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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 238 KB, 600x385, AntarcticaVastEmptyNASA_600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7972341 No.7972341 [Reply] [Original]

>literally an entire fuckhuge continent is still uninhabited
>Greenland is still uninhabited
>majority of Australia is still uninhabited
>majority of fucking CANADA is still uninhabited
We don't have an overpopulation crisis. We have a retard distribution crisis.

>> No.7972347

>We don't have an overpopulation crisw
Should have stopped there senpai. Our problems are That we are fucking the earth.

>> No.7972348

No we aren't, human footprints are comparatively small on the grand scale of things. Earth doesn't mind anyway. It's like saying it's sexual assault if I hotglue a statue.

>> No.7972353

It will be shitty for us, that's the point. Not everyone who has a concern for the environment is a new age hippie gaia faggot.

>> No.7972354

>We don't have an overpopulation crisis. We have a retard distribution crisis.

This is completely true. It's an issue that receives an annoying small amount of attention.

>human footprints are comparatively small on the grand scale of things.

It really isn't

>> No.7972366

>It really isn't
Agriculture is our greatest footprint.

It's usually ignored in favor of protesting mining operations or other that are a tiny tiny fraction of agriculture.

>> No.7972368

>>We have a retard distribution crisis.
Not really. The population distribution makes a lot of sense. Most overpopulated areas have moderate temperature and fertile as fuck land. Prime example is India. India and Canada having same population density makes no sense since you cant produce same amount of food in canada and also need to spend more energy to survive the weather.

>> No.7972380

>Not really.

So your argument is that resources are distributed perfectly?

>> No.7972405

Theres a lot of room between perfect and retarded. Also it depends on what resources you are talking about. In terms of food production, the current distribution is not all that bad

>> No.7972476

Need more HFCS food, we can fit a few more billions easily. It's just a matter of stacking the retards higher.

>> No.7972502

>We have a retard distribution crisis.
What do you mean by "we", Retard?

>> No.7972513 [DELETED] 

Fuck you. Niggers and mudslimes and street sitting Indians stay the fuck out of canada. No one need to live up far north in canada it's virgin land and will stay that way forever

>> No.7972548

>it's virgin
like /sci/

>> No.7972554
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21% of greenlands families suffer from alcohol abuse in some form. 1 in 3, 18 year olds have experienced sexual abuse at least once.

We need to heal the eskimos and release them from their danish overlords.

>> No.7972559

There has been little progress in the last 10 years, the people seem to be generally depressed, many of the people attempt suicide.

It is not that it's uninhabited, the place is cold and the people are degenerating as we speak.

>> No.7972564

Make Greenland Green again!

>spread coal soot on ice.
>build nuclear reactors that power gigawatt illumination, allowing crops to grow around the clock, keeping cold and darkness at bay

>> No.7972565

It's boring as fuck to live there what else could you do beside fuck your kids and drink?

>> No.7972570

>Niggers and mudslimes and street sitting Indians

Niggers and mudslimes and street sitting Indians will all be killed of when Trump is elected.

>> No.7972572

The problem is huge, much bigger than most realize. I think we should colonize greenland, integrate it slowly into a modern world. The terrain is harsh, the altruistic nature of moving there, goes against human principle.

Kids are being raped by their drunk parents, i think that is sad, no matter how little it affects my existence.

>> No.7972590

Antartica is about as habitable as Mars
Greenland is nearly as shit
Australia and Canada are walled off by a few rich white folk.
See what I mean? We can't distribute the world population equally because some autistic /pol/ asshole will scream "Waah! My land MINE!!!"

>> No.7972598

You have to be 16. Get out of here your under age.

>> No.7972601

these guys get it.

OP you're a fucking retard. if you want to live in the Australian desert or Canadian tundra why don't you go move out there?
>no resources
>no electricity
>no irrigation
>no way to sustain mass human life
your inevitable death will be good for mankind.

>> No.7972610
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>We have a retard distribution crisis.

99.99999% of shit in the media is just shekel-increasing fear-mongering.

>> No.7972958

>Greenland is still uninhabited
>majority of Australia is still uninhabited
>majority of fucking CANADA is still uninhabited
Have you ever actually been to those places? They're nearly uninhabited for a damn good reason.

>> No.7973151

Meat is our greatest footprint. It is the least efficient 21st century human does.
>inb4 vegan cause muh cow feelings

>> No.7973156
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>We have a retard distribution crisis
Agreed OP, I suggest you end yourself post-haste to help in resolving this crisis.

>> No.7973165

>yeah guise! Fuck it up even more!

>> No.7973169

Suicide is a natural response to stress. In tokyo it's overpopulation, in greenland it's the cold. The alternatives are smoking, drinking and eating like a death wish.

>> No.7973417
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Meat made western civilization.


Being vegetarian increases selection of a gene that converts other fatty acids to Omega-6 arachidonic acid.

>Omega-6 arachidonic acid also suppresses omega-3 docosahexaenoic acid needed for brain development starting in pregnancy and through 20 years of age.

And if you look at the map you see that these brainlet genes are more frequent in brainlet nations.

Their decision to survive without meat made their nations stupid.

Suggestion we should be vegetarians is a form of eugenics to make us into brainlets.

>> No.7973444

>In terms of food production
>the current distribution is not all that bad
there is famine, therefore you are retarded

>> No.7973447

>we should colonize greenland
What do you mean by "we", Colonial?

>> No.7973449

Lrn2history-of-western-civ fgt pls
ProTip: it ain't meat

>> No.7973451

That action don't solve disbalance problem. Earth's human population reached approximately 7 billion on 31 October 2011. Projections indicate that the world's human population will reach 9.2 billion in 2050.
And what will be in 2070, and in 2100, and 2150? Humanity act like a virus, just does replication till anthropophagism.

>> No.7973485

Why do you think SpaceX is building spaceships to Mars? We can't all stay on Earth forever.

>> No.7973490

Siberia is mostly empty. The whole band of Taiga around the earth is pretty much empty.

You don't really get a sense of how open and empty the Earth is except when you are flying over it. Then you see vast areas of emptyness. Farms are by far the biggest land footprint.

>> No.7973494

>All these arid places where humans can't survive is underpopulated!

>> No.7973516

Mars don't have suitable atmosphere for mankind.

>> No.7973523

>Siberia is mostly empty.
Human population density there close to Finland or less. Mankind should leave some area on the Earth for wild animals, don't act like virus.
Also, you are can going live in Siberia today, a devilish enthusiast.

>> No.7973528

People produce children as alternative of pensions, and not because they love and want children.
Overpopulation crisis will summon wars. That yet was in history.

>> No.7973533

Without meat we'd be morons and couldn't invent anything else. It's defintiely meat.

>> No.7973592

>we'd be morons
What do you mean by "we", Moron?

>> No.7973685
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>majority of Australia is still uninhabited

1) Most of the landmass (e.g. anywhere too far from the coastline) is unlivable desert. And it's only getting worse, with water shortages forcing cities e.g. Broken Hill to have to import water by the trainload in the short term, while considering abandoning the city and evacuating everyone in the long term.

2) We don't bloody want you here anyway so bugger off.

>> No.7973697

>'overpopulation' means there isn't enough space to fit everyone
Holy shit, retards on /sci/? Who'd have guessed?

>> No.7973708

Us europeans and north americans.

You indians and africans already are morons because your dumbfuck vegetarian past.

>> No.7973738

If you desconsider the huge amount of scientists that states we live in an overpopulated world, if you desconsider the huge amount of papers that show us we are destroying every living system of this planet, if you desconsider the fact that we are seeing a global extinction of species and this is coused by the human societ, well, then you are right.

>> No.7973747

Yes, we WOULD be. Meat was necessary to our encephalization.

TODAY we do not need it anymore. And meat prodution is one of the majors causes of our problem.

There is only one justification that an honest person can use to justify meat consumption: Becouse I like. Any other is bullshit.

>> No.7973779

It's not a matter of available (uninhabited land), it's a matter of productive land.
Living in these places is difficult and expensive. You can't grow crops in these places. Usually it's because it's too cold, or too arid. People need food and water and it's highly expensive to ship stuff to areas if thousands of people are living there. Say there's a storm or natural disaster, they would be fucked and starve.

You're right though we could probably distribute people better. Maybe we wouldn't have these migrant issues in many parts of the globe if living conditions weren't terrible. These are complex problems that can't be solved by simply shipping people to the desert or the north pole.

>> No.7973815

>Post disconsidered

>> No.7973897

Like he said, room between perfect and retarded

>> No.7973922

>thinly veiled "global warming isn't real and the Jews control the government" /pol/tard post, thread.

People don't live in Antarctica because its fucking hard, dipshit. Do you want to abandon your nice suburban home with the grass, the supermarket down the street, and mommy and daddy working so you can stay home and shitpost on 4chan all day for a tundra with no internet in your igloo where you have to hunt seals for food and furs?

Yeah, didn't think so.

>> No.7973960

transport ware from Antarctica to other countries will be expensive as an arse of allah mother in time of youth.

>> No.7973971

>wants to spread the human locus to more parts of the world and shit on it too

fuck off human infestation
-the wilderness

>> No.7975614

Humanity has reached a size where more than half of the world's biomass is diverted to supporting us, either directly or a food for our animals or industries. That is not 'small'.

>> No.7975617

like I said, there is famine,
therefore you are retarded

>> No.7975619

Don't argue "column A/column B": it is both meat livestock AND plants for human consumption.

>> No.7975621

There is massive waste of food in most areas, enough to feed all those who are underfed now. So, no, the current distribution is NOT 'not all that bad'.

>> No.7975630

Yeah, nah. The Moon is pretty empty, too, but would you live there? The areas suggested so far - Greenland, Siberia, central Australia - are unpopulated or sparsely pop'd for a reason: it is hard to make a living there, grow food, raise animals, have water, stay warm, etc. Yes, these are all issues that can be solved to some extent, but at what cost?

>> No.7975632

Robot posting has typing errors?

>> No.7975670
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>massive waste of food in most areas

>> No.7975681

Lots of people eat WAY more food than they actually use. before I started dieting i would probably eat ~1,000 - 1,500 kcal a day more than my daily requirements (after exercise and stuff, not just maintenance levels).

I'm not even american,the average american is probably more like 5,000 kcal over.

so if we only ate what we actually needed, then all those kcals could go somewhere else.

It is a distribution problem, but it's also a consumption problem.

>> No.7975708
File: 6 KB, 184x159, 561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>overpopulation means the physical filling up of the earth's landmass by humans

>> No.7975922

>Sexual assault if I hotglue a statue
What would that statue look in if you hotglue it 4 times a day for 2 years and never clean it? Now imagine that hotglue is slightly acidic or poisonous to the statues materials.

Now what do you think we are doing to the earth? Sure it's at a smaller scale but it's still happening and continuing to happen.

>> No.7975923

You are so very stupid.

And you are as well.

>> No.7975927

The problem isn't space, the problem is the use of recurses.

Will you leave your comfortable room to live in Antarctica?

Can you cultivate in Antarctica?

You suggest very adverse areas to live.

>> No.7975931
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There are half a dozen TV shows and documentaries that show the ridiculous amount of wasted food, especially in the US. The big statistic is that grocery stores throw away something like 50% of their stock. The main reason is that Americans won't buy a tomato with a tiny bruise on it or an egg that isn't EXACTLY the right size, shape, and color. Unfortunately, nature doesn't make everything the exact same size, shape, and color. See image.

>> No.7975936

If those places are so good then why aren't mudslimes and rapefugees going there?

>> No.7975954

Tendencies of consume increases the waste of food. Faggots in the first world discard products only by its appearance. Also these faggots consume more than they really need.

Who the fuck need to eat 5 kcal?
Who the fuck need 2 cars?
Who the fuck need 3 xbox?

Come on faggots.

>> No.7975992

No overpopulation crisis
Just poor allocation of resources
Poor distribution of population
Here is an easy visualization:
Every human being on Earth, standing shoulder to shoulder, chest to back, could fit into the City of Los Angeles, not the county, the City
Take every human put them into a 1000 sq ft house with 4 people, put that house in a village of 1000 people, include parks ponds shops a city center, keep repeating the entire Earth's population living in these villages could fit into the State of Texas with considerable land left over
Too many people occupying too concentrated areas, gives rise to social and behavioral problems, spread people out, people calm and live at ease
The real problems are distribution of resources and concentration of humans

>> No.7976085

I wonder what exactly will power all the desalination plants in the future, considering energy use is constantly rising. What's going to be sacrificed to produce the massive, obscene quantities of fresh water that the global civilisation requires to function?

>> No.7976106

lmao stay poor

>> No.7976112

>What's going to be sacrificed to produce the massive, obscene quantities of fresh water that the global civilisation requires to function?

>freshwater meme.
Rain still happens.

>muh californias
don't grow water hungry trees in a drough stricken ass-desert if you don't want to pay for desalination.

>> No.7976119
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>MFW every time I remember that the cali fags did that

Cptcha: Select all images with a cactus

>> No.7976942

ok, you can keep buying your bullshit.

>> No.7977035

"Overpopulation" just refers to the disproportionate amount of food to the amount of humans.

>> No.7977145

>I wonder what exactly will power all the desalination plants in the future, considering energy use is constantly rising.
The Tides.
Underground Heat

There's orders of magnitude more primary energy available than we could scratch in a thousand years.

>> No.7977165

Overpopulation isn't running out of space, we have plenty of that. It's running out of resources ya dipshit.

>> No.7977172

When death rate goes down the birth rate also does. That's why Japan has a declining population.

Once every country is as prosperous as Japan is today, the overall human population will decline. Eventually our technology will make it so even the worst-governed shithole in Africa will have this level of prosperity.

Therefore, the problem of overpopulation is only temporary.

>> No.7977188

Uninhabited should be changed uninhabitable in all those cases to be honest family

>> No.7977212
File: 124 KB, 1024x1347, 1417662564791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: retards who think empty space = room for population growth

>> No.7977228

>a retard distribution crisis
Retards are just one type of resource. What you have is a fully generalized resource distribution crisis.
Yes, that's the mother of all resource distribution crises.

>> No.7977284

They should rephrase it as

Child Birth is directly Correlated with Poverty.

>> No.7977580
File: 91 KB, 700x467, tmp_10375-PIA17601_ip242318297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mars has a more hostile environment than antarctica. Its cold as fuck there. It also doesnt have a strong enough magnetic field to repel radiation so the radiation on the surface is very high. I dont want to live there.

>> No.7977583

>radiation on the surface is very high

wear sunblock

>> No.7977585

A few years ago I saw somebody argue that the world isnt overpopulated because every human in the world could fit inside Rhode Island. WTF is that supposed to prove?

>> No.7977606

That won't be the case in the coming decades, when the ice melts due to global warming.

In fact Canada, Greenland and parts of Antarctica will be the most bearable places to live on Earth. When everywhere else is boiling hot and wrought with drought.

>> No.7977612

A lot of farm land is only suitable for grazing.

Factory feedlots are pretty fucked tho.

>> No.7977618

>radiation on the surface is very high
can be solved without too much bother by building bases underground or using slabs of rock/regolith as cladding on buildings. major exposures would then be from actually going out on the surface (solution: mechanize as much of that work as possible) and during the voyage (solution: probably none with today's tech, ur fucked m8).

>> No.7977621

Meat will be grown in labs. And farming will become vertical on supermassive skyscrapers.

>> No.7977622

nah we just need another big war or two, kill off some damn shitskins

I so want to work in the fucking arctic on a reasearch vessel, that way when shit truely hits the fan ill be living happily and warm eating fish and penguins in my anartic igloo

even if WWIII does happen Nobody is going to nuke Antarctica because why the fuck would someone? there is literally nothing there to nuke. just a few research bases, that's it.

>> No.7977625

I know a lot of you basement dwellers would do just fine living on a planet where you literally can never step outside and have a breath of fresh air. But personally that sounds like hell to me. You would literally be confined to living indoors or being in a space suit for the entire time you are on Mars.

>INB4 terraforming

That would take thousands of years.

Personally I'm a fan of just taking care of Earth and people not having 7 fucking kids.

>> No.7977631

You could say the same thing about Madagascar only you could be living in a beautiful tropic zone. I imagine Madagascar would be totally untouched by a nuclear war. You would just have to worry about fallout and nuclear winter.

At least in Antarctica you are already covered for the nuclear winter part.

>> No.7977633

Despite what the mass media propaganda is shoving down your throat the ice in Antarcitca is actually increasing.

"According to the new analysis of satellite data, the Antarctic ice sheet showed a net gain of 112 billion tons of ice a year from 1992 to 2001. That net gain slowed to 82 billion tons of ice per year between 2003 and 2008."


>> No.7977636

The cold isn't actually much of a problem - the air is too thin to conduct much heat. Plus insulation and heating are (relatively) easy problems.

The radiation on Mars is fucking awful though. Any kind of long-term settlement would probably have to be built underground.

That's not going to happen for a long-ass time.
Also, global warming is actually causing a net decrease in arable land area.

>nah we just need another big war or two, kill off some damn shitskins
What a fantastic idea. I'm sure the benefits of that endeavor will be distributed equitably.

>I so want to work in the fucking arctic on a reasearch vessel, that way when shit truely hits the fan ill be living happily and warm eating fish and penguins in my anartic igloo
You might be self-sufficient for an entire year.
After than, you're fucked.

>even if WWIII does happen Nobody is going to nuke Antarctica because why the fuck would someone? there is literally nothing there to nuke. just a few research bases, that's it.
Antarctic bases are entirely dependent on imports for food, power, supplies, and basically everything else. If WWIII breaks out, those bases will either be evaluated or completely fucked.

Seriously, long-term planning. It's a good thing.

>You would just have to worry about fallout and nuclear winter.
And food. And fuel. And spare parts for all your equipment. And medical supplies.

>> No.7977637

Mars also doesnt have a FUCKING ATMOSPHERE..well at-least a breathable one.

Mars also doesent have the following
>any kind of life at all (cant hunt or eat anything there)
>does not have much gravity, yeah its got like .33g but hell thats still major bone loss damage.

a mars colony is FAR in the future, underground would be more feasable, but keeping the colony pressure tight will be a major issue.

>> No.7977638

It's only temporary.

>> No.7977641

Ice is frozen water, so where do you think all that water came from, and how? Here's a hint: evaporation is driven by heat.

>> No.7977643
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well food you could live off fish, and birds/ other stuff

fuel you could just convert the bases to solar since sun never sets this would actualy be pretty good.

>medical supplies
I'll give you that one , thatll be hard to come by, so long as no major injuries will be fine

as for vegetation, some bases have greenhouses, living spaces could be converted into greenhouses as well

>> No.7977648

just because there's physical space available on earth does not mean it's inhabitable

the expeditionary stations in antarctica are, for example, no where even close to generating their own subsistence. now, that doesn't mean any community on earth is actually self-sufficient, we're literally all in a single giant global economy, but we have to have the means to *demand* things from one another because we haven't figured out how to share yet. that said, people in the wilderness without the means to offer value to the outside world completely lack the means to demand subsistence or the means of their subsistence be brought to them

which is why northern canada is never going to appreciably be colonized in relation to southern canada, or why death fucking valley in the US isn't going to have a bustling metropolis

regardless, i'm not making an overpopulation argument. we're not overpopulated, we just need to figure out how to approach a stable population ceiling peacefully with one another, and figure out how to share, and how to produce without releasing devastating amounts of greenhouse gases. we need to reach an equilibrium or we're fuckin toast

>> No.7977651
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Also WWZ is so bullshit when it comes to living on the ISS.

If WWIII happened the movie gravity would become an actuality from kessler syndrome caused by all the satellites being shot down
nobody can live in LEO for long without a ground tracking crew adjusting satellites from colliding into each other

>> No.7977654

Is bone loss even an issue if you don't plan on coming back to Earth? Your bones would be strong enough to deal with the stress they experience. The entire reason they atrophy in low gravity is because they aren't under stress right?

>> No.7977656

>Also, global warming is actually causing a net decrease in arable land area.
Yeah I know.

Canada and Russia will be the food sources of the world. When their ice melts, they'll be loaded with arable land.

>> No.7977659

>Convert the bases to solar since sun never sets
What about the other half of the year when the sun never rises?

>> No.7977661
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maybe, IDK why someone would want to live on mars though. The more i think about space exploration, the more I appreciate the planet we are currently on.

Seriously Lets NOT fuck this one up, it is LITERALLY our only home.

>> No.7977663

but many of the good shit we get comes from getting it at the expense of other.

>> No.7977664
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Fuck I forgot about the fact earth has an axial tilt. keep thinking about poles having unlimited power source because of the moon having poles always in daylight

>> No.7977665

It's worse than tundra. Tundra at least has Eriophorum and Rubus and Empetrum and shit.
Antarctica just has a few mosses and lichens.

>> No.7977670

>no internet

the arctics got internet m8 you just cant use skype because of bandwith

as for food they do have greenhouses

>> No.7977672

Greenhouses are still difficult to run in the Arctic due to energy consumption and the lack of a strong day-night cycle for most of the year.

>> No.7977678


I swear to shit antarticas got to get a nuclear reactor again
It is literally the only place on earth where a nuclear reactor would be safe from Natural disasters.

Even if it did have a core meltthrough worst case scenario, it would be encased in ice and ice water from all the snow and ice

>> No.7977684

this is true, but only if you're the beneficiary of the exploitation taking place

we try to mitigate these relationships by placing checks on them and keeping value circulating. people exploited at work, surplus goes to property owners and managers, some of that surplus is taken and recirculated to people who can't labor or afford things for everyone

it sounds good, but the thing is demonstrably fucking awful. it would be more fun if we could figure out a different way to live with each other that didn't hinge on constantly fucking over everyone, but we probably won't figure it out, and it'll mean the end of humankind

>> No.7977689

To be honest, for the cost it would take to move any respectable number of humans to Antarctica and build facilities capable of supporting them, you may as well just kick back even a fraction of that money into agriculture and incentives for people to move out of cities and practice sustenance agriculture.

>> No.7977691

>ice and ice water from all the snow and ice

the nuclear material would literally melt through to the ocean floor and irradiate large amount of water

i'm down for fusion if we figure it out, but Chernobyl and fukushima should have taught us by now that there's nothing we can do to make fission safe enough to avoid disasters like these

>> No.7977695
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Me personally I think Antarctica should be a humanity backup drive

Screw musk's city on mars A self sustaining city in Antarctica would be 100 times cheaper and easier.

>> No.7977699

Exactly. I don't think most people understand what a precious jewel Earth really is. You would have to travel many many light years to find anything like it.

>> No.7977700

truer words have never been said anon, so true.

>> No.7977742

>A self sustaining city in Antarctica would be 100 times cheaper and easier.

It would at least be a good practice run for a Mars colony. If we can't produce a self sustaining station in Antarctica we sure as fuck can't do it on Mars. And at least the people in Antarctica could simply abort their mission and return home with ease if things go wrong.

>> No.7977754

We are literally one disaster away from extinction
>oceanic methane, rising water levels
We must evolve to survive
>larger population pool for mutations to cultivate
There is so much wrong with this supposed 'population crisis' it's hard to know where to start. Protip: there isn't.

>> No.7977767

>cites oceanic methane, rising water levels as a threat to humanity
>thinks more people is the solution

You realize that global warming is causing more methane to be released right? And the methane is in turn causing more warming. Some worry it could reach a runaway scenario.


You realize that viruses naturally spread most efficiently in dense populations right?

2/5 of the major threats to humanity you cite are exacerbated by higher populations.

>> No.7977769

>thinks more people is the solution
Nobody said that. Let's try to avoid bullshit false dichotomies here. Try to make your false dichotomies exist in something that vaguely resembles a vector space somehow.

>> No.7977777

You literally said that a larger population gives a larger pool for mutations. You literally argued that larger population is a plus. Now you claim that nobody said a larger population is the solution.


>> No.7977779

You're a dumbumby, anon. I'm sorry.

>> No.7977810

quints are no guarantee of success apparently
it's two different people, genius

>> No.7977811

I'm not that anon, anon.

>> No.7977815

I think a lot of the optimism is based on the incorrect assumption that the current rate of resource harvesting is at sustainable levels and has no cumulative negative impact on anything. In reality, we are fucked. Waiting for random, unpredictable technological breakthroughs to magically fix everything is insufficient and probably irrelevant at this point.

>> No.7977822

>implying rising population doesn't mean greater chance for technological development to get away from methane production. It doesn't follow that more people = proportional methane release

We need larger populations to increase our chances of heading out into space, to avoid extinction level events. The most likely imminent extinction level virus event would be a manmade one. You have to weigh the possibility of having it spread, simply killing the excess population anyway, against increasing the odds of leaving Earth and evading all extinction case scenarios. I know which one I'd choose. So does nature. You are just an armchair philosopher whose opinion means diddly.

>> No.7977823

Nothing is the developed world and India and China use way more resources and carbon emissions then countries outside that group.

Cutting the world pop won't do shit if people still over consume.

>> No.7977824

Luckily there's an entire economy out there working literally every day to clean up after the messes we sometimes make. Somehow, there are still people that do things without technology.

>> No.7977825

>You are just an armchair philosopher whose opinion means diddly.

So are you, fuckface.

I think improving education standards is a much better bet for improving the rate of scientific advancement than just increasing the population.

>> No.7977827

Education produces educated people, not geniuses. Natural selection does that.

>> No.7977834

Better to rely on the former then the latter.

>> No.7977835

Good post doofus

>> No.7977836

>Natural selection does that

Not really. Geniuses don't have a higher chance of reproducing. If anything, they reproduce less. Look at people like Tesla. Lots of the greatest minds were also social outcasts.

Women go for alpha males, not geniuses.

I remember seeing a study that found that couples where both have a PhD have an average of less than one child while couples that both didn't graduate high school have like 4+ kids.

If anything we are de-evolving our brains as a population.

>> No.7977838

5 kcal is like one chip

>> No.7977839

Only if you assume that the world would be far more technologically advanced if population was significantly less. Which is absurd, ya dingo.

>> No.7977840
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>overpopulation is determined by the amount of space humans take up

>> No.7977841

No dumbass I mean. It's better to go for consistent educated folk then luck out with geniuses.

>> No.7977842

Learn to read Drake.

>> No.7977849

but it's not relevant to the post
We are talking real world scenarios, not invented hypotheticals. In the real world, the level of education is very high despite there being a population 'crisis'. Sure, third world education may not be the best, but at least they exist as opposed to otherwise, giving more chances for geniuses to appear on the scene. No harm done and the world continues to spin.

>> No.7977862

Overpopulation is a real issue if you think literally anything other than food and water is important. Those are easy to come by and sustain. Precious metals, the likes of which are used in electronics, for instance, are not.

>> No.7977875

>easy to come by and sustain
Not really? Read a book or something.

>> No.7977878

And most developing countries don't even match the levels of developed ones in consuming precious metals.

The ones we do get we get most from nations we intentionally setback and hinder so we can get the goods at low low prices. We basically condemn the abusive practices in one moment the support it in the next.

>> No.7977884

Water shortages are a meme that only prevails in poor shitholes. Technology exists to have as much pure water as you want, it's sustainable.

You're right, all I'm saying is there's not going to be iphones for 20 billion people. Or MRI machines, or anything. If the poor countries today used these resources as much as western society does, we'd basically be out of them already.

Now whether you think that matters is up to you, but I think humanity should keep itself in the low hundreds of millions. This overpopulation thing is retarded in every way.

>> No.7977886

YES! Finally someone says it, why eat plants when we can eat snow?

>> No.7977887

He's right. We have literal oceans full of water. Ice caps full of water. Mountains covered in snow.

>> No.7977892

No really, read. Please.

>> No.7977903

Low hundreds of millions of batshit retarded that's like Americas population spears world wide and still retaining current qol? On top of that how would we even reach that.?

>> No.7977904

Stop. Just stop. Until you have some kind of qualification in the field of economics, it is entirely disingenuous for you to tell other people to read up on anything, let alone overpopulation or even water desalination. The market already handles most of our immediately pressing problems. NEET culture is your best bet for shaping the future.

>> No.7977906

oh and god forbid we ever create water by combining hydrogen+oxygen gas
that's never been done before, right?

>> No.7977908

>The market already handles most of our immediately pressing problems.
'The market' creates the same problems it has to solve, though.

>> No.7977912

>creates the same problems it has to solve
No, it doesn't. Not on a business-by-business scale and not on a global scale. People existing is not a PROBLEM, it's a TERMINAL VALUE. There is a massive difference between the two that you'll have to learn to appreciate if you want to have a conversation about economy.

>> No.7977952

If it was population distribution then yeah easily solved. But it's not, it's resource/energy consumption, biodiversity loss, and pollution that are the problems with overpopulation. It doesn't matter how evenly you spread 7 billion people we still have these issues.

>> No.7977954

Why not tackle both? Less people also consuming less is what we should be trying to achieve

>> No.7977955


>> No.7977968

How about the lack of a fucking magnetosphere as well. . . .

>> No.7977981

Can barely read your post, moran.

Sustaining the current qol with low populations is easy given incoming massive robotization.

>On top of that how would we even reach that.?
Stop breeding. I did mention that overpopulation is retarded, that's because it comes from retardation. And the people having the most children are the most retarded ones who you're never going to get to go along with this.

Which means overpopulation is going to keep happening, and it will only get worse until some cataclysmic event. One can only hope they're lucky enough not to be born in some third world shithole while there's still resources to funnel to the first world.

>> No.7977990
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It's Africa and Asia which are over-populated.

>> No.7978047

Central / western Europe has a pretty high population density and has to import energy.

>> No.7978581

How would you reduce the world pop to the low hundred millions?

>> No.7979438

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""overpopulation crisis"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
>literally only the land is populated
>71% of earths surface is ocean
wew lad we do not have a crisis here

>> No.7979523


This is true but with the exceptions of India, China and Russia the amount of resources the average person utilizes is way lower than other countries.

You could probably include Isreal, South Africa, South Korea and Nigeria but I'm not exactly sure how big their resource consumption foot print is compared to places like China, Russia or especially America.

>> No.7979528

Everything in all the oceans is over fished.

Fish at fast food places is now called "alaska whitefish". Which can be one of four species of fish. Which one? it's a surprise.

We eat Tilapia now. Tilapia is a garbage fish, a bottom feeder.

>> No.7979704

Years ago I remember seeing a study that showed if you divide the ocean up into a 20 mile by 20 mile grid like a checkerboard and only allow fishing in every other sector the fish numbers radically improve. It give the fish safe areas where they can reproduce and grow. They overflow into the fishing zones and everybody wins. Fishing yields were improved. But after the study all the fishermen were like fuck that, too much hassle.

They would literally rather fish themselves out of a job than adhere to rules that improve yields for everybody.

It reminds me of the famous psychology experiment where you put 10 people in isolated rooms and give them a red button to push. If they push the button they are guaranteed $100. But if they don't push the button and nobody else pushes the button then everybody wins $1000. But if any one person touches the button then nobody gets the $1000 and if you didn't push the button you get nothing.

Almost everybody pushes the button because they assume everybody else will push the button. Humans are stupid. We would rather fuck everybody else over and get a little something for ourselves than work together and get more for everybody including ourselves.

>> No.7979783

Fishing is subsidized & encouraged, people fish in foreign waters ignoring catch limits, etc
These fishers just want to fish until they don't have jobs anymore, then they can live on welfare.

>> No.7980125

Thank you doofus

>> No.7980126

>wasted food, especially in the US
USA = 6% of world population

>> No.7980129

>I represent the world population
No, you do not, fatty.

>> No.7980130

>missing his point
The US also takes in a shit load of imports, and th4 wasted food is also detrimental to everybody except farmers because it's a waste of money. Eating it would make the economy more efficient or it could be exported

>> No.7980136

>Without meat we'd be morons
you eat meat, and yet ...

>> No.7980145
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>Women go for alpha males, not geniuses.

>> No.7980146

>US also takes in a shit load of imports
still only 6% of world population

>> No.7980149

>t-the reason I can't get laid is because of my giant intellect

>> No.7980153

Eugenics on a mass scale.

Me pointing out an optimal point does not mean I have, or have to have, a solution to how to get there. I'm of the opinion that overpopulation is something we're going to have to live with until some calamity happens.

>> No.7980154

>thinking that overpopulation only means we can't fit all the humans on land

Let me introduce you to a term called "finite resources". Unfortunately OP is the republican voting base.

>> No.7980232

Lrn2women fgt pls

>> No.7980248

>Lrn2women fgt pls
No u.

>> No.7980249

Lel women are barely even different from men, they're just people, you talk to them naturally pretty much the same way you would with a guy, there's nothing to "learn"

Stay permavirgin though

>> No.7980257
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>> No.7980444

r o f l

>> No.7980524

There is a two-word explanation to fix this problem: Biannual abortions

>> No.7980541

It always surprises me people in the real world actually object to abortions. There's no evidence it's alive at abortable stages and it's better for all involved

Some even want to punish women who get it done, like trump

>> No.7980551

Life objectively begins the moment two gametes merge, kiddo. A zygote fulfills all accepted definitions of life.

If you support birth control abortion, you are saying you support feminist ideals about slut culture ahead of the right to exist.

>> No.7980574

lol this guy thinks a zygote has what makes a human a human, conscience. The ability to object, subjective thought, rationality, etc. Ha ha. This guy.

>> No.7980602

So does a sperm cell.

>> No.7980623

>>>7980541 (You)
>A zygote fulfills all accepted definitions of life.
Citation very much needed

>If you support birth control abortion, you are saying you support feminist ideals
>if you support x, you support undesirable barely related y

>> No.7980626

Probably a schizo

>> No.7980656
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your analogy is projecting how diseased your ability for rationalizing is. leave the basement and verbally express your post to the first human you see and you will again be confronted with how unwell you are.

>> No.7980670

thank you for mentioning the radiation. it really gets me irritated reading article after article about martian exploration and everyone leaves out the challange of radiation. i hypothesize spaceX or whoever is considering going to mars realizes the radiation makes the whole enterprise unlikely.

>> No.7980707
File: 34 KB, 158x183, biggest cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People produce children as alternative of pensions, and not because they love and want children.

>> No.7980717

>believing in freudian psychoanalysis


>> No.7980720

They only want children to bear their curse so they can escape their fate by passing it to the next generation

That's why parents abuse their children so often

>> No.7980740

Anon, that's at best why your parents abused you. Parents have to pay a shitton for their kids, only in a few non-third world countries does this even remotely go the other way around. Besides, if people are so cynical, wouldn't the kids just run?

>> No.7980782

This. A thousand fucking times this.

>I think we should take greater care with the environment
>"Ooooh, I didn't know you were an activist, anon."

No, your fucking wannabe, I'm not a tree-fucker like you. I just don't wanna live in a Mad-Max scenario.

>> No.7980816

The beauty of it is that it'll happen regardless of whether anyone actively tries to achieve it.

There are so many factors to consider that you don't even need all of them to occur to disturb, paralyze and destroy modern civilisation and cause early or unnatural deaths of hundreds of millions of people.

>> No.7980873

Our problems of overpopulation aren't related to space, they are related to resources required to sustain the modern life.