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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7902014 No.7902014[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I found this video recently
a guy makes a small hole in an egg

makes a syringe injection with his sperm in it

covers the hole and puts the egg in a dark and warm place for 40 day

this happens

the thing is IT'S ALIVE and IT MOVES



What the fuck?


>> No.7902022

It's totally real. Good job.

>> No.7902034

Why are you so quick to dismiss it?

>> No.7902139

>Why are you so quick to dismiss it

Because if this really happened he wouldn't just outright smash it.

>> No.7902151

Why? If this really happened, he could always make another.

>> No.7902158

>Why? If this really happened, he could always make another.
I don't think you understand the significance of an event like this. Surely if it was easily done it would have happened before.

I'm sure if this is real it's a one off event.

>> No.7902168
File: 139 KB, 750x569, 718676-minuscule-manga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does that mean I can have my own little worker friend thing?

>> No.7902169

>Surely if it was easily done it would have happened before.
just like every discovery.

>> No.7902173

>He thinks humans and chickens haven't attempted to crossbreed before

Top zoz

>> No.7902177

>I'm sure if this is real it's a one off event.
Based on what, exactly? Assuming this is real, you still haven't given any counterexamples of failed experiments. You're assuming this relies on some rare fluke of biology/genetics with no reason whatsoever, whereas it's more likely that it would be a repeatable method that was hitherto undiscovered.

>apple falls on head
>"Surely only this particular apple."

>> No.7902181

fuck this stupid thread

>> No.7902182

Looks fake as fuck

Probably just attached some fishing line to the end of it and manipulating off screen

I want /x/ to leave

>> No.7902282

> knows nothing of biology
> hurr i want /x/ to leave
learn basic science you dumfuck. sperm + eggs = life

>> No.7902290

>smashes with russian-chinese dictionary
I bet the guy was keeping the egg with the warmth produced by over-unity magnetic motor. Those russians are really creative with their "no analogue in the world" inventions.

>> No.7902337


Can somebody use actual evidence to refute or confirm possibility?

>> No.7902381

You should jerk off on some chicken eggs and report back. Use the scientific method.

>> No.7902382

The sperm did nothing. It's just a chicken embryo that couldn't grow properly due to a lack of light and heat.

>> No.7902395

I honestly hope people don't fall for this. Please God. Did you even pay attention to highschool biology?

>> No.7902403

looks like a frog's arm

>> No.7902405

when i was in high school i told a bunch of elementary school kids that if they put a booger in a pot full of soil and water it daily, the booger would grow a five dollar bill after 3 to 4 days, depending on the room temperature

one of them actually tried it and he came back and told me it didn't work

just sayin'

>> No.7902407


>> No.7902412

Nice bait.

I wonder how he did the trick though - maybe a fake eggshell? He goofed up though - if a "thing" was in there the yolk would be gone, but you can see it floating around in the bottom of the cup.

>> No.7902421
File: 463 KB, 581x332, get-thee-back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>demo of fifteenth-century biology

>> No.7902429

It looks like a worm so figures you'd use it as bait

>> No.7903167


>> No.7903198

Buy eggs in store
do the same shit as the russian guy but do no inject sperm.

It's a chicken embryo being developed and malformed because it's not under correct conditions.

>> No.7903230


100% hoax, trust me i know from having seen quite a few

>look at me inject this crazy shit in to an egg
>look at this other crazy other shit that comes out!

It's the oldest slight of hand in the fucking book.

>> No.7903545
File: 87 KB, 605x731, 6782897582852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world must be so much more interesting to people who believe in stuff like this. For them, there isn't much outside the realm of possibility. If they can think of it, it probably exists. For a lot of them, they go in search of the things they have created in their minds, and they live happily doing so. They might never find it, but they just KNOW it's out there, and so they search forever.
Be it aliens, homunculi, energy crystals, chemtrails, or whatever. These people who believe these things are happier.
How can I attain such happiness? I can't bring myself to believe that aliens are real, or that energy crystals actually do anything, and I don't believe that thing that OP posted is real at all. Am I unhappy because I don't believe these things, or do I not believe these things because I'm unhappy?

>> No.7903589

so can i make my own chickenman army, i need to know

>> No.7903656
File: 106 KB, 829x620, jonathan-ahn-wiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lower your requirements in meeting happiness. It sounds 100% autismo but just try it. For me it's just the simple things really. Getting out of bed early, good night's sleep and waking up to a world that is barely awake makes me happy. Or when it stops raining and the streets are wet it reminds me of simple oil paintings

>> No.7903738
File: 352 KB, 550x361, FunFunFunFun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you make your own research? That's what science is about!

>> No.7903747

The chicken eggs you buy at a store are unfertilized.

>> No.7903752

>all sperm mix with all ova now

brb starting furry slave business.

for real, guys. why do you think there arent any little goat people wandering around, or little horse people, or anything like that thats ever been documented? and no, satyrs are mythical creatures.

>> No.7903772


>> No.7903804

eggs out of the store are not fertilized, dummie

>> No.7903805

are you retarded?

you can just make more.

and if those work then it's even MORE proof.

if not then it was fake and we know that it's fake now.

it's a win/win no matter what, fuck off with your shitty logic you retard.

>> No.7903807
File: 564 KB, 200x200, 1428473607376.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>, you still haven't given any counterexamples of failed experiments.

hol up

are you asking for a counterexample of a human being able to inseminate a chicken egg with human sperm?

where do i even...

>> No.7903857

Chicken-fuckers. Friend up the road did it all the time, never any WEIRD shit walking-pecking around. Sept him a_course!!

>> No.7903870

basic high school biology

>> No.7903874

Chickens and humans wouldn't be able to reproduce because they have differing numbers of chromosomes.
Horses and donkeys can breed a mule because their count is equal.

>> No.7903875

cock (chicken) sperm, not human

>> No.7903891

Don't dogs and chicken have the same count of chromosomes?

>> No.7903905

I was here to say this. Chicken's have total of 78 chromosomes. Human's have 23 (n2) chromosome pairs, two of which are sex chromosomes and 44 autosomal chromosomes.

Sex cell's (sperm and egg) contains only a single set of chromosomes and are called as haploid (n), in human case we have 23 (n) chromosomes and chicken has 39 (n) chromosomes.

While failure is always an option, but it really seems most improbable to have 23 and 39 chromosomes to pair up together, so that they could form anything sustainable. Remember that they would have to successfully replicate several times even to form a mutant.

>> No.7903915

African wild dog, Chicken, Coyote, Dhole, Dingo, Dog, Dove, Golden jackal and Gray wolf all have 78 chromosomes. Maned wolf has 76.

>> No.7903923


Just in case! Before your imagination flies too high. Chromosome count is not the only limiting factor in crossbreeding. Animals with different chromosome counts can sometimes breed, but offspring will most likely be sterile.

Between chicken and human, there is not likely to be genetic compatibility to form anything. The classic example of this is the mule, which is the product of a female horse (64 chromosomes) mating with a male donkey (62 chromosomes).

>> No.7903931

whoa, hold on, there's a lot of science to back up the existence of aliens. pure math alone based upon conditions and size of our universe vs potential ways life got started, all come out with a basic guarantee of it.

on topic though, you are unhappy because you let it matter. Find something you know will exist and try to help make it. Like i don't know hard light, haptics, children, up to you.

>> No.7903941

What about the fermi paradox?

>> No.7903954

that raise's questions, not answer's them anon. if i remember correctly, that is literally a chunk of math that says "hey alien's should be out there....and we should have also found them....why haven't we?" but hey, it's been months since I've seen that.

>> No.7904329



Fermi paradox is a meme

>> No.7905256

Define meme

>> No.7906022

Biologistfags please debunk this.

>> No.7906043

You always say biology isn't a science, so I figure that I should not post it in /sci/.

>> No.7906051

Granted, common knowledge tells us that cross-species fertilization is impossible, especially with such a far point of divergence. But that's not data, that's not experiment. Here we have a video which purports to show a counterexample and is in fact evidence (even if very, very, VERY bad evidence, given the ease of trickery, lack of detail and general tone), whereas the previous default position has none. A general dismissal like yours is not sound, but arises from a sort of scientific arrogance when not supported by a single cited experiment. It is probably the 'true' position, but the means by which you arrived there seem invalid.

>> No.7906187


>> No.7906217

LOL ostrich egg :D

>> No.7906242

Contaminated by microbes or flies

>> No.7906248
File: 466 KB, 1090x615, FATHER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7906265

Mexicans are definitely real.

>> No.7906915

Interspecies heterokarya are not viable
Literally Genetics 101

>> No.7906928
File: 131 KB, 561x726, table9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sry burst your bubble here but crystals do have energetic properties.

just not the big ones yet, as they are very unpure in they're structure and don't amplify waves that well.

look up crystal oscillator, very commonly used in electronics.

humanoid aliens, humonculi and chemtrails sound like a fairy tale to me tho

>> No.7906937

Nah nigga.

Imagine aliens sent two robotic probes out from their home system to two nearby stars, with only the purposes of conducting science/surveying and building two more probes to send to two other nearby stars to do the same thing. Even constrained by light speed, assuming probes could never go faster than 0.5c, these probes would be around every star in the galaxy within 10 million years, roughly.

There's a nearby (12.8 ly distant) star, Kapteyn's Star, which has a world that is estimated to have been in the Habitable Zone of the star for 9 billion years. It took Earth 4.5 billion years to develop us. Kapteyn b, if it had developed intelligent life with exploration tendencies like humankind, would already have surveyed the entire galaxy. This hasn't happened.

The Fermi Paradox is absolutely real. 10 million years is very fast, on the geological/cosmological time scales. If there have been aliens in the past, there'd be evidence now. So where is it? Where are they?

>> No.7908927

>Crystal energy is the power that crystals naturally give off and that you are able to use to heal yourself. You can apply the metaphysical properties of these more powerful crystals, as you learn how you can use them to heal yourself.

>he actually believes this