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8005434 No.8005434[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on GM crops

>> No.8005437

All crops you buy are GM.

>> No.8005439


>> No.8005624

The good, every thing has been selectively bred at one stage so nothing actually really needs any drastic cancer creating manipulation.

The bad, they know how to create a drastic cancer creating manipulation and everything has been selectively bred to grow really good, so they're constantly looking for the best grow really good gene.

>> No.8005630

Not even close

>> No.8005633

If you're an Ameritard maybe

Here in Europe we're smart enough to recognize the Jewish plot that GM crops are and therefore don't eat them

>> No.8005638

Every crop is technically GM since technically selective breeding is GM.

However, crops like Monsanto glyphosate immune stuff is totally unnatural and by all rights should be regulated by the FDA, not the USDA as it is. It's fucking scary.

>> No.8005642

GMO is still banned in many countries and other countreis have strict regulation on labelling the mutated gmo garbage.
It's hilarious that now GMOtards are trying to force to remove the labels and say we don't actually have a right to know what we're buying.

>> No.8005654

Nothing intrinsically wrong with GM crops.

The real problem is companies can patent GM seed. Essentially this is not a scientific issue and more of a political one. GM seeds can contaminate non-GM farms through cross pollination. Since this seed is patented farmers who don't have the rights to use it can and have been sued for having this seed present on their farm even if it wasn't deliberately planted. These lawsuits are typically for large sums of money and can drive small farmers out of business.

The agriculture industry in this country is in bed with the politicians in the worst possible way and corruption is rampant. It's quite fascinating really. But that aside, no GM foods are not bad for you if anything they are better.

>> No.8005656

They're fine

>> No.8005657
File: 47 KB, 832x1199, Monsanto_Shill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8005660

Enter retardo

>> No.8005664

I don't think there's anything wrong with GM crops, but the business practices of Monsanto are perhaps not the greatest

>> No.8005665

Retardo has his own memes

>> No.8005668

And the samefaggotry begins

>> No.8005673

>GM seeds can contaminate non-GM farms through cross pollination. Since this seed is patented farmers who don't have the rights to use it can and have been sued for having this seed present on their farm even if it wasn't deliberately planted.
This is a myth. The only farmers that have been sued are those who deliberately spray their fields with roundup in order to isolate the GMO seeds and then replant them in order to get around paying Monsanto.

>> No.8005674

> buttmad
typical GMOtard BTFO
we told you to fuck off back to >>>/trash/ already

>> No.8005677

Retardo projects his impotent rage on others

>> No.8005679

wow. you surely convinced me to buy your mutated garbage with your shitposts GMOtard :^)

>> No.8005685

It's impossible to convince or correct someone like you. It's like correcting a child with Down Syndrome. Everyone can already see their retarded and the child is not going to learn anything anyway.

>> No.8005688

> retard
> well i tried correcting you
nice try GMOtard. now you can go back to your home >>>/trash/

>> No.8005692

>well i tried correcting you
When Retardo tries to read, hilarity ensues

>> No.8005694


>> No.8005700

For your parents

>> No.8005706

stop shitposting and go back to where you belong

>> No.8005707
File: 36 KB, 400x264, shortyellowbus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You first, Retardo

>> No.8005735


>> No.8005740

you can stop samefagging now people already told you that you're wrong.
back to >>>/trash/

>> No.8005749

Retardo apparently doesn't know how to read the number of posters in the thread. I guess he hasn't spent much time on 4chan while on break from Mercola. Or perhaps he simply doesn't know 12 is greater than 11.

>> No.8005750


>> No.8005763

is this really the extent of GMOtards level of arguing ? /b/-tier shitposting and calling people retards ?
No wonder why they get BTFO every time.

>> No.8005766

The responses are complementary to the cognitive level of your posts. You don't deserve to be argued with.

>> No.8005768

Yes it is. GMOtards are not to be taken seriously

>> No.8005814

>However, crops like Monsanto glyphosate immune stuff is totally unnatural and by all rights should be regulated by the FDA, not the USDA as it is. It's fucking scary
How is it scary?

>> No.8005822

You have every right to know what you're buying, but at what point does something become genetically modified?

>> No.8005827

most countries set that level to >0.1%

>> No.8005859

Things I don't understand are scary.

>> No.8005861
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being exposed to glyphosate is also scary...
GMO garbage, not even once.

>> No.8005867

Only idiot Americans believe this
>muh Bio

>> No.8005870
File: 35 KB, 490x290, back-to-pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Redpill me
GTFO /pol/itard

>> No.8005873

> oh noes he said a word
> omg how horrible I better shit my pants

>> No.8005910

They are a double-edged sword.

They are excellent in the respect that the crop is now much more resistant to pests, pesticides, weather, and drought conditions, which allows them to grow in harsher environments. They are safe for consumption, too (no study has credibly proved otherwise).

The other side is that that lack genetic diversity. This is dangerous because if a new pest, disease, or bacteria were to affect the crops (provided they were resistant to the GMO's natural defenses), it would destroy the whole harvest.

It's also a political/business strategy too. Take Monsanto's seeds; they are resistant to Roundup, a pesticide that they make. So if you buy their seeds, you also have to buy their pesticides. These companies often have airtight contracts with farmers, and are very heavy-handed.

>> No.8006222


Development of Rice that can grow in arid conditions.

GM is a lot faster than selective breeding and also enables to do things that selective breeding can't.

>> No.8006227


>> No.8006239

It's not actually. I'm not really scared of pesticides being sprayed on my veggies. I'll even eat organic and not think twice about it.

>> No.8006254
File: 95 KB, 738x516, Graham’s Hierarchy of Disagreement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It seems pro-GMO people like to use ad hominems to illustrate their argument points.

Seems like this image is spot on.

>> No.8006256

Gm pollinates neighbors crops. Neighbors now have to pay ip royalties to Gm company.

>> No.8006296


Days Without Yuropoor Famine: 2

>> No.8006381

So all crops then?

>> No.8006382

What does glyphosate do?

>> No.8006384

Nope. No matter how many times you post that, natural seed planted farms will never magically turn into mutated farms...

>> No.8006391

Their creation is totally unnatural and outside the scope of normal evolutionary processes.