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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 40 KB, 600x479, albert-einstein-10-7-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7765796 No.7765796 [Reply] [Original]

>Failed math in school
>Could not speak until he was four
>Could not read until he was nine
>Was dyslexic
>teachers and parents thought he was mentally handicapped
>expelled from school
>refused admittance to the Zurich Polytechnic School
>had Asperger’s Syndrome
>failed his first attempt at entrance into college
>Might have been schizophrenic
>Had dyscalculia
>Had trouble memorizing words, texts, and names
>introverted, might have had social anxiety

How did he manage to do anything with all these defects?

>> No.7765797

>negative look at aspects of one mans life

He chose not to speak until he was 4. He deemed it unnecessary.

>> No.7765806

>all these defects
he was a rebel
not a sponge

>> No.7765807
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I chose to not do shit for 18 years, i deemed it to be unnecessary. Am i smart senpai?

>> No.7765829

>>failed his first attempt at entrance into college
That's Germany's education system for you.

>> No.7765841

Did not fail math in school
"Albert Einstein did not fail mathematics in school. Upon seeing a column making this claim, Einstein said "I never failed in mathematics... Before I was fifteen I had mastered differential and integral calculus."[154][155] Einstein did however fail the entrance exam into the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School on his first attempt in 1895, although he was two years younger than his fellow students at the time and scored exceedingly well in the mathematics and science sections.[156]" -Wiki list of common misconceptions

>> No.7765845


>> No.7765846
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>Failed math in school

>> No.7765866

>normies attempting to relate to a genius

>> No.7765914

>had Asperger’s Syndrome
>before it was described
cool story bro

>> No.7765920
File: 81 KB, 439x700, einstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Failed math in school

6 = highest grade

>> No.7765923

>Fucking unreadable fracture.

>> No.7765925

I feel bad for you...

>> No.7765932

Because a large portion of what you've listed is total bullshit and nearly all of it is gross exaggeration

>> No.7765957

>Had dyscalculia

>> No.7765973
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>> No.7766820


How did you come up with such a brain dead list?

>> No.7766849

Because that's all the crap stupid people made up about him.

He was actually a brilliant man.

>> No.7766881

the answer to this is that he didn't do anything. all his work belongs to other people.

leaching fraud

>> No.7766906
File: 68 KB, 500x403, Alfreb einstime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7766926

Not really, he was a manufactured philanthropist, probably had a fairly high emotional intelligence. I hear tell his live in girlfriend was the math genius, maybe she didn't want the attention? Also he was friendly with Jesuits. He denied it but he is pictured with the creepy one who hauled Big Bang out of the Vatican archives, they were probably his handlers and why they made him a Jew - they love playing that game. The real authors probably burnt on a stake some centuries ago. History is rewritten everyday.

>> No.7766928

Einstein was mindbogglingly intelligent. Read some of his writings from when he was around 15 if you want to feel like a retard.

>> No.7766948


Don't you realize that psychologists lie all the fucking time and say that <insert famous person> had <insert your mental disorder> without any basis in reality to make you feel good?

>> No.7766968

Was lucky enough to work at a patent office and steal an idea.

>> No.7766973
File: 566 KB, 1366x768, einstein2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i took a pic.

dude was writing on this level at 15!

>> No.7767141


I think it is more often people who have the condition who are trying to show that everyone else has it, too. People with Asperger's seem particularly intent on such idiocy.

>> No.7767145


Off your meds? Are or you just making it up for the purpose of trolling?

>> No.7767156

There is a story about Einstein's first talk at the Institute for Advanced Study. I don't remember where I heard the story, but I think it was in a dinner speech given by John Wheeler at a physics conference.

A colleague suggested that it was time for him to give a lecture on his work. Einstein thought about it for a while and decided that he had some interest results in Tensor Analysis that he would like to present.

As usual, a notice about the lecture was posted on a bulletin board there with his name, the title of his lecture, and the date and time of his lecture.

Some undergraduates saw the notice and spread the word.

On the day of the lecture, the campus was packed with people hoping to hear him speak. It supposedly resembled the day of a Princeton-Harvard football game.

Einstein was led through the crowd, into the building, down the very crowded hallway, and into a very crowded lecture room where he was given a chair to sit in while waiting to be introduced.

While sitting in the chair, Einstein was looking around at the crowd in complete bewilderment and then said, "Never did I dream that in America there were so many people interested in Tensor Analysis".

>> No.7767167

all those problems and still was the greatest physicist and possibly most important human to ever live

how can one man be so based?

>> No.7767193

because half that shit's not true but just made up/passed around to make others feel better about failing/not understanding mathematics. If you've touched GR, you'd realize he was obviously gifted in mathematics but modest about his ability since he focused on application.

>> No.7767203

By not being a whiny little victim who settled for a liberal arts degree.

>> No.7767221


>hurr durr he was just like me

>> No.7767237


If he was so great then why is he dead, idiot?

>> No.7767260


lol, good story

>> No.7767274

>>Cheated on all his wives and generally lived an AWESOME adult life.

>> No.7767375

nigga einstein was the math genius. his girl failed i maths in college.

>> No.7767380

He was kind of a thief

>> No.7767383

He then stepped up his game.
Did you?

>> No.7767392

>common misconceptions

>> No.7767409
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>> No.7767625

Most of them are incorrect desu

>> No.7767629


Good Roast anon

>> No.7767644



You are obviously "smart but lazy"

>> No.7767836


Can you provide anything to actually back that up?

I doubt it.

>> No.7767946
File: 1.56 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20140201_171543 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A photographer in my family took a picture of him and I managed to snag a shot with my camera.
As far as I know it's the only physical copy and the only digital copy available.
It was very old and showing signs of wear and discoloration.

Just kind of neat to find a one of a kind photo of him considering he disliked having his photo taken.

>> No.7767960

The only things verifiable on this list:
>Aspergers, since he showed alot of symptoms and his "way of thinking" was kind of autistik.(not meant negatively) So it might not be sure if he really had it but its grated he had certain tendencies.
The last two of this list are pretty acurrate. he always locked himself out and had a complex personality. Also he had various problems in his relationships since his lack of social understanding. Read some books with personal letters by him and other documents,works and speeches. So coming back to your question OP
everyone has their strengths and weaknisses. And especially his autistic tendencies could have been helpfull by changing mankinds understanding of physics. (pls ignore the typos anons)

>> No.7767962

wow, he had really clear skin...

>> No.7769366

Not to mention in English!

>> No.7769375

>things that never happened

>> No.7769620


Hasn't this been translated into english?

>> No.7769652

very smart guy

made sense of what the other physicists weren't quite looking at in the right way


>> No.7769827

Well meme'd my friend.

>> No.7769840

most of those are myths/lies/rumors spread by those who have such defects and want to feel better about themselves

>> No.7769844

>I'm smart but lazy, just look Einstein's biography.

>> No.7769922

he cited all his sources and introduced ideas no one had before. If you knew your shit you would realize how much of an idiot you are

>> No.7769925

>most important human to ever live

>> No.7769962

>you'd realize he was obviously gifted in mathematics
If you have ever touched a graduate math textbook, you'd realize that he was quite bad at it, although better at maths than most physicists.

Leaving those myths aside, although Einstein is an important physicist, he's by far less intelligent that most people think he is - considering how much of a popular icon he is, to be the paradigmatic image of 'smart man' yet not as smart as many geniuses from the past - Aristotle, Newton, Leibniz, Goethe, Kant, Wittgenstein would make a better image as a genius than Einstein.

>> No.7770008


>> No.7770023


>> No.7770027

nice meme, but this is the science and maths board

>> No.7771101

You understand being better at math than most physicists puts him squarely in the "not bad at math" camp?

>> No.7771106
File: 61 KB, 500x403, alfreb-einstime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7771125

Why do people even believe this kind of bullshit.

Einstien's teachers thought he was a fucking genius at math and he skipped lectures all the time because he had already taught himself.

I mean yeah the guy was a little eccentric with marrying his cousin and all but still.

>> No.7771639
File: 222 KB, 1920x1920, hiptobesquare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


now THAT i did not know...

>> No.7771657

Half of that shit isn't true, it's lies told to make retards and underachievers feel good about themselves

>> No.7771675

i dunn if it's the compression or what, but i can't make out the smaller text in that pic

>> No.7771676

no, it's german

>> No.7771680

>wore a shoe on his head
>invented the truffle shuffle
>was murdered by his clone

>> No.7771688

>How did he manage to do anything with all these defects?

Defective people look at life from a different perspective because they have a different experience in life. He looked at his work from a new angle, which gave him an advantage in discovering things others had overlooked.

>TFW it was all luck

>> No.7771703

OP, everyones life has things in it that people will percieve as setbacks but for all we know he was a fuck up because he was always fucking bitches and counting money like a mothafuckin boss genius.

You shouldnt "weigh" peoples lives. Just do what you love and get off einsteins nuts

>> No.7771858

>a list of features with no source
>a picture of Einstein
>he didn't have most those traits

Is this a troll or OP just an idiot?

>> No.7772059

He sounds like the type of guy /sci/ would hate

>> No.7772077

Back to /lit/

>> No.7772124

Thanks for sharing anon that's really neat. My girlfriend is a legitimate photographer and she always says she takes so many pictures of everyone even if they don't like it because one day so one will apericate that the photos exist.

>> No.7772853

So what exceptional did Goethe ever do? He's always mentioned as a legendary genius but I just can't see it.

>> No.7772886

everyone I know calls me that, not joking, I tell myself everyday I'm a piece of shit, because I know I'm shitty

>> No.7772905

>being this scared of the Categorical Imperative

moral degenerate detected

>> No.7772908

>He deemed it unnecessary.
kek sure pal

more like,
>Mother: "My young boy was shy as a child, didnt talk much, but we moved when he was about 4 and made alot of friends"

>> No.7772923

Makes me feel like wasted potential.

Einstein probably didn't know English when he was 15, to my knowledge. translations can sometimes embellish, and German's grammatical rules can sometimes be difficult to properly represent.

>> No.7772929

How's that computer feel, anon? Or better yet how's that car that you like to drive or your TV and cellphone.
We should be kissing his ass for providing us all with our technological revolution.

>> No.7772950

Yeah I'm pretty sure the translator made him sound pompous in writing. AFAIK if you translated German raw into English you sound like any other schmuck. This obnoxious wordplay that makes middle schoolers think you're smart isn't likely something Einstein bothered with, knowing that he was relatively bad at language, and wanted to actually be understood.

>> No.7773045

He made the tactical choice to work at that patent office, establishing and defending economic monopolies. Then he could make a good role model for future generations if we make him famous.

What, German grammar is very logical.

>> No.7773555

Same here. I don't get what I've done to earn that, for lack of a better term, title. Ah well, is what it is I guess.

>> No.7773566

it's called writing. Not sure if you know it though.

>> No.7773569

wasn't einstein pantheist? So he actually kinda believed in a god?

>> No.7773620
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By plagiarizing Poincaré.

>> No.7773880
