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7899809 No.7899809 [Reply] [Original]

Is global warming a meme?

>> No.7899818

It doesn't really matter, we should cut down on pollution regardless

>> No.7899820

Yes and so is that picture

>> No.7899846

It's a religion. Believers in man caused warming are waiting for the rapture.

>> No.7899877
File: 250 KB, 2560x1920, Ozone hole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Global warming is a fact, whether it's man-made or not is up to debate if you believe what those oil companies have to say

>It doesn't really matter, we should cut down on pollution regardless
This. You get a far better return on investment cutting down on pollution than you get by investing in healthcare

>It's a religion. Believers in man caused warming are waiting for the rapture.
Picture related.

>Puny insignificant humans could have never caused this too right???

>Nature always corrects itself

>The Earth has a way of keeping a balance

>There is no way human emissions are capable of having effects on the planetary scale

>> No.7899894

The only things with a stronger consensus are natural Laws and evolution. And even if you're a troglodyte, pretty much everything intended to combat climate change has other benefits for few-no downsides, so whether you believe climate change is happening is irrelevant anyway.

>> No.7899910

Even by that deluded argument, Global Warming-denying shows every sign of being a religion, 1000-fold compared to accepting Global Warming.

Why don't you turn your analysis on yourself to see this?

>> No.7900323 [DELETED] 

>climate change
>man made global warming
>global cooling
>Revelation 21:4

pick one and go back to ribbit

>> No.7900327

Why do liberals complain about conservatives being science-denying pieces of shit when they are dumb anti-nuclear and ANTI-GMO hippies themselves?

>> No.7900330 [DELETED] 

>pretty much everything intended to combat climate change has other benefits for few-no downsides

>tax the poor
>malinvest in inefficient wind farms and solar (freakin)
>cause your heavy industry to leave the country
>give away national sovereignty to global organizations
>ruin the countryside with turbines, solar farms, hydroelectric dams
>nuclear is also banned because "ATOMIC EXPLOSIONS!!1" and "Radioactive Waste!"
>massive subsidies to alt energy companies and land owners

All of this pain and yet "alt energy" only contributes ~2% of my country's electricity.

You are a moron.

>> No.7900332

Because anyone who sees science though a political lens is a retard.

>> No.7900334

Anyone with political opinions is a retard

>> No.7900340

No, the scientific consensus is that humans had a substantial impact.

>> No.7900343

>science is based on popularity of ideas now

>> No.7900346

Yes, reproducibility is the basis of consensus. You are a fucking moron.

>> No.7900349

That's how it's always been dumbass. When someone preforms an experiments they then present their findings to the rest of the field, basically saying "hey guys, this is what I've done and this is what I've measured. Do you agree that my method allows me to measure what I've claimed it's measured and do you agree with my conclusions". Then other criticise and replicate and try and improve. This is how it's always been, this is likely how it will go for the foreseeable future.

>> No.7900351

>what is problem of induction

>> No.7900353


Drink bleach you faggot.

>> No.7900355

>I don't understand the scientific method but I still think I'm a scientist

>> No.7900357

It's basically taken as an axiom that the laws governing the universe are constant over time. And you better hope that's the case, else tomorrow everything could be different.

>> No.7900359

>everything will be different
Sounds exciting

>> No.7900366

It wouldn't be.

>The possibility that we are living in a false vacuum has never been a cheering one to contemplate. Vacuum decay is the ultimate ecological catastrophe; in the new vacuum there are new constants of nature; after vacuum decay, not only is life as we know it impossible, so is chemistry as we know it. However, one could always draw stoic comfort from the possibility that perhaps in the course of time the new vacuum would sustain, if not life as we know it, at least some structures capable of knowing joy. This possibility has now been eliminated.
(source: http://www.sns.ias.edu/pitp2/2011files/PhysRevD.21.3305.pdf))

>> No.7900373
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>muh vacuum

>> No.7900392

lel, history repeats, the AGW cult are like the Catholic church literally, with the full force of the Pope of Rome working with his new front world government corp the UN spawned from 2 Vatican Jesuit instigated world wars launching the Inquisition on deniers, wants complete control of all remaining hydrocarbons to build an immense iron hand that will crush the head of any denier. It even employs the age old it 'can't hurt' tactic. never mind the hypocrisy of still banning birth control and abortion.

The climate changes without man cult like the Protestants, warming is all in your head and God wills it.

Either way the dialect itself is most remarkable in the traction it has garnered, mostly due to the largest propaganda campaign ever foisted on an unsuspecting population of otherwise intelligent people. The problem with dialects of course is they ignore all else to force the synthesis, which is obviously global government controlling carbon, the element of life. It will end badly because absolute power corrupts absolutely, obviously, we are fucking monkeys.

>> No.7900396

Nigger, I've read this shit about 4 times and I don't understand what the fuck are you saying. Is this pasta?

>> No.7900560

Look cracker, it's deduction, history, basic research and arriving at a conclusion to a question. Cui Bono?

I only share this insight on a shitposting Mongolian image board because I have nothing better to do. The truth will set you free no question about it.

Spending hours pouring over some doom scenario computations and computer simulations by UN Popish climate shills today is no different than reading the bible a few centuries ago. End of Days gets traction, in fact the more often the prophecy fails the more the idea is reinforced in some weird form of confirmation bias or sunk cost bias.

The 'climate debate' has one synthesis, the more people convinced AGW is real, the larger the carbon grab can be. The more people believe, the larger the tithe. It all has zero to do with saving earth, or saving souls, everything to do with greedy parasitic new age priests, same as the old world dark age priests.

>> No.7900635

What other crazy stuff do you believe? Are you a Sandy Hook truther?

>> No.7900687
File: 169 KB, 1537x715, 100 Billion is all we want - IPCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its crazy to think its about money.

>> No.7900697

no actually the only reliable source of data, satellite data show no increase in temperature.
There has been a lot of forged data in this global warming shit, it has been proved in a few cases, lots of corruption.


>> No.7900698

>global warming
>ozone hole
I hope you're kidding.

>> No.7900702

Crazy? There are already trillions of dollars floating around the AGW meme, I was just following the money and power and came to what is a logical conclusion.

Mass social engineering is a science now. All I know about the fella from Sandy Hook is that he attended a Catholic school and his single mother horded guns and fretted about gun control lol, sure it could have been a psyop I suppose, and sometimes shit just happens.

Put it this way, I approach anything propagated with much fury by the main stream media with a critical mind. There is no mistaking the lopsided take on AGW being propagated like classic dogma by all the major media players and philanthropists today, backed by some of the most questionable "science" in the history, of well, science. I like science, it should be defended along with its classic rigor.

>> No.7900713

how many people in /sci/ who are against global warming are actual scientists, or are you all just from /pol/

>> No.7900715

>I was just following the money and power
... and it led to science, not to coal/oil companies?

>> No.7900722

yes and the twin towers were hit by cruise missiles

don't believe the media lies

>> No.7900814

It lead to the United Nations

>> No.7900968

That man and only man, by creating CO2, is the only cause of massive global warming that is going to melt the polar ice and raise the sea level 50 feet in the next 84 years and that reducing the use of carbon based fuel in western nation is the only thing that will fix it is a joke and a meme.

That the climate will change if we do nothing and it will change regardless of any action we take is true.

>> No.7900989

Man, by emitting large quantities of CO2, is the main cause of current global warming, which is going in the opposite direction of the natural Milankovitch cycle. But nice try at framing the argument incorrectly in order to trick people and sustain your delusional worldview.

>> No.7901018

>is the main cause of current global warming
Whether current global warming even exists is still a theory
Whether man is the cause of rising CO2 is a theory
Whether the "natural cycle" would be to get cooler, is a theory

None of these things are proven or even a concensus opinion by scientists.

>> No.7901027
File: 39 KB, 562x437, Ohwow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just a theory
Is this a troll?

>> No.7901035

...theories massively supported by the evidence and which are indeed consensus opinions among climatologists.

>> No.7901042


>> No.7901073

>ALL liberals are anti-nuclear
>despite the scientific community being overall more liberal and the scientific community is hugely in favor of nuclear
>politicizing science
get out of here you fucking retard

>> No.7901081

>nuclear banned
>sustainable energy only supplies 2% of power
It's not my fault your shitty country is retarded. And by the way, almost every viable dam site in the US had already been dammed before anyone cared about environmental protection, and solar is extremely effective and has reached price parity with fossil fuels.

>> No.7901084

>on /sci/
>just a theory
too obvious, man

>> No.7901174

Oh yeah, its a meme.
Humans breathe in air that is .04% CO2 and exhale air that is 4% CO2.
CO2 is killing the planet?
Better hold your breath to save the earth?

>> No.7901201

Yeah, he should have said hypothesis

>> No.7901249

are you autistic? the air we breathe out is insignificant to the air released from production companies, cars, etc.

>> No.7901253

it is not a meme, honestly those opposed should take a simple organic chemistry class to learn absorption spectroscopy of CO2 and H2O in the atmosphere. explains it all. also, global average temperatures HAVE increased gtf over it

>> No.7901264
File: 38 KB, 400x402, 1981902_754743557939427_6066363747022400234_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google "carbon cycle" and educate yourself you goddamned barbarian.

>> No.7901271

Anyone with opinions is a retard

>> No.7901314

>Thinks "barbarian" is an insult

>> No.7901354

>What other crazy stuff do you believe?

What is so crazy about that you flaming faggot?

>> No.7901424

"Global warming" is a poor term to describe the real problem - man made climate change.

>> No.7901631

I keep reading that word, I don't think it means what you think it means.

On the USA alone, 31,487 scientist and 9,029 signed that petition, explicitely rejecting global warming as a scientific theory.

>> No.7901664


Having the name scientist or PhD means jack shit

>> No.7901676

Global warming is a pretty funny religion imo.

>> No.7901690

97% of scientists blablabla
it's an old study where the wording was similar to:
choose one and only one:
1) I believe in global warming
2) Hitler was right

Same argument as this video >>7900697

We don't care 97% of scientists blablabla, facts and reality tell us there is no global warming, facts are more important than majority.
The simple fact that thousands of scientists in fields of specialization that suitably qualify them to evaluate the research data sign this petition prove there is probably not even a majority of qualified scientist believing in global warming.
(Atmosphere, Earth, & Environment (3,805) , Physics & Aerospace (5,812), Chemistry (4,822), Biochemistry, Biology, & Agriculture (2,965), Medicine (3,046),General Engineering & General Science (10,102), Computers & Math (935))

>> No.7901702


>> No.7901729

Your 'facts':
>A bunch of shills with professional designations payed to sign an opinion petition

AGW facts:
>Thousands of peer reviewed studies dating back to the 18 fucking hundreds when they proved that co2 was a greenhouse gas

Yea that small petition is looking pretty good there!

>> No.7901751
File: 58 KB, 537x543, 1392356462994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no actually the only reliable source of data, satellite data show no increase in temperature.
Then why are all the glaciers melting?
Even Republican politicians are admitting global warming is real.
Now they're just denying it's caused by humans.

>> No.7901756

>when they proved that co2 was a greenhouse gas

But we don't calculate CO2 as a greenhouse gas. We calculate it as a magically forcing superheater gas, resulting in wild fantasy scenarios of accelerating temperature increases.

Just considering CO2 as a greenhouse gas gives no cause for alarm as it's virtually unmeasurable in the face of other climate factors and variability.

And it's also what we see in the satellite record, no recent change.

>> No.7901775

Someone should crunch the numbers, there is already a trillion dollar carbon taxation market, billions going to "climate science" payrolls where it is implied you fabricate "science" to feed the AGW propaganda machine or lose your job. This "science" consists of computer simulations that are basically garbage in garbage out and have been proven wrong since their inception yet the dogma rolls on, the simulations incorrect outputs completely ignored.

The AGW meme is a bloated, parasitic and fraudulent new age religion masquerading as "science" and employing fear mongering of the first order - End of Days, biblical floods and uses the premise of saving people from themselves and only offering a new age tax as a solution making it all the more insidious.

>> No.7901784

You're so full of shit it hurts

>> No.7901786

You're just like the tobacco shills, talk loud, talk fast, throw shit in their face. They're scientists, not pr spokesman, so you appeal to human emotion instead of use science

>> No.7901790

agree wholeheartedly. too bad they hinged their entire argument on lies, instead of pointing out the obvious and inarguable facts.

>> No.7901793
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>> No.7901801

Two major contentions, without digging into the rest of the shit:

1) Defining a "global" average temperature is a preposterous venture, from a physics perspective.

2) Ice-core samples, upon which the vast bulk of all climatology data on a geological timescale is based, is inherently suspect and highly so. The assumption that ice is somehow impervious to gas diffusion (not to mention chemical reactions of the trapped molecules themselves), is absolutely preposterous. There is a reason nobody has even attempted to do a control on this.

Climate "science" doesn't have a leg to stand on when you cut these two out. And are we really surprised then when we see model after model after model going disastrously wrong? There are at least a dozen or more other points of very strong contention within the field.

Frankly, they should all be ashamed of themselves as scientists, regardless of how noble they believed their cause to be.

The damage they have actually done, in terms of the getting the public to accept the consequences of human activity (plenty of which are very real and very, very observable), has truly been profound and will have, ironically, long lasting consequences for humanity.

>> No.7901802

>Then why are all the glaciers melting?
They dont, some melt some grow, but you only hear about those melting from your government approved media because they are pushing an agenda.
Antartica ice sea is breaking new high record every year for example. the overall ice covered surface of the earth is globally unchanged.

>> No.7901821

a theory in science is something that is considered true based on a lack of negative evidence. In other words, a theory is true as of this moment because it has not been proven to be false. it only takes one instance to falsify the theory, but if its a theory, its true until we know more

>> No.7901901

Anyone that is retarded is retarded

>> No.7901948

A better question is why are there glaciers in the first place? Because the last ice age was only 20 thousand years ago, almost insignificant in geological time. Of course earth is warming back up but is just as likely to plunge back into a deep freeze, and this is where the AGW cult gets seriously confused. Real science tossed in favor of dreams of doom and great floods. A warmer world is preferable and everything that can be done by man to achieve that should be encouraged.

>> No.7901954

Most of these are just people with BAs in STEM, not even professional scientists. The rest have no qualifications or research in climatology.

>> No.7901997

>Defining a "global" average temperature is a preposterous venture, from a physics perspective.

>Ice-core samples, upon which the vast bulk of all climatology data on a geological timescale is based, is inherently suspect and highly so. The assumption that ice is somehow impervious to gas diffusion (not to mention chemical reactions of the trapped molecules themselves), is absolutely preposterous.
There is no such assumption. Your criticisms are vague and factually incorrect which leads me to assume you have not even taken the time to study ice climatology or ice cores in order to criticize it. You are merely repeating memes that you read on someone's blog. Or you are making things up based on how you assume ice core analysis works. Paleoclimatologists realize that gas diffuses differently through ice at different pressures. This has to be taken into account when extrapolating atmospheric data from ice, and is where most of the uncertainty in ice core analysis comes from. However, paleoclimatologists have a number of different proxies to check against and do indeed conduct studies on ice to determine the lag time between "surface age" and "gas age" as well as the levels of diffusion for different gasses. But this is all besides the point since you seem to be arguing that AGW theory is standing on paleoclimatology. Paleoclimatology certainly happens to support parts of the theory, but it is not necessary to prove it. The only one who should be ashamed of himself is you for pretending to know what you're talking about and spreading lies just to prop up your delusional ideology.

>> No.7902123

9k PhD

>> No.7902129

>The rest have no qualifications or research in climatology.

>> No.7902176

>We have empirical evidence for CO2 being a greenhouse gas
>Therefor our magical forcing numbers are also real

Good job proving my point.

>> No.7902283

If you read the article, it explains exactly how we CO2 has a large forcing.

>> No.7902306

here are the signature by specialization:
Atmosphere, Earth, & Environment (3,805) , Physics & Aerospace (5,812), Chemistry (4,822), Biochemistry, Biology, & Agriculture (2,965), Medicine (3,046),General Engineering & General Science (10,102), Computers & Math (935)

>> No.7902312

How many of them are climatologists? It says only 39 are climatologists. And it doesn't give their names so we can't see if they actually have the qualifications they claim.

>> No.7902319

No, it explains what a greenhouse gas is.

>> No.7902344

It also explains how radiative forcing is determined. I suggest you switch to the advanced version of the article if you haven't already.

>> No.7902361

Environmental scares have been around since the hippies grew up.

No matter IF the temp's currently increasing, we will have a proper ice age in the future, as has happened many times before.

>> No.7902363

Yes, no need to worry about the climate 100 years from now because an ice age is coming in tens of thousands of years! Brilliant argument.

>> No.7902370


>> No.7902375

>It also explains how radiative forcing is determined.
Nah, it explains greenhouse gases and makes a nonsequitur and pretends that somewhere unmentioned along the way they also explained forcing.

I guess I need to have faith in AGWarming Al Gore to see the invisible proof.

In b4
>AGWahhu AGWackbar! Infidel you have to belive in our crazy religion!

>> No.7902379

Go back to /pol/ please

>> No.7902383

>Nah, it explains greenhouse gases and makes a nonsequitur and pretends that somewhere unmentioned along the way they also explained forcing.
Can you quote exactly where it does this so I can make sure you actually read the article?

>> No.7902385

>satellite data show no increase in temperature

Why don't you check what you shit post before you type it?

>> No.7902386

Why? Pollution, much like other scapegoats such as secondhand smoke and cellphone radiation/power lines, pose no risk, at least in America. China maybe due to people literally needing surgeon masks.

>> No.7902390


>> No.7902391

Right... you need to reject an entire field of science in order to argue your point, but I'm the one with the religion. OK.

>> No.7902411
File: 13 KB, 188x250, krusty-klown-250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>billions going to "climate science" payrolls
"Everywhere I go, I see teachers driving Ferraris,
research scientists drinking champagne!"
– Krusty the Klown, "The Simpsons" (Feb. 1996)

>> No.7902413


global warming is a theory

it has compelling support, but none of that support is conclusive

but like anon said >>7899818
but not everyone wants to pay for that up front
and promoting theory as reality is not really science

re: gravitional waves

also, as an aside, climatology is one of the softest science degrees that one can obtain

>> No.7902414

>Can you quote exactly where it does this
How can I quote the absence of something?

>> No.7902419
File: 121 KB, 1024x683, -7023d185616e9b91[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh noes look at all the global warming fell down this year...

>> No.7902427

Tobacco shills haven't existed for a long time and the war on tobacco is just as corrupt as the war on drugs. There's still a lot of holes in the idea that smoking can cause cancer or is bad for you in general. Of course when you can call someone a shill it's not necessary to make a solid argument.

>> No.7902442

>le just a theory meme

>> No.7902447


you cant necessarily look at a short-interval event and say if it determines a long-interval event

for all we know, the melting of the polar ice cap is cooling the ocean... until the ice is gone, followed by the warming

just a theory; i don't support global warming, but i wish some real scientists would go after the problem

>> No.7902449


>le just a theory reality based on the absence of definitive evidence

>> No.7902451


Global warming and increased carbn dioxide levels in the atmosphere may have positive effects on many areas in the world. It is climate change, not climate destruction.

Pollution however is another story. If we could cut down on Coal and peat burning and make a move to Oil, Gas, Renewables and Nuclear that would be an enormous start.
IIRC the USA still generates 30% of its electricity with Coal and China burns roughly 50% of the world coal supply so these two nations alone could make an enormous difference to pollution levels.

Coal when burnt releases radioactive lead isotopes and have released more radioactive material since 1900 than Nuclear plants whose radioactive material is generally contined and can be buried until its most active components decay at which point much of it can be reprocessed into fuel. Although that is stepping into Nuclear Breeder reactor territory.

>> No.7902456

>he doesn't know what a theory is

>> No.7902457

Here's another Q: Why are people emotionally engaged in this topic (especially those supporting the AGW hypothesis)?

Why are there so many "semi-experts" who opine on this topic?

>> No.7902464

I don't care we don't have enough oil math can't be proven because we might just not be able to comprehend things that exist outside its rules

>> No.7902490

I want to add to this, any nation with access to sufficient cheap and stable energy supplies can account for changes to rainfall and bodies of water to a pretty huge extent through irrigation and deep water wells.
Global warming will also make much of Siberia extremely fertile land for agriculture and the increased CO2 levels will produce higher crop yields in the areas on the planet who still have suffiecent water supply, particularly in areas like Egypt, India, Europe and Latin America where photosynthesis levels are hidered by CO2 levels and not Sunlight.

Glacial melting will cause Sea levels to rise however according to a NASA study Ice levels in the Antarctic have been increasing at an accelerating rate suggesting a redistribution of Ice from the North to South Pole. Floating Ice caps in the North will not affect Sea Levels due to Archimedes' Law of flotation. They will displace as much water when melted as they currently do while floating (Ice is less dense than water).

There are also negative effects such as influences cold water will have on Ocean currents and increasing equatorial temperatures may cause huge drought in west africa and other areas with poor access to fresh water. These problems are exacerbated by poor local infrastructure, corrupt ineffective governments and Western NGOs sending aid too technologically advanced for the populations to independantly maintain causing a dependence on aid. These Nations also do not have the expertise to create or Maintain efficient solar or Nuclear grids.

CO2 levels are rising and this will cause the earth to warm, but it is not all doom and gloom and the exact consequences of this are still unknown so in that sense this is all a theory, but curbing pollution should still be a major priority and many of the dirtiest pollutants are major CO2 contributors.

>> No.7902515

>>7902457 here.

What motivates you to write so much about this topic? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.7902518


>> No.7902530

{\Huge Test1}


{\Huge Test 2}

>> No.7902547

Muh wildly inaccurate computer simulations of all of earths carbon molecules are real science!
There is some science to it, carbon is the element of life, to control all of life find a way to control all carbon, specifically hydrocarbons when living in the oil age!

This is why we need an audit, not just on the flaky computer simulations but the salaries, the political and religious connections and affiliations of those involved. This is real life, not a cartoon. We are easily into the trillions of taxpayer money making it the fraud of the ages in pure monetary terms. The church of AGW is setting itself up to be the largest destructive parasite to ever sink its fangs into civilization.

>> No.7902575

You said it made a non sequitur.

>> No.7902595
File: 104 KB, 612x612, chest deep on the west side highway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pumps, dykes and beach replenishment is pretty expensive...

>> No.7902597

What motivates you to keep this thread alive by shitposting denier memes?


>> No.7902604

>You said it made a non sequitur.

And how do I quote that? The article goes

>Now we'll show you the empiric proof of forcing!
>Greenhouse gas
>And that my friends, is the proof of forcing beign observed.

Should I quote the whole article for you ? Can you quote the part of this post where I didn't prove that the earth is round?

>> No.7902608

i bet youget mad when you meet santa claus deniers too

>> No.7902612

I was asking out of interest. These threads are so common, and most people in them have unusually strong opinions, both pro/against the agw hypthesis.

>> No.7902616
File: 523 KB, 563x1406, SUBSIDENCE_INDUCED_BY_UNDERGROUND_EXTRACTION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to add to this, any nation with access to sufficient cheap and stable energy supplies can account for changes to rainfall and bodies of water to a pretty huge extent through irrigation and deep water wells.

I don't even know where to start.

>> No.7902617


>> No.7902620

>What motivates you to write so much about this topic? I'm genuinely curious.

He would rather die than admit that the hippies were right.

>> No.7902627

A non-sequitur is not the absence of something, retard. Just quote the sentence or paragraph containing the non-sequitur, or just admit you didn't even read the article. If you had read it you would see the explanation of radiative forcing. Here I'll help you out since reading is so hard for you.

"The connection can be found in the spectrum of greenhouse radiation. Using high-resolution FTIR spectroscopy, we can measure the exact wavelengths of long-wave (infrared) radiation reaching the ground.

Sure enough, we can see that CO2 is adding considerable warming, along with ozone (O3) and methane (CH4). This is called surface radiative forcing, and the measurements are part of the empirical evidence that CO2 is causing the warming."

>> No.7902632

A statement to be proven false or not necessarily false (true for plebs).

That's what you are arguing about ITT.

>> No.7902641
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>Non sequitur (Latin for "it does not follow")
>is an argument in which its conclusion does not follow from its premises.

>we can measure long-wave IR that is emitted by, oh practically everything.
>Therefor radiative forcing is true


> we can see that CO2 is adding considerable warming
I guess we stopped emitting CO2 19 years ago then, picrelated.

>> No.7902646

No, AGW is already supported by massive amounts of scientific evidence. It's a theory. Only people attempting to ignore the evidence in order to reach their preconceived ideological conclusion call it a hypothesis. And that is what this thread is about, not an argument over whether AGW is true or false but whether science is true or false. Eventually, once they run out of misrepresentations of climatology, they will revert to conspiracy logic as usual.

>> No.7902651
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>> No.7902665
File: 54 KB, 756x436, reference network .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satellite temperatuer is gold standard.

GISS is a highly manipulated spot measurement in urban centers.

Here's the NOAA temperature reference network of expensive high quality temperature stations in pristine environments.

Take a guess why they don't use it.

>> No.7902668

>we can measure long-wave IR that is emitted by, oh practically everything.
>Therefor radiative forcing is true
Radiative forcing is a measure of how much a particular agent affects the difference in energy between incoming sunlight and outgoing IR. So clearly the amount of IR bounced back onto the surface from a particular gas is relevant towards radiative forcing. Calling this a non-sequitur is simply retarded.

>> No.7902671

You're a lost case. And you don't know what a theory is.

>> No.7902688

>And you don't know what a theory is.
OK, please explain what a theory is using relevant sources.

>> No.7902692


There are several things wrong with what you say in this post, but luckily I happen to have an excellent article explaining why so I don't have to:


If you were actually interested in climate science, you would read it.

>> No.7902708
File: 40 KB, 825x635, 1454309755525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jewpedia page is good.

Here's what your theory is missing:
>Predictive power (what exactly does your theory predict, with what accuracy/precision, over what timeframe?)
>Clear criteria for falsification
>Tests via repeated experiments in a controlled setting

>> No.7902726 [DELETED] 

This is interesting because aren't you always claiming that climatologists' predictions have failed? So either AGW has no predictions and isn't falsifiable or it makes clear predictions and can be falsified. Which is it?

>> No.7902731

This is interesting because aren't you always claiming that climatologists' predictions have failed? So either AGW has no predictions and isn't falsifiable or it makes clear predictions and can be falsified. Which is it?

>> No.7902736
File: 30 KB, 640x454, nou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aren't you always claiming that

>current year
>Using the NO U argument

>> No.7902746

I don't understand how this is a "NO U argument", or what that even means. It's very simple, does climatology make predictions or not? Can it be falsified or not? You can't argue consistently as if both are true. So either AGW is a scientific theory and you can argue against that theory by falsifying it, or you can argue it's not a scientific theory, meaning you can't argue it makes predictions which are false. You're choice. I think you'll choose the former considering you have already argued it makes false predictions.

>> No.7902757

You're supporting AGW as a theory, so provide the model, tell us it's predictive power, tell us what criteria would indicate a failure of the theory, and describe how we can attempt to falsify the theory with repeatable experiments in a controlled environment.

That's your job as the PROPONENT of a theory.

>> No.7902766

but there is lots and lots of definitive evidence. That's what makes it a scientific theory, you tool. Didn't think i'd see this stupidity on the science board...

>> No.7902777

dude you're fucked. Just go on google and read some scientific papers about the subject. Maybe attend a lecture explaining how the Greenhouse effect works.

>> No.7902778

OK, so I'm going to assume that you have chosen the latter, the position that AGW does not make predictions and is not falsifiable. Then we can ignore all the arguments you made above which refer to predictions and alleged falsifications of AGW.

>You're supporting AGW as a theory, so provide the model, tell us it's predictive power, tell us what criteria would indicate a failure of the theory, and describe how we can attempt to falsify the theory with repeatable experiments in a controlled environment.
It's all here https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar5/wg1/.. All you need to do to falsify AGW is prove one of the basic underlying empirical facts it relies on is wrong.

For specific examples of this, here is a good list https://ourchangingclimate.wordpress.com/2014/02/17/is-climate-science-falsifiable/

>> No.7902787

The crux of the AGW theory is not CO2 or even radiative forcing
It's a magical MULTIPLIER effect that's supposed to occur with H2O.

>> No.7902791

> AGW meme

paranormal fantasies go to >>>/x/

>> No.7902800

>more CO2 leads to ocean water evaporating from greenhouse effect
>ocean evaporating leads to more water vapor and releases CO2 from oceans
>more water vapor and more CO2 leads to more ocean evaporating
But I suppose simple mechanisms look like magic to idiots.

>> No.7902806

>made up mechanism with no facts or evidence to support it
>It's literally the basis of a trillion dollar global warming charade

>> No.7902811

>strong opinions
This is a sunk cost bias and confirmation bias dilemma. When I first saw Al Gores doom show I was convinced climate doom was imminent, but over the years I got a bit angry at the deception, he is after all a politician - politicians and priests have enraged many over the millennium. Many well meaning people just keep rolling with the big lie either because its politically correct, they have a vested interest in the lie, were bombarded with the propaganda as children without proper critical thinking skills in place or have spent so much time and energy convincing themselves the big lie is true they simply do not have the time or energy left to reexamine the lie.

The AGW cult will bring about the largest lowering of living standards in the first world by choice and consent only to be followed by the greatest case of mass indigestion ever, energy is life. Global governance empowered by global lies taxing the very life force of humanity into oblivion will not be good for anyones health, it will literally be lights out.

>> No.7902815

>I'm going to lie and claim this mechanism has no facts or evidence to support it and hope he doesn't call my bluff
How many times are we going to go through this? It's almost like you think climatologists are idiots who just make things up. I guess you just assume everyone is like you.


>> No.7902822


>> No.7902824

>AGW isn't a science because there are no predictive models
>AGW has models, it's not a science
Wow you people are dumb.

>> No.7902827

Evidence and facts are not fucking made up MODELS

>> No.7902832

Models are what scientists use to explain evidence and facts. You must be confused.

>> No.7902833

>The AGW cult will bring about the largest lowering of living standards in the first world by choice and consent only to be followed by the greatest case of mass indigestion ever, energy is life... hgggggg (rest of vomit deleted)

Sounds like you are the "doom show" now. Muh polluting economy, muh life blood.

Tsk, tsk,

British Columbia's carbon trade program results are in, it was a huge success, BC is doing better than ever.

If you need any more proof that reality =/ politics consider that BC cap and trade pushed by conservative party (called "Liberal") and opposed by ostensibly "liberal" party.

>> No.7902841

Models are what scientists use to shout "the sky is falling" and demand more money

cap and trade is a scam, theres no "success"
Governments create an artificial market like that, everyone else pays for it, then they can give billions of dollars of "credits" to politically connected corporations.

>> No.7902847

>Models are what scientists use to shout "the sky is falling" and demand more money
Look everyone, my prediction came true: >>7902646

>> No.7902906


>> No.7902971

Global-warmingers BTFO

>> No.7902990

That last sentence is a nice hook, still not clicking.

>> No.7903008

Even if CO2 doesn't cause a greenhouse effect, it still forms carbonic acid which in turn acidifies the ocean which over time probably has some chance of fucking up areas of the world that eat primarily seafood, and affect the market in seafood quite a lot if there'll be far less surviving fish.

>> No.7903009

>yet another government tax
>a huge success
Please, unhinge yourself from the socialist communist teat. As you allude, it is nothing more than a pontifical political feel good football. I was shocked how fast that tax was implemented actually, long before the consensus science dogma really started rolling, amazing!

The doom will roll in the years ahead, but it will certainly not be a climate problem, it will be in the form of an energy poverty apocalypse. Canada can take it for now being an exporter, for now.

>> No.7903036
File: 417 KB, 2000x1000, German-1993-NuclearorClimatechange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The doom will roll in the years ahead, but it will certainly not be a climate problem, it will be in the form of an energy poverty apocalypse. Canada can take it for now being an exporter, for now.

If you listen closely, you can actually hear the sound of Brian Wang grinding his teeth.


>> No.7903039

Smoker cognitive dissonance detected

>> No.7903046

canadian electricity costs used to be the cheapest in the world
they are going up rapidly
and our dollar is plummeting

>> No.7903078
File: 61 KB, 970x285, Real Pause.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since Senator Cruz committed the thought-crime of embarrassing the African-American president of the Sierra Club by informing him that there had been no warming for nearly two decades:

there has been relentless pressure on the purveyors of the satellite temperature data to "correct" the data.

Well one of them caved. Remote Satellite Systems (RSS) operated by a serious warmist suddenly discovered new diurnal corrections (those corrections have been done a long time ago).
Their "corrections" are so suspect that the Journal of Geophysical Research rejected their paper. I'm sure they found a shill journal elsewhere to publish.

So now there are only three clean data sources including one satellite: University of Alabama Huntsville that is trustworthy. http://wattsupwiththat.com/2015/12/17/press-release-agu15-the-quality-of-temperature-station-siting-matters-for-temperature-trends/ushcn-comparisons/ ; and the USCRN.

Now the bitter irony. The senate investigation of the "pause buster" temperature record coming out of the NOAA has gotten more intense.

And Arch-warmist Michael Mann is doing CYA; publishing a paper asserting that there really is a pause. Pic related. This says that people are running very scared. Ironically, the very strong El Nino we're having is ending the pause (though the following La Nina may bring it back).

This is all very disturbing. That there is so much intimidation here, that people will cave on their objectivity to get the "right" answer. It is truly disturbing. If the data doesn't fit the theory, so much the worse for the data. "Science" has become religion.

>> No.7903097

>higher temperatures result in greater evaporation in the tropics
>more moisture in air masses moving towards the poles
>more precipitation at higher latitudes
>more snowfall
Senator Inhofe pls go, you're too retarded to understand atmospheric science. 2/10

>There is some science to it, carbon is the element of life, to control all of life find a way to control all carbon, specifically hydrocarbons when living in the oil age!

>I don't understand how it works
>therefore it's wrong
>call it a random logical fallacy I've heard of so everyone knows it's wrong

>contiguous US temperature anomaly
it's called GLOBAL warming, not MURICA warming, dickweed

well, another meme thread that was ruined from the beginning. good job everyone, this is the malignant neoplasm that is killing /sci/

>> No.7903106
File: 166 KB, 598x289, UN IPCC says Mild winters fewer Snowstorms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>higher temperatures result in greater evaporation in the tropics
>more moisture in air masses moving towards the poles
>more precipitation at higher latitudes
>more snowfall
That's not what the U.N. IPCC said. Until their prediction failed. Pic related.

>> No.7903109

how can you assert there is "global" warming when temperature records don't even exist for anywhere outside the west?

>> No.7903112
File: 132 KB, 597x125, UN IPCC says Warmer Winters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>higher temperatures result in greater evaporation in the tropics
>>more moisture in air masses moving towards the poles
>>more precipitation at higher latitudes
>>more snowfall
Not according to the U.N. IPCC. Pic related. Until they flip-flopped

>> No.7903235
File: 278 KB, 600x429, Settled Science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is The Science Being Settled?

"Were any Obama administration officials communicating with NOAA prior to issuing press releases? The House Committee’s investigation should provide insight into the following questions that deserve answers. To what extent did internal discussions occur about the more questionable choices made in adjusting the ocean temperature data? Was any concern raised about the discrepancies of the new ocean temperature data set and NOAA’s other ocean temperature data set (OISST) that shows no warming since 2003? Were any Obama administration officials communicating with NOAA about these statements prior to issuing press releases? Was the release of the land and ocean temperature data sets, which were documented in papers previously published, delayed to follow Karl’s June press release?" –Judith Curry

Judith Curry is a Climatologist and Prof. of Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

>> No.7903253

I think this the most disgusting aspect of it all. New age priests at their supercomputer alters telling the flock the carbon Gods demand tithes or they will get angry and flood the world. Of course you can trace this sort of fraudulent behavior back to the Club of Rome.

In a more enlightened world we would just be teaching children historical geology and drop the fear mongering.

>> No.7903257

Why do you know better than scientists?

>> No.7903271


Not even in China- who have acknowledged it- and literally every other country (besides north korea) on the planet, other than murica?

>> No.7903289

>just a theory
... a geuss.

>> No.7903294

>the largest destructive parasite
What is the Military-Industrial Complex?

>> No.7903302

>unattributed graph
faek and ghey

>> No.7903308


Oil will remain at $100 a barrel indefinitely.

t. Stephen Harper

>> No.7903490
File: 199 KB, 583x700, ISHYGDDT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh, should have clarified.
>more precipitation at higher latitudes
it's this sort of shit that is why Antarctic ice is increasing despite warming temperatures there.

>temperature records don't even exist for anywhere outside the west?
not actually true

>not knowing the difference between cold and snow

>> No.7903495

>A prime minister is in charge of what private companies invest in
>A prime minister is responsible for liberal/ndp provincial governments ruining their provinces

t. Trudeau supporter

>> No.7903500

Theres really no such thing as a "military industrial complex"
It was pushed by a liberal, named eisenhower, pushed by liberals ever since

Even if it does exist its NOTHING compared to the complex of leeches voting for more gimmedats

>> No.7903509

Alarmist public health employee detected.

>> No.7903515

God. I wish I knew. It infuriates me so much.

>> No.7903525

There is a problem that you don't need fancy complicated models for.

We know how much CO2 has been released. We can look at the receipts of the oil companies. We can can isotopic analysis of the CO2 in the air, and we know that a shitton of it came from the oil companies. We then measure CO2 levels in the ocean over time. We've raised the acidity of the ocean from 8.2 to 8.1 pH in during the industrial revolution. We might see massive ocean extinctions like the planet hasn't seen in millions of years if it drops to 8.0. And if not 8.0, it'll happen soon enough, perhaps 7.9 or 7.8. There is a serious problem, and it's name is "ocean acidification. Ocean pH hitting 8.0 will happen by 2050 thereabouts. No fancy models. Everything comprehensible by the layman.

>> No.7903529

I'm a pro-nuclear liberal who thinks GMOs are neat.

>> No.7903532

>solar is extremely effective and has reached price parity with fossil fuels.
No it hasn't. Only by artificially inflating its value with backing nat gas has it achieved price parity. Solar would fail on its own.

And that's even before we get to the thermodynamic impossibility of wind and solar.


>> No.7903537

>There's still a lot of holes in the idea that smoking can cause cancer or is bad for you in general.

Oh look, that super famous data cherry pick that is so famous that anyone citing it must know that they're a lying dishonest sack of shit.

>> No.7903959

>Why do you know better than scientists?
Muh argument from authority

>> No.7903965

>We might see massive ocean extinctions like the planet hasn't seen in millions of years if it drops to 8.0.
Meh, species will just adapt to a more acidic ocean eventually or we'll dump some sodium hydroxide in there. What is the problem?

>> No.7904001
File: 35 KB, 449x535, babby roleplaying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>Buttblaster ad hominem because his opinion disagrees with hard gold standard data.

Daaw how cute. He pretends to be a professional.

>> No.7904013

you're retarded

>> No.7904027


Conservatives are just angry that they aren't as smart as liberals.


>> No.7904032
File: 89 KB, 1641x928, Largest_Corporate_Annual_Earnings_of_All_Time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7904067

That's correct.

The one thing they all have in common is the childish/arrogant belief that humans can solve any problem that comes their way really easily, because humans are just so fucking smart.

Energy crisis: no problem, nuclear.

Climate warming: no problem, add sulphur to stratosphere

Ocean acidification: no problem, add a base

Food shortages: no problem, pesticides/gmo

Strange new viruses/diseases: no problem, well make a vaccine for that

etc. etc.

I think it originates with religion, specifically christians, jews, muslims. I mean why would god give us a problem that can't be solved?

>> No.7904070

So, you're a conservative then?

Good to see you guys (at least the most vocal) are no longer denying AGW at least.

>> No.7904118

>climate change deniers getting btfo in every post
>they won't just go back to /pol/

>> No.7904131

There is more real science behind this, social science, the Milgram obedience experiments.
Most people who look into the experiments which are repeatable across all cultures lose a bit of faith in humanity. The principle is employed to push the AGW agenda - the carbon - life control scheme - since today most people are suspicious of the priest and politician class for good reasons, a new authority figure was recruited, the climate scientist. A new age prophet who operates the UN super computers that shuffle around trillions of trillions of virtual based carbon molecules and come to a conclusion of End of Days and biblical floods every time. The obedient compliant flock bows down to this prophet and willingly accepts the sacrifice on behalf of the AGW cult.

>> No.7904153

>satellite data shows no change
This has been posted four times in this thread and it's just not true. See >>7902385

>satellite data is gold standard

>> No.7904215


>> No.7904228

subhuman smoker spotted

>> No.7904230
File: 23 KB, 310x319, evol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a blog.

Also strawman.
There's a very large difference between
>No warming in 19 years in satellite record
>No warming trend at all in satellite record.

Or should I also play that card?
>Myth: AGW proponents say now is the warmest ever.
>Truth: right after the big bang the average temperature was several million degrees higher than today(picrelated). Therefor AGW proponents are full of shit and nothing they say have an ounce of truth in it.

I guess it's a pretty comfortable argument as long as long as this continues the kindergarten-level trend, I think I'll continue to use it.

>> No.7904240

>big bang
Assuming this religious creation analogy is correct, and entropy is universal, the earth has always been cooling, ice ages are more frequent over geological time, why are we not encouraging the fossil fuel driven globular warmings? What are you hypocritical freaks trying to promote, another ice age?

>> No.7904363

If you truly believe this, then yes, please save the earth by no longer breathing. It would be greatly appreciated if you did.

>> No.7904412

>entropy is universal, the earth has always been cooling, ice ages are more frequent over geological time

This is true. Humans are entropy producing. The next ice age (essentially the blowback after the temporary blip we know as anthropogenic global warming ceases) will cover the entire globe in icesheets and kill all life. This will happen in 10k years. Without humans, life could have gone on here for another billion.

>> No.7904444

Anyone is a retard

>> No.7904634

>Without humans, life could have gone on here for another billion.
Without humans CO2 level would've continued its decreasing trend until plantlife couldn't sustain itself, then game over for higher life.

>> No.7904728

>Myth: AGW proponents say now is the warmest ever.
>Truth: AGW proponents say current warming is unprecedented in Earth history.
funny that you posted a myth about a myth and thought it was fact.

>ice ages are more frequent over geological time
not actually true, and ice ages have little to do with the gradual cooling of the earth

>> No.7904786

I am pretty sure ice ages are becoming more frequent over time, that seems to be the prevailing theory at least up until the AGW meme appeared and is now relegated it to the back burner for obvious reasons - conflict of interest. This along with the fact we are still coming out of a recent glacial maximum - only 20k years ago - a blip in geological time, are the largest causalities of AGW dogma, good science, years of geological discovery and research gone into the trash, our children more ignorant for it.

The presumption is earth formed up into a molten rock from the debris of the suns creation and has been cooling ever since, we suspect a molten mostly iron core that is cooling. We also suspect outgassing - which created the atmosphere - along with tectonic activity will decline over geological time. Eventually earth will be another cold lifeless rock when its atmosphere is blown away into space, all activity ceasing.

On the face of it, AGW is a hydrocarbon grab by the powers that be which sadly for the most part are the religious and occult despotic tyrannical forces - Pope of Rome - UN - who may employ synthetic manufactured "science" to meet their ends, but really don't respect the scientific method because again there is a conflict of interest.

>> No.7905113

So you're telling me that you believe that ice ages are caused because the Earth's core is cooling down?

And that you also believe one of the key players in your 'AGW conspiracy' theory is the Pope, as in the head of the catholic church?

>> No.7905331


>> No.7905336
File: 46 KB, 588x514, FHRITP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am pretty sure ice ages are becoming more frequent over time
well if you're pretty sure, I guess that settles it.
ever heard of the huronian glaciation?

>politicians going on witch hunt
>reported on by Nature
oops indeed, amirite?

>> No.7905357


holy shit, take your meds

>> No.7905364

All theories are memes. Darwinian evolution is a meme. Newtonian gravitation is a meme.

>> No.7905380

Yeah gravity is a meme. That's why I can fly through the air.

>> No.7905402

It's a meme to pretend to care about it.
>Are you going to start walking your fat fucking ass everywhere?
>Are you ready to live in an economy without commercial truck drivers and mass use of fossil fuels?
>Are you ready to deal with the ramifications of these things?
If your answer is "no," then things still have to fucking move, don't they?

>> No.7905445
File: 106 KB, 450x343, climate_change.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7905453

Myth: You have the reading comprehension like a five year old

Truth: You have the reading comprehension of an illiterate.

>> No.7905463

>surgeon mask helping against pollution
Oh. Okay then. I guess filters are all a scam, then.

>> No.7905465

> What if its a meme and giant corporations lose massive profits for nothing

>> No.7905470

>what if people exploit a phenomenon we can't stop for political gain

>> No.7905497

Yes, global cooling, changed to global warming, now climate change to cover all bases - the conspiracy to tax, ration and control hydrocarbons employing a fraud - was indeed hatched at the Club of Rome, a Vatican think tank back in the 70's.

The prevailing theory is that earth started as a steaming primordial soup and has been cooling ever since, the geological record as far as we can tell points to this. You cite the oldest known glaciation at 2 billion years ago, we suspect earth is 6 billion years old and there have been a multitude of ice ages since. it ain't rocket science.

Rub two brain cells together and try contributing next time.

Well it's not like people 1700 years ago were all muh Jeebus, muh Constantine knowing they were diving head first into the dark ages. The enlightenment was not planned, it was brought about primarily by Black Death accompanied by the misery, poverty and ignorance associated with despotism. People were forced to think critically for themselves again and all sorts of "magic" spread through the land. Ironic that the printing press and propaganda - propagation of church dogma - is being used to bring humanity back into the dark ages. Too bad the occult was not exterminated with extreme prejudice and guards put in place to make sure it could never rise again on its mountains of mumbo jumbo.

The reason to care about it is because this is not a future anyone would "choose", but they are under the priests spell again. New age priests, they believe just like the dark age priest did because their paycheck depends on it.

>> No.7905510


You do realize that global warming was first predicted more than 100 years ago, right?

>> No.7905548

The climate models are all constantly wrong. Probably because they only factor in water vapour, CO2 and clouds. They don't include things like wind, ocean oscillations, milankovitch cycles, the Sun (yes, the SUN is not included), and more.

It has been almost 30 years since Hansen kicked this thing off with literal stagecraft (by turning off the A/C in the senate) and you still won't give it up.

Al Gore buys a villa in Montecito for 8.2 million which, if his own predictions are correct, will very soon be under water and you still don't get it.

You. Are. Wrong.

You will never be right. The science isn't on your side. If you were truly honest, you wouldn't hold an extremist position like you do.

End of discussion.

>> No.7905565

>climate models are all constantly wrong
All models are wrong.

>> No.7905576

>science isn't on the side of the huge majority of climate scientists
>the science is on the side of the conspiracy websites and the right-wing politicians

>> No.7905582

>the conspiracy to tax, ration and control hydrocarbons employing a fraud - was indeed hatched at the Club of Rome, a Vatican think tank back in the 70's.
Schizo detected.


>> No.7905590

It's the corporations pushing it retard, because they will all make massive profits from government created industries & wealth transfers

Maybe you need to grow up and learn how the world works

>> No.7905634
File: 2.67 MB, 960x540, Wind simulation in NASA global climate model.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They don't include things like wind...

Why do you even bother?

>> No.7905639

>NASA shows their CO2 model
>puts up CO2 spotting satellite
>It's completely fucking different

the models are shit

Even basic numbers like how much CO2 is put into the air every year are impossible to quantify

>> No.7905644

looks like 2 black holes merging :^)
also it says wind simulation webm. i thought it was a visualized data of the actual recorded weather movements. is it just bullshit then ?

>> No.7905655
File: 77 KB, 650x503, url.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Even basic numbers like how much CO2 is put into the air every year are impossible to quantify

You mean like this?


No, you feed the real-world data into the model at the start and then the rest is simulated.

>> No.7905658

I honestly cannot think of a single objectively valid argument for climate change that doesn't involve appeals to emotion.

>> No.7905660

thing I did was to stumble over an ash-box in the porch.
Ha! thought I, ha, as the flying particles almost choked
me, are these ashes from that destroyed city, Gomorrah?
But ‘The Crossed Harpoons,’ and ‘The Sword-Fish?’—
this, then must needs be the sign of ‘The Trap.’ However,
I picked myself up and hearing a loud voice within,
pushed on and opened a second, interior door.
It seemed the great Black Parliament sitting in Tophet.
A hundred black faces turned round in their rows to peer;
and beyond, a black Angel of Doom was beating a book
in a pulpit. It was a negro church; and the preacher’s text
was about the blackness of darkness, and the weeping and
wailing and teeth-gnashing there. Ha, Ishmael, muttered I,
backing out, Wretched entertainment at the sign of ‘The
Moving on, I at last came to a dim sort of light not far
from the docks, and heard a forlorn creaking in the air;
and looking up, saw a swinging sign over the door with a
white painting upon it, faintly representing a tall straight
jet of misty spray, and these words underneath—‘The
Spouter Inn:—Peter Coffin.’
Coffin?—Spouter?—Rather ominous in that particular
connexion, thought I. But it is a common name in
Nantucket, they say, and I suppose this Peter here is an

>> No.7905661

emigrant from there. As the light looked so dim, and the
place, for the time, looked quiet enough, and the
dilapidated little wooden house itself looked as if it might
have been carted here from the ruins of some burnt
district, and as the swinging sign had a poverty-stricken
sort of creak to it, I thought that here was the very spot
for cheap lodgings, and the best of pea coffee.
It was a queer sort of place—a gable-ended old house,
one side palsied as it were, and leaning over sadly. It stood
on a sharp bleak corner, where that tempestuous wind
Euroclydon kept up a worse howling than ever it did
about poor Paul’s tossed craft. Euroclydon, nevertheless, is
a mighty pleasant zephyr to any one in-doors, with his feet
on the hob quietly toasting for bed. ‘In judging of that
tempestuous wind called Euroclydon,’ says an old writer—
of whose works I possess the only copy extant—‘it maketh
a marvellous difference, whether thou lookest out at it
from a glass window where the frost is all on the outside,
or whether thou observest it from that sashless window,
where the frost is on both sides, and of which the wight
Death is the only glazier.’ True enough, thought I, as this
passage occurred to my mind—old black-letter, thou
reasonest well. Yes, these eyes are windows, and this body
of mine is the house. What a pity they didn’t stop up the

>> No.7905662

chinks and the crannies though, and thrust in a little lint
here and there. But it’s too late to make any
improvements now. The universe is finished; the
copestone is on, and the chips were carted off a million
years ago. Poor Lazarus there, chattering his teeth against
the curbstone for his pillow, and shaking off his tatters
with his shiverings, he might plug up both ears with rags,
and put a corn-cob into his mouth, and yet that would not
keep out the tempestuous Euroclydon. Euroclydon! says
old Dives, in his red silken wrapper—(he had a redder one
afterwards) pooh, pooh! What a fine frosty night; how
Orion glitters; what northern lights! Let them talk of their
oriental summer climes of everlasting conservatories; give
me the privilege of making my own summer with my
own coals.
But what thinks Lazarus? Can he warm his blue hands
by holding them up to the grand northern lights? Would
not Lazarus rather be in Sumatra than here? Would he not
far rather lay him down lengthwise along the line of the
equator; yea, ye gods! go down to the fiery pit itself, in
order to keep out this frost?
Now, that Lazarus should lie stranded there on the
curbstone before the door of Dives, this is more wonderful
than that an iceberg should be moored to one of the Moluccas. Yet Dives himself, he too lives like a Czar in an
ice palace made of frozen sighs, and being a president of a
temperance society, he only drinks the tepid tears of
But no more of this blubbering now, we are going awhaling,
and there is plenty of that yet to come. Let us
scrape the ice from our frosted feet, and see what sort of a
place this ‘Spouter’ may be.

>> No.7905665

Chapter 3
The Spouter-Inn.
Entering that gable-ended Spouter-Inn, you found
yourself in a wide, low, straggling entry with oldfashioned
wainscots, reminding one of the bulwarks of
some condemned old craft. On one side hung a very large
oilpainting so thoroughly besmoked, and every way
defaced, that in the unequal crosslights by which you
viewed it, it was only by diligent study and a series of
systematic visits to it, and careful inquiry of the neighbors,
that you could any way arrive at an understanding of its
purpose. Such unaccountable masses of shades and
shadows, that at first you almost thought some ambitious
young artist, in the time of the New England hags, had
endeavored to delineate chaos bewitched. But by dint of
much and earnest contemplation, and oft repeated
ponderings, and especially by throwing open the little
window towards the back of the entry, you at last come to
the conclusion that such an idea, however wild, might not
be altogether unwarranted.
But what most puzzled and confounded you was a
long, limber, portentous, black mass of something

>> No.7905667

hovering in the centre of the picture over three blue, dim,
perpendicular lines floating in a nameless yeast. A boggy,
soggy, squitchy picture truly, enough to drive a nervous
man distracted. Yet was there a sort of indefinite, halfattained,
unimaginable sublimity about it that fairly froze
you to it, till you involuntarily took an oath with yourself
to find out what that marvellous painting meant. Ever and
anon a bright, but, alas, deceptive idea would dart you
through.—It’s the Black Sea in a midnight gale.—It’s the
unnatural combat of the four primal elements.—It’s a
blasted heath.—It’s a Hyperborean winter scene.—It’s the
breaking-up of the icebound stream of Time. But at last all
these fancies yielded to that one portentous something in
the picture’s midst. THAT once found out, and all the rest
were plain. But stop; does it not bear a faint resemblance
to a gigantic fish? even the great leviathan himself?
In fact, the artist’s design seemed this: a final theory of
my own, partly based upon the aggregated opinions of
many aged persons with whom I conversed upon the
subject. The picture represents a Cape-Horner in a great
hurricane; the half-foundered ship weltering there with its
three dismantled masts alone visible; and an exasperated
whale, purposing to spring clean over the craft, is in the

>> No.7905669

enormous act of impaling himself upon the three mastheads.

The opposite wall of this entry was hung all over with a
heathenish array of monstrous clubs and spears. Some were
thickly set with glittering teeth resembling ivory saws;
others were tufted with knots of human hair; and one was
sickle-shaped, with a vast handle sweeping round like the
segment made in the new-mown grass by a long-armed
mower. You shuddered as you gazed, and wondered what
monstrous cannibal and savage could ever have gone a
death-harvesting with such a hacking, horrifying
implement. Mixed with these were rusty old whaling
lances and harpoons all broken and deformed. Some were
storied weapons. With this once long lance, now wildly
elbowed, fifty years ago did Nathan Swain kill fifteen
whales between a sunrise and a sunset. And that
harpoon—so like a corkscrew now—was flung in Javan
seas, and run away with by a whale, years afterwards slain
off the Cape of Blanco. The original iron entered nigh the
tail, and, like a restless needle sojourning in the body of a
man, travelled full forty feet, and at last was found
imbedded in the hump.
Crossing this dusky entry, and on through yon lowarched
way—cut through what in old times must have

>> No.7905671

been a great central chimney with fireplaces all round—
you enter the public room. A still duskier place is this,
with such low ponderous beams above, and such old
wrinkled planks beneath, that you would almost fancy you
trod some old craft’s cockpits, especially of such a howling
night, when this corner-anchored old ark rocked so
furiously. On one side stood a long, low, shelf-like table
covered with cracked glass cases, filled with dusty rarities
gathered from this wide world’s remotest nooks.
Projecting from the further angle of the room stands a
dark-looking den—the bar—a rude attempt at a right
whale’s head. Be that how it may, there stands the vast
arched bone of the whale’s jaw, so wide, a coach might
almost drive beneath it. Within are shabby shelves, ranged
round with old decanters, bottles, flasks; and in those jaws
of swift destruction, like another cursed Jonah (by which
name indeed they called him), bustles a little withered old
man, who, for their money, dearly sells the sailors
deliriums and death.
Abominable are the tumblers into which he pours his
poison. Though true cylinders without—within, the
villanous green goggling glasses deceitfully tapered
downwards to a cheating bottom. Parallel meridians rudely
pecked into the glass, surround these footpads’ goblets. Fill

>> No.7905672

to THIS mark, and your charge is but a penny; to THIS a
penny more; and so on to the full glass—the Cape Horn
measure, which you may gulp down for a shilling.
Upon entering the place I found a number of young
seamen gathered about a table, examining by a dim light
divers specimens of SKRIMSHANDER. I sought the
landlord, and telling him I desired to be accommodated
with a room, received for answer that his house was full—
not a bed unoccupied. ‘But avast,’ he added, tapping his
forehead, ‘you haint no objections to sharing a
harpooneer’s blanket, have ye? I s’pose you are goin’ awhalin’,
so you’d better get used to that sort of thing.’
I told him that I never liked to sleep two in a bed; that
if I should ever do so, it would depend upon who the
harpooneer might be, and that if he (the landlord) really
had no other place for me, and the harpooneer was not
decidedly objectionable, why rather than wander further
about a strange town on so bitter a night, I would put up
with the half of any decent man’s blanket.
‘I thought so. All right; take a seat. Supper?—you want
supper? Supper’ll be ready directly.’
I sat down on an old wooden settle, carved all over like
a bench on the Battery. At one end a ruminating tar was
still further adorning it with his jack-knife, stooping over

>> No.7905674

and diligently working away at the space between his legs.
He was trying his hand at a ship under full sail, but he
didn’t make much headway, I thought.
At last some four or five of us were summoned to our
meal in an adjoining room. It was cold as Iceland—no fire
at all—the landlord said he couldn’t afford it. Nothing but
two dismal tallow candles, each in a winding sheet. We
were fain to button up our monkey jackets, and hold to
our lips cups of scalding tea with our half frozen fingers.
But the fare was of the most substantial kind—not only
meat and potatoes, but dumplings; good heavens!
dumplings for supper! One young fellow in a green box
coat, addressed himself to these dumplings in a most
direful manner.
‘My boy,’ said the landlord, ‘you’ll have the nightmare
to a dead sartainty.’
‘Landlord,’ I whispered, ‘that aint the harpooneer is it?’
‘Oh, no,’ said he, looking a sort of diabolically funny,
‘the harpooneer is a dark complexioned chap. He never
eats dumplings, he don’t—he eats nothing but steaks, and
he likes ‘em rare.’
‘The devil he does,’ says I. ‘Where is that harpooneer?
Is he here?’
‘He’ll be here afore long,’ was the answer.

>> No.7905675

I could not help it, but I began to feel suspicious of this
‘dark complexioned’ harpooneer. At any rate, I made up
my mind that if it so turned out that we should sleep
together, he must undress and get into bed before I did.
Supper over, the company went back to the bar-room,
when, knowing not what else to do with myself, I
resolved to spend the rest of the evening as a looker on.
Presently a rioting noise was heard without. Starting
up, the landlord cried, ‘That’s the Grampus’s crew. I seed
her reported in the offing this morning; a three years’
voyage, and a full ship. Hurrah, boys; now we’ll have the
latest news from the Feegees.’
A tramping of sea boots was heard in the entry; the
door was flung open, and in rolled a wild set of mariners
enough. Enveloped in their shaggy watch coats, and with
their heads muffled in woollen comforters, all bedarned
and ragged, and their beards stiff with icicles, they seemed
an eruption of bears from Labrador. They had just landed
from their boat, and this was the first house they entered.
No wonder, then, that they made a straight wake for the
whale’s mouth—the bar—when the wrinkled little old
Jonah, there officiating, soon poured them out brimmers
all round. One complained of a bad cold in his head, upon
which Jonah mixed him a pitch-like potion of gin and

>> No.7905676

molasses, which he swore was a sovereign cure for all colds
and catarrhs whatsoever, never mind of how long
standing, or whether caught off the coast of Labrador, or
on the weather side of an ice-island.
The liquor soon mounted into their heads, as it
generally does even with the arrantest topers newly landed
from sea, and they began capering about most
I observed, however, that one of them held somewhat
aloof, and though he seemed desirous not to spoil the
hilarity of his shipmates by his own sober face, yet upon
the whole he refrained from making as much noise as the
rest. This man interested me at once; and since the seagods
had ordained that he should soon become my
shipmate (though but a sleeping-partner one, so far as this
narrative is concerned), I will here venture upon a little
description of him. He stood full six feet in height, with
noble shoulders, and a chest like a coffer-dam. I have
seldom seen such brawn in a man. His face was deeply
brown and burnt, making his white teeth dazzling by the
contrast; while in the deep shadows of his eyes floated
some reminiscences that did not seem to give him much
joy. His voice at once announced that he was a
Southerner, and from his fine stature, I thought he must

>> No.7905679

be one of those tall mountaineers from the Alleghanian
Ridge in Virginia. When the revelry of his companions
had mounted to its height, this man slipped away
unobserved, and I saw no more of him till he became my
comrade on the sea. In a few minutes, however, he was
missed by his shipmates, and being, it seems, for some
reason a huge favourite with them, they raised a cry of
‘Bulkington! Bulkington! where’s Bulkington?’ and darted
out of the house in pursuit of him.
It was now about nine o’clock, and the room seeming
almost supernaturally quiet after these orgies, I began to
congratulate myself upon a little plan that had occurred to
me just previous to the entrance of the seamen.
No man prefers to sleep two in a bed. In fact, you
would a good deal rather not sleep with your own
brother. I don’t know how it is, but people like to be
private when they are sleeping. And when it comes to
sleeping with an unknown stranger, in a strange inn, in a
strange town, and that stranger a harpooneer, then your
objections indefinitely multiply. Nor was there any earthly
reason why I as a sailor should sleep two in a bed, more
than anybody else; for sailors no more sleep two in a bed
at sea, than bachelor Kings do ashore. To be sure they all
sleep together in one apartment, but you have your own

>> No.7905684

hammock, and cover yourself with your own blanket, and
sleep in your own skin.
The more I pondered over this harpooneer, the more I
abominated the thought of sleeping with him. It was fair
to presume that being a harpooneer, his linen or woollen,
as the case might be, would not be of the tidiest, certainly
none of the finest. I began to twitch all over. Besides, it
was getting late, and my decent harpooneer ought to be
home and going bedwards. Suppose now, he should
tumble in upon me at midnight—how could I tell from
what vile hole he had been coming?
‘Landlord! I’ve changed my mind about that
harpooneer.—I shan’t sleep with him. I’ll try the bench
‘Just as you please; I’m sorry I cant spare ye a tablecloth
for a mattress, and it’s a plaguy rough board here’—feeling
of the knots and notches. ‘But wait a bit, Skrimshander;
I’ve got a carpenter’s plane there in the bar—wait, I say,
and I’ll make ye snug enough.’ So saying he procured the
plane; and with his old silk handkerchief first dusting the
bench, vigorously set to planing away at my bed, the
while grinning like an ape. The shavings flew right and
left; till at last the plane-iron came bump against an
indestructible knot. The landlord was near spraining his

>> No.7905685

wrist, and I told him for heaven’s sake to quit—the bed
was soft enough to suit me, and I did not know how all
the planing in the world could make eider down of a pine
plank. So gathering up the shavings with another grin, and
throwing them into the great stove in the middle of the
room, he went about his business, and left me in a brown
I now took the measure of the bench, and found that it
was a foot too short; but that could be mended with a
chair. But it was a foot too narrow, and the other bench in
the room was about four inches higher than the planed
one—so there was no yoking them. I then placed the first
bench lengthwise along the only clear space against the
wall, leaving a little interval between, for my back to settle
down in. But I soon found that there came such a draught
of cold air over me from under the sill of the window,
that this plan would never do at all, especially as another
current from the rickety door met the one from the
window, and both together formed a series of small
whirlwinds in the immediate vicinity of the spot where I
had thought to spend the night.
The devil fetch that harpooneer, thought I, but stop,
couldn’t I steal a march on him—bolt his door inside, and
jump into his bed, not to be wakened by the most violent

>> No.7905687

knockings? It seemed no bad idea; but upon second
thoughts I dismissed it. For who could tell but what the
next morning, so soon as I popped out of the room, the
harpooneer might be standing in the entry, all ready to
knock me down!
Still, looking round me again, and seeing no possible
chance of spending a sufferable night unless in some other
person’s bed, I began to think that after all I might be
cherishing unwarrantable prejudices against this unknown
harpooneer. Thinks I, I’ll wait awhile; he must be
dropping in before long. I’ll have a good look at him then,
and perhaps we may become jolly good bedfellows after
all—there’s no telling.
But though the other boarders kept coming in by ones,
twos, and threes, and going to bed, yet no sign of my
‘Landlord! said I, ‘what sort of a chap is he—does he
always keep such late hours?’ It was now hard upon
twelve o’clock.
The landlord chuckled again with his lean chuckle, and
seemed to be mightily tickled at something beyond my
comprehension. ‘No,’ he answered, ‘generally he’s an
early bird—airley to bed and airley to rise—yes, he’s the
bird what catches the worm. But to-night he went out a

>> No.7905688

peddling, you see, and I don’t see what on airth keeps him
so late, unless, may be, he can’t sell his head.’
‘Can’t sell his head?—What sort of a bamboozingly
story is this you are telling me?’ getting into a towering
rage. ‘Do you pretend to say, landlord, that this
harpooneer is actually engaged this blessed Saturday night,
or rather Sunday morning, in peddling his head around
this town?’
‘That’s precisely it,’ said the landlord, ‘and I told him
he couldn’t sell it here, the market’s overstocked.’
‘With what?’ shouted I.
‘With heads to be sure; ain’t there too many heads in
the world?’
‘I tell you what it is, landlord,’ said I quite calmly,
‘you’d better stop spinning that yarn to me—I’m not
‘May be not,’ taking out a stick and whittling a
toothpick, ‘but I rayther guess you’ll be done BROWN if
that ere harpooneer hears you a slanderin’ his head.’
‘I’ll break it for him,’ said I, now flying into a passion
again at this unaccountable farrago of the landlord’s.
‘It’s broke a’ready,’ said he.
‘Broke,’ said I—‘BROKE, do you mean?’

>> No.7905691

‘Sartain, and that’s the very reason he can’t sell it, I
‘Landlord,’ said I, going up to him as cool as Mt. Hecla
in a snow-storm—‘landlord, stop whittling. You and I
must understand one another, and that too without delay.
I come to your house and want a bed; you tell me you can
only give me half a one; that the other half belongs to a
certain harpooneer. And about this harpooneer, whom I
have not yet seen, you persist in telling me the most
mystifying and exasperating stories tending to beget in me
an uncomfortable feeling towards the man whom you
design for my bedfellow—a sort of connexion, landlord,
which is an intimate and confidential one in the highest
degree. I now demand of you to speak out and tell me
who and what this harpooneer is, and whether I shall be in
all respects safe to spend the night with him. And in the
first place, you will be so good as to unsay that story about
selling his head, which if true I take to be good evidence
that this harpooneer is stark mad, and I’ve no idea of
sleeping with a madman; and you, sir, YOU I mean,
landlord, YOU, sir, by trying to induce me to do so
knowingly, would thereby render yourself liable to a
criminal prosecution.’

>> No.7905692

History is rewritten everyday, I don't know what you are reading but I can tell you what I've seen with my own eyes. The AGW propaganda bombardment was launched in the 70' soon after the successful ozone hole propaganda bombardment wrapped up with startling success. It is remarkable to see the effects of these campaigns on children, who are now adults. They believe!

CFC's, a harmless compound that provided cheap refrigeration was banned through the ozone hole campaign because DuPont was about to lose the patent on it. The success of this mass social mind control program, specifically convincing well meaning people that there was a deadly hole in the ozone forming that threatened all of mankind unless the compound was banned, the future was pure doom! A few fancy computer generated pictures were tossed around along with some graphs and presto! The hole was fixed! This is almost comical if it wasn't for what was to follow. The AGW fraud going full steam ahead today because they knew it would work based on what was learned under the ozone hole fraud, a prototypical run and conditioning, to trick people into believing man made climate manipulation to an ends is possible!

We are well into global fascism in the 21st century and history will repeat, is repeating. Fanatical believers in the big lie will go to their graves believing the despotism they have enabled was truth.

Sometimes the obvious is hard to see for the faithful, in reality, man made CO2 emissions are an order of magnitude smaller than volcanic emissions.

>> No.7905695

‘Wall,’ said the landlord, fetching a long breath, ‘that’s a
purty long sarmon for a chap that rips a little now and
then. But be easy, be easy, this here harpooneer I have
been tellin’ you of has just arrived from the south seas,
where he bought up a lot of ‘balmed New Zealand heads
(great curios, you know), and he’s sold all on ‘em but one,
and that one he’s trying to sell to-night, cause tomorrow’s
Sunday, and it would not do to be sellin’ human
heads about the streets when folks is goin’ to churches. He
wanted to, last Sunday, but I stopped him just as he was
goin’ out of the door with four heads strung on a string,
for all the airth like a string of inions.’
This account cleared up the otherwise unaccountable
mystery, and showed that the landlord, after all, had had
no idea of fooling me—but at the same time what could I
think of a harpooneer who stayed out of a Saturday night
clean into the holy Sabbath, engaged in such a cannibal
business as selling the heads of dead idolators?
‘Depend upon it, landlord, that harpooneer is a
dangerous man.’
‘He pays reg’lar,’ was the rejoinder. ‘But come, it’s
getting dreadful late, you had better be turning flukes—it’s
a nice bed; Sal and me slept in that ere bed the night we
were spliced. There’s plenty of room for two to kick

>> No.7905696

about in that bed; it’s an almighty big bed that. Why, afore
we give it up, Sal used to put our Sam and little Johnny in
the foot of it. But I got a dreaming and sprawling about
one night, and somehow, Sam got pitched on the floor,
and came near breaking his arm. Arter that, Sal said it
wouldn’t do. Come along here, I’ll give ye a glim in a
jiffy;’ and so saying he lighted a candle and held it towards
me, offering to lead the way. But I stood irresolute; when
looking at a clock in the corner, he exclaimed ‘I vum it’s
Sunday—you won’t see that harpooneer to-night; he’s
come to anchor somewhere—come along then; DO
come; WON’T ye come?’
I considered the matter a moment, and then up stairs
we went, and I was ushered into a small room, cold as a
clam, and furnished, sure enough, with a prodigious bed,
almost big enough indeed for any four harpooneers to
sleep abreast.
‘There,’ said the landlord, placing the candle on a crazy
old sea chest that did double duty as a wash-stand and
centre table; ‘there, make yourself comfortable now, and
good night to ye.’ I turned round from eyeing the bed,
but he had disappeared.
Folding back the counterpane, I stooped over the bed.
Though none of the most elegant, it yet stood the scrutiny

>> No.7905699

tolerably well. I then glanced round the room; and besides
the bedstead and centre table, could see no other furniture
belonging to the place, but a rude shelf, the four walls, and
a papered fireboard representing a man striking a whale.
Of things not properly belonging to the room, there was a
hammock lashed up, and thrown upon the floor in one
corner; also a large seaman’s bag, containing the
harpooneer’s wardrobe, no doubt in lieu of a land trunk.
Likewise, there was a parcel of outlandish bone fish hooks
on the shelf over the fire-place, and a tall harpoon standing
at the head of the bed.
But what is this on the chest? I took it up, and held it
close to the light, and felt it, and smelt it, and tried every
way possible to arrive at some satisfactory conclusion
concerning it. I can compare it to nothing but a large door
mat, ornamented at the edges with little tinkling tags
something like the stained porcupine quills round an
Indian moccasin. There was a hole or slit in the middle of
this mat, as you see the same in South American ponchos.
But could it be possible that any sober harpooneer would
get into a door mat, and parade the streets of any Christian
town in that sort of guise? I put it on, to try it, and it
weighed me down like a hamper, being uncommonly
shaggy and thick, and I thought a little damp, as though

>> No.7905700

this mysterious harpooneer had been wearing it of a rainy
day. I went up in it to a bit of glass stuck against the wall,
and I never saw such a sight in my life. I tore myself out of
it in such a hurry that I gave myself a kink in the neck.
I sat down on the side of the bed, and commenced
thinking about this head-peddling harpooneer, and his
door mat. After thinking some time on the bed-side, I got
up and took off my monkey jacket, and then stood in the
middle of the room thinking. I then took off my coat, and
thought a little more in my shirt sleeves. But beginning to
feel very cold now, half undressed as I was, and
remembering what the landlord said about the
harpooneer’s not coming home at all that night, it being
so very late, I made no more ado, but jumped out of my
pantaloons and boots, and then blowing out the light
tumbled into bed, and commended myself to the care of
Whether that mattress was stuffed with corn-cobs or
broken crockery, there is no telling, but I rolled about a
good deal, and could not sleep for a long time. At last I
slid off into a light doze, and had pretty nearly made a
good offing towards the land of Nod, when I heard a
heavy footfall in the passage, and saw a glimmer of light
come into the room from under the door.

>> No.7905705

Lord save me, thinks I, that must be the harpooneer,
the infernal head-peddler. But I lay perfectly still, and
resolved not to say a word till spoken to. Holding a light
in one hand, and that identical New Zealand head in the
other, the stranger entered the room, and without looking
towards the bed, placed his candle a good way off from
me on the floor in one corner, and then began working
away at the knotted cords of the large bag I before spoke
of as being in the room. I was all eagerness to see his face,
but he kept it averted for some time while employed in
unlacing the bag’s mouth. This accomplished, however,
he turned round—when, good heavens! what a sight!
Such a face! It was of a dark, purplish, yellow colour, here
and there stuck over with large blackish looking squares.
Yes, it’s just as I thought, he’s a terrible bedfellow; he’s
been in a fight, got dreadfully cut, and here he is, just from
the surgeon. But at that moment he chanced to turn his
face so towards the light, that I plainly saw they could not
be sticking-plasters at all, those black squares on his
cheeks. They were stains of some sort or other. At first I
knew not what to make of this; but soon an inkling of the
truth occurred to me. I remembered a story of a white
man—a whaleman too—who, falling among the cannibals,
had been tattooed by them. I concluded that this

>> No.7905707

harpooneer, in the course of his distant voyages, must have
met with a similar adventure. And what is it, thought I,
after all! It’s only his outside; a man can be honest in any
sort of skin. But then, what to make of his unearthly
complexion, that part of it, I mean, lying round about, and
completely independent of the squares of tattooing. To be
sure, it might be nothing but a good coat of tropical
tanning; but I never heard of a hot sun’s tanning a white
man into a purplish yellow one. However, I had never
been in the South Seas; and perhaps the sun there
produced these extraordinary effects upon the skin. Now,
while all these ideas were passing through me like
lightning, this harpooneer never noticed me at all. But,
after some difficulty having opened his bag, he
commenced fumbling in it, and presently pulled out a sort
of tomahawk, and a seal-skin wallet with the hair on.
Placing these on the old chest in the middle of the room,
he then took the New Zealand head—a ghastly thing
enough—and crammed it down into the bag. He now
took off his hat—a new beaver hat—when I came nigh
singing out with fresh surprise. There was no hair on his
head—none to speak of at least—nothing but a small
scalp-knot twisted up on his forehead. His bald purplish
head now looked for all the world like a mildewed skull.

>> No.7905709


> The AGW propaganda bombardment was launched in the 70' soon after the successful ozone hole propaganda bombardment wrapped up with startling success

You should get your eyes checked, the ozone hole in the Antarctic was discovered in 1985.

>> No.7905710

Had not the stranger stood between me and the door, I
would have bolted out of it quicker than ever I bolted a
Even as it was, I thought something of slipping out of
the window, but it was the second floor back. I am no
coward, but what to make of this head-peddling purple
rascal altogether passed my comprehension. Ignorance is
the parent of fear, and being completely nonplussed and
confounded about the stranger, I confess I was now as
much afraid of him as if it was the devil himself who had
thus broken into my room at the dead of night. In fact, I
was so afraid of him that I was not game enough just then
to address him, and demand a satisfactory answer
concerning what seemed inexplicable in him.
Meanwhile, he continued the business of undressing,
and at last showed his chest and arms. As I live, these
covered parts of him were checkered with the same
squares as his face; his back, too, was all over the same
dark squares; he seemed to have been in a Thirty Years’
War, and just escaped from it with a sticking-plaster shirt.
Still more, his very legs were marked, as if a parcel of dark
green frogs were running up the trunks of young palms. It
was now quite plain that he must be some abominable
savage or other shipped aboard of a whaleman in the

>> No.7905714

South Seas, and so landed in this Christian country. I
quaked to think of it. A peddler of heads too—perhaps the
heads of his own brothers. He might take a fancy to
mine—heavens! look at that tomahawk!
But there was no time for shuddering, for now the
savage went about something that completely fascinated
my attention, and convinced me that he must indeed be a
heathen. Going to his heavy grego, or wrapall, or
dreadnaught, which he had previously hung on a chair, he
fumbled in the pockets, and produced at length a curious
little deformed image with a hunch on its back, and
exactly the colour of a three days’ old Congo baby.
Remembering the embalmed head, at first I almost
thought that this black manikin was a real baby preserved
in some similar manner. But seeing that it was not at all
limber, and that it glistened a good deal like polished
ebony, I concluded that it must be nothing but a wooden
idol, which indeed it proved to be. For now the savage
goes up to the empty fire-place, and removing the papered
fire-board, sets up this little hunch-backed image, like a
tenpin, between the andirons. The chimney jambs and all
the bricks inside were very sooty, so that I thought this
fire-place made a very appropriate little shrine or chapel
for his Congo idol.

>> No.7905715

I now screwed my eyes hard towards the half hidden
image, feeling but ill at ease meantime—to see what was
next to follow. First he takes about a double handful of
shavings out of his grego pocket, and places them carefully
before the idol; then laying a bit of ship biscuit on top and
applying the flame from the lamp, he kindled the shavings
into a sacrificial blaze. Presently, after many hasty snatches
into the fire, and still hastier withdrawals of his fingers
(whereby he seemed to be scorching them badly), he at
last succeeded in drawing out the biscuit; then blowing off
the heat and ashes a little, he made a polite offer of it to
the little negro. But the little devil did not seem to fancy
such dry sort of fare at all; he never moved his lips. All
these strange antics were accompanied by still stranger
guttural noises from the devotee, who seemed to be
praying in a sing-song or else singing some pagan
psalmody or other, during which his face twitched about
in the most unnatural manner. At last extinguishing the
fire, he took the idol up very unceremoniously, and
bagged it again in his grego pocket as carelessly as if he
were a sportsman bagging a dead woodcock.
All these queer proceedings increased my
uncomfortableness, and seeing him now exhibiting strong
symptoms of concluding his business operations, and

>> No.7905717

jumping into bed with me, I thought it was high time,
now or never, before the light was put out, to break the
spell in which I had so long been bound.
But the interval I spent in deliberating what to say, was
a fatal one. Taking up his tomahawk from the table, he
examined the head of it for an instant, and then holding it
to the light, with his mouth at the handle, he puffed out
great clouds of tobacco smoke. The next moment the light
was extinguished, and this wild cannibal, tomahawk
between his teeth, sprang into bed with me. I sang out, I
could not help it now; and giving a sudden grunt of
astonishment he began feeling me.
Stammering out something, I knew not what, I rolled
away from him against the wall, and then conjured him,
whoever or whatever he might be, to keep quiet, and let
me get up and light the lamp again. But his guttural
responses satisfied me at once that he but ill
comprehended my meaning.
‘Who-e debel you?’—he at last said—‘you no speak-e,
dam-me, I kill-e.’ And so saying the lighted tomahawk
began flourishing about me in the dark.
‘Landlord, for God’s sake, Peter Coffin!’ shouted I.
‘Landlord! Watch! Coffin! Angels! save me!’

>> No.7905721

‘Speak-e! tell-ee me who-ee be, or dam-me, I kill-e!’
again growled the cannibal, while his horrid flourishings of
the tomahawk scattered the hot tobacco ashes about me
till I thought my linen would get on fire. But thank
heaven, at that moment the landlord came into the room
light in hand, and leaping from the bed I ran up to him.
‘Don’t be afraid now,’ said he, grinning again,
‘Queequeg here wouldn’t harm a hair of your head.’
‘Stop your grinning,’ shouted I, ‘and why didn’t you
tell me that that infernal harpooneer was a cannibal?’
‘I thought ye know’d it;—didn’t I tell ye, he was a
peddlin’ heads around town?—but turn flukes again and
go to sleep. Queequeg, look here—you sabbee me, I
sabbee—you this man sleepe you—you sabbee?’
‘Me sabbee plenty’—grunted Queequeg, puffing away
at his pipe and sitting up in bed.
‘You gettee in,’ he added, motioning to me with his
tomahawk, and throwing the clothes to one side. He really
did this in not only a civil but a really kind and charitable
way. I stood looking at him a moment. For all his
tattooings he was on the whole a clean, comely looking
cannibal. What’s all this fuss I have been making about,
thought I to myself—the man’s a human being just as I
am: he has just as much reason to fear me, as I have to be

>> No.7905723

afraid of him. Better sleep with a sober cannibal than a
drunken Christian.
‘Landlord,’ said I, ‘tell him to stash his tomahawk there,
or pipe, or whatever you call it; tell him to stop smoking,
in short, and I will turn in with him. But I don’t fancy
having a man smoking in bed with me. It’s dangerous.
Besides, I ain’t insured.’
This being told to Queequeg, he at once complied, and
again politely motioned me to get into bed—rolling over
to one side as much as to say—I won’t touch a leg of ye.’
‘Good night, landlord,’ said I, ‘you may go.’
I turned in, and never slept better in my life.

>> No.7905739

Only oil corporations are losing profits you retard, solar and wind energy corporations are making billions.

>> No.7905779

holy fuck where are the mods

>> No.7905813

>eh, should have clarified.
>>more precipitation at higher latitudes
>it's this sort of shit that is why Antarctic ice is increasing despite warming temperatures there.
Not what the IPCC said. Just admit that they flip-flop to maintain unfalsifiability.

>> No.7905816
File: 248 KB, 2000x1313, 201601.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You stupid shitlord

>> No.7905825

>Earning $45 billion is the same as taking $100 billion.
Pretty much goes to the stereotype that AGW believers are "watermelons." Socialists pretending to be environmentalists.

>> No.7905840
File: 171 KB, 585x341, Balloon and Satellite Data Correlate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SimpletonScience is a paid shill site run by well established liar John Cook.
>www.forbes.com/sites/ jamestaylor/ 2013/ 05/ 30/ global-warming-alarmists-caught-doctoring-97-percent-consensus-claims/

If satellite data is so bad how come it correlates so well with radiosonde (balloon) temperature data? Pic related. Oh yeah, if the data does fit the theory, so much the worse for the data.

>> No.7905845

Details, details, the chronological order is what's important. Ozone hole fixed check, we can fix climate change too! With computer simulations and hydrocarbon cap and trade schemes so large and buried in so much red tape only the most behemoth power corps and governments can only participate!

>> No.7905851
File: 213 KB, 960x720, Climate Denier Fundingv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7905871

Anyone working in 'green energy' could just buy stocks in oil companies or even better, start their own oil companies, and then profit much more than they could with green energy.

I love how the argument is that climate change 'believers' are the money hungry capitalists when its the other way around.

>> No.7905881
File: 10 KB, 530x92, Dr Viner Climate Scientist says snow is a thing of the past.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2016 AGW pic
> This is what they were predicting all along!!!!!!!
You extremely gullible and stupid douchebag. Yes, they rewrote their failed predictions.
Not what the UN IPCC originally said. Not what climate scientists originally said.
Give me a reference from a climate scientist in regards to AGW predicting significant snowfall where that prediction was made pre-2000. You can't.

Pic related: the failed prediction. Made by Climatologist, David Viner, Ph.D.
And your pic?
> SOUTH AMERICA "Warmest January since 1910."
They must have been driving a lot of SUVs in 1910!

>> No.7905919


>> No.7905950
File: 281 KB, 478x407, Bitch I'm Gary Oak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what's with all the melvilleposting?

>we suspect earth is 6 billion years old
you suspect wrong, then. it's hard to take you seriously when you can't get even the most basic, least controversial facts straight.

>The climate models are all constantly wrong. Probably because they only factor in water vapour, CO2 and clouds. They don't include things like wind, ocean oscillations, milankovitch cycles, the Sun (yes, the SUN is not included), and more.
literally a lie

>> No.7905970
File: 420 KB, 500x354, Costanza.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't understand the concepts involved, therefore they've been rewriting their predictions

>complains about validity/reliability of skeptical science
>posts LOLWUWT, Heartland Institute, and Monckton

>Pic related: the failed prediction. Made by Climatologist, David Viner, Ph.D.
the pic literally says that it's a prediction made by Charles Onians, non-Ph.D.
I don't care if he based it on something Dr. Viner said; it's incredibly dishonest to hold scientists accountable for sensationalized versions of their statements made by journalists.

>> No.7905993
File: 41 KB, 375x375, Costanza Belittles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give me a reference from a climate scientist in regards to AGW predicting significant snowfall where that prediction was made pre-2000. You can't.

HAHAHA FAGGOT. It took me all of five minutes to find those for you! Go ahead and explain to me why those predictions you swore up and down didn't exist don't mean anything. Move those goalposts, bitch!

>> No.7906027

if you have to ask, then no, it's fucking not.

>> No.7906042
File: 144 KB, 1776x474, Snowfalls-are-just-a-thing-of-the-past.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Pic related: the failed prediction. Made by Climatologist, David Viner, Ph.D.
>the pic literally says that it's a prediction made by Charles Onians, non-Ph.D.
>I don't care if he based it on something Dr. Viner said; it's incredibly dishonest to hold scientists accountable for sensationalized versions of their statements made by journalists.

Are you a paid shill? Considering your level of prevarication, it would appear so. Believing any pseudo-scientific flip-flip to help the U.N. steal $Billions.

Snow becomes rare => Climate Change is True!
Snow becomes common => Climate Change is True!

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is." Direct quote of Dr. Viner, senior research scientist at Hadley Climate Research unit.

>> No.7906047

>>>7905813 (You)
>>I can't understand the concepts involved, therefore they've been rewriting their predictions
> More snow, less snow; no matter what , Climate Change is TRUE!
Try something more scientific, you know, like astrology.

>> No.7906074

team big dipper xDDDD

>> No.7906096
File: 65 KB, 540x510, Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So will you admit that less snowfall in general was predicted, some micro-environments excepted? Or did climate "scientists" simultaneously predict "more snowfall" and "less snowfall?" Either the prediction failed, or it was self-contradictory.

Global Climate Change: "with less snowfall. ..."
Kane, Douglas L. "The impact of hydrologic perturbations on arctic ecosystems induced by climate change." Global change and arctic terrestrial ecosystems. Springer New York, 1997. 63-81.

Northern Hemisphere: Snowfall and snowmass are DECREASED over virtually all the Northern Hemisphere. Rowntree, Peter R. Global and regional patterns of climate change: recent predictions for the Arctic. Springer New York, 1997.

Less Snowfall in Europe:
Arnell, Nigel W. "The effect of climate change on hydrological regimes in Europe: a continental perspective." Global environmental change 9.1 (1999): 5-23.

GLOBAL Environment: Less Precipitation as Snow
Arnell, Nigel W. "Climate change and global water resources." Global environmental change 9 (1999):

The Guy You DENY! Less Snow in the Alps.
Viner, David, and Maureen Agnew. Climate change and its impacts on tourism. Norwich: Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia, 1999.

Less Snowfall:
Mortsch, Linda D., and Frank H. Quinn. "Climate change scenarios for Great Lakes Basin ecosystem studies." Limnology and oceanography 41 (1996): 903-911.

Less Snowfall:
Kane, Douglas L. "The impact of hydrologic perturbations on arctic ecosystems induced by climate change." Global change and arctic terrestrial ecosystems. Springer New York, 1997. 63-81.

Less Snowfall in the Alpine Basin:
Seidel, Klaus, Cornel Ehrler, and Jaroslav Martinec. "Effects of climate change on water resources and runoff in an Alpine basin." Hydrological Processes 12.10 (1998): 1659-1669.

>> No.7906100

>Less Snowfall:
>Kane, Douglas L
Cancel the second citation of Kane.

>> No.7906139
File: 160 KB, 500x400, goalposts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's almost as though different people studying different systems will make different predictions

>> No.7906149

>Pretty much goes to the stereotype that AGW believers are "watermelons." Socialists pretending to be environmentalists.

You've managed to confuse a stock with a flow, so you're well on your way to becoming a famous Republican economist.

>> No.7906316

Is "Is global warming a meme?" a meme?

>> No.7906816
File: 3.60 MB, 260x212, wunsz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Global warming is real, correlation of CO2 with global warming is a meme...

>> No.7907010


The 'ozone hole fix" was a thing of the late 80s-early 90s (Montreal Protocol), the "climate propaganda" started, according to you, in the 70s. So where is the chronological order? I think you'll have to modify your conspiracy theory a bit.

>> No.7907044

CO2 fraud meme. There is no point debating it with zealots, it's like all religious threads on this Mongolian image board and looks as if mass legislation forcing huge cap and trade schemes based around CO2 are being implemented, from regional, to national to global in scope.

The next question is how to profit from this? Will CO2 credits rise, fall, be subject to wild price swings in the markets? Can private investors buy them since they are technically emitters with every breath? Who will be privy to the inside information regarding pricing and who gets the CO2 tax before it is made public? Will small business as well as the behemoths be subject to the tax? It's confusing because most markets work under supply and demand, this is a forced meme market so may require some additional research.

I think it's time to move on to the exploitation phase since the debate is obviously over, and the meme has moved into the digestive tract.

>> No.7907054
File: 65 KB, 740x500, url.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually, the total snow cover is decreasing, what you gain in winter due to increased precipitation, you lose in spring because of higher temperatures.



>> No.7907099
File: 192 KB, 768x443, UAH_LT_1979_thru_February_2016_v6-1-768x443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satellites are not considered reliable since they weren't created with the purpose of measuring long-term temperature trends and the same goes for the radiosondes.

Anyway, I wonder which temperature series will the so-called skeptics turn to next, now that the bogus "pause" is gone even in the satellite data.

>> No.7907154

>el nino year like 2008
>a spike was fully expected
>AGW fanatics go maximum cherrypicking in the same manner that they constant accuse skeptics of.

Irony much?

>> No.7907173

It's worth pointing out that without cherrypicking, ie. including all the available data, the trend always remained positive in all datasets. Obviously, one who uses a huge 1997 el-nino year as the starting point to make claims about "pauses" should not complain about el-nino at the endpoint, correct?

>> No.7907338

it's almost as though he doesn't understand the distinction between snowfall and accumulation.
increased precipitation only means increased year-to-year accumulation if temperatures still remain below freezing most of the year, and that's mostly just in Antarctica

>> No.7907481

>spew rubbish with citations to conspiracy websites
>gets refuted
>ignore response
>spew rubbish with....
The cycle of science denial is tedious to read.

>> No.7907604

They create this co2 credit market
and then they can just "print" billions of dollars of credits to give to big corporations

It's all a scam, I don't think individuals will be allowed to profit, only certain third wrold countries & certain big businesses

Along with politicians getting their kickbacks ofc

>> No.7907680

>CO2 offsetting
best invention to extract guilt money from liberals desu

>> No.7908730
File: 109 KB, 799x582, GISP2 Updated Temps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's worth pointing out that without cherrypicking,
Heh, no cherry picking.

>> No.7908752

>starts at 1966 during global cooling.
Cherry pick much?
Warming weather was supposed to decrease snow.
Its almost as if you're incoherent. If it gets warmer, there should be LESS accumulation.
But there's more:
>>7906096 According to the references cited and the IPCC >>7903106 less snow storms.

The only thing I can say about you Shills is that you will babble anything to maintain the faith. Your "scientist" buddies too. Look at this joke:
"...a 67% risk of decreased snow supply..." So snow will decrease or not decrease. And this: "90% of snow-sensitive basins showing potential for either increases or decreases over the near-term decades.." So there's a 90% chance that things will increase or decrease. Wow! That's some serious predictions.

There will either be more of it or less or it. Those climate "scientists" certainly make rigorous, truly falsifiable predictions.

Mankin, Justin S., et al. "The potential for snow to supply human water demand in the present and future." Environmental Research Letters 10.11 (2015): 114016.

>> No.7908766
File: 154 KB, 420x665, NASA SATELLITE DATA ARE MORE ACCURATE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Satellites are not considered reliable since they weren't created with the purpose of measuring long-term temperature trends and the same goes for the radiosondes.
> Hurr durr Satellites are BAD because it violates climate change faith.
> Hurr durr measuring temps from 1997 El Nino is Cherry picking, measuring at 2016 El Nino is good science.

NASA was quite open about the superior accuracy of satellite temperatures. Pic related.

>> No.7908775

Gosh, let's look at NASA's own satellite and radiosonde data. Why gosh it went flat for 18 years. Just like that evil UAH and (pre-tampered) RSS data. Pic related.

Poor Mr. Mears of RSS, caving into the Climate Fraudsters. "Corrections" so bad, they were rejected from publication. >>7903078

>> No.7908779
File: 166 KB, 768x448, NASA and NOAA Satellite and Radisonde data.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic here.

>> No.7908780

As I've said before, Climate Change has already been falsified. Temps were flat for 18 years.

Ben Santer said that 17 years was enough time to wait, because then you are outside the 95% confidence interval of the models. (2.5% chance to one side of the interval).
"Our results show that temperature records of at least 17 years in length are required for identifying human effects on global‐mean tropospheric temperature."

Paper: Separating signal and noise in atmospheric temperature changes: The importance of timescale. 2011, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 116, D22105

The NOAA said 15 years is enough:
“Near-zero and even negative trends are common for intervals of a decade or less in the simulations, due to the model’s internal climate variability. The simulations rule out (at the 95% level) zero trends for intervals of 15 yr or more, suggesting that an observed absence of warming of this duration is needed to create a discrepancy with the expected present-day warming rate.”
Paper: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/cmb/bams-sotc/climate-assessment-2008-lo-rez.pdf

15 years is long enough for climate scientist Phil Jones of Hadley Climate Research Unit:
‘Bottom line: the ‘no upward trend’ has to continue for a total of 15 years before we get worried.’
Source: http://di2.nu/foia/foia2011/mail/4199.txt

>nb4 Santer said "30 years"
NO he said 17. Show the exact quote from his 2011 paper that says you MUST wait 30 years.
The confidence intervals are such that the measured RSS temperatures are outside the 95% window. Since a confidence interval is symmetric, this means will probability p < 0.025

>> No.7908797
File: 48 KB, 640x480, RSS Tampering.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More on the RSS data tampering. Evil denier Anthony Watts documents the political intimidation on Mears and Co to get the "right answer." Just stop ignoring a bad sensor on a satellite (with its spurious warming data). Funny, they always ignored it before. They have done science so bad it was rejected by the Journal of Geophysical Research.


And climate Fraudsters are so predictable, that Evil Denier Tony Heller predicted the RSS tampering nearly a year ago: https://stevengoddard.wordpress.com/2015/03/27/collusion-is-independence/

But there's the mixed message problem, since Mikey "Broken Hockey Stick" Mann just published a paper that admitted that there had been a pause.
Fyfe, John C., et al. "Making sense of the early-2000s warming slowdown." Nature Climate Change 6.3 (2016): 224-228.

>> No.7908806



Poor Andy. He backed Berkeley Earth to the hilt and then threw a tantrum when it gave him an answer he didn't want to hear.

>> No.7908812

>now that the bogus "pause" is gone
So you're denying the scientific consensus that there's been a pause?

Dr. Judith L. Lean – Geophysical Research Letters – 15 Aug 2009
“…This lack of overall warming is analogous to the period from 2002 to 2008 when decreasing solar irradiance also countered much of the anthropogenic warming…”

Prof. Shaowu Wang et al – Advances in Climate Change Research –2010
Does the Global Warming Pause in the Last Decade: 1999-2008?
“…The decade of 1999-2008 is still the warmest of the last 30 years, though the global temperature increment is near zero;….The models did not provide answers to the physical causes for warming pause. The mechanism still remains controversial….”

Dr. B. G. Hunt – Climate Dynamics – February 2011
The role of natural climatic variation in perturbing the observed global mean temperature trend
“Controversy continues to prevail concerning the reality of anthropogenically-induced climatic warming. One of the principal issues is the cause of the hiatus in the current global warming trend.”

Dr. Robert K. Kaufmann – PNAS – 2nd June 2011
“…Given the widely noted increase in the warming effects of rising greenhouse gas concentrations, it has been unclear why global surface temperatures did not rise between 1998 and 2008. We find that this hiatus in warming coincides…”

>> No.7908815

>now that the bogus "pause" is gone
Still denying the scientific consensus that there's been a pause?

Dr. Gerald A. Meehl – Nature Climate Change – 18th September 2011
“There have been decades, such as 2000–2009, when the observed globally averaged surface-temperature time series shows little increase or even a slightly negative trend1 (a hiatus period)….”
Met Office Blog – Dave Britton (10:48:21) – 15 October 2012
“We agree with Mr Rose that there has been only a very small amount of warming in the 21st Century. As stated in our response, this is 0.05 degrees Celsius since 1997 equivalent to 0.03 degrees Celsius per decade.”

Dr. James Hansen – NASA GISS – 15 January 2013
Global Temperature Update Through 2012
“…The 5-year mean global temperature has been flat for a decade, which we interpret as a combination of natural variability and a slowdown in the growth rate of the net climate forcing…”

Dr. Virginie Guemas – Nature Climate Change – 1 March 2013
“…Despite a sustained production of anthropogenic greenhouse gases, the Earth’s mean near-surface temperature paused its rise during the 2000–2010 period…”

Professor Masahiro Watanabe – Geophysical Research Letters – 28 June 2013
“The weakening of k commonly found in GCMs seems to be an inevitable response of the climate system to global warming, suggesting the recovery from hiatus in coming decades.”

>> No.7908817

>now that the bogus "pause" is gone
Still denying the scientific consensus that there's been a pause?

Met Office – July 2013
“The recent pause in global warming, part 3: What are the implications for projections of future warming?
….Executive summary
The recent pause in global surface temperature rise does not materially alter the risks of substantial warming of the Earth by the end of this century.”
Source: metoffice.gov.uk/media/pdf/3/r/Paper3_Implications_for_projections.pdf
Dr. Yu Kosaka et. al. – Nature – 28 August 2013
Climate change: The case of the missing heat
Sixteen years into the mysterious ‘global-warming hiatus’, scientists are piecing together an explanation.
“Recent global-warming hiatus tied to equatorial Pacific surface cooling
Despite the continued increase in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, the annual-mean global temperature has not risen in the twenty-first century…”

Dr. Kevin E. Trenberth – Nature News Feature – 15 January 2014
Climate change: The case of the missing heat
Sixteen years into the mysterious ‘global-warming hiatus’, scientists are piecing together an explanation.
“The 1997 to ’98 El Niño event was a trigger for the changes in the Pacific, and I think that’s very probably the beginning of the hiatus,” says Kevin Trenberth, a climate scientist…

Dr. Gabriel Vecchi – Nature News Feature – 15 January 2014
“A few years ago you saw the hiatus, but it could be dismissed because it was well within the noise,” says Gabriel Vecchi, a climate scientist……“Now it’s something to explain.”…..

Dr. Jana Sillmann et al – IopScience – 18 June 2014
Observed and simulated temperature extremes during the recent warming hiatus
“This regional inconsistency between models and observations might be a key to understanding the recent hiatus in global mean temperature warming.”

>> No.7908820

>now that the bogus "pause" is gone
Still denying the scientific consensus that there's been a pause?

Dr. Kevin E. Trenberth et al – Nature Climate Change – 11 July 2014
Seasonal aspects of the recent pause in surface warming
Factors involved in the recent pause in the rise of global mean temperatures are examined seasonally. For 1999 to 2012, the hiatus in surface warming is mainly evident in the central and eastern Pacific…….atmospheric circulation anomalies observed globally during the hiatus.

Dr. Hans Gleisner – Geophysical Research Letters – 28 January 2015
Recent global warming hiatus dominated by low latitude temperature trends in surface and troposphere data
Over the last 15 years, global mean surface temperatures exhibit only weak trends…..Omission of successively larger polar regions from the global-mean temperature calculations, in both tropospheric and surface data sets, shows that data gaps at high latitudes can not explain the observed differences between the hiatus and the pre-hiatus period….

Dr. Hervé Douville et al – Geophysical Research Letters – 10 February2015
The recent global-warming hiatus: What is the role of Pacific variability?
The observed global mean surface air temperature (GMST) has not risen over the last 15 years, spurring outbreaks of skepticism regarding the nature of global warming and challenging the upper-range transient response of the current-generation global climate models….

Dr. Veronica Nieves – Science – 31 July 2015
Recent hiatus caused by decadal shift in Indo-Pacific heating
Recent modeling studies have proposed different scenarios to explain the slowdown in surface temperature warming in the most recent decade…..

>> No.7908830

You mean after it was revealed that Muller was never a skeptic so that his whole "I'm a skeptic" who just wants to check things was just another example of fraud.

Yeah, let's see about that, here's a nice quote of his from 2003:

"Let me be clear. My own reading of the literature and study of paleoclimate suggests strongly that carbon dioxide from burning of fossil fuels will prove to be the greatest pollutant of human history. It is likely to have severe and detrimental effects on global climate."

Oh my, how skeptical! How about this one from Mr. Muller in 2008:

"There is a consensus that global warming is real. ...it’s going to get much, much worse." http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2008/11/physics-the-nex/

I certainly wouldn't trust someone who completely misrepresented themselves.

>> No.7908835
File: 108 KB, 1676x948, Anthony_Watts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I certainly wouldn't trust someone who completely misrepresented themselves.

I guess he wasn't prepared to accept whatever result they produce, even if it proves his premise wrong.


>> No.7908840

Unnoticed quads, nice.

>> No.7908847
File: 19 KB, 500x375, Burn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1966 during global cooling
so, whenever the evidence proves you wrong, your response is to MAKE SHIT UP and accuse the other side of cherry picking points? cute.
>If it gets warmer, there should be LESS accumulation.
Yes, but rising temperatures in the tropics can mean MORE snowfall in some places. Thanks for proving that you don't understand the difference.

>So there's a 90% chance that things will increase or decrease. Wow! That's some serious predictions.
Reading comprehension fail. Here's what Mankin et al. actually wrote:
>However, internal climate variability creates irreducible uncertainty in the projected future trends in snow resource potential, with about 90% of snow-sensitive basins showing potential for either increases or decreases over the near-term decades.
In other words, for 90% of the localities studied, it's hard to predict what's going to happen. You see, when one actually follows the evidence (as scientists do) rather than try to massage the evidence into supporting a big sweeping declaration (as deniers do), one must be ready to admit that results are a little inconclusive.

>claims temperature readings went flat
>posts graphs showing warming trend
0/10 nice try. today you learn that saying that a graph says something doesn't mean it actually does.


>> No.7908851
File: 41 KB, 500x500, dong days.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>article in Oztrailian newspaper claims NASA report finds no evidence of greenhouse gas warming
HEY BUDDY, I found the report they were talking about!
Who wrote it? Roy Spencer and John Christie.
>deniers at NASA release paper claiming no warming
>deniers on Tibetan metalworking imageboard point to report and say "SEE, EVEN NASA ADMITS IT"
Nice try.

deniers BTFO

>> No.7908944

Why are satellites the only reliable source of data?
Why aren't global averaged measurements reliable?
Why aren't ice cores, tree cores, benthic cores, and coral records considered reliable?

>> No.7908952

What would stop a McDonald's worker from claiming to be a scientist when signing that petition?
It's not like your degree has a magstrip you swipe for authentication of your credentials.

>> No.7908956

Because most people take offense when you accuse them of something.
When the average, uniformed citizen hears that he is upsetting the natural balance of the climate system by driving his car to work and enjoying a good steak, he naturally wants to find a fault in that accusation.

>> No.7908975

>We could live in space by now
Because renewable energy, water conservation, more efficient energy use are fields of research that have no application to living in space, right?

>> No.7909495


You know what's even worse than cherrypicking? Scientific fraud, like the graph you've posted. You cannot combine paleo-data from Central Greenland with temperature data from NH (northern hemisphere) and pretend that it shows anything meaningful. Or do you really believe that the average temperature of the northern hemisphere is -30 degrees now?

>> No.7909507
File: 229 KB, 755x533, url.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the tilted graph technique

Hey, it worked for the sea level, so why not?

Next stop: National debt. Come on guys, shit's not gonna pay for itself.

>> No.7909522


Did UAH also succumb to the Climatati or will all the satellites be declared non-reliable by the conspiracy theorists now?

>> No.7909534
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Aw, fuck it, let's do the ice, too. No melting here, folks. I have proofs!

>> No.7910623
File: 240 KB, 513x460, Consensus on Global Cooling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>7908752 (You)
>>1966 during global cooling
>so, whenever the evidence proves you wrong, your response is to MAKE SHIT UP and accuse the other side of cherry picking points? cute.

Global Cooling, the thing warmists want to pretend never happened. Pic related. There was a consensus the Global Cooling was real.

>> No.7910637
File: 501 KB, 703x588, Hubert Lamb Global Cooling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1966 during global cooling
>so, whenever the evidence proves you wrong, your response is to MAKE SHIT UP and accuse the other side of cherry picking points? cute.

Keep living in your own fantasy world. Or did evil deniers go back in time and change history. Pic related. Hubert Lamb, greatest Climatologist of the 20th century, talking about Global Cooling. And this:

Lamb, Hubert H. The current trend of world climate: A report on the early 1970's and a perspective. Climatic Research Unit, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, 1974. "Much has been written about the global cooling... has been overstressed as regards to its practical implications... There are solid grounds for regarding this as a dangerous misconception."

Kukla, George J., and Helena J. Kukla. "Insolation regime of interglacials." Quaternary Research 2.3 (1972): 412-424. "...the prognosis is for a long-lasting global cooling more severe than any experiened hitherto by civilized mankind."

NEEDS, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. "LAWRENCE UVERMORE LABORATORY." (1972). "Global cooling of natural origin could exceed in magnitude changes experienced in historical times.

Potter, Gerald L., et al. "Possible climatic impact of tropical deforestation." (1975): 697-698.

Kukla, George J., and Robert K. Matthews. "When will the present interglacial end?." Science 178.4057 (1972): 190-202.

Gribbin, John. "Cause and effects of global cooling." Nature 254 (1975): 14.

Lamb, H. H. "Changes of climate." Wright & Moseley (1975): 169-188.

Fletcher, Joseph O. MANAGING CLIMATE RESOURCES. No. RAND-P-4000. RAND CORP SANTA MONICA CA, 1969. "We may already be inadvertantly influencing global climate. ... a weakening circulation, southward shifts of ice boundary..."

Carter, L. J. 1970. The global environment: M.I.T. study looks for danger signs. Science 169: 660-662. Increased turbidity causes gobal cooling.

>> No.7910640

>>However, internal climate variability creates irreducible uncertainty in the projected future trends in snow resource potential, with about 90% of snow-sensitive basins showing potential for either increases or decreases over the near-term decades.
>In other words, for 90% of the localities studied, it's hard to predict what's going to happen
In other words, NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, they've covered their ass. That's unfalsifiability in action.

>> No.7910647

>>claims temperature readings went flat
>>posts graphs showing warming trend
>0/10 nice try. today you learn that saying that a graph says something doesn't mean it actually does.

Nice strawman argument. No says there hasn't been any warming. That's just a silly pseduo-argument created by warmists. But the data showed no warming for 18 years, contradicting predictions.>>7908780

>> No.7910658
File: 42 KB, 600x451, about to deliver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There was a consensus the Global Cooling was real.
and your proof of this is to post a single newspaper clipping that says a bunch of meteorologists thought the Earth was cooling?
other than you not knowing the difference between a meteorologist and a climatologist, a single newspaper clipping preserving a mere two paragraphs out of a larger story and no citations or byline doesn't count as an actual source. the temperature record shows that we've had a significant warming trend all century, and the 50s and 60s represented a slowing but not a significant decline from the rapid warming of the 40s.
If you want to argue that there was a cooling consensus at the time, you'll need more than what you've posted. remember, science reporting isn't science.

>> No.7910669
File: 139 KB, 200x318, superlative lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scientists declined to make a prediction as to whether snowfall in certain basins would increase or decrease in the short term
>therefore climatology is unfalsifiable
this may come as a shock to you, friendo, but there's more to climatology and to climate change than short term changes in local snowfall :^)

>the data showed no warming for 18 years
except that, as I explained, the very graphs you posted DID show a warming trend during that interval. are you blind or just stupid?

>> No.7910681
File: 15 KB, 768x181, IPCC 1995 by NOAA no warming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HEY BUDDY, I found the report they were talking about!
>Who wrote it? Roy Spencer and John Christie.
>>deniers at NASA release paper claiming no warming
>>deniers on Tibetan metalworking imageboard point to report and say "SEE, EVEN NASA ADMITS IT"
>Nice try.
>Hurr durr, I'll resort to ad hominem
Spencer co-invented Satellite temperature measurements! Making him a better scientist than you could be in your dreams. And No Warming?

And there was no warming the the U.S. acknowledged by the NOAA:
Hanson, Kirby, George A. Maul, and Thomas R. Karl. "Are atmospheric “greenhouse” effects apparent in the climatic record of the contiguous US (1895‐1987)?." Geophysical research letters 16.1 (1989): 49-52.

And yup, old satellite data showed no warming. Pic related, published by the UN IPCC. So you think there was a conspiracy by Spencer and other NASA scientists to deny warming decades ago. You warmists really are bonkers.

>> No.7910687
File: 173 KB, 657x594, NASA 1981 to 2015.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The surface temperature data is just so reliable.

>> No.7910691
File: 736 KB, 600x488, Not hockey stick loehle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, like the Medieval Warm period didn't exist. Whatever.

>> No.7910700

I'll ignore the countless scientific references he listed >>7910637
Including Hubert Lamb, Head of Hadley Climate Research Unit and the best climatologist of the 20th century.

Pic related. The National Academy of Sciences believed in global cooling

More settled science:

Lamb, H. H. 1969. Activite volcanique et climat. Revue de Geographie Physique et de Geologie Dynamique 11: 363-380.

Paterson, J.T. and Bryson, R.A. 1968. Atmospheric aerosols: increased concentrations during the last decade. Science 162: 120-121.

Bryson 1974. A perspective on Climate Change. Science. 184:753-760 Bryson thought anthropogenic aerosols were causing global cooling.

Byerknes, J., 1958: "Related Fluctuations of Trade Winds and Northern Climates," Geophysics Helsinki, Vol.6 , No. 3-4. 169-177

Budyko, Mikhail I. "The future climate." Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 53.10 (1972): 868-874.

>> No.7910711

>>>7910647 (You)
>>the data showed no warming for 18 years
>except that, as I explained, the very graphs you posted DID show a warming trend during that interval. are you blind or just stupid?

Take your Ritalin. And stop putting words in my mouth, "he of the strawman arguments"
>Nice strawman argument. No says there hasn't been any warming. That's just a silly pseduo-argument created by warmists. But the data showed no warming for 18 years, contradicting predictions.

Statistical Testing proves it:
McKitrick, R. (2014) HAC-Robust Measurement of the Duration of a Trendless Subsample in a Global Climate Time Series. Open Journal of Statistics, 4, 527-535. doi: 10.4236/ojs.2014.47050.

Yes, there was 18 years of no warming.

>> No.7910714
File: 28 KB, 768x290, IPCC 1995 Satellites by NOAA no warming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's that pic of satellite measurements

>> No.7910739
File: 215 KB, 570x943, where_truth_lies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How convenient of you to ignore his followup:

"... I ... also discovered a larger and troublesome problem; many NOAA climate stations seemed to be next to heat sources, heat sinks, and have been surrounded by urbanization during the decades of their operation."


They don't mention this updates over at SimpletonPseudoScience, do they? Pic related, heavily tampered data, embraced by Muller.

>> No.7910888
File: 14 KB, 500x285, 1970s_papers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fun fact: This bullshit talking point gets bandied around so often someone actually did the work and went through all the papers published in the 70s and it turns out that the majority predicted warming.

>> No.7910928

Mates, okay, lets do this them, since humans can never cause any impact whatsoever and pollution is fun for the whole family lets do the following. Burn the whole Amazon, fucking waste of space. All articles about how the jungle being damage fucks the americas bringing longer droughts and harsher storms are Illuminati bullshit.
Then we say fuck it and we go back to throwing all our thrash and chemicals into the oceans, do you think puny little humans can make the stuff more acidic and fuck the plankton? You can't fool me.

>> No.7910967
File: 204 KB, 780x1093, Ainsley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>combining different data series and pretending they measure the same thing

your cited papers don't actually say what you think they do.
the Kukla papers, for example, refer to glaciation in the long term, not in current temperature trends. the Potter et al. paper suggests that cooling MIGHT result from tropical deforestation based solely on a simulation. heck, the Fletcher paper EXPLICITLY CONFIRMS that CO2 increases are causing the Earth to warm, and just mentions that particulate pollution could cause cooling effects as well. do you actually read these things before you post them?

>Spencer co-invented Satellite temperature measurements!
I don't care if he co-invented a drill that could pierce the heavens. I don't care if he kissed a million babies on the campaign trail. I don't care if he painted the ceilings of sixteen chapels. his claims aren't consistent with the evidence.
>Making him a better scientist than you could be in your dreams.
He's a fucking CREATIONIST. I'm a PALEONTOLOGIST. Are you saying that Creationists are good scientists now? Because that's a whole new layer of tinfoil.
>complains about ad hominem
>immediately thereafter resorts to appeal to authority
and the whole point of calling attention to the report's authorship was that you attributed it to NASA, that august institution.

>> No.7910977
File: 79 KB, 650x650, DAMAGE CONTROL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no, I'm being refuted!
>better pretend I never said that.
>the data showed no warming for 18 years
and as I have said, the data YOU POSTED >>7908779 DID INDEED show a warming trend over that 18 year span. your only recourse, apparently, is to doggedly insist that I said you claimed there was no warming at all.
talk about strawman arguments! you're claiming I attacked you on something ENTIRELY DIFFERENT than I actually did! projecting much?

>> No.7911072

>Pic related, heavily tampered data, embraced by Muller.
...Are you citing a fucking CARTOON?

God help us all.