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File: 495 KB, 827x1241, 1456863085329[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7899882 No.7899882[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Biologists out there:

If we used the same standards for classifying different species we use on every other organism on humans, wouldn't different races be considered at least sub-species?

I mean, we categorize animals that look identical and can interbreed into different subspecies based on just their behavior. Corvids are a good example.

>> No.7899892

All human 100% genetically the same you ignorant racist

>> No.7899896

go to bed yakub, you're drunk.

>> No.7899899

>Ataxonomistdecides whether to recognize a subspecies or not.A common way to decide is that organisms belonging to different subspecies of the same species are capable ofinterbreedingand producing fertile offspring, but they do not usually interbreed in nature due togeographic isolation,sexual selection, or other factors.

Wah la. No definition for subspecies, and wouldn't apply to humans anyway except the hyper-racists. They are their own subspecies I guess.

/pol/ is a subspecies

>> No.7899901

>If we used the same standards for classifying different species we use on every other organism on humans, wouldn't different races be considered at least sub-species?

I don't know, OP. Have you ever considered that a Labrador and a Great Dane are both members of canis familiaris?

>> No.7899944

I don't understand OP.
I think you don't know what a species actually is:

I think you mean biological race?

>> No.7899945

We call them different breeds because it was an artificial selection process.

If we found dogs like they are today in the wild we would CERTAINLY classify them as different subspecies.

What is your point?

>> No.7899949
File: 48 KB, 400x490, CNC0w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biologists have already proven that the genetic difference between different human races is very low. The genetic difference between whites and blacks is the lowest even.

Also, great that you posted a picture of ugly black people. That sure proves how inferior and different they are. If you want to seem objective and rational then act like it. Instead of subtly trying to trigger a biased response.

>> No.7899951

Dogs are the same species fucking /pol/ack

>> No.7899952

>A common way to decide is that organisms belonging to different subspecies of the same species are capable ofinterbreedingand producing fertile offspring, but they do not usually interbreed in nature due togeographic isolation,sexual selection, or other factors.

But that has been precisely the case for tens of thousands of years.

Of course, you always have interbreeding in border regions but as a rule of thump most human civilizations have been isolated from each other.

Please elaborate why you thought you had this great "Gotcha!" when in reality you just proved my point you smug piece of shit?

>> No.7899953

>wah la
what the fuck
it's viola

>> No.7899956

They look ugly because their skin isnt dark this picture is supposed to show the actual skeletal differences between blacks and whites you stupid fuck.

>> No.7899959

Aer you fucking retarded? Can't you read or something?

>Also, great that you posted a picture of ugly black people.

Those are literally how the average tansanian would look like if white. Maybe you are the racist? Even the guy on the bottom left who you could consider the most "normal" certainly wouldn't be confused with a european.

>> No.7899961

Weird, I didn't know taxonomy stops when humans interfere. I guess we should probably re-classify pediculus humanus because humans caused their evolution.

>> No.7899967

>Weird, I didn't know taxonomy stops when humans interfere.

Why do you insist on twisting my words? This is what the other anon claimed. My point is that they ARE DIFFERENT SUBSPECIES.

Is this honestly the only way you can discuss? Misrepresenting and being a dishonest piece of garbage?

>> No.7899973

It's a /ck/ meme, sry.

>> No.7899984
File: 20 KB, 620x413, b1f00500-9ce4-11e4-_837794c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Those people would still be ugly with dark skin. Not saying there aren't facial differences in race, and can look strange when it doesn't match the color you're used to, but those are ugly people.

>> No.7899999

Lets say you divide humans into races. Now what?

>> No.7900005

Wtf? How did I prove your point? I proved you can't consider human races as subspecies under normal definitions. Interbreeding has been happening for a long time. We aren't talking about a million years ago.

>> No.7900009

That kid is also ugly.

If he was a regular european you'd see him and wonder what kind of genetic defect he has or whether is parents have been heavy drinkers.

Don't even deny it. Even your most cherry-picked example here looks freakish which was the entire point of the pic in the OP.

It's not about ugly but about the fact that you can just see that they're lacking neanderthal DNA. A albino ehtipian for example won't looks as freakish. They have more admixture. But kongoloese for example? Straight up gorilla faces.

>> No.7900023

>under normal definitions

Yes you can. Just because we started circumventing obstacles with cars, trains and planes doesn't mean that this is the "norm".

And if you look at datin statistics the huga majority of people are still not race mixing even if they live in highly diverse areas. DESPITE massive propaganda in favor of it.

Please, try to come up with some more semantics but we clearly fit the definition for sub-species.

The only way your argument works is if you also were to say that humans are now aquatic animals because we can build boats. In that case congratulations on being retarded.

>> No.7900030

Go away please.


>> No.7900034
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>If he was a regular european you'd see him and wonder what kind of genetic defect he has or whether is parents have been heavy drinkers.

You completely ignored the rest of my post. Yes it looks strange to see his features in combination with his skin color. If he was dark skinned, he would look normal. But in the OP post, those people would be ugly even with dark skin. Here's another example. This guy would look fine as a black person. Ugly or not is up to you.

>> No.7900050

Yes, he would look fine as a black person.

Why would I care? He still looks like a handsome retard and I suspect that this one isn't even pure black.

>> No.7900061

> Just because we started circumventing obstacles with cars, trains and planes doesn't mean that this is the "norm".
Why not?
>And if you look at datin statistics the huga majority of people are still not race mixing even if they live in highly diverse areas. DESPITE massive propaganda in favor of it.
>dating statistics
>propaganda in favor of it
Fucking done.

>> No.7900067

aryan masterrace nigga

>> No.7900069 [DELETED] 
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Except the fact that there's 16 million base pairs worth of difference between me and a nigger

>> No.7900070


>> No.7900071

What are you done with?

Nothing I said isn't true. The vast majority of relationships isn't interracial even in diverse areas and response rates on dating sites show that most people prefer their own race.

And yes, there is propaganda in favor of race mixing. I live in fucking germany and there is literally not a single advertisement that doesn't have black male/white female with mixed kids in it.

But alright, nice of you to be done. You clearly showed me how superior your intellect is, fucking faggot.

I genuinely think you deserve to die.

>> No.7900085

What is that? I have never heard of this.
There are species and there are races.

>> No.7900086
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We can definitely categorize humans into different clines, but we might as well say race. Most people in this thread are brainwashed and don't know an iota about population genetics. We can draw a PCA plot for autosomal DNA and easily identify genetic clusters that can be categorized as different races. The real question is where do we draw the line? Taxonomical divisions are a human construct, it is our job to find out when to make a distinction so as to separate animals into different races that can breed with each other and yet are fundamentally different.

>> No.7900094

Oh man, you guys are really bringing new information on the table.
Of course blacks look fundamentally different in facial structures, you retards.

>> No.7900100


Nice axes, faggot.

>> No.7900105


This is the rebuttal of a clown

>> No.7900381


You have to be fucking kidding me.

Has /sci/ sunk so low?

>> No.7900432 [DELETED] 
File: 579 KB, 831x970, AsiansVSNiggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers are a sub-species anon.

Why do you think every other race has a higher average IQ?
Why do you think they are the only race to be un able to hold down a civilization?
Why do you think 13 Percent of nigg noggs acount for 60 Percent of the crime in America?
These monkeys are not even Human.

Hold down the fort anon
Stay strong
Fight the good fight
One day niggers will be killed off in the name of G-D.

>> No.7900440

Why do you libtards love spouting out "scientific" """"""facts"""""' with absolutely no evidence? At least point a study for your claim, otherwise you're just embarassing yourself. If this was bait, then you did a damn good job at this.

>> No.7900442


lol, so you don't even know what they are. Because you, in fact, don't "know one iota about population genetics" and you probably saved that image from a thread on /pol/.

>> No.7900448
File: 631 KB, 726x1000, 100706-Neanderthal-vmed-715a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neanderthal and Desnovian Admixes.


pure homos

>> No.7900467
File: 114 KB, 355x413, 1323720832087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>/pol/ pre-neanderthal admixture reveal


>/pol/ post neanderthal admixture reveal


The "race" debate will never not be just a marathon of goal post moving.

>> No.7900474

They are albino black people, not "ugly black people", fucking idiot

>> No.7900534

The majority of differences in different ethnicities' DNA is non coding.

>> No.7900542
File: 39 KB, 304x427, Fish_in_a_Barrel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7900576

>/sci/ in charge of understanding irony

>> No.7900581

Jesus Christ you sound like a child.

Yes pure races are better.
But to be honest most other races
Besides niggers and 4 foot beaners
Are pretty much the same to whites
It would not matter much
It is mostly for aesthetics faggot.
If it looks as perfect as it does now why the fuck would you inflict bestiality on it?

I myself am about 90Percent German and 10Percent Japanese
I was made for the fourth Reich my friends.

It is why G-d gave me life.

>> No.7900586

Don't you ever get tired of asking the same questions and getting the same answers? Listen to this text I'm typing, regardless of what is or isn't true, scientifically speaking, /sci/ is having none of this. It's been proven as well as anything can be proven. So stop asking, because you already know what the response will be.

You're just cluttering up my favorite board you fucking faggot

>> No.7900590

>my favorite board

Go home lad, you're drunk.

>> No.7900593

I'm geo, I'm supposed to be drunk

>> No.7900642 [DELETED] 
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kike detected

>> No.7900648 [DELETED] 

Thats species mixing not race mixing you idiot.

>> No.7900652


>> No.7901859

This is a very subtle troll. You don't see many of these around anymore.

>> No.7901863
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Your call, quints God

>> No.7901881

Now we acknowledge the superiority of the white race and start harnessing niggers as a source of green energy.

No but seriously it would do away with the myth that everyone is equal and fully deserving of what others have.

But my concern would mostly lie not in its racial conclusions, but more in implementing a policy of sorts where people below a certain cognitive measurement or education would simply not be allowed to have a say in how the civilization is run.

>> No.7901903
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But it is true tho.
The problem here is that you dont understand the magnitude of the genetical information. Skin colour is just one "trait" on fucking millions, the information to create and regulate the creation of every fucking protein present in an organism is there.

We share more than %90 of genetic information with fucking primates.
The genetic diference between humans is minuscule, but as it is a phenotipycally very noticeable difference you retards blow it out of proportion

>> No.7901904

>90% German
>10% Japanese

How does it feel to be an abomination?
You should just commit sudoku

>> No.7901942

Holy fuck what's with the sardine people

>> No.7901950

I'd imagine the genetic difference between last Homo Sapiens and first Homo Sapiens Sapiens be minuscule as well.

Point being that even the slightest genetical difference will have profound effect on how well a human will function in an increasingly complex society and understand its increasingly complex concepts. Any comparison of genes of any species should make you conclude that genes are very similar between even the most different life forms, meaning every bit of difference matters. I mean a fucking moving breathing primate has 50% of the exact same genes as a god damned banana.

Just 20 point difference in IQ equals a massive difference in ones ability to understand concepts. And we already know intelligence is largely heritable.

Literally how does the idea what a harsher climate rewarding intelligence leads to the evolution of intelligence and cognitive abilities of its species to ensure their survival not make sense?

>but as it is a phenotipycally very noticeable
Did you honestly, literally, unironically really made an implication that all racist sentiments stem only from the "phenotypical noticeability" ie looks of different races, rather than the most obvious of differences in behavior, cognitive abilities and cultural achievements?

How do you then explain the lack of feud between caucasian and asian societies? Sure there's been historical shittalking and wars between nations of European and Asian descent, but on an individual level these two races have had no trouble integrating into the societies of each other, so what gives? Asians had no trouble adapting to the European technology and scientific achievements, so why does Africa not fare so good in comparison? Why has it never fared so good in comparison in any context?

>> No.7901955

>Just 20 point difference in IQ equals a massive difference
Yeah, I cant believe how dumb the average white (100) is compared to the average jew (120)

>> No.7901958

/pol/ has never opposed euro/asian racemixing lol

If anything those weebs would endorse it.

I would too...

lol are you trying to bait me? Do you think I'm some myopic NEET /pol/faggot who gets mad when le joos are mentioned?

>> No.7901976


>comparing whites and jews

Are you literally that fucking retarded?

>> No.7901981

please racemix with an aborgine so the world can get rid of one more retard

>> No.7902010

One anon stated that genetic differences between races were low.
Other anon meme´d
I agreed with the first one.

I made no implications further than that.

>> No.7902036

So basically you agree with >>7901950

>> No.7902092

>I'd imagine the genetic difference between last Homo Sapiens and first Homo Sapiens Sapiens be minuscule as well.
>Point being that even the slightest genetical difference will have profound effect on how well a human will function in an increasingly complex society and understand its increasingly complex concepts.

Take a baby from 10,000 BC and put it in modern society, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference (assuming a normal pregnancy).

>> No.7902295

Well 10,000 BC is still Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

Even then if you did it enough amount of times, the anachronistic babies would still statistically underperform, if even just slightly. Everything is constantly changing.

This is kinda missing my point though.

>> No.7903277

Even that isn't scientifically true. Genetics from other species cross in nature all the time including into the human genome. You get shit like snake genes in cows and who fucking knows what in the human race.

>The term race in biology is used with caution because it can be ambiguous. Generally, when it is used it is effectively a synonym of subspecies.[63]

>> No.7903304

That kids pretty cute fag

>> No.7903320

Am I letting propaganda anal rape me for dating interracially?

>> No.7903324

>Only requirement is ability to interbreed
Humans are one species faggot, there can be a fairly large amount of genetic divergence within a species so long as they can physically breed and produce procreating young

>> No.7903898


Two individuals capable of breeding to give fertile offspring belong to the same species.

There are a few exceptions but not enough to invalidate this rule.

Don't try to change the science to validate your retarded opinion.

>> No.7903948

>Don't try to change the science to validate your retarded opinion.
So far it seems it's only you who brought your opinions into this.

His question is valid and going by the strict definition human races fit well into subspecies.

Just because you get emotional about the issue doesn't mean you need to start ignoring the facts.

>> No.7903951

The genetic distance between a black and a white person is higher than a chimp and a bonobo making them another species even if they can interbreed with us. Animal classification is based on genetic distance.

>> No.7903961
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that's not an opinion my friend, that's facts.

>> No.7903963

I brought facts pertaining to the question OP asked into the discussion which you chose to ignore because they went against your convictions in an issue that you seem to be emotionally invested in.

That is not how science works.

>> No.7903966

>His question is valid

Yes, it's valid.

He is not the first human being with this question. We answered this question a trillion times.

>> No.7903967

Answer being human races belong in one species, however not in the same subspecies, as per the requirements of the definition of "subspecies", I presume?

>> No.7903968

The africans have existed long before any other lineage of mankind meaning its possible for them to have develop genetic uniqueness to be classified as another species entirely as our common ancestor with them goes back 100,000 years ago since that is the time we started leaving Africa. If you know biology you would know that isolating one species in different areas for a long time will cause them both to mutate into two new seperate species and humans are not exempt from this either so we are not all the same because that is against natural selection.

>> No.7903975
File: 92 KB, 300x200, WhatIsBQ3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And what about the fair-haired peoples ? Is it a subspecies ?

And tall people ? And fat ? And small ? and green-eyed peoples ?

>> No.7903980

Race isnt skin color you fucking moron it goes all the way down to your bone structure

>> No.7903981

How about you actually read what's being said and perhaps read about the words being used so you'll stop embarrassing yourself anymore?

>> No.7903986
File: 1.67 MB, 1198x798, sdfsdfsfd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh race is just skin color

Pic related is all the average human of the supposed dark skinned complexion and notice how they all look different facially you fucking retards.

>> No.7904004
File: 180 KB, 499x512, Im-not-racist-but.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7904009

Relevant how?

Is this reddit?

>> No.7904012

>accept your racism
>dont think racist thoughts

pick one you fucking mong

>> No.7904015


See how creationists usually say "a kind" to explain an animal's group?

That's exactly what you're doing,race is a social term,not a biological term,explain what a race is,definitively,without holes,then we can have this conversation.

>> No.7904021
File: 186 KB, 675x448, sar-0164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In fact, we only use the terme " race " in biology* with domestical animals (cats, dogs, sheeps, cows, etc.).

*It's not even accepted in Biology but in agricultor. It's really a fucking social construction in a very particular fucking field not even scientific.

>> No.7904022

what the fuck
it's voilà

>> No.7904026

A nice way to say human subspecies and literally everything including names is a social construct.

>> No.7904041



Now stop being racists OMG!

>> No.7904063

words are a social construct, please stop trying to shove it down our throats

>> No.7904088

Anon I was only mocking what >>7904015 >>7904021 was insinuating.

Human races are different subspecies but the same species. End of story.

>> No.7904100

Um no eurasians(including the american natives) are the same species while abos and africans are not.

Africans and Abos have too many physiological differences to be the same species.

>> No.7904106

That is debatable but them being at least separate subspecies is not. This is where I draw the line since anything beyond that is arguable.

>> No.7904111

No they are another species, a subspecies only has minor differences like asians and caucasoids having the exact same kind of cranium but the asian one is completely flat and has a more oblong shape while the caucasoid one is more spherical . The african skull is more ape like than human and Abos literally have gorilla looking skulls they are not the same species as us at all who cares if they look like us OF COURSE THEY LOOK LIKE US THEY ARE IN THE SAME GENUS AS US.

>> No.7904116

More so the blacks and bos have smaller frontal lobes than eurasians which explains their low IQ scorces and animalistic behavior on average since that is the part of your brain that keeps your simian instincts in check.

>> No.7904121

You're either someone very stupid or false flag strawmanning. Either way fuck off.

>> No.7904128

You are delusional as you think blacks and aboriginals are the same species as us despite all the document physiological differences. For fuck sake the blacks even have bones in their noses that we white people dont, and of course THEIR HAIR FOLLICLES ARE MUCH DIFFERENT FROM OURS.

>> No.7904144

The thing is the mostly used criteria for species is that they cannot reproduce with someone outside of their species.

But even now that is not always the case and in the future it may be a subject to change entirely.

Basically it's a grey area and nobody who matters will ever venture into it out of fear of being destroyed socially.

Case in point: James Watson.

>> No.7904149

>muh reproduction
Anon if havent been paying attention you would realise that even the extinct hominids could have bred with us modern people and make fertile hybrid offspring. The hominid genus has a weird gene mutation that allows its members to exploit hybrid vigor we are an example of that because are a clusterfuck of mainly


and some:

The Blacks and Abos are both seperate species if they were the same their intelligence levels would be similar to ours. Even then the blacks are not pure human as they even have neanderthal and erectus DNA. Infact we should completely change the name of this species from human because HUMANS ARE EXTINCT.

>> No.7904152
File: 121 KB, 600x466, 5HYeiQv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are so uneducated, it hurts.

>> No.7904154

Well.. Then we have to figure out who is the original species and what did they look like? Most people think that we came from afraica which would mean that we are all black and that whites, yellow and brown are sub species.

>> No.7904170

Walking apes came from Africa but many of them migrated out of Africa and into Eurasia meaning any of these Australophithecan species could have mutated into a seperate branch of hominids.

As far as we know our branch of hominids that lived in Africa came from Australophithecus Africanus but even then we have no idea if Homo Habilis even evolved from Africanus in the first place isnt just a hominid that evolved from a walking ape outside of Africa that migrated into Africa randomly.. Not to mention Homo Naledi and Denisova may not even be that related to us as they could have came from a completely different walking ape from us.

Some time after habilis Erectus existed and Erectus existed in Africa and Asia. Homo Heidelbergensis is said to our direct ancestor and Neanderthals ancestor as well but we have no idea whether Erectus species outside of Africa mutated into a new species creating a seperate lineage of humanity.

They way I see it the blacks are the direct descendents of central african erectus specimen while we came from the homo heidelbergensis species in east africa. That explains the primitive features of blacks big time but it does not explain why their DNA identifies as mostly human.

But the real question is did we migrate out of Africa? Or were we never even in Africa to begin with? There is an alternate theory that we Eurasians descended by an unknown hominid that lived in India then migrated into Northern Africa thats why YOU DONT SEE ANY OF US IN SUB SAHARAN AFRICA. Where as the blacks are different branch along with the abos.

>> No.7904189

It is true that it is mostly for aesthetics, but people seem to misunderstand, or rather, under appreciate, the connotations of that word. Everyone blathers about facial aesthetics, and other physical attributes, but the aesthetics we should be talking about are the ones that created the Renaissance, Ancient Egypt, the Parthenon, and, for a brief, fleeting moment, the American South. The capability for creating Great Civilizations exists but if it is diluted, it is forever lost and never retrieved.

>> No.7904195

lol what year is it in your head?

>> No.7904219


gonna call bullshit on this one. going to need a real scientific citation here m8.

I can see in so far as all races potentially being a sub species, however an entirely new species? get the fuck out.

>> No.7904239

>It's another race thread made by pol
>It has the same questions and bait
can we make a pasta or some pastebin with references and shit?

>> No.7904247

Blacks and Abos are not a race they are another species entirely. Your blind human tribalism makes it hard for you to even fathom that something that looks like you isnt the same as you. By blacks I mean africans as the american blacks are hybrids.

>> No.7904263

>aborginals, hindu and niggers in same picture
anon I-

>> No.7904267

How's highschool treating you?

>> No.7904274

>isolation = new species guaranteed no exceptions
We can still breed.

> Even then the blacks are not pure human as they even have neanderthal and erectus DNA.
Neanderthals evolved in Europe and Asia you fucking moron.
As to the rest of your post, Neanderthals are not even solidly classified. They are in a grey area, and can also be considered a subspecies of homo sapien.

>> No.7904284

Nigger, we can still breed, and want to. This makes us the same species. This is not hard so long as you are not a neo-nazi masqurading as an intellectual.

>> No.7904296
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> If we used the same standards for classifying different species we use on every other organism on humans, wouldn't different races be considered at least sub-species?

No, there is no defined race that is so geographically separate (a key component to sub-species) from others that could justify to be deemed a sub-species.

There is however a very specific group that do qualify for the possible categorization of sub-species due high amounts of isolation, the Andamanese island tribes particularly the Sentinelese people.


Also to all the retards in this thread, collectively decide to off yourselves. Having slightly statistical variance of genes between different regional populations or races does not automatically qualifies one as sub-species.

Until you can show evidence of a currently existing/modern "race" that meets or exceeds 2000 years of isolation with little to no admixture from ANY other human population (local or distant) with an upper estimated limit of 60,000 years. Do yourself a favor and shut the fuck up.

>> No.7904302

Even with these classifications you give, it still does not satisfy the textbook definition of differing species, due to our current ability and drive to interbreed.

>> No.7904306

fuck yeh!! I support this fully

my prev post 4 id


>> No.7904322

Human subspecies exists but its not race,race as a definition is pretty flexibl;e which is not helpful in science.

It's like saying american-europeans are sub species of europeans which is wrong because they are still europeans,only divided geographically and distinct only through culture.

physiology of both demographics are still similar enough that they can reproduce therefore american-europeans = europeans

point is,something is a social construct until it is explained thoroughly from a scienctific perspective.

prove me wrong,get off your fucking high horse

>> No.7904324

actually you are right, but it is too great a social danger that people might justify a diffrent worth from it, wich is not existend.
We all are the same

>> No.7904330

were in the same species as those guys,wtf man

>> No.7904334


still waiting for a citation m8

>> No.7904344

Biologist here,

Different races have slight differences in metabolism, physical stature, genetic variations.

For example Asians literally can't fully metabolise a particular aspect to alcohol which is what causes most of them to go red.

But of course research into classifying all these differences would never be funded because it is "racist"

>> No.7904347
File: 122 KB, 438x503, 1447137329130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First Generation

>11th generation
finally out of slavery; start to build prosperous towns and sheeiitt

>13th generation
lands confiscated(Seneca Village,etc.), populations under fear of lynching for just passing by white people, can't create proper means of commerce because white people literally are doing everything to kill/starve you out

>xxth generation
whites rule the vast majority of the land and industries. Blacks were cheated out of reparations even though everyone else got them. Europeans a couple of generations back carved up the midwest and so the land that should have been inherited by the children of the slaves is now under white control. Blacks can't even go to college for free. Constantly demeaned and talked down to by everyone even if it's some Mexican spic who hopped the boarder yesterday.

>turn the other cheek they say

>> No.7904352

The blacks have existed far longer than us white people and have the level of technology that we white people had in 10,000 B.C. The black race's excuse for being a poor excuse for an intelligent hominid is laughable they are just complete idiots that are meant to be simple warring violent tribes and not civilized people.

So what if we enslaved them? Maybe if they werent already fucking stupid and had medieval technology they wouldnt have been enslaved by us EVER THOUGHT OF THAT?

>> No.7904354

Where's that publicly available paper

>> No.7904355

Neanderthals lived in Europe, the middle east and northern Africa so some interbred with a lifeform that would one day mutated into homo sapiens before interbreeding with actual homo sapiens again.

>> No.7904359

>Having slightly statistical variance of genes

Retard that is a british man compared to an italian man not a white man compared to a black man thats anything but slight as the blacks have alleles that no known group on this planet possess and they still have genes that fucking chimps possess that we dont have.

>> No.7904362


>> No.7904373
File: 53 KB, 500x454, yea....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what if we enslaved them?
I didn't expect you to care anyways. Might makes right, right? Just showing how skewed and faulty that image was.

>> No.7904380
File: 62 KB, 606x496, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is wrong with many of the people ITT?
>still have genes that chimps possess
That says nothing more than that they have a common ancestor, and the fact we don't have them simply means that somewhere along our line eother through interbreeding with other sapien groups or random favorable mutations we replaced that gene with a more dominant one. The fact that we can interbreed places us as the same species. period.
Now, with that established, there can be genetic variance within species, such as the alleles and genes you speak of, which is what allows for the evolution of a species. Do not try and twist the ancient racist arguments into blacks being a different species, just stick to the tried and tested guns of whites being of superior genetic stock within our species. Now kindly stfu

>> No.7904383

The blacks were shit slaves anyway since they were so unruly and impulsive to the point we had to make their backsides bloody just to get them to listen and do their jobs. Think of the blacks as not people but biological manual laboring robots and slavery is logical.

>> No.7904387

>why is this taboo
>but blacks are inferior
>why is this opinion being taboo now in science
>but we're not racist haters or white supremacist

>> No.7904388

It means they are primitive very primitive as not even neanderthals that predate humans have chimp genes in them. The blacks are nothing like us at all most of them are uncaring sadistic sociopaths that cant even comprehend the concept of morality, fairness, justice, future, and empathy. How on earth could a apes so psychologically distant from us be the same species as us?

>> No.7904389

>yfw you realize there is no peaceful result to any of this
>race war inevitable.

>> No.7904391

They are inferior because they still live like stone age savages instead of actual people even the native americans that existed millenia after the blacks are more advanced than them big time the blacks are the most failed lineage of humanity on this planet they were on the verge of extinction anyway and would be if we whites didnt help these savages.

>> No.7904393

>Think of the blacks as not people but biological manual laboring robots and slavery is logical.
Why is /sci/ so edgy?

>> No.7904398

>most of them are uncaring sadistic sociopaths that cant even comprehend the concept of morality, fairness, justice, future, and empathy.

And whites weren't all of this when they invaded other people lands and fucked everything up?? The double standard is atrocious.

>> No.7904400

why do you give a fuck faggot?

do you also complain average animals also don't produce high technology?

do you also complain people not into STEM like artists or sportmen don't produce technology?

>inb4 blacks don't produce top tier art

>> No.7904402

Slavery was necessary because we had no industrial technology if he white had enslaved more people we could gotten things done faster in the medieval ages too bad we were moralfags unlike the middle eastern people.

The Indians had the right idea of making their most animalistic ethnicities a slave race. We should have done to same to blacks or just kill them.

>> No.7904404

that would disregards entire concepts such as human rights.

>bahh niggers stole my gf
>we should kill them

lmao, polcucks are always so funny.

They have literally this inferiority complex, almost if some black stole and fuck their wives.


>> No.7904406

White people are the reason you BLACK ASS KNOWS WHAT EMPATHY EVEN IS. We whites were the only race that ever freed you wild apes every other race on planet earth kept your asses enslaved had it not been for us you would still be the bitchs of the Ottoman's right now.

We never fucked anything up we made advanced nations of the wildernessese we invaded its only a problem because the local populations are just too stupid and violent to exist in our societies.

>> No.7904407

>using psychology as grounds for biological links
>using primitive as a discriptor in evolutionary biology
Holy shit please just go back to /pol/. Blacks are not "primitive" due to their sharing of more genes with a common ancestory that some westerners, any more than "we" are primitive for having white skin. Genes are subject to change in order to ensure a population is better suited to survival in a certain environment, the fact that all humans can interbreed means that all of these varying populations are a single species.

>> No.7904411

Exactly you blacks are despicable you dont even understand the very significance of not living like stupid monkeys for all of your existence I cant fucking believe you things are allowed to walk around us humans and ruin our society.
>muh dik
Why dont you make your crime ridden hellholes better negro instead of being a wild animal caring your genitalia

>> No.7904413

>greeks, turks, berbers, indians, persians, arabs, chinese are not white people acording to pol
>therefore western culture is made of non whites archievements

>pol can't into basic high school history

>> No.7904414

Holy shit I am white and white and proud of it, but this denial is terrible anon. We enslaved them too, we just happened to develope faster than other societies and so happened to be first to free them. You are legitimately retarded if you honestly believe everyone in the world should owe whites a favour, certainly as bad as all of the idiots crying for reparations

>> No.7904417

I'm not black retard.

I'm a dirty manlet mestizo.

>but your IQ sucks
lmao, kid.

I have the same IQ average math student has.

you sound extremelly butthurt.


>> No.7904420

Again you cant seem to fathom that the hominid genus can interbreed as a genetic ability so interbreeding means nothing.

The blacks have ape like skulls even simian traits that are absent in eurasians. You dont seem to get it every human on earth has a low degree of prognathism compared to blacks excluding the abos even the humans that predate the blacks the San people have completely flat faces, prognathism is a very primitive ape feature and the fact blacks have it and we dont means they are not the same species are us.

>> No.7904422

Anon you seem to forget the niggers were on earth 30,000 FUCKING YEARS BEFORE WHITE PEOPLE. I dont believe people owe whites a favor and Im just explaining to blacks that they need to shut up and be grateful.

>> No.7904424
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who gives a fuck?

>mom I'm being racist over the internet
lmao loser.

>> No.7904427

Fucking nigger you cant even reason with these things yet people think you are the same species as us all you can do is make insults like a child.

>> No.7904433
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>implying I'm black
you seem clealy emotionally invested in this topic, clearly you have some bad memories over blacks and you need to feel superior to them.

Like I said.

Why do you give a fuck?

>but racemixing is bad
>muh white genocide
lmao polcuck.

>> No.7904434

>hominids can interbreed
>lets change the set rules and definitions of the rest of biology to fit my racist agenda
Nigger, it is pretty clear cut, if we can breed, we are the same species, hence why in studying Humans there is a current stream of thought that we are all in fact the same species, including Neaderthals, and those that have died have become a subspecies due to our inability to breed with them. You don't get to change the rules of science anon.

>> No.7904439

We are the same people you absolute idiot, and it just so happenss that due to the western europeans happy accident of settlement placement, we developed faster than most of the rest. Fuck

>> No.7904449

Anon I dont want to feel superior to blacks Im disgusted by them its like asking if I want feel superior to a feral wild beast its nonsense that you anti racist use to disregard anything we say. No one cares about being superior to blacks I am saying they really are inferior in evolutionary terms because they are more ape than human compared to everyone else.
>racemixing is bad
Yes it is bad you letting in nigger DNA into white DNA which is genetic destruction all those millenia taken to make white DNA nad you fucking destroy it just like that. The black DNA has remain unchanged far longer than white people have even existed meaning their most dangerous traits are always dominant hence all theses sociopathic 80% nigger 20% white black americans you see everyday.

>> No.7904454

How stupid are you?

You were here 30,000 years before us and had the entire FUCKING CONTINENT OF AFRICA to yourself and DID JACK FUCKING SHIT. Civilized human history only starts at around 5000 B.C meaning you have spent a far longer time doing nothing than us eurasians. You blacks are just fucking stupid thats the only explanation because we whites existed that far back we would have already been in another solar system by now even asians or middle eastern people thats how ridiculous this is. You have everything needed physically to make human civilizations yet for some reason the majority of you are uncaring sociopaths that lvie in the moment.

>> No.7904467
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>all these delusions from poltards

>> No.7904472

Jesus christ anon, I am the white guy. Does an absence of building materials in central Africa really never occur to you in these thoughts? have you really never come across the idea that it is fucking difficult to build with no wood?
Look at the Egyptians, that is literally the most advanced Africa could get without help due to it's lack of progressive building materials and techniques available, along with relatively few domesticable animals. Learn about these places you are bashing, next you will be complaining that Siberia is not a thriving metropolitan area, or maybe the Sahara desert, or the Atlantic Ocean? sometimes societies simply can't be supported by their environment.
>case in point
The greenland Norse and the local Indians. Notice how greenland could not sustain pre-modern western societies, but could keep a hunter-gatherer society very happy? learn before you post here m8

>> No.7904475
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>white people are magically superior
>I like to magically take credit for shit I didn't make nor have any intervention off

>> No.7904478

Also, I take by your failure to rebuke this point that you are simply going to ignore it?

>> No.7904480

Im either arguing with a cuck or a nigger.

>> No.7904486
File: 106 KB, 500x667, 1454901667000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already told you I'm a spic, fucking retard.

poltears are so delicious.

>> No.7904488

He is quite clearly trolling you, so why not focus on the serious responces if you happen to have any intelligence left?

>> No.7904501

>Does an absence of building materials in central Africa really never occur to you in these thoughts?

The blacks also existed in western Africa and northern Africa not the central originally they migrated into the central part.
>Look at the Egyptians, that is literally the most advanced Africa could get without help due to it's lack of progressive building materials and techniques available, along with relatively few domesticable animals.
They lived in a fucking barren wasteland.

>Muh desert too hard
Native Americans in Arizona made a civilization in the desert without any domesticated animals
>Muh rainforest too hard
What is the native american civilizations of Aztec, Inca. Of course who could we forget the earliest south asian civilizations

>Muh domestication
Explain why natives advanced and niggers didnt then or explain why the slavs in russia managed to make civilizations before they domesticated things as well.

>Muh agriculture
There is all sorts of evidence of ancient black tribes growing crops so stupidity is the only reason blacks never did it as a whole.

>Muh hard to move shit around without horses and shieet
Native Americans did it why cant you?

All you are is full of excuses you fucking nigger.

>> No.7904507

So you are saying Neanderthals and Denisova are the same species as us despite having genetic differences? Bullshit it just means species need to be redefined as even fucking polar bears and grizzlys can interbreed.

>> No.7904508
File: 223 KB, 800x745, 800px-African-civilizations-map-pre-colonial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blacks didn't build civilizations
>what are Mali, Ghana and other african kindongs
>but they magically don't count

open a fucking book, damn retard.

It's not my fault you claim because you're ignorant on the topic it didn't exist.

fucking retards man.

>> No.7904515

Aw would you look at all those civilizations that didnt exist until 700 A.D how adorable.

Mali and Songhai were caused by arabs. Also if blacks can make civilizations why are they destroying every single one in Africa? Those are civilizations those are just tribes arguing on a territory but not really doing shit.

>> No.7904516

>Native Americans advance
>African tribes did not
What are you saying nigger? the ones in the same climates did almost identically? this supports my argument that you simply haven't even bothered to look at native African settlements before posting this shit...
>muh rainforrest
Notice how I left that out? The Aztecs/Mayans succeeded for reasons as yet unknown to us, and also lived in a climate very uncommon in Africa (tiny patches of dense rainforest in Northwest)
>slavs in Russia formed a coherent society before domestication
Now I know you are trolling, that is one of the requirements for society nimrod

>> No.7904517
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>> No.7904524

What primitive architecture even the earliest eurasian settlement in turkey is more advanced than this shit.

>> No.7904526

Not to mention that the hunter/gatherer tribes was the human norm. Leading theories suggest agriculture and ultimately civilization was the result of hardship in hunting. Humans that headed to Europe to hunt found it much harder than other Africans. If the hunting is good, there's no reason to change. Africans stayed that way because hunting was awesome and easy.

>> No.7904530

No there were african tribes that did farm and there are tribes in New Guinea that farm as well. Not to mention all the native american tribes that practiced growing crops but only at the tribal level they never traded with eachother and lacked the animal power to make mass crop fields.

>> No.7904531
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you seem clearly not interested into having a rational discourse over african history.

You already have a clear bias toward the topic and only care about your own answer.

So, go back to your containment board.

Blacks have archieve by themselves a technological level of the same level as most ancient cultures.

>less ignore the fact it's pretty much a dessert with 50° at noon
>but let's use metals and shit because that'll make us more developed
Fucking retard making retarded comparisons.

Yeah, make a wood or metal house and get boiled alive in the sahara.

>> No.7904535
File: 28 KB, 260x320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit man, it is all relative. Species means that we can interbreed, yes, and so yes, Neaderthals would be the same species as us, and are classed as that in some texts, however, seeing as they are all now impossible to breed with, I would say it is not a stretch to class THEM as a subspecies. Grizzly and Polar bears are totally different, and so notice how they often do NOT breed, which is what makes them seperate species, again, look it up before you post.

>> No.7904538

No the turkish architecture is rock based you fucktard. Speaking of metals there is more iron in Africa than Europe anyway.
Thats really pathetic as we whites have civilization at 3300 B.C, the asians 4000 B.C and the middle east were first around 5000 B.C where as you blacks have existed longer than us yet took such a long long long long ass time to make civilizations its just pure proof you people are fucking stupid compared to us eurasians.
Blacks have archieve by themselves a technological level of the same level as most ancient cultures.
Comparable to the most primitive native americans you mean as even the ancient middle eastern states were more advanced than 1600 A.D Sub Saharan Africa.

>> No.7904539

Ok? They still remained hunter/gathered a lot longer and kept hunting as a main part of society. Thanks for admitting that they had the same means as other humans to farm.

>> No.7904543

Hominds dont breed outside their species unless they meet another species and get horny so the polar bear grizzly argument is stupid.

>> No.7904546
File: 187 KB, 500x448, 1448784213700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why you don't open a fucking book on african history instead of wallowing in your own retardation retard.

All pol memes about africa history stems from ignorance.

>but they didn't invent their own writing system

open a book, maybe you'll learn something.

>> No.7904547

Nice islamic technology you got there nigger, if arabs never came to north africa there would be no fucking Songhai or Mali empire.

>> No.7904552

You're admitting Africans had the same capabilities. As for timing, see
10,000 years is not long in pre-civilization time.

>> No.7904555
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just like renaissance is heavily dependant on arabic and islamic text.

why is pol so fucking retarded.

>> No.7904557

Without arabs that would not exist.

>> No.7904561

Not related to the thread, but what's with their strabismus? And are the dark spots and the weird lips just skin cancer?

>> No.7904562
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neither the renaissance, so what's your point?

>> No.7904563

/pol/ pls go and stay go

White "hard" racists who need evidence for their racism tend to be the shittiest white people I know. Their entire existence is about being white and are almost always poor.

take their whiteness away and they'd just be a pathetic loser who can't claim the success of others who look like they do

>> No.7904564

You mean middle eastern knowledge not islamic knowledge, we whites were already ahead of the islamic nutjobs by 700 A.D while they were still stuck in the bronze age. You have never developed a civilization from scratch that is what is pathetic nigger.

>> No.7904569

You do know the writing system you're using right now comes from semitic people as well ?

>> No.7904570

>islamic nutjobs caused the renaissance
Nice meme
I dont give a shit about being white I just hate niggers.

>> No.7904572

If Romans never came to France it would have stayed tribal what is your point? And FYI Mali wasn't ruled by Arabs they just shared religion.

>> No.7904574

is this thread really happening?

fuck i'll stick to /diy/ from now on.

>> No.7904575


>> No.7904576
File: 614 KB, 2048x1397, yoruba religion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I'm sure all african culture is 100% islamic.

>pol moving the goalposts

>> No.7904579

dude why are you doing this to yourself.

>> No.7904585

Romans are white, north africa has always been ruled by the islamic people thats why even today they control Mauritiania, Northern Sudan and Western Sahara. The only reason the niggers in these countries arent dead is because of stupid white people preventing them from killing them off.
No north african empires were caused by Islam meaning they dont count also it shows how stupid your race is if a human lineage that exist many millenia after you had to teach your ape asses to be civilized oh wait thats also us white people too.

>> No.7904588

The exact same "arabs" from who many African writing systems come from

>> No.7904591

No those were islamic arabs.

>> No.7904592
File: 130 KB, 640x1156, 640px-Nsibidi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blacks didn't developed a writing system by themselves

>> No.7904597

Aw look one form of written language how charming now show me 20 more of written scripts Ill believe the blacks are actually intelligent wait WHAT only one group did this oh my bad.

>> No.7904603

I don't know what to tell you, just look it up

They probably did, I'm just refuting his point

>> No.7904605
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>blacks never invented anything
>show evidence blacks did invent stuff like other civilizations
>but that doesn't count, they're genetically inferior
>still moving the goalpost

seems you're not honest interested in the topic.

so, I'll go back to post cute blacks.

>> No.7904607

Show me evidence they arent morons on average oh wait you cant because the current state of their countries and american cities proves they really are morons on average.

>> No.7904613

>Literally every west african nigger script was made in the 1900s and whitey had to show the apes what written language even was
You are only proving the blacks are stupid fucks.

>> No.7904614

Not him, but most people would agree on the fact you're dumber than the average black person.

>> No.7904615

Same lol. Only reason why I come here is because they don't like theory there.
>Romans are white
Actually untrue, Many senators and emperors came from North Africa and Asia. For most of it's history the European part of the Roman Empire was actually the shittest part. This is why when it split into East and West the West fell first. Many don't know but the African provinces were the richest, Aegyptus in particular
>Inb4 North Africans aren't black
Yes but my point is they weren't white. Both whites and blacks got their technology from Mediterranean brown people so why are only the blacks laughed at for it?

>> No.7904617

>half of these shitholes named "empire"
all my lels

All these "empires" were was one tribe of blacks with big sticks raping another one with lesser sticks into subjugation. None of those empires built cities, established trade routes, had any warfare strategies, any philosophies. Nothing. Jack fucking shit.

Except for those few like Mali which happened to have tons of fucking gold underneath them, letting them get wealthy ONLY because that shiny rock was valuable to actual civilizations neighboring them.

Meanwhile there were ancient cities with thousands of inhabitants starting right after 10,000 BC. TWELVE FUCKING THOUSAND YEARS AGO. And you're citing "empires" with huts of literal shit less than a millennium ago.

>Yeah, make a wood or metal house and get boiled alive in the sahara.
Nobody lived in literal Sahara except for the nomad tribes like Tuareg.

But Arabs and Persians managed building huge cities which immediately became central to worlds biggest empires for thousands of years.

Daily reminder Egyptians built the oldest and one of the most memorable empires of all times in the middle of the fucking desert AROUND ONE SINGLE (1!!) RIVER.


But no there is no fertile square meter in the entirety of Sub Saharan Africa. No no, it's all just rock and sand.

>> No.7904618


>gets evidence
>"lel not good by my arbitrary standards muh /pol/ oh god i love cocks so much i want to rim varg vilkernes sieg hitler!"

>> No.7904620

Some black girls really love the Confederate nigger humiliation thing. I remember seeing an entire porn site based on that themed. Anyway moar.

>> No.7904630

The average black person couldnt even comprehend any of my post.
No Romans are white, and north africa was never ever controlled by niggers they were controlled by the ancestors of modern algerians and libyans that arent black. Meds are white anon nice try.

>> No.7904636

And you're not refuting my point. What exactly are you trying to do here ?
Now if you want me to answer, unlike the rest of the "Old World", West Africa has long been isolated from "arabs", for geographical reasons (Sahara). They had nobody to "copy" on to develop a writing system (among other things), which might explain why they didn't. This, and the fact small tribes don't need it. I don't see how it's correlated to intelligence in any way.

>> No.7904638

Lol. Jeez man. You ran out of racist material, time to give up.

>> No.7904641

>The average black person couldnt even comprehend any of my post.
I think you have a strong inferiority complex. What's your occupation anon ? Do you have a degree ?

>> No.7904643
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> Retard that is a british man compared to an italian man not a white man compared to a black man

Oh look it's a retard who didn't take the advice to shut the fuck up. Let's pretend you didn't make such a remark...

>blacks have alleles that no known group on this planet possess

Oh look, you kept on talking I guess I have to address it...

Just like the inuit women,


Just like the Tibet and Deng populations,


Just like the OceanianPeople,


Congratulations you recognize that a population can have particular alleles unique to them just like other populations around the fucking planet.

>and they still have genes that fucking chimps possess that we dont have.

Oh the horror! A human population who retained genes from another animal, looks like we got to separate them. I mean there's no possible way that other human populations could have...



Oh look what we have here, links that show all humans have genes from other animals and organisms! Gasp such Shock!

There's a reason why we keep experimenting on animals like rats for human medical research anon.

>> No.7904652

>Emperor Philip the Arab

>> No.7904653

>Nigger, it is pretty clear cut, if we can breed, we are the same species
It is anything but clear cut. Interbreeding isn't by far the only criteria used to defining separate species.


It's all pretty fucking subjective.

For all intents and purposes races may as well mean species. But it wouldn't matter anyway since it wouldn't be recognized by anyone.

>> No.7904670

This entire thread is so funny, as I sit here operating a computer doing some frame stress calculations there is this guy trying to scientifically prove that I am a brainless sub-human who can't do any more than beat rocks together. Some people need to get a life.

>> No.7904681

>i have white admixture therefore all niggers are smart
You're mixed and an outlier. Why don't you take a trip to Congo and try telling them about the wonderful frame stress calculations.

>> No.7904690
File: 15 KB, 220x229, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigger.
Thank you, I had fucking given up on trying to teach the poltard evolution

>> No.7904692

nigger I'm black as fuck. Is some anonymous guy over the Internet really telling me how black I am? 10/10

>> No.7904696

They dont need it is a nice way to say they are stupid fucks.
Average black man Jamal just because you got a degree dont mean Deshawn in the hood aint the majority of your race.
None of them have chimp genes you fucking retard.
He isnt white hes north african.
Genetic outlier go take a stroll in the hood and see if your ass doesnt get robbed because average negros can sense when smart niggers are around them.

>> No.7904701

>Is some anonymous guy over the Internet really telling me how black I am?
>literally does not see the irony between saying this and trying to disprove someones point by anonymously claiming to be sub saharan pitch black nigger flying rockets into the space and curing cancer

>> No.7904702

Just lol

>> No.7904706

If you are american it means you aint a pure nigger like the ones in Africa so thank your white genes you arent a stupid fucking nigger.

>> No.7904711
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>races mean species
No faggot, races means races, notice how it is different word BECAUSE we couldn't use species. Jesus fucking chrsit it's like you children can't infer?
It is not at all subjective, if two populations are separated either by biological or geographical situations from interbreeding then we can class them as a seperate sub-species or species at a stretch. Seeing as almost all humans can, and would, interbreed with one another we do not not any of the given requirements for seperation by species. Hence why we use the word race to define certain groups of members of our species who exibit certain genetic chracteristics. Hory shit, you are dumber than the dumbest black man on the blackest continent of this Earth

>> No.7904715


>have to have white admixture to be smart
>implying anon couldn't simply be admix with asian genes
>implying anon couldn't simply be an outlier to the native african populations just like the Nigerians immigrants who statistically blow African Americans (who have more white admix) out of the water on academic testing
>nope gotta be white admix there's certainly no other way

Not that anon but shut up.

>> No.7904717

The saiyan race

The krptonian race

Race is another way to say species you stupid fuck. The dumbest black man on earth is somewhere in the congo jungle living like a wild monkey.

>> No.7904719

>They dont need it is a nice way to say they are stupid fucks.
Please give me examples of potential uses of the alphabet in a small society.

>Average black man Jamal just because you got a degree dont mean Deshawn in the hood aint the majority of your race.
You don't seem to understand, we're talking about you right now. What is YOUR degree ?

>> No.7904721

Bell curve my nigga

It is very very very hard for african niggers have an IQ of 100. You american blacks have IQs of 84 due to your white DNA and even then its rare for you to reach 120 in IQ so you really are a genetic outlier.

>> No.7904723

We use race because it's an extremely fucking emotional subject and any wrong word will end your career.

>Seeing as almost all humans can, and would, interbreed with one another
This has not been the case for the majority of our history. Does that mean we were subspecies and now became fully the same species? How fucking retarded are you exactly?

Do you not understand taxonomy cannot take human technology and its effects into account when determining geographical differences?

Races are definitely subspecies. The argument is over whether we're separate species entirely or not. Interbreeding isn't the sole criteria.

>> No.7904724

Describing information in more informative manner.

>> No.7904725
File: 76 KB, 689x568, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And he would probably preform better in any forms of inteligence testing that you. Race is clearly not species, because we use it in a situation where species does not apply? Are you just sitting infront of you computer with your eyes averted smashing keys?
Stop this circular thinking and see what I am saying, there is no possibility of defining modern humans as having different species due to our travel and breeding habits.

>> No.7904726

Did you really bring fictional aliens who are inexplicably white humanoids into the conversation?

>> No.7904732

>Nigerians immigrants who statistically blow African Americans (who have more white admix) out of the water on academic testing
Survivorship bias.

>implying anon couldn't simply be an outlier
Which is one of the two possibilities I proposed? Ehh anon I don't think you're too good at this. You may want to just stop.

>> No.7904733

>fictional "races"
Race is used for aliens instead of species because they are sapient (non-animals) like us.

>> No.7904734

Not him, but why don't you try solving their high school-level tests ?

>> No.7904738

Oh man this /pol/ shit has come full circle, now I as a black man has to prove his racial purity. Well I am not American, I am Nigerian, part of the racially pure Yoruba. There is not one drop of white blood in me. I am as black as you get. Black power! Gas the whites!

>> No.7904739


> None of them have chimp genes you fucking retard.

No anon, the retard is YOU.


>Humans are most closely related to the great apes of the family Hominidae. This family includes orangutans, chimpanzees, gorillas, and bonobos. Of the great apes, humans share 98.8 percent of their DNA with bonobos and chimpanzees.

>> No.7904740

You mean Nigerian outliers the average nigerian is more unstable and dangerous than a black american.

>> No.7904741

Okay now give me statistics on how many of the pass these tests.

No? Thought so.

>> No.7904746

What for ? Be more specific

>> No.7904749
File: 43 KB, 541x498, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taxonomy cannot take into account human ability to travel
Hence why we use the simple definition that is the same for all animals. We are one species, with not subspecies currently living aside from Sapien Sapiens (us).
Subspecies certainly can mix to return to being a singular species because subspecies is more situationally defined that genetically... Holy shit these armchair biologists

>> No.7904753

>keeps on anonymously trying to 'disprove' points by talking about his race
Man you just don't get it, do you?

You may not have any white admixture afterall. Off to putting numbers in determined blanks with you, or else white massa will be unhappy with your work progress.

>> No.7904754
File: 135 KB, 894x650, dgdgdfgdgdfgdfgdfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blacks have more chimpy genes so they are stupid monkeys.
A pure subhuman nigger I am talking to right now, nigerians are the most primitive looking niggers on planet earth.

>> No.7904762

Why is this Nigerian nigger outside of Africa and not in Nigeria maybe it because niggers are stupid violent fucks who cant make a country that is worth the attention of people with IQs above 110.

>> No.7904764

But races perfectly fit subspecies criteria unless you take into account the possibilities given by technology to travel.

We are literally as geographically separated as possible. Just because we overcame this obstacle due to our cognitive abilities does not change the fact we fit the criteria for subspecies.

>> No.7904766


And yet here we are, Nigerians outperforming Africa Americans who have more white admixture.


Anon, you seem to lack reading comprehension.

The point is they do not need white admixture to be smart. They can either be a outlier of african populations or have asian admixture.

>> No.7904769

At least 40% of Gabonese high-school students are smarter than you even though the language they study in is not their native language, how does that make you feel ?

>> No.7904775

You seem to have missed the entire point of the discussion which is whether niggers are stupid enough to be considered an entirely different species.

Saying "bb-b-but some small % that is a statistical exception ISN'T stupid as shit" or "b-b-but asian admixture also makes niggers not retarded" doesn't really do much to defend your side of the argument.

>> No.7904776

>hurr durr but we fit it in every way except for this
As I said earlier, you don't get to bend the rules just to fit your agenda. Subspecies is generally used simply as a way to define groups which are seperated geographically, meaning we do not do not fit the criteria at all. I feel you are totally missing the point of these definitions in trying to suite your own agenda? Species and sub-species etc are made to be useful ways to describe the location, and breeding patterns of animals. Humans do not have wildly different breeding patterns, and travel to all corners of the globe.

>> No.7904778

Nigger I speak 4 languages.

If i spoke French too I could solve those shitty problems.

Besides it's not as if they speak French their entire lives. It doesn't matter their nigger ancestors used to groan and moan in another "language" if they only know one language their entire lives.

>> No.7904781
File: 192 KB, 501x445, 1452487202095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Blacks have more chimpy genes so they are stupid monkeys.
>goal post moving

>> No.7904784





Technological "bridges" ie planes ships and literal bridges AREN'T PART OF GEOGRAPHY.

If people can travel from one continent (America) to another (Europe) by ship that DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE GEOGRAPHICALLY CONNECTED.

Like you said it yourself, don't try to change the meanings and definitions to fit your shitty agenda.

>> No.7904791

>I speak 4 languages.
Why are you giving me this information ?
If you're that willing to talk about yourself, I'd still be curious to know more about your degree though.

>> No.7904795

>You may not have any white admixture afterall
So you got BTFO, pure blacks do science too.
>Off to putting numbers in determined blanks with you, or else white massa will be unhappy with your work progress
lol I bet your STEM job (if you even have one) isn't any better
Us Nigerian ubermensch will cleanse the world of white scum, we have twelve gas chambers ready in Lagos right now. No but seriously our country is doing okay, we are a rising economy (compare this with the stagnation of Spain) and we have launched a few satellites. You should really go to /pol/, this is a science and maths board, saying blacks are sub-human monkeys isn't science as far as I can tell.

>> No.7904798


No you missed the point idiot.

>>7904681 post poses that said anon is smart because of white admixture. I provided two reasonable and provable alternatives to show the contrary.

You just don't want to admit this and decide to strawman your way out. This isn't about saying all blacks are smart it's about proving viable alternatives literally exist as we speak.

>> No.7904799

>So you got BTFO, pure blacks do science too.
Yeah but since they're a statistical outlier they have to come to white countries instead of staying amongst other literal chimps.

Just like you had to come here or else risk being necklaced for trying to do calculations.


>> No.7904802

Holy shit. No you are correct, planes are not a geographical feature, well done. However in a biological sense we are connected by them as they allow otherwise isolated populations to interbreed, causing there to be no sub-species of homo sapien sapiens. Notice how floating driftwood also is not a geographical feature but is used to explain the interbreeding of certain species between South America and the Galapagos. This is the equivalent in biological terms.
You are the one twisting the definition to be null and void as soon as a population is outside walking distance m8. Does this make the person two states over from me a different species because I couldn't walk that far to breed with them?

>> No.7904803

You provided just one alternantive that I didn't mention.

And the one you provided is highly unlikely and so rare it can be disregarded alltogether.

>muh japanese nigerian couples
>reasonable alternative

>> No.7904811

>muh black and middle eastern couples
You seem to have missed a few m8, and I'm not even that guy...
To think that all black racemixing occurs in America is naive to say the least, especially as you were the one shoving middle eastern black history down everyones throats

>> No.7904816

Again, just because we recently (in the less than 1% of the existence of our species) became able to travel the entire world does not negate the fact that for hundreds of thousands of years, possibly even millions, we did not interbreed and evolved separately.

Literally what you're saying wasn't possible even just 250 years ago.

And even with the current possibilities the amount of actual interbreeding occurring from all this worldwide traveling isn't large enough to change our status from different subspecies to species. Even then it changes for only those that have actually interbred.

A nigger from Chad is a different subspecies from someone from Norway.

A nigger from the US is not.

>> No.7904819

>middle eastern black history
pls b kidding

Arabs and Persians aren't black.

They're caucasian.

Kill yourself. Immediately.

>> No.7904820

>And yet here we are, Nigerians outperforming Africa Americans who have more white admixture.
Genetic outlier and affirmative action
> No but seriously our country is doing okay, we are a rising economy (compare this with the stagnation of Spain) and we have launched a few satellites.
Yes anon a country with many resources compared to Spain is doing better what a fucking surprise but the economy is complete shit to colonial african countries that were controlled by us white people. Remove those resources and you niggers would have nothing but tourism to live on aka a complete hellhole like Haiti or Jamaica.

>> No.7904821


>> No.7904822

>"All niggers are all retards!"
>Post example of black guy doing science
>"Statistical outlier!"
Why did I waste 30 minutes of my life on this thread?

>> No.7904825

You are retards(literally) on average holy shit you are from Nigeria did you never once observe how your people act?

>> No.7904827

>"All niggers are all retards!"
Quote me on that.

We're talking races here. Species. It should be common sense that we are talking about statistical averages, not the possible extremes.

If you weren't a nigger you would've understood it.

>> No.7904829

>still totally missing the definitions of species and sub-species after such a long and drawn out argument
You are definitely at least a little retarded anon. Sub-species does not account for genetic difference because it is too hard to measure, it is literally all about what animals CAN and WANT to breed. That is all, and seeing as humans both can interbreed and do, we do not classify as seperate sub-species or species. These terms were made up to make things easier to understand in an animal sense, and if you imagine being an alien and seeing all these humans moving around Earth interacting, I guarantee you would class them as the same species, with maybe a few different castes (or RACES) like ants. Jesus christ anon.

>> No.7904833

Ever been to Nigeria?

>> No.7904834

Jamaica is in no way comparable to Haiti. The place is very stable and has a big bauxite industry beyond tourism it's only problem is crime but nearby Honduras is even worse despite not being black so we rather than skin colour. This is exemplified when you see that Trinidad is black yet has low crime. Haiti is just Congo-tier probably due to Europeans ostracizing the place letting dictators develop.

>> No.7904835

>North African Empires did not have large numbers of both Blacks and Arabs usually
This delusion

>> No.7904836

*so we can say it's due to the Columbian drug trade rather than skin colour

>> No.7904837
File: 26 KB, 489x568, 1387070447670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Middle East is North Africa
How long are you gonna keep on with this?

>> No.7904840


>You provided just one alternantive that I didn't mention.

No I provided two, the only thing you provided was,

>You're mixed and an outlier.

Alluding to, as later post show the idea of an african american with white admixture and an outlier of said group.

I posed "Asian mix" and "African native outlier" both distinct from your white admix african american.

>And the one you provided is highly unlikely and so rare it can be disregarded alltogether.
>muh japanese nigerian couples
>reasonable alternative

You're looking in the wrong place idiot.



>> No.7904841

>and if you imagine being an alien and seeing all these humans moving around Earth interacting
> I guarantee you would class them as the same species

You could easily observe the different types of humans and the massively different living conditions of them. The highly advanced non-nigger or at most partially nigger cities versus the mediocre at the (rare) best and completely primitive at the large.

If they knew how we classified the species of other animals and did the same to us, they most definitely would've classed us as different species or sub species at the least.

>> No.7904844

No they really fucking wouldn't. I specialise in tropical fish, which has a massively high number of species and sub-species due to their tiny distributions and diverse breeding patterns. You are literally just using a middle-school grasp of evolution to try and push a racist ideology which makes no sense scientifically, and gives everyone who believes in eugenics a bad name. Fuck you man.

>> No.7904845
File: 22 KB, 603x228, hjgjghj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lagos is Nigeria
Oh would you look at that Lagos has a high crime rate and so does Laounde and Cape Town what a fucking surprise.
>not a shithole
Its one of the top 10 most dangerous countries in the western hemisphere, has had over 1000 murders in one year, the gang violence is on steroids in that hellhole compared to America, rampant police corruption including raping children and covering it up, the customs officers will actually steal shit they find in your luggage. Literally every high school student has a fucking knife on them and stab eachother up, and dont get me started on that monkey music they call dancehall.
>low crime

Honduras is a hellhole due to savage american indian genetics.

>> No.7904846

Too obvious now m8, I am done. Just look up the kingdom of Mali and tell me there are not both African blacks and Middle Eastern Arabs involved. Alternatively look at the Moorish people. Either way, I am not gonna bother responding to your idiocy

>> No.7904847

Well my bad I should've worded myself "mixed and/or an outlier".


>those links
What the fuck are you posting even? The Chinese economic takeover of Africa? What the fuck has this got anything to do with interbreeding?? Do you know what the Chinese think of the shithole they were located to? Of the niggers they're surrounded with? Have you seen a documentary of them? Of the contempt they show at blacks? Of how they laugh at how blacks shat away all the top tier technology and facilities whites left after colonization?

China is literally enslaving Africa and the only one to gain from it are the Chinese and corrupt African leaders. Gee you sure disproved me!

>> No.7904850

I have lived in Cape Town for years, it is the white mixed niggers who do all the crime here, you can look up the coloured people of the Cape Flats. You will quickly realise that mixing with whites does not make people more intelligent or developed at all.

>> No.7904851
File: 209 KB, 620x348, ghjkghjghjgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh black race dont do no crime
American niggers are so fucking dangerous they have made several cities in the USA have Latin American murder rates THESE ARE FUCKING CITIES COMPARED TO ENTIRE COUNTRIES.

Btw the real murder rate of african countries is far higher than you think, negroid politicians are sociopaths that will do anything to not lose tourism gibs muh dat.

>> No.7904853


What the FUCK has this got to do with the Arab caliphates and Persian empires I mentioned?

God damn you're shitfaced from how emotional you are and can't see straight or make coherent points anymore.

The cities I was referring to in my original posts were Babylon and Mecca which became the center points for empires for thousands of years. Not your fucking mudhut Timbuktu rofl that bloomed less than a century. What the shit man.

>> No.7904854

So anon why do eurasian countries like Uzbekistan and Tajikistan have lower crime rate than niggerlands? They are white and asian mixed.

Fun fact the Dominican Republic is made of Mulattoes and Quadroons while Haiti is pure nigger guess which one is better. All this means is you black people have genes that are destructive to human civilization all the more reason to kill you.

>> No.7904857

>not understanding statistics at all
I love how that one desert island no one cares about where where the two guys got marrooned and one killed the other has a one in two murder rate? pretty fun to live in your world right?
You have to fucking understand that individual cities SHOULD have higher murder rates than other countries in order to compensate for empty areas mirder wise. Fuck my life

>> No.7904861


Most dangerous cities are all nigger infested.
Anon thats a fucknig city in a state larger than most central american countries you must not realize there is not ONE EUROPEAN COUNTRY WITH THESE KIND OF MURDER RATES AT ALL.

>> No.7904862

No you fucking inbred, I was saying that clearly Americans are not the only ones to breed with blacks, because Arabs have been doing it for centuries, and hence other anons view that you have naively listed only one group was correct. You are busy moving goalposts again to avoid your own tangles.

>> No.7904869

>made several cities
>but hurr durr it's in a big state
Which relates to your point how?
>Not one european country with these kind of murder rates
Gee, you don't think that could be years of carefully constricted anti-violent social policy and nanny-state ideologies combined into a perfect prison of a police state do you?

>> No.7904874

But anon Arabs aren't Asians. They're Caucasian.

Which means they're white.

Which means that this was also a possibility I pointed out.

But sure keep throwing random shit weasel words like "moving goalposts" and whatnot to make it seem I'm desperately pulling fallacies out my ass one by one to stay afloat.

>> No.7904876

No its because we are not black its that simple anon even our poor white areas in the USA dont approach near the nigger infested hellholes in the USA but you blacks GO BUT BUT MUH POVERTY IS WHY IM ACTING LIKE A VIOLENT WILD ANIMAL GOD I FUCKING HATE YOU NIGGERS SO MUCH.

>> No.7904877

>Arabs are Caucasian
Okay, righto bro, I can see why this is going nowhere

>> No.7904883

First off, again, I am not black. Secondly I live in Cape Town for years, and saw less violence there than I did in Eastern Europe, a place which is predominantly white. Your country has social policies which do not address the problems of the country, expect violence and unrest bro, nothing to do with skincolour.

>> No.7904884

>Arabs aren't Caucasian

Anon please. I didn't think you were THIS lacking in even the most basic of knowledge of human history.

Yes, Arabs are Caucasian. So are Turks, Persians and Afghans.

Jesus allmighty.

>> No.7904888

>Did you never once observe how your people act
This isn't observation then. But the fact a greater percentage of the population is into criminality doesn't mean your average person from there is (as long as it's negligible, of course). It just means there's more inequality.
In fact, you appear to be more violent than every person I have ever met in Western Africa when it comes to arguing. Hope you're doing well in real life.

>> No.7904893

>Secondly I live in Cape Town for years, and saw less violence there than I did in Eastern Europe,
Stop fucking lying Cape Town is a hellhole based on the accounts of the actual south africans that live in it and if you are white and in SA its a miracle the fucking niggers havent killed you yet. Wait you have seen them destroying the university and still insist they are like us white people? You are fucking insane. Oh this is rich South Africa one of the most dangerous places on earth lecturing America on law enforcement thats rich, solve your nigger problem before you tell us how to do ours.

>> No.7904896


> What the fuck are you posting even? The Chinese economic takeover of Africa? What the fuck has this got anything to do with interbreeding??

What do you think happen during the European colonization? What do you think happen during the wave of Islam?

Interbreeding fucking happen, the same thing is happening right fucking now!

Also you think this is one way? That africans aren't slowly coming to china too?


>> No.7904898

Blacks are not criminals, they are wild animals they cant control their primitive impulses thats why so many of them end up as criminals because they ARE LITERALLY DESTINED TO BE ONE IN ANY CIVILIZED SOCIETY REGARDLESS OF UPBRINGING AS ONLY GENETICS CAN MAKE A BLACK NOT BE A CRIMINAL. Most black on black crime is usually caused by niggers getting mad and shooting someone for just ticking them off I wish I was joking.

The gypsies on the otherhand are real criminals because unlike the blacks they have impulse control but chose to commit crime anyway.

>> No.7904902

>getting this assmad
You think I didn't see that? you genuinely think I didn't see a couple of dindus rock up to my uni in "Kill all whites" shirts? You stupid faggot, I ran from there. I am saying that I saw worse shit in the mob warfare in Bulgaria.
I am not saying South Africa is anything but shit, but the racemixing didn't help, and it certainly won't fix the problems of the USA either. We need, and sl do you guys, a strong governement to unite society for the better, rather than this petty bullshit, you are just as bad as the EFF retards, seeing as you are so up to date on the South African situation.

>> No.7904905

Nigger there's less than 4000 of niggers that stay there for a longer period of time. That is literally 0 EVEN IF all of them impregnated 10 Chinese women with twins.

But knowing that Asians are extremely xenophobic makes me think that wasn't the case.

Got any more irrelevant links you want to get off your chest?

Or will you admit that business ventures do not account for interbreeding?

>> No.7904906

>continues down his delusions that we are all the same races
You have clearly never been to the Middle East, they look nothing like us you fuck.

>> No.7904909
File: 1.00 MB, 1500x1187, Meyers_b11_s0476a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this thread. It's every man for himself.

Stupid shit I was on your side so far. But if you're going to claim Middle Easterners aren't Caucasoid then you're stupider than I thought.

>> No.7904911
File: 4 KB, 224x250, cs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, that's exactly what I meant. You're insecure.

>> No.7904919

America is a white country

>> No.7904920

>Turkey clearly shown as predominantly mongoloid
Good one m8, you really showed me

>> No.7904922

>this nigger is actually using 19th century racial maps as scientific evidence
Why don't you read my palm while you're at it?

>> No.7904925
File: 47 KB, 1357x628, Carleton_Coon_races_after_Pleistocene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the type of guys that would rather simply not google something by himself rather than discover how little he knows.

>> No.7904928


> Or will you admit that business ventures do not account for interbreeding?

Really now? So we completely ignore the genetic implications of business ventures and economic trade.

Are you fucking implying shit like the silk road didn't lead to numerous instances of interbreeding?




There is evidence to show that economic trading with asia leads to flow and admixture of genes. Same shit is going to happen with africa, you cannot deny this it is fucking proven.

>> No.7904934

>this nigger is actually using a poorly drawn MS Paint map entitled "Coon Races" as scientific evidence
Just Stormfront my shit up f am

>> No.7904935

There is no such thing as worse shit, the blacks are the masters of savagery. You need ot kill the niggers if you want SA to be better.
Majority of gun crime is commited by blacks not hispanics literally fucking blacks ALL THE TIME.

>> No.7904936

I did google, and then refered to you map, in which one of the largest Middle Eastern empires of modern time, certainly in regards to impact on Europe and Africa, is listed as predominantly Mongoid. Thanks again bro, tripped yourself up well

>> No.7904938

Not at all, I saw two gun men AK a fucking car on the highway while in Bulgaria, and everyone just stopped and watched so as to avoid a bullet. Never seen shit that cold and methodical in Africa.

>> No.7904940

Holy mother of god, how did they all turn black overnight?

>> No.7904942

>being this pedantic over an irrelevant mistake resulting from an outdated map which was fixed by posting a more recent map
I'd say that's almost as bad as pointing out grammar mistakes when you're losing an argument. Almost but maybe not quite.

>> No.7904944

>I saw two gun men AK a fucking car on the highway while in Bulgaria
You would probably cry at the kind of stuff that goes in southside chicago because of niggers they literally fucking rob people with guns everyday, beat the shit out of white people for no reason at all, and rape white women all the time. Detroit and East St Louis are the closest to Liberia level hellholes in teh USA.

>> No.7904946
File: 2.31 MB, 4000x3000, Lalibela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you actually seen Somalians? They have a very Caucasoid skull structure.

They're also the only ones who constructed actual buildings that lasted centuries, out OF FUCKING CLIFFS.

>> No.7904948

>posts "evidence"
>gets upset when quasi-evidence doesn't actually correlate with views
Holy shit bro, you have no idea how hard I am laughing over here

>> No.7904950

I can believe this, my Bulgarian lodger told me Bulgaria is now run by gangsters. He claims that Communist times were much better and that Americans are dogs for destroying it. He's a stereotypical slav, wearing Adidas and cursing the West all the time.
Mexican drug cartels are worse than anywhere in even deep Africa (so long as there's no war going on) yet they are Hispanic. I'd rather live in Uganda than Northern Mexico.

>> No.7904952

>expecting me not to have seen Rape, Robbery, and firearms in South Africa
No nigger, I am saying these fags walked across the road, stopped one of the card by pointing at it, and then just shot all 4 guys inside to shit without saying a word. Go fuck yourself if you think America can even compete with that kind of organised crime

>> No.7904954

Yes anon because cartels are smart savages while blacks are dumb savages. The most dangerous ethnic group in the USA are the blacks because again they are violent impulsive wild animals.
>rather live in Uganda
Enjoy having your guts removed by niggers, not to mention they rape babies and cut their heads I wish i was kidding.

>> No.7904955

>gets disproven hard by said map
>ignores it and pretends he's winning and laughing
ok bro

>> No.7904956

I know 4 Somalians well, South Africa is infested with them at the moment, they are nothing like us m8. At all, skull is different, hand to wrist ratio is fucked, anyone who says they are similair has clearly been reading the same maps as >>7904925

>> No.7904957

>No nigger, I am saying these fags walked across the road, stopped one of the card by pointing at it,
Happens in South Africa everyday

>> No.7904963

The only difference being that when whites commit a crime they're a lot more efficient at it.

If this happened in Africa nobody would've died probably since niggers can't shoot for shit.

Ever thought of why there's never been a famous black serial killer?

>> No.7904965

>all hands to damage control
What the fuck dude? you literally just got upset with me for reading your map closesly, and even called me pedantic for it? does that really sound like I'm losing?

>> No.7904966

The fuck am I reading?

>> No.7904967

>ignores again that I lived in South Africa and was born there as a white person
Nope. It doesn't, that level of organised crime does not exist there yet, they will come for you at night with machetes, or rob you. None of that kind of shit m8

>> No.7904973

You are reading that Bulgarian PTSD is an everyday occurence in South Africa people literally have to avoid fucking towns to avoid getting carjacked in that hellhole and even if you avoid them the niggers will still drive up to your GATED HOUSE and break into it to rob you and rape your woman.

Meanwhile Uganda is one of the biggest hellholes on earth.

>> No.7904974

They're clearly more interbred with Caucasians than, say, someone from Chad or Uganda.

You said Middle Easterners are black whereas every single source says they're most definitely Caucasians without a shred of doubt.

Then you started pretending I was wrong on Turks being Caucasian despite modern maps showing them so and that specific one showing them to be about 40% Caucasian.

You're full of shit and everyone can see it. I've wasted enough time on you, if you reply with the same inane bullshit again I'm not gonna even respond as you're clearly just bullshitting around.

>> No.7904976

You are a white person it is natural for you for you to be a cuck that denies reality that is harsh against your worldview. Im starting to think you are a nigger lying.

>> No.7904988

This is how every Africa is shit argument goes
>Racist says Africa has never achieved anything
>Someone pipes up with "muh Egypt"
>Racist says they weren't really black
>Someone points out that their 25th dynasty was
>Racist says it was just one dynasty
>Someone then mentions the Ethiopians and their rock cities and Christianity
>Racist says they weren't really black because despite being dark as fuck they have straight noses
>Someone says ok Mali then, they were bona-fide black
>Racist says they don't count because they got all their tech from the Arabs even though you can say the exact same thing with Europe and Persia.
>Someone then says alright what about Benin, Kongo, Asante etc, all fill the British Museum with their many unique native treasures
>Racist now faced with proof that blacks have unique culture and creations now denigrate it by saying it's shit because it's not a Colosseum.
>Someone informed them of giant stone structures in Zimbabwe
>Racist says they are just bullshit piles of rock as if a thousand year old ruin would look like anything else.
>Finally right at the bottom of Africa, the preceding 10,000 miles worth of country having been somehow discounted as proof of African achievement someone says that South Africa is the most developed country on the continent with skyscrapers and a former president with international standing on par with the Pope
>Racists say it was all built by white people and their president was a terrorist
This is why we should all just ignore these threads, there is no winning and most importantly THEY DON'T BELONG ON /SCI/

>> No.7904989

In Mexico you get decapitated. In Honduras it's even worse.

>> No.7904991

Have either of you faggots even been to SA? cus if not, poes off.
You buy a gun, you keep your gate locked, you don't drive at night. The rules are pretty easy to understand.
I would take that over being randomly AKed for what I thought was a legit loan any day of the week you delusional fucks.

>> No.7904993

None of those researches proves what you claimed.

The Silk Road had a very small effect, if any at all, on the genes of the general population. Despite the amount of goods that traveled the entire distance, the amount of people that did it was relatively low. Many did not travel the entire distance. You wouldn't have seen someone from China in Israel. They sold goods at border points after which another caravan took them.

Again, business ventures are not a proof of large populations interbreeding. The Chinese do not interbreed with niggers despite there being a couple of thousands of chinks in Africa and a couple of thousands of nigs in China.

Are you done now?

>> No.7904994


>> No.7904997
File: 34 KB, 447x444, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But in both cases where you replied, not Caucasian? so I am clearly right, especially as you have not given any evidence to support that I am anything but right?
Cry harder, not everyone agrees with you here like on /pol/, you are actually going to need logic evidence which stands up to basic scrutiny

>> No.7905003

Ugandan murder rate is barely more than Russia's at 10 per 100,000, Mexican murder rate is 15. But go ahead choose Mexico, Make sure to tell the cartel that only niggers behead people when they capture your fat white ass.

>> No.7905010

Well done anon, I can see you actually know a little something about the third world, unlike the other poster. What he will never understand is that crime as like most things, doesn't happen to normal, intelligent, respectful people in most places where it is not organised. I never had to worry about extortion in SA, whereas I certainly would in Mexico

>> No.7905013

>implying the fucking niggers will reveal the actual murder rate
Yes anon keep believing what the africans tell you its not like their race are infamous sociopathic liars or anything.

>> No.7905014

>Racist says Africa has never achieved anything
Nobody says that and even when they do the obvious reference is done to Sub Saharan blacks.

>Racist says it was just one dynasty
Which it was? Does that somehow make Egypt black? How does one black dynasty overweigh the rest ~30?

>Someone then mentions the Ethiopians and their rock cities and Christianity
More like rock temples few and far between. Not cities.

>Racist says they don't count because they got all their tech from the Arabs even though you can say the exact same thing with Europe and Persia.

It's also the fact that the empire was entirely reliant on its gold. It had nothing. No large cities, armies, buildings. Nothing. It didn't even crumble in a war, it just dissipated into thin air as niggers started in-fighting for power. It was a shortlived relatively peaceful existence only due to sudden discovery of gold and its value amidst the endless tribal warfare.

The rest of your examples are literally not comparable to anything the rest of the world has to show. Even American natives have more to show. Tons of more. Calendars, arts, huge cities (Tenochtitlan was the largest city in the world before its destruction) and buildings.

>Finally right at the bottom of Africa, the preceding 10,000 miles worth of country having been somehow discounted as proof of African achievement someone says that South Africa is the most developed country on the continent with skyscrapers and a former president with international standing on par with the Pope
Oh shit you were just fucking with me...

>> No.7905015

Fucking hell man I turned on my PC to use my free Jacamo vouchers and I ended up wasting the entire afternoon in this stupid race b8 thread.

>> No.7905016

In Uganda you get necklaced, burned alive or eaten.
The pollacks in SA say otherwise.

>> No.7905018

I needed to study math but I wasted almost 4 hours here :(

>> No.7905024

>American natives have more to show
Note how the native Americans didn't last a week against the Europeans yet Africans kept the Europeans out until well into the 19th century. This is because Africans had iron weapons, cavalry and even a few firearms.

>> No.7905027

>Racist says Africa has never achieved anything
Comparable to other races
>Racist says they weren't really black
They were north africans
>Someone points out that their 25th dynasty was
No they werent
>Racist says they weren't really black because despite being dark as fuck they have straight noses
That is true thats why current Somalia and Ethiopia are slowly becoming hellholes because nigger genes got into them centuries ago.
>Racist says they don't count because they got all their tech from the Arabs even though you can say the exact same thing with Europe and Persia.
They did
>>Someone then says alright what about Benin, Kongo, Asante etc, all fill the British Museum with their many unique native treasures
Those bronze age shit civilizations?
>Racist says they are just bullshit piles of rock as if a thousand year old ruin would look like anything else.
They are a pile of rocks infact fucking turkish people made that level of architecture 5000 fucking years before Great Zimbabwe.
>Racists say it was all built by white people and their president was a terrorist
There was no South Afriica before white people and white people are literally the only reason its not Liberia over there yet.

Now my nigger anon lets look at your pure nigger no whitey countries like
Jamaica oh thats alot of crime there
Haiti wow what a fucking shithole
Nigeria hahahah not even close to peaceful
But what about Central African Republic? Holy shit its in a civil war
The congo? 50 years and no infrastruture wow
Ok but but what about uhhhh Ghana? Hmm only decent nigger country but still a shithole.

>> No.7905028

Move to Reddit. I would if I knew how to make posts there. I heard it's trash for debate because of the SJW atmosphere but at least with actual work it would be good. 4chan can't seem to split politics from work.

>> No.7905030

>genuinely believes what pol has to say
Nope nigger, they are lying. I speak some Xhosa, I have Angolan friends, I don't let anyone fuck with me, and I keep my house and family safe. South Africa is brilliant then, I simply left to get a European education and then go back to make bank. South Africans love to talk about how shit it is, and yeah it is very dangerous compared to just about anywhere, but at least the violence makes sense, it is not so tied up with the government like Eastern bloc that you can't tell who is actially gunning for you

>> No.7905033

I can cherry pick too, Trinidad, St Lucia and St Kitts all have higher GDPs per capita than most of Eastern Europe.

>> No.7905035

>This is because Africans had iron weapons, cavalry and even a few firearms.
This is because Africa is a bad climate for us white people not to mention all that fucking disease and parasites all over the place.

We had already entered niggerland by the 1600s but didnt bother to take it over because we didnt have reason to yet.
>just about anywhere
Oh cool so why does no white country on earth have your level of crime
Why does no asian country either?


>> No.7905036

>muh GDP
>like that means shit if the country is a violent poverty stricken hellhole

This is like saying Brazil is a good country HAHAHAHA.

>> No.7905040

>no my savagery is brutaler than your savagery

What are we even arguing about? Shitty places exist everywhere man. But no, the Mexicans are intellectually decapitating people.

>> No.7905043

Contrary to what you may think the Americas did not fall due to losing a war versus the Europeans.

Most of the fighting was done native vs native. The Aztecs had gathered many enemies and due to its feudal like nature even the previously loyal city states turned their back on them as they saw enemies gather power.

It was the infighting and manipulation that brought the Aztecs to their knees. A sudden arrival of unknown people wielding unknown technology and riding unknown animals is what was needed to consolidate all opposition of the Aztecs under one flag.

Then the diseases killed almost everyone, allies and enemies alike...

Oh and Africans were enslaved throughout the entire history of civilization. Literally from the earliest civilizations up to modern Chinese.

>> No.7905044

>totally ignores the violence of Eastern Europe and the Middle East
Cool on bro, I guess you really can see it any way your twisted mind wants to

>> No.7905050

Middle eastern crime rates are lower than african countries, the fucking bahamas is a small nigger country and has a high crime rate for fuck sake YOU BLACKS TURN ANYWHERE YOU EXIST IN CRIME RIDDEN HELLHOLES. More so the middle eastern people had civilization where the blacks did not so they clearly have far more impulse control than blacks to be capable of doing that.

>> No.7905062

>buttttt nooo black r da vilent onz
Okay m8, whatever you say

>> No.7905072

There is a very fundamental difference between beheading someone in the name of your religion and shooting someone to get his money. The difference is both philosophical, moral and and has biological implications involving antisocial behavior and impulse control.

>> No.7905082

>implying most of isis doesn't revolve around financial gain
You really are brainwashed chump

>> No.7905084

Even on a geopolitical scale it really isn't about money.

Much less on an individual level.

>> No.7905085

No tropics in Central America right?
>didnt bother
Read about how many times the Portuguese got their asses whooped by the Kingdom of Kongo and the Rozwi Empire in the 1600s, that's why they didn't bother.
So IQ means everything but GDP means absolutely nothing?
There was enough Malaria to fuck up construction of the Panama Canal
You make it sound like Africans had a united front against the Europeans, it was exactly the same as the Aztecs vs the Tlaxcalans i.e there were plenty willing to turn on fellow Africans for European gold
>Africans were enslaved throughout the entire history of civilization
As well as being an irrelevant snide attack so were white people. Barbary corsairs had a field day plucking whites from coastal towns. And lets not forget the Romans O great lovers of barbarian slaves.
Euros had outposts on the coasts of Africa, they sent travellers inland, they all lived, the real reason why they never took it over until the 19th century is because the locals were too well armed and organized. Look at the zulu, as inferior as they were if they did all that to the British riflemen with organization alone imagine what they could have done to invaders who also had nothing but swords and spears. This is pretty much what happened to the Portuguese. They did invade Zimbabwe/Zambia but got defeated by the Rozwi so they gave up and had to wait until Kongo collapsed before they could take over. This is why Angola speaks Portuguese yet nearby Zambia does not. Zambia doesn't have any magical white man killing disease that Angola does not.

>> No.7905088

>a practice that follow on from destabalization efforts decades ago to make oil resources available is not about money
Okay m8

>> No.7905089

>ISIS violence doesn't count because it's in the name of Allah
This thread is hilarious.

>> No.7905091


> None of those researches proves what you claimed.

Accept it fucking did, read it again.

>The Silk Road had a very small effect, if any at all, on the genes of the general population. Despite the amount of goods that traveled the entire distance, the amount of people that did it was relatively low. Many did not travel the entire distance. You wouldn't have seen someone from China in Israel. They sold goods at border points after which another caravan took them.

Ah I see, you just can't put 2 and 2 together. Here let me help you,





>> No.7905093

>Most well-financed terrorist outfit the world has ever seen
>Exclusively invading oil-rich nations
>Nothing to do with money.

>> No.7905096



>> No.7905099

It's about power. For Russia Syria and Iran it's about retaining their position in the Middle East. For the Gulf States it's about spreading Wahhabist ideas. Saudi Arabia couldn't care less about money per se.

You're honestly unworthy of a response if you really fail to see the difference in impulsively murdering a passer-by because you felt like owning their money versus having principles you would kill and die for.

The difference is so massive it literally meant the difference between building age long empires and remaining mediocre throughout history.

>> No.7905105

Either way you get killed this is ridiculous. You say black countries are bad because they have a high murder rate, we say ISIS is worse you say their killings are "for a cause"

>> No.7905107

It's not about power, Syria is worthless pile of rocks inhabited by goats and the farmers who fuck them. The oil is what is there, and that is what it has always been about. You are as misguided as the poor souls beheading people if you really believe this isn't to prevent government protection of resources. Every terrorist group has sprung up in the region, one after another, after the CIA knocked over the perfect domino in setting up Bin Laden, we will be seeing the effects of our actions there for decades to come, and that is the reason no one is willing to fully comit to pulling out, as it leaves the locals helpless in the face of a problem we caused, and leaves the oil unprotected.

>> No.7905109

>Either way you get killed this is ridiculous
Anon if you're this unable to maneuver in this slightly nuanced topic I don't think you have a place in posting on /sci/.

>> No.7905114


Also to assure you can't wiggle your way out,


This article talks about the gene admixture between europe and east asia populations during the silk road and mongol invasion eras. Showing the that the Uyghurs are a good example of representing the model approach of how modern central asian population genetics occurred.

>> No.7905115
File: 144 KB, 489x366, smuggysmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread looks australian

there's even some fag linking wikipedia sources couple replies up

>> No.7905117

Money is only a means to an end. It's what gets you power but not what you chase. Not even 400 billion dollars could save Mubarak, simply because his foundation of power was weak. It relied on military and US support, which backfired right when the Arab spring started.

The Saudis however have a very fundamental grip of power in the country. It's called Wahhabism and it states that only Saudi family must rule. They already have all the money they need. Right now more money wouldn't change much, but another country converted to Wahhabism would serve a ton.

Their money will become powerless the moment US relinquishes their support or Wahhabism turns its fury against them for being the western lapdogs they are, as it did with the Ikhwani rebellion.

Once that happens not even all the money in the world will save them from the fundamentalist revolution.

May I remind you just a couple of hundred militants from Yemen were enough to take over the border crossing and have a firm grip of the territories they occupied, and without US air support the Saudis wouldn't have been able to push them out?

>> No.7905127

Tomato, Tomahto bro.
I agree with everything you say, the facts are sound, althought I don't agree with your conclusions. I believe that once the money is gone from the region it becomes a wasteland, and so has become an arena for the Saudis to fight with the United States, with either sode that isn't currently in control of the oil arming the militants to create problems and take over again.

>> No.7905131

This thread has gone from bashing blacks to Middle-Eastern geopolitics. if this isn't a /pol/ thread I don't know what is.

>> No.7905133

There's a point after which money isn't the issue anymore. That's the point after which you have to start looking at other means to strengthening your grip. Why do you think Putin rides horses and goes fishing top naked?

4chan :)

>> No.7905137

Nigger did you just go through tens of wikipedia pages in a furious effort to "prove" an anonymous shitposter wrong, who was probably baiting in the first place?

>> No.7905224


This is about the entire thread anon not just one shit poster.

If you haven't notice the sudden influx of post with sourcing actual science journals, ncbi articles and Wikipedia refs today are from me.

Information that I am quite already aware of and have knowledge of. You can call me autistic if you want doesn't bother me.