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7906223 No.7906223 [Reply] [Original]

Which one is better for increasing focus/intelligence and the ability to handle day to day tasks?

>> No.7906263


His colleague Alfréd Rényi said, "a mathematician is a machine for turning coffee into theorems",[15] and Erdős drank copious quantities (this quotation is often attributed incorrectly to Erdős,[16] but Erdős himself ascribed it to Rényi[17]). After 1971 he also took amphetamines, despite the concern of his friends, one of whom (Ron Graham) bet him $500 that he could not stop taking the drug for a month.[18] Erdős won the bet, but complained that during his abstinence, mathematics had been set back by a month: "Before, when I looked at a piece of blank paper my mind was filled with ideas. Now all I see is a blank piece of paper." After he won the bet, he promptly resumed his amphetamine use.

>> No.7906272

Neither of those. Cigarettes don't do shit, and weed just makes you lazy.

Caffeine is the correct choice

>> No.7906277

Nicotine and caffeine have both been demonstrated to have memory-enhancing effects.

But you shouldn't smoke. There are vaporizers and patches.

>> No.7906281


>> No.7906294

Le vape Fedora mayme

>> No.7906412


Cigarettes have many negative long term effects but studies have shown they may be good for your memory and concentration.

Cannabis has negative effect on memory and concentration, so I feel this is quite obvious call.


>> No.7906423
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Lol, you can act superior all you like. I can smoke at my PC without endangering my roommates and I get to basically taste candy all the time without the actual sugar intake.

When I walk down the street smoking, everyone behind me just smells desserts.

Sucks to suck, jockboy.

>> No.7906449


Drugs will destroy you.

Supplements, on the other hand.

>> No.7906458

Simultaneously everyone is silently judging you saying, "Wow what fucking faggot loser."

>> No.7906477

enjoy your formaldehyde and acetaldehyde cunt

>> No.7906478
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>thinks I give a shit what randos who have no influence on my life's direction think of me

>> No.7906484

get a load of these mormons

>> No.7906487
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>doesn't know the concentrations are so low they are probably harmless unless you are literally smoking the vapor every minute


Sucks to suck jock bitchhh

>> No.7906492

you get more aldehydes walking down a busy city street than you do vaping.

>> No.7906518

how much do you spend with them?

>> No.7906519

Aldehyde is my favourite drink. Ketones are too sour

>> No.7906531

like $50 over the last 6 months. Nicotine is legit as good as adderall in terms of helping me study, except i can just stop pulling on the vape, but addy you have to wait it out to come down.

>> No.7906542

>Nicotine is legit as good as adderall
let us not exaggerate

how much did the e-cig cost you? dont people get bothered by the smell even if it's sweet? how long does the device last?

>> No.7906543

>Which one is better for increasing focus/intelligence and the ability to handle day to day tasks?

The empty white space

>> No.7906555

Clearly cigarettes. A stimulant is going to be more effective at helping you study than a psychedelic. That's just basic common sense. Cigarettes are good for study breaks because they add stimulation, and are a good way to time breaks.

>> No.7906557

>let us not exaggerate
when you can take it in big concentrations its pretty fucking close.

it cost me 30$ for the box, and i've bought 20$ worth of juice.

if you get a sturdy set up and not some wanna be cigarette looking thing, they last about as long as any other electronic device. couple years i'd say if you don't have to replace the batteries.

i don't pull on my vape indoors unless i'm in my place. i treat it pretty much like a real cig and nobody cares.

>> No.7906560

what is a sturdy set up? the cigarette looking thing looks like shit

>> No.7906566

>what is a sturdy set up?

one that you build your own. you can buy all the parts online. was half the reason i started doing it.

>> No.7906572

whoa whoa
don't tell me I will need to read a 2 hour tutorial to know the parts are the best
I just want some cancer free nicotine not play dwarf fortress

>> No.7906580

then you might spend a bit more money at the start. just look around for something rugged that has replaceable batteries and you'll be good. the less bells and whistles the better.

>> No.7906618

I will look it up
thanks anon

>> No.7906654

you need both of these, and angel dust

>> No.7906661

Sincerely, do the 2 hour reading and you will never be dissatisfied ever.

I made the mistake of thinking "oh well I only need the nicotine, fuck all that expensive nonsense". It caused a large waste of money.

Go for the 150W-200W $100 box (with temperature control if you care, but voltage control is a requirement) and get good, non-Chinese batteries.

You won't vape at 150W, but those boxes allow 2 batteries, so you get crazy battery life.

Buy *unprotected* lithium batteries (you can find the types used for boxes online); protected batteries can have fake protection circuits in them and will just vent without warning. Unprotected batteries ooze goo very long before any critical failure of the battery (just as a precaution, regulated box mods pretty much eliminate any chance of critical battery failure).

If you want ease, look for a "tank". If you like tinkering look for an "RDA". This is the thing the liquid goes in. I recommend an RDA because you can buy enough kanthal wire and organic cotton to make coils and wick for the rest of your life for $11. Add another $13 for a jig that wraps the coils for you and you're set for life and it will take you less than 5 minutes to wrap coils (as opposed to spending $5 per coil for a tank, and the coils have to be replaced every few weeks).

There are RDA tanks which let you build the coil and wick yourself but have a tank so you don't have to drip the liquid onto the wick so often.

Look here for vape liquid. There are sales very, very often. https://www.juicedb.com/

Don't vape anything above 3mg/mL of nicotine. You don't need to even if you're a heavy smoker.

TL;DR: The initial investment is high, but the health benefits and reduced cost/week due to not having to buy packs of cigarettes constantly is nice.

>> No.7906679

Oppenheimer was a notorious chain smoker.

Atomic power does what?

>> No.7906686

In my studies, a harmonious balance of thc and ethanol provide satisfactorily.

>> No.7906697

Weed does NOT make you lazy, those people were already lazy. I smoke everyday, and yet, I'm not lazy, I ride my bike an average of 10 miles a day, and, get tired slower..

>> No.7906921


>> No.7906949

Exercise, good diet, and coffee and all you really need to enhance your natural abilities. If you're doing all of these and aren't in the place you want to be in, you probably have some sort of psychiatric condition that needs to be assessed. If there aren't any of these, then you probably are expecting too much of yourself.

>> No.7907115


>> No.7907131

you're probably not getting tired slower because of the weed.

>> No.7907137

Nah man, weed is magic. Weed makes your balls big, energetic, smart, smell good, and even dude weed lmao!!!!

>> No.7907143

it also enhances the risk to several mental diseases

>> No.7907203

patently false

>> No.7907219

weed sucks, and cigarettes will give you a slow, painful death at 60.

What's the risk/benefit with moderate amphetamine usage?

>> No.7907220

I dunno man, Ive turned into bubbles from smoking weed before. That being said, alcohol makes me hallucinate like a witchdoctor

>> No.7907221

Wanna bet its not

>> No.7907229

it's false

>> No.7907242
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>> No.7907244

You're gonna say: for one of those mental illneses to surface it needs to have been there in the first place, and therefore weed had nothing to do with it amiright

>> No.7907250

I'm just gonna say it's false, because it is

>> No.7907262

Jokes on you. Cannabis is actually used by long distance runners as a performance enhancing drug.

They just don't smoke it for obvious reason. They eat it.

>> No.7907288

neither... people who smoke for this reason belong in the lower part of idiot section because they need something like this to increase their focus...etc and on top of that they also actually believe that it increases your focus or relaxes you...etc when it does not. its all psychological, you have the control of your mind and your intelligence you don't need anything to become relaxed or to increase focus...
just try to increase your self awareness and understanding to the point where you don't lose focus. there are a ton of ways you can do this.
>that's why people in science and engineering usually have higher IQ, hence the superior cognitive abilities

>> No.7907289

What color is your fedora?

>> No.7907291

pink just like your moms pussy

>> No.7907301

Does it still decrease your perception by making you "High"?

>> No.7907337
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>potheads really think this
Enjoy your shitty drug


Pic related, it's my drug of choice and has no negative medical research for it (at the moment).

>> No.7907347


SMOKING is always bad for you, no matter what substance. Smoke fucks up your whole body.

However both tobacco and weed are good in edible form. Space cakes ftw.

>> No.7907351

>claims cannabis is a shitty drug because it causes psychosis
>yet takes LSD
wew lad

>> No.7907358

>"marijuana use alone—without the influence of additional risk factors—is unlikely to provoke a psychosis that persists longer than intoxication."[3] Likewise, a number of reviews have concluded that cannabis use only results in a significant increase in risk of psychosis when coupled with additional risk factors, in particular, an underlying genetic vulnerability.[4][5]

>> No.7907359
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>pothead thinks LSD causes psychosis
Top kek.


Let the salt cover you.

But I can't blame you, you're just functioning on the bullshit that the government has pumped out into the media about the drug to kill interest in it. Even though it's relatively harmless.

There's a reason why psychedelic mushrooms are legal in Amsterdam, silly.

>> No.7907364

I'm with you on the weed thing, but lsd can also fuck your mind up pretty bad.

>> No.7907373

>bad trips do not exist / do not have lasting effects on the user when they occur
wew lad

>> No.7907381

Provide research that says so. No link between mental illness and LSD use or psilocybin mushroom use exists. The link I just posted covered a sample of 135,000 people. In fact, LSD use (and many other psychedelics) have been shown over and over again to be able to significantly improve the likelihood of successfully treating alcoholism, PTSD, and depression.

"Fuck your mind up" is a really vague thing to say. Being an Evangelical Christian can really "fuck your mind up" but it's not illegal to be one is it?

Also, the majority of LSD users report no real negative side effects. That's why there were millions of users over the drug's existence and very few mentions of long-term psychological trauma as a result of taking the drug available in media. There are 100s of thousands of users today and negative experience reports are rare.

>> No.7907391

You're just as bad as an evangelical pothead

And just as wrong

>> No.7907396

I've experienced a really bad trip myself, it took around 6 months until my mind was "normal" again. During those months I felt detached and empty.

>> No.7907397
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>bad trip == psychosis
>doesn't know what drug-induced psychosis is
Here, lad, instead of shitposting about something you don't actually know anything about, watch this really awesome movie.


It's taken from a Philip K. Dick novel and it's essentially a testament to what drug-induced psychosis actually feels like. PKD experienced drug-induced psychosis himself for a long period of time, so the account is pretty accurate to what I've seen others describe of their own psychoses.

You can also look up what psychosis is.

>> No.7907402
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>evangelical pothead
>no negative evidence or citations provided
Provide citations and I'll care what you think of me, pleb.

>> No.7907404

Here, lad, instead of shiposting:


>> No.7907408

>bad trip == psychosis
literally nobody said that; it is merely being pointed out that psychedelics have their hazards, as do all drugs

>> No.7907412

Like anything else there's the possibility for things like this to happen, but it's almost always the result of a bad tripping environment or other irresponsible use, not the drug itself

>> No.7907416

yeah that poster would have totally had the exact same experience and following 6 months of detachment and emptiness if he hadn't taken the drug

in no way at all did the drug have anything to do with the bad trip and the aftereffects

>> No.7907422

>but it's almost always the result of a bad tripping environment or other irresponsible use.
Not really, best setting you could imagine. Only one tab.

Doesn't matter, I got over it and even had some good trips (years later).

>> No.7907423

I have never said they were entirely safe or entirely without harm.

My word choices:
* Relatively harmless (which is accurate seeing as there is no addiction potential and most users are not permanently harmed from use)
* No negative medical research (which doesn't equate to not having harms and is also pretty accurate)

A bad trip, even with a recovery time of months, is not a permanent harm. Drinking alcohol excessively can result in permanent liver damage. Heavy marijuana use may result in more-difficult-to-treat actual, real schizophrenia. Heroin use is linked to higher HIV transmission, a permanent, currently incurable illness.

I've only been talking about clinical harms. Something you get as a result of taking the drug that requires medical care.

>> No.7907424
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I think what he's saying is that there isn't any physical harm that comes from the drug alone, which is backed up by science. (http://www.sg.unimaas.nl/_OLD/oudelezingen/dddsd.pdf))

>> No.7907425

>bad trips aren't bad
>hppd isn't a thing
>psychedelics have no lasting effects
wew lad

>> No.7907429

setting doesn't just mean your physical environment, it's who you're with, where your head space is at, how you are emotionally, etc.

>> No.7907430

>mental harm isn't harm

>> No.7907431

But, you see, even now we're all being trolled.

Because a very small percentage of marijuana users experience extreme anxiety/derealization from taking the drug.

But we're not bullshitting back and forth about "Person X" had a really bad marijuana high that left X with derealization and moderate depression one time that took weeks to fully resolve. Which actually happened to a friend of mine.

Talking outliers isn't useful when discussing the overall harms of a drug. Some people who take Tylenol get jaundice.

>> No.7907434

I know that.

>> No.7907435

>hates religion
>uses drugs
Pick two

>> No.7907436

Again, there is no clinically-significant mental harm for most users. The majority of users of LSD do not have to get psychiatric help after using the drug.

I'm sorry to say, but "feeling weird" is not the equivalent of a legitimate mental health complication, like psychosis.

>> No.7907437

>bad trips are outliers
toppest lel

>> No.7907439

>depersonalization and feelings of emptiness are not legitimate mental health concerns
might wanna read the dsm sometime lad

>> No.7907440
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>no evidence yet again for a contrary claim

>> No.7907445

not bad

>> No.7907447

>muh citations
>/sci/ is a peer-reviewed journal
if you want to go on believing wrong things I can't be fucked to try to change your mind

>> No.7907449
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>believing wrong things
And yet, the available studies point to my conclusions.

>> No.7907452


None of them. Lift weights 3 times a week and get to sleep on time.

>> No.7907454

>the studies I cherry-picked point to my conclusions
well of course they do, you ignored everything that doesn't line up perfectly with your claim

>> No.7907459
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>knows what I've looked at and what I haven't

>> No.7907464

Either you've looked at everything and ignored what doesn't agree with you, or you've only looked at what agrees with you. It doesn't really matter which. Both cases are roughly equal in intellectual dishonesty.

>> No.7907465

Hallucinogen-persisting perception disorder


>> No.7907467

Also stay hydrated.

>> No.7907476
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>doesn't know how to weigh evidence
>is talking shit to me

>> No.7907500

"weighing evidence" does not mean concluding "only evidence which supports my preselected conclusion has weight"

>> No.7907504

i have a strong hypothesis that most white kids perform better because they are over diagnoses with behavior disorders and put under amphetamines.

Shit if my parents believed i had add or adhd shit, id be on the honor roll.

Who in right mind wants to sit down a listen to some fuck all teacher ramble about math equations or whitewashed history, you'll never use in your life beyond college. How the fuck can you concentrate with stacy wearing yoga pants infront of you and a thong. or her 16 year old perky tits bouncing as she walks to sharpen her pencil?

>> No.7908349

Cannabis has been linked to better understanding of written material and better cognitive thinking and writing skills though.

It specifically awakens schizophrenia in those who already were predisposed to getting it.

>> No.7909160

>SMOKING is always bad for you, no matter what substance. Smoke fucks up your whole body

Do people really believe this meme?

>> No.7909173

I took too much acid when I was 17 and didn't have fun for the next six months.
I never enjoyed acid or mushrooms, it always just felt like I had a really bad fever.

>> No.7909218


Fuck I'm thinking of giving up smoking, will my GPA suffer from it?

>> No.7909730

yea I bet one of the benefits of vaping is having a fucking fedora on your head

>> No.7909755
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>memory-enhancing effects

Sure, if you use it like once or twice a month maybe.
Once you build up even the slightest tolerance (read: dependence), there is zero net gain.
You actually spend most of your time working at a loss until you top up enough to make things about even again.

I love me some caffeinated drinks, but pretending that they're good for your brain isn't going to magically make them actually useful.

>> No.7909774

this is why i tell younger guys to put college on hold for a few years and just spend time being young and chasing pussy and partying with bros. join the Navy or be a bartender or something.

no amount of money or career progress will buy you back your early twenties.

>> No.7910043

My childhood and adolescence was ruined when I was born with autism. I only care about success for me and my family.

>> No.7910048


you will have a dendrite deficit that will take some time to adjust to. in the meantime your focus, recall, and emotional stability will be fucked

>> No.7910052

>Once you build up even the slightest tolerance (read: dependence), there is zero net gain.
one hundred percent false

trimethylxanthine has been repeatedly shown to aid in cognition and recall under a wide variety of circumstances

>> No.7910062

Yes, it can aid in cognition and recall, but generally only when the user hasn't ingested any for quite some period of time.

Regular use has no net gain in mental agility.
Find a study that takes existing use into account without the correlation breaking down, and I'll quit 4chan for a month.

>> No.7910068

>Regular use has no net gain in mental agility.
one hundred percent false

>> No.7910078
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>Saying things makes them true

Maybe you are lost, this isn't >>>/lit/ friendo.
I'll raise your complete and utter lack of sources with exactly one source: http://www.bristol.ac.uk/news/2010/7051.html

Already my argument is infinitely better supported than your babbling.

Welcome to /sci/, enjoy actually have to back up your shitposting.

>> No.7910081

>let me cherry-pick a single source which agrees with me and pretend it's irrefutable proof
good job lad

>> No.7910086

I used to trip a few times a week during my freshman and sophomore years. There was one time where it was just different, not horrible, scary, or stressing like ive heard other bad trips to be but it just didnt sit well. It affected me for weeks afterwards. I found it much harder to concentrate and felt vague and mentally tired or at least thats the best way for me to explain it. I even know the guy who made it and know that he would never have sold me bad shit intentionally so it was probably just a bad batch but it convinced me to not mess around with psychedelics ever again.

>> No.7910094

im not even saying this as a lie or a shitpost. All of the people I know who are regular smokers became lazy fuckups who failed or are failing out of school. Not to say that they wouldnt be lazy fuckups without the weed but seeing some of my best friends from highschool who graduated top 10 in our class fail out of school and lose financial aid their first year is downright heartbreaking

>> No.7910095
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Ratio of sources ITT backing up my claim compared to yours: positive infinity

I can cherry-pick all I like if you're not even going to try lad

>> No.7910097

>ignoring the existence of the multitude of studies that refute me means they don't exist
wew lad

>> No.7910110

>multitude of studies

If there are so many of them, why don't you pick your favourite one and share it with everyone?
That is if they even exist.

Oh and before you go and claim moving the goalposts, I did clearly say in: >>7910062
>Find a study that takes existing use into account without the correlation breaking down

>> No.7910116

>spoonfeed me
nah, not worth my time. your insistence on being wrong does not affect my life to the point where I need to do something about it

>> No.7910134

You couldn't find any, could you? :^)

>does not affect my life to the point where I need to do something about it
Well you clearly felt the need to engage full damage control.
You can simply stop replying if you feel that I'm so obviously wrong and you're so obviously right.

>> No.7910137

Enjoy believing wrong things.

>> No.7910138
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i guess if you smoke enough weed you could become a savant

>> No.7910259

>cannabis use correlates with schizophrenia
>correlation = causation
same with heroin

>heroin = HIV
>not just using clean needles
>correlation = causation

>> No.7910794

I thought cannabis actually was good medication for people with autistic behavior.

>> No.7910972

dude weed!! lmao

>> No.7911031

That doesn't apply when the guy is clearly living a productive life, anon.

>> No.7911037

neither, take adderall.

>> No.7911079

terrible, terrible advice

>> No.7911104

He also smoked cigarettes.

>> No.7911114

I wouldnt say terrible. If you do have legit ADHD its not a bad choice at all

>> No.7911116

it's a bad choice regardless

>> No.7911144
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stay hydrated

>> No.7911147

I want coffee now, fuck you.

>> No.7911169

>professional athletes ruin their body for my entertainment
>mathematicians, scientists and engineer also abuse drugs to advance technology for me

It's chill to be in that sweet spot between the plebs and the elites. None of the struggles of the first, none of the worries of the second.
Cruising through life, gathering resources, keeping a good body in old age for when the time comes for apotheosis.

>> No.7911204

Why? How can you just simply state something so surely . I assume you have no history in medicine, pharm, neuro...

>> No.7911206

your assumption is as wrong as wrong gets

>> No.7911213

Okay then what is your background? I am genuinely curious to know why is it so bad in all cases. If it is the difference between being completely out of it, not focused and figidity, and with being completely able to focus and live a normal life

>> No.7911224

Also in general to simply view things as black or white is a fallacy. Do you really believe you are so intelligent and see beyond everyone else? You could say in your opinion from what you have seen, it is not good, but to say "No it is never good" is extremely arrogant

>> No.7911232

>to simply view things as black or white is a fallacy
>the difference between being completely out of it, not focused and figidity, and with being completely able to focus and live a normal life
wew lad

>> No.7911236

Not a contradiction... for some people adderral can change their lives that drastically. Not all..

>> No.7911243

>says viewing things as black or white is a fallacy
>views presence or absence of adderall as black or white
wew lad

>> No.7911245

You are one dumb kid.. where did I say that at all? All i said is to say it is always bad is extremely arrogant. Im out anyways, I knew most people on here were full blown tards lol

>> No.7911246




>> No.7911250

>LSD can't cause mental illness


>> No.7911252

>I'm wrong and I can't change that so I'm running away
k bye

>> No.7911257

Yes I am wrong and you are right. You are so smart, smarter then everyone else in the world. Smarter then all scientists, doctors, everyone. I bow in your presence. No one noticed that adderal was so completely bad and had zero benefits over the years of it being around. luckily a genius like you has seen past it all

>> No.7911258

Sometimes you just have a bad trip for pretty much no reason. Psy users tend to pretend those don't exist but they do, I've had a couple myself but rare. Had one where I wrecked a bunch of shit in my room running around or something, scared me out of tripping again for a while but I've started up again, it made me realize my favorite part of psys isn't taking so much you can't think straight and think you've reached enlightenment or something but the mild cognitive and perspective shifts and the like you get with lower doses too.

Wouldn't be a bad batch causing that, bad batches don't give bad trips. Drugs are drugs, if you tripped then you took the chemical that makes you trip, aka the one you wanted to take. If there's impurities none of the ones you'll fine are active so it just means there's less of it in what you're taking aka weaker. Rarely you get something active as an impurity, like the mxe impurity mentioned in a dea published article a while back, where they postulated it could be a mild stimulant or something. That's the only example of an impurity in a hallucinogen being active I can even think of.

>> No.7911263

>to simply view things as black or white is a fallacy

>> No.7911286

>I knew the chemist
>His life is in my hands
>And I'm posting on an anonymous image board
>And I abused the drug
dude.. You should wait 10 weeks in between trips.

Yall niggers need to smoke some weed. Maybe you wouldn't be such uptight bitches with no friends.

>> No.7911292


This is none of those things, but brahmi apparently has good memory/cognitive enhancing effects.

>> No.7912179

it's psychoactive are you stupid

>> No.7912184

both are great but LSD is actually just amazing

>> No.7912240

>psychoactive = psychedelic

>> No.7912296

i use both while studying and it only helps me to stay relaxed and not tense up after awhile. I also sprinkle a little kana on top of my bowl. It all comes down to you.

>> No.7912297

the fuck is kana

>> No.7912435

nicotine by a long run. weed might get you real interested in the subject but, from my experience, it doesn't help one bit. in fact, it holds me back.

>> No.7913005

I have done a lot of LSD (200 tabs from deepweb are 3 euro a piece, so it's hard not to) and have had experiences with bad trips at high dosis (400 ug)
Didn't have any lasting effect at all
LSD is an amazing drug and you'll really have to try to get permanent damage from it
It's hard to even feel shitty on LSD.

>> No.7913022

Bad trips are usually bad for the people around the one having it.
From my experience, a bad trip is really weird and might not be the best time of your life (even though I found it very beautiful thing, because I saw my own memory and personality so clear), but it isn't actually bad
Why is was bad for the others, well.... I was stuck for 7 hours so I pissed myself. I was pretty much ego dead so I couldn't do anything about it myself (only found out afterwards, after all the mess was cleaned up)
TL;DR: bad trip was a very beautiful and eye-opening thing

>> No.7913029

I have dextroamfetamine on prescription
Gotta say, it's amazing. Even though it's not as levoamfetamine, I like it better for studying etc
I totally understand the mathematician

>> No.7913032
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>riding a bike an average of 10 miles a day

>> No.7913034

I guess coffee is psychedelic too, since it's psychoactive.

>> No.7913035

Why do you need 10 weeks between trips?
I did it aprox every other weekend

Why is it a bad choice? I think it's amazing

>> No.7913241

It certainly is the opposite of lazy though

>> No.7913250

>like $50 over the last 6 months.
how the fuck did you do it? you need to replace coils, buy juice and the device. the reason I got into this is because it's supposed to be cheaper than smoking.

>> No.7913263

hey anon, thanks for the tips.
I did read some stuff. I realized I want huge puffs but I'm not sure if I want to mod everything myself. I mean, I studied robotics for a while so I know how to deal with electronics, but after hearing those stories of exploding batteries I'm not that confident on my skills anymore, specially with something I put near my face.
what if I buy a vape box with all things on it? kanger has some starter kits that seem pretty decent.

>> No.7913296

not him but I know with MDMA you're supposed to wait about that as well because you can really fuck up your serotonin levels/receptors

>> No.7913305
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>doesn't even realize this is precisely the point I was trying to make

Correlations for psychological harms from taking LSD do not necessarily point to LSD being the cause.

Thousands of students every year go to college and end up getting diagnosed with a mental illness.

Quiz time: does the school cause the stress, is it personal issues, or is it a latent issue that only became apparent when more rigorous time management was required?

Answer: you can't say either one until you provide evidence to eliminate or support the other conclusions. This is how we understand actual causality instead of implied causality.

Ergo, people complaining that "I took LSD and didn't feel right for a while" are ignoring that there are a multitude of causes for that outcome and that not even most of the possible causes are due to the actual substance's interaction with their bodies.

>> No.7913306

Edit due to post deletion constraint:

Rephrase of:
"Ergo, people complaining that "I took LSD and didn't feel right for a while" are ignoring that there are a multitude of causes for that outcome and that not even most of the possible causes are due to the actual substance's interaction with their bodies."


"...that not even most of the possible causes are solely due to the ... interaction with their bodies"

>> No.7913386

They both calm you down a lot.

>> No.7914210

Drugs line MDMA fully empty your serotonin reserve.
Drugs like LSD (psychedelics in general) just mimic a certain hormone or make some parts make extra etc (doesn't really use your own reserves as much)

>> No.7914846

Self control and not falling into the subtle placebo meme.

>> No.7915537

>Correlations for psychological harms from taking LSD do not necessarily point to LSD being the cause.
Yeah, it is often the case that some substance which drastically alters the operation of some biological system cannot be causally linked to the altered operation of that biological system


you're a fucking retard

>> No.7915813

The point he's trying to make is that psychological problems have various factors and in quite a few cases they're genetic and inherent in the individual. They may have happened later in life without the use of LSD as well.


>> No.7915892

Nicotine is still ridiculosly bad for you. Negative effects of nicotine are worse to me than lung cancer.

>> No.7915979

Keep in mind you're arguing with someone who thinks the moon landing was fake.

>> No.7917171

>bad trips don't exist and neither do the lasting psychological effects of bad trips
wew lad

>> No.7917178

This post is about as wrong as wrong gets.

>> No.7917308

They exist for specific reasons, which can include

>impure LSD
>family/genetic history
>having specific character traits or being in a specific setting

what's your problem with psychedelics?

>> No.7917556

The unprotected batteries are actually better because they have a safer chemistry. If it shorts out bad enough it will most often just get hot and vent out instead of explode. With protected batteries they must have chips because the chemistry is much more volatile and has a better chance of exploding if the chip inside of it fails.

Rebuildable atomizers are the way to go as far as cost and quality of the vape. You just need to learn basics of electricity some nichrome or kanth wire, good cotton for a wick. I use go ken do, and an ohm meter.

It costs me almost nothing. I have enough wick and wire for a life time and i mix my own liquid which costs i think like 30 cents per 40ml.

Also the invention of microcoils makes rebuilding insanely easy. You can be making them like a pro in no time.

Just get a sold tube mod or box mod after that and some batteries with a charger and you're all set.

>> No.7917590

Looks like a good place:
Drank heavily on the weekend(not enough to lose count) and haven't felt right since,I don't drink at all btw.How long do the effects of alcohol supposed to last/does it alter brain activity day after exit?

>> No.7917614

>bad trips are caused by impure LSD
kek. no. there is no reaction intermediate impurity that will have any sort of effect in the amounts that can stick to blotter paper

>family/genetic history
kek nope

I don't have a problem with psychedelics - just with people claiming that there is absolutely nothing that could go wrong / no harm could ever come from them

because, you know, that's wrong

>> No.7917655

I smoke cannabis pretty frequently, I can say that it has had no negative effects on me.

No smoke is good to inhale, but weed smoke is not as bad, not even close.
Weed has no added chemicals, while Tobacco products do.

I might quit smoking entirely and just start vaping or some shit.

>> No.7917661

I took two once and had partial ego loss but I've never been able to repeat that due to frequent dosing. I just don't go far at all. I just get high.

>> No.7917728

If you are tripping so frequently that you have diminished effects every time you trip then you should probably prepare yourself for some major cognitive difficulties down the road

>> No.7917744

Yeah, I've been warned and I only did that briefly but for myself even three weeks wasn't enough after a strong experience.

>> No.7917752

I do not envy the state of your 5-HT system

>> No.7917953

>no smoke is good to inhale

That's debatable. It's not always a guarantee that people will be unhealthier or at greater risk for things if they smoke.

>added chemicals

And people can't just find tobacco without any additives?

>> No.7918012

haha wow, what a fag, kill yourself already.

>> No.7918025

Nope, literally impossible.

>> No.7918045

Yeah well it had an enormous imprint on my mind. I've been permanently changed by it. I can't imagine what eating a gram would do to you.

>> No.7918057

Kill you, in all likelihood.

>> No.7918081

So thy can't just grow tobacco their own tobacco or find any brands without additives so it's not harmful?

>> No.7918089

tobacco is harmful with or without additives

>> No.7918107
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Coffee and cigarettes put us on the moon, not weed.

>> No.7918113

>Kill you, in all likelihood.
No, actually it would not. It would likely take over a month and a half to fully recover but there are various accounts of people doing so spread out on the inter webs and in certain circles. It will change you for the better, supposedly.

Owsley at 250mg one time on accident and Jerry played the guitar to him all night.

>> No.7918120

Yes, actually, it would.

If 300mg is enough to kill a >4400 lb elephant, over three times that dose is certainly enough to kill a human that weighs 20 times less.

>> No.7918123

Dude, elephant brain/=/ human brain.

My friend has eaten some 40-100mg before. You're not gonna win this point.

>> No.7918129

>LSD is only active in the brain
>40-100mg is the same as a full gram
it is becoming clearer and clearer that you do not know anything about what you're talking about

>> No.7918132

>40-100mg of LSD
Reeeeeeeeeally doubt that. That's on the order of 500 to 1000 normal doses.

>> No.7918134


>> No.7918396

How is one to know this when additives have been in tobacco for decades now?

>> No.7918411

Thank you for explaining this.
I don't understand why high schoolers feel the need to shitpost on a completely correct interpretation of correlation =/= causation.

>> No.7918433

yes, I decided to get a SUBVOD, which is a tube mod. it looks pretty awesome. huge clouds, airflow change, small, seems to last 5 hours, solid build and has RBA possibility, so I can make my own coils. it just doesn't have voltage control, which I dunno if it's that bad. I plan to get some stainless steel wires because they last longer and are nickel free.
I'm trying to get into juices now.
30 fucking cents for 40ml? jesus fuck. I almost spent 10 bucks on a juice flask. thanks again anon. I'm pretty hyped for this.

>> No.7918646

>There's a reason why psychedelic mushrooms are legal in Amsterdam, silly.

But they're not?

>> No.7919852

honestly the best would be microdosing LSD

>> No.7919952

> Lol, you can act superior all you like. I can smoke at my PC without endangering my roommates and I get to basically taste cock all the time without the actual sugar cum intake.

> When I walk down the street smoking, everyone behind me thinks I'm a raging faggot.

>> No.7920413


>> No.7920449

Weed is a nice deconditioner, best when used in large amounts, but not often and not recreationally.
But, I've never been more productive in my life than when I was quitting cigarettes. I buried myself in books all day every day for months. Looking back i'll probably never study so hard again now that the withdrawl mindset is basically gone.

>> No.7920476

story time

when i was in 10th grade, i smoked lots of marijuana. days i didnt have school, we generally smoked out. during midterm week, i had most of the days off because i was in AP classes and did not share many of the exams with people in my grade.
so my adolescent self was busy doing bong-rips for several hours and eating hash-brownies while listening to some records at a friends house.
suddenly, i receive a call from one of my classmates.
>"where the fuck are you anon? the midterm starts in 10 minutes"
my friend steals his moms car (she was busy being on anti-anxiety medication and watching law and order: svu) and we drive to school. i sit down 20 minutes after the start of the test and realize that my brain is currently mashed potatoes, and that im totally fucked.
i did the entire test in about an hour and a half, then, because i was sure that i had fucked everything up by being on drugs, i went to the start of the exam and did it all again. this is the only time ive ever stayed for the entire allowed time in a test.

the week after, we got our grades. our teacher had made the test himself and had specifically made it to be very difficult because he was pissed that most of the class (mostly seniors) refused to study.
apparently it was no secret that i was high as shit because my teacher had written at the top of the test "congratulations anon, you got the "highest" score out of the whole class" with a stick-figure smoking a joint. i was the only one who aced it.

i know, high-school physics, big fucking whoop. but it is the only time ive ever taken drugs and taken an exam (i would never do it on purpose) and it actually worked out quite well for me.

>> No.7921014

>"highest" score out of the whole class" with a stick-figure smoking a joint
holy shit