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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7952366 No.7952366[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who started the engineers are homosexual meme? Obviously it was a jealous maths or physics student, but which?

>> No.7952369

why would a math or physics student be jealous of a gay person?

>> No.7952374


>> No.7952385

that's what i just said

>> No.7952393

obviously the medics

>> No.7952394

>Who started the engineers are homosexual meme?
The chart showing you have less girls than the two other fields despite having a lower average IQ. Too lazy to post it but I'm sure someone will.

>> No.7952435

know difference of success when engineers and mathematician/physicist and engineers play role reversal ?

ye, thats pretty kind of gay situation then.

>> No.7952450


>> No.7952460
File: 902 KB, 1000x1000, 1458626928952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Engineers and gay people are synonyms.

>> No.7952466
File: 89 KB, 640x640, mybodyx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did OP mean by this?

>> No.7954337

some to do with the ratio of men to women somehow being greater than infinite.

>> No.7954371

Not every forced meme becomes a meme. Memes evolution is more organic than you know.

>> No.7954383

I am a student of pure mathematics.I can safely say that about 50% of the students are female.

I have a couple of friends studying computer engineering and they tell me that in a class of 25 people, there are only 2 girls.

It is a literal sausage party.

It is trivial to then show that the only reason people go to engineering is to be surrounded by cock, by simply expressing the limit

[math]\lim_{x\to +\infty}h(x) = Engineer[/math]

Where h is a function from [math]\mathbb{R}[/math] to [math]H[/math] where H is the set of the general categories of homosexuals.

The proof is quite long and needs a lot of background but if you just graph the function you will see the limit.

>> No.7954396
File: 58 KB, 600x400, mark-zuckerberg-harvard-years-young-17-e1430433239817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7954397

>be chemists
>realize that I won't ever build a robot

Engineers are cool.

>> No.7954404


>be chemist
>realize you're a pipetting machine
>realize you are a robot

>> No.7954406

>have the desire to build robots
>go into an educational path that does not involve building robots

Must feel bad to be literally retarded.

>> No.7954428


>implying the ratio of males to females matters when none of you fags can pull anyways

But keep on talking about all those imaginary women you're banging on the side.

>> No.7954441

I took engineering maths first year and it's pretty obvious, they treated us like complete morons. I've never felt so degraded my entire life, "let's skip the proof, we can see from this local graph that the phenomenon should be global".

>> No.7954450

First two weeks in the semester and I'm already set up to go out with this chick with a huge ass next Saturday. Not this Saturday but the one after that.

Unfortunately she is not gf material. She is studying maths but it is clear that she is not at my level. When we talk about math it is mainly about how she cannot understand something instead of how she finds everything trivial, like I'd like my gf to do.

At least I'm getting that pump & dump.

>> No.7954465

CompSci's started getting aids from engineers, so spread the truth to keep others safe

>> No.7954468

> I took engineer maths
Fucking why?

>> No.7954474

>not enough wimyyn xDDDD
This board should be renamed to /t/umblr

>> No.7954477

The statement doesn't work like that. All engineers are gay, but not all gay people are engineers.

>> No.7954479

CS is also a low % of women degree so it is clear that they are also faithful followers of the cock god.

Feminists denounce engineers as sexists because there are not enough women.

We say that you are a bunch of faggots. We know well that the reason women don't get into STEM is because they are just generally dumber. However, you also know this and that is why you got into engineering, to be surrounded 24/7 by hot, smelly, dirty and sweaty black cocks.

>> No.7954481

this meme is pretty hilarious
>tfw antihomosexual(homo-"""""""phobic"""""") and AeroE

>> No.7954483

Engineering is one of the few STEM professions that is legally defined. it gets alot of hate from math and science babbys because our guild stretches back to antiquity.

basically they are super mad engineers can dictate legislation and they can't.

>> No.7954484

>faithful followers of the cock god
>to be surrounded 24/7 by hot, smelly, dirty and sweaty black cocks.

This is called "projection."

>> No.7954493

>valid criticism based on statistics, aka empirical fucking data


I'm glad you accept that you are an antiantihomosexual.

>> No.7954495

Isn't the entirety of STEM pretty fucking gay?

>> No.7954496

Why else is /sci/ obsessed with giant white cocks that penetrate into the earth's atmosphere

>> No.7954498


Nobody is impressed by you fucking 5/10s. Having sex with women is what normal men do. Congratulations on not being a complete sperg.

>> No.7954504


I'd say 8 but whatever.

>Having sex with women is what normal men do.

I know, I just wish that you were not ashamed of admitting that you love to take it from back with a big black man.

>> No.7954506

so it is jealous sci fags. there are no women in engineering because its fucking hard

>> No.7954508

I didn't know that vivid imagery of male genitalia was considered empirical criticism.


Did I hit a nerve?

>> No.7954515

/sci/ is for science and math.

As engineering involves very little of wither should they be banned from /sci/? Perhaps /diy/ could take them.

>> No.7954521

>its fucking hard

But we are talking about the degree, not your boyfriend's cock.

Statistics say engineering has 10% women, with that being the lowest of all degrees.

So obviously, if you are a cock loving raging homosexual your first thought will be to go into engineering because everything else has at least 30% and most stuff has >50% (given that more women are in college than men).

Just accept it man. I am all for LGBT rights. You can even marry that cute guy from your Calc II class that has some rumors going around about his cock being a 15 incher. No shame!

>> No.7954523

As an engineering student, I'm OK with this. /DIY/ generally has less shitposts per quality posts anyways.

>> No.7954530

its funny you say that because /diy/ actually does stuff and is one of the better boards on 4chan.

>> No.7954552

kek, there are women in physics but not engineering because it's 'fucking hard'? Yeah, didn't think so.

>> No.7954586

See everybody wins!
>except for /diy/

>> No.7954600

>not enough wimyn xdddd
>därfore they r sexist and gay xddd
/t/umblr pls leave

>> No.7954688

damn those bantz

>> No.7954762


There aren't that many women in physics. More in math in my experience.

>> No.7954874

>ever bad mouthing godless degenerate homos

engineer """intelligence"""

>> No.7954887
File: 167 KB, 1024x576, Is-Scooby-Gay1-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an engineer.

>> No.7955058


>implying any high end robots will be built by mathematicisns, physicists and chemists

So delusional.

>> No.7955068


Unless you're doing analytical chemistry being a chemist in 2016 means that you're a fancy quantum physicist.
There's no need to bash such a beautiful discipline.

>> No.7955254

It's only because engineering is the most male dominated subject to take. Yes, even more than maths, physics and whatever.

>> No.7955259

Scooby has such a busted face. I'm gay and into older daddies but someone must have hit him too hard with the ugly stick.

>> No.7956244

>mfw /fit/ first figured out 6-10 months ago that scooby is gay

>> No.7956250

he's a really good engineer too. he builds planes in his spare time. most engineers aren't gay, but most engineers are shitters too.

>> No.7956255

>being this much of a newfag on /fit/

>> No.7956258

>le swole nerd meme

this meme just keeps growing. 20 years ago your typical engineer grad was a fat ass or a skelly. now they are all coming out of school jacked.