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7966580 No.7966580 [Reply] [Original]

Name a field that uses tensor calculus that is not physics or engineering
>protip you cant

>> No.7966582


>> No.7966589
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>> No.7966592


>> No.7966594

machine learning

>> No.7966598


>> No.7966600


>> No.7966603

Political Science

>> No.7966607

A tensor is essential to the sigma algebras and comes into play in the more analysis and measure theory-composed sides of theoretical actuarial science (in Statistics).

Machines are built of tensors and it's the foundation of machine learning. Very important.

>> No.7966612


>> No.7966613

Neural network

>> No.7966619

Michelle Fields

>> No.7966621

A tensor is, informally speaking, any array with more than 1 dimension, or possibly more than 2.

Training datasets for image recognition may easily be 4-dimensional: One index for every training example, one for pixel x-coordinate, one for pixel y-coordinate, and one for (r,g,b) values. Or consider the three-dimensional array of weight matrices for a multilayer neural network.

This is why Google's recent machine-leaning library is called TensorFlow, because a good chunk of machine learning is performing operations on bigass tensors and shuttling them around.

>> No.7966622

linear algebra != tensor

>> No.7966624
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>> No.7966626

how are tensors essential for sigma algebras in any way?

>> No.7966630

tensor is just an extension of linear algebra seriously if you think tensor is some rocket science you should kill yourself.
and in neural network you will find that they use 4 dimensional objects. if you think that is not tensor you should kill urself topkek

>> No.7966633

you really sound like you don't know shit

>> No.7966635

show your shit, alright?

>> No.7966638

They're ESSENTIAL to sociological modeling.

Also linguistic analysis.

>> No.7966639
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>tensor is just an extension of linear algebra
literately shoe strings over here

>> No.7966641

East Asian Studies relies on it.

All math is Chinese.

>> No.7966645

>I didn't pass linear algebra
How's grad school you newfag?

>> No.7966646

how is it passing linear algebra and never taking tensor calculus?

>> No.7966647

if you don't have any meaningful things to say fuck off

>> No.7966650

>tensor is just an extension of linear algebra
many things are "just extensions of linear algebra", you dumb shit. it doesn't say anything.


>> No.7966651

I fucking invented knot theory you pleb.

Also OP:

Knot Theory.

>> No.7966654

I independently assessed that about you. I did not say anything about "extensions of linear algebra" you got that from the other guy's posts.

Multiple people here hate you and you are replying to the wrong person.

Kill yourself.

For the OP:

Basically just applied tensor calculus. It's central to the field.

>> No.7966655
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>Knot Theory

>> No.7966665

Tensor Biology

>> No.7966669

I'm not the guy you said that to either, genius.

>> No.7966670

Oh. Good job then.

>> No.7966674

Maximum likelihood estimation for the covariance matrix of a multivariate gaussian

>> No.7966675

Tensor Geology.

It's a kind of rock analysis advanced form. Gaussian.

>> No.7966677

diffusion tensor imaging, for imaging the brain, you fucking mong

>> No.7966688

see >>7966589

>> No.7966721

Mongolian Throat Singing is actually all about tensor calculus when you get right down to it.

I'll give an example.
Suppose tensor calculus does not exist.
Then what is Mongolian Throat Singing?

>> No.7966816

OP got BTFO and no one bats an eye

>> No.7966891

Algebraic complexity

>> No.7966928
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>thinks numpy's ndarray along with some fancy products = tensor calculus

>> No.7967346

Folklore and Peruvian Literature.

>> No.7967423
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I don't know. I was always bad at math in school. I liked history though. I am from r9k just stopping in. What u guys up to tonight?

>> No.7967437

We're discussing how tensor calculus is essential to bolivian folk music.

OP doesn't realize how many applications there are to this wonderful field.

>> No.7967477


what about calculus of tensor (veli palatini) for cosmetic surgery OP ?

>> No.7968062
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>> No.7968083

I meant Bolveshit

>> No.7968089

> name a field that uses x that is not any of the fields that uses x