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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7918608 No.7918608 [Reply] [Original]

Why does computer science make the autists on this board so upset?

>> No.7918620
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>> No.7918849
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>> No.7918850
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>this is what ponyfuckers actually believe

>> No.7918868

>so butthurt he took the time to edit my picture

>> No.7918885
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>so dumb he doesn't notice by the filename its a repost

>> No.7919158

Well, what are you expecting from a CS major? :^)

>> No.7920581
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because they actually have a high chance of making great money doing what they enjoy.

Every CS major I know, even the fucking retards, have gotten jobs in their field. One of them started at $105k (albeit he's an extremely special case who taught himself coding in high school and has a math + physics degree with honors). He's currently living in a high rise condo downtown at 23 years old.

I'm not even CS, im in chemistry. I wish getting a job in my field was as easy as it used to be, but now its PhD or die. There are so many people in my field who come back to school after they realized there is nothing out there for scientists without a graduate degree of some kind. Even the fucking PhD market is becoming over saturated now and theres nowhere for me to turn. All I can do is ride it out while I get my PhD. I'd only be making a little less than a fucking B.Sc. chemist lab tech anyway. Go into engineering? its in the same state. check BLS. ChemE is even a percent lower than chemistry in terms of job growth. There was all that shitposting a few months ago when BLS projected EE would have 0% job growth, and that applies to essentially every engineering field except civil for some reason. Engineering is the new premed now only for people who like math instead of biology. The job market is royally fucked in the sciences and there is nowhere to turn

don't kid yourself
>bio, psych, sociology
"would you like fries with that?" - tier
>Hard sciences
would be a dead field if not for the atrocious weed outs done by medical schools.
already saturated, some engineers on here claim it will be dead within the next few years/now already. so get on the train if you are not already. better yet, I hope you bought your ticket a couple years ago.

So that's why we hate CS people.

>> No.7920603


Is this the case in the U.S. ? In Europe, most science grads can still get jobs from what I have seen. I've seen chemfags and biofags working in finance or actually getting jobs in science (lab tech with Bsc, more senior and well-paid jobs with PhDs), physicists again working in industry for R&D or doing CS-related stuff, and engineers actually get jobs most of the time. So I don't know if it's just me or a regional thing.

>> No.7920622

>>Hard sciences

Nigga there are 10 people in my fucking pure math classes.

>> No.7920648

B.Sc. in science is basically dead end here. It's damn near impossible to get a job other than a lab tech with that degree.

Biology is a death sentence here. Everyone does it because everyone who goes to college does the premed track in college. then they get weeded by med school admissions and suddenly you have a shit ton of bio grads flooding the market.

engineers I know that are getting jobs have some of the better grades. Rule of thumb in engineering here used to be "if you have a 3.0 +, you are good". It's not like that anymore, and that was just 4 years ago.

I may be exaggerating with PhDs. I just did two school visits for my chem PhD next year, and it seems like you can easily get sucked into doing a graduate degree at a shitty institution if no one else accepts you. I can definitely see where all the complaints online come from. If someone did a PhD at an institution that wasnt all that good, it doesnt necessarily guarantee them a job. luckily, of the two i interviewed at one was way way better than I expected it to be. I will get good experience there.

Finance is not something I have looked into. That would be an interesting route to take and I suspect a lot of math and physics majors do. Though, if you are looking to get into R&D, even in engineering, a graduate degree is necessary. The caveat is a M.Sc. degree costs $$$, whereas PhD programs will fully fund your living, tuition, insurance, etc. if you can get accepted. I do not think M.Sc. degrees are very common for this reason aside from the students that dropped out of PhD programs.

I think to a degree it may be regional, it sounds better in Europe from what I've heard.

>> No.7920653

who is going to hire you to do pure math besides a university? you can go into finance, i wouldnt consider that a science. my math major friend is currently working advanced tech support. makes bank doing it, but it is not his field.

>> No.7920677

Going for pure math as a degree doesn't mean going for pure math as a career. A lot of the time it is a means to an end, like when people want to become actuaries.

At the moment I work part time (and full time in the summer) in professional banking software. It is not pure maths but being good at maths certainly helps, specially when it came to getting the job in the first place. However, I am just a student.

Final dream is to work in computational science which already seems perfectly achievable with a pure math degree. I would say that pure mathematics students are the most qualified to work in computational sciene and I believe a good chunk of them do. However, it will help me that I will practically graduate with literally 4 years of experience.

Finance is just the most obvious choice because of the low barrier of entry.

>> No.7920684


Let them dream, it's the only thing they have left these days, math is as saturated as CS only with less jobs, even in the universities.

>> No.7920692

ok, i can get behind everything you are saying aside from actuarial science. That's an incredibly rigorous future if someone plans on landing that job. its a gem, far from a shoe in job any math major can go into on a whim.

>> No.7920702

I understand but hear my reasoning. To become an actuary you need to pass several math tests that only a degree in pure mathematics can prepare you for. However, once you pass the test and land your 200k job, you will never really do any kind of pure math ever again.

That is how I mean that for actuaires pure math is a means to an end. I am sure that people who get there were very passionate about their math and I'd even go as far as saying that they probably study on their own free time out of enjoyment but in the end, actuary is pretty far from pure math.

>> No.7920717

a school för maths

>> No.7920724
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Well, damn.

>> No.7920742
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This is true, I needed to put my math degree away and learned to code myself to get a job.
Coding is easy as hell though, I don't know why some CSfags could have any trouble with it.
Anyway, it is because coding is easy and it's also easy to get them a job that people hate them. My math friends loathed Computer Science and the day I decided to go coding they were like "Ewww", but who give a shit, I got the money.
But hating CSfags is justifiable.

>> No.7921023
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Who cares, study what you want and apply it in the market.

Only dweebs work for other people.

>> No.7921050

>already saturated
I been seen this for quite a while, first every single of my relatives around my age went for engineering, then I worked for a time as a substitute teacher in any high schools and all the non-hipster kids where planing to go for it and finally every single normalfag meme was about "engineers this, engineer that".

What happened? Why did everyone suddenly wanted to be an engineer?

>> No.7921071

basically everyone started seeing the success of people who graduated with just a bachelors in engineering and they started enrolling like there was no tomorrow. I've mentioned this in another rant on /sci/ before, but my neighbor is going into mechanical engineering next year. He has:
-Never expressed any interest in math
-Is a below average student
-Could not give a shit about physics
-could not give a shit about studies in general

Yet when his mom tells me this, tearing with joy, she mentions how much he wants to design cars. Give me a fucking break. I'm not even engrossed in the engineering world and I know how much of a meme that is. You just know he sat down with some dumbass high school guidance counselor, said "i want to make cars", and the dude said "you should check out engineering". He probably went home, saw the annual salary, and made his decision. Seriously, this is a kid who has been drinking and smoking pot since his freshman year of high school. Sure the rigor of the program will weed a lot of them out, but just the fact that there will be a higher enrollment means 4 years down the line the number of graduating engineers is going to increase.

>> No.7921157

I'm a computer science major, and I can confirm that I was too stupid for real sciences like physics, which is what I originally went to school for.

That said, is that any reason to be elitists towards us when you should be shitting on people far stupider who aren't necessary for designing the software you need to make measurements in most experimental branches?

How about you turn your sphincters towards the /pol/tards who make you grovel for funding only to ignore your findings to further their own stupid fucking agendas?

>> No.7921166

My school has recently raised the mathematics requirement from Calc I to Calc II to scare off medfags for that very reason. The department is also discouraging medfags by pointing them to other majors or outright just being unhelpful dicks / auto denying them lab potential so they fuck off somewhere else.

God bless my dept.

>> No.7921207

calc II is normal for our dept. it doesnt stop them because they can take a lower form of calculus (business calc) which is essentially garbage.

That is a step forward though. I hated math when I was a freshman so i avoided it as much as I could. Im a senior catching up on math now and I'm in calc II. It's crazy how many people fail that class.

>> No.7921220

> it doesnt stop them because they can take a lower form of calculus (business calc) which is essentially garbage.
My uni for a B.Sc in Biology requires strict Calc I and Calc II, Business Calc doesn't count.

The reason the dept. is trying to cull medfags is because they want to undo the damage they've caused.

>> No.7921244

A PhD won't solve your problems are you already know. Just use your college degree to get into some job that only requires a degree, and then build your career from there.

Especially because if you're only getting a PhD to help with a job, you're going to hate your life for going that far into academia. You also pigeonhole yourself into a very specific set of skills, companies won't hire you outside of that.

>> No.7921269
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>we do important work like developing nontrivial algorithms such as merge sort
gets me every time

>> No.7921274
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Primarily because CS is a massive meme we're all tired of hearing.

In my personal case every CS Major I ran into was full of cringe, autism, or both and tended to be an insufferable cunt. Basically felt that just because they were semi-ok at programming languages and were decent enough with computer hardware that a CS major was the perfect fit.

They also tend to be the most ugly fucks I've ever seen. Like the meme rings true or I just straight up am unlucky with the people I run into. Like every person of each major I run into fits the stereotype so perfectly.

>> No.7921309
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It's not funny when it's real life

>> No.7921334

I think you seriously lack self-awareness

>> No.7921436

I'm aware, but to say there are no more opportunities as a PhD than a BS is untrue. A quick job search online will show you most hires for chemists are at the PhD level.

Regardless, I'm know you don't go into grad school looking for career prospects. I'm going because I like research.

>> No.7921445

because they'll graduate with job offers

>> No.7921480

niggas don't have self-awareness you fags

>> No.7921517

The AI god is going to replace them all, and they're salty about that fact.