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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7909487 No.7909487 [Reply] [Original]

>dude lmao black holes and quantum vacuums and shit
>fails calculus II

>> No.7909501

Sooooo, cringe thread?
I'll start
What do you study?
Oh just like sheldon cooper, Bazinga

>> No.7909651
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>> No.7909655

is it true that he was in a gay disco band during the 70s?

>> No.7909664

>lmao dood i love vidya XDD ima go for compeudre science!!!
>wtf man i just wanna learn how to make games!
>drops out

>> No.7910614

Lol do people get baited on social media by this

>> No.7910625

I'm not sure anyone could fall for this. But I've never been to reddit.

>> No.7910650
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>> No.7910770

Isn't CS overkill if you just want to make games anyway?

>> No.7910801


>> No.7910871
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>> No.7911170

depends on whether you're making games or game engines.
I find game engines to be much more interesting, personally.
The other is almost like making a film.

>> No.7911176
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takes me back...

>> No.7911182

>people still fall for the le vidya game programmer maymay
why do people still do this

literally all you have to do is make a stitched together piece of shite from RPG maker with indie retro graphics and progressive themes and cryhole on twitter for extra publicity

>> No.7911191

>literally all you have to do is make a stitched together piece of shite from RPG maker with indie retro graphics and progressive themes and cryhole on twitter for extra publicity
Whoah whoah calm down /v/ cross-poster, nobody cares about game devs. Also, it's a good thing that people fall for the meme so that they're wasting their lives whilst you can get a job and not have it possibly taken by them.

>> No.7911199
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>> No.7911207
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not if they are turing complete homez

>> No.7911369

oh shnap

>> No.7911665

CS is overkill for most programming tasks

>> No.7911676

>big bang theory
I study microbiology and it's filled with fucking normies, ~60% women and most have facebook tier humor. If it weren't for my mates with my type of humor i'd have gone on a rampage long time ago.
I've seen people with the cringiest "lol, science" T-shirts and TATOOS imaginable.
They post cringey 9gag posts in cringely named facebook groups and have fun pointing out how nerdy they are all the times.
I mean I'm a half-normie, no where near /b or /r9k tier and i can hide my powerlevel quite good, so that i seem full normie, but somethimes i just want to slap a bitch if i hear the next "bazinga!"

>> No.7911864

Would vice versa be true?

>> No.7911880

This actually made me laugh.

>> No.7911902

>"there are more galaxies in our star, than universes in our atoms"?


>> No.7912834
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>> No.7912866

Suddenly, Men In Black.

>> No.7912875

This post gave me cancer

>> No.7912897

>be me, 18
>going to school for physics in the fall
>did well in math/physics classes in high school
>want to go specifically because black holes and quantum shit is cool
>not because HURR DURR LIGHT CANT ESCAPE, PARALLEL UNIVERSES R REAL DOOD bullshit, but because higher energy states, quarks, the physics of light, etc. is fascinating
>physics is the only class I gave a shit about

Am I making a mistake or should I continue?

>> No.7912918

You're probably on the right track senpai

>> No.7912938

Well spotted OP, this is the cancer that infests /sci/

>> No.7912944

Why does everyone hate this man? Brian Cox does the exact same thing yet he is never memed. You're just all butthurt over seeing a black spokesperson for science.

>> No.7912975

The same shit goes for bill nye the science guy.

The reason people hate these guys is because the very limited field (they claim) they're in, is vastly different from where they're sticking their fucking noses. They constantly talk about jesus, climate sciences, and philosophy. Just stay in your field, we don't give a fuck if you think jesus was a socialist

>> No.7912994

>am I making a mistake
There are specific support groups for physics majors on my campus.
Do with that what you will.

>> No.7913008

did he actually say this?

>> No.7913089
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>> No.7913235

No. We hate him because he is incredibly stupid and popular. We also hate bill nye who is white. Him being black just let us come up with a fun name for him.

He also associated himself with ratheists and pretends he is knowledgeable about subjects he knows absolutely nothing about.

>> No.7913278

Wasn't niel an astronomist or something?

>> No.7913310
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He's an astrophysicist. Which means he has no reason to comment on anything else

He failed at his first attempt at getting his PhD, and said it was because of racism (bullshit) he was too busy partying. His twitter feed is filled with political bullshit, especially stuff he has no reason to comment on

>> No.7913312

so he can't have opinions on things? on his own twitter account?

>> No.7913339

His word shouldn't be taken as anything serious. People think because he's on tv acting like a smart science man, that he's smart at everything. That's like having Warren Buffet comment on climate change and everyone going "oh yeah, he's pretty smart, he made a lot of money. He knows about man-made global warming". He can have his opinions, but they aren't any more valid than Tila Tequila's

>> No.7913343

Meant for this to respond to you

>> No.7913347


>> No.7913358

It's not his fault people like to see him as an authority on all manner of subjects. He'd probably be the first one to tell you about the appeal to authority fallacy, but he likes using his popularity to push his own world views that he thinks are altruistic. Who wouldn't want to take advantage of that? He knows his followers and he's basically preaching to his own choir anyway.

>> No.7913362

Very true. I would do the same shit if I was famous. It just rustles my jimmies is all

>> No.7913463

classic pre-uni naivety, this will all change when you reach final year and fucking hate yourself doing QFT

>> No.7913467

nah you sound like the typical physics student

>> No.7913473
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>be a senior in physics
>know jack shit about string theory, professors at my uni don't even give two shits about it, took quantum and it felt more like a linear algebra class than a physics course
>tfw engineer friends try to ask me about string theory and quantum mechanics and I don't know how to answer them

Feels weird and feels like I'm a failure to my major.

>> No.7913476

just write down any maths above div grad curl and they'll nod and say "sweet dude" and leave you alone

>> No.7913487

I get ya, I can usually do that with a gamma function, but when someone asks you to explain spin to them and you realize you aren't sure how, you have to stop and ask yourself "do I even know what I'm doing anymore?" I miss the days where a short explanation was all that was necessary, and now things outside of electromagnetism (but we haven't started QED yet) take way more time to make sense to me, if our professors don't just hand wave it and assume we all get it.

Last week my professor did Fermi's Golden Rule and I still don't really understand it, but I never got more than a day covering Einstein notation over a year ago.

doesn't help I wasted my free time this weekend instead of trying to take the time to study and make sure I understand my lectures

>> No.7913492

I feel you re: einstein notation, we had a course using it in first year and then it completely disappeared until third year electrodynamics. Where are you studying? I'm starting to feel like the more I try to understand things, the worse I do in the course.

>> No.7913497

I'm at a state uni in Idaho

>> No.7913518
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>> No.7913555

I kind of agree with you anon. And people will shit on that opinion and backtrack and say it's not because of his race. So I at least agree somewhat with you there.

He does, however, kind of seem like the classic "sellout" without having all of the quirky, redeeming, or straight up brilliant qualities of other popular science educators like Carl Sagan and Richard Feynman.

Like, Tyson offered Men's Fitness his weight loss story as a possible article. Not because there was some educational value but because he's a public figure and that might possibly garner readership and therefore a sum of money. He no longer works IN science. He works around it. This is in order to popularize it.

Tyson obviously loves science, the same way that the local band you used to like loves music. But, the same way that local band started catering to the popular noise, Tyson started working his image to become popular black science man, instead of just the meager image (as opposed to celebrity) of Director of the Hayden Planetarium. Neil Tyson is a sellout, but there's nothing wrong with that. He fills a needed niche that was opened when Bill Nye and other science educators slowed down.

>> No.7913604


>> No.7913613

did he go to the zoo?

>> No.7913879

It's his fault for acting like an authority.

>> No.7913888

This thread has had some quality versions of this. I thought I had seen them all before today.

>> No.7913914


If you want to learn about "quantum shit", start with chemistry.

>> No.7913995

My friend did this. Also he always tries to hook me up to his shitty cringey projects. Shit man, I just care about /sci/, /mu/ and /tg/.

>> No.7914052
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>tfw this is how Trump is going to become president

>> No.7914276


You should really read the Dilbert blog for the best commentary on the Trump campaign.

>> No.7914318
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> hide my power level

>> No.7914339

>but it do
saved and keked

>> No.7914434

Calc 2 was the easy Calc for me. Calc 3 is more annoying imo but it'll be more useful for physics I've heard.

>> No.7914435

except, Trump's experience is relevant to running the US

Created Jobs: relevant

Dealt with building in other countries: relevant

Degree in economics: relevant

It's not quite the same, you should be able to realize that astrophysics has no link to commentary on religious figures political views

>> No.7914442

It is...focus on partial derivatives a lot if you will ever take physics. It will help you clear up a lot of the autism physics offers past HS-tier baby shit

>> No.7914484

I have an high consideration of Tila's opinions

>> No.7914598

You are officially a dank meme. Everyone take notes.

>> No.7914606


I hope that you are attempting to troll.

>> No.7914977

>Gets kicked out by art school
>Gas Jews
> Aryan Master Race

>> No.7916873

Their audience is not you. They're trying to make science and the low appealing to a much larger crowd. They're doing well.

>> No.7916877


nah bro, thats how it is at your local community college

>> No.7917016
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>> No.7917018
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>> No.7917040

boooo booooooooo

They won't tell you how or why you're using quantum numbers until you're in grad school. It's the least intuitive way of learning 'quantum shit'

>> No.7917050

>They won't tell you how or why you're using quantum numbers until you're in grad school.

Not true.
A decent course in high school explains the purpose of the quantum numbers for electrons in atoms.

>> No.7917207

fucking sjw back to /r/eddit

>> No.7917256

Her sextapes swayed me

Now I know she's not afraid to get her hands dirty

>> No.7917268

>Java sucks!!!!
>uh idk, it just does!!! Java sucks!!!!

>> No.7917305

>confirmation bias from an sjw
gee who woulda thunk it

>> No.7917312


as cancerous as this faggot post is, he kind of has a point.

>> No.7917335


he doesn't really act like an authority though. he just says stuff and people agree with it.

>> No.7917406

>he doesn't really act like an authority though

You've got to be kidding?
He even pulls this shit when he's on panels with actual scientists.

>> No.7918705
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I love the black science man memes, but I gotta admit he has a way of explaining things to the public that is pretty unique.

>> No.7918744

>Cant reasonably argue his point so he got to call his opponent le reddit fag.
Discusting, this is why this board is a Shit hole littered with sophism

>> No.7918763

Every party can do that.

Hilary and him are the same, but she doesn't use the "populism" extremely.

>> No.7918772

Meant to >>7914435

>> No.7918834

That's the general public anon
4chan is not the norm

>> No.7918836

Cox isn't that popular. Although I'm sure some /pol/acks here hate him for being a nigger, it's a minority.

>> No.7918842
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>being memed
>being hated on
Memes are dank as fuck dude. Brian isn't as famous so he is less likely to be memed.

>> No.7918848


>> No.7919214

I think to Africa

>> No.7919322
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