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/sci/ - Science & Math

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8006566 No.8006566 [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel knowing there's a 9 year old kid beating you at whatever you're doing?
IQ fags btfo

>> No.8006569

Please provide a recent history of his shitposts, so I can see if he's anywhere near my level.

>> No.8006579

Graduated from college at the age of 11 for astrophysics

>> No.8006586

I don't see any shitposts yet, bud.

>> No.8006589

He will be replaced by an advanced AI within 10 years.

>> No.8006599

And probably never stop crying about it.

Many geniuses fear AIs not because they genuinely think they're dangerous but because they will lose the only dick measuring contest they've ever won.

>> No.8006608

I don't give two shits and you shouldn't either.

He has chosen his own life path and he seems to be happy.

I have chosen a different path in life and I am finding success in it.

If he and I ever met and become friends, then when I turn 60 and he turns 50 we will both look back and see the same things.

>Academic success
>Good friends made along the way
>A succesful career
>Pussy every now and then

You would only be able to differentiate our lives by looking at the small details that in the end, don't even matter.

>> No.8006632
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Now this is shitposting

>> No.8006646

Yeah but imagine living your teen years without the joy-crushing presence of impending doom. He's past that. Maybe he'll get a job, maybe he'll jerk off at his parent's till he's of age. Either way, he's good now.

>> No.8006658

>the joy-crushing presence of impending doom

What the fuck are you talking about? Impending doom? What?

What kind of childhood did you have?

>> No.8006660

A joy-crushing childhood overshadowed by impending doom, apparently.

>> No.8006672

I want to know why though. And why is he assuming that everyone else has it that way.

>> No.8006983

Unlike the autistic CalcOnefags here who fell for the Barnett meme, I don't care. I'm glad the kid is getting to good places at such a young age and I hope he does well with those opportunities. I found my calling and he found his.

>> No.8007587

Fucking normies get out

>> No.8007590


Why is it always astrophysics?

>> No.8007607

Nagato is his waifu

>> No.8007621

Only Ainan Cawley can evolve humanity, also he's kawaii af desu.

He has an IQ over 200 and is probably the closest we will see towards a Von-Neumann -like intellect for a long time to come.

On a side note, his mother apparently injected graphene nanoparticles into her breasts at the same time she was breastfeeding him to cure her terminal cancer.

Could this explain his intellect?

>> No.8007653

How do you feel knowing there are millions of men whom a 9 year old kid could not beat at anything they're doing, and you're not among them, weakie?

>> No.8007656

You said he's a 9 year old yet graduated at age 11? Oh well, one thing for sure is that once he's 18, an AI far smarter than him would replace him.

>> No.8007674


Nigger I'm playing rugby. That little white boy would get #recked

>> No.8007680

lol russian róulette

>> No.8007685

>implying he doesn't have high IQ

>> No.8007687

>How do you feel knowing there's a 9 year old kid beating you at whatever you're doing?

Whatever I'm doing? I dont think a 9 year old should drink that much, its probably not safe.

>> No.8007701


No, he fucking didn't. He's just giving TEDx an NASA talks about what a clever little bugger he is.
I always get really, really fucking leery whenever someone starts peddling their "child prodidgee." Einstein, right? Clever guy. As clever as they get. Still didn't meet the requirements to actually get into college at 16. He was 17, when he began his post secondary career.
ALBERT. FUCKING. EINSTEIN. Went to college at 17.

But yeah, your random bumfuck 11 year-old is TOTALLY smarter than that guy. You even got him taking cutesy little Liberal Arts classes at cc!

>> No.8007709

you realise einstein would be ranked pretty low on the list of all-time geniuses, right?

john von neumann is a better example of a historical genius who could have fully and legitimately earned a phD (in any scientific field, including pure maths) as a child.

>> No.8007769

Because any idiot can take measurements and plug the numbers into software.

>> No.8007773
File: 114 KB, 449x721, a total fuckin' loser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty ok with it. I've known since I was about 12 I'm pretty mediocre at everything. I know that I'll get an MS and work until I'm 50.

People usually find success at an older age. Good for him.

>> No.8007781

I don't he can fuck your mom as well as I can OP

>> No.8007809

Former child prodigy here. Scored in the 99th percentile on every exam, read almost every book in the library, and rarely did any other classwork to show for it.

Was bullied for being a know it all faggot throughout school. After getting dropped by 3 kids on my way to school I decided to carry the pocket knife my uncle gave me.

Slid out of my pocket in english, kid told teacher and I was expelled, lost scholarships id been scouted for since I was 8 (duke, ucf). I was 15 when it happened, when turned 16 I immediately graduated with a GED and spent the next two years at a public library educating myself on subjects that actually fascinated me like science, computers, and philosophy - instead of going through state mandated curriculum.

I was ineligible for internships as a minor due to having a 3rd degree felony. Ended up getting it expunged afyrt 18 and working day labor until I almost died of heat stroke and decided to go to community college for an engineering degree.

Worked in the feild for 3 years after gaining experience. Went back to school for my EE bachelors, interned in space industry, and now I work as an embedded engineer.

Soon I will go back to school for nanotechnology. I have a biotech startup, and last year was selected as one of the top 100 hackers by 2 reputable engineering communities.

I know this was something of a life story, but this child is unlikely to ever overcome the same challenge - and will live through life with less resolve. He will not handle failure well, hes only used to success.

>> No.8007827

>Top 1%
>thinks he's a child prodigy
Kek, try getting 1st out 60k people like I did, fag

>> No.8007885

Thanks, gonna use this as copypasta

>> No.8008035

>you realise einstein would be ranked pretty low on the list of all-time geniuses, right?
>john von neumann is a better example of a historical genius

“I have known a great many intelligent people in my life. I knew Max Planck (Nobel Prize 1918), von Laue (Nobel Prize 1914) and Heisenberg (Nobel Prize 1932). Paul Dirac (Nobel Prize 1933) was my brother in law; Leo Szilard and Edward Teller have been among my closest friends; and Albert Einstein was a good friend, too. But none of them had a mind as quick and acute as John von Neumann. I have often remarked this in the presence of those men and no one ever disputed me.
… But Einstein’s understanding was deeper even than von Neumann’s. His mind was both more penetrating and more original than von Neumann’s. And that is a very remarkable statement. Einstein took an extraordinary pleasure in invention. Two of his greatest inventions are the Special and General Theories of Relativity; and for all of von Neumann’s brilliance, he never produced anything as original.
–Eugene Wigner (Nobel Prize Physics 1963)

Creativity: never forget the importance of it.

>> No.8008150

>Von Neumann posters BTFO

>> No.8008585

I wonder how Ramanujan compares to von Neumann and Einstein.

>> No.8008596

Because he's fucking 11 and space is fucking cool

>> No.8008614

> astrophysics
so what did he contribute to ?

>> No.8008949

Love it. If I felt I was better than everybody I would just quit the whole point is to be the best you faggot op we are all intelligent enough to understand that when thinking competitively if your not the best someone else, is your pointing out the obvious. If someone on this site was this gifted you wouldn't need to post something inviting them to prove it, my guess is they would be plastering proof all over this fucking board.

>> No.8009015

>top 100 hackers by 2 reputable engineering communities

>> No.8009094

as in things ive engineered have placed against others competitively - like darpa robotics challenge type stuff.

>> No.8009102


I feel happy for him. I hope he does well and achieves something great.

>> No.8009111

I could care less. I enjoy my engineering courses and that's all that matters to me.

>> No.8009112

>He posts this on an Indian cow dung recipe trading website, and expects to be taken seriously.


>> No.8010171

If people know who you are doesn't that make you a bad hacker?

>> No.8010256

no tell that to kevin mitnick, george hotz, or edward snowden.

but you dont know who I am, or the context for the word hacker i was using for that matter. I studied infosec as a minor, but I meant more in the maker/creative sense of the word.

>> No.8010361

i do like his skull shape

id like to ad it to my imaginary skull collection

>> No.8010397

In 365 days, this kid will be completely forgotten by /sci/, 90% or his peers and will contribute nothing new to science.

Don't fucking tell me about some smart little kid, tell me about something furthering human knowledge.

>> No.8010784

I'm pretty sure I can beat him in a fight

Plus I'm getting pretty good at making whoppers

>> No.8010803

He's a meme mathematician.

>> No.8010809

>Was bullied for being a know it all faggot throughout school.

Your bullies were certainly right about you.

>> No.8011618

Honestly it doesn't bother me,because i don't base my existence on my academic success.Why does /sci/ have to be the best,the most intelligent.

I'm happy with my life,i don't need to be better than this kid,good for him.

>> No.8012807
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