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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 25 KB, 304x321, HumansNephilimReptiliansHollowEarth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8005005 No.8005005 [Reply] [Original]

PROVE to me that the earth isn't hollow.

I don't mean the whole thing all the way through, I'm talking about massive caverns, in particular one beneath the north pole.

Why did so many ancient authors talk about underground caverns, especially beneath the north pole?

Off the top of my head, Christians, Greeks (Hesiod comes to mind), Hebrews, pre-Columbus American civilizations, ancient Irish, and others believed that a superhuman race or gods or fallen angels were hiding beneath the earth.

Nowadays people say it's the reptilians beneath the earth.

So why do you know better?

Convince me that there isn't something down there.

>> No.8005006


>> No.8005007


/x/ is full of teenagers discussing monsters and how to summon succubi. Can't go there.

>> No.8005008

If indeed this would be the case, the real sun would pull the other side of this hollow earth towards itself, becouse it is closer. After that, the central sun wouldn't lie in the middle and we would see gravitation anomalities.

>> No.8005009
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>> No.8005010


Honestly this was just a convenient pic of a hollow earth theory. Personally I don't think it's possible that there is a mini sun inside the earth. What I do think is possible are massive caverns underground, perhaps all over the globe

>> No.8005011
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>I dare not allow the facts as I know them to be published while I am living, for fear of further humiliation, confinement and suffering. First of all, I was put in irons by the captain of the whaling vessel that rescued me, for no other reason than that I told the truth about the marvelous discoveries made by my father and myself. But this was far from being the end of my tortures.

>For several days we sailed along the rocky coast of Franz Josef Land. Finally, a favoring wind came up that enabled us to make the West Coast, and, after sailing twenty-four hours, we came to a beautiful inlet. One could hardly believe it was the Northland. The place was green with growing vegetation, and while the area did not comprise more than one or two acres, yet the air was warm and tranquil. It seemed to be at that point where the Gulf Stream's influence is most keenly felt.

>There was a tradition, my father explained, that still farther northward was a land more beautiful than any that mortal man had ever known, and that it was inhabited by the "Chosen." We find the following in "Deutsche Mythologie," page 778, from the pen of Jakob Grimm;"Then the sons of Bor built in the middle of the universe the city called Asgard, where dwell the gods and their kindred, and from that abode work out so many wondrous things both on the earth and in the heavens above it. There is in that city a place called Hlidskjalf, and when Odin is seated there upon his lofty throne he sees over the whole world and discerns all the actions of men."

>> No.8005012
File: 4 KB, 384x218, 56cc7a3b-614c-48d6-b333-69b02413f2b9[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How massive? Remember that there is a huge pressure due the mass. But becouse gravitation goes smaller towards the middle, it must be there would be any 'caverns'.

>> No.8005013

Earth quake tremor patterns that are characteristic of a non hollow earth

>> No.8005014


>> No.8005015

I studied Geology for 2 years in uni before changing. How exactly do you think the crust is being supported?

>> No.8005016

Thats just a theory without any real observational data. There can be may other reasons for earthquake tremor patterns. Nobody has ever seen the inside of the earth so nothing can be ruled out. Hollow earth just makes more sense from my perspective.

>> No.8005017


>> No.8005018

>hollow planets cannot be formed by accretion
>it would have to have been hollowed out
>this necessitates drilling through the crust into the mantle, into pressures that no machinery could tolerate and temperatures no material could survive
>after that you need to eject a mass near that of the planet into space
>after that the you need to brace the crust to prevent collapse with material stronger than diamond
>you then fake a gravitational pull somehow, which doesn't pull you into the centre of the cavity for some reason
> congratulations you now have a living space with no access to the sun, therefore no vegetation
There is no scenario where this is practical, it would be easier to terraform another planet, or simply annihilate humanity.

>> No.8005019

... Tectonic plates were covered in what, grade 5?

Sorry 9th grade for Americans.

>> No.8005020

It's observed all the time, literally every day, by millions of sensors.

>> No.8005021

Go dig a hole and see what you find

>> No.8005022

Not who you were responding to however no one claims to know what causes gravity. However if we were actually on the inside of the planet (like an inverted earth) gravity could be explained by the centrifugal force caused by the earth spinning, which happens to be a more clear explanation of gravity than is currently provided (in that no explanation is currently provided)

>> No.8005023


Using data to fit a theory doesn't prove anything, m80

His point is that data can be interpreted in many different ways. The scientific models do not cover hollow earth theories, so the data is instead interpreted within the context of the prevailing model

In other words, just because data on observable phenomena appear to support the models which give the earth a mantle, crust, and core, does not mean that this model is necessarily correct. It can lead to circular reasoning if you go down this path.

It's a problem with the scientific model that virtually everyone acknowledges tb q h

>> No.8005024


problem with the scientific method*

>> No.8005025
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>> No.8005026
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To give another example of what I mean here, consider the negligent way archaeologists look at artifacts which don't fit the prevailing narrative. Massive underwater cities all over the globe do not fit the model which is taught in schools today, which holds that civilization first emerged in the fertile crescent.

Yet there are cities down there. There's a ton in the Mediterranean alone, to say nothing of those off the coast of south america, asia, and beneath the indian ocean.

So mainstream historians and archaeologists just pretend they don't exist. They only accept data which fit their existing models.

>> No.8005027

Shangri la?

>> No.8005028

>Convince me that there isn't something down there.

just dig lazy motherfucking fat piece of shit

>> No.8005029
File: 48 KB, 300x272, 1447970111676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PROVE to me that your skeleton isn't made out of steel.

Have you actually ever seen your bones or do you just take what you Read in a book from some 'intellectual' as proof?

>> No.8005030
File: 372 KB, 900x600, picture-of-reptilian-alien.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is hillary a reptillian?

>> No.8005031

Probably not completely hollow like in Voyage au Centre de la Terre but probably some massive cavity for sure. I bet there's lot of geofronts out there.

>> No.8005032
File: 101 KB, 400x543, hillaryfinalform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What does your heart tell you, Frodo?

>> No.8005033
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>mfw we really did cover tectonic plates in grade 9

>> No.8005034
File: 31 KB, 408x701, 1448994132752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yet there are cities down there. There's a ton in the Mediterranean alone, to say nothing of those off the coast of south america, asia, and beneath the indian ocean.

>> No.8005035

That isn't how center of gravity works, the center of gravity can only be one single point.

Everything on the inside of the sphere would float.

>> No.8005036

It's all the corn syrup you eat making you literally retard. I am not joking, it grease your synapse. I'm not saying this because I hate you, I'm saying this because I love you america-kun.

Please do something for yourself.

>> No.8005037

The fuck?

I covered that in 4th grade, physical sciences. California reporting in.

>> No.8005038

I mostly avoided the waves of corn syrup and other trash that the people here call "food" as a kid. My parents were this weird mix of bluepilled and based, but one thing they did right was that they never let me have junk food. The few times I ate stuff like Doritos as a kid when when I was over at a friend's house. Unfortunately, they fed me tons of PBJ sandwiches and I got hooked, a habit I have been unable to break to this day. I do at least try to make the bread, peanut butter, and Jelly as healthy as possible though.

>> No.8005039

im not so good at math so I can't give a specific answer, but basically for you to be held to the inner ground with a force of 1G in a hollow planet, the mass of everything below you would have to be greater than the mass of the Earth to compensate for the ceiling pulling on you.

In order for this to apply for the entire inner sphere the Earth would have to be many many times the mass of what is required to pull with 1G of force.

So the surface would have a strong as fuck gravity.

>> No.8005040

Grew up in California myself until 7th grade. Actually, I think we did cover tectonic plates in grade 4. But then when I was 13 we moved to Maine, and in grade 9 physics we learned about tectonic plates.

>> No.8005041

outer surface would have strong as fuck gravity.

it all depends on how thick/dense this hypothetical shell is.

>> No.8005042

PBJ mixed together create a nanomachine paste that wired you up with HAARP, making you a bleupilled drone.

I'm surprised you're even capable of individual thoughts.

>> No.8005043

Spread this up into multiple posts because im autistic but the TL;Dr is for this to work the gravity of this inner world would be a substantial fraction, like 1/12 the gravity of the surface.

>> No.8005044
File: 28 KB, 450x450, k2-_209d452e-35e5-4b1f-a69c-5babc60deca5.v1.jpg-e0630c1128dc1aa3eee0ad9ed34cb2031efe26b3-optim-450x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, no, you don't get it. You're thinking of stuff like Jif and Skippy. My parents used very certain bands of peanut butter and drove miles to find the right type of Boysenberry jelly (always boysenberry, IDK why). I have no fucking idea why they loved PBJ so much, but here I am.

Pic related, the brand I ate and still eat.

>> No.8005045

Except that the model was developed as a response to this data, our models of the interior of the earth aren't very old, hell plate tectonics were disputed into the 60s. We aren't wrapping data around a model, we create a model to fit data.
Secondly it's not that we haven't tried to fit these data into a hollow earth model, it's that the data actively contradict it. We know how vibrations travel trough hollow spheres, it is not the pattern we observe. In a hollow earth only s waves would be felt on the opposite side of the planet from a quake, the p waves could not cross the gap.
You do not have to assume a predicate to disprove something.

>> No.8005046



>> No.8005047


Kinda irrelevant but, you know they found a huge underground ocean right?

>> No.8005048
File: 38 KB, 349x352, 1458700953773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fucking stupid, but here's a )you( anyway. Just because I think it's pretty great that your point of view is a joke, and everyone knows it except you.

>> No.8005049

They bought the Peanut Butter at the store, it's the Jelly they drove miles for. And they bought that at a local farm. If I was really a nano-machine controlled drone, I'd be out protesting and supporting #BlackLivesMatter, and I most certainly wouldn't be here shitposting on 4chan.

>> No.8005050

Or do you? Maybe it's part of the plan...

>> No.8005051


Incorrect reasoning. You cannot prove a negative outside of Mathematics. If you disagree, then prove to me that there isn't a teapot orbiting the Sun.

You need to show us that there are aspects/ qualities of the Earth that are better explained by it being hollow than it being full. Obviously you have none, that's why you're shifting the burden of prove onto us: the people who don't believe in obviously retarded things like the hollow Earth, but please enlighten us. Tell us all about the Hollow Earth model that explains everything real science does, and a few things it doesn't.

>> No.8005052

Read up on newton's shell theory of gravity. If you're too stupid to understand that, you're too stupid to be talking about a hollow earth.

...which I guess would actually suggest that you're exactly smart enough to entertain the concept.

>> No.8005053

Link or gtfo

>> No.8005054



>> No.8005055

Definitely possible. Oceans lose a lot of water due to tectonic movement, but seems to be supplanted by some source.
I suppose the issue would be why it hasn't become steam, but I suppose a geologist/physicist could give a good explanation.

>> No.8005056

All the gravity is going into the center, the crust is not being overpressurised by mass, even if it was it would still be there.

>> No.8005057

Yeah this retarded concept is made as controlled misinformation, to make you skip past the truth that there are vast networks of caves and wide open spaces deep in the earth, and go straight to hurr durr the whole fucking earth is hollow with a cute little star in the middle.

>> No.8005058
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>> No.8005059


Pretty much, just tip your fedoras and ignore thousands of years of history and mythology.

>> No.8005060

>Prove to me a negative.

>> No.8005061

There probably are massive caverns, once filled with magma, but since there's little to no contact with the outside world they are rocky and lifeless. perhaps, if we get lucky, there's water that got there via surface and brought some minerals, then there's probably unknown bacteria and even small fish, giving them a lot of time they could evolve, but the chance is too small. I doubt there's something more than that.

>> No.8005062
File: 23 KB, 325x283, themoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>after that you need to eject a mass near that of the planet into space

>> No.8005063

>Reptilians & Hollow Earth

Hollow Reptilians & Earth


>> No.8005064
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>It's just narrative, you guys!

This would fit right in with the whole "Nation of Islam" lunacy.

>> No.8005065


The moon has only 1.2% the mass of Earth. Even Mars has only 10% the mass of Earth. Even if you take Mercury, Venus, the Moon, Mars, Phobos and Deimos, you've only got just over 1.04 Earth masses.

Earth is actually quite dense.

>> No.8005066

You dumb fucking nigger.
There ARE caverns, fucking huge ones, but not big enough to even dent a dick in the earth.
You realize that under the stress of gravity pushing the mass to it's core, the caverns that you imply to be, continental sized? would just collapse and leave the earths crust, and us, Vulnerable to extreme seismic activity.

>> No.8005067

Verbal diarrhea on what is correct and isn't correct, written by a biased person in favor of Christianity and trump.
Top kek
Trump still best president though

>> No.8005068


>> No.8005069
File: 3 KB, 179x150, 13d91c88-d0c6-49d8-8e2f-8a840704c644.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because inside a spherical shell, gravitation would be miniscule

>> No.8005070


There might be huge underground caves in the crust, but beyond that, any empty pockets in the mantle would be changing, growing or shrinking due to convection. Also, the temperature down there (over 400 celsius at the crust boundary) means there's absolutely no chance of liquid water down there.

>> No.8005071
File: 1.94 MB, 1296x1728, what the fuck is this even trying to convey hastag black lives matter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8005072
File: 63 KB, 600x337, We Wuz Kangs and Queefs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How 2 git rid of white devil parasites



>> No.8005073

It's the iron, it's denser than rock.

>> No.8005074
File: 12 KB, 236x236, fc1e24fa078144d7fce4aaf38bbbaeeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

66666 get

We Wuz Kangs and Shiiiet

>> No.8005075

I have long considered this

There could very easily be large pockets of life, though it is unlikely to carry intelligent life

The idea that it is impossible for any life to exist reminds me of pre-exploration maps where the ocean was drawn to go off the edge of the earth where kraken and sea dragons roam

>> No.8005076
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You're a fucking idiot

>> No.8005077

Paul is dead
Bush Crime Family
Ancient Astronauts
Hologram Universe
Hitler is Vishnu
And the entirety of the last stage.
I have no idea what these are, or flat out can't see how it would work. Anyone care to explain?

>> No.8005078

The earth would collapse if it were hollow.

>> No.8005079


>which happens to be a more clear explanation of gravity than is currently provided (in that no explanation is currently provided)

Jesus christ. Go and read some general relativity.

>> No.8005080

I remember reading somewhere that in the Finn mythology a place in the far north was the "source of evil", the home of a witch and all.

>> No.8005081
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Hollow Earth..Reptillians...deflections from the reality of the matter.

We are living in a refraction of white light, that is, the visual and tangible world. The material world manifests itself in this manner due to configuration "from above" so to speak. Saturn, the Moon, truly all that is up in the sky is not what it seems, nor are your surroundings in their own manner. What we have an experience, is entirely a deception, or at very least, a vertical snapshot of the machinations of reality. Humans experience the world on a common plane, which is projected outwardly from their brains which creates perspective, recognition of colors, forms, etc. However, the entirety of the spectrum is obfuscated due to, at minimum, biological limitations. This however, is by design, not merely due to ineptitude of "evolutionary" adaptation. That is to say, that which you perceive, is given, your surroundings, (including the body you inhabit) transmit signals to your brain, which interprets them. This is where the system breaks down, as, the celestial spheres above, while also including Earth, are not merely planets, on a "spiritual" level. These entities are manifestations of intent, embodiment of the will of the universe per se. Who's will? God? If only. The stories of ancient man are warnings, that the light is what lured us here and keeps us bound. The souls, what create life, were enslaved into participating in this universe and the cosmic structures are the prison mechanisms. The Saturn-Moon matrix if you will, is a cosmic radio array which diverts souls to the slave planet, Earth. Saturn, is the beacon from which material reality is held manifest, channeling the pure white light which brings form. The Moon is the step-up transformer which directs the signal unto the Earth, creating the conditions for life to emerge. Life has not come about "naturally" if you will, it was created, designed, for the purpose of serving the lord of the illusion, the idea of Lucifer.

>> No.8005144

Where do you even find this shit?