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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7971062 No.7971062[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw no STEM gf

What are STEM girls like?

>> No.7971065

Depends if you consider nursing to be STEM. :^)

>> No.7971071

Are M.D.s technically considered STEM?

>> No.7971072

Certainly not like this

>> No.7971075

not liek the other girls ;^}

>> No.7971078

>capable of getting a girl by faking interpersonal skills
>don't want the hassle of sustaining the illusion

i just want to tickle kurisu in VR mang.

>> No.7971080

>ridiculously hot girl in mathematics
>>mathematical finance

>> No.7971083


>> No.7971084

/pol is always right xddd1!

>> No.7971089

just have kurisu as your waifu lol

>> No.7971100
File: 272 KB, 1200x1785, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And take away the girl Okabe suffered immeasurable pain for? I'm not that cruel.

>> No.7971103 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 285x276, Suicide Spoiler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overall perfect except
[/spoiler]They go out with your only other friend instead of you[spoiler]

>> No.7971107
File: 65 KB, 285x276, Suicide Spoiler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overall perfect except
They go out with your only other friend instead of you

>> No.7971114

Eyyy I'm in the same boat
>ridiculously hot Jewish chem/physics girl

They truly are God's chosen people

>> No.7971117

Well, you can fix the whole situation, sort of, by taking Mayuri and teaching her how to botony.

>> No.7971144


>> No.7971145

It really seems like they're all crazy from my experience. I wouldn't recommend it.

Almost all of the female physics majors at my uni were hot belly dancers.

They're also horrifically crazy.

also keep in mind that girls who have changed their major more than three times are a red flag.

>> No.7971146
File: 365 KB, 500x275, 1439001553614.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a scene where she is his Valkyrie
>tfw never ever

>> No.7971166

>stem gf
>same class
>she looked up all the answers to the homeworks on the internet
>"i dunno why you spend so much time doing homework anon"
>does terrible on exam

Freak in bed tho.

>> No.7971169

Nursing no, medicine (MD, DO, PA, etc) yes.

>> No.7971170


Every single girl still in my math program after year 3 was Chinese

pretty small school though

>> No.7971211

How's this work?

>> No.7971221

The image? It has a different image just in the pixels which 4chan uses to generate the thumbnail.

>> No.7971225

Fucking crazy. Go for business girls.

>> No.7971228


>> No.7971241

>all of the female physics majors at my uni
So, you mean all two of them? Great sample size you have there, anon.

>> No.7971252

Don't worry, anon. She'll end up with better job offers than you in spite of it. Gotta love diversity hiring initiatives in STEM. Maybe then she can buy you all the anime figurines you're unable to buy yourself. One can dream...

>> No.7971260

As a girl in biomedical engineering, STEM girls are like other girls but more awkward. Also they've probably been hit on by more unattractive guys more b/c they're friendly towards them.

>> No.7971266

I give my bf the answers...he already has a job in navy though when he graduates, so he doesn't need to study I guess? eh

>> No.7971269
File: 1.97 MB, 1600x1600, cuute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kurisu is not a realistic expectation, vanquish the thought

>> No.7971296
File: 430 KB, 1276x1432, [Anime-Koi] Sabagebu! OVA SPECIAL MISSION 3 [BD][h264-720p][022E6A92].mkv_snapshot_07.43_[2015.07.04_16.14.00].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're autistic. Beta orbiters basically laugh at all of her shitty jokes and that makes her think that she's charming or personable.
They're a fucking chore to be around.

>> No.7971327
File: 2.64 MB, 1280x720, CpgpaMO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stem """""girls"""""
The only fem looking people you will find in stem are traps...not that it's a bad thing

>> No.7971336

If only that were true

>> No.7971338

You will find some cute ones who seem actually interested in the subject. I have found about 2, but one seems obnoxious. 3rd semester though so don't believe me.

>> No.7971339

Short, flat, autistic