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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7922940 No.7922940 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, I've posted this before on /x/ but well, you know...

I wonder if our brains are limited to thinking of things based on this universe rules or we can think of whatever could be ever possible because our universe is everything that ever could exist?

Just try to think about something else, something that isn't possible in this universe, some another "God's Creation", somthing completely different (and I'm not talking about world where grass is blue or cows fly). You can't, because everything that you think of has got some aspects defined by our senses. Either it's at least 2 dimensional or has a colour or makes a sound. Those facts leave me wondering about the question:

Is this universe everything that ever could happen or we can't think of different things?

>> No.7922950

go back to /x/

>> No.7922952

Thanks for a constructive response, I'll meet you there

>> No.7922958

You forgot your trip jaden smith

>I wonder if our brains are limited to thinking of things based on this universe rules

Well yeah if we could just break the rules they wouldn't really be rules

If you imagine something out of this world, that means imagining something out of this world is within this worlds rules

What you're asking is like saying "what if something out of this box was in this box"

That's impossible because the moment you put it in the box, it is no longer out of the box. It's just another thing in the box.

>> No.7922969

Would it mean that everything that I can think of could exist?

>> No.7922971

As a thought, yeah. That doesn't mean it exists as a substance anywhere.

>> No.7922975

What a low level conversation

>> No.7922978

The last thread I was in was more or less the same, but it had hot asians at least.

>> No.7922983

man really fuck off with your pseudobullshit, your stupidity actually gave me a headeache.

>what if we could imagine things that we cant think now caus it isnt possible now duuuuh.

you can only think about things and shit that happens in the reality that your brain can process, there is no other 2nd reallity, faggot.

>> No.7922990

I tried to imagine a universe where OP is not a retarded faggot, but alas I cannot.

>> No.7922992

The reason why sci gets dumb questions like this is because people post dumb answers

You do realize you're saying it's not really bullshit, right?

>you can only think about things and shit that happens in the reality that your brain can process
What makes you think you're only able to imagine things which are possible outside your mind? People are wrong all the time, obviously people can imagine complete bullshit, it's not hard.

>> No.7922999

Yea, but it could be real because it has some mass, volume and shit
So what about the lucid dreams or oobe, how do science treat this, as another univese (it clearly does not obey any laws of gravity or matter consistence)?

>> No.7923031
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>underage gook children
>hot asians

>> No.7923039

We are capable of thinking of anything that has probsbility of existing as a quantum function, on that point by conjoining meta physics and quantum mechanics ( which by the way coincide exremely well ) anything you think of puts energy into the universe and in a different reality will actually manifest. Farfetched i know but yes basically im saying if millions of prople started worshipping the chaos gods from warhammer some form of them will exist in some reality.

Theres a really interesting video by numberphile on the googol and googolplex that might shed more light on the limits of thought in our universe

Inb4 hatefags look up the double slit experiment before trolling about reality you'll save time and avoid looking rertarded

>> No.7923043

> wonder if our brains are limited to thinking of things based on this universe rules

>or we can think of whatever could be ever possible because our universe is everything that ever could exist?
Also No.

>conjoining meta physics and quantum mechanics
Hell no.

>> No.7923045

It's called an illusion and or imagination, I LD and it's nothing too special.

>> No.7923046

Lemme guess before you have any breakfast you like to have a big gulp of jesus

>> No.7923061


>> No.7923080


>> No.7923239

>Yea, but it could be real because it has some mass, volume and shit
That has nothing to do with what I said

Let's say I write words on paper, right? All that's there are a couple of words. Just a couple of words. But, those words take form.

"An open field"

There is no open field. There's just the thought of an open field. The only "mass and volume and shit" is the ink on the paper, alongside your own brain which is recognizing a form it's chosen to relate with that particular set of words.

When you imagine a box in your head, you aren't actually making a material box. There isn't a little box floating around in your brain somewhere. It's just the idea of a box. It's just a visual representation of writing.

If you want to relate it to /x/ stuff or pop-phil, think of dreams like the matrix. It's just a bunch of numbers which represent something to your brain, so to speak. Just look up some plato/aristotle stuff.

>> No.7923257

>Hi, I've posted this before on /x/
Stopped reading there.

>> No.7923279

Quantum Mechanics does not say if you believe, it will come true.
Quantum mechanics says that to measure something, you must make your system lose a symmetry. While you break that symmetry, another symmetry appears. So you can know as much physically about a system, but not know everything about it. That's what quantum mechanics says.

The people that misunderstand QM take the word 'measurement' and 'observer' too literally.