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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 513 KB, 536x635, ChemisryIsShitMemorizationClass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7965798 No.7965798 [Reply] [Original]

I got my test back and received this grade. I got marked off six points because I did not know definitions and terms. I feel that after two test, Chemistry 101 is nothing more than a memorization class at the level of a History class. To the chemistry majors out there, why did you pick Chemistry as a major? I know that I am barely in a Chemistry 101 class, so maybe there is actual learning in farther classes. Though, my major of computer engineering only needs Chemistry 101, so I will not see those classes.

>> No.7965802

Because the world needs chemists.
Bear with it, as it should get more hands on.

>> No.7965803

I'm happy for you, my chemistry 101 was pure cancer and there is no way you could plug and chug through it, you actually had to know what was happening.
I barely passed

>> No.7965805

Kek senpai my linear algebra tests had like 30% of credit from definitions.

If you don't know the lingo you can't participate in the world of the class.

>> No.7965807

chem is fun after you learn/ memorize all the basic shit. chem 101 is going to be all memorizing since theres a lot of fundamentals that you need to get at first like naming conventions.

>> No.7965808

/sci/ isn't the place to complain about your shitty grade. If you have a problem with how you did, don't blame it on the course. It's probably your fault. Memorization is a valuable skill and is valued highly in the workplace.

>> No.7965823


I'm not complaining about my grade. I'm fine with the grade, but I prefer losing points because I did a word problem wrong and used the wrong equation or method. I just dislike fill in the blank definitions.

>If you don't know the lingo you can't participate in the world of the class.

I prefer knowing when to apply an equation on a problem to solve it rather than knowing a definition from the back of the book.

>> No.7965837

>I'm fine with the grade

Confirmed for maximal pleb.

>> No.7965839

This board would be a lot better if undergrads weren't allowed to post here.

>> No.7965840

Let's put it this way
If you don't know the lingo then how are you going to function in a work environment where you have to communicate to he people you work with what you're doing or what should be done? Just showing them your papers and calculations isn't enough for most people in the real world, friend.

>> No.7965851

Should've taken it as a summer course. Chem is suppose to be a fuckton of time consumption, because you go over a fuckton of material.
The course doesn't exist as a fluff credit. It's not suppose to be an easy A. In fact, I'd say getting an A in it is quite hard. There's a lot of room for your teacher to tick off points from the dinky little lab reports and projects.

>> No.7965878

learning the language of the subject is important for you to be able to communicate about the subject

you think you're a genius who will solve all problems or some shit but you're not gonna be doing anything remotely original until at least you master's thesis

just suck it up and learn the terms and definitions

>> No.7965886

Why are you complaining you fucking nigger?

>> No.7965901

Confirmed for being an American.

>> No.7965911

>I got marked off six points because I did not know definitions and terms.

What were the other 16 points, arithmetic errors? Holy shit you're dumb.

>Computer engineering major

Nevermind. Confirmed for idiot.

>> No.7965918

The reason you don't remember the terms is because you don't understand them. If you understood everything in great detail you wouldn't fucking forget what it was even called.

>> No.7965925


The other 16 marks was because I didn't memorised the kinetic theory you dumb motherfucker

>> No.7965928


>didn't study an entire large chunk of what was being tested

Maybe you should take a break from 4chan, dude.

>> No.7965934

Actually, the reason why I didn't remember the terms is because I didn't study them. I was more focused on how to solve word problems and how to solve them.


I got confused on a word problem and did it entirely wrong. Missed 12 points.

>> No.7965936

I'm not sure I understand your viewpoint. Or rather, I think I understand it, but I don't understand why someone would hold this viewpoint as an adult.

You're butthurt because this class requires you to actually internalize theoretical concepts, and you think that the only thing that is impressive is solving logic puzzles (which there are a lot of in higher level chemistry)? You realize that classes don't just gauge your intelligence, right? They make you do work to see if you can competently learn and do assignments. When you apply for a job, they don't ask you 'what's your IQ?' they look at your performance record to determine whether you possess work ethic.

>> No.7965937

*10 points

>> No.7965951

I study at ICL. What's your point?

>> No.7965956


shut you fuck moron

>> No.7965962
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>mfw a mediocre undergrad from a 2nd rate Uni called me a moron

You're a fucking teenager dude. Your sense of superiority is pretty much entirely due to developing brain architecture and hormones (it certainly doesn't come from any accomplishments, because at your age you have no substantial career).

>> No.7965981
File: 67 KB, 532x398, I would really prefer it if you would stop shit posting now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hated kids like you during my undergraduate. They would go on and on belittling other "lesser" majors since they had to "memorize" what was taught to them. They would then go on to barely pass an exam, that was open book, because they couldn't be bothered to learn beyond plug-n-chug solutions to problems. It isn't memorization when you actually need to learn the material. Complaining that you have to "memorize" something like the stages of mitosis or the events of the Cuban missile crisis is like complaining about memorizing the equation for the Reynold's number, the ideal gas law, or knowing what a motherboard is. It is fundamental to learning the subject matter. Without learning it to the point of it being second nature to you (i.e. memorizing it) you can't do any meaningful work or analysis of a problem (my second biggest annoyance during undergrad were kids who complained about "new problems" on tests which were simple "apply what you know" kind of problems).

>> No.7966009


I hope you realize that guy isn't OP.

>> No.7966028
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>> No.7966041


Meh, Chemistry probably just isn't in your interest, so you're going through the motions. Just pass the class and get it over with like any other GE class. Just try to get experience during the labs and working with people because that's what you need to get out of the chemistry class since that's what you're going to be doing in CompE classes.

>> No.7966046


Funny enough, that was basically me in this Art-101 class that I had to take for GE. Still got an A in that class and learned absolutely nothing. Wow, that was a waste of time.

>> No.7966098

>Chemistry 101 is nothing more than a memorization class at the level of a History class.
Same with Bio 101

>> No.7966114

Chem 1 is all memorization, yes. And then in Chem 112 you start figuring it all out, and from there you actually need to be able to understand how the chemistry works. Do you read the first page of a book and already assume you know the ending and put it down?

>> No.7966126

Probly bait since ive never seen a chem 101 class

>> No.7966127

They exist at my uni, and it's for nursing majors. It's basically a crash course

>> No.7966129

two words


>> No.7966140
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>stamp collecting

>> No.7966141


>> No.7966158

I actually remembered all of the polyatomic ions that I needed to for that class by making up a complex, nonsense story for it.
>Nick the camel ate a clam supper in phoenix
>one bite had a heron bill, a nut, and a cup of sugar. The bowel had a hippo, with one eye and one leg, painted on its side
10 ions with their formulas and charges. Easy.

>> No.7966161


Pic related. I think I could have had a shot at UCSD, UC Irvine, and maybe Riverside. I didn't bother applying to those schools since the 12k tuition per year would have fucked me over economically. I got accepted to CP Pomona as a provisional admit, though. It may not be a good school, but for an undergraduate degree with 6k tuition, I'm fine with it.

>> No.7966162

At least is not as useless as physics

>> No.7966164
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Forgot pic.

>> No.7966167

Psychology is applied Biology
Sociology is applied Psychology
Political Science is applied Sociology
Law is applied Political Science
Criminal Justice is applied Law

tl;dr police are scientists

>> No.7966170
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>Law is applied Political Science

>> No.7966173

It is; it's the study of applying the principles of a political ideology to make and interpret laws and regulations in a society.

>> No.7966185

Oxford, here. Both of you mongoloids can stop shitting up my fucking board.

>> No.7966187

t. Triggered chemist

Continue being in the shadow of physics and math, you fucking brainlet

>> No.7966222

> Chemistry is nothing more than a memorization class
>the reason why I didn't remember the terms is because I didn't study them

Kid, get off your computer and study. Fucking millennial.

>> No.7966293
File: 2.87 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-03-13-10-11-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>valuable skill
>highly valued in the workplace

>> No.7966310

studyin chemistry
me like it, it is great fun, and not too much memorizing, and not too much knowledge shit like physics

>> No.7966318
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>oxford stem

>> No.7966323

>chem is memorizing
>I should know I just passed a gen chem 101 class guys :^)

>> No.7966396

It's true. That's why if you're gpong into engineering, ypu take 201, not 101.

>> No.7966400

Chemistry is a language. If you don't know the meaning of words, you'll look like an idiot if you try to speak it.

I do Biochem though. Too much maths in straight Chem, and I hate maths.

>> No.7966423

OP, I'm sure you see lots of retardation in this topic and let me assure you that it is common.

Yes, chemistry classes requires a lot of memorisation. With some pathways you can only memorise because there is no intuitive reason why the electrons should go one way and not the other. I will be called a retard but I'm right.

Of course exam design is no reflection of the subject, but I remember the final chemistry exam I had to take (in my second year of university) containing one pathway that I only revised on the day of the test and it was worth 25 % of the test! And this was a british university, not an american one where you take 500 exams per course, each worth 1 % of your grade. It could have potentially been less than 25 % but one of the three big questions (you had to answer 2) was about some really long pathway that I couldn't be bothered to memorise.

No, not all majors are equivalent in terms of the intellectual toolset they give you and the degree of stamp collecting required. Take as many maths courses as you can.

Also big lols at the people on here. There was a famous letter by that CalTech chemistry professor telling his PhD students to work weekends and evenings. CalTech is a university where they make every student from every major take rigorous proof based maths on day 1... and even Caltech's Chemistry grad students are brainless lab monkeys. Think about it.

>> No.7966442

So you remember it for the test and forget it for the rest of your life? How are you even going to know if you have a bad batch of precursors?

>> No.7966538

Sub 4.0/4.0 degenerate.

>> No.7966545

The false sense of humble superiority is just oozing off you.

>> No.7966593

Then there'd be less to shit on.

>> No.7966772
File: 295 KB, 477x429, 1409717294618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Kinetic theory is literally common sense

Fuck, you are the dumb motherfucker.

>> No.7966783

Oh fuck you, my chemistry teacher marked points off almost every problem on my final because I wrote my O for CO2, or H2O too small. Bitch had the fucking nerve to write snarky comments about how Co2 wasn't a molecule.

Fuck that ugly fat cunt. Caused me to get a D and make me retake the class over the summer. On the plus side the summer chem class had a great teacher where I learned much much more than a full semester with that pedantic bitch.

>> No.7966901

Maybe you should have studied more idiot

>> No.7966930

>not a degree for idiots
Chemfags are even worse than engineers.
They even have more females in their ranks, that's how dumb they are.

>> No.7966934

Because knowing how to communicate in the same language as everyone else is an inherent part of any collaborative science. You can make up your own words for everything and just learn the problem-solving techniques, but how does that help you when you have to present your research to people without the aid of the internet?

>> No.7966935

Isn't chemistry 101 all high-school chemistry?

i.e. thermochem, redox, acid/base equilibrium and basic organic?

How do you fuck that up?

>> No.7966948
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>chemistry is nothing more than memorization
>gets an 82

>> No.7966991

The problem isn't with "memorization", it's with memorization of shit that's pretty much entirely arbitrary at the 101 level of chem. This is because chemistry is essentially just applied quantum physics. And no one in chem 101 knows quantum physics. So you're forced to memorize instead of understand.

For example, quantum numbers are basically just memorization at the 101 level, and I can totally understand why you'd think they were bullshit.
But once you learn that they're the eigenvalues for the Schrodinger equation for each electron's wave function, shit makes a lot more sense.

>> No.7967056

how do you learn a new language if not by memorising it?

then again you might be american and all you know is english

>> No.7967057

motivate me /sci/
how dumb am I if I don't get an A in my chemistry paper at uni
its like high school chem because I dropped out of highschool

>> No.7967141
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>having to look formulas and definitions up every hour

>> No.7967147

>and I hate maths
Nigga what are you even doing here

>> No.7967175

The point of learning the basic fundamentals so comprehensively is to enable you to remember and apply them without needing to think about it once you're studying the harder stuff.

i.e pattern recognition you fucking brainlet

>> No.7967191

>Takes first chemstry class in first year of chemistry degree
>Got a mediocre grade
>"Chemistry is bullshit memorization, I am smart but too lazy to memorize, this is beneath me"
How does /sci/ consistently manage to be so full of themselves despite being complete and utter nobodies? This guy can't even get full marks on chem 101 yet blames the exam because he's certainly a genius therefore the exam must have been flawed

>> No.7967199

>knowing a definition from the back of the book.
It's not a trivial detail. Proofs are built entirely on consistent use of specific definitions.

>> No.7967206

>knowing when to apply an equation
Isn't that just memorizing the equation and plugging and chugging?

In Chemistry you need a certain theoretical foundation, so you can predict the way certain things will most likely react without ever having read about it, so you can predict the properties of a certain substance without ever having read about them.

As example:
Without looking it up, which of these two has a higher vapor pressure at NTP?
Cyclohexane or hexane?

This is an extremely simple problem you should be able to solve this with what you learned in Chemistry 101.

>> No.7967266

Pretty fucking dumb, m8. You should consider dropping out.

>> No.7967288

lmao dat wit doe

>> No.7967312

>which of these two has a higher vapor pressure at NTP
>Normal Temperature and Pressure
>which has a higher vapor pressure at normal pressure
trick question, they are the same.

>> No.7967330

Tfw if it's used often enough you will remember it naturally without having to intentionally memorize it. If it's some obscure relationship that you need once in a blue waffle I'd rather look it up and save space in muh brain for valuable intuition

>> No.7967333

It's cause you go to a shit uni that doesn't encourage critical thinking.
>chem 101
>representative of the field of chemistry

>> No.7967340

Is it just me or are there a lot of ICL people here?

>> No.7967421

>trick question
You got me.
How about boiling points?

>> No.7967425

Meant for

>> No.7967597

>He doesn't know the ICL meme

>> No.7967626


There is nothing wrong with a field requiring a lot of memorized rules of thumb as long as it is predictive of what happens and gives useful models.

>> No.7967643
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>caring about grades

>> No.7967656

Please enlighten me.

>> No.7967672

why people shouldn't care about grades in your opinion?

>> No.7967677

ICL is autistic so I wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.7969432


>can never talk academically on the subject
>bad in labs
>no interest in it

Why do you even post this nonsense OP? It's not as if you can dismiss the contribution Chemistry has made over the ages

>> No.7969473

2 more months and I'll be done senpai

>> No.7969495

You should obviously care about grades but not in the autistic way of OP. (post grades in a chinese board).

>> No.7969670

fuck you Ernest

>> No.7969682

Chemistry and physics makes everything we see including biological life

>> No.7969721

And math exams usually have theorem and definition questions.

There is a degree of memorization at the start of any field. You have to learn the language and the formal rules.

>> No.7969737

cyclohexane higher because it is a more solid substance?

>> No.7969741
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How's the job market, guys?

Considering declaring chemistry as my major, but also considering math or mechanical engineering simply for the employment.

>> No.7969749
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Same here. There were no multiple choice, or definition 'gimme' kind of questions. You had to know your stuff and what made it worse was the professor assumed everyone in the course was straight out of AP Chemistry from HS. Whenever the prof asked how many people in the course had AP Chem 95% of the students raised their hands and she said "Good, we can accelerate through the material quicker then."

I was a senior math major that took Chem in HS 5 years ago from that point. I got a D+ and had to have my adviser give me an exception to move on to the next chem class to satisfy my degree requirements. I would have been happy if I ever made an 82 on a chem exam. My grades were all in the 60s.

>> No.7969764

No, Hexane's is higher.

>> No.7969777

I'm not him, but why?

>> No.7969779

Is it a good idea to take Chem 101, even if you've taken AP Chem?

>> No.7969781

The forces that the hexane molecules exert on each other are much higher, due to the higher surface area of the molecule.

Generally speaking, the higher the forces between the individual molecules the higher the boiling point.
Think about metals, for instance.

>> No.7969786


>> No.7969787

>I just dislike fill in the blank definitions.
>I prefer knowing when to apply an equation
Why do you think the world cares what you like and dislike? The purpose of college isn't to let you select which aspects of the field you want to do. News flash -- you're probably even going to have to take some electives that don't have anything to do with Chemistry, whatsoever.

>> No.7969791

Thing is, it's perfectly possible to figure these things out on your own, if you actually think about it.

One more question for you and I'll leave you alone:
Why is Mercury fluid?
You can check the periodic table, if you like, but please don't look up the reason.

You can figure this out based on what I have told you.

>> No.7969795

please look it up, you are wrong.

>> No.7969804


hm.. I actually don't know this.

I know that solid metals' electrons are shared throughout the entirety of the solid fragment. Does Mercury's valence electrons have some sort of configuration that makes this seamless "sharing" of elections impossible?

This is my intuition, anyway.

>> No.7971428

Isn't it due to the higher density of Hg? Also, the lattice structure is merely the electronic property of the metal not its thermodynamic. Since the substance has a smaller diameter, it's density is higher, causing the London forces between the atoms to increase, making it require much higher kinetic energy to be a gas at SATP.

>> No.7971433

>I don't know shit all about orbitals so forget me.

>> No.7971501

>London forces