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File: 64 KB, 550x391, Grey-Blue-Book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7934266 No.7934266 [Reply] [Original]

Why do aliens have such big eyes?
What's the evolutionary advantage?

>> No.7934273
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>> No.7934275

So they can see your tiny penis

>> No.7934276

Alien females considered it an attractive trait after centuries of alien boy bands with big eyes

>> No.7934277

>Why do aliens have such big eyes?
We have never seen one.


>> No.7934290


Go back to /x/

>> No.7934292

Better eyesight on a planet with dimmer starlight or dim light due to a thicker atmosphere. In space however the UV rays will fuck them up big time and blind them.

>> No.7934295

All the better to see you with, my abductee.

>> No.7934302


Kek you humans think they're eyes?

>> No.7934315

if you consider them as a meme, then there are countless alien concepts but the grey alien variant is the most popular because it falls in the uncanny valley which is the perfect spot for both "scary aliens" and "alien that are like us" stories to portray as a character of an alien in order to get the widest audience.

>> No.7934336
File: 87 KB, 1000x733, aliens-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stereotypical image of an alien with big head grey skin big eyes was popularized by H.G Wells in his 1901 book The First Men in the Moon.
In reality there is absolutely no reason to assume extra-terrestrial life will be Humanoid, bipedal or sharing any identifiable traits with Humans.

>> No.7934338

>The First Men in the Moon.
they were insectoid

>> No.7934347

Maybe you should actually read the book.
In the story the selenites lived in the moon and had big heads grey skin and large black eyes.

>> No.7934352

they were also insectoid, not humanoid

>> No.7934389
File: 10 KB, 190x266, Kill Yourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7934395

Why do meme frogs have such big eyes?
What's the memeological advantage?

>> No.7934396


>> No.7934409

>Why do meme frogs have such smug smiles
>What is the memeological advantage?

>> No.7934421

They fuck with their eyes

>> No.7934431
File: 50 KB, 615x878, Bug-eyed-alien-sculpture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If im not mistaken bigger eyes gives a larger perspective, maybe even dual-vision like insects, for night/day.
But that would be a strange trait for a race that is so developed that they have become interstellar. Wouldent assume they would need it, more a of hunting trait imo.

I remember reading about Greys being like slave type of creatures, for a more advanced species.
A cross breed between alien and human, maybe that's why they share so many humonoid traits with us?

Sorry for my bad grammer/spelling.

>> No.7934433

They have large eyes, thus we call them eye-liens (aliens for short).

The extraterrestrials with large ears are ear-liens, and etc

>> No.7934436

implying they actually have big eyes,... the typical gray alien image in our minds might not be true.

>> No.7934438

humanoids are the only creatures we know of to become advanced, so there definitely is some reason to believe

pretty faulty but reasonable

>> No.7934440

It helps them look at screens for longer periods of time with less strain.

As a species gets more technologically advanced the time they spend in front of screens will be much longer, and therefore much more harmful to their sight. So an adaption like this would need to be made.

>> No.7934447

If greys are so good then why are they weak in xcom

>> No.7934449

Pure conjecture. Advanced intelligent Alien life could be floating bags of slop that exist in a viscous liquid medium and they explore space by excreting mucous shields that allow them to survive the vacuum.

>> No.7934452

they COULD

but the only intelligent life that we've ever known to this point is humanoid, so it seems reasonable to me for people to assume other intelligent life be humanoid until proven otherwise

>> No.7934457

>the only intelligent life that we've ever known to this point is humanoid

Incorrect. There are dozens of creatures in the animal kingdom that are highly intelligent. Next time specify "human intelligence" so I don't have to correct your bullshit.

>it seems reasonable to assume other intelligent life must be humanoid

Except that's totally unreasonable.
Nice try though at least you gave it some effort.

>> No.7934471


>> No.7934479


>> No.7934486

Why does he have such tiny benis?
What's the evolutionary advantage?

>> No.7934488

We do not have big eyes, it's just a false stereotype

>> No.7934788

Aliens are her, have always been here, and frankly im surprised at the lack of willingness,to accept this as true.

>> No.7934799

Yes it is. But eyes are more scary to humans, and scary aliens are more famous than nice ones. Therefore ideas of aliens with big eyes are more likely to succed in the human race

>> No.7934815

Because there isn't as much sunlight in the Zeta Reticuli star system where they come from
t. Betty and Barney Hill.