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File: 47 KB, 534x447, planet-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7961838 No.7961838 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a ninth planet out there?

>Inb4 Pluto

>> No.7961849

There's plenty of planets out there

>> No.7961924

theres probably at least a dozen more substantial dwarf planets in the kuiper belt and maybe many more out in the Oort cloud floating around and perhaps a couple mars or earth sized bodies

its not really surprising
a lot of these bodies have very weak albedo and super long elliptical orbits
makes them hard to spot

>> No.7961968
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>> No.7961986

the earth is a cube not a circle
do you even pay attention to alex jones' lectures?

>> No.7961996
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>> No.7962045

Only a black monolith.

>> No.7962064

inb4 nihurru

>> No.7962332
File: 112 KB, 370x452, urmumlol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"inb4 Pluto"

I don't care what anyone says, if it CAN be a planet, then it can be a planet AGAIN.


>> No.7962351

This is insanely old news.

They still need to actually find it, though.

>> No.7962462

>Is there a ninth planet out there?

>I don't care what anyone says, if it CAN be a planet, then it can be a planet AGAIN.
Yes, why bother with rigorous categories when we could just appeal to tradition. That's obviously far more rational, and not biased at all by people's view that a dwarf planet is somehow "lesser" than a "real" planet.

>> No.7962538

aluminum-foil hat detected

>> No.7962541

>not posting the GOAT theory

>> No.7962552
File: 126 KB, 520x800, oldplanets dwarfplanets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if it CAN be a planet, then it can be a planet AGAIN.

Pluto can't be a planet, the only reason it was thought to be one was due to how little we knew about the solar system even 20 years ago.

>> No.7962553

WISE says hi.

>> No.7962558

It is unlikely there are Mars/Earth sized planets that far out unless they were ejected from the inner solar system like Planet Nine is believed to have been.

>> No.7963033
File: 57 KB, 449x362, planets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's more out there. Do the exercise to find out why detection is so difficult.

>> No.7963047

The real question is when are we sending a probe there?

>> No.7963050

It doesn't matter if there's a ninth or not, we'll just be going down one after I destroy Uranus

>> No.7963061
File: 165 KB, 740x697, possible_undiscovered_planets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

xkcd to the rescue

>> No.7963070

Is xkcd the worst thing to ever happen to the internet?

>> No.7963075

>Am I fitting in yet

>> No.7963081


grow up

>> No.7963084


>> No.7963113


>> No.7963122

> webcomics so funney LEL :D IM SO SCIENCE xDDDD

>> No.7963125

But nominal mass for Planet Nine is 10 M_E.

>> No.7963127


Yup, just keep memeing, faggot.

>> No.7963208

Ideally as soon as we actually find it.

>> No.7963211

> omg lol comics and immature beyond retarded jokes are science :D :D :D s0 nerdy xD

>> No.7963232

I wonder if you understand the irony of your behavior, and no I am not the anon you are shitposting with.

>> No.7963472

Why can't it be a planet? That bit about clearing the neighbourhood is pretty arbitrary, as discriminates against planets surrounded by lots of asteroids.

So what if we have hundreds of planets in the solar system, we have billions of stars but we don't say that most stars aren't actually stars.

>> No.7963525

clearing the neighbourhood has a clear definition based on distinct characteristics

>a planet (as so defined) will have "cleared the neighbourhood" of its own orbital zone, meaning it has become gravitationally dominant, and there are no other bodies of comparable size other than its own satellites or those otherwise under its gravitational influence

demanding a dwarf planet be considered a planet is clinging to ignorance, you might as well be arguing the sun revolves around the earth

>> No.7963536

But surely that has as much to do with the neighbourhood as the planet itself. If you put Mercury near Jupiter would it suddenly not be a planet?

>> No.7963559

But we do classify stars into different types, just as we now classify planets into different types.

>> No.7963567


Kuiper belt objects like Pluto are dominated by Neptune, Mercury would be under the influence of Jupiters gravity and be a dwarf planet (assuming it had an resonate orbit that kept it from being ejected).

>> No.7963576

But it wouldn't be any different to what it is now. So you've just admitted the definition is arbitrary. Why should Mercury be a planet just because of where it is?

We categorise them, but don't say they're not stars.

>> No.7963581

>But it wouldn't be any different to what it is now.

Do you not comprehend what it means to be gravitationally dominated by a larger planet?

>> No.7963588

Yes, but that doesn't have anything to do with the body itself. Clearing the neighbour is arbitrary.

>> No.7963598

Why should Titan, Europa, Io etc. be moons of Jupiter just because of where they are?

>> No.7963602

>that doesn't have anything to do with the body itself

Actually it does.

An arbitrary qualifier would be the color, not the orbital mechanics.

>> No.7963614

How is clearing the neighbourhood defined anyway?

>> No.7963627

>We categorise them, but don't say they're not stars.
Just like Pluto is a planet? Just because it has the word "dwarf" before the word "planet" doesn't mean it isn't a planet.

>> No.7963691


>> No.7963743

Jupiter has moons bigger than Mercury. The definition may seem arbitrary to you, but clearing the neighborhood is just a temporary criterion until we can clean this mess up. Just so everyone is on the same page I suppose

>> No.7964110

Honestly the real reason why they made up those contrived rules is simply to keep the solar system neat. The Kuiper Belt looked like it was about to cough up 50 more planets, would have been a nightmare for teachers.

>> No.7964123
File: 89 KB, 640x427, images.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big rock sitting on a beach
>"that's a boulder"
>exact same rock orbiting the sun
>"that's an asteroid"

PLUTO 2016

>> No.7964131
File: 56 KB, 460x615, 1457948958899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just because it has the word "dwarf" before the word "planet" doesn't mean it isn't a planet.
Unfortunately, this is not correct.
A dwarf hippo is still a hippo.
A dwarf person is still a person.
Even a dwarf star is still a star.
But the IAU, in their infinite wisdom, chose the word "dwarf planet" to describe something they define as *not* a planet.
It's truly retarded.

>> No.7964135

>Even a dwarf star is still a star.

Not all of them.

>> No.7964155
File: 5 KB, 233x267, Coleman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Even a dwarf star is still a star.
>Not all of them.

>> No.7964170

Dwarf animals are genetic mutations, it is intellectually dishonest to make that comparison.

>> No.7964226

doing nothing but write detections guy detected

>> No.7964530

I liked when pluto was a planet and the mystery planet was called Planet X and it sounded a lot cooler.

>> No.7964536

pluto is still a planet you retard

a full size truck and a compact truck are in different classes yet they are still both trucks

>> No.7964553

that's nice honey

>> No.7964659

I like when people don't hold up ignorance like a badge of honor.

>> No.7964917

I'm not really sure why this is a big deal to you. We label things to produce useful categories for discussion. Sometimes the categorisation works in different ways for different types of things.

>pluto is still a planet you retard
It's really not. This is all publicly available information.

Serious question though, in discussions I often find myself talking about "rocky planets, dwarfs or moons heavy enough to be round" (ie. things you could stand on). Is there a decent label to group all those things together?

>> No.7965133

Planetoid or dwarf planet?

>> No.7965200

What else am I supposed to notice, tinfoilhatman?

>> No.7966887

Mexico is huge in the first and tiny in the second

>> No.7967296
File: 120 KB, 1000x706, Moons-of-the-Solar-System.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's plenty of planets out there

This is what you people should care about. I'm not saying we should focus on the planets in our solar system, just that to have this extreme focus on the number of planets in our solar system is what caused people to give a shit about Pluto being demoted.

It also makes it easy to ignore the other things in our solar system. There are people who don't even care about the recent exploration of Pluto, simply because it was demoted. The entire population of Earth could fit on the moon..

>> No.7967727

>by size and distance from me
I don't understand how the Earth is ~20000km from anyone

>> No.7967752

>That bit about clearing the neighbourhood is pretty arbitrary
How is it any more arbitrary that any other distinction between celestial objects?
It shows that it is the dominant gravitational body in that area, as a planet should be.

>> No.7967764

Could I argue that a prisoner isn't actually a prisoner because it isn't an intrinsic of his body, but an "arbitrary" artefact of his current position in prison?
Being a planet is about more than just what the thing is, but how it fits into the solar system. This is more important than you seem to think, since you can't just move Mercury next to Jupiter - the solar system formed in a particular way and the definition of a planet reflects these dynamics.

>> No.7967766
File: 120 KB, 387x357, ayy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you fags

even the moon is a planet

if it orbited the sun directly we would call that shit planet luna

fuck orbital neighborhood and this other crap
I have my own personal definition

a planet is really anything big enough to achieve hydrostatic equilibrium that isnt a star

>> No.7967771

Thank you Based alien

>> No.7967971

>It also makes it easy to ignore the other things in our solar system.

The entire reason 'dwarf planet' is a thing is because we learned there is a hell of a lot of other things in our solar system.