subreddit

>> No.8014867

Germany made university free (even for non-citizens) for this exact reason. Believe me, they've run the numbers and it comes out favouring free university education (the one catch is that they have relatively high admission standards).

>> No.8014874

Nothing. Education is free in my country. Oh I can hear those burgerfat cries already.


>> No.8015119

Can we trade places.

>Smart dude

>195 IQ

>Lives in NY

>African American

>Educated parents

>Lower middle class

>3.9 GPA and graduated with honors with CS bs

>Get denied by Harvard, MIT, Princeton and Cornell

What's going on?

>> No.8015124

My school didn't accept cash so I paid online with a card

>> No.8015131

My mom paid for it. Then when I graduated I just stayed home and played games because I realized I was too autistic to function in the real world. At least I have that associate's degree.

>> No.8015148

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Computer engineering
Large portion covered by merit, rest in loans and parents money
Changing the world b-baka
Tbh idk, kinda want to go into charity

>> No.8015254

> University you're currently or did attend?
CSU in the valley


>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
Loans. Currently 3500 deep, but at least I have a job now.

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?

> Did your parents help you pay for college?
My parents are helping me with my rent and groceries until I actually get called in for work, right now they're doing the background check and stuff

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
work on cars I guess. I switched from Computer Engineering to Mechanical because I didn't want to be sitting in front of a screen all day as my career, at least with a MechEng degree I can have a few more options since mechanical is one of the most broad fields in engineering. Or so I hear.
My affinity for computers is showing though, I am without a doubt the best programmer in my "computer applications in mech engineering" class. I'm sure everyone can tell I'm better with computers than I am with physics and such, but oh well.

Also I'm failing a basic math course, so there's that.

>> No.8015680


>> No.8015705

Smart niggers aren't exploitable by liberals.

>> No.8015707


University Singidunum

Electrical engineering and computing


no loans

parents help, I also contribute

will be getting my master's in 5 years hopefully or working

>> No.8015713

> University you're currently or did attend?
University of Porto
Integrated Master's in Electrical and Computers Engineering
>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
0€ a month
>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
jesus fucking christ, no
> Did your parents help you pay for college?
they pay for food, clothes and booze, even the individual room/water/gas/electricity is free
>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
probably grab some very good management position or take another Integrated Master's in Mec.E. while working some lower job (e.g.:1k month)

>> No.8015722

>£48000 in tuition and maintenance loans
>only till it gets written off in 30 years...
>yes, maintenance loan isn't even enough for the rent
>who knows

fucking tuition fees

>> No.8015731

>University you're currently or did attend?
University of Freiburg, Germany
Biology, with a focus in Immunology
>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
cash, it's like 150€/semester, was a bit more where I did my bachelors though
>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
obviously not
> Did your parents help you pay for college?
yes, immensely
I worked for a few months a while ago but I couldn't have done it without taking loans if not for my parents help
>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
I'll try to get a PhD position in virology and then work in some lab, maybe go abroad if the opportunity arises

>> No.8015751

The top university in my country (Eurofag).
Student loans; university education is partly tax financed here.
Lol god no.
Get my PhD. Go do research with some god-tier university. Work in an air ambulance. Travel with my GF. Have a gud life.

>> No.8015776

>How much did you or are you paying for your STEM degree?
39€, biannually

> University you're currently or did attend?

EE with minor in SE

>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
Come on now.

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
In a way, yes.
Everybody is paying a part of the budget needed by our educational system via taxes.
Still beats being a slave to student dept excusively.

> Did your parents help you pay for college?
No. I'd rather work to pay my bills than getting everything spoonfed.

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
Either working at a company specialzing in household robotics or working at a generic embedded engineering job.

>> No.8015802

>University of Auckland (New Zealand)
>Bachelor of medicine
>(lmao) student loans
>I'll be working it off for the next 5-8 years likely
>Get a high-paying, but stressful af job

>> No.8015819


> University you're currently or did attend?
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Mech.Engineering & Comp.Sci
>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
Neither really. HEX is an interest free loan, ill owe about 50k once i'm done which isn't an issue.
>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
Lol no, what kind of shithouse country would do that?
> Did your parents help you pay for college?
No need here.
>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
Move onto a phD of biomechatronic engineering

>> No.8015881


Nautical Science

>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
Free education

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?

> Did your parents help you pay for college?

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
Get a job

>> No.8015902

My thoughts exactly.

>> No.8015912
File: 481 KB, 194x199, 4701601+_5f8afb37270e967d66022d8c529ee7b1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> University you're currently or did attend?

Anthropology with minor in Biology

>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
Student loans mixed with Pell Grants out the butthole

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
Keku, I'll be like 13k in debt max m9 at a super low interest rate

> Did your parents help you pay for college?
If being physically disabled which allowed the school to feel super bad for me then yes

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
Either research work, some variant of teaching (HS or Uni), or museum-esque work. I don't plan to only have a BA because I'm not COMPLETELY retarded.

>> No.8015929

>>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?

What if you won't even find a job because it was either automated or taken by a h1-b?

>> No.8015930

> University you're currently or did attend?
Politecnico di Milano.
Biomedical Engineering.
>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
I never asked for loans in my life up to now; if I couldn't afford going to University I would have just got a job. Most of my expenses are paid through scholarships though, so I basically consider studying as a job.
>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
I will get out of Uni without any debt.
> Did your parents help you pay for college?
They give me some money to buy food, but rent, tuition and any extras are on me.
>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
Who knows? Probably I'll take a PhD in BiomedE somewhere else, but everything can change in the meantime.

>> No.8015987

> University you're currently or did attend?
University of Waterloo
Mechanical Engineering
>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
Student loans and co-op income
>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
No, I should graduate with <$10000 in OSAP loans and some cash in my pocket if my finance plans are accurate
> Did your parents help you pay for college?
Not yet, but if I need it they have $4000 set aside if I need it
>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
Get a job, hopefully in the aerospace industry

>> No.8015991

Were you in a similar thread in /g/? Thought I saw you a few days ago.

>> No.8015998

>195 IQ
>African American
The odds of that being true, are probably close to the same as each person that read this post will be alive in 2165

>> No.8015999

500€ per year, most of it is the price for a ticket

Heinrich-Heine Universität





Finish my bachelor, do a master then a phd. Then I'll see what's next

>> No.8016004

>Southern Denmark University

>Get paid around 10-15.000 $ a year

>Have to pay for books and materials though.

>> No.8016050


>lives in NY
>cares about harvard/MIT wank fest

There's your problem, go to a cheaper state, get a government job with that CS degree and do a masters at a state school. If you want to go into research later on again do state school and maybe you can get in contact with harvard/MIT for a doctoral program down the road or you can go to Europe for a doctoral program.

You have literally no excuse, yeah it's hard getting a job out there but unless you're lying or have a criminal record you could be much better.

>> No.8016056

>How much did you or are you paying for your STEM degree?

70% tax rate for the rest of my life.

>> No.8016061

>UT Austin
>Physics major/Comp Sci cert
>Nothing. Army is paying tuition and a stipend me to attend
>parents are paying for housing
>might branch national gaurd to do combat engineer and try to work in research. Currently doing computational evolutionary biology. It's cool af
I live a good life

>> No.8016091

University of Kyoto
Full ride
Refer to above
Parents? What are those?
Pursue a master's in germany probably.

>> No.8016095

> University you're currently or did attend?
shit state school i'd rather not say


>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
depends on if I get the dual MD/PhD program or just MD. No if 1, yes if 2.

> Did your parents help you pay for college?
yeah a little.

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years? MS + MD +/- Ph.D

>> No.8016120

rather not say
student loans
>will i be working the rest of my life?
no, probably 4-6 years if my career goals work out the way i want them to
>parents help
>what will you do with your degree
I'm starting a PhD to research the design and synthesis of catalysts used in olefin polymerization at a UC. The other research project I have the opportunity to join synthesizes conducting materials for multivalent magnesium batteries. Haven't chosen one way or the other, but I start this summer. excited.

>> No.8016135

>University you're currently or did attend?
University of Bucharest
>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
0. From next year I will actually get paid like 40% of the minimum wage monthly. This year some dumb bitch stole my scholarship, she fucking failed intro to programming.
>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
> Did your parents help you pay for college?
well, they are paying for my room and food. After I get the scholarship I will be nearly independent
>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
2 more years until I finish undergrad, then I hope I can get a scholraship for master's at ETH or get accepted in a graduate program at an Ivy in the US

>> No.8016141

Take me with you

>> No.8016146
File: 533 KB, 1440x2560, 2016-04-15 18.43.02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Im a pipe welder and ever since getting out of highschool ive been earning about 100k/yr and thats with 3 months off a yr

Life is good

>> No.8016151

I'm 23 btw

>> No.8016154

University of Connecticut


$25,000 in loans

No need to work like a slave, and my parents aren't helping. Working at the state minimum wage for 20 hours a week, or working a single internship in the year, pays off my yearly expenses. Five years after graduation I'd like to do design, or consulting work somewhere.

>> No.8016159

good on you anon.

There's a huge problem with too many people going to college, not because I think people should be denied education, but because they go, study a degree they don't actually care for, then when they have a poor resume they saturate the job market for everyone else while complaining about it.

I predict once people start realizing that there are awesome trade jobs like what you have, people will seriously start weighing the costs of attending a uni to the opportunity you have. Take on $100K + debt in a shit job market? or take on $100K/year out of high school. be warned anon. they may come for your job next.

>> No.8016165

I already see it coming with so many people going to "welding school" and "graduating" and applying to all these jobs. The good thing about welding is that every company tests you before giving you the job so all the unskilled hands don't even get a job after "graduating".

>> No.8016172

That's a real issue especially in America. As a white American male I noticed how they would choose me to lead in my uni and workplace over a minority whose actually smarter and more intelligent than I am. When I would tell my professors or boss that I know that a minority is a better candidate for the job, they would always tell me something along this line: "We are here to carry the morals and traditions of this country in the righteous path and no other races can do that."

I've lost hope in my country right after I graduated high school and was introduced to the real world.

>> No.8016180


>> No.8016191

Does Forensic Science count as a STEM degree?

>> No.8016197

Hahaha. Finnfag here. I didn't pay a goddamn dime, but I was given a hefty sum in the form of student support, apartment support and welfare, as we all are.

I did take a small loan (a few thousand bucks) on top of it so I could live a comfortable life, after rent and food. The parties don't pay themselves after all. Paid that back quickly enough.

>> No.8016487

I am guessing you are under 20.

>> No.8016558


>> No.8016594

>University of Toronto
>Tripled in Math/Phys/Chem
>Parents paid, about 60k CAD over 5 years
>Getting M. Sc. in Phys Chem, considering Ph. D. or moving into Business

>> No.8016595

>> University you're currently or did attend?
Its in my country’s capital
"Informatics engineer" (software eng + lower level stuff)
>>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
lol, it's all free
>>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
lol, it's all free
>> Did your parents help you pay for college?
lol, it's all free
>>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
get a job

>> No.8016600


Biology (Pre-Med)

Full scholarship


They provided for my food and housing

Get MS and go to Med school.

>> No.8016607

>Americans in this thread

Fuck my student loans have my anus destroyed. What will I do, I am eating shit of the toilet because I have nothing else for nourishment. Everything is shit!

>Non-americans in this thread

Everything is free, therefore I am free to worry only about what matters, doing internships, figuring out my future, getting good grades. Everything is good!

And yet americans can't figure out exactly what is wrong here.

>> No.8016611

You're definitely trolling, as someone with those stats would be in if they didn't get shit on by the GRE, which would mean they weren't actually that intelligent.

Ok, I laughed.

>> No.8016645

Why did you laugh?

>> No.8016669

The maymays were dank.

>> No.8017096

how does one become a welder? Do you a training program at a CC or something?

>> No.8017430

Nette tripletten.

Meinungsfrage: Ist ein Doktorstudium es überhaupt Wert heutzutage?
Würde in Richtung Mikroelektronik/VLSI gehen.

mfg. totaler Schwachmat

>> No.8017480

GI Bill, so I paid "nothing" in a monetary sense.

>> No.8017481

Shitty midwest state school

Will graduate with less than 10k in student loans. Not terrible..

>> No.8017492

ayy, GI Bill is tight as fuck.

>get 1950$ a month in housing, non taxable
>an additional 400$ a semester for books/supplies, non taxable
>because i don't work, my taxable income is almost zero
>immediately become eligible for EBT, max Pell Grant, and a host of other "need" scholarships
>VA pays the school the same regardless of how much i get in grants/scholarships
>get all that money refunded to me every semester
>make 50k$ a year by getting good grades.

man, that 4 years drinking beer and flying a desk was worth it.


>muh respek
>muh service

my resume styles on nigga's at career fairs.

>> No.8017500

>the benefits of being a veteran

damn, I should have joined after hs lel

>> No.8017509

>only 1 person wants to kill themselves within the next 5 years

I miss 4chan before normies took over

>> No.8017514

30 dollars per year

>> No.8017515

Do you want to kill yourself?

Just do it anon, you will be remembered as a heroe of heroes.


>> No.8017556

Also going to CSU in the valley, CSUB yea?

Traditional Biology with a minor in Computer Science

>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
Loans and grants/scholarhips.

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
Hopefully not, I'll graduate with ~$22k to pay back, though I've also used this as living money for the past several years.

> Did your parents help you pay for college?
Nope, Dad hasnt offered shit and my mom has no Income so I am able to even attend with grants/loans in the first place
>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
Hopefully I'll be able to leave this damn valley and find work somewhere for the federal/state government, Dept of ag or forest service, though fish and game would be wonderful.

>> No.8017559
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> University you're currently or did attend?
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Computer Engineering
>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
> Did your parents help you pay for college?
>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
Hopefully get into grad school somewhere else (but above Illinois) in ECE. Get an MS, then start making mad stacks in finance.

>> No.8017564

just graduated from UIUC with BS in chem.
20k in loans.
currently delivering pizzas.

>> No.8017565

This is what happens when you don't major in engineering or CS folks.

>> No.8017568

> University you're currently or did attend?
Aalto Uni, Finland

Engineering physics and mathematics

>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?

> Did your parents help you pay for college?
they pay for my accommodation, furniture, food and pretty much everything else

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?

>> No.8017579
File: 235 KB, 690x518, your-post-is-cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do.
Don't forget to include your delusions of being a true 1st generation 4channitor™ in your suicide note.

Your family will understand once they know how much of a needy little shit you are.

>> No.8017580

Classic ece bitchboi

>> No.8017583

>195 IQ
There isn't a single person on /sci/ with an IQ of 195, and there never will be.

>> No.8017588

UC San Diego

I borrowed subsidized $20,000 over a 4 year period just for food and rent. I got a free ride because I'm poor.

>> No.8017590

proof it :^)

>> No.8017591


>> No.8017593

Hey look its the Noyes pizza guy.

>majoring in chem

What made you think this was a good idea? Even physics would probably be better, be it LAS physics or EngPhys.

>> No.8017608

With a mean of 100 and standard deviation of 15 the expected number of people with an IQ of over 195 can be counted on one hand

>> No.8017721

And they are all on 4chan

>> No.8017744

*all on /sci/

>> No.8017745

you mean /fit/

>> No.8017764

>University you're currently or did attend?
Colorado State University

Doubling in Mathematics and Computer Science

>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?

>Did your parents help you pay for college?
hell no, I'm the oldest of four

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
infosec research is the goal

>> No.8017790

I want to be a mechanical engineer, is it worh it to pursue a master's after I finish my undergrad. Or just go straight into a job?
I mean I like the career and all that, but I want to make the most money possible and live a materialistic life.

>> No.8017798

> University you're currently or did attend?
Dublin Institute of Technology
Mathematical Sciences
>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
Free. Also I get 266e a month from the govt.
>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
Not at all
> Did your parents help you pay for college?
Free nigga
>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
Either get a masters or look for a nice office job, maybe travel

>> No.8017802
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>> No.8017818

Wow, this guy is literally me (well, aside from the number theory PhD)
Btw, you don't even have to do the Ph.D/postdoc in France. As long as you are working in research, there are no constraints on where you do it.

>> No.8017851

>How much did you or are you paying for your STEM degree?
19 europeahekels a semester
> University you're currently or did attend?
>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
€ 38 a year sure is a lot
>Did your parents help you pay for college?
Yea, all the € 38 of it.
>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
I dunno

>> No.8017857

Is economics considered as a science here? If it is:

> University you're currently or did attend?
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
Absolutely fucking not
> Did your parents help you pay for college?
Since I was 18 when I started, of course
>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
Go for a Masters in Marketing or Business Technology

a-am I a fag, senpai?

>> No.8017862



money backed up with scholarships




>> No.8017867

Forgot to mention the price, it's 300k HUF for one semester, that's around 1000 EUR.

>> No.8017967

Yea but while going to a CC make sure youre a helper at a shop that welds. So that when your trainin is done you can advance from there.

>> No.8017980

>195 IQ

>Lives in NY
+10 privilege
>African American
-50 privilege

>Educated parents
+20 privilege

>Lower middle class
+5 privilege

>3.9 GPA and graduated with honors with CS bs
+40 privilege

Your privilege is too high son

You know academics are obsessed with this shitty concept called "GPA"

>> No.8017983

> community college then UCSD
>cash for cc, then loans for real college
>kind of, finished undergrad with only 5k in debt
>for cc and most of real college
>graduated college in 2010, currently entering last year of med school

280k student debt starting, any job i want

>> No.8018012

Why are you guessing that?

>> No.8018015

Joke's on you, I'm reading this in 2166!

>> No.8018025 [DELETED] 

>University you're currently or did attend?
>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
I will end up paying <£10k depending on how things turn out. I have to take it out as a loan because otherwise I wouldn't get grants/bursaries like I do.
>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
I have enough on my account to pay my tuition fees off right now.
> Did your parents help you pay for college?
My parents and grandparents dying helped because inheritance.
>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
Probably unemployment and suicide.

>> No.8018028

The entire post is written in a juvenile manner, both style-wise and content-wise.
Obviously it is part of the mood on this board, but I still believe that's a good guess.

>> No.8018039

I feel for you anon. Doctors turn sick people into commodities. Ya'll treat symptoms, and not people. Anyone would with internet access can access to drugs can be as competent as your run of the mill doctor.

That is unless you are a surgeon. Surgeons actually have and practice some sort of skill. However, they will likely be replaced by machines in the next few decades.

>> No.8018151

How fucked am I, 65,000$ worth of loans, excluding if I go to grad school (which I really want)

> University you're currently or did attend?
small private school don't want to say name really

Computer Science

>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
Student loans

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?

> Did your parents help you pay for college?

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
Either get a job or go to grad school

>> No.8018172

>Drake University
>Actuarial Science (I'm saying it falls under mathematics)
>Got a full-ride scholarship, pay extra expenses out of pocket
>No way Jose, thank God
>They send me money every once in a while, and offered to pay the extra fee if I wanted a single room in the dorm
>Still a freshman, so I'm just gonna work on passing exams, hopefully will work as an analyst and get my foot in the door in the casualty area of insurance.

>> No.8018177

>University of Alabama
>Aerospace Engineering
>Fuck no. They think college is a waste of time. They wanted me to become a truck driver.
>Get a job hopefully and be able to live a comfortable life while making contributions to the field I desire to work in.

>> No.8018206

Heh. Nope. I'm just fitting in with the /sci/ "mood", as you mention it.

But hey, you're just a person on the internet.

>> No.8018217

>> University you're currently or did attend?
Brown University
Applied Math and Computer Science (one degree) but I've taken an interest in MechE. Gotta make a decision by summer
>>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
Cash, I'm not paying much and I'm gonna be paying less in subsequent years as my siblings get into college.
>>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
No, good chance I might graduate with no debt or little.
>> Did your parents help you pay for college?
>>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
I guess I take take any fancy job coming out of this school. I would like to work in the Mideast though since I'm Syrian.

>> No.8018220

Oh and this year I only payed 9k

>> No.8018304

>University you're currently or did attend?
Top university in world (Eurofag here)
Mathematics and physics and computer science (it is one major equal to 3 Ameridumb majors, I'm Europe)
>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
Uni is free, I live in a first world country (Eurofag)
>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
No (Eurofag)
>Did your parents help you pay for college?
No (Eurofag)
>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
Groundbreaking research and making €500.000 starting while fucking my gf (Eurofag here)

>> No.8018313

truly a fag

>> No.8018333

Attending the University of Pittsburgh, I know pretty shitty school.

BioEngineering degree, cellular engineering, and systems and bio imaging concentrations.

Few loans, working two jobs so I can pay rent

Parents offered but I want some money to be leftover for my younger siblings.

I worked a year long co-op with Bayer last year so I have a job after I graduate. Still gonna be s slave to pay off my debts

>> No.8018344

Aarhus Universitet
Pretty much. The government pays via taxes, but those taxes come from my parents
Be awesome

>> No.8018453

I hope you don't write your paper with that decimal point

>> No.8018904

> University you're currently or did attend?
community college

>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
scholarship , so for free
>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
> Did your parents help you pay for college?
>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
kill myself because I don't like anything, especially cs

>> No.8018920

You go to a CC, I've been there. Its shit and you'll be surrounded by dumb people. CS is fun and rewarding but hard if done at a good school. I went from CC to Brown after a year since I flunked my senior year of high school. It gets better, just get out and don't fall for the "cheaper but same education" meme

>> No.8018955

I just don't think I'm interested in CS.

Then again I've never been interested in anything really.

I've never been able to understand people who really like a specific thing or are interested in a subject or topic.

I'm just sort of apathetic about stuff.

>> No.8018993

Can't help you there. Problem with me is that I'm interested in a lot of stuff but I have no self discipline to actually learn shit.

>> No.8019341

Law school

>> No.8019357

ive noticed this too. I appreciate the advantage of course, but its a terrible thing.

>> No.8019384

get the masters.

>> No.8019390

CC will transfer to uni in about a year
Environmental Engineering (probably gonna learn to do water quality shit)
Financial aid just ran out after this term, I really don't want to get stuck with loans
Engineers are all slaves but I don't mind :^) I'm a workaholic
Havent asked my parents for money yet
I will get my degree in like 3.5 years so probably start working in the wastewater department or the local reservoirs, make dough and pay back my senpai

>> No.8019408


25% cash, 50% scholarships and grants, 25% loans


My parents paid for my campus meal plan and clothes

First year resident at UF Shands Hospital in Jacksonville. Recently, I've spent time in the CCU working with the Pulmonologist and Cardiologist.

>> No.8019411

By "Top university in the world" did you mean MIT or Harvard?

>> No.8019700

I'm getting free tuition at temple university for applied mathematics with a scholarship. I still have to take out student loans for room and board because my family doesn't have much money though.

>> No.8019710

You sound like me. Im still at CC because I never really felt passionate about anything to actually focus, so I'm still here. I found engineering very interesting and it's going alright so far, can't wait to get out of here already. I guess just focus on general ed, then hope something lands?

>> No.8019814
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I'm gonna go to shitty(cheap) state uni with my mums money,chem engineering
I'm thirdworld and figured id be better off than going to shitty unis in my country
I'll probably have to pay her back it would take some years i guess

Life shouldn't be about doing shit for money tho... I felt remorseful today talking to someone i'm gonna major engineering for the money. It's not like i'm bad at math or that i hate it but i don't really get you can be satisfied eith life solving higher level calculus and memorizing formulas

>> No.8020190

>University you're currently or did attend?
University of Sydney


>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
Student loans, 24 grand. Though its interest free

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?

> Did your parents help you pay for college?

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
Nothing, it got me into a completely different industry

>> No.8020225

>University you're currently or did attend?
University of Technology Sydney

Forensic chemistry

>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
$24k Aus government loan

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?

> Did your parents help you pay for college?
No, but they provide a roof over my head and food about 4 nights a week

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
Be a lab monkey for the government, or working at Woolworths. Who knows? I'm not going into academia even if I get the marks and offer to do so

>> No.8020227

How are the faculty at USyd? I hear negative things about their attitude to students in general and don't know if it's an exaggeration.

>> No.8020230




>Loans, but I will be leaving college with only $10000 in loans

>No, I can already cover a good chunk of my loans.

>My parents covered my dorm freshman year.

>Doing my masters in financial math here and then working.

>> No.8020240

I never had any problems with the Engineering Faculty, whether lecturer, admin or anyone else. I'm formerly part of the Chemical school however so I haven't had as much contact with staff of other schools.

I'm not sure where you got this impression from.

>> No.8020253

I transferred out of that shithole anon. UNCG administration is equivalent to that of a high school SGA.

>> No.8021011

I don't believe you
>I don't want to believe you

>> No.8021032

a bit

>> No.8021054

didnt, whats the point of going to school when you are profoundly smarter than your professors

majored in everything


currently work at a bar, doing well

no they were abusive

working out and solving man's greatest philosophical conundra

>> No.8021350

> University you're currently or did attend?

Will be attending Cal Poly Pomona


Computer Engineering

>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?

Cash from previous Pell Grant financial aid money that I saved up from going to a community college to pay for enrollment fee and orientation fee.

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?


> Did your parents help you pay for college?

My mom said that she would pay as much as she can. However, I want to try to get as much of it paid off by the government and such. Anyone know some good ways to get scholarships to offset the cost at Cal Poly Pomona? What can I do to make myself a good candidate to get scholarships. I look at the scholarship areas and they want people who have done shit like advocated for LGBT stuff or showed leadership. I'm a basic NEET who stays in my room most of the time. I got a pell grant for 5800 dollars. I have two grand from community college pell grant saved up, so I am okay for the first year. Second year will be shaky. I heard that transfer students should expect at least three years to get a degree in Engineering, so I am worried for the third year.

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?

Hopefully do some entry level stuff and earn my way up the ladder.

>> No.8021353
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Pic related, cost of attendance.

>> No.8021376

>Langan detected

>> No.8021526

> University you're currently or did attend?
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Daytona

Computer Engineering

>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
Full ride, they pay me.

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?

> Did your parents help you pay for college?
what parents

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
go to work, yo

>> No.8021615

>Community College, probably going to transfer to a state school in NY unless I get a good transfer scholarship to a private Uni (I won't)
>Biology, going for Biochem when I transfer
>Cash, had a $1500 scholarship but that went fuckall nowhere
>probably when I transfer out, I could pay out CC with my savings but im a happy merchant
>Hopefully get a pharmaceutical job without actually going to pharma school because fuck that noise

>> No.8021979

>Mexican intellectuals

>> No.8022228

where the fuck my britbongs are

>> No.8022235

Virginia Tech
hopefully work in my industry

>> No.8022576

>Currently have to loan from the government due to reformed student money laws against a 0.01% interest rate, most of which I put on a savings account with a higher interest rate

Absolutely brilliant, keep it up anon

>> No.8022764

> University you're currently or did attend?

Will be attending Imperial College London


Materials Science & Engineering + Nuclear Engineering

>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?

Total Loan of 36000£

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?

Probably not

> Did your parents help you pay for college?

Living costs

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?

Probably work for a company in R&D or get a PHD. Probably not the latter as I don't want to get cucked by over-qualification

>> No.8022978

>Will be attending Imperial College London
see u there kiddo

>> No.8022998

Vienna University of Technology


I can't remember what I actually paid, but it was something like a €20 administration fee. And then about 17€ every semester for the national student union. So I paid in cash.

What loans?

Yes, as they allowed me to live at their home, so I didn't have to pay rent and only had to pay half of the food. The rest I funded via part-time jobs.

I'm still doing research and will do so in the coming 5 years, I assume.

>> No.8023350


>University you're currently or did attend?
US public research university, top 20

Math + physics

>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
Scholarships covered everything + a few thousand every year surplus

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
I made money from my time at university.

> Did your parents help you pay for college?
As above.

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
Current in grad school, after my PhD it's off to a postdoc position, then another postdoc if I can't find a tenure track position kek. If I keep failing guess I'll kill myself but at least I won't die in debt :^)

>> No.8023416
File: 198 KB, 1000x750, ExoMars miss]ao busca por vida em Marte - orbitador.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> University you're currently or did attend?
KUL, Belgium
>>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
I paid around 400€ per year with state aid, and when I look at the other answers from my Eurobros, that seems like a lot actually, lol
>>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
>> Did your parents help you pay for college?
They did
>>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
Hopefully I'll be PhD'ing in Germany, on a topic is related to the upcoming Exomars mission of esa. Interview is next month, wish me luck!

>> No.8023656

don't know if you're still viewing but i was reading a book call better faster stronger and the first chapter covers your problem

i highly rec it. Hope you have the drive to at least read the first chapter, it could change your life

>> No.8023681

> University you're currently or did attend?
NKU- Athens
>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
Shit's free, about 15e/month for bus tickets
>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
The average Greek is born being 40k in debt, so most likely.
> Did your parents help you pay for college?
Not directly, I didn't pay them for food.
>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?

>> No.8024020 [DELETED] 

> University you're currently or did attend?
Johns Hopkins
Public Health
>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
No I have rich grandparents
> Did your parents help you pay for college?
Grandparents, yeah.
>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
Go to med school

>> No.8024589

>"We are here to carry the morals and traditions of this country in the righteous path and no other races can do that."

That never happened

>> No.8024592

You mean before the Europeans got here with their free education

>> No.8024598
File: 3.53 MB, 3732x5052, natalia7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Same course and fucking everything.

Except I get a fucking 657.77 grant. The max 'special rate'. Have you had the new guy Alberto for anything? I've never complained about a teacher, but this guy doesn't seem to understand questions in English

Also, isn't Maev the best teacher you've ever had?

What year are you in?

>> No.8024626

> University you're currently or did attend?
Lithuanian university of health sciences

Medicine boyyyyyyyy

>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
I got full scholarship cause maaaan am I clever

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
I will be learning my whole life cause there is just no end in medical studies

> Did your parents help you pay for college?
have job but still living with parents so 50/50

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
god damned residency, I hope to travel to USA some day to get that mad cash

>> No.8024929

Around 600 mexican pesos + 500 voluntary contribution every semester, its about 60-70 USD
Universidad de Guadalajara
Energy engineering
Cash obviously
Fuck no, maybe ill become a loancuck to get my masters
Shitpost on the 4chan

>> No.8024968

>University you're currently or did attend?
Southern Illinois University E, ~$4700/semester (2010)
Mechanical engineering
>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
Nope, paid cash while attending
> Did your parents help you pay for college?
>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
Work job as a project engineer, maybe get my PE.

>> No.8025037
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Student Loans all the way, and also out my pocket

Yes I Will

I payed it myself

Probably get a Bioscience degree

>> No.8025075
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> University you're currently or did attend?
Rutgers University - Newark
Graduated in December 2015

Biology. I got a BS.

>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
The only loan I took was from the FAFSA.

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?

Lol no. I already have 15k and I can pay my loans back anytime I want

> Did your parents help you pay for college?

Yes. I live with them and they gave me 250 a month to pay for college.

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?

I work as a regulatory associate currently for a perfume company. It sucks dick and I plan on going back to either get a degree in computer engineering or to get a MS.

>> No.8025089



0, full ride brah


parents paid for my food, i lived with them

phd at mid-high rank US institution

>> No.8025695

> University you're currently or did attend?
The University of Sao Paulo, one of the best universities in South America (if not THE best)

Mechanical Engineering

>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
none. The university is free.

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
See the answer above

> Did your parents help you pay for college?
They pay for my small apartment and food, which is pretty cheap at the university.

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
Either pursue a Masters/PhD abroad (so I can practice my english or my german and study at a prestigious university) or try to get a foothold in the renewables industry. Haven't decided yet.

>> No.8025952
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>Top 5 global university, in the US
>CS $ means I can pay back my parents in 3 years
>See above
>Probably drop from the labor force at 25 and either kill myself or write music

>> No.8025977

are you Japanese, or a foreign exhange student or something? there arent a lot of Japanese on 4chan desu

> University you're currently or did attend?
UC Berkeley

Mechanical Engineering
huh... there's a lot of mechanical engineering majors from Berkeley on here
>>8014602 hey what's up Berkeley anon are you ready for finals

>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
I am out of state, actual price is like ~61k, i dont know anyone who actually pays that amount though
I pay cash about 5k/yr, rest is covered by scholarships

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
i wont have debt

> Did your parents help you pay for college?

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
i will just be graduating then
hopefully mechanical engineering things
hopefully something cool

>> No.8026009

> University you're currently or did attend?

CS minor in Discrete math

>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
Nah bro, I had the foresight to be born rich

> Did your parents help you pay for college?
Yeah, all 4 years in full

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
probably either work at a tech company or maybe try to get a Ph.D in theoretical CS

>> No.8026025

Would you consider it a mistake majoring physics in Göttingen, what about related majors like maths. Do you assume having good work prospects (pic?) in your future? Just asking for a friend.

>> No.8026053

> University you're currently or did attend?
Top-tier for a state school, but it's no MIT
Aerospace Engineering
>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
Got a ROTC scholarship for tuition, student loans and pell grant for living because my family makes extremely poor financial decisions.
>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
Somewhat. I owe Uncle Sam 12 years, and for the student loans I can pay off quickly.
> Did your parents help you pay for college?
>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
Fly planes

>> No.8026076



STFU dataminer. It's a decent one in the South/Midwest US.


CivilE, minor in Mathematics

>Cash/student loans







make money building the GLORIOUS trump wall.

>> No.8026085

Yeah senpai
I'm livin' that 4.0 life.

>> No.8026113


Biochemistry/Molecular Biology

I got a half tuition scholarship, and I have half of the remaining tuition currently saved up. The final 40k will be from loans.

Probably will work a little bit to pay it back

I'll be in grad school, and hopefully go into either biochemistry or synthetic biology

>> No.8026242
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Hey /sci/, how easy is it to find a job in a college town before summer starts vs after?

I've been thinking of moving back with my parents for 3 months to kinda take a breather and get my shit together. Really, I just need to be out of my current living situation, it's pretty toxic here.

Only I kinda got stopped by thinking that I might have some trouble with finding a job when I move back here in a few months. I'm currently unemployed. I was gonna try and get a summer job when I move back to live with my parents.

A-any advice? Really, will I struggle that much with finding a job in August/September vs now?

>> No.8026269

FIU now, Miami Dade College for like a year and a half

Biological sciences

Loans / scholarship

Theoretically no... I'm a senior and I'm only like 6k in debt and will probably end with like 10k for my undergraduate

Hahahaha... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! No... But I still live with them since the university is only like 20 minutes away

Good question...

>> No.8026273

Depends on your major.

If it's an undergraduate in say, biological sciences, I'm sure you could find a lab job somewhere on campus in less than a year.

Other than that, you could be a tutor or work at the library and shit

>> No.8026278

>~$2,500 semester

Using dead mother government sympathy money to attend one of the better-equipped community colleges near Philly.

After a few years fucking around I'll have an associates sciences degree with chem. It's alright if you fuck up and drop out a few classes here and there in the beginning, right?

>> No.8026326

>University you're currently or did attend?
University of Poitiers, studying at the university of Lund in a couple of months


>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
Pay what?

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?

>Did your parents help you pay for college?
Lol what?

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
Probably work in data science

>> No.8026333

Forgot the very first question
I think it was around €5, though I get a bit more than €1K/year from the government.

>> No.8026351

Top Kek. You deserve the douchebag of the year award!

>> No.8026366

Mech E + physics desu. I suppose I could push hard for a campus job, I honestly hadn't been thinking of campus jobs, but that's actually a pretty good idea.

I was just thinking more in the lines of retail and such.

>> No.8026451

Central Washington University
Parent's are paying for me in full, so no debt
Hydrogeologist, Environmental Scientist, Petroleum Geologist if the oil market returns, something along those lines.

>> No.8026482

>University I'm attending
UC Santa Cruz (feels bad man)

Electrical engineering, considering switching to physics

>Did you pay with cash?


>Did your parents pay?

>What will you do?
no idea, still a freshman

>> No.8026683

>Electrical engineering, considering switching to physics
dont do it

just take the physics classes that you want to take or minor or something

electrical engineering is cooler and more employable and more versatile


>> No.8026696


>Columbia University (BS)/ Columbia University (MS)
>I paid CASH (approx $2000/semester).
>The vast majority of the cost was covered by institutional grants during my undergrad, and my MS has been sponsored by the NSF. Anything else I paid for using money I saved while working during the summer. I have 0 debt.
>No. My mother makes just enough to support herself and my younger half-siblings.
>cushy $120k+ salary job at Google/Microsoft/Apple-tier company (actual offer made an accepted)

>> No.8026701


>made and accepted*

>> No.8026714


> University you're currently or did attend?
Sydney Uni

Computer Science

>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
all on a loan (although Ive started paying some back -- theres a discount)

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
probably not

> Did your parents help you pay for college?

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
not sure, academia is interesting to me, if I can start a startup that'd be cool too. working at a big tech company would be pretty mad too. Just in first year so I got heaps of time to think about it

>> No.8026829

fucking europenises in this thread and their free tuition makes me so salty

>> No.8027177

> University you're currently or did attend?

University of Georgia


Computer Science

>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?

GA has a scholarship where if you have a 3.0 you get 80% of tuition paid off, so I am mixing some loans, with financial aid to cover the rest

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?

No, not at all. I'm going to have around $7,500 in debt that I can pay off in half a year

> Did your parents help you pay for college?

They helped with my room

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?

Get a job and save money.

>> No.8027275

Got MEXT Scholarship 2012, full ride to Japan. I'm a filthy south-american, but I'm white.

>> No.8027277
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They're paying for it m8, I can assure you. Maybe not up front, but they definitely are.

>> No.8027310

They pay for it indirectly with taxes.
maybe if America didn't have such a huge defense/military budget, you could do the same without raising taxes.

>> No.8027331


I'd rather cut down government spending on welfare programs. We need most of our defense budget.

>> No.8027347

> University you're currently or did attend?
Georgia Tech (Not to be confused with the University of Georgia)

Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Computational Data Analysis.

>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
Dank out of state scholarship + parents + COOP.

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
Graduating with 0 debt.

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
Not sure yet. Thinking of getting my master's, working in industry or starting my own business. Would like recommendations.

>> No.8027373

> University you're currently or did attend?
Oklahoma State University


>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
some cash, some loans

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
Graduating with $34,000 in student loans. I'll have it paid off in ~15 months. Less time than that if I get a decent year-end bonus.

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
Working in aerospace for a defense contractor. I'll be designing power systems for fighter jets for a couple of years, then I'm going to try to move into a power systems role in the space industry.

>> No.8027375


The internals of the country will rot as they currently are.

America is imploding, 30 years of deregulation have been a total failure.

>> No.8027376

$140,000. I got up to my PhD program before I found a job and dropped out.

>> No.8027440

Are you from MG?

>> No.8027888

UNC Chapel Hill

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

I think cost is around $80k, and I'm fortunate enough to have a family that was able to pay for it all for me.

For the foreseeable future (I graduate this May), I'll be working a nice job in software development, making $67k a year starting, and putting most of it that I don't spend on rent/food/etc. into getting a solid financial foundation built up. All in all not a bad life right out of college.

>> No.8027920

dat HOPE senpai

> University you're currently or did attend?

CS (Switched from ME) lost interest after interning (rather code movement in a robot arm in C++ than hand constraints to someone after finding them in matlab) and ridiculous pay scale in comparison (@dat recent graduate salary), associates in engineering helps though with internships

>Did you pay with CASH
HOPE and went to CC first so its been pretty much zilch also parent's GI Bill :^)
Books are still a bitch when you cant get the torrent/copy from friend of the current version
> Did your parents help you pay for college?
>living on campus
>you live a good bit away
in that way i guess

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
Fuck bitches, get money.
But really Software Engineering.probably work in HPC or in VR as a graphics engineer (not graphics design but with OpenCL/GL/Vulkan/DX12 etc) or in robotics/simulation
lot of options really

>> No.8028084
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Free tuition fees aren't even that a great tax burden. A much greater part of the "high taxes" conservative Americans like to complain about is used for healthcare and public infrastructure, for instance.

>> No.8028097

GA bros. I forget how great we have it with Zell Miller sometimes.

> University you're currently or did attend?


>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
The state covered my whole tuition for my entire education

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?

> Did your parents help you pay for college?
They helped pay for a place to live until I could scrape up cash to live off of myself.

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
Currently a grad student, so hopefully graduate and secure a postdoc.

>> No.8028193

Oberlin College--liberal arts colleges have some sweet undergrad research, actually. You can get published as a freshman, then get into some sweet grad school.

Neuro, might pick up CS, do some sweet AI/cognition stuff

Scholarships cover most of it, a few loans, have college fund that covers the rest

Maybe like 10 years

Mom picks up anything I can't, it's not too much

Grad school at some big research university

>> No.8028621


What deregulation, you daft cunt?

>> No.8028755

>Zell Miller
I wish I never followed the Honors meme

>> No.8028778
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Embry Riddle University
Aeronautical Science/Aerospace Engineering
Cash mostly/scholarships/student loan
No slave work here.
Yes, my whole family helped pay.

Train as a Test and Research Pilot and sub-contract with Aerospace companies like Virgin Galactic or SpaceX. Get a job with NASA and go into Deep space.

I tell you now I am among the many who will go to Mars.

>> No.8028784

if any of you STEM fags went to cal state fullerton and have all the material for physics 212 with dubuque ill throw in a few hundred to go towards your student debt

>> No.8029142

> University you're currently or did attend?
Bergische Universität Wuppertal

B.Sc. Physics

>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?
220€/semester most of it for Public transportation ticket

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?
Probably not

> Did your parents help you pay for college?
I'm still living at home (2nd semester) so they are paying for food and shit. I do have a job tho. If they coulve helped me out I'd study at Heidelberg rn.

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
Probably first some research after Masters but depends. Maybe a PhD I haven't decided yet. I want to go into industry and get fairly rich desu senpai desu

>> No.8029161

I pay about 10k in a year for my degree, but I'm on a scholarship that pays 15k a year so it's not a big issue. That said, I'm still taking on HECS because it's great.

>> No.8029190

paying 0$ to study pharmacology in ireland

well actually i had to pay 200 euro at the start of the year.

>> No.8029333

I wish I didn't follow the "high school isn't a big deal" meme and was with you guys at GT. How are you liking it? I'm trying to get a transfer application ready for Fall 2017.

>> No.8029654

You do realize America is ranked #1 in military budget, and that it spends more than the next 7 countries COMBINED right?

>> No.8029661

UTPB, heading to UT Austin for Junior and Senior years.



If all goes well, should graduate with no student debt at all.

Parents do have a college fund, but I also have a good amount saved on my own because I got a job while still living with my parents.

Plan to take internships and co-op opportunities while in school; will apply to whichever company I had a good experience with, or look for work on my own. Hoping for robotics or aerospace.

>> No.8029766

Its disappointing as a transfer.
Its not harder, but the larger class size means you have to deal with alot more bullshit / unnecessary hoop jumping / professors who don't give a fuck because research is their life / etc
Join the clubs bro

Otherwise you will have a hard time getting in; they are rejecting people with 4.0s because it is a public school and has local quota.

>> No.8029785

York Technical College

Machine Tool Technology

Paying cash, but my state cuts my bill almost in half. If I qualified for Federal money I'd be getting a free ride plus extra. Ends up being ~$1.2k per semester.

Debt-free mofo. Will probably still be working a fair chunk of my life though.

Yes, mother pays half of what the school actually bills us for.

Be employed at a production facility somewhere. What exactly, no idea. Could go on to be a diemaker, could program CNC machines, or I could end up going into business for myself. Right now the plan is to capitalize on family ties and get a job at Teledyne-Brown in AL. They get a lot of NASA and DoD contracts, both for engineering and production, and I want to contribute to the drive for space somehow.

>> No.8030929

What is your point with that? America can't just get along without a ridiculous military like other countries can. In fact, we are the military for most other countries. Literally all of Eastern Asia and most of Europe would be completely defenseless without our OP military. Don't blame the Government for this, blame globalism.

>> No.8031214

sounds like you've got a good sense of direction and the skills to make it happen.

>> No.8031852


(U.S. semi-rural)

> University you're currently or did attend?
University of Louisville : J.B. Speed School of Eng.

EE for life.

>Did you pay with CASH or STUDENT LOANS?

>Will you be working for the rest of your life to pay back your student loans like a slave?

> Did your parents help you pay for college?
Yes. Entirely. When I was a child my parents poured large portions of their incomes into investment funds.
As a US resident, college is $11,660, currently I have enough cash to pay for a Master's in full!

>What will you do with your degree in the next 5 years?
Job hopping. Not really though, "collecting experience" as I call it lmao. Then, moving west, idk where, Kentucky sucks cock. I know someone who did the same, maybe I'll get lucky.

>> No.8033488

>Paying cash, but my state cuts my bill almost in half.
How is that even possible senpai?

>> No.8033641

College? Baker reporting

>> No.8033675

Student Loan
~£35,000 Debt