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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7998866 No.7998866[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is the stereotype of comp sci majors that's talked about on /sci/ a meme?

>> No.7998870


>> No.7998871

All I know is that at my university, computer engineers take the entire CS curriculum and swap out gen eds for other engineering and circuits classes.

>> No.7998882

About half of my class of comp sci majors fall into the meme. They're greasy, unkempt, poorly bathed, and whiny about all things, especially math

>> No.7998939

Are we in the same class?

Honestly that's how it is >>7998866
Most comp sci students think it's ALL about muh programming skills. Truth it's all about logic and the basis of logic is mathematics, you have to keep finding a way to make your program run faster and smoother, just making it work does not qualify you as a good programmer. Now that's just the programming side, what about the side that teaches how a computer works, utilize your memory and what to use when. It's my first semester and I already notice the smug faces on some students who think just because they did some programming in HS or on the side, they are somehow more smarter than the professors. It is true that it happens in a lot of classes, but it happens the most in comp sci. I like comp sci but it has one of the worst students, mostly scum who hopefully will be enlightened or washed away.

>> No.7998963
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>> No.7999063

Nah its actually true.

Proof: every cs at my uni

>> No.7999254


Really? Here they're almost like EE but with more circuits/etc and less power stuff, not at all like CS (ie only like only basic algorithms/related stuff). Or is your CS program really light?

>> No.7999266

Software Engineering student here.

My math skills are subpar. The classes are pretty simple. I know physics and CE bros are above me.

but the job prospects are amazing. avg starting salary is ~50k. It's one of the better gambles.

I think the problem /sci/ has with CS and SE is that we try to pretend like we're on the same level math wise, and that's just not true. Almost any physics or math bro can handle CS no problem.