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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7938985 No.7938985 [Reply] [Original]

There is one word that perfectly sums up all of /sci/ and that word is arrogant. Why is /sci/ so arrogant?
>"The only geniuses are STEM geniuses"
>"Pure maths/science is the pinnacle of achievement"
>"If you find STEM hard you are a retard"
>"Calculus is not advanced maths"
>"Human technological achievement is mediocre"
>"Rockets are bullshit, smartphones are bullshit, only teleporters and warp drives live up to my standards"
>"I'm smarter than all my classmates"
>"My IQ makes me superior to 99.9% of all other humans"
>"My university is better than yours"
>"If you believe in God you're a retard"
>"I'm an expert at the subject that I study"

>> No.7938996

underrated post

>> No.7939057
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/sci/ is basically a bunch of autistic undergrads at some 3rd teir shit college that only have one thing in life that they are proud of, and that one thing is their IQ. Even though your IQ is completely out of your control

>> No.7939059

I'm also an expert at the subjects I don't study.

Now please take your non-STEM pleb tears back to >>>/lit/ >>>/his/

>> No.7939061
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>> No.7939066

You're right. The only thing that might have some quality here is the sticky.

>> No.7939069

Well put, friendo.

>> No.7939074

This is every 90% of people on every board on 4chan. Have you not realized this yet? Don't go on an anomyous image board if you want to have a serious discussion about science/math/engineering.

>> No.7939091

Lets take this on like OP's mom took my cock last night. Inch by inch.

>>"The only geniuses are STEM geniuses"
I've never claimed this however you have to admit that there is a serious difference between someone who comes up with a masterpiece in music, art or writing, and someone who discovers a non-trivial massive truth about the way the universe works.

What I am saying is that in /sci/, because this is a science and math board, you sperg, when we say 'genius' we mean mathematic or scientific genius. Why would it even go through your mind that here we would waste time discussing artistic geniuses. Those who care already visit other communities more tailored to artsy shit.

Just from that I can tell you are a woman
>this is a science board

>videogames are perfectly fine as they are

Yup. It is so easy to spot SJWs these days. They just go all fucking out.

Anyways, moving on:

>"Pure maths/science is the pinnacle of achievement"

Well, there is nothing that can really compare to findings in pure mathematics or science. As I said before artistic master pieces are in another category and I hope we can agree on that people who work in science and are paid nicely live much happier lives than John from accounting.

>>"If you find STEM hard you are a retard"
I cannot even imagine that when people say this they mean it. However, if you go to university in STEM nad you fail then you are a retard. High school should be long enough for you to measure your qualities and shortcomings. If you get nothing but As and Bs then you are a moron and should have not forced yourself to study something you didn't like.

>>"Calculus is not advanced maths"
Well, it isn't. It is hundreds of years old mathematics and it just happens to be the most advanced math that non STEM people see. That doesn't make it advanced as a field of math. It is pretty much complete and now overwritten by analysis.


>> No.7939112

>>"Human technological achievement is mediocre"
People who say this are literally manchildren. They probably don't even study STEM. Humans technological achievement is at every point in time super advanced because as we know of, there is no superior technology to that of our making.

We literally have the best technology (that we know of) always.

>>"Rockets are bullshit, smartphones are bullshit, only teleporters and warp drives live up to my standards"

Now I understand. You are talking about physics majors. Here we don't respect those and we just ignore them when they come up´. They are also easy to spot so just hide their posts. Physics majors are spergs TBBT fans underage b8 morons so please don't say that all of /sci/ are like them.

>>"I'm smarter than all my classmates"
What is wrong with saying this? If you have better grades then you are objectively better than your classmates. Is it wrong now to say things? Now, that statement doesn't apply to me but there always someone in any class who is the smartest.

>>"My IQ makes me superior to 99.9% of all other humans"

If you have an IQ that puts you above n% of the population then n% of the population would test lower in the IQ test. That is all this means. Why do you take this so seriously?

>>"My university is better than yours"
Are you implying that all universities are of the same caliber?

This is worse than the 'everyone is smart' meme. Now I know for sure you are a fucking SJW. Please go back to tumblr.

>>"If you believe in God you're a retard"
Again, you are talking about physics majors and Atheism+ people. I am an atheist and I will tell you that inside the atheist community no one respects Atheism+ people nor do we respect physics majors. They are top scum.

>>"I'm an expert at the subject that I study"
There are some PhDs in /sci/. That makes them literally experts at their subject of study.

There you go, now get the fuck back to tumblr.

>> No.7939127
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>> No.7939149
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>I'm an atieist


*tips fedora* xD

>> No.7939157
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>> No.7939158

>Do anything els

What a faggot, can he not spell or something?

>> No.7939163
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>> No.7939181

That's a bit harsh, there's some genuinely nice and intelligent posters. Like the one who actually knows what a Banach Space is.

>> No.7939223

holy shit... im gone.... bye

>> No.7940168
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>> No.7940178

Science has taught me to remain objective, I don't care for opinions I want facts, and the fact of the matter is I chose to put myself through what most people find grueling and I am proud of myself for it. one thing that I have learned through all my years of schooling is you can learn anything you just have to choose to

>> No.7940297

Buttmad halfwit detected.
Try conspiracy theories. They're a great way for retards to pretend they can compete intellectually.