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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7997925 No.7997925[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hey /sci/
hope you are well.
what's the safest way to kill myself?

>> No.7997935 [DELETED] 

Murder is wrong and illegal

>> No.7997937
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Murder is wrong and illegal

>> No.7997940

Alcohol poisoning, it gets easier to drink more the more that you drink.

Or just save some money and OD on heroin

>> No.7997946

oh hi, this thread again

>> No.7997954

I've heard some ideas that most heroin "overdoses" are actually suicides during the comedown, but that the families don't wish to publicly reveal that

>> No.7997956

hey man
how are you doing this time around? is life good?

>> No.7997958

>Murder is wrong and illegal
thats a redundant statement. murder is by definition a crime.

>> No.7997962

>Murder is illegal
>That's redundant! Murder is a crime!
nice redundancy

>> No.7997972

you made a post

>> No.7997976

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Dont kill yourself mate. No matter what the issue is, it can and will get better (often surprisingly fast). Read up on stoicism, go to a therapist. Good luck pal

>> No.7997982 [DELETED] 
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>murder is by definition a crime

According to beloved #blacklivesmatter movement, murder is just a way to disproportionately disenfranchise black people and send innocent black babies to jail by the white supremacist who rule this nation. Take your bigotry back to >>>/pol/, clansman.

>> No.7997989

this desu. Like I said in the other thread, unless you are severely medically handicapped, there is no good reason to kill yourself.

>> No.7997992

hi again, /sci/

i guess i should elaborate a bit for context, so people dont get the wrong idea

i'm not posting these threads on a depressed whim. i'm hoping that, sooner or later, there will spawn a little bit of discussion about how to safely commit suicide. i know that sounds completely retarded, but if there's a safe way to commit suicide, i'd like to do it

i'm not having a low moment where i feel particularly distressed, or feeling manic and wanting to, like this guy said >>7997976 take a permanent solution to a temporary problem

i don't have a temporary problem, my temporary life is great. i'm conscious most of the time, i have humor, but i also have brainworms. i also had a heatstroke in the army a few years ago, unrelated, but the combined brain damage kept me from being very functional

i'm still sociable and i'm still mostly able to enjoy nice weather and good conversation, but the worms will be giving me dementia sooner than later, probably 3 or 4 years, and i just really want to formulate a plan early on to let my life end with some dignity, happiness, and without burdening anyone else with changing my diaper when i'm completely gone and not enjoying life anyway

nobody, nor their family, should have to deal with that

so, what's the safest way to kill myself, /sci/

>> No.7998001

>but i also have brainworms
You've got what? What's the name of the medical condition?

>> No.7998007


>> No.7998014

This is a very painful way to die. Emotionally and physically, don't listen to this shit head.

>> No.7998019

Wikipedia says it can be treated

>> No.7998020


12 year olds shouldn't be here

>> No.7998029

does wikipedia say how much that treatment costs though?

it's unfortunate, but it's a necessary reality here

>> No.7998036
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Helium is the best way, make sure it's not diluted though.

>> No.7998080
File: 3.03 MB, 3732x2068, hammer_PNG3890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im still sure hammer is best solution.

cheap, intense and makes an exception of waverer

>> No.7998118

>an heroing over tapeworms
The least-fuckable way to relatively painlessly an hero is standing on the edge of a tall building and shooting yourself through your mouth (hits the brainstem), if that somehow fails you're going to fall off a tall-ass building anyway. Not advocating you an hero but if you're going to anyway don't fuck up

>> No.7998128

I typed "an hero" a lot. huh.

>> No.7998134

Safest way is to wait for old age.

>> No.7998142

Don't kill yourself, you never know what the future could be, at the very least you owe yourself a chance at a better life

>> No.7998155


>> No.7998156

exit bag
suffocate on an inert gas

>> No.7998263


Not that anon, but not everybody has a chance at a better life. Possibility =/= probability.

>> No.7998272

Your life fucked up now? Safest way is a no brainer like a shotgun to the face or jumping off the [large building], but there's the thing of 'doing it' that I'm guessing is the problem. Tell me what's up!