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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7939114 No.7939114 [Reply] [Original]

How do you rationalize death /sci/?
It could be your death, the death of someone you care about, the death of strangers.
How do you deal with the knowledge you will die, your loved ones will die, and your loved ones have died?

Lets get some feels in our science.

>> No.7939140

What do you mean, rationalize? What's there to be rationalized?

>> No.7939148

>How do you rationalize death /sci/?
Why do you need to rationalize it?

>How do you deal with the knowledge you will die, your loved ones will die, and your loved ones have died?
It just something that happens, and there's nothing wrong with being dead, the process of dying is far worse.

>> No.7939151
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>> No.7939155

I mean convincing yourself that dying is okay. I for one have a very hard time imagining my own death.

>> No.7939156

>How do you rationalize death /sci/?
It's something that happens.
I've accepted it.

>How do you deal with the knowledge you will die, your loved ones will die, and your loved ones have died?
It's slightly bothersome, but I don't find myself upset by it.

Death can't be too bad.
Everyone's tried it.

>> No.7939162

Look, death is nothing to be worried about, living is.

>> No.7939164

>I mean convincing yourself that dying is okay.
Why would I do that? It isn't okay. It has never been okay and never will be okay.

>> No.7939169

>dying is okay
It's not okay.
But you can't stop it, either.
Best thing to do is enjoy life.

Death is like darkness, you can keep lighting candles to keep it away, but you'll run out of wax eventually.

>> No.7939177

what's there to rationalize ? things live and then they die so what ?

>> No.7939179

This is a very good way to put it.

>> No.7939193

Have you seen a person at the end of their life? Or a dead person?

I worked in terminal care for a few months. Usually it's rather uneventful. Patient is tired, pumped full of pain meds, mostly just lying in bed and too tired to do much. And then rapid deterioration and they're gone.

My general impression was that the quality of life is so low in the final months and weeks that there's really no point in continuing life, as such death itself becomes more of a relief than a horrible and abrupt end.

The awful part is the deterioration aspect. Which is why I'm set on committing suicide at early signs of adversity. I'd rather throw away a decade of life than spend a half decade in a hospital environment.

>> No.7939194

This is a very bad way to put it.

>> No.7939201

Yeah watching a person deteriorate is the worst.

>> No.7939203
File: 169 KB, 291x350, Chairman_Yang_(SMAC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If our society seems more nihilistic than that of previous eras, perhaps this is simply a sign of our maturity as a sentient species. As our collective consciousness expands beyond a crucial point, we are at last ready to accept life's fundamental truth: that life's only purpose is life itself

>> No.7939204

Well, shit.

>> No.7939208

I am the person who said it is a very good way to put it. It is a good way to put it if you assume that in life you only get one candle, its a bad way to put it if you take what he said literally which implies you can keep going and going until as long as you have candles to burn.

>> No.7939216

I'm not that anon but I thought he meant like getting surgeries and taking medicine
Technically that would give you more candles to burn

>> No.7939218

Precisely, dying is easy, living is hard. No one gets out of life alive, deal with it, you have no choice, except running to occult handlers I suppose, actually what most resort to in the end.

>> No.7939221

Yeah that could also be implied.

>> No.7939272
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I hate these types of photos, they are too sad.

>> No.7939359

Losing something that is desirable is not ok.

>> No.7939414



I think humour and human endeavour (and my wife and 3 kids I suppose) are the only things that keeps me interested in life.

90% of humans are dicks and I don't see too many of the 10% about either.

Death scares the fuck out of me, remember what it was like before you were born?

That's what being dead is.

>> No.7939430


Seen it, true, and as bleak as it sounds.

I wish I could have the comfort blanket of God, like I did as a child, before I realised it was silly.

>> No.7939450

>state of death is the same as pre-birth
>pre-birth state didnt last forever, it ended (birth happened)

so why assume the death state last forever?

>> No.7939457

My mum is a nurse and she says the same thing. Death isn't the bad part, deterioration is. We should stop wasting money on these autistic fantasies of immortality and instead put more effort into improving end-of-life-care.

>> No.7939495


Common sense?

>> No.7939503

/lit/ mathfag here.

poetry is better at explaining things than science.


>> No.7939545
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Can you life cuck imbeciles who don't care about living longer just kill yourself already so I don't have to listen to your idiocy? You have this throw away attitude to life anyway, so fucking do it. You said it yourselves it won't matter when you die so fucking do it. Your lives only impede progress anyway and mankind would be better off without any of you.

>> No.7939576

You can't rationalize the absurd, but you can try.

>> No.7939627

>remember what it was like before you were born?

Actually, I do. But this being /sci/, y'all won't want to know. Do you know the worst thing about having seen some of what is beyond this realm, and knowing that reincarnation is real, is people saying, it's wishful thinking, so you don't have to face the reality of death. Well duh, no. The consciousness which is 'you' does not end at death. But it sure as heck does end before the preparation for rebirth. The continuation of whatever the heck this thread is which stretches between lives is no comfort for me. You live now, here, or you don't. But fuck, death is a change, not the end.

I know that there is a theory which proposes that people can only accept new facts which fit with some element of their existing conceptual framework. So I expect all the usual derping. But let one idea sink in; you keep hearing about this, and you've just heard about it again. One day, you're going to know the truth of it for yourself, for or against. There is no point living in fear until then.

>> No.7939631

When you see it for what it is, it isn't so bad. Birth and death isn't about you. "You" as a person, as this thing you conceive yourself to be, doesn't really exist, it's an amalgam of many different things. Parts of your body die all the time, and you don't notice it. When you'll be dead, the stuff that was you will become other things, living or not, depending on where your corpse ends up. When you mother was pregnant, she ate plenty of dead things, and you were spread in all those things.

Avoid death if you have fun, but don't lose sleep at night trying to keep it away at all costs.

>> No.7940106

that pic game me some feels

>> No.7940107

this works.

if you are rich you can afford more candle wax.

>> No.7940123

death is a natural part of life, however us humans no longer obey the laws of nature it is only a matter of time before we cure death, after we are long dead

>> No.7940126

ultimately death is complete apoptosis, programmed cellular death, what is programming this cellular death well the answer lies within the telomere

>> No.7940134
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When I was a kid my father was diagnosed with brain cancer before I was born, he suffered from lethargy, but remained employed at his job off the potomac as a radar technician. I spent the sundays with my three older brothers in my dad's room watching The Simpsons, and I recollect counting the staples across the top of his head as a child. A decade later he became diagnosed with diabetes, and in the spring of 2010 my older brother was murdered behind a 7-eleven after he was drinking and camping out with a homeless acquaintance of his. He spent the later two days of his life on life support with the entire left side of his face destroyed from being stomped on. I was 18 at the time, but staying with my other brother across the country when I heard of the news, coming to find out I was knowing of the two out of the three people responsible of it. Last time I saw him I was hugging him at the gate of the airport, right after visiting the winter before.

November, the week of thanksgiving, I went out to spend time with my grandparents, and visit my dad, who was then in a wheelchair at a hospice home. Me and my older brother, along with my grandparents would head over through the week at afternoon to take him out. He paid to get us shoes, and clothes, we dined one day at Pizza hut, then at a Jerry's subs. Me and my brother too also took the opportunity to hang out with our neighborhood friend who we grew up with.

The January after, my father became more ill and finally succumbed in the company of his parents, alongside his brothers and sisters.

I've always had a habit of watching gore videos; executions, accidents, and whatever else. Spend my days harboring a continual inner filth that really is just the temptations of the melancholic passage of time. Try to teach myself basic math, taking breaks for coffee and cigarettes. I never got a drivers license, nor attend community college even being 23. I pretty much live off acquiring good boy points from my mom.

>> No.7940137

What the absolute fuck

>> No.7940149

the world was not created for us, this is the human condition, whether you think your life was exceptionally hard, there will always be someone who has had it harder than you. the measure of a man is not what he is put through cause we all have problems but his ability to move forward continue to learn to grow. I devoted my life to the sciences instead of wasting it away frivolously you should try it

>> No.7940154

seen this pic before.
still don't know what's so funny

>> No.7940157

>brain cancer
>radar technician


>> No.7940159
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Continuing, also clarifying that is was January 2015 when my dad finally passed.

I had a psychotic episode last fall, due to the abrupt cessation of methamphetamine. Prior to it I was reading a lot into theology; greek pantheons, kabbalah, and the bible.

It started with a voice inside my head one night as I was sitting in the garage, saying "People will walk a thousand miles along the wall for a glass of water." I was "cycling" through, crying and feelings grandeur for the past week. I felt as though I fumbled upon something hidden in plain sight. I needed up having my mom take me to the hospital because of these feelings, ranging from crude sexual and violent ideas. Upon admission I started breaking down as I felt "they" were gonna cart me into some atmospheric incursion to wage war on an alien planet. It seemed as though my brain was fissured into two, with an infant who joyed the attention of the nurses, a sleeping beauty who stirred through the universal congregation of souls. My social worker was conversing with my mom as I hysterically made pleas in the fear of things to come, and vividly recall the social worker look at me and saying, "Quiet", with not a movement in her lips, and somewhat unnoticed by my mother who she was talking to.

Spent three days essentially with what could only be described as starwars behind my eyelids, tracing through the paradoxes of premonition. Finally managed to bullshit my way out of getting discharged, but the next few nights and weeks were filled with fear and cataclysm, including a grimoire of languages written in a broken window, a ping that was gonna make every kill themselves, a lunar eclipse in which the magical beast of stories long ago would take reign, all because I failed to end my life. Then there were moments that I was "punished" for speaking too much about the secret. Where everyone on this chat site I often visited was angry with me, talking indirectly about me.

>> No.7940160

That's only part of the problem. On a long enough time scale getting fatally hit by a car becomes a 100% probability

>> No.7940163

Life isn't fun but I'm no pussy so I endure that shit. Eventually, I will become a big pussy just like the way I was born. Just like elders wear diapers, I will be akin to the door I used to enter this world. I want to die how I lived. Fertilizing my mother's eggs.

>> No.7940175

To combat myself, I sought to find a foundation to my ability to actually understand it, so I started getting into the platonic art that every enjoys which we know as geometry, Every thing has settled in recent times, but I'll still take my antipsychotic at night, which occasional give me closed eye visuals. Like i'll be facing my wall in my bedroom and for a moment I will see my bedroom door opening behind me with a looming black figure, or maybe have random things pop into my eyelids, for a few nights. I can certainly say that television tooth is not bad, just annoying when you are trying to sleep. Such as a voice going, "waahh waah wahh", or just maybe to occasional fear ridden induction of a scary face (not really that scary). Most often if it does happens, It's just a granular, changing pattern, with a occasional sensation of color.

If I was given an eternity with this brain, I would say I am quite limited to what is only normal of experience, but am grateful for the stuff that has happened to me, to actually feel confident when everything is normal, with dinosaurs or the big bang, I can say the the active perception of universal nihilism and scientific conventions of our knowledge if not as distressing as the horrific imagination of a single, solipsistic soul at the disposal as what I can only be "magical".

Who would know better than yourself, on "what else is there". It's good to be there for people to save them from their pessimism, yet, not to bullshit them to the extent of insanity, we could all do that for ourselves if we wanted it.

>> No.7940176
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Normies wouldn't get it.

>> No.7940185

Why does pepe need the big boy points?

>> No.7940204

On a long enough timescale, eating jellyfish, sleeping with Chloe Moretz, and inventing the perfect toaster also become 100% probabilities.

>> No.7940222
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>Which is why I'm set on committing suicide at early signs of adversity.

People say this but in reality they cling to life with the ferocity of 1,000 SJWs condemning the Patriarchy. Only a few % use voluntary euthanasia even when it is available.

Why do they do this?

I suspect just that it is our genes that hard wire us to survive at all costs.

>> No.7940224

Good stuff

>> No.7940226

>I suspect just that it is our genes that hard wire us to survive at all costs.
In which case the desperate fear of death that most people have is no more real than the delusion that some slut is your perfect unicorn virgin waifu.

>> No.7940243


Do you realize that everyone you know, someday will die?

>> No.7940276

The same way i deal with the knowledge that there was a time when i did not exist.

>> No.7940321
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>>But you can't stop it, either.
>Best thing to do is enjoy life.
>choosing being an hedonist in 2016


>> No.7940327

>that life's only purpose is life itself
or smarter, get rid of the concept of purpose.

>> No.7940331

100% A+ Tell these /sci/ boys.
1st Law of Thermodynamics. Wheres that energy from your consciousness go, into the ground as fertilizer? Probably not. If anyone assumes you just dont exist after death have a lot of learning to do about themselves and their mind, which is clearly different than your body. Im pretty sure if you arent aware of your minds power and that it has its separate place from your body you will be reincarnated without a choice because of the shock of after death. Hence the purpose of meditation.

>> No.7940332


>> No.7940334

>>My mum is a nurse and she says the same thing.
nurses are famous tramps. they meddle with penises of patients before a surgery.

>> No.7940351

I think at the end of the day most people just don't want to die. You can talk big about dying with dignity before you're a vegetable etc. but I think I'd really rather just lie in a hospital bed being miserable than throw away literally all I have.

>> No.7940408
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>How do you rationalize death /sci/?
What is there to rationalize?
>How do you deal with the knowledge you will die,
I don't worry about my death. Once I die I won't be able to perceive it or anything else, so it's not much of a problem. Not being able to accomplish my goals somehow bothers me, but then I realize there isn't really any point in doing them except for having fun. However at the same time I have to go though periodically awful pain which made me think about suicide often, so being dead and free from pain doesn't really sounds that bad. Yet when there is no pain I can enjoy life and forget about the hard moments so I don't plan to kill myself anytime soon, even if life seems pointless while being in pain.
>your loved ones will die, and your loved ones have died?
The only person who is so close to me, to make me sad in case of death is my waifu. But she is a fictional character so she can't die anyway.

>> No.7940414
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>How do you rationalize death /sci/?
Life is preparation for death.

>How do you deal with the knowledge you will die, your loved ones will die, and your loved ones have died?
Loved ones make our lives bearable, but the one truth about human experience is death. There is no ritual, no sacrifice, no crying and no begging that will return what was the past. I would like to believe that in such events I can act with a stoic calm.

>> No.7940417


no such thing as dying with dignity, only attempting to live with it.

>> No.7940435
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the ignorance generating your fear of death happens with stream entry as the buddhist call it.

=>you are sad because you take seriously what you feel and what you think, whereas those are not really you.
Once you understand this, the attempt to stop being sad is the attempt to reach stillness which brings you happiness.

>> No.7940448

As far as I see it, the only thing of value is intelligent life. Without that nothing else has meaning or value. Therefore the only goal should be its extension and preservation. My own death is not so important, as the next generation can continue working towards this goal.

>> No.7940451

Is that hui neng?

>> No.7940459
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>tfw I used to worry about leaving a trace in the world
>tfw in the most distant future the concept of matter won't make sense anymore
>tfw someday there will be no trace of anybody existance

Fuck me.

>> No.7940475
File: 85 KB, 600x575, absurd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not important enough to be immortal. But It makes me sad how I don't get to know how the far future will be like. I would really like to know. But I should also be grateful. I have access to more knowledge than anyone before me. Medicine is as advanced as never.

But it's strange how perhaps people living in the far future could have a comfy life I could only dream of. They could be living for thousand years while never having health problems or having to work. But I guess they may not appreciate it as it would be normal for them.

Anyways what makes me sad how temporary everything is. You are told to enjoy the moment but a moment is so short. It's infinitesimal. Once the moments of enjoyment are interrupted by suffering you forget about all the happy moments of the past. Will you feel all the happiness you had when you are old and lying in bed with pains?

It makes me sad thinking how all the achievements people worked hard for will be superseded. Like now a team of the smartest minds may be working day and night to build a robot that in the future will just be viewed as a joke and will be built by undergrads as a project.

It makes me sad how we have these great artists dedicating their lives to a craft and in the far future it may all disappear. What will happen to all the statues and paintings of the past? Will there be a time when even our most popular movies will stop existing in any form? Will famous people like Einstein be forgotten?

I guess life is like a tv show that changes the actors each season.

>> No.7940566
File: 14 KB, 236x314, maxlucado youarespecial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A baby fusses when it leaves the womb.
Then it fusses when it's learning to talk.
Then it fusses when it's going to school.
Then it fusses when it's going to work.
Dating? It's still fucking fussing.
Having babies of its own? Fussing and fussing.

All that fussing, for something that isn't even that bad. Do you dread going to sleep at night? If you do, why's it such a pain to get your ass up in the morning?
We fuss at the thought of change, regardless of whether or not that change is actually bad. You just have to decide to stop fucking fussing, and everything becomes so much more wonderful.

>> No.7940648
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>Not knowing Christ has already championed over death

>> No.7940693

When I'm dead I'm pretty sure I won't be around to experience it, so I'm not too afraid of it. It also occurs to me that I think I'd get bored of life if I lived forever, so I'd want to die eventually anyway.

>> No.7940697


It's the natural path taken by nature. I rationalize it like a stoic would.

>> No.7940755

Damn. It took me way to long to laugh at this.

>> No.7940793
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I've always thought death has been an obscure thing that we don't know anything about except for what happens to the physical body. Yeah, your heart stop beatings and your brain stops functioning. But me being here and existing is something that I've questioned throughout my entire life. Why am I here now? Why do I exist right now? I've always thought about how we are just stardust, and how life has evolved on earth. I've thought about how everything just continues in a cycle, and how everything is somehow intertwined with each other. I feel that this universe has an unbelievable amount of coincidences that we don't take notice of. I believe there is some great truth/secret to everything, perhaps about the cycle of life or something even more mindblowing. This leaves me with, what is death? Death is something we'll all eventually meet in our lives, it's the opposite of life. My conclusion so far is that like the cycle of life, there is a cycle of death. No one lives forever, and no one is dead forever. That is what I believe so far, I guess you can call this reincarnation. But, I think it's something more than that. Rambling on /sci/ feels good, mang.

>> No.7940803


This is something that I've always believed. If you ask people the first word that comes to mind when they hear the word, "death," they'll probably say something along the lines of darkness or ending. This I believe stems from human empathy and sadness of one's passing. Even the word death holds heavy meaning, but looking at this ending to a life through a neutral perspective, I've come across a strange realization such as this. I can't exactly put it into words. But it's similar to this.

>> No.7940805

I am of a nature to age. I have not gone beyond aging.

I am of a nature to sicken. I have not gone beyond sickness.

I am of a nature to die. I have not gone beyond death.

All that is mine, both beloved and pleasing, will become otherwise, will become separated from me.

I am the owner of my kamma. I am born of my kamma, heir to my kamma, related to my kamma, abide supported by my kamma. All of the kamma that I shall do, for good or for ill, of that will I be the heir.

>> No.7940844

Pro tip: there is no such a thing as soul
You die and it ends your consciousness. You no longer think or exists. Just like when you kill a program in operating system, no matter how much input it can interpret and how human-like it is, after SIGKILL it can't make any more computation.

>> No.7940869

What makes you think the path is cyclical and not linear?

>> No.7940873
File: 64 KB, 586x634, 1455814655510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that you are no longer the person you were 1 day ago, that person is permanently gone and you are just a collection of the previous hosts memories.

>> No.7940895


Cool story bro but was there a point to any of this? Your problems with psychosis seem to be well demonstrated by the incoherence of your posts

>> No.7940910

I've always had a fear of how I'm going to die, but not what happens after I'm dead. I guess it's never really been a deep concern to me. Almost like it doesn't matter because there's nothing I can do once I'm dead lol

>> No.7940932
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, Kyubey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that you are no longer the person you were 1 femtosecond ago, that person is permanently gone and you are just a collection of the previous hosts' memories.

Friendly reminder that you are no longer the person you were 1 second ago, because the person experiences blue, and also experience time. However the blue thing doesn't experience blue in and of itself, just as it doesn't experience time, unless the blue thing is a smurf.

It would seems all our scientific activities are inherent to this waking state, and are not actualities of object in their unobservable form. Every fact we claim to be truth is only true by the hallucination we believe to be ineffable.

>> No.7940938

You're meant to not want to die. You're meant to want to preserve yourself. Nothing you can ever do or think will change this. Accept it and move on. You're a collection of atoms that is here because the collections of atoms before it didn't want to die.

What happens to you after you die? We have no clue. We don't even deserve to ask that question because we can't even define "you". We can't prove "you" are a continuous entity. How do I know that I'm the same me from yesterday? So how could we attempt to answer questions about death when we can't even answer the most basic questions about life? Personally, I try to focus on things I can know.

>> No.7940981

The point is that the human mind has an uncanny affinity to make things normally mundane, become extraordinarily real.

You would naturally be consumed with your own good senses on what comprises the nature of reality, given that it is of your own self. True fear only is preceded to the horror that something is watching you from inside the closet, and that the thing inside of it is not of your thoughts.

We may all judge what is correct and incorrect in others. There's nothing for us after all, in the end.

>> No.7941002

You now realize that every mind and every thought in this thread right now will be gone forever in no more than ~100 years.

>> No.7941046

Not true. Anon knows nothing about this, and is just mouthing off to appear cool and edgy and grown up when in fact he is a scared child, despite his actual age.

>> No.7941073


Sorry, I realize that some of the things I said were just bs, but this is just coming off of ideas that are hard to explain 100 percent accurately in words.


Using that analogy, you could definitely say that the end of consciousness ends when our heart stops beating. But, we don't even understand consciousness. Computers are not sentient beings like us, the brain is the most complex organ in your body and contains all of your experiences. Sure, a program in an operating system would shut down when you kill it, but that's expected since we were the ones who programmed all of it. You could then ask yourself, "Who programmed us?" Half of the world would say we're here because we evolved and the other half would say that a God created us. The state of death can not be observed. Whether or not "you" become nothing and disappear is something that we may never know.

>> No.7941081


state of death can only be observed from a physical standpoint*

>> No.7941141

>Using that analogy, you could definitely say that the end of consciousness ends when our heart stops beating.
No, you can still think after your heart stops beating. What more being dead doesn't really mean your consciousness will never continue. Someone can deep scan your brain and put in simulation for example. But as long as there is nothing that can keep your consciousness going, like working brain or digital simulation, it can't compute or receive any input. Not even internal like recalling memory, creativity etc.
>But, we don't even understand consciousness. Computers are not sentient beings like us, the brain is the most complex organ in your body and contains all of your experiences. Sure, a program in an operating system would shut down when you kill it, but that's expected since we were the ones who programmed all of it. You could then ask yourself, "Who programmed us?"
No one, we weren't engineered but evolved. Life exists only because coincidence where some random arrangement of molecules that allowed them to evolve. It created system where the most suitable lifeform can continue evolving, and because of good conditions it started getting more and more complex because it was more suitable. We are sentient only because it made us the most suitable lifeform on earth, there is no other reason. The only thing stopping computers from being sentient are resource limits that are soon to be overcomed, but to do so we either have to engineer their sentiency or create system for them where they could evolve and being sentient is the most suitable option.(that's how evolutionary algorithms work anyway)
>state of death can only be observed from a physical standpoint*
To observe death, we need to define it first.
For me death is when someone's consciousness ends with no reasonable chance to continue it. So dead of the body, brain dead and coma without chance to wake is death. You can still come back from dead with use of proper technology though.

>> No.7941792

we all shall fall

>> No.7941818
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>t having seen some of what is beyond this realm
Look I've taken LSD too but the difference is I know the difference between a hallucination and reality.

>> No.7941826

I never found death saddening. It happens, so why bother getting so ruffled about it. Instead of wasting my life regretting things, I'm going to live life maximizing my own enjoyment.

>> No.7941837

Well, I'm a seeker of information and death is the great mystery. I will finally get to experience whether our consciousness is eternal, finite or something completely unfathomable.

>> No.7941888

what you are saying is that you strive for pleasures, nothing else.

>> No.7941938

I've never understood this. Maybe it was due to having chronic depression at a young age, but I feel a relative equanimity towards life and death, even though I am quite well and productive now as an adult. Oddly enough, I work with people in need every day and feel strongly the need to help others. Life is an amazing thing and I hold it in my hands every day.

Death doesn't bother me at a fundamental level though, be it my own or somebody else's. It's hard to explain. I've made my peace and when it comes it comes for who it intends to take. Certainly it is sad because it takes friends and family who never return, but death itself doesn't scare me.

I'm not really proud of it or anything, but I'm not afraid to die. In all honesty, this is starting to impact me professionally and will likely blow up in my face at some point. People just don't know how to read me on this issue.

t. a concerned medfag

>> No.7942710

>Maybe it was due to having chronic depression at a young age, but I feel a relative equanimity towards life and death,
are you equanim towards other events or activity in your life ?

>> No.7944061


>> No.7944841

bump for the answer

>> No.7944844

Who /live forever or die trying/ here?

>> No.7944866

I simply do not give a shit about that. I'm confused whenever people actually worry about that and they say the same things like you
>woah how can I deal with the fact that I will just die, all of my family memebers and friends will die and we will just be forgotten
Like, lol, was there ever a time you, your family and friends were important in the first place?

>> No.7945196

I'm the anon who posted above about having seen some stuff about 'the great beyond'. I too am medfag and I know exactly what you mean. Some people are entirely given over to the fear of death. Sometimes even ones who appear overtly religious or spiritual. Yes, be careful, I fucked up a while ago, one wrong comment and there was much herping and derping. I was lucky that the pt didn't take it further. But like keeping religion or politics out of it, there's a party line that says, "Death Is Serious" in big serious letters, and we have to play along with that in the first instance. There might be room to explore attitudes and beliefs later.

>> No.7945216
File: 34 KB, 172x166, 1323551080309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watched "how to die in oregon" the other day, heavy stuff.
It was a documentary about euthanasia, the ability to commit suicide when you have cancer and such.

Why is the practice only allowed in five fucking countries?

>> No.7945243

The part I hate about death the most is that it forces me to put a cap on the number of things I pursue. I have a miles-long list of things that I want to learn about, get awesome at, and/or make a notable impact in, but the cruel reality is that given the average human lifespan, I'll only make serious headway into 2 or 3 of those things at best.

It's almost tortuous. I'm part of one of the first generations to have hundreds of libraries worth of information at my fingertips but it just doesn't matter past a certain point because I'll never utilize more than a tiny tiny tiny fraction of it all.

>> No.7945256

Have you tried religion? Most people afraid of death use that.

>> No.7945310
File: 83 KB, 712x892, Euler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[eqn]f(x)=\lim_{j\to\infty}\left(\cos(\pi x)\right)^{2j}[/eqn]

f(x) is a function that returns 1 if an integer and 0 if not.


Is g(x) equivalent to the floor function?
pic unrelated

>> No.7945312

Shit, ignore my dumb ass
Also, Any reason why the latex didn't work?

>> No.7945347
File: 42 KB, 535x353, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using 4chan X

>> No.7945377

Mostly, we realise this way too late.

>> No.7945410

Some other guy here, I'm using 4chanX and it's not showing on my end either.

>> No.7945419


I thought it was gonna be an anime waifu, extremely disappointed


>> No.7945452

Try updating.

>> No.7946216

>Why is the practice only allowed in five fucking countries?

Because by the time people realize how fucking wrong they were about their "always want to live" bullshit ideology they're so weak that they can't even leave their bed and even less so run a campaign for pro-euthanasia.

>> No.7946244

Dying is okay. So is living. So I'll live until I die. If death is the end, as I suspect it is, loss of life won't affect me because I won't exist such that I can perceive the fact that I am dead and gone. So what should I be afraid of? Similarly, all sorts of things will happen in life, but no matter how terrible it is, it will ultimately be inconsequential to me. So what should I be afraid of here, either? May as well hang around and see what happens.

>> No.7946250

plenty of people have died
cant be that lonely right?

ill just be joining my mother and father, grandparents and so on

>> No.7946318

>Why is the practice only allowed in five fucking countries?
the suicide form philosophy is not dealt by the liberals, therefore is the most dangerous to the human rights, precisely because the perspective of the philosophical suicide lies outside of the doctrine of the human rights: this perspective says that human rights are nothing but conventions and makes the liberals standing before their contradictions: the one where they are not able to justify their authority, just like the liberals complained that kings were not able to justify their authority
[in fact, kings justify their authority by their lineage, which pisses off the liberals'; the liberals justify their authority poorly in saying that ''the people wants us, the liberals, to be in power''; the trick then is to carefully select what they call ''the people'']
the nice trick by the liberals is to obfuscate their authority into an implicit one, more compatible with their hatred of explicit authority [=tyrannies] : they claim thus that the human rights are natural, that any humans think that the human rights make sense [with the faith that they will be backed-up by their faith in what they call science] and anybody disagreeing on this is not a human, but an animal [=a reactionary].

so the suicide outside of depression is dangerous, because it shows that liberals cannot counter the lack of motivation to live. the liberals prefer to focus on suicide from pains: this one enables them to say that ''the human suffering'' must be answered by... science and faith in the human rights, in one word, the occidental humanist doctrine. pain/suffering is always the decisive motivation to get things form the society, in a liberal society.[as minorities, workers...]

>> No.7946383

Life is a string of events, and like so, your death has already happened. Like life, death is purely perception.

>> No.7946387

To be nothing, is illogical. You can't be.... nothing.

>> No.7946431

Hopefully I Will Die Some Day

>> No.7946434

I've been pondering the concept of death for two days now. It all started when I asked a friend why does he work out so rigorously, when eventually all of that hard work put into his body will breakdown, deteriorate then be taken by death.
So I was wondering why a good chunk of American society work out with such passion and don't use that drive and passion to make intellectual pursuits, milestones you achieve in math and science last even after you are gone.

>> No.7946579

man... i should've died 11 years ago. was riding my bike down a hill and put my helmet on for no reason. literally did not wear my helmet much at all before that. i was going bout 40 km/h when the front wheel of the bike spinned off and i flew over my handlebars.

guys, the helmet split in 3 pieces. if i wasn't wearing it, my head would've split like a lemon.

i carry that moment with me every day. it's on me when i pet my dog, when i look at my depressed mother, and when i think of my future. i shouldn't be here. yet i am. and that's the absurdity of it.

>> No.7946586

Exercise is important not just to live longer but to live well. It's hard to be intellectually productive if your body is falling apart.

It's not an either/or thing. I am a physicist, and sometimes I do a lot of thinking while I exercise. Other times I zone out and use the time to mentally recharge.

Once you get in the habit of regular exercise you'll see the benefits it can have for your intellectual output.

>> No.7947121

>t to live well.
it is enough and necessary to eat well and walk a bit. not need to exercise unless you eat a lot.

>> No.7947402

>muh degeneracy

>> No.7947413


>> No.7947423

It's not really funny, it's sad

I've seen it in ylyl's, which is top - tier edge

>> No.7947554
File: 31 KB, 350x350, montecarlo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My biggest worry is that being dead forever seems pretty unlikely.

If all possible worlds are equally likely, then what's not to say that you're a normie in the next random iteration of failing to not exist?

>> No.7947576
File: 60 KB, 442x366, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are all retards. I'm not going to die. I'm going to live to be a trillion year old computer cyborg living in the cloud.

With any luck Ray Kurzweil will be at my 1 trillion year old birthday.

>> No.7947582

>next random iteration of failing to not exist?
Unless you've got a LOT of math behind this idea, I gotta ask you to take that shit to /x/

>> No.7947586
File: 247 KB, 900x578, singularity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are all retards. I'm not going to die. I'm going to live to be a trillion year old computer cyborg living in the cloud.

>> No.7947597


It's not going to be an instantaneous process.

It's going to be like that ship that that old philosopher spoke about how you can swap plank for plank and still have it be the same ship.

No shit just uploading myself onto the internet wouldn't be the real me but it would happen gradually with nanobots going into my brain.

>> No.7947605

>happen gradually with nanobots going into my brain.
Let me know how that (thus far) fictional technology works out for you.

>> No.7947616



Hey anon in the future I can fly from Europe to America.

Lol get a load of this crockpot. Let me know how that future (fantasy) technology works out

>> No.7947629

try using spaces between each value/function.

>> No.7947666

darkness is not so bad. it's peaceful.

>> No.7947669

Disagree. I do some sort of physical activity every day and I feel that it keeps me mentally and physically sharper than if I did not. It also pushes away some of the depression I feel. And if that was back I wouldn't be able to do much mental work at all.

>> No.7947671

ohhh I just have to be happy! fuck that makes so much sense. here I am being miserable when all along I could be happy!

>> No.7947676

we don't even know what consciousness is, other than we know it is connected to the brain. maybe it is connected to other things to, we can't even be sure.

>> No.7947678


Evidence: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1983_Soviet_nuclear_false_alarm_incident

I was born a few years after this. There were other similar incidents in the cold war as well.

In our parent's lives, the cold war never escalated to MAD. The fact that it didn't is the result of random chance.

If the universe seems unnaturally hospitable to accommodating your existence, it's probably because you wouldn't be around to think about it if it weren't.

>> No.7947683
File: 66 KB, 900x614, CFeFJhyWMAAks-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that there is no self at all, it's just an illusion. You cannot find a self, wherever you a looking. Everything you may think is a self is transient.

>> No.7947686

I wish I was religious, I'm not a very faithful person. Occam's razor won't let me.

>> No.7947736

I am chronically suicidal so I don't mind it honestly.

>> No.7947739

I find heavy lifting totally zaps my mental capacities. Cardio is great for mental boosts though.

>> No.7948642
File: 46 KB, 1397x619, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go OP, if you can comprehend pic related, then you shouldn't have anything to fear other than where you'll be/go in the afterlife.

>> No.7948966

Run this sequence the other way- living things as bubbles rising through the 'liquid' of life, and passing out into 'gas' at death. I once sat watching bubbles rising in a pint of shandy and had this thought. Also, that everyone's life memories are diffused throughout the 'gas' top layer. The 'gas' diffuses back into the 'liquid' at some point, with a mixture of memories and experiences, and the process of becoming an individual 'bubble' starts again, with people thinking they are individuals being reincarnated. I wasn't very happy with this because I subscribe to the model of individual souls reincarnating, but it was one of those thoughts I couldn't ignore.

>> No.7949001

>Which is why I'm set on committing suicide at early signs of adversity. I'd rather throw away a decade of life than spend a half decade in a hospital environment.
Easy to say, harder to do


>> No.7949005

> fairy stories
> for grown adults


>> No.7949008

I grew up in the 1960s and I know quite a few people who ended up like you.

> There is such a thing as too much LSD

>> No.7949016
File: 45 KB, 470x464, religion-lucky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because religious sealots. They talk a lot about slippery slope and people killing off grandmom to get the house money but in reality their real reason is this:

They say "life is a gift from God". What they mean is "God owns you" You don't have the ownership of your life. God will decide when you die. It is up to him if you suffer for months or years. All par of his plan.

You are like a plantation slave- if you die early you are cheating God and stealing from him.

The same reasoning why they (eg catholics) try to ban birth control. It is up to God when you live and die.

They even tried to ban pain killers in child birth because the Bible says the women will suffer / labour in childbirth.

Evil fuck-tards.

>> No.7949019

Aborting a fetus is a mortal sin. Suicides are denied church funerals.

Raping little boys: not so bad. Covering up the rapes: just an administrative oversight.

>> No.7949034
File: 317 KB, 500x477, fedora331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK OFF FAGTHEISTS. Without the Catholic church people would be murdering each-other in the streets.

>> No.7949038
File: 22 KB, 1798x213, 1455619544460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh, I hate pain and love pleasure, quick I must ask the scientists to get better pleasures and less pains !!!!

>> No.7950563


>> No.7950642



>> No.7950650
File: 1.24 MB, 498x280, 1383063556872.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fear the pain of death, not the absence of non-existence. That is how I "rationalize" death. I am not worried about what happens after I die, most likely I'll decompose and my atoms will be recirculated into other life forms and structures

>> No.7950657


>> No.7950871

Life is pointless. It can be more painful when you live in a shit hole of third world.


>> No.7951003

I'm more afraid of the death of close family members, much MUCH more than my own death. But when I think of it, it's for an even more selfish reason than being afraid of your own death.

I'm afraid that the death of a loved one will wreck me. Im in my 20s and haven't had to experience something like that, and honestly have had an easy life. I've seen deaths emotionally change people permanently and deaths not do a thing.
But I guess we all find out one way or another.

>> No.7951010

Sorry, I must have forgotten to tip my fedora in my previous post
*tips fedora*

>> No.7951015
File: 177 KB, 462x500, he think we are going to die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dying is okay

>> No.7951017

Living is easy too when you're not a nigger or a woman or others cerebrally-challenged "people".

>> No.7951138
File: 549 KB, 890x4253, 1446372703324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

living when you are a woman is fairly easy.

>> No.7951957

To spend some on tendies

>> No.7952792


Its something that intrigues and comforts me. Outside of /sci/ but whatever

>> No.7952820

A classic Papal state!
That church is the cancer of mankind, sorry to say.

>> No.7952822

I plan to live forever.
So far, so good...

In seriousness, the death of loved ones has never really bothered me. I miss them occasionally, but I don't feel the need to rationalise my small amount of grief or the fear of my own death. It's a thing that will happen.

>> No.7952847

Let me guess, you're a fucking GP.

>> No.7952860
File: 22 KB, 217x208, 1388289140040 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we are destined to be part of the universe again and all energy is conscious to varying extents. I therefore rationalize death by knowing people continue on in one form or another. It may take millions of years but I think we will be in a position to be aware of existence again, when depends on exactly where we go when we die. If we are cremated we will no doubt be bound for the atmosphere of earth and as such will be going back to our local God, who, although partly asleep, is still aware of existence. I hope to be heading out into space with heat energy or something, life in the van allen belt sounds peaceful to me.

>> No.7952864

Interesting. I'll have to give it a watch.

It always baffles me how the same people that will advocate euthanasia for suffering pets are often disgusted at the notion that suffering human beings might want to control how they go out.

>> No.7952879

It's not absurd, it means you're supposed to be here. For what reason? It's up to you to determine

>> No.7952914

Why shoukd someone care about death? There is no benefit to caring about dead people. In fact, it is quite the opposite. It distracts people from productivity, and when it does not, it reduces productivity. I advise to not form emotional attachments to anyone.

>> No.7952921

Emotions belong to life.
In fact, emotions are an important part of each human being.

>> No.7952934
File: 407 KB, 800x538, Christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

>> No.7952946
File: 385 KB, 1600x1052, 1442036891289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In fact, emotions are an important part of each human being.
this; emotions matter to hedonist who think hedonism is a good life style.
But of course, most people love hedonism far too much to stop being scared of leaving hedonism. Most people are not meant to be something else than hedonist. In fact, the whole humanity is here because people love to cling to what they feel and think and refuse to do something else with their life.

for people saying that hedonism is relevant,
>life=what you feel+what you think+what you expect from your desires from what you feel and think
>grade your desires
>non acting on your favorite desires = non life = death

hedonism is not an effective doctrine to be happy. Hedonists believe that you literally die if you ''do not think nor do feel''. They have faith that 'no moving' is death.

of course, doing the opposite brings you a better life:
>perpetual evanescence and lack of control of what you think and feel, therefore cannot be taken seriously (to be happy) => stay still towards what you think and feel.

Once you try to reach stillness, you are more equanimous and benevolent.

>> No.7953012

Emotions are the language of the afterlife.

>> No.7953025

cant wait to be pumped full of opiates and nutrients while i pee into a bag and just zone out into some virtual reality game or some shit

Born just in time lads

>> No.7953321

I've just come off a month-long retreat where I had, amongst other things, an interesting experience which has made a lot of the stuff I've read and never quite been able to understand make a lot more sense. Now I'm wondering if there's anything I can do to encourage the experience to return and maybe even stick, or whether it's just a case of 'keep practising'.

Some background: I've been meditating seriously since 2009 or so, although prior to that I'd been dabbling since the 90s. Most of my practice has been Theravada but there's also some Zen and Qigong (principally a couple of different approaches to the Microcosmic Orbit) in there too. I used a little bit of noting practice a few years ago but over time (and particularly on this retreat) I've been shifting towards more letting go and general mindfulness practices with occasional targeted 'experiments' (e.g. watching the mechanisms of thought to see how the illusion of self is created). My current assessment is that I experienced stream entry in late 2013 while on retreat, but that's another long story that I don't really want to get into now. Feel free to take my self-assessment with as much salt as you like.

What I was doing: On this retreat I spent quite a while experimenting with my sense of self. At one point I found myself becoming aware of a quality in my experience which seemed 'unchanging' (in a way that the rest of experience really doesn't -- I've been viscerally aware of moment-to-moment impermance for a few years now following a previous retreat experience).

>> No.7953324

By paying attention to this unchanging quality I found myself watching my experience as if from a great distance (the analogy was sitting in a movie theatre watching things on a screen, and suddenly realising I was in the theatre rather than part of the action on the screen). I mentioned this to my teacher, who commented that I'd turned awareness back on itself, and was thus noticing the qualities of awareness itself as opposed to the content of awareness (the latter, of course, being subject to the three characteristics and hence impermanent). He recommended that if I found myself there again I should simply rest there and see if I ended up in a state with no sense of an observer, just 'observing'. So I did, and I did.

What happened: The first experience was really striking. After the sit I got up to go for a walk outside and found myself strolling around slowly, head turning from side to side automatically, marvelling at what seemed like an indescribable beauty in my surroundings that I'd somehow never noticed before. My sense contacts all seemed very 'raw' and fresh. After a few minutes a thought arose: 'I wonder if there's a separate observer here?' At this point there was immediately a sense of a separate observer popping into my awareness, and a shift in the way I was perceiving everything else, which leads me to suspect that I hadn't been positing an observer up to that point.

On quite a few (maybe 10?) subsequent occasions I was able to get back to this state. It didn't have quite the same 'wow' factor as the first time, but it felt markedly different from 'baseline experience', and in many good ways. In particular:

>> No.7953327


* Thoughts of I, me and mine were very rare or entirely absent
* I was clearly and effortlessly mindful of my whole sensorium without interruption -- thoughts came up and then passed away again without dragging me into a chain of mental proliferation
* Sense contacts from the periphery of my sensorium (distant sounds, sights at the corner of my eye) seemed brighter and more prominent, and the centre of my sensorium less prominent; in comparison to 'baseline experience' it seems that ordinarily I prioritise stuff 'in the middle' and now that prioritisation wasn't happening

* Pain and pleasure still arose but the usual accompanying aversion and craving was absent: when I noticed it was cold I simply zipped up my coat, without any of the usual negative mental reaction to feeling cold (the Daoist statements about 'doing without ado' came to mind here -- things were getting done as they needed to be without any of the usual self-related fuss)
* With a bit of experimentation I was able to call up the baseline perspective by e.g. looking at a distant object and forming thoughts like '*I* am walking towards *that tree which is different from me*', at which point the tree would seem to take on more separation from its surroundings and I would have a sense of myself as another separate entity; but doing this seemed to require effort and tension, and I was able to drop it and return to the previous state, at which point the tree seemed to 'sink back into' its surroundings to an extent (to be clear, I wasn't experiencing a loss of perception of objects, they just didn't feel as 'separate' from each other and me as usual)
* I felt content and unworried, and happy to remain in this state as long as it was around

>> No.7953330


The last point is worth expanding -- I had a lot of fear come up on the retreat around making potentially permanent changes to my baseline experience, wondering if I was going to end up weird or an emotionless robot or somehow unable to function in daily life if I gave up the illusion of my self; but whilst in this seemingly 'self-free' experience all of those worries seemed totally absurd and it was clear that I would be able to function absolutely fine like that, just without the huge mass of dukkha generated by my self.

So a lot of this made me think of some of the descriptions of Pure Consciousness Experiences that I read back in the day when lots of people were into that, and it also makes a lot of the descriptions of how suffering is tied to the self and how it's possible to walk around in a state with considerably less selfing and be just fine (and, indeed, quietly contented, as opposed to emotionally flat).

A lot of stuff now makes sense that didn't, and a lot has changed in my practice since (in particular a greater emphasis on cultivating moment-to-moment mindfulness, which I'd been neglecting, and a greater emphasis on letting go, which helped a great deal with several situations on the retreat).

What I'm wondering is whether this is essentially a peak experience (e.g. second path or something along those lines) which I should treat as interesting, cool and maybe a sign of things to come, but not necessarily something to try to cultivate in the meantime, or whether this is actually a reproducible state of affairs that I could develop further with practice. In the latter case, if people have suggestions for practices that would be useful, please let me know!

>> No.7953332


>> No.7953334

so close

>> No.7953731

What makes you think you haven't already done it before? Can you honestly believe that you didn't exist at all until before you were born? What were you all that time before?

>> No.7953740

I wasn't too displeased with not being alive before i was born. So it can't be that bad.

>> No.7953756

I don't get this idea. Sure being dead itself is not unpleasant, but what does that have to do with wanting your life to end or not?

>> No.7953759

Death-is-the-end is the materialistic-head-up-the-ass view of life. Death is perfectly ok. If there would be no death, you would not have been born.

In game of thrones, if the king of the north was not slaughtered at the wedding, they would have ammassed their army then attacked the big castle, overtook the fagking and it would have ended happily ever after. Gladly, he and his army were throat cut at said wedding and many new possibilities arose to the story. Death created life to something better. Also spoiler?

What were you like before you were born? YOU had to be SOMETHING. Something that fundamentally seperated you from percieving somebody else's life. Your old state reached its death, and transformed into a sperm, then human, and then you became conscious and began your perception of the world.

Death ends your conscious perception, but "you" never cease to exist. Your rotting body will still be around for a bit after you no longer can shitpost.

Look into blotzman brains

Its like that. Super long time after your death, something will happen, and inteligient life will surface somewhere somehow and YOU might even be "alive" again but you wont remember at all.

This is not a rationalization, its a realization. Its pretty common sense if your not too retarded to ask the right questions.

Ps. All religions and spiritual arts are man made improvisations rationalizing death.

Dont rationalize. Realize.

>> No.7953774

>Death-is-the-end is the materialistic-head-up-the-ass view of life.
Nice argument
>Death is perfectly ok.
no it's not
>If there would be no death, you would not have been born.
irrelevant, especially now that I'm born
>In game of thrones
lost me there

>> No.7953780

>Look into blotzman brains
Looks like you had rather too many blotz, man.

>> No.7954332

This is not a /sci/ question.

>> No.7954355

Y'all niggas need Buddha.

>> No.7954393

Clinical psychopath here.
Daily reminder that I don't use my memories at all.
The human mind is not bounded by logic.
Sounds pointless and benign.
That would be a nice way to look at it, but:
>What were you all that time before?
A psychopath.

Being born changed nothing. Neither will death.

>> No.7954400

>wanting your life to end
It's not about wanting it, it's about passively accepting it because you have no intent to change it. Not everyone assumes a priori that death is preventable. You shouldn't either. Get on with accepting it before it sneaks up on you. Only then will you know if you'll regret life extension.

>> No.7954409

>100,000 years ago
>higher brain function is just evolving
>just smart enough to cognize death
>terrifying realization
>first psychotic break ever
>instantly removed from the gene pool

This is literally what scientists believe.

>> No.7954475

Anon, I think your final paragraph sums it up nicely. Yes it is a peak experience, but my experiences of a similar state (close enough to say the same but don't like to assume) have led me to believe that it is something which can be developed. And it is something to aim for. I'm not familiar with Buddhist definitions of states, but what you described, for myself I just call it clarity. A small word for a very big experience.

I don't know if I can offer anything practical. A lot of my practice is disentangling myself from whatever I feel 'running' in the moment; thoughts, feelings, tensions, etc. Then sinking or moving back into some deeper, more fundamental function. Paradoxically the more I do this the more I feel connected to the outside world. I often do this exercise with my eyes open. Asking the question, what lies behind what I'm experiencing in myself now, often helps.

I know exactly what you mean by the fear of changing your baseline experience. If you have read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance you will know the author's path through similar states led to temporary insanity. My experience of visiting 'clarity' several times now though, is that it is safe. I feel as if I am functioning at my highest potential in that state. I can hold conversations, make tea, 'do' normality. My first couple of times were a bit spacey though. I do know that my baseline is different than when I started meditation, which was a while ago now. Despite peak experiences, change has happened slowly. I think it needs to, for our nervous systems to integrate it. You sound like a sane and grounded personality, I don't think you're in danger of overdoing it.

That was a good read, thanks for posting. And good luck with the practice.

>> No.7954514

You've been dead for millions of years, then you were alive for a while, and soon you'll be dead again.

>> No.7954535

>the more I do this the more I feel connected to the outside world
Contrast. It's sharper than clarity.

>> No.7954543

Our body is an incomprehensible complex machine, our life is simply the motion of this machine. Once the machine is disassembled this exact motion cannot be recreated even if the same gears and cogs are repurposed in other machines.

>> No.7954554

>memories from a former life
If you sing a song then turn on a tape recorder after it has ended it won't record the song because the song has ended. How could neurons record memories from before they even existed?

2/10 made me respond

>> No.7954579

>believing in magic based in speculation is adult
>believing in science based in reality is childish
Think you got it backwards there big guy

>> No.7954597

Because people like to impose their will on others.

>> No.7954598

death is just part of life the other flip of the coin

>> No.7954601

No they don't. That is literally a trait that only sociopaths exhibit, and they only exhibit it because their empathy is broken. People with a valid sense of empathy fucking hate trying to impose on others.

>> No.7954616

>Don't use my memories at all
Wow so you learned how to use your eyes and fingers, how to type, how computers work, the English language, and how to abuse the enter button to post this?
>inb4 being a troll
>inb4 being sarcastic

>> No.7954637

I would say more specifically be critical of the concept of innate purpose. People choosing and creating purpose for themselves is still good.

>> No.7954639

Are you saying skills are a symbolic memory?

Because muscle memory isn't a real memory. It's a neuropattern. Different deal entirely. Habits aren't just memories that came to life one day, they are you programming your brain a certain way.

>> No.7954641

So everyone who ever tried to persuade or coerce someone into doing something is a sociopath now.

>> No.7954644

Persuasion is one thing. Imposing will is quite another entirely. I'm sure you'll understand soon.

>> No.7954649

Good question. I have no answer. But I 'saw' the experience. If I am the sum total of my life experiences, traumas, peak moments, neuroses, etc, then what is the 'me' that has this memory?

>> No.7954654

Persuasion: : the act of causing people to do or believe something : the act or activity of persuading people

Persuasion is quite literally a means of imposing your will on others, your argument doesn't go anywhere.

>> No.7954657

So why do laws exist?

>> No.7954659


>> No.7954665

Habits are a byproduct of Schemas which are learned from experience which is stored in memory.

>> No.7954703

>a means of imposing
It precisely isn't. "It worked" says nothing about *HOW* it worked. That *HOW*, ie., the *MEANS* by which imposition of will occurs, is manners. It's the basis of all empathy. I can tell you're arguing a sociopathic viewpoint simply because you failed to grasp the subtlety of the difference in connotations.

Sociopath management. Literally only sociopaths make it harder for people to be people. If we didn't have sociopaths, the psychopaths would naturally turn their empathic environment into self-sustained emotional societies. We'd literally survive on feels if the sociopaths weren't betraying the vary basis of human emotion.

You can see this behavior in cults. Psychopaths naturally create cults, but sociopaths naturally just ruin emotion.
No such thing exists.

>> No.7954788

>>>believing in science based in reality is childish
>Think you got it backwards there big guy
I think you are a 20 yo undergraduate who never done science, nor learnt philosophy of science.

>> No.7955676

>stored in memory
There are different types of memory.

>> No.7955776
File: 2.99 MB, 640x360, can I go talk to her.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try not to think about it. I have not yet had to deal with the death of a close loved one, but when I do I'm sure I'll rationalize something

>> No.7955794


I've been to a christian funeral of a suicide.

>> No.7956371


Nothing good can come from fretting over the inevitable.
I understand that I will one day day, and so will everyone I love. I can't do anything to change that--it's a fact of life--so why worry about it? Just accept it and continue to live.

>> No.7956382

Your mortal body will still eventually die. It doesn't mean much in the long run, but it's sad when it happens and worrisome for some.

>> No.7956428

Nonsense. Typical skeptic response, tries to rubbish rather than explore the question.

>> No.7956453

My consciousness will just recede into a quagmire of DMT secretions and fabricate another reality where I slip out of the womb, then my life stream will fall back into itself and create the wake of memory for me to recollect upon.

>> No.7957620

nice story. is it worth clinging to it ?