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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 53 KB, 400x400, youngthug2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7986437 No.7986437 [Reply] [Original]

Science brought shit like Nukes and if we had stone age equipment then we wouldn't be damaging the environment in a way that is likely to impact us on an existential level.

>> No.7986459
File: 27 KB, 495x495, 13e7ab8cf32a9a0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no rebuttal yet

>> No.7986460

Yes, but the nukes are fun and all that things.

>> No.7986468

great leaps have all been due to advancement in technology. Religion spread due to books. Shit like that. You can't really have one without the other. Also humanities gave us existential despair so fuck you.

>> No.7986470

>OP is using a computer to post on a forum on the internet to complain about science
I know this is bait but come on, make it a bit more believable

>> No.7986471
File: 377 KB, 1296x2870, fuck you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't use humanities to kill gooks

>> No.7986472

>science brought us nukes
And Comunism brought the cold war if that is the depth of you analytical thinkinh.

>> No.7986476

>tfw look like him yet virgin
if only i knew how to rap

>> No.7986478

Take this man away, FBI-sama.

>> No.7986479

>young thug

>> No.7986503

>young thug has sick bangres
>science has nukes that will end the human race
> i conclude that young thug is better

>> No.7986506

Metro boomin couldn't have produced bangers for young thug without current DAW tech

>> No.7986507

>science brought us nukes
And Comunism brought the cold war if that is the depth of you analytical thinkinh.

communism would be ZERO threat without science. Try again.

>> No.7986514

do u guys think im good at debate?


>> No.7986519
File: 909 KB, 2160x3840, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven't even responded to any of my points fagman

Yeezy yeezy yeezy just jumped over fagman

>> No.7986524

shut up fukhead


>> No.7986527

Science also produced vaccines, the most likely reason for your continued existence. Although, based on your post, I'm really starting to question whether vaccines brought by an overall good result. Good job.

>> No.7986530

we lived just fine without vaccines for thousands of years. try again young pleb.

>> No.7986532

Fuck me, I just read the thread and realised it's a stupid meme thread. Ignore my post

>> No.7986533

nukes were created because humanities crafted the demand for them
>failed german artist
>general sense of cultural significance and solidarity

>> No.7986543

ok so lets assume humanities would of braught the demand for nukes higher so its humanities fault.

ok now lets imagine humanities never exist. so much time spent into science. now science is advanced. now its easy to make a nuke. now everyone gets nuked.

science is shit tier.

>> No.7986546
File: 2.12 MB, 1600x900, 1457993868890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, you think communism only rose to the position it did because of superior technology? You cearly don't have the first clue what you are talking about, friend. The danger of communism was in the way the ideology manifested in its followers, not because they had big shiny guns. Hence the fact that the majority of the deaths cause by communism were due to things relating to its political and economic systems themselves rather than casualties inflicted upon enemies during wartime.

>> No.7986550

a communist society is better than no society

science= the end of the world
humanities= a few bad ideologies

>> No.7986558

your not a leader your just a follower, shit, your mother shoulda swollowed ya

>> No.7986566
File: 36 KB, 353x175, ignorant.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its been a couple hundred years since we started doing science and the world is still here.

>> No.7986571

couple hundred years isnt long tho........

how much of a threat is climate change btw? also is it manmade??

>> No.7986573

>climate change
>destroying the world
Best meme.

>> No.7986575
File: 31 KB, 500x380, 1456962520006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>science= UNREALIZED POTENTIAL to the end of the world (but not really)
>humanities= a few bad ideologies ACTUALLY MURDER MILLIONS

>> No.7986590

>humanities have had a more positive effect on humanity
Someone's forgetting about the Green Revolution.

>> No.7986637

underrated toast

>> No.7986854

Physical sciences only improve the potential of technology. They make no ethical claims whatsoever on use and are quite clearly subjected to (and created by) the political and social goals of the society which develops them.

It is interesting that arguments for science almost always occur within a particular framework (positivism) which is itself a purely philosophical system.

>> No.7986870

yeah, but then you couldn't shitpost on /sci/.

>> No.7986958

Who cares.Science is the only thing that i think that can explain my existence.Without it my life would be meaning less.

>> No.7987178

but your life is meaningless

Not enough evidence is present to determine either way, and even then you'd have to get pretty specific about what constitutes a "positive effect on humanity" in order to do a thorough analysis. Both have brought good and bad to the world

>> No.7988340

The reason you don't need slaves is not because of morals, but because of technology.
That's why underdeveloped nations still practice it.

Science is just tools, Humanities are the justifications given to on how and why to use them. A nuke is not uninhibitedly bad, but the purpose and justifications can be.

>> No.7988350


Sure OP.
When you grow up and have a family, and your kid gets sick, be sure to take her to see a poet.

>> No.7988363

If you really think about how few people are interested in science, and how most significant advances in medicine, technology, etc. are from science/maths (which move our race forward as a whole), it's almost as if a small group of people pull the entire world forward. Never thought of it like that.