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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7942810 No.7942810[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone a member? Any tips for the admission tests?

I was supposed to take it today, but I got the time wrong and showed up late, so I must wait another 2-3 months. In the meantime I'm practicing my algebra and studying the wonderlic as much as I can.

>> No.7942811

eat a fat dick, that's my advice

take your IQposting to /b/

>> No.7942816

Joining Mensa is like a death sentence for having hopes of doing anything useful with your life. Just say no.

>> No.7942817

low IQ brainlet detected :^)

>> No.7942819
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I own a business, and also have a black belt in 2 martial arts. I have lots of goals and ambitions, I simply think it would be neat to hang a Mensa certificate on my wall.

Anyone here a member?

>> No.7942820

>actually accomplished something
>thinking a paper telling people what your IQ is would be neat

something tells me you haven't done shit with your life

>> No.7942823

Boy you sound like a massive faggot.

>> No.7942824 [DELETED] 

>but I got the time wrong and showed up late
>got the time wrong

Lmfao. What a brainlet.

>> No.7942825

this is OP projecting his idiocy onto others, as >>7942824
has noted for us here

>> No.7942828

>the high IQ society
>I got the time wrong and showed up late

this is bait right? is this from a mitch hedberg routine?

>> No.7942829


Trolling has no effect on me. I'm glad to know /sci/ isn't completely liberal (as evident from the use of "faggot" and "nigger".

I take it no one here is a member?

>> No.7942833

OP is probably some fucked up narcissist that is desperate for attention

i pity him, i really do

>> No.7942836

dude this is an anonymous korean pottery forum. why are you pretending to be some one you are not?

>> No.7942839 [DELETED] 


>pointing out the fact you're a brainlet for missing an appointment because you got the time wrong is trolling

>> No.7942840


>> No.7942849

IQ test scores are for losers who cling to a number to feel superior to others.

>> No.7942853

Hello OP, I am a memeber of Mensa. I am currently finishing up my flight engineer degree and I'm going to apply for a job a NASA soon (which is looking bright due to my connections). I also am the third best chess player in my state and won several archery competitions.

Some tips for the admission test is to furiously masturbate atleast an hour before, preferably in front of a mirror. Trust me it works!

>> No.7942855

Get off your high horse. None of you have been late for an appointment? Come on now.

IQ is the greatest indicator of success in life. It's not perfect, but it's the best we have.

>> No.7942856

I think so...

>> No.7942858

It's not the best either. From what I've heard, the marshmallow test is more reliable for success in life.
Effort is more important than talent.

>> No.7942862

the only benefit to mensa is recognition

which roughly translates to, "insecure faggot"

>> No.7942866
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Delaying gratification is a sign of high IQ. Which is why smart people tend to be wealthy; they plan ahead and have a long time horizon.

Joining is 100% for personal satisfaction. I would never mention it to anyone in conversation.

Come on guys. I know this is 4chan and I've been lurking other boards for nearly 10 years. I find It hard to believe that no one is a member.

>> No.7942869

I apparently have an IQ of 153 or so

i know a few people in mensa ; they are ok people, but also fucking dorks that make retarded puns @ D&D games. yeah......

>> No.7942874

it's arbitrary
someone could make a club or association for people who provide proof of beating halo 3 on legendary all skulls no deaths one run

people would join
who cares though

>> No.7942875

What IQ test did you take?

>> No.7942878

Beating halo 3 on legendary, no deaths/skulls is an achievement. High IQ is an ability.

I agree the organization itself is pointless, but so are most recreational activities.

>> No.7942888

I like puns better than obnoxious "adult" humor. Stuff like, "Bella Thorne is so hot, id pay money to suck the last dick she fucked". Or, "whats the difference between bud light and pussy, nothing, they both taste like piss".

never understood why jokes like this were deemed so funny

clever wit makes the audience go "uhh, wait... Oh I get it!, yeah thats funny i guess". Then they never come back because it required brain power to understand

>> No.7942899

Or that asian webm of the spikey fruit thing being slingshot into the woman's ass.

I imagine the people laughing at it are underage or rednecks.

>> No.7942917

Eh, you could possibly do some worthwhile networking there. Parents bringing their kids there are probably well-to-do at something. If you're after personal achievement, just find a test online and do it. Or take an IQ test.

I considered going for it, but getting 29/30 or whatever on the practice test was enough for me. I still remember it was the jumbled up word that was the one I got wrong, didn't even try because I suck ass so hard at those. Pretty sure the answer was PARACHUTE though.

>> No.7942929

i have no idea
guiness tastes like pussy b/c metallic aftertaste
people will resent you for making them think; expending energy is not enjoyable
this is just fucking hot

>> No.7942930


>> No.7942931

Who gave you the test? High school/college/military/psychiatrist ...?

>> No.7942936

You don't have to join Mensa to wear a fedora. Just buy one fag.

>> No.7942945

laughing with a crowd at a childish joke is not enjoyable either

>> No.7942959

We should not judge people by an indicator for success in life. Instead, we should measure them by success in life.

>> No.7942964

Well, for people that strive for social conformity and acceptance it is. Which in a evolutionary perspective, is beneficial, despite being a little pathetic.

>> No.7942966


>> No.7943013

Why would anyone who posts as Anonymous be so vain that they want to stroke their ego with a pointless title that has no bearing on their success.

Why would anyone want to promote a caste system of intelligence through IQ when IQ is only one factor in the grand scheme.

>> No.7943018


This is a catch 22 situation, no one with an IQ above 80 would ever answer this thread seriously

>> No.7943032

I think it would be kind of neat to join

But I also percieve how joining mensa comes off negatively

I bet the people who go to meetings and stuff are pretty awful

>> No.7943039

Mensa is just a club for "I'm not dumb but I've underachieved so much that I feel insecure about it and need to prove my intelligence to people at parties in a way outside of real success"

>> No.7943042
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Everyone likes recognition to some extent though (says the guy posting on an anonymous taiwanese opera critique board)

And if you have the innate skills to pass the test, why not get the cert if only to bolster your narcicistic pride a little

>> No.7943044

>I've been lurking other boards for nearly 10 years.
>I find It hard to believe that no one is a member

if you truly think mensa is for intelligent people you have to realize the contradiction in these statements.

>> No.7943047

The only exposure I have is my 30 second conversation with the teacher (informing me to take the next test), he was very nice about it and said he'd let me know when the next test is.

The only other people in the class was a fat 30 something woman and another old man.

>> No.7943048
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I think this may be true

Thats kind of the whole draw for me

Im insecure because I have a philosophy degree which the most people understand to be a funhouse mirror parody of what it actually is

Ive got a good job and stuff, I guess its just a futile attempt to gain recognition as a genuinely intelligent person - but the people I want to accept also wouldnt give a flying fuck about mensa

>> No.7943062

IQ tests have huge flaws. Any person who as any amount of intelligence should ignore them.

. The majority of them (including Mensa) are based on 3 sole factors. Reasoning, verbal and short term memory skills. If they were the only factors that make up intelligence, then how did Einstein or Schrodinger dream up their thought experiments which changed the world? How did Debussy create masterpieces like Arabesque? IQ tests do not factor in creativity or 'out of the box' thinking. Social and emotional intelligence are also not factored in. What about the intelligence that deals with the ability to learn new things?

Without creativity, we would all be about as useful as a Casio FX calculator. Great as a tool, but a calculator didn't come up with the theory of relativity.

. The sole act of taking an IQ test can result in the subject limiting themselves to a number. IQ tests could well be limiting huge amounts of people from achieving their true potential. The world could well be losing loads of great future scientists/engineers and mathematicians as a result of a stupid test.

All thanks to the work of a field called Psychology! Highly uncontrolled, but it's done anyway.

>> No.7943067

"faggot" and "nigger" aren't used here in the same way a dictionary would list them as being defined.

>> No.7943070

Im a member
Idk for the test, just think logically

>> No.7943167

What do you remember from the test?

Thankfully whites are both high IQ and creative.

>> No.7943193

There was a memory part, like where you had 2 minutes to remember a table of information, and then write it down 10 minutes later
Other than that classic logic and pattern tests

>> No.7943223

What kind of information?

The only thing I'm finding online is they read you a story, then you write down answers 10 minutes later

>> No.7943238

What is jazz.

>> No.7943332

you sound like those stupid american dudes in 90s movies

please american 4channers don't become like this guy

>> No.7943369

Iq tests are games just as halo 3 is a game. To think that intelligence/creativity can be quantified is to be just another cringe intellectually insecure mensa member. People who join mensa is the type of people who will tell you that Carl Sagan was a scientfic genius. Mensa got some "smart" people but the people who are genuinely in the highly gifted category will fell as surrounded by idiots as always. Some normies will think more of you if you have a mensa membership,
some intelligent people will think less of you if you have a mensa membership. Thats it.

>> No.7943384

Dear lord this is the type of kiddio's top 10 "Im 14 and this deep" meme shit mensa members keep on saying. *cringe*

>> No.7943385

I think it was a list of made up companies which sold different types of items in different countries for specific prices

>> No.7943401

>OP is probably some fucked up narcissist that is desperate for attention
As are most folks I've met who brag about belonging to mensa. Mensa is for lightweights. If you need to belong to a mutual jerkoff organization, at least shoot for something more impressive like, say, the Triple Nine Society.

>> No.7943428


>> No.7943675

Actually it's psych101.
I don't like Mensa.

Deep? You think concepts learned in highschool are deep?

>> No.7943680

>someone who just turned 15 and can sign up for runescape without parents consent detected

>> No.7943683

>triple nine society
Pleb tier. Get back to me when you're in the MEGA society.

>> No.7943717

I don't belong to any of them as I don't personally need the circle-jerk affirmations of my intelligence. However, I do qualify for all of them.

>> No.7943728

Sure you do, kiddy, and I own Google and Microsoft

>> No.7944258

Summer really came early.

OP, are you an in america? If not they will hit you with a pure, culture fair, pattern reg test.

Getting into Mensa if you can is a great idea, so many people I know would be impressed by it (including employers) you just have to be smart enough to know when revealing your membership to someone will backfire, which it does often since for so many folk saying "I'm from Mensa" translates to "I'm from Mensa and you are not".

>> No.7944771

I'm in America. Do you recommend me requesting the culture fair test? AFAIK, America Mensa administers the Wonderlic, a memory test and a longer, written test

>> No.7944790

If you're even a little bit socially adjusted and pass the entrance exam, you'll take one step into that new members meeting and walk the fuck out of there. I got in and thought I was the man for it, and evidently so did everyone else. The only reason I was drawn to it was the special interest groups, but I'm telling you it's not worth it. You won't gain anything from it. It seems like the whole concept of it distills out the nice, normal Mensa men/women, and leaves the self-important ones who don't do anything better with their time than go to Mensa meetings to argue with you and masturbate into a mirror.

>> No.7944809

I took the test and got invited, but didn't joined. I don't have time and money to waste like that.
But it's kinda good option if you don't have intelligent friends and want to spend free time with like-minded people.
Also there is no sense in practicing. Doing math can increase your IQ, but only at long-term. Practicing IQ tests itself is simply cheating. If you want to genuine test yourself, and not just get into "cool guys club" then you should never consider doing it.

>IQ tests have huge flaws.
>IQ tests do not factor in creativity or 'out of the box' thinking
Do you really think someone who created IQ tests, thought they will be good at describing someone's creativity?
It was never the point. IQ test were created to roughly indicate how good someone is at understanding abstract concepts. It corresponds to how easy it will be to you to study math, science and solve abstract problems.

>OP, are you an in america? If not they will hit you with a pure, culture fair, pattern reg test.
I'm from Europe so I took normal IQ test.
What's with the tests in USA? I heard they are quite different from just normal 3x3 grid of patterns. Is there any reason for that?

>> No.7945120

No but that's the point. They do not empirically measure intelligence. All IQ tests basically do is measure how good you are as a calculator and logical deducer. Just because you are good at those things doesn't necessarily mean you are more intelligent than say an artist. It only means you are good at solving set calculations.

Einstein was not a mathematical genius, he was purely good at physics and got help with the maths from other scientists. Yet he was still intelligent enough to discover relativity. To say intelligence purely revolves around mathematics is absurd.

>> No.7945134

To say who is more intelligent, an mathematician or artist, you need to define quantifiable intelligence first.
That's pretty pointless.

>> No.7945135
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>> No.7945144


Honestly, don't bother. Try get into some science societies instead.

>> No.7945180

>practicing IQ tests is cheating

I was homeschooled and never learned algebra. Saying it's cheating for me to practice is absurd.

Memorizing answers is cheating, developing the ability to solve problems is practice.

>> No.7945187

Also, to answer your question as to why the USA doesn't administer pattern based IQ tests (which IMO are the most accurate) the Supreme Court banned employers from using them in "Dukes vs Power Briggs" because it "disproportionately affected minorities in a negative way" (which is a nice way of saying blacks and Mexicans have low intelligence).

Because of that, roundabout tests like the Wonderlic were developed, and that's what America Mensa administers.

>> No.7945190

Only stupid people join mensa.

>> No.7945205

> madposting brainlet
always entertaining :^)

>> No.7945209 [DELETED] 

Practicing by learning algebra and doing mind ethicize is completely fine.
But practicing by taking many IQ tests is cheating. if you do so, you will get better on solving them, but the test will lose all psychological meaning. The point of these tests is not to determine how good you are at solving them, but to get hints about various capabilities of your mind.

Oh, wow. I thought it might be the reason, but I didn't wanted to believe people can be this retarded.

>> No.7945214

Success is the greatest indicator of success you knob jockey.

>> No.7945215

Practicing by learning algebra and doing mind exercises is completely fine.
But practicing by taking many IQ tests is cheating. if you do so, you will get better on solving them, but the test will lose all psychological meaning. The point of these tests is not to determine how good you are at solving them, but to get hints about various capabilities of your mind.

Oh, wow. I thought it might be the reason, but I didn't wanted to believe people can be this retarded.

>> No.7945239

Exactly, that's why IQ tests are pointless. Intelligence can't be quantified.

>> No.7945241

I have an IQ of 110. Is that bad?

>> No.7945257

The only bad thing is that you're insecure enough to ask.

>> No.7945260

That's average

>> No.7945262
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High IQ is the greatest predictor* of success.

I understand and agree with all of that. Do you recommend any resources on beginners algebra? I've got 3 months and I want to work my way up.

IQ tests like the Ravens progressive matrices are very good indicators of intelligence. IQ affects every area of life. If you had a choice between two buttons, one would set your children's IQ at 70, the other at 130, are you telling me you would be equally as happy with either one?

You're 10 points above the European/white average, and 5 above the East Asian average. What IQ test did you take?

>> No.7945267

I don't remember what it was called but I took it in high school.

>> No.7945269

>IQ tests are pointless
Not true.
If you take groups of people in any reasonable IQ ranges, let's say: [0,80], [80, 120], [120, 200]
You'll be able to see that people within these group generally share some common traits that are rare in the other groups. This sole fact proves that IQ tests have some meaning. Of course there are much better applications for it, but that's just an example.

That's little above the average. It just means there are some people who might have it easier to study, but with enough motivation you can catch up with them.

>Do you recommend any resources on beginners algebra?
I learn everything from uni on classes and never really read any math book. I guess you'll have to ask in SQT or something.

>> No.7945274

So what's a high IQ anyway? 120+?

>> No.7945286

I would say the mensa level: 130+

>> No.7945353

Correlation does not equal causation. Have all other variables been controlled to determine these traits are actually due to intelligence? Probably not.

Of course it's obvious that some people are naturally better at calculating and processing information. But IQ tests attempt to quantify such a complex system that we define as intelligence into 3 core skills. Verbal, logic and memory.

They also rely on an idea that intelligence is fixed. If intelligence is fixed, that would mean top-tier universities would only get a few applicants each year if most people couldn't improve their grades in their subjects.

>> No.7945364

Ravens progressive is ultimately the same as the others, measuring only 3 skills. Verbal, Mathematical and short term memory.

Now of course I would obviously pick 130 because that would give me some indication of decent information processing skills, but it's still a very vague indication of intelligence.

>> No.7945578

>Correlation does not equal causation
ive seen people explain this so much, that i expect other people have to and understand it.

now it just annoys me when people say it, like its a trend. almost like youre saying "swag"

>> No.7945615

Well it's part of the scientific methodology. It really doesn't matter if it's 'trendy' or not. It's a recognised method of determining whether results are truly significant.

Otherwise everyone would believe Daily Mail science like 'Carrots give you cancer' - Top kek

>> No.7945642

he's right though

>> No.7945654

By the very definition of an IQ score it is a bit above average.

>> No.7945784

>Correlation does not equal causation. Have all other variables been controlled to determine these traits are actually due to intelligence? Probably not.
Of course not. The result of IQ test doesn't cause successes in math. Like any other psychometric variable, it corresponds to it.