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7976687 No.7976687 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any actual Physicists on /sci/?

If so, How did you get there and what do you do on a daily basis.

>> No.7976693

i work at starbucks

>> No.7976695

I was an actual physicist (in the sense I worked in "the industry"). I can't actually tell you what I did, it's classified, but I can tell you it was with nuclear weapons and radiation detection.

>> No.7976715

Yes, I go on kooky adventures.

>> No.7976788

I don't believe you for a fat minute

>> No.7976809

Yep. Went to MIT. Theoretical physics. To be honest, not a day goes by that I don't regret going into this field. It was okay to start with, but these days? My employer doesn't exist anymore. I haven't gotten paid in years. I feel like I'm down to basic survival mode. And a lot of people have suffered as a direct result of my work.

I wish I never set foot in Black Mesa.

>> No.7976814

Yes, I'm in my second semester of undergrad Physics, studying advanced triple integrals over physical fields

>> No.7976817
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>> No.7976819

I am a condensed matter theorist. I mostly work on whatever I find interesting, creating toy models of various experiments done in the department, and trying to catch up/keep up on the literature. As for how I got here, I would say that a good bit of it is genuinely finding research to be the most interesting things to do.

>> No.7976823

thanks for the gif man

>> No.7976842
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>> No.7976852

Okay. My job title was "Radiation detection specialist" I worked for the AWE at Aldermaston. In the end it makes no difference to my life if you don't believe me, but I thought I'd share anyway.

>> No.7976889
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I don't believe you for a skinny minute.

Post gov doc's, and then I'll believe

>> No.7976898

>tfw seeing inertia tensor in my mechanics class
I can't stop thinking about the meme.

>> No.7976931

Not that guy but do you really think he's going to have some errant bit of document just laying around? Shit I'm an engineer and did some government contract work that would be objectively less sensitive than nuclear weapons and even then I wasn't allowed to take anything electronic on site or off take ANYTHING off site. I can only imagine that working with nukes would be (somehow) stricter.

>> No.7976933

I'm in the middle of a bachelors in physics, so no I'm not a physicist. I got here by going to community college first. I poop every day.

>> No.7976969

Worked as an actual physicist in the sense that I got a PhD and did a postdoc, which allowed me to stay in the country. Now I'm data science consultant which is pretty sweet.
Get money.

>> No.7976988

>Now I'm data science consultant which is pretty sweet

I'm in undergrad now and I kind of have the vague idea of your career path in mind. How did you get into data science after your academic stuff?

>> No.7977025

One year from getting master's degree in physics. I've also been working as a research assistant during summers. Only thing I've been thinking about is how do I avoid the miserable career path that is research. What other options do I even have? I have already lost almost all interest in physics and the only thing I care about at this point is how to make the most money in as little time as possible.

>> No.7977102

write self-help metaphysics books, the masses eat that shit up and you're not as accountable for what you publish like in research

>> No.7977110

That's exactly what you deserve for falling for the "pure" physics meme. If you don't want to do research, enjoy your mcjob.

>> No.7977152

I doubt the books would sell well enough. Accountability never was a problem. Research is just fucking boring and the salary is garbage. Literally a meme job.

I actually fell for this piece of shit field on my own (being the naïve dumbass that I was a few years back) without getting memed on. It's probably the worst decision anyone can do in life. Dealing drugs seems like a better option. Lost in the life decision lottery.

>> No.7977374

Find yourself a girl with a compsci degree and marry her. She'll make the cash for the family.

Or stop being stupid and apply for compsci jobs.

>> No.7977402

If you got a good GPA, apply to investment banks and work as a quant. You will make a shit ton of money.

>> No.7977535

No matter what is posted, even if you drive to his workplace, you will still not believe. Not really sure why though. Physicists are a dime a dozen.

>> No.7977543
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You sound severely autistic.

>> No.7977554
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>I mostly work on whatever I find interesting, creating toy models of various experiments done in the department, and trying to catch up/keep up on the literature.

This. We choose to be paid to speculate and turn our speculations into deductions.

>> No.7977891


>> No.7977962

I'm 109% you're an intern