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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7773050 No.7773050 [Reply] [Original]

what is /sci/'s official position on Sat. night inebriation?

carpe diem, amirite?

>> No.7773089

don't be a pussy OP. drink everclear, or at least a bottle of vodka

>> No.7773091

no, you're just finding excuses to slowly kill yourself.

>> No.7773093

Everyone is slowly dying...

>> No.7773094

You don't need an excuse to slowly kill yourself. It's happening anyway.

My official position is that I like to drink with my brothers, and I should not be drinking around certain people of the opposite sex.

>> No.7773098

I prefer to have a clear mind, even on saturday nights. And it saves me money.

>> No.7773103

listen nerd, I don't trust anyone who I can't sit down and enjoy a few beers with. You'll learn this someday.

>> No.7773108

Why would I care if you trust me?

>> No.7773122

>still looking for excuses to give themselves cancer and shorten increase the risk of premature death
go on faggots. Irrational people don't deserve to live anyway.

>> No.7773123

kek, what a faggot.
I don't trust someone who's stupid enough to drink alcohol

I commend you anon.

>> No.7773129

Yeah, stop drinking beers you casual. they're so godamn inefficient you'll spend more time pissing than being inebriated

>> No.7773169

drinking alcohol is the opposite of carpe diem

>> No.7773181

I think letting go and relaxing and having a social life is very beneficial for mental health, which will probably increase your life span a lot more than alcohol would otherwise decrease it.

That's why I usually drink a decent amount Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and usually black out one of those days.

>> No.7773191

>wanting to prolong life at all cost, no matter how boring that life gets

>> No.7773209

>implying that it's impossible to enjoy life without ingesting neuron-killing shit

American youth culture is degenerate.

>> No.7773212

It's not impossible to enjoy life without drinking, it's just more enjoyable to drink.

People that don't like drinking really just don't like that they don't have any friends to drink with.

>> No.7773217

>implying moderate drinking causes health problems

>> No.7773244

>still trying to find excuses with blatant lies
I never drank alcohol. Maybe you're the one who needs to be intoxicated to hide your inability to make friends while in a normal state kek


You make me laugh

>> No.7773256

Confirmed bait.

>> No.7773262

it's not bait. I'm dead serious. Snap out of your denial anon.

>> No.7773263

I like staying home on saturdays with a nice bottle of vodka or whisky.

getting this mad

>> No.7773284

The world is not as black and white as you think. You need more flexibility and nuance in your thinking.

Occacionally drinking alcohol is not the same thing as needing it to talk to other people. That you would believe this tells us something about how autistic you actually are.

Also, stop being a mad, pathetic faggot.

>> No.7773285

>getting this mad
I dont think that means what you think it means

>> No.7773316

>being this deluded
>this tells us something about how autistic you actually are
this only tells me how stuck in your bad habits you actually are.
It's not too late to improve, subhuman.

>> No.7773325

I should've said "being this mad"

>> No.7773397

ITT: a bunch of nerd virgins

except >>7773103, let's have a drink, anon

>> No.7773400

This person is either muslim or lacks social life completely

>> No.7773403
File: 198 KB, 3000x1688, sci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and probably looks like pic related

>> No.7773405

> oh yeah lets sit down and have a beer
> oh it feels good lets have another one
> ahhh just had my 5th one, wanna go for something harder ?
> yeeaaahh lets have a crack at this joint here
> oh just one tiny roll...or a couple maybe
> man I'm so fucked I can't roll this 7th one, can you roll this one ?
> You know meth goes great with cannabis right ?
> oh cmon don't be a pussy, lets have a bit of meth as well to show off how manly we are.
> oh whats this on the table, is it a kitten or a cake ?
> well lets open it up and see for ourselves
> something is pouring down from this, its either blood or cranberry sauce
> whoops apaprently it was a cat but fuck it, i'll jus say i was fucked at the time
> i'm so glad i had beers

>> No.7773408

this just goes to show that you're a sad lonely person who fears human interaction

i pity you

>> No.7773409
File: 10 KB, 300x300, 1428897077115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for you to leave your room and experience life. This kind of anger will give you a heart attack.

>> No.7773410
File: 146 KB, 3000x1688, 1452428243294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying he's white.

>> No.7773414

> said while drunk driving and killing a few innocent bystanders

>> No.7773433

Getting hammered is a sign of weakness and so is abstaining completely.

>> No.7773439

drink it up faggot

>> No.7773514

>being baited this hard

>> No.7773553

It's fun to alter your state of mind now and then, even if it's to an inhibited state. In moderation, it's not going to do you any more long term harm than the anger you feel while reading this thread.

>> No.7773557

why is abstaining a sign of weakness anon?

>> No.7773625

wait, is this damage control?

>> No.7773629


Shows lack of self control.

>> No.7773637

> not wanting to use drugs shows lack of self-control
junkie bullshit

>> No.7773654

>wait, is this damage control?
wait, is this damage control?

>> No.7773680

no it's not me at least.

>> No.7773684

I'd say that falling for intoxication shows a bigger lack of self control, as opposed to resisting the temptation.

>> No.7773715
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Ask me how i know the only fun and really down to earth people you know (and maybe even cosider calling your friends) ALL secretly make fun of you when you are not around. I'm sure you are "that guy" all of us who have a passion for living and enjoying life only befriended out of pitty and empathy. You simply do not understand social concepts. There is much more to enjoy in life than perusing anonymous image boards.

>> No.7773722
File: 195 KB, 200x200, 1441331364490.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You simply do not understand social concepts. There is much more to enjoy in life than perusing anonymous image boards.

>there is much more to enjoy in life than what I'm currently doing
we know anon. Do you?

>> No.7773737

>I'd say that falling for intoxication shows a bigger lack of self control, as opposed to resisting the temptation.

They both do. If you can't enjoy any alcohol without losing yourself to it, then that's weakness. Granted, if you know you have that weakness, it is better to abstain completely.

>> No.7773740
File: 729 KB, 267x200, nope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't get salty anon. I didn't plan for that to seem so harsh but if you are disagreeing then tell me. Who is the person in your group i described who you all are awkwardly friends with? Think about it

>> No.7773745
File: 160 KB, 848x638, 1447977285190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My position in terms of that which is founded in science is that alcohol is harmful, even in moderate amounts.
> pic related, from a lecture
I posted all the relevant slides in the last thread on alcohol. Here is a link to the archive:

My personal opinion, however, is that people can do whatever they like, if it doesn't harm others. And taxation on alcohol likely covers the cost of health care for the damage it produces.

My only issue is that people aren't honest with themselves regarding the harmful properties of alcohol. If someone wanted to drink, and admits it's harmful, and doesn't care, then how can I complain? Pretending it isn't harmful, however, is retarded.

>> No.7773752


Notice the X-axis on those graphs showing huge quantities of alcohol. 80 drinks a week? Yeah, I think we all know that's a problem. (Except Russians.)

>> No.7773757

> The royal colleges of physicians, psychiatrists, and general practitioners have therefore advised men and women to drink less than 21 and 14 units a week, respectively, whereas the UK government has recommended no more than 4 and 3 units a day, respectively; 1 unit is 8-10 g of alcohol.

The cans of alcohol people consume regularly exceed 5 a week. Look at the risk of the first cancer listed. 5 units increases risk almost 30%. That's disregarding the minor increase in every other condition.

>> No.7773762

Three cans of Fosters, 440ml with 4% content of alcohol, is in the range of 5.28-6.6 units.
I'm sure there are plenty of people in the UK who consume 3 cans of Fosters a week

>> No.7773820

You've clearly never been to yurop