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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7932011 No.7932011[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>ITT things that trigger you

>"Omg how do you understand this?!?!!?"
>"I read the book"
>"No I mean how do you you understand this?"
>"I mean like just read the book all the answers are in the book, you just need to read the book"
>"But HOW?"

I swear every time a Black kid opens his mouth I just cringe.

Also asking if you "can tutor me" Jesus Christ I realllyyy fucking hate this, I don't care about you, I just want to do my own work and hang out or goof of on the internet on my free time
I have to avoid this and I even consider just fucking telling them of whenever they ask constantly.

That and kids getting mad whenever I ruin curves.

Share your stories , annoying questions or things that erk you necessarily not exclusive to others /sci/

>> No.7932015

You write like you're in middle school.

>> No.7932017

I am annoyed by freshmen posting on /sci/ thinking they are geniuses just because they got good grades in calculus.

>> No.7932018
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Th2a7t's n5i0ce M87

>> No.7932019


>> No.7932020 [DELETED] 


Op is a high school faggot

>> No.7932022


>> No.7932024
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>> No.7932025

all same individual i can prove it with math 1/0=big number

>> No.7932027

Why don't you ask them to pay you? It's a fucking easy way to make $20/h.

My fucking pet peeve is that one fucker who considers himself to be a math genius and won't shut the fuck up during class. I have plenty of gems from my introductory abstract algebra course.
"For all integers a, b, c, if a divides b+c, then a divides b and a divides c."
"There exists a cyclic group that is not isomorphic to Z/nZ for all integers n."
"For this inductive step, assume there is some n for which the hypothesis is satisfied, and show it is true for n+1"
"(Later in the same proof. Proving that the identity in a symmetric group is a product of an even number of permutations) We know that n is even and it suffices to show n+1 is even."
Just shut the fuck up, you fucking idiot. Nobody gives a fuck about how smart you think you fucking are. I'm an undergraduate freshman in graduate level measure theory, but you don't see me kissing my own ass every two fucking seconds.

>> No.7932029

Ur a fag, im so sry, its terminal.

>> No.7932032

This might be the worst OP I've seen in a good while.

>> No.7932036

Define worst
Bad person?
Or a faggot in your eyes?

>> No.7932037

can't even spell sorry. are your hands preoccupied with engineering more cocks to put up your asshole?

>> No.7932039

>blind to the gorilla and bear cancer

>> No.7932040

Is /sci/ doomed to get cringy threads for all eternity?

>> No.7932041

Hey kiddo, I'm not that guy, but you should calm down.

>> No.7932046
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>My fucking pet peeve is that one fucker who considers himself to be a math genius and won't shut the fuck up during class
Feels good to get better grades than those POS after they get their paper and realize someone got a higher grade than them.
Coincidentally the only people like this I know are all tumblr femenatzy faggs, I like to trigger them when they ask how I'm "so smart" I just tell them men are on average smarter than women.
Gets them real red in the face.

>Imb4 Tumblr train, women are nothing more than objects and sex toys.

>> No.7932049

At least that's just pure shitposting. I actually believe that OP is a racist high school freshman with a massive ego.

>> No.7932066
File: 1.54 MB, 165x115, Saiyan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well I am about to be Valedictorian, I just don't like being around blacks, but Asians and Hispanics are alright I have meet plenty of them that are smart, I'm not racist M8
"I just tell it like is "
Now back to the thread to topic please Tumblr

>> No.7932080

>My fucking pet peeve is that one fucker who considers himself to be a math genius and won't shut the fuck up during class.
Fuck this guy, I have a logic "expert" in my logic class, constantly nitpicking because the definitions aren't always the same as the ones in the "literature" (thereby letting everyone know that he is familiar with the literature), always asking the stupid zerology questions ("what happens if I put the empty set everywhere ?" when sets are assumed to be countably infinite), trying to explain stuff to people when no one asked him anything and overall acting like he's fucking Fields material.
Glad I did better than him on the midterm. I hope that will shut him up.

>> No.7932081

"I just don't like being around blacks" -not racist 2016

>> No.7932084

You blew it, m8. High schoolers are hated regardless of year. Now fuck off

>> No.7932088

It's fucking annoying. Today, the fucker I mentioned missed class because of daylight savings time and it was the most productive day so far this semester. He constantly wastes time and points out imaginary mistakes.

>> No.7932090
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This is so true it hurts.

>> No.7932092
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No u
I'm 18, I can use this board and you can't stop me

Exactly now you are getting it tumblr

>> No.7932103

fucking highschooler using this board to whine. your whole purpose is "hurr you cant kick me out". nobody wants you here

>> No.7932112
File: 133 KB, 311x366, MoAQjf7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B......but you are whining right now too M8?
Kinds of a Hypocritical move huh?
You can just ignore or hide the thread
Have a good day.

>> No.7932114

You sound like a massive and insufferable cunt.

>> No.7932119

>calling out a whiny teen is whining
>anyone who disagrees with me is a tumblr feminist
you are a real fucking idiot.

>> No.7932126
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To you maybe
No u

>Letting kids trigger you, welcome to /sci/ everybody


>> No.7932217

You just don't get it, kiddo.
If people were even interested then they would just contribute.
Now you're just getting into cringeworthy fights online. Your thread is dead, get over it.

>> No.7932233
File: 25 KB, 560x324, 1456816546784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then stop bumping it fagget,

>> No.7932236


>reading the book
>not already knowing everything as prior knowledge

>> No.7932241

We've told kids that we're all genetically equal for so long that the stupid ones have started to believe it.

>> No.7932245

>/Sci/ coming undone at the seams

>> No.7932256

>not deriving everything while asleep and running mental simulations to find experimentally sourced results
Low iq pleb detected

>> No.7932275
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>Not being the physical human manifestation of the study

Are you even trying?

>> No.7932281

>being physical
I'm glad I'm not a brainlet

>> No.7932287
File: 18 KB, 450x253, Ep_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a very impatient person, and I hope you never become a teacher. You get more impatient than my girlfriend when she has to explain something to people who don't get it.

>> No.7932316

Comparing me to a a woman
Too far.

>> No.7932350

Let me guess. You're indian.

>> No.7932360
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Why would you think that?

>> No.7932376

>Valedictorian tryhard
>I just do't like being around blacks, but Asians are alright

Have fun failing that AP Calc exam m8

>> No.7932380

But the integers under addition are a cyclic group not isomorphic to Z/nZ for any n...