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8013572 No.8013572 [Reply] [Original]

I have a '5 page long' essay on the question "How can renewable energy and energy efficiency help Scotland meet its emission reduction targets?" Due in six days. What the fuck do I do?

I didn't sign up to Civil Engineering for this

>> No.8013575


>> No.8013577

Fuck off and get good

Your Professor

>> No.8013583

Investigate whether renewable energy sources in general have lower emissions than non-renewable energy sources

Investigate whether being energy efficient results in lower emissions than not being energy efficient

Setup definitions to this end

Be really pedantic and investigate lots of edge cases

Maybe derive propositional logic and set theory as filler

>> No.8013596

>renewable energy
>energy efficiency

if you have the word and in your title then you fucked up already, your professor is a shit, tell him you are gonna write on one topic not two

>> No.8013599

Ask scientific reasons for reducing emission with supporting evidence.

>> No.8013607

This is great

>> No.8013610

The abstract to the question is:

"Scotland is committed to reducing its CO2 emissions through a variety of policies including a move towards greater renewable energy generation. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the various renewable generation options available to help meet these targets and suggest a valid strategy for provision of low carbon energy for Scotland in the future. In your essay you should also address the role of energy efficiency in meeting our emissions targets."

>> No.8013612
File: 8 KB, 150x250, 1438443396292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let this man be your guide.

>> No.8013615

>Setup definitions to this end

I feel like the main problem might be 'acceptable' sources with this whole topic

>> No.8013634

You need to define what "being energy efficient means", what "renewable energy" means and how it is different from "non-renewable energy", what "lower emissions" means (i.e. just emissions in Scotland or the total net emissions for your process i.e. mining iron and steel manufacturing to create windmills etc.)

It's seriously not that difficult you just need to put your autism cap on and take nothing for granted

>> No.8013645

>Let this man be your guide.

What cunt is that?

>> No.8013666

for OP:


>> No.8013674

So now I just need to find actual credible sources for renewables reducing emissions and proof that reductions are helping/not helping?

Could definitely use that, thanks

>> No.8013681

>If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests.

>> No.8013700

OP, you can conclude that those things in fact cannot help Scotland meet its targets. Just sayin' that's an option for you.

>> No.8013703

If you aim to be a civil engineer this shit should be easy for you.

20 minutes of effective data gathering should get you 5 pages easily. Good luck.

>> No.8013705

>compare to France's nuclear program

>> No.8013721


1. find out what Scotland's emissions are and what the reduction targets are
2. find out how much renewable energy emits and how that compares to conventional sources
3. find out how much renewable energy would be suitable for Scotland

note that "energy efficiency" could mean either using less energy (by consumers) or by using new technology or nuclear power.

>> No.8013725

You could always just kill youself.

>> No.8013750


How much renewable energy emits in scotland compared to in general?

You mean efficiency?

>> No.8013768

Global warming is a lie
Every politician pushing the global warming lie profits from handouts to "green" companies

All "renewable" energy does is increases costs for everyone, and outsource the carbon usage to a foreign country

>> No.8013800

>Literally every
source, lol
>Outsourcing carbon usage
Isn't their some massive clusterfucking huge oil field in south america that is literally all for europe?

>> No.8013868


Critically evaluate how different alternative energy sources may be a viable option compared with contemporary options (eg nuclear) and how they can possibly achieve that outcome/efficiency within a practical context. You don't have to be all SAVE MUH PLANET about it. But by the way the question is worded you're going to have to advocate for the use of renewable energy.

>> No.8013930
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Anybody know any good sources I can reference?

>> No.8013963

What quality sources is the assignment asking for? Academic journal, pop-press article, gov/edu websites?

>> No.8013978

As credible as possible. So I guess that would depend on what part needs sourced.

E.g. I got a gov article for emission reduction targets and that obviously cannot be topped as it is straight from the horses mouth.

But more science based information would need an academic journal for instance

>> No.8014013

Try to make your teacher fall for le perpetuum mobile meme. Show him Serl generator or some another shit, idk. Do something, pathetic fggt.

>> No.8014034

Without giving away where I study or who my lecturer is, this will literally not work with this man as he is actually primarily educated in physics

>> No.8014047
File: 36 KB, 649x335, image005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scotland will suffer the inevitable AMO oscillation, with min temps reached around 2035:


make a proposal to postpone long term decisions until 2045; in the meanwhile, just build better houses, and renovate the old ones.

>> No.8014245

What does AMO mean? What part of that page can I quote to justify what you just said

>> No.8014615


>> No.8014646

Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. It's an ocean current phenomenon. The chart shows sea surface temps which have been detrended to remove the linear warming from AGW. Of course, the idea that this will have much bearing on Scotland's climate is stupid, since the only way you can actually see the effects of the AMO is by removing the warming trend dominating sea surface temperatures. The person you are talking to is an idiot.

>> No.8016100

>The chart shows sea surface temps which have been detrended to remove the linear warming from AGW

The chart was created before the americans cooked all the temps charts to make global warming to magically appear:


>> No.8016134

>believing emissions need to be reduced at all
>believing meme energy like wind and solar are anything but worthless shit

Obviously I can't help you because you're in a position where you have to lie in order to get ahead because the authority which distributes prestige is controlled by a dogma for which there is no evidence. I recommend using as many scientistic buzzwords as humanly possible while giving the appearance of being grounded in hard sceince.

>> No.8017956

If you could source any counter arguments then I could certainly use them