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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7905371 No.7905371 [Reply] [Original]

>gravity just sort of happens
>no idea what's beyond the edge of the universe or what the universe is expanding into
>your entire perception of reality is based in very few dimensions and interpreted by electrical impulses, infinitely limiting your perception
>quantum mechanics all but proves that there are alternate dimensions of existence for basically everything measured, but we know absolutely nothing about it. Paired quantum particles is some of the craziest shit in the entire fucking universe
>Math is a theory we use to understand the universe; it works until it doesn't, and it's only one way of looking at the universe. We may not be able to perceive any other way.
>there are probably forces that exist in the universe that cannot be measured in any way, shape or form but will still somehow affect us
>we still have no idea why life became a thing, there's not really any point to is seeing as how it's not found anywhere else (or so we think) and serves no tangible purpose
>we're on a rock that is infinitely, infinitely small compared to the expanse of space. 99.999999999999999999999999999999% of what we've ever observed is just seemingly empty space, which isn't really space anyway, it's some sort of weird fucking fabric that can be distorted and changed
>there is literally no reason why you or I are conscious

I can't sleep. Why do we even need to sleep, anyway?

>> No.7905416

>We pretend that machines we built and designed, can tell us something more "real" then our own eyes.
>we pretend that machines, are not filters like our eyes and ears but are somehow more correct as oppose to being correct only in a different way.

Machines are simply a different way of examining what we already see and feel. We are part of reality, we exist in it.
We decide that we want to manipulate matter, we decide how we want to manipulate matter and we decide when the manipulation is successful.
This all in turn depends on what are our priorities as a society, a capitalist consumption society.
Human happiness and suffering is and always will be relative. As different modes of happiness appear so must inherently appear different modes of sadness.
Life expectancy is the same.

Quantum theory or the scientific method are not more true than theology in some absolute way. They are simply more appropriate for our current goals and culture.
Some time in the future, what we now know as the scientific method will be obsolete and will be looked back upon as we look back upon medieval people solving problems using theological arguments and godly revelations.

>> No.7905421

>Why do we even need to sleep, anyway?
Your shitty high metabolism vertebrate brain needs to be unconsious to reboot its systems and perform maintenance checks on your body.

>> No.7905435

You have to an autistic fedora neckbeard reddit faggot to pretend we know enough to don't need to postulate God anymore.

>> No.7905461

What is god? God is an incomprehensible word since our(western world) metaphysical perception has changed. our wording has changed and certain concepts no longer exist to create a contextual family of words that connects god and human experience.

>> No.7905464

Concepts like miracles and the words of the bible are not accepted as part of what is "true" anymore which means that god in the biblical personal sense is an incomprehensible thing.

>> No.7905471
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What decided the rules for how the Universe works anyway? Why the fuck does math even work, for example? Why does physics work?
Why does gravity work? Why is there a system? I mean, from what we've seen the system isn't exclusive to earth, it's pretty universal, why the fuck does the universe have a general system? What set that system? Why?

>> No.7905477

We don't even know what it is, but we have to keep searching, that's the point.

>> No.7905478

>babby's first existential crisis

>> No.7905483
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It never goes away, you just ignore it and forget about it after a while. It will always come back eventually, though.

>> No.7905489

Until you die of course.

>> No.7905496


>> No.7905545
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Git gud

>> No.7906432
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Gravity, as we understand it currently is a fundamental force. There's of course far more we can do and study about it, and may eventually break it down in other fundamental constituent parts, but saying "gravity just sort of happens" is akin to saying "electrons just sort of happen", it really conveys nothing.

>no idea what's beyond...
As we currently understand it, the universe is not expanding into anything. Expansion purely exists in relation to space-time which is intrinsic to our universe. The universe can't be "in" something, because "in" and location in general is only valid within space-time itself.

>your entire perception...
Plato, caves, shadows.

>quantum mechanics...
There's far more interesting things to study, but entanglement is nicely on the neat scale, I'll give you that.

Everything works until it doesn't, that's the point of a theory, to improve.

>there are probably forces...
If it affects us, it can be modeled in some manner, and that model can eternally improved.

>we still have no idea why life became a thing...
Excluding metaphysical principles guiding ethics, which is most decidedly a philosophical and an entirely different beast than science, nothing serves a "purpose". A chain reaction of events created a situation where energy was distributed least resistantly by organic constructions. There's no "meaning", it simply happened.

>we're on a rock...
Assuming an infinite universe, everything is infinitely smaller than the whole set.

>there is literally no reason why you or I are conscious

>> No.7906439

I took the DIY route when I was 16.
No regrets

>> No.7906466

Great read, anon.

I like knowing that my perception of existence is shared by people who know their shit.

>> No.7906701

Me too, when I was 17