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7946891 No.7946891[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can I be sure I'm really ADHD? I think my teacher just hated me and my mom bought into her bullshit.

>> No.7946938

Well given that ADHD is like twice as likely to be assigned to younger students and the fact that states which link a teacher's pay to their students test performance have about double the ADHD rate, I'd say if you live in one of those states and were always the young kid in class then you probably don't have ADHD.

>> No.7946942

Kids have short attention spans and are naturally hyper. So Attention Deficit Disorder and similar syndromes are often spuriously diagnosed.

>> No.7947003

can you sit down and read a book without medication?

>> No.7947044

This may sound weird...
But try to plank for 10 mins straight on a couch or anything that suits you. If you fail to lay still at least 5 mins, you surely have ADHD. If you don't get to the whole 10 mins, you might have it slightly.

>> No.7947078
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>Planking for 10 minutes straight
Oh shit you wild pham

>> No.7947093

I definitely don't have ADHD but I'd get bored as shit planking for 10 min

>> No.7947095

Everybody gets bored as shit, the thing is that someone with ADHD can't resist being bored and can't lay still anymore. While someone without ADHD should be able to resist it and lay still non the less.

>> No.7947112

I'd sooner kill myself than Planck

>> No.7947114
File: 65 KB, 500x464, jXLNojS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, my sister was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult.
She was born in 1965, and back in the '70s we knew SOMETHING was up, but none of the doctors could tell us what it was.
But here's your clue: caffeine would slow her down (or put her to sleep), NOT speed her up.
That's why they give ADHD kids Ritalin, a stimulant.
If a kid's just plain hyper, Ritalin will only make them worse.
Actual ADHD kids respond differently.
So go chug a Red Bull.
If you feel like taking a nap (or reading a book), you've got the ADHD.

Oh, and please let the "over-diagnosed ADHD" meme die.
If someone misdiagnoses ADHD, the meds will make it very obvious the kid's just hyper.

>> No.7947128

So what if small amounts of caffeine (1-2 shots of espresso) make me sleepy and more does very little (unless it's a shitton)

Do I have ADHD? Is there another explanation?

>> No.7947131

>Do I have ADHD? Is there another explanation?
Sounds like it to me, but then again, I'm a code monkey, not a doctor.

>> No.7947136

Obviously I would go to a doctor to confirm but I was wondering if there were another likely cause of the caffeine tolerance and ADHD-like symptoms just so I don't jump to conclusions

Also I most likely have tourette's syndrome if that's relevant

>> No.7947155

the fuck are you doing on 4chan grandpa?

>> No.7947189

24 fresh re-diagnosis of ADHD.
You want the guarentee? There are tests lad.
Too lazy to take that route?....Thats ADHD behavior lol
But seriously, everyone has problems with concentration or the lack there of it, from time to time. What sets us apart is the inability to concentrate when you truly want to .
ex: I have ADHD and love to read. Without meds I can not read two full pages and actually remember everything I just read. i.e. Could go back over those two pages and find numerous things I 'missed;' when in reality I did not miss them, my conscious brain just was not capable of staying focused on noticing them and scanned past them instead.

>> No.7947199

I always wonder, can you actually test for it if you know you're testing for it, though?
Or does being aware of it being an ADHD test skew the test results?

What do they even ask you? What would you do if you found a flipped turtle in the desert?

>> No.7947207

and yes they can actually test for it. There are tests that can verify your 'authenticity' while taking them. The ones I recently took were, response and focus oriented all on computers. Like 45 minutes of just buzzing in on a button where a white dot popped up on a screen.

>> No.7947211

so if I can spend an hour playing a video game, I'm fine?
Like, what if someone is autistic, and has ADHD, and they started to play minecraft?

>> No.7947216

checked again, you would be good at monopoly.
There seems to be no connection in what your saying though. try to elaborate if you would like to be taken serious here la

>> No.7947225

I'm just saying that the stereotypical autism behaviour is repetition and order, while the stereotypical ADHD behaviour is wandering off to do something else.
So do you just start building 20 identical sandcastles but never finish?
Can these two things even appear at the same time?

>> No.7947228
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>mfw trying to decide if have autism or adhd?

>> No.7947232

pretty sure I have neither.

>> No.7947240
File: 328 KB, 433x540, boner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fuck are you doing on 4chan grandpa?
Taking a break from fugging you mother.

>> No.7947241

If you have stereotypical autism you never shut up or go into extravagant detail when no one cares.

If you have stereotypical ADHD HEY A BUTTERFLY.

>> No.7947242


Your very brief OP said all that needed to be said, anon. A female teacher with a (we're on 4chan so we can reasonably assume that you're - male) student that she seems to dislike, ganging up on him woman-style by talking to his mom.

This is consistent with a problem in education: predominantly female teachers favoring the students of same sex, both because of muh feminism but also girls respond more positively to makework and just following instructions. The boys meanwhile, who have less patience for pointless tasks, who are supposed to be building the next generation's infrastructure, meanwhile, get overmedicated, disfavored in the classroom, etc.

Or perhaps your OP was so short, because you really do have ADD. :^)

>> No.7947279

I have ADHD and have been on Ritalin or Adderall since 2nd grade, and have given much thought to it over my life.

A lot of people like to say ADHD doesn't exist and/or it's just people being lazy. Many of these people point to the exponentially increasing diagnoses of the disorder year after year. Older people like to say, "back in my day, you didn't say a kid had ADHD. When he was misbehaving or not doing his work, you just beat discipline into him."

What these people are ignoring is that the type of labor and style of education that our generation will be subjected to (and should be subjected to, in my opinion) is vastly different from what people in previous generations had to do. Calculus is quickly becoming core curriculum in many high schools all over the first world and only the bottom 50% of students do not take it. The majority of our parents' generation never learned it (my father is a doctor and he only took Calc I).

There is always a wide range of attention span, willpower, intelligence, and, shit, even diet that factor into how good of a student any given person will be. Two hundred, three hundred years ago, someone could be considered to be a valuable member of society by being very skilled at hunting and trapping. I would wager large sums of money on the idea that many of these people would be diagnosed with ADHD in today's society.

Think back to the middle ages: the scientists and philosophers of the time were seen as troublemakers by the societal establishment, which was largely the church. The future's society will continue to value scientists, engineers, and mathematicians more highly. It just so happens that science, math, and engineering require a high level of discipline to learn and practice, and it's just a fact of humanity that only a small portion of the population naturally has the required skill set.

So, OP, the question comes down to this. What do you want to do with your life?

>> No.7947308

The only way to be 100% -ish sure is to visit a doctor.

>> No.7947368

Music pham

>> No.7947375

My OP was short because I was running short on time.

>> No.7947394

oh god i do both of these.

but i have adhd. well. think i do. getting tested


>> No.7947396


but when going into detail i get sidetracked and go off an tangents and the detail i go into is never really that detailed.

Im clearly thinking about a lot of different aspects etc but not going deeper into the details of them

>> No.7947750

Then you probably don't need meds. All you gotta do in the mean time is bullshit your way through school and practice music.