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7916315 No.7916315 [Reply] [Original]

Is drinking tap water safe? How can I be sure that the tap water in my city is drinkable. The flint water crisis has me worried.

>> No.7916327

I dont know or care what is in tap water but when I boil it to get distilled water, whatever's left in the boiling flask looks like a bunch of salts, which isn't surprising desu.

>> No.7916338

boiling water doesn't distill it though, it just boils it

>> No.7916342

i can tell youre a seasoned chemist, anon. finally someone who has done their research.

>> No.7916343

I worded my post wrong, eitherway, it was pretty good for testing a few condensers I recenly obtained

>> No.7916345

I drink from the tap, however my water isn't fluoridated

>> No.7916350

I think he means that he collects the evaporated water and looks at the left over minerals etc. in the bowl.

The left over shit in the bowl is actually good for you.

>> No.7916352

How do you know?

>> No.7916353

if that was so, where's my paywall? i wanna join the cool kids club

>> No.7916356

A massive pack of ice mountain water bottles costs like five dollars. I dont need tap even though Chicago does a fine job at filtration. I just stick to water bottles. Also, kiss my ass environment.

>> No.7916357

>The left over shit in the bowl is actually good for you.

No it isn't.
Fluoride in the water being a big deal is also bullshit. Any dumbfuck that uses modern toothpaste and mouthwash has got that covered.
There is absolutely no reason to drink tap water if you value your health.

>> No.7916358

That was what I tried to say, thanks. I just dump it in the drain because its either going down there as a slightly wet solid or aqueous so...

>> No.7916360

Well I was talking about the calcium and other minerals, but by all means project your conspiracy theories of fluorine on us.

>> No.7916364

I don't have bone cancer

>> No.7916367

You're a retard if you think unfiltered mains water from your city is fortified with calcium and other essential minerals. Try drinking some milk or eating an orange you dumbass.

>> No.7916369

Calcium and minerals are also added in bottled water. oops I said it, inb4 that anon only drinks from some algae infested lake because "muh chemicals made by globalists".

>> No.7916375

Why would pay pay extra money for plastic bottles of water when you already pay for tap water? Furthermore you funding the use of plastic bottle production. And besides why how would you know if fluorine is added to tap water, and assuming it IS, you do know that most bottled water companies get their water from tap essentially.

>> No.7916389

>pay extra money for plastic bottles of water
Burning plastic is fun

>you're funding the use of plastic bottle production
If you seriously think we're still wasting precious resources on synthesizing polyethylene bottles instead of just recycling pellets of the plastic, leave this board. PETE is the most recycled plastic. Also, idc if I'm funding plastic bottle production. Plastic is fun!

>bottled water companies get their water from tap
I don't care, the bottles are portable and as long as you keep them <25C, they will not taste like plastic or tap water out of some rusty ductile pipe.

>> No.7916397

Do you think private water companies care more about you than the government? Lmao, going to be funny when cancer skyrockets in drinkers of bottled water because they wanted to be "safe"

>> No.7916401

Anyone else here just put a filter on there tap?

>> No.7916402

>being this stubborn

>> No.7916404

Oh come on, you know how bad plastic production and waste is to the environment. Stop playing this game. My mom works for a plastic manufacturing company, but at least it's medical plastic. Bottled water should only be used by those that don't have quality tap water. It's easy to get a testing kit and even easier to reach filters.

>> No.7916406
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>believing "muh gubernment put all dis toxic shit >800ppm in water everywhere"

>> No.7916407
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>Bottled water should only be used by those that don't have quality tap water

>> No.7916410

Yeah? What's your point.

>> No.7916412

Sorry for using water bottles. Portability is terrible, what was I thinking? Next time I go outside and I'm thristy I should run to a bathroom and drink the water from the toilets instead!

>> No.7916439

>reusable bottles don't exist
>too lazy to find a good reusable bottle and take care of it
>willing to carry a bottle either way

Way to admit that you're trash. I'm fucking /out/ every chance I get and haven't bought bottled water in years thanks to camel packs (for day hiking and cycling) and reusable bottles/canteens. You have no excuse unless you live in Flint Michigan or New York, where plastic from the manufacturing companies poisoned the water supply.

>> No.7916440


Tap water is fine in first world countries. You're just the kind of idiot that bottled water companies rely on to continue their existence.

Could you speak fucking english next time?

>> No.7916456

Have fun with your elevated estrogen levels

>> No.7916459

You're a fucking idiot

>> No.7916695

Is that a sink?
Prepare to get b&

>> No.7916702
File: 117 KB, 736x486, 3e4d40e9f6c9e02dd6325517fbe71f1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of COURSE plastic bottles are recyclable. But people are shit.

>> No.7916781

That image is absolutely repulsive.
The reason I don't buy plastic bottles anymore.

>> No.7916806

>reuseable bottle
choose, faggot

>> No.7916812

Are you stupid? I have a PLASTIC Brita water bottle that I have REUSED hundreds of times.

>> No.7916817
File: 12 KB, 238x212, 1456154084141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not realising there are different resins yet still thinks he has the audacity to call an anon stupid

>> No.7916821

>Not realizing Brita bottles are plastic.

>> No.7916842

>once again not acknowledging the fact there are different resins
You must also think teflon and polystyrene have no differences

>> No.7916843

This is poor trolling. The whole point is reusing the bottle again and again over at least a year instead of wasting a new bottle every day. This is ridiculous.

>> No.7916853

>reduce reuse recycle XD
pls tell me this is bait

>> No.7916886

look up 'hard water' and 'soft water'. dumb spergs.

>> No.7916930

Please enlighten all of us. You're so smart dude!

>> No.7917023

It isn't safe for a number of reasons. The biggest reason is that there is pharmaceutical contamination in nearly all municipal drinking water. Even in such low doses the scientists studying these things were surprised that it was having an affect on the test subjects and wildlife.






So, if you are worried about your local government actively medicating your with fluoride, you really should be concerned about this shit too.

>> No.7917030
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>realization he is picking through the floating trash looking for drinking straws to sell to local vendors who in turn use them in their drinks to sell to the local population and tourists, if tourists visit this shithole

>> No.7917046

If you are that concerned, get some water from your kitchen faucet and have it tested. Its like a couple hundred bucks. At least in the US, these reports are available through your water provider

>> No.7917053

Nah OP, full of fluride and junk. Stop drinking anything and become a cool dude instead.

>> No.7917065
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Pathogenic bacteria — 99.9%
Cholera, Typhoid, Salmonella, E. Coli, Fecal Coliform, Cysts - 100%
Cryptosporidium Parvum, Giardia Lamblia, Sediment — 100% absolute to 0.5 micron
Chloramines - 99%
Chlorine - 99%
Lead - 99%
Fluoride — 97%
VOC—Volatile Organic Compounds - 98%
Metals—Aluminum, Iron, Mercury, Nickel & Zinc - 98%
MTBE - 97%
Arsenic - 95%
Glyphosate - 99.9%
Pharmaceutical Compounds, Acetaminophen, Progesterone, Ibuprofen, Naproxen Sodium - 95%
Herbicides - 99%
Nitrates - 92%

>> No.7917071

>Its like a couple hundred bucks.

It isn't that simple. they only test for a couple of things, sometimes only for 1 thing. You have to have it tested 100s of times and pay 10s of thousands of dollars to get it properly tested. It is a monumental bitch and they need to know what you want them to test for.

You are far better off just filtering and distilling your water and forgetting about the testing unless the water still smells/tastes off after that. Even shit like that and >>7917065 are not fool proof even though they list a bunch of stuff.

>> No.7917885

>I cant refute therefore I meme: the post

>> No.7917915

Check your municipal water authority website. They probably have reports from the testing they do. Mineral content, organic and inorganic compounds, turgidity, etc.

My city (Madison WI) has reports split out by the source well, of which there are a few.

>> No.7918165

kill urself

>> No.7918261

>How can I be sure that the tap water in my city is drinkable.

If it wasn't, you wouldn't be able to drink it.

>> No.7918293

Go ahead and drink a constant supply of distilled water then.

>> No.7918321



mcfucking kill yourself you fucking faggot

>> No.7918329

>newfag doesn't know that there are filters on this board for words like t b h and f a m
lurk more

>> No.7918334


drinking straws?
why would anyone want that?

>> No.7918341


>blaming that cockmongrel meme bullshit on world filters
>implying he didn't manually input that fruity faggot cock sucking phrase

why do you suck so much cock?

>> No.7918371
File: 608 KB, 480x396, 1456809030391.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you're trying to bait.