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7764438 No.7764438[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw smart but lazy

>> No.7764445

>>pic of emotions guy doing mundane thing

>> No.7764462
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>tfw smart but choose to be lazy

>> No.7764463

I know that feel bruv, it's what makes me leave my exam revision to the last minute but still blow the fuck out of them. It's why I'm at a world top ten uni studying engineering despite being a lazy cunt. It's why I get to put in a tenth of the effort my peers do but still score higher than them.

If this is not your life then you only got the lazy bit on point. Just thinking about where I'd without this gift is dreadful because I know I don't have the willpower to do the grind everyone else has to do.

Actually smart people float to the top regardless of laziness.

>> No.7764482

floating ontop of a cloud made of your privilege does not change the fact that society is keeps running (and science keeps advancing) due to the actions of people who are not, in fact, lazy fucks

>> No.7764500

good for society I guess

>> No.7764517

lazy people are niggers inside

>> No.7764520

>tfw smart but stupid

worst feel

>> No.7764522
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Pic unrelated

>> No.7764536

>any of this is true

kek, at a real top 10 uni you'd drown in homework no matter what you study

>> No.7764540

think you mean
>tfw you're smart enough to realise that you're stupid

a fairly awful feeling tbqh

>> No.7764542

But if you were smart, you wouldn't be lazy.

>> No.7764545 [DELETED] 

It's not smart to be lazy, therefore you can't be both.

>> No.7764602

So many delusional people in this board.

>> No.7764661

I'm seriously contemplating about dropping out from my chem major to work at a Burgerking.

>> No.7764666

don't do it i'm the same way. finish your degree, then get a shitty QC job and live in a trailer park.

>> No.7764674

I disagree, I think that there are a lot of smart people who decide to use their talent to simply coast through their life without having to put real effort.
The thing is they are not "smart but lazy", they are "smart and lazy" which means they actually know their limits and how lazy they can be.

>> No.7764678

I get that people hate that meme but i've never considered it a bad thing. I word it "smart AND lazy", but then again I never brag about my intelligence in real life anyway, and if anyone asks me I tell them I'm not smart at all. I wish everybody could just chill the fuck out and be laid back and have average grades.

>> No.7764691

>"anon, you're too smart to be so lazy"
>tfw too lazy to be actual smart

>> No.7764730

it's a meme because it's a load of crap that delusional idiots tell themselves in order to feel better about being a loser.

it's like the last thing that people get to hold on to even when everything else in their life is shit. even the ugliest, shortest, smelliest, most virginal sadcase in existence gets to feel good by telling himself he's smart. and who could argue? there's that one time mummy or your friend who thought you were an arsehole said how smart you are!

the laziness comes in as a way of denying all the _real life evidence_ that says you're actually stupid.
>shit grades? too lazy to study
>don't know shit? too lazy to apply your vast intelligence to even one subject
>shit job? employers don't care about brains, they only want people with bits of paper! (which you were too lazy to get)

>> No.7764798

Right on the nail. Besides, even if one actually was smart and lazy, it is still a really shameful things. I think this "meme" comes from the popular notion that being lazy is OK. It really is not ok and shameful imo. Lazy people are utterly worthless and do not contribute to society in any meaningful, significant way. Thats all fine, but willfully lazy people should know their place, and inherently lazy people, like myself, should strive for something greater and be ashamed of our weakness.

>> No.7764807

Right on the nail brah i'm not willfully lazy either i'm just inherently lazy. Fukin willfully lazy people are the worst, inherently lazy master race.

>> No.7764811
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>tfw smart and dedicated

>> No.7764987

inherently lazy people are fucking plebs who hate themselves, do some self reflection and meditation if you want to reach the nirvana that willfully lazy achieve.

inherently lazy
>wah I have no self control I can't get grades but im still smart wahhhhh mom's gonna be mad at me when i drop out and she has to pay for it

willfully lazy
>I live an absolutely stress free lifestyle and enjoy my leisure time, earning just enough money to keep me fed, sheltered, and stoned without ever causing problems for other people.

>> No.7765026

Unrealized potential, is still potential.

You wouldn't call a nuke a dud just because it hasn't exploded yet, so why do people make this stupid argument?

If you score low on an IQ test it doesn't mean you're dumb, any intelligent person can deliberately get a low IQ score, it's trivial. A high IQ score means you're smart. A low IQ score means nothing.

It's the same with codebreaking. If someone publishes an algorithm that breaks AES, it's broken. But if nobody publishes such an algorithm it doesn't mean AES is secure, just that we don't know that it's been broken yet.

>> No.7765034

>exam revision
you're neither smart nor lazy lmao

>> No.7765045

Nukes have an expiration date. The unfortunate reality is the longer you wait, the more habituated you are to waiting and not doing.

>> No.7765125

You guys are misunderstanding what I am saying. I am saying it is ok to be inherently lazy, as long as you actively work against your nature and eventually overcome it. For me, I have to put in relatively more effort to not be lazy and to stay that way, but that doesn't mean it is ok to succumb to your nature. To me that would be my greatest fault. The problem is other people, usually young, do not see lazy as a shameful negative quality to the extent that I do, and a lot of people on /sci/ do. Furthermore, some excuse there lazy attitude as something intrinsic to their personality, instead of attempting to change that part of their personality.

>> No.7765523


It's true that humans are subject to biological limitations that abstract mathematical entities are not, but even something like a brain tumor can dramatically change a person's behavior, so statistically yes it's unlikely for a lazy person to become diligent but it's not a fact in the same sense that gravity is a fact.

>> No.7765538

I'm the bottom right

>> No.7765557


Everyone is stupid, including the smartest people alive right now. The smartest people on the planet can't answer questions asked by 5 year olds. We are all just badly evolved apes with delusions of grandeur.