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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 203 KB, 864x619, geologist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7933126 No.7933126 [Reply] [Original]

Aspiring geologist here
Is geology a meme science?

Do you guys consider it a hard science like physics?

>> No.7933133

It's rock hard

>> No.7933138

I'm rock hard

>> No.7933139

Ur mum is rock hard

>> No.7933140

Geology is a meme for idiots and losers who have zero ambition. It's garbage and so is everyone i've ever met who claimed to be interested in it

>> No.7933150

why should we care about geology? if you want to figure out what it's made of, use IR and UV spec.

my 5 year old cousin could tell you the difference between igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rock.

>> No.7933151
File: 350 KB, 621x393, 1457892616904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why should we care about math? If you wanna know the answer just use a calculator

>> No.7933156

>being THIS mad chemists dont even have to memorize rock shapes and colors

>> No.7933251

the appeal of geology is being able to, simply by observing samples from the surface, infer what lies below. it's immensely important in a variety of fields.
not to mention, those methods you mentioned will tell you what's in there but not what the rock's structure is.

>> No.7933279

Geology student here. Graduating soon.

You're all so very wrong, but you have no idea how often I hear "I did geography in high school! It's really easy..... Ignus, sedimentry and metamorphas rocks!!!!"

You get jaded, but if you love chemistry and physics, and a healthy dose of outdoors and camping with a tolerance for alcohol and some crazy creativity, you'll love it.

It's not a maths science, it's almost a trade science..... But it's 50% hard chemistry, 20% physics, 25% structural understanding and drawing (and colouring) and 5% heavy alcohol abuse and crying (it is hard, really hard).

I fucking love it, but sometimes a maths or physics degree looks so much nicer.... They actually have a right or wrong answer, and a set process. Geology is kind of "here's all this fucked up shit, good luck".

>> No.7933286

Not a geologist but work with a lot of them. They get paid pretty well. It's not physics but it's a hard science mostly.

If you're looking for more quant there's geophysics.

That oil and gas ain't gon find itself.

>> No.7933296

It's right above archeology. Barely. It's definitely part of STEM but a few papers away from becoming a social "science". I'd embrace you as a fellow scientist.

>> No.7933346

There are only two 'hard' sciences, OP. Physics and chemistry.

That doesn't mean geography isn't a science though.

>> No.7933396


Wrong thread.

>> No.7933454


>> No.7933480

math is just decanting logical reasoning into concrete rules

>> No.7933723

>geology is jus rocks guis

>> No.7933733

Yeah I'm used to that.
There's a lot of misunderstanding of what's involved in geology.

You become really jaded and develop a drinking problem, and don't even get me started on "climate change". That's a painful road where logic and reason will be ignored.

>> No.7933737

i agree, im also graduating soon and its the visual element that really fucks you up. Thankfully i didnt pick geography and chose to do chem instead as a side subject. But yea, unlike other subjects, no matter how good you are at theory the practicle understanding is always hard.

>> No.7933738

lel, pun.

>> No.7933745

students that cant think for themselves is whats wrong with the climate change issue. Although im not completely against the grain, i do believe theres larger issues at hand (i.e. nitrate, phosphate reserves etc), but thats me.

>> No.7933784


That's not a nice thing to say

>> No.7933791

>Is geology a meme science?

>Do you guys consider it a hard science like physics?

>> No.7933801

Are you a geologist?
Because I've got a large bone for you to examine.

>> No.7933817

>But it's 50% hard chemistry
None of the chemistry in geology is very hard at all.

>> No.7933829

thats archaeology you stupid fuck

>> No.7933846


>> No.7934053

or paleontology

>> No.7934929

>geology is really hard
maybe for a geologist

>> No.7934946


Molecular Biology?

>> No.7935311

Fuck off

>> No.7935408

What kind of software do you guys use?

>> No.7935415
File: 802 KB, 3264x1840, IMG_20130417_153908_826-e1367795124483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

geology is pretty cool

>> No.7935420

How do I into paleontology from geology?

>> No.7935429

>Why kids choose geology
"Hey I don't know what to do with my life, I think I'm above vocational work and biology is for girls but I'm too dumb for maths or physics so geology! I get to look smart by doing science without busting my ass and I can hide out in academia doing nothing useful for the rest of my life!"

I have nothing against geology it's just the sheer volume of people doing it makes me think that they are doing it because it's easy science without the stigma of being easy.

>> No.7935683

Patrician if you do geochemistry or geophysics. Pleb if you don't.

>> No.7935723

geology is for outdoorspeople to get paid while wandering around and camping

like old adventurers that get funded to go out exploring and just report back what they find

>> No.7935789

>Do you guys consider it a hard science like physics?

Have you seen our wikia page?

>Math Phobic and Lots of Pretty Pictures

>> No.7935859
File: 4 KB, 125x123, neverever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, it's just like kindergarten all over again!

>> No.7935999
File: 210 KB, 944x930, Geophysicist's rock collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You become really jaded and develop a drinking problem
I thought we just drink because we like drinking.

you get some pretty exotic temperature and pressure conditions, and you can't measure directly most of the time so you're stuck approximating what's actually going on. it doesn't have all the horrible rearrangements that orgo does, but it's pretty tricky stuff.

you need to into a rigorous evolution and ecology background. paleo gets lumped in with geo, but it's about 60% bio.

piss off. pic related fgt

>> No.7936029

>maths and physics
at least geologists get jobs

>> No.7936172

what kind of software do geologist use? I want to develop some background in it.

>> No.7936330

Enjoy never getting a job

>> No.7936788

i agree

>> No.7936795

hey, ur not wrong. i think it's kind of easy if you dont supplement with something like physics or chemistry. str8 up 'flannel' geology was a lot of finger pointing in my opinion. I like chem so I took inorg., p.chem, and analytical on top of all my geo classes. Im getting my masters in geochem now. I think the real reason ppl do geology isn't the reason u stated tho. I'd guess if u asked students why they picked geology, 90% would say "because i want to work outside!"

>> No.7936861

I'm switching from data science to geology, because I got burnt out on computers and platonic forms. I want to work with something real. I also want my work to matter, and natural resources are pretty fucking important.

>> No.7936886

>and so is everyone i've ever met who claimed to be interested in it

Funny you should say that, the only person I knew who went and did a geology was the single most tedious and irritating cunt I've ever known. The day I see him again is a day too soon.

>> No.7936924

>"Hey I don't know what to do with my life, I think I'm above vocational work and biology is for girls but I'm too dumb for maths or physics so geology! I get to look smart by doing science without busting my ass and I can hide out in academia doing nothing useful for the rest of my life!"
Holy shit anon that's actually me right now. It's been weighting on me everyday. I know this isn't /adv/ but what is your opinion on the matter? Should I be honest and leave science all along or live with biology/geology just to " look smart "?

>> No.7936945


good luck finding a job.

"Rocks for Jocks", is a saying for a reason.

>> No.7937117

I'd say it's probably a good idea to do an applied sort of geology, like petroleum or engineering geology
I'm doing geohazards (only first year atm) and I like it, even the less applied petrology and mineralogy sort of stuff
I did it largely because I'm very interested in the subject but also because it's not entirely without employment prospects

>> No.7937121

Not that guy, but if you've already started you may as well finish.

>> No.7937174

Iam on my first year so it's not too late to change major now. I dont have attachment to biology other than self-satisfaction that Iam actually smart and doing science and changing to anything else would mean Iam retard. Holy shit I really hate how I can't be honest and accept myself so I need a push or an advice.

>> No.7937185

Well in that case have you considered chemistry or something along them lines?

>> No.7937194

Yes but I was thinking that If I was retarded do math/physics then chemistry will be the same. Are you implying that chemistry is easier? I did Chem 1 and it was easy but Iam not sure about the rest of the major.

>> No.7937211

undergrad majors are pleb-tier anyway. Don't go into any science (including bio, no matter what this board tells you) if you don't plan on going to grad-school. You need to have dedication and like the subject. There are easier degrees for better and more jobs. Some types of engineering come to mind, economics etc.

>> No.7937212

It's not as hard as maths/physics, it'll depend on the course that your school has but the QM I saw when I was at university (I did physics, flatmate did chem) was a little less involved than what's done in physics. Other than that you might have to contend with statistical mechanics and thermodynamics, but again it's not too bad. All in you should do it, especially if you hate where you are right now. I'm not you but I'd rather do something and fail than spend the rest of my life hating myself.

>> No.7937259

Thanks anon, that's exactly what I want to hear, indeed at least for now I don't have any intention to get into grade-school. It's just the problem is that studying anything but science = you are retarded equation.

>I'm not you but I'd rather do something and fail than spend the rest of my life hating myself.
I would like to do the same anon, but time is limited. I could probably do any science major If I was allowed to fail as much I like but failing the subject for the third time means your are out and its the same if you don't graduate in at least six years. I guess I would rather hate myself rather than not having a college degree at all. Anyway thank you very much anon for the advice.

>> No.7937385

Good thing I'm a geochemist then :^)

Nice trips

>> No.7937387

same here. what do you work on?

>> No.7937390

>It's just the problem is that studying anything but science = you are retarded equation.

Basing your life decisions on memes is what makes you a retard.

>> No.7937395

i agree, log off, friendo

>> No.7937397

Salinity. You?

>> No.7937398

Well that's what I do now, but I was doing exploration geochem for a gold mine before all the chink investors pulled out.

>> No.7937400

Re/Os partitioning in boninites and fore-arc basalts from the IBM arc

>> No.7937402

im rly tring to get into mining. Any advice for someone who's never been in industry (im undergrad btw)

>> No.7937403

Nice is that for a thesis?

>> No.7937406

yea, for undergrad though. We have to do undergrad thesis at our school. I spend more time on it than my classes.

>> No.7937412

Tbh I just lucked into that because a professor at uni liked me, took me on for a project there and the company liked me afterwards.

This was in Australia though and mining is no where near as strong as it was a few years ago, from what I've been told by oldies in the industry is that the most important thing is to stay active in the mining industry during the busts.

>> No.7937417

Yeah fair enough. Just remember to brown nose your professors like your life depends on it.

>> No.7937419

thanks for the advice. I'm from the mid-atlantic region of the east coast of the united states (no industry here). I'm planning to go to grad school for economic geology (geochem focus), and then look to break into the industry. I don't rly care too much about money or location. I just want a hard rock job.

>> No.7937422

oh I do haha. I even got my research adviser a Christmas present last year.

>> No.7937424

No worries I'm not too familiar with the mining industry over there good luck though.

>> No.7937427

Creating bubbles are preetty real though, remember 2008?

>> No.7937432

thnx. same to u

>> No.7937437

Also try and get a publication or two out of your undergrad thesis if you can. It'll help tons applying for grad programs and will put you above unpublished competitions.

>> No.7937830

All the geologists I work with make very very good money.

>> No.7937849

really depends on what kind of geo you're doing. geochemist's workbench is one I know of and have tinkered with, but it's super expensive. just get yourself acquainted with R or something, you'll get trained in whatever other tools once you find your field.

eh, I gotta respect the geochem. remineralization and all that other diagenetic shit is a huge part of paleo, so I do need geochem in my work

>> No.7938070

In full not even bullshitting way, yeah it is. We joke about it all the time.

This anon knows what's up.

Datamine, Gemcor, Surpac, Vulcan, etc
They get pretty expensive.

He's not lying. Brown nose the fuck put of who you can and get yourself published. You need it nowadays (according to a few dudes at Rio tinto we got another 2 years or so of down time..... Expect iron to double (at least) in that time...... Wink wink).

I just spent 8 hours in the lab staring at various aspects of the UG1 and UG2 layers.
I'm burnt as fuck and currently drunk.
Happens every day.

>> No.7938121

Nice reading comprehension

>> No.7938124

>he thinks iron ore will double in the next 2 years


Seriously though, geoscience is filled with some of the most insufferable people. The average geoscientist is braindead fucking retarded.

To anyone considering geology, don't. It is a miserable lifestyle. If you're on 4chan then you definitely won't fit in with the culture if you somehow manage to get hired. Literally every single geology graduate wishes they did engineering. So don't be a special snowflake and do fucking engineering. It is by far a superior choice.

>> No.7938127

OP, dont worry about whether or not geology is a hard science, it really doesn't matter. if you find it interesting you should do it and don't give a fuck about what a bunch of guys on a japanese karate forum think

>> No.7938349

wew lad

>> No.7938519


>> No.7938569

I had to laugh

Ever use anything with metal in it? Copper, aluminum, steel (iron), zinc, etc? Guess where it came from... A mineral! Someone had to find the mineral deposit, it was mined or quarried, and turned into a hunk of metal and manufactured into some material. Like your computer, TV, cell phone, electric lines, indoor plumbing, etc. All made from minerals.

Nonmetallic Earth resources are important too. Gypsum wallboard (Sheetrock) in your home? A porcelain toilet (manufactured from clay). Like salt on the roads in the winter? Want to give a gold wedding band or diamond to your sweetheart (or rubies, emeralds, garnets, aquamarines, etc.)? Drive on roads? Sand, gravel, and petroleum are used to make asphalt. Concrete? Comes from limestone. Building stone like granite or marble? Directly from the Earth.

Ever use energy? Electricity, heating oil, gasoline, etc? Guess where it cam from... Coal, petroleum, natural gas that someone had to find, it was mined, quarried, or drilled, and turned into a product used for electricity generation, transport, heating, manufacturing, etc. All Earth materials. Want to use green energy from solar cells and batteries? They're loaded with rare-earth elements all mined from the ground (and need plenty of copper wire).

Ever use anything made of plastics or wore synthetic fibers? Most of them are derived from petroleum.