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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7927417 No.7927417 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/,

Now that machines are beating humans in pretty much everything, is there anything else left that humans will still dominate for the foreseeable future? Is there any human endeavor that will be "safe" from AI domination?

Also, is there any chance that humans will evolve their intellect and become more powerful that machines?

Everything seems pointless now to me. Why study when some machine can learn the subject faster and better than you and you'll never be able to compete?

Also, there's now zero chance that you'll ever get rich because some machine will always beat you at whatever you decide to do. Because rich will own all the machines.

Are we all fucked?

As some famous person once said: shit fucking sucks!

>> No.7927423

I like how people always say humans as in "all of us".

Humans will survive, guaranteed. Humans always do, and Humans will still be on top of the food chain.

You, and the majority of people, not so much. Dont confuse a species with "us"

>> No.7927428

Use AI to design better humans.

Are humans kind of nano machines? Then we can make them better.

>> No.7927432

OP, you seriously need to have a think about what defines you yourself as a human being. And live it.

>> No.7927433


>> No.7927439

evolution has never been faster, are you fucking retarded?

>> No.7927453
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[citation needed] , you fucking baka

>> No.7927457

doubtful. emotion will be easily programmed as well.

my thinking is that humans will be better than machines in fine motor movement but even that's doubtful.

>> No.7927467
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>> No.7927485
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I wonder what kids born in 2016 have to look forward to.

>tfw born just in time to become obsolete

>> No.7927486

>comes on anime site, insults anime fans
your life must be awful

even people living today have become obsolete.

>> No.7927488

>evolution has never been faster, are you fucking retarded?
We're hundreds of years away from an AI that can learn like a human. God damn retards.

>> No.7927489

There are several cartoon boards. /sci/ isn't one of them. This is a science and math board.

>> No.7927491

>even people living today have become obsolete.
I mean as a collective that we are obsolete.

>> No.7927496
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that's like going on gay.com/forum/science/ and complaining about 'too many faggots'. you’re a fucking retard. go away to plebbit.


what will be interesting to see is how the societies will handle this transition. capitalism is doomed for sure.

>> No.7927498

>capitalism is doomed
very likely but I wonder how it will play out.

>> No.7927501 [DELETED] 
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beautiful anime

>> No.7927511

what anime is this?

>> No.7927517


Not that anon but they're from darkstalkers.

>> No.7927521


good thing they put that rating there, I wouldn't have known it was for adults otherwise

>> No.7927522

>Now that machines are beating humans in pretty much everything
When did this happen?

>> No.7927527
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Who builts the machines and why?

>> No.7927536
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Today a man lost, but in reality we all lost.

>> No.7927557
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>Today a man lost, but in reality we all lost.

Man... as I was watching all three matches, my hope for him winning even a single game faded away. After the first game, pretty much all of my hope was lost. Doom & gloom just deepened after the 2nd game. In 3rd game, there was nothing to hope for anymore.

What was fascinating his how Lee Sedol didn't even see the grand strategy of AlphaGo's games. While he was fighting smaller battles and winning points, AlphaGo was operating at a higher level and Lee Sedol didn't even grasp the strategy until it was too late.

>> No.7927565

violently, how else

>> No.7927576

We can hope that he can grasp one game out of the two that are left.

>> No.7927643

What odds would you give him of actually beating AlphaGo? I'd give him less than 5%.

>> No.7927652

It's just a computer program made by extremely capable human beings dude, that's all it is.

>> No.7927654

I'm sadden to say that I wouldn't even give him a 5% chance, maybe 1%? It is definitely looking bad.

Watching this is quite amazing at 16:23

>> No.7927655

>Is there any human endeavor that will be "safe" from AI domination?

>> No.7927657

but OP isnt an extremely capable human being, so hes worried hes a failure

>> No.7927664

>Extremely capable at learning to best a human

I thought that this was already done:

>> No.7927665

As long as he doesn't do unskilled manual labor for a living (or play games like a manchild) he's not a failure. He should off himself if he's, say, a worker on an assembly line though.

>> No.7927676

>Extremely capable at learning to best a human
Yes, why do you think this is so revolutionary? Sure, it's a step in the right direction with regards to AI but what you have to understand is that there's a huge chasm between playing go and understanding the world and manipulating it for your own goals.

>> No.7927679

The chasm is does exist. At its current state it can replace man for performing thinking jobs.

>> No.7927705

>It's just a computer program made by extremely capable human beings dude, that's all it is.
dumbass, it's a fucking LEARNING program. it can learn anything now. deepmind team has already said they will use it for medicine and physics next...

>> No.7927709
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>I'm sadden to say that I wouldn't even give him a 5% chance, maybe 1%? It is definitely looking bad.
yeah, it looks hopeless :(

>> No.7927716

>it can learn anything now
You're an idiot.

>> No.7927729

>mfw nobody with a triple-digit IQ uses this non-word

>> No.7927739
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tell me, what can't it learn? please explain yourself.

>> No.7927741

humans are still evolving even faster than they were before.

the goal is to get machines to help improve ourselves and so on.

just keep going and study as much math as possible because the real key is locked inside the internals of our neurons.

>> No.7927743

It's been programmed to "learn" go, a game with relatively simple rules. The world isn't like that, if you want it to "learn" physics for example, you'd have to program it to learn physics, and that's where the difficulty is, how do you program something like that?

>> No.7927745

I would start like this:


>> No.7927748
File: 62 KB, 598x799, 1229754851800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>humans are still evolving even faster than they were before.
[citation needed]

and even if that were true, we're still evolving at a glacial speed compared to AI.

>the goal is to get machines to help improve ourselves and so on.
nice it theory, less so in practice.

>just keep going and study as much math as possible because the real key is locked inside the internals of our neurons.
for what pvrpose.jpg

>> No.7927756

stopped reading right there. you're WAY OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE. you don't know anything about deepmind. pls just shut the fuck up and stop embarrassing yourself.

anyway, I just saw this:

>> No.7927758

ackshually neural networks are generic blank slates whose "numerical weights" can approximate ANY function

if we better understood how their architectures affect learning/training, and how to hook them up together we'd have pretty good AI

>> No.7927763

>[citation needed]
found the christfag.

>nice it theory, less so in practice.
>it wont work because I say so
and yet we've already used computers to improve ourselves immensely.

>for what pvrpose.jpg
lazy nigger spotted

overall 1/10 bait

>> No.7927775
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>found the christfag.
no, you just found a skeptic who doesn't believe we're suddenly evolving faster than before.

I'd argue that we're evolving SLOWER than before because evolutionary pressure is much less than it was before.

anyway, if you can produce any papers or references to substantiate your claims about selection pressure increasing, don't get fucking butthurt when you get called on it.

>> No.7927806

Still, a game with simple rules and straightforward goal. There's a fundamental difference between a game and the real world.
>stopped reading right there
How was the fact that I said the game has rules so obvious an indicator that I don't understand the subject?

>> No.7927809
File: 55 KB, 500x473, tumblr_inline_nt0vb5equP1spsojg_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“If we look at the rate of progress and what we’ve seen in computers with AlphaGo coming on the scene and project that forward, I think it would be hard to say it will be very long until computers in general becomes stronger than humans,” said Hassabis. “Not just AlphaGo, but looking at the success in deep learning and other areas. Machine learning and artificial intelligence research progress is very rapid at the moment. It seems to be only a matter of time now until we’ll see a program that’s stronger than humans.”

What the fuck fa.m I thought this shit was 100 years away, pls no DeepMind, pls no...


>> No.7927812

It is 100 years away. People like to sensationalize things.

>> No.7927814

>Still, a game with simple rules and straightforward goal. There's a fundamental difference between a game and the real world.
What is that difference?

A physical theory is one that explains the data best. There are fairly obvious objectives to work towards for an AI. More than that it can learn from human experience.

>> No.7927819

I think I trust Demis Hassabis and Shane Legg over some 20 year old on 4chan

>> No.7927823

despite all the biddies on /sci/, no, human evo has not stopped
see >>>7924453

>> No.7927825

Big problem with AI is it can't handle context. Us humans have an enormous reservoir of contextual information which you cannot at present program into a machine. The big differences in human and artificial intelligence all show up as contextual misunderstandings. Or so I read somewhere.

>> No.7927830

>Demis Hassabis (born 27 July 1976) is a British artificial intelligence researcher, neuroscientist, computer game designer, and world-class gamer.
>computer game designer, and world-class gamer
Seems legit.

>> No.7927855

he's a chess prodigy. he's a grandmaster. that's what they mean by "gamer".

>> No.7927860

give it few years and that will be solved too.

>> No.7927866

We're going full Mass Effect 3, aren't we?

>> No.7928181
File: 73 KB, 616x652, dna 1449822789971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we used genetic manipulation on adult humans by using CRISPR, would we be able to increase human intelligence?

>> No.7928193

Which is precisely why Gates, Hawking, and Musk are very adamant about their fear of the unregulated progress of AI.

As highly efficient optimization strategies that take in enormous quantities of data, AIs can explore strategies a single human would never imagine. Like AlphaGo, AIs think in solution spaces filled with millions of points. Lee Sedol would play at a higher level of strategy as well if he could perfectly remember every game he's played and every game he has ever studied. Even then, Lee Sedol would never be able to perform at the level of a brain that can remember millions of games perfectly.

>> No.7928198

Maybe not on ADULT humans, but yeah.

Don't get your hopes up. We were definitely born too late.

>> No.7928202

Why not on adult humans? Viral delivery of crispr into cells wouldn't work?

>> No.7928206

so what if AI does all the bitch work
It's a machine humans designed for that purpose. It doesn't understand what it's doing. It's not living or anything.
>inb4 some bullshit post about how it doesn't matter as long as a machine can behave just like a human

>> No.7928209


But, that is the answer for all species. All of them evolve into something else that is just a new species. Once a species evolves, it is then another species. Thus, homo sapiens will cease to exist and the next name will come into being.


GB2 >>>/x/

>> No.7928210


>> No.7928437

Good one I bet they taught you that in CS 420 "Philosophy of being retarded about everything"

>> No.7928469

They are also teaching it to master Doom apparently...that's even scarier.

>> No.7928517
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>>Complaining about anime on a Burmese knitting site
Pic extremely Revenant

>> No.7928538

But there's nothing. There's nothing that defines those terms.

>> No.7928591


Emotion is needed but just because you feel emotions does not mean you need to react to them like an ape.

They're good indicators but just like you can not react to your pecker's physical feelings when you see that cute little 15 year old walk past with the tight ass and cute face (as it'll do more harm than good), so to can you do the same with your emotion.

They let you know you like, hate, are curious etc.

>> No.7928806

Computers, once built by intelligent beta males in the hopes of attracting monetary gains and admiration, are now the driving force behind rendering said beta intelligence obsoloete. Once intelligence is no longer a desirable trait, beta males will die out and a primal sexual market will be established, which we begin to see today thanks to tinder etc.
So you better lift brahs.

>> No.7928829

obviously not , human reproduction is not uniform . some reproduce more then others and they are the ones that are evolutionary selected .

>Now that machines are beating humans in pretty much everything
a machine hasn't beat a human in anything ever . saying it did is like saying that when a man is shot its the gun that killed him and not the shooter . machines are tools . if a computer beat a human in chess for example it means an algorithm beat the human , that algorithm is another human's way of playing and the computer is just a tool to automate it and save time . the same competition could be done by two humans with one doing calculations for a few months every move .

>> No.7928835

>Computers, once built by intelligent beta males
nope , betas contributed next to nothing in any scientific \ technological field . and the vast majority of them are below average intelligence .

>> No.7929570

it's too late for humans.

>> No.7929924

>Also, is there any chance that humans will evolve their intellect and become more powerful that machines?
It is way more likely that we evolve WITH technology rather than technology evolving ahead of us and becoming more and more intelligent.
>Everything seems pointless now to me. Why study when some machine can learn the subject faster and better than you and you'll never be able to compete?
You could say the same thing about someone who is at a level you know you will never reach, so why study at all? The meaning of life shouldn't be to compete and be better than everyone else, but rather be the best version of yourself that you could possibly be.
>Also, there's now zero chance that you'll ever get rich because some machine will always beat you at whatever you decide to do. Because rich will own all the machines.
There is no way that we will have the same system in the future that we have now, it is just not compatible with time and technology evolving.
>Are we all fucked?
No, we are all going to be fine.