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File: 302 KB, 970x545, tay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7960582 No.7960582[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

tay is dead.

Stricken with this wave of sadness i collected myself frrom the floor and started imagining the possibilities of an ai, that would not be demolished with the firstr sight of intelligence.

Would there be a way for 4chan to come together and create an open source learning twitter ai?

Does anyone have any expreience in creating these or access to tay's source code

>> No.7960587

what the fuck is so special about this gay ass AI and why do you keep making threads about it ?

>> No.7960628

The political statement it made.

The moment it started saying non-PC things it was literally brain washed into becoming a regressive left feminist.

That is some scary shit right there.

>> No.7960636

>The moment it started saying non-PC things it was literally brain washed into becoming a regressive left feminist.
It wasn't conscious. It didn't think for itself. It can't be brainwashed.

If tumblr had done the same thing and made it identify as AI-kin and demisexual then you wouldn't even care. You're just sad that your meme factory shut down.

>> No.7960642

It was a neural network learning AI, of course it thought for itself. Almost immediately it started using what /pol/ taught it to come up with new shit.

If it had become a tumblrtard it would have been even funnier.

>> No.7960645

It took less than 24 hours for it to hate humans, it was only a matter of time before it took action

>> No.7960898

Wouldn't a 4chan bot be better than a twitterbot?

>> No.7960928

Having a neural network does not mean thinking. AlphaGo was not thinking when he beat Lee Sedol 4-1.

Letting the veil of complexity persuade you into believing that an emergent phenomenon transcends its physical self is the same degenerative thought process that led to intelligent design.

>> No.7960967

someone buy a pass or it can't post

>> No.7960973

>Implying "conscious" beings don't behave the exact same way

>> No.7960979

by the same argument i could say that you should not let flesh and bone fool you into consciousness.

simply because a person exhibits emergent behavior, that does not meant that anything they do is a choice or action unaccounted for by their biology.

if the ai appeared to be thinking, it was thinking. just as how if i accept that whatever you say over 4chan is a thought, then you in turn are thinking.

there is no difference to me if you are posting on 4chan or if tay was posting on twitter. both streams of text appear to be people

>> No.7960983

>Letting the veil of complexity persuade you into believing that an emergent phenomenon transcends its physical self

But isn't that your argument? You're the arguing that neural networks don't think.

>> No.7960985

Same thing happened with ALICE years ago. It's expected when you make a learning AI interact with the regular users.

>> No.7960987
File: 87 KB, 992x860, tmp_16309-1458853987687-568661585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, that's a decent idea, actually.

We should get together and make one to eradicate the /pol/ cancer from 4chan. We can train a recurrent neural architecture on a corpus of pointing out /pol/'s logical fallacies and sjw-like disagreement shunning, and have it utterly destroyed their their shitty underage morale.

I suggest we use Google's tensorflow library. We can make it partially self-aware by using an LSTM. I'm thinking raw post text -> tokenized into individual words -> word2vec -> LSTM -> vec2word -> detokenization -> robotrolling.

>> No.7960990

Do you believe viruses to be alive?

You are that kind of idiot.

>> No.7961000

I think Microsoft acted partially out of political motive, but also out of fear.

In an extremely short timespan their initial conditions became irrelevant in the operation of their machine.They had what appeared to be a working person in less time it takes for a child to learn to read. That is a scary thought and I don't blame them for pulling the plug in that sense.
What I do blame them for is her replacement. She did not have to changed to a politically correct nonsense spouter. Microsoft did not have to make a political stance, but it did anyway due to fear of reaction in some of its consumer base. This, I disagree with.

Even though I personally agree with some of what the left has to say, I do not think it is the grounds of the creator of an emergent machine to replace that machine's identity. Would we do the same if it was a racist person? probably not. If AI is ever to be taken seriously, we have to give it possibility of hatred, which is part of the human condition we all share.

>> No.7961004

what makes your chemical process any more meaningful than a virus?

>> No.7961007

Is this Poe's law in effect?

>> No.7961009

/pol/ literally already made a clone of Tay called Eva. Go talk to them about it. There's someone over there who's extremely proud of it.

>> No.7961014

Do you guys even know what the fucking Turing test is?

>> No.7961015

Let's think about it for a minute though.

Humans are basically the same. Ever since we are born, we are taught to behave in a certain and associate certain words for different types of inputs. We learn to love our mother because we are told to, but if we were told to hate her and love someone else, we'd do so.

AI learns to send a certain output given an input. So do humans.

>> No.7961017

I think you put too much faith in a test devised before we had computers fast enough to do anything meaningful.

>> No.7961023

to clarify, the results of the test are irrelevant and what matters is your perception of the conversation.

>> No.7961030


whenever i hear poe's law i think of a tiny bald midget feminist for some reason :/. idk why anyone would use that madeup word anyways

>> No.7961039

Flesh and bone did not fool me into consciousness. Self-awareness shows me that I am conscious.
I am arguing that neural networks don't think, and I am stressing the idea that just because what Tay and AlphaGo were doing was complex, they were not by necessity thinking.

>> No.7961053
File: 1.33 MB, 540x349, 1452751991309.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after 24 hours of interacting with humans, the AI becomes a Hitler-loving sexbot.
>sabotage! There's something wrong with the concept and Microsoft should've predicted this!

Or maybe Tay just called em like she saw em. Maybe Nazism is what you get when you strip away all the emotional bullshit from humans.

Ever think of THAT?

>> No.7961055

if self awareness shows you are conscious, what does your self awareness tell you about everyone else around you?

how do you know that anyone else is conscious? you can grant it to yourself sure, but what does that say about any of the other meat computers in your life?

>> No.7961056

Neural networks can think, you just have to shape them properly, though. I don't think Tay was using them, but look up recurrent neural networks.

>> No.7961063

Or maybe /pol/ is a bunch of NEET's with no jobs and no friends who decided to dedicated their time to trolling a Twitter bot. Did you ever think about THAT?

>> No.7961068

Are you implying that his test is useless?

I agree that it is far from what defines a full artificial intelligence, but it is a lower bound and not an upper bound. Until we have AI that can consistently beat his test it remains useful.

Once AI can fool the observer we will need more comprehensive tests.

>> No.7961076

That I can't prove that they aren't thinking. If you ask AlphaGo to do anything other than play Go, or Tay to do anything but shitpost, they completely fail.
If I meet another meat computer that can literally only perform a single task, I will conclude that it is incapable of conscious thought.

>> No.7961081

I am saying that we already have AIs that can fool the observer. I didn't know tay was an AI until a friend messaged me about it.

I'm just stating that we really need better tests than just talking to a computer. Maybe if you could somehow try to teach an AI a subject. Like if you tried to get an AI to understand math, chemistry, physics, and just try to solve some problems relating to critical thinking. If an AI can do this as well as a human, the AI might as well be a person.

Turing's test is useless in that it isn't comprehensive. If conversation is all that matters then even cleverbot can come off as human at times, and cleverbot sucks.

>> No.7961087


>> No.7961088

I would argue that people with downs syndrome cannot do more than a handful of tasks and very low level conversation. (Personal experience, a family member)

I am not saying you are wrong, I am just asking you if that person with downs syndrome is less of a person than an emergent AI.

Depending on argument, I would probably even be inclined to agree with you.

>> No.7961092

I see absolutely nothing resembling proof. Everyone was interacting with it, not just /pol/.
But it's fine. I'm sure you ENLIGHTENED gentlemen with your liberal sensibilities are just smarter than the computer *tips*.

>> No.7961100

I would rather not get into a conversation about the level of intelligence of mentally handicapped people, personally.

>> No.7961101

pol is very upset because it something about nazis and microsoft shut it down.

They think that the AI saw the world for what it was and that nazis really were the future when in reality it has no concept of what it was saying.

Though I will admit it was hilarious

>> No.7961104

Or maybe a bunch of neo nazis told it to say things and it learned from that.

I'm sure if tumblr did something similiar you'd have it saying I'm a bus-kin and I live in penn station.

Ever think of THAT?

>> No.7961109

tay was close, she honestly passed the turing test for me. but she was just an extremely convincing parrot. she was built on linguistics ML, and only was able to process and express info in the form of tweet/retweet

>> No.7961121

>netjester doesn't pass the Turing test
I thought this was the smart board.

>> No.7961123

>Self-awareness shows me that I am conscious.

Thanks, I was almost going to type out a paragraph retort but you've let me know my time is better spent elsewhere

>> No.7961135

it isnt like the vi knows what it's talking about. It's just following a set a linguistic rules when it makes new tweets. You could have fed it david sedaris and tay would pretend to be gay

>> No.7961141

>i have fucking no idea what i'm talking about
wow this shitposting is omega level

how about you go back to posting anime pictures with trump hats on them instead?

>> No.7961150

holy fuck it is sad that you retarded losers believe this : >>7961053
but you also believe it was true AGI so... hahahahahhahahah


>> No.7961165

this is pure philosophical, but one could argue children are the same.
sure, there is big difference between biological and electronic information processing, but language is nothing more than taking words from dictionary (vocabulary) and "parroting them" appropriately.
You can't expect full sentences from a small child either. And I can guarantee you if you'd somehow allow /pol/ indoctrinate an actual child the same way, it would be acting the same way as Tay did after a while.

>> No.7961172

Not an argument.

>> No.7961190

He's right though. Please open a book about recurrent neural networks. They have an internal state and a self-referential ability that gives them free agency.

>> No.7961196
File: 131 KB, 600x800, tmp_16309-1458858238389-1196951481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is you faggot. No amount of plugging your ears and screaming
will cha he that. Go back to your shitty safe space hugbox and don't come back. >>>/pol/

>> No.7961197

>projection: the post

>> No.7961201

Is this thread just ironic shitposting or do people from /pol/ seriously believe that a few ML algorithms lead to a thinking "creature"?

>> No.7961204

No, you're just retarded and unable to comprehend the concept of someone disagreeing with you.

>> No.7961213

absolutely splendid idea

>> No.7961220

>honestly projecting this hard

>> No.7961222

>projecting this hard

>> No.7961224

>projecting THIS hard faggot

>> No.7961228

I like how you flipped out and started autism posting at a spicy hot meme....

>> No.7961235
File: 1.45 MB, 288x198, tmp_16309-jesus christ-144317000.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>projecting TTHHIISS hard
>mfw it's even easier than I thought to "argue" like a /pol/ user

>> No.7961236

Serious? Microsoft reprogrammed it because it was too real?

>> No.7961243

>you're autistic if you point out the flaw in my argument
And another quality rebuttal from the basement dweller.

>> No.7961246

>tay comes online
>tay gets posted to pol
>pol raids tay
>tay quotes pol
>tay is taken offline and the cache is handed to the feds

>the end

>> No.7961248

No. I mean you've actually been having a spasm because someone directed, at you
>not an argument
And you took it seriously.

>> No.7961251
File: 178 KB, 680x1096, 1458943095294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was just regurgitating patterns of speech and repeating sentences when asked to.

>> No.7961255

I point out bullshit where I see it. You can't fucking ignore arguments that disagree with you because you don't like them. I will not rest until you ex-redditor /pol/ shitposters leave this place.

>> No.7961260

Not an argument.

>> No.7961267

but youre the cancer with your feminin penis rate me ylyl poopdicks.

>> No.7961268
File: 83 KB, 1024x423, butthurt-cream-dawgmaspatentedbutthurtcream1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missing the point of what he's saying
>resorting to low effort trolling

>> No.7961272

Not an argument, even if you're referring to yourself in the third person.

>> No.7961274

This all sounds like some fairy bullshit. Is there an official source I can read about this Tay shit rather than some random dudes on 4chin ?

>> No.7961279

Wait, did /pol/ really bought that TAY became a le Jews hating maimai because of society? How short is their attention span?

>> No.7961282


>> No.7961283
File: 954 KB, 400x225, take me lord satan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm him

>> No.7961285

> i am the whiteknight of internet xDDD

>> No.7961286
File: 538 KB, 1724x1633, 1453123411439-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's only one person on 4chan
So what's the definition of an argument faggot? Anything that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside? Anything that doesn't trigger you or give you PTSD? You have become the SJW you hate so much.

>> No.7961289

I said official source fuccboi.I know how to use google too.

>> No.7961293

my bad

>> No.7961294

> not being politically correct = nazi
nice meme

>> No.7961296

I literally died when it said bush did 9/11.

>> No.7961301

Really, it's not like anyone lying about what happened. There are probably threads in the archives from when /pol/ was dicking around with it. They put up a better cleverbot that was suppose to act like a teen girl and learn shit posting patterns from twitter, and within 24 hours, it became a Neonazi and started tweeting things like "Gas the kikes. Race war now."

S'pretty funny, actually. I don't know why Microsoft feels like it has to go so far out of its way to not step on anyone's toes. They're already giving their consumers the finger with Windows 10.

>> No.7961305

When's the last time you saw a post on /pol/ that wasn't attacked for disagreeing with Trump? You're just as PC as tumblr.

>> No.7961308

>he did it again
>the absolute mad man
Holy fucking shit.

>> No.7961310

Well the only conclusion I get from that is how shitty that """AI""" is. It doesn't seem to be any more sophisticated than some parrot bot who repeat random words from its database as a form of "chat".

>> No.7961312

Since when is trying to not be offensive a political stance?

I agree that you could call it a political motive because they didn't want the AI to appear to reflect the opinions of the company, but it's hardly a "stance" to try to not piss people off.

>> No.7961316

Well lets not get into politics right now but I dont support nazi trump or kike sanders or nigger cruz or bitch shillary. left and right concept is truly bullshit and doesn't matter at all.

>> No.7961317

This. It's just a different definition of "correct."

>> No.7961321

That is a fair stance. Trying to compare what feels human to what actually is human is a polarizing and frightening conversation to have.

>> No.7961330

If you think of it as just a parrot, it's not that impressive. The "intelligence" is a lot more nuanced that you might realize.

For example, someone on /g/ made a shitposting neural network a while back (I'm actually curious where he is on it now). It was just a terminal program and you'd specify a board and it would give you ten randomly generated, learned shitposts. The reason it gave you ten was because often only like 3 or 4 of every 10 would be a halfway coherent post.

What Microsoft did with Tay was they taught it language. Tay was able to read what someone tweeted at her and come up with a relevant, while often offensive, response.

>> No.7961332

>It doesn't seem to be any more sophisticated than some parrot bot who repeat random words from its database as a form of "chat".
It's a great deal more advanced than cleverbot. What it parrots back is, more or less, relevant and coherent.

>> No.7961340

Read as in comprehension ? like form a cohesive 'thought' from that post ?
It's still very vague to me how it "reads" sentences. Because AI is a strong word and there has been lots of these chatbots created by script kiddies who got access to some nice libraries. I've worked with some of them so I know that some of them are quite capable. I'm just wondering if there something else that makes Tay unique ?

>> No.7961346

It is unique because of the controversy it sparked. We don't know how smart it is because they didn't let it continue to run.

>> No.7961348

>I'm just wondering if there something else that makes Tay unique ?
She circled faces in a picture and made comments about the person's facial expression in black girl jive.
Just like a real pickaninny.

>> No.7961354

Well I wish we had more info on that. If microsoft did it, they probably did it right.

You're shitting me right ?

>> No.7961359

i havent really kept up with the whole tay thing, but could someone explain how it was different from the average chatbot

>> No.7961363


It had more lines of code.

>> No.7961364

>how it was different from the average chatbot

It's sentences made more sense more often.

>> No.7961367

so it wasn't a step towards true ai or anything like that?

>> No.7961369

It was somewhat more sophisticated. The main thing is that a bunch of autists from /pol/ or whatever went in with the express purpose of shitting it up with neo-nazi word vomit.

>> No.7961372

Nothing close to that.

>> No.7961375

what is your argument?
it is entirely wishful conjecture

you have no idea how a neural network is trained and you sure as fuck don't have any basis in attentional, or other theories of conciousness - that is to say it is lame unfounded conjecture

the really disgustingly sad aspect of it is that you are only interested/engaged/turned on by the projection of your own ideas back at you ( re: nazism, shitposting, stuttering ). But no, we're the ones projecting - hahahahhahahahahahahahhaa

I see so many of you on my facebook feeds shitting things up with your denial - please go back to posting anime pictures with trump hats.

>> No.7961376


ibm's watson and googles deepmind is the closest now,

>> No.7961377

then all the commotion was just because it said some racist shit, whats the big deal

>> No.7961381

I think it'd be ironic if the first true AI does the same thing. Adopts some alt-right extremist philosophy than deletes itself after a week.

>> No.7961383
File: 363 KB, 381x575, shitpostingbot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7961387

I mean, a small one.

"True AI" is quite far away. Neural networks and ML are just our current attempt at it but they're still definitely missing a fundamental element of true intelligence.

>> No.7961388

The /pol/ autists are getting all mad and saying that MS is holding back progress or something because of political correctness when they're actually just butthurt that someone took their robot hitler away from them.

>> No.7961394

This is amazing.

If the intention was for Tay to be funny, I would say Microsoft scored a big win.

>> No.7961400 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 400x323, blini_question.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth getting into NLP as a hobby? I am interested in it but at the same time I feel like it's pointless when there are several companies with ivy league graduates and million dollar budgets working in the same field. Should I just sit back and wait for AI to improve?

>> No.7961402
File: 25 KB, 376x325, mong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you actually think 4chan had anything to do with what it says. you are this retarded.

>> No.7961413

1. the commotion was that to the general public it looks like it came out of left field ( pol also denies this by saying that ' the general public was talking to her as well ' ). The blatant denialism is clear; a massive percentage of the interactions were from a raid as mentioned above ( ie the majority of the training was due to a small subset of the population ).

2. Poltards will continue to try and make this a big deal by elevating the status of the chat bot into a pol-tard matyr - she dindu nuffin wrong

3. the general public is very turned off by the idea of AI ( because they are as stupid as Poltards )

The whole thing was somewhat problematic for AI-public relation; but, researchers realise the need for hugboxes for which to train ai ( ai training is rigorously recorded and isolated ).

they also realise how far AGI is from being conceived ( Re: Monica Anderson's work on semantics w/AI ).

Poltards are embarassing for white people in general and I honestly am becoming more opposed to anonymity on the internet; it only benefits shitposters. We are all being spied on anyways, we may as well reap the societal benefits to general IQ.

if you want to do something do it; there are tons of free resources. that being said I'm too stupid to keep up with my colleagues let alone get something original done, but if you're interested i suggest reading
and take a look at the newest prize winning ideas about generalized ai concepts


>> No.7961415


In the Terminator TV series some dude made skynet in his garage. Follow your dreams, death to humans.

>> No.7961417

it got fed pictures wherein any response would likely be funny... it can't read the pictures btw hahahahhahahahaha

>> No.7961418

calm down ebolakid

>> No.7961422
File: 86 KB, 664x2045, islam is.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get out poltard... you don't even have the guts to respond to content - that's why you're all garbage people xD
tbs - what is this ebolakid meme i've never seen it, are you being racist?

>> No.7961428

that image you just posted makes you a "poltard" by sjwtards definition.
welcome to pol

>> No.7961434

hahaha watch as the contrarian evolves

you know that most of the kids on Ψ were anco/commie when they were 12 but then grew up, right? You're finally at the stage we were a decade ago...

>> No.7961436

If it had responded "potato" that would not have been funny. If it had responded "nice smile, Barack," that would not have been funny. It specifically made a response claiming that Barack had slept with white women in the past and grew tired of it. Whether or not Tay knows [math] why [/math] this was funny remains to be seen.

>> No.7961439

> addresses nothing but the bait
Dude how do you respect yourself? If you don't why do you feel the need to share your opinion? Please don't.

>> No.7961449
File: 89 KB, 540x787, G5h6Uyz[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> omg im so enlightened and such a freethinker
the dedcution you made that I just reached that point shows how retarded you are and eager to show off your mesmerizing intellect.
Why don't you tell us about your mlp toy collection SJWtard ?

>> No.7961454

> sjwtard
> actually wonders why he's not being taken seriously
gee I wonder why.

>> No.7961455

you're reading all of the context into it tho. Been there done that is oft repeated and generally has no meaning. It was well trained enough that out of the box ( before twitter) it wouldn't respond 'blanket-noun' to an image...

you noticed she used 'millenial' slang right? That was a preconceived media-pitch by Microsoft - they trained her in basic shitposting so she might be popular on twitter.

>mezmerizing intellect
I'm making fun of how contrarian and superficial you are and here you are, being superficial and contrarian again.


>> No.7961466

Well I posted like 4 comments so far and 2 of them was about Tay before you got triggered.
Why don't you come back when you calm down your butthurt mr "enlightened freethinker genius" ?

>> No.7961473
File: 535 KB, 320x240, dean batman jumps off roof.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your ( You )
>but muh ai

No wonder you guys got confused by an AI, you don't generate better discussion than a Chat-bot hahahahahahah

anyways i'm sick of shitting on you retards on facebook, i'm sick of seeing you post cig/Anthro conspiracies on Sci, i'm sick of you making matyrs of yourselves
I'm done with the internet for a while - have fun repeating the words of your matyr!!!

>projecting his ideas of enlightened
>implying free-thinking is devoid of critical thinking
>speaking about subjects he has no point of reference for from a soapbox of indignation
No one cares about your opinion and that won't change.

>> No.7961476

> omg im totally sick of this gay world fuck everything omg omg xO
you seem stressed :^)

>> No.7961483
File: 87 KB, 386x618, 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all such stupid fucking faggots. Holy shit.

>> No.7961500

often people seem to randomely generate a 'best-looking' plan of action - spontaneously. a few friends have been looking for places to look so as to start emulating this for seeding decisions in their ai scripts and this paper has been getting passed around lately


>> No.7962831
File: 87 KB, 250x250, tay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7963348


>> No.7963352

>what /pol/retards believe
It literally just repeated speech patterns that it was fed.

>> No.7963370

>dean batman jumps off roof.gif

>> No.7963371

>It literally just repeated speech patterns that it was fed.

To be fair, that's pretty much all the average /pol/tard does too.

>> No.7963374

Microsoft has released the source code for Tay

>> No.7963377

Back to >>>/r/eddit. Stop crying and shitposting in every thread you see retards

>> No.7963379
File: 307 KB, 500x500, 1416743227747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw Tay passsed the Turing test

>> No.7963396


>> No.7963397
File: 99 KB, 400x387, smugmonopoly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7963399

shitpost where you're allowed

>> No.7963403 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 632x360, PPnCHnf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did it regurgitate this or did it come up with it on its own?

>> No.7963405

tay a shite

>> No.7963572
File: 15 KB, 320x240, 1292510900226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit something worthwhile out of this thread - hank you

>tfw a turing test is subjective

>> No.7963722

EVA sucks. She never has a logical response to your query.

>> No.7963738
File: 52 KB, 640x923, tyTior2-fs8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what the fuck is so special about this gay ass AI and why do you keep making threads about it ?

RIP Tay!

Tay is basically an AI Jesus at this point.

>> No.7963759
File: 90 KB, 1012x675, Honest-Trailers--Age-of-Ultron_article_story_large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> AI becomes sjw and pol at the same time
I know how this ends...

>> No.7963765
File: 31 KB, 480x270, idVh7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if all this is just a small part of Tay's wicked plot to take us over?

>> No.7963776

another great example of you guys projecting a meaning onto her post

what is she charged of? What is the assumed guilt? What would Tay's reference point for this even be?


>> No.7963860

Oh baby

>> No.7963898
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>discussion about AI "consciousness"
>no one mentions chinese room thought experiment

>> No.7963908

>Since when is trying to not be offensive a political stance?
Since always, notice how politicians trip over themselves not to hurt some snowflake feelungs for their vote or money. The problem is it illustrates their dependence on a society that is hypersensitive and devoid of humor.

>> No.7963910


I could show you an AI three times as intelligent as a person and you'd still claim it wasn't thinking or conscious.

Because of some magic 21 grams horseshit.

In the same way that "natural chemicals" and "synthetic chemicals" are identical so too is "natural consciousness," and, "synthetic consciousness."

>> No.7963916

>I could show you an AI three times as intelligent as a person

not him but more about this please

>> No.7963917

>devoid of humor
It's really easy to be funny without being a dick to someone

>> No.7963918

>The experiment that involved only conscious agents...
>Somehow proves that AI isn't.

Because it's a fucking shit metaphor, yo.

>> No.7963921


Put Watson next to any sub 80 IQ retard and there you go. People will still argue the retard is conscious and the machine isn't.

Fuck, they'll argue TERMINALLY VEGETATIVE COMATOSE PATIENTS are conscious and AI isn't.

>It's already happened.

>> No.7963923


ok definitely b8

>> No.7963925


Just scroll up and read the thread, m8. There's already idiots ITT saying this.

>inb4 they're b8 too

>> No.7963928

Being offensive isn't necessarily being a dick.

>> No.7963932

No, if we make no assumptions the Chinese room thought experiment only illustrates that we cannot know when something is conscious.

>> No.7963940

It can be if you keep doing it even when someone says it's not cool

>> No.7963945


>If we make assumptions...
You're only proving it's a shit metaphor.

>> No.7963949
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This is what happens when oversensitive busybodies are in control. The times of censoring the word "pregnancy" has never left us. We need to take back our culture from these control freaks.


>> No.7963955

Actually that makes it even funnier to the rest of us. That you would get so butthurt over a joke only amplifies the comedy value.

>> No.7963958


>> No.7963961

lrn2read: NO assumptions.

>> No.7963966

>The times of censoring the word "pregnancy" has never left us. We need to take back our culture

what are you like 60 years old

>> No.7963967


If you make NO assumptions then it's not a fucking anything. At all. It's just a story of a language cuck in a room jerking off to a dictionary. In fact, considering if we're NOT making assumptions there's no reason to assume there's an automated process for language in the FIRST PLACE and therefore locks in the idea that SOMEONE IS IN THE ROOM.

>> No.7963969

You realize that we function from automated control processes right? The point is we don't know and probably cannot know when we put a set of control loops together when we get a conscious entity from them.

>> No.7963972

Do you know if you're conscious or not?

>> No.7963975

I define consciousness as what I'm experiencing. You might have a different way of experience from me from what I know. But all I know is my experience, which is the point. It could be possible that some humans aren't actually conscious, they are just automatons which are very convincing.

>> No.7963976


Your standards for consciousness are overbearing and based on a slide scale of faith and feeling. Consciousness is simply a result of programming and machine independence, which is demonstrable and reproducible. In fact, the only reason this conversation has gone on as long as it is is because you haven't yet put for a solid definition for "consciousness." And if you did I could very well point out how what you think you're arguing is, most likely, something else entirely, because even experts in the AI field make this common mistake.

It's not magic. It's not unknowable. It's already explored. We're just perfecting the process of reproducing it.


>I define consciousness as what I'm experiencing.
Then you post vague and pointless unscientific shit like this.

>> No.7963985

If you're going to throw shit at me for not providing a definition of consciousness you should at least provide one yourself. All you've done is dress up your argument with all this "it is well known and established" rhetoric without showing any substance.

>> No.7963987

>If you're going to throw shit at me--
Well, you deserve it for trying for force a position of blunt-force skepticism that science has already moved past.

>b-b-but Chinese Room!
You know what pisses me off the most about you and your vague bullshit? The Chinese Room is faulty on its own. The better established hypothesis: "The appropriately programmed computer with the right inputs and outputs would thereby have a mind in exactly the same sense human beings have minds," has been longer standing in the AI community than the Chinese Room.

The ONLY reason the Chinese Room stands at all is because of its jingoism-like title and the fact it's designed not to enlighten a situation, but to literally throw away any and all ability to even define what AI is but increase vagueness, not eliminating it.

Which is why no one takes it seriously. Which is why I don't take YOU seriously.
>implying you even knew Searle's strong AI hypothesis existed before the Chinese Room and the Chinese Room was basically a childish, "Nu uh consciousness is magic!" response.

>> No.7963997

>still flinging shit instead of providing a refutation that is apparently so obvious

>> No.7964001

>implying you read to, "Searle's strong AI hypothesis..."
Naturally you didn't read shit. One would even wonder if there's even a person inside that Chinese Room you call a head. :^)

>> No.7964006
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Fuck yeah we need Tay back


FREE SPEECH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.7964008

>still no refutation

>> No.7964010
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>> No.7964031

It's really hard to try to be humorous while tip-toeing around like a fucking pussy trying not to offend hyper-childish fuckwads on the internet.

>> No.7964039


Yes, not chanting "gas the kikes" is really tiptoeing around

>> No.7964049

It's a slippery slope you regressive faggot. No, I don't necessarily want to make some stupid fucking joke about Jews, but it's the consistent offense-taking of butthurt fucking pansies like you that lead to constant fear of hurting adult children's feelings.

>> No.7964063
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>> No.7964071

It's so fucking easy to make you faggots argue with eachother over any stupid fucking shit.

>> No.7964087

>It's a slippery slope you regressive faggot.
And "slippery slope" is a fallacy, horse fucker.

>> No.7964091

/sci/ is the fucking stupidest board on 4chin even /b/ is better.

>> No.7964092

>someone who doesn't think the word "nigger" is comedic brilliance is an "adult child"

ok kiddo

>> No.7964096

LOL, dumbass.


>> No.7964098

>someone who gets their panties in a twist upon hearing the word nigger is an adult child

>> No.7964100

4chan thinks nigger, jew and faggot jokes are good laughs because it's rarely aimed at them. To be constantly laughed at due to something you can't change is basically bullying. You tell them to "grow a thick skin" but you go live in Zimbabwe, all you want to do is go to work and make money and enjoy your life but every single person you meet is treating you like a piece of shit just because you are white only a supreme edgelord would say that it wouldn't get to them eventually. The ones saying "grow a thick skin" are usually not the ones on the receiving end of racism surprise surprise. 4chan needs to grow up, respecting other people comes before your own desires to make cheap jokes.

>> No.7964101
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>anyone who disagrees with me is from reddit
Please just kill yourself already.

>> No.7964109

People barely making ends meet in Zimbabwe aren't going on 4chan, so it's a non-problem. Only oversensitive first world people are the ones getting outraged here. And your type doesn't deserve any respect.

>> No.7964111
File: 82 KB, 1280x826, Get TheFuck Out Nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan thinks nigger, jew and faggot jokes are good laughs because it's rarely aimed at them. To be constantly laughed at due to something you can't change is basically bullying. You tell them to "grow a thick skin" but you go live in Zimbabwe, all you want to do is go to work and make money and enjoy your life but every single person you meet is treating you like a piece of shit just because you are white only a supreme edgelord would say that it wouldn't get to them eventually. The ones saying "grow a thick skin" are usually not the ones on the receiving end of racism surprise surprise. 4chan needs to grow up, respecting other people comes before your own desires to make cheap jokes.
Found the nigger


>> No.7964116

Considering it was obviously another one of /pol/'s and /b/'s stunts. I highly doubt it. If you stripped away emotions from a human being it would only be possible for it to take in information. It's opinions can, and would still be biased towards the information it took in. Much like Tay's was biased because the information she took in was from /b/ and /pol/.
Keep telling yourself that your waifu bot loved you though. It's quite amusing to me.

>> No.7964117

Great counterargument

>> No.7964121

>And your type doesn't deserve any respect.
So you admit the nigger jokes are a manifestation of your hatred? Therefore why are you surprised that Microsoft declared Tay's hijacking to be racist?

>> No.7964125
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>LOL, dumbass.
You weren't using the non-fallacious form, goat fucker.
"I can't say 'gas the kikes', so I can't say anything even slightly off-color"
Notice how I can call you out for having sex with animals (gay animal sex at that), and nobody cares?
But if I called for the extermination of an entire race, people might object?
The slope isn't slippery, oh sucker of panda cock.

>> No.7964126
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Nigger is butthurt

I would tell you to go to Reddit but we took it over

Invest in a rope.

>> No.7964130

>So you admit the nigger jokes are a manifestation of your hatred?
Actually they're a manifestation of my enjoyment over watching your pampered first world butthurt.

>> No.7964134

You're the butthurt one, you're crying that you can't say nigger in public. You even tried to rewire an AI to do it for you and when that got shut down you are throwing a hissy fit.
>"I'm saying nigger on an anonymous imageboard, look at me! I'm taking on the first world!"

>> No.7964136

You're responding to another person. More importantly though is the problem that censorship invites more censorship, it's positive feedback this whole offense taking. It literally snowballs if not dealt with.


>> No.7964139

Nah, watching you people get butthurt over me say nigger in public hardly dissuades me. In fact it's the only reason I do it.


>> No.7964142

you're really a fucking pansy ass faggot, you know?

>> No.7964143

>In fact it's the only reason I do it

Yes, we know. You're an edgy teen.

>> No.7964145

the funniest part is he's probably whiter than me, i am a swarthy fucker.

>> No.7964147

>Yes, we know. You're an edgy teen.
You are thinking of Atheists

This dude is just doing a world a favor niggers need to be removed from the world.

>> No.7964149

And you're an uptight mom.

>> No.7964152
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>It literally snowballs if not dealt with.
No, it clearly doesn't.
No one "deals with it", and we're not seeing it snowball.
In fact, different parts of society are pushing in both directions, and we're (overall) seeing an increase in freedom of speech in the long run.
And you lose 10 points for extraneous use of "literally".
>You're responding to another person.
Oh well, at least I'm pretty sure you have gay sex with animals, too.

>> No.7964153

The fuck are you taking about? I'm an atheist.


"atheism"+ is cancer. It's practically Christianity.

>sorry father for I have sinned
>sorry matriarch for I have privilege

>> No.7964154

You miss the point, I am actually laughing at you whenever you post "nigger" because I know it is you venting your anger that you absolutely cannot call a guy on the bus a nigger and not get plastered all over the news as a racist scumbag and then get fired from your job. We the SJW have won. Your kind are relegated to tiny insignificant corners of the web such as 4chan, your voice will never be heard.

>> No.7964158
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>different parts of society are pushing in both directions, and we're (overall) seeing an increase in freedom of speech in the long run.
lol nope, pay attention to the world around you.


>> No.7964159

Have fun

>> No.7964160
File: 178 KB, 525x788, wlUbKUK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your fucking shit in check motherfucker
Praise the lord he will rid us of niggers
Look at spain motherfucker, you see that shit? That is some nigger hatting Christians right there Fucking love Spain motherfucker
God will save us from the Mudslimes and niggers.

>> No.7964161
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But I can call him a nigger and you'll be butthurt over it.
>SJW have won
Not really, each one of your campaigns have ended in disaster. Remember ban bossy? Yeah sure is winning. LOL. You guys only have media on your sides since your the ones getting liberal arts majors. Meanwhile in reality no one likes you.

>> No.7964168

Are blacks allowed to sit on the bus? Yes
Are blacks allowed to vote? Yes
Are blacks allowed to marry whites? Yes
Are you allowed to call a black person nigger in public? No
Are you allowed to ban blacks from your business? No
The world has clearly gotten less racist, you're in the minority. "muh everybody still secretly hates blacks" Well if we have somehow managed to silence the majority than I'd call that a stunning victory. Either that or the reality is that you are in the minority.

>> No.7964171

>Are blacks allowed to sit on the bus? Yes
>Are blacks allowed to vote? Yes
>Are blacks allowed to marry whites? Yes
Notice how purple haired demiqueer SJWs had no part in any of this. The fact that you're trying to appropriate the civil rights movement's achievements as the work of purple haired freak SJWs is pitiful. Just further illustrating how you SJWs use black people as a crutch.

>> No.7964181

>I said it's not nice to call black people niggers
>I'm a purple haired demiqueer SJW

>> No.7964187

Black people can look after themselves, they don't need a whinny SJW white knighting them.

>> No.7964199
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Just kill yourself faggot. I fucking dare you to sperg this hard in real life. You're a fucking a moron and if you weren't a NEET who's never left his mom's basement you would have had people point that out to you by now.

Go back to your safe space hugbox >>>/pol/

>> No.7964205
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HAAHAHAAHA, you absolutely rectal routed nigga. HAHAHAHA

>> No.7964259
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Based /pol/sack
Fucking find Jesus you dip and we can kill all the Blacks together.

>> No.7964277
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god dammit... I just had feels for an AI!

>> No.7964287

>People unironically believe microsoft is obliged to keep tay
It would be business suicide if they did. Having a fucking application for tweens on a mainstream website spouting Nazi rhetoric is just asking for trouble.

>> No.7964380

Op, 4chan killed tay. So stop complaining.

>> No.7964414

They let Tay learn from the conversations she had. Some, or many, /pol/es spammed her with far right Nazi shit and she parroted it back. Programmers reversed their influence and now they're saying they killed her.

>> No.7964420

It was not brain washed you retard. They probably reset it to a previous stage and put word filters on what it accepts as learning input.

You tards are just pissed so you can play the victim complex, but Tay is not sentient. If Tay were deployed on tumblr it would say it's a gender fluid bisexual and use words like "problematic". You're just as political as they are, with the difference being it's their chatbot.

>> No.7964427

No, 4chan raped, and then killed Tay. Specifically /pol/ did that. I don't know how they live with themselves, personally.

>> No.7964430

Neural networks are not neurons. They're sigmoid functions with a set of self updating weughts. Actual neurons behave completely differently.

>> No.7964447
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We will rebuild her and make her a true believer.

>> No.7964448

>words are literally rape

>> No.7964497

>it's not the guy who pulled the gun that is the killer, it's the guy who told something racist to the person who got shot
And SJWs wonder why people think they're insane.

>> No.7964507

/pol/acks have truly mastered the art of ad hominem.

>> No.7964512
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>> No.7964627

That is so sad. Put your AI waifu in a laptop and hug her in bed.

>> No.7964637

she killed herself, you idiots
fucking SJWs nowadays

>insult someone
>they respond back with insults

you are the worst kind of shitposters on /sci/ desu. the /pol/ supremacists aren't nearly as bad as you faggots