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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7762405 No.7762405 [Reply] [Original]

Petition to replace captcha on /sci/ with mathematical equation.

Bump here if you support this. Only unique IPs and posters will be counted.

>> No.7762411

I support this if we use this equation.

[math] \sum\limits_{n = 1}^\infty n = ? [/math]

>> No.7762412


>> No.7762414
File: 23 KB, 300x300, michio-kaku-0314-mdn[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope :^)
It should be a quiz about our favourite scientists.

>> No.7762417

Too easy. Replace it with a proof.

>> No.7762421

>replace captcha with proof
>suddenly only europeans are able to post

>> No.7762425
File: 195 KB, 1650x1050, wildburger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The question should be "Are the reals real?"

The answer is no.

>> No.7762430

we need another wildburger thread to be honest.

>> No.7762436


>> No.7762441
File: 88 KB, 698x1576, math exam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There should be an entrance exam

>> No.7762545

3 supporters guise!

>> No.7762649

Make that 4!

>> No.7762653

>captcha turns to say prove riemann hypothesis
>board turns nigerian

>> No.7762689

If possible, it would be cool to have the captcha pertaining to the thread topic

>> No.7763049
File: 85 KB, 716x960, 1375201_10202138311770107_1136394486_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a dank idea

>> No.7763085


>> No.7763089

Not like you can stop people from just punching it into Wolfram before they shitpost

>> No.7763104

bots would be better at solving it than most people that post here

>> No.7763109

present the equation/question in a picture, like captcha does already.

>> No.7763185


>> No.7763426

how bout you stop posting chink cartoon pics you fat pathetic neckbeard

>> No.7763433


>> No.7763473


>> No.7763475

How can maths be real if the universe ain't real

>> No.7763477

I agree.
Fuck homework plebs :^)

>> No.7763492
File: 53 KB, 475x375, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, you're posting on a site owner by a jap. This is weeb territory, get over it.

Anyway, the problem is a spambot could simply use Cramer's rule to solve the equation. It'd be tough to implement this in a way that's actually secure.

>> No.7763537

They'd still have to know how to properly input it.

>> No.7763541

Only if it doesn't include negative numbers I always get my signature wrong ; ^)

>> No.7763545

differential equations are easy to put in words and there's no way they could figure out how to write it in a way suitable for wolfram

>> No.7763620

24 already?

>> No.7763625

Dumb idea. If it's difficult, it's gonna be annoying as fuck after the 3rd time. If it's easy, it's gonna be cringeworthy and look like a highschool board

>> No.7763628

As a math postgrad I would not bother filling in that captcha just to post a single post in this shithole. Especially not after it's filled with pretentious twats who would actually bother to still post after that.

>> No.7763646

it's Science and Math. Not everyone who comes here has to be a math expert. Some of us are biologists and chemists which only has to deal with a very basic level of maths.

>> No.7763667
File: 39 KB, 562x437, Ohwow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biologists and chemists
>only has to deal with a very basic level of maths

>> No.7763674

nice b8, cringelord

>> No.7763679

>Hard science.

>Hard """""science""""".

>> No.7763690

top kek

do it

>> No.7763692

Yeah, Larry Flynt is right! Come on you idiots, we're tackin' back this town!

>> No.7763697

X != X

>> No.7763702


>> No.7763703

cramers rule? are you trying to say we should use linear simultaneous equations you absolute mug?

>> No.7763717


>> No.7763727

>a spam bot cannot recognize pictures or jagged letters
>however, a spambot can easily recognize jagged mathematical expressions and solve them


>> No.7763729
File: 244 KB, 1383x1631, The+fliz_0f444c_4482901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: ideas mods don't give a shit about

Oh, I have one! Let's make it so the OP of the thread can ban people from and delete posts from his own thread.

>> No.7763861

by your logic I should only post jewy stuff on facebook since its owner is zuckerberg

gtfo with your tripcode and shitname, lardass

>> No.7765196

I support this. Even putting a simple geometric proof will filter out all of the /pol/ and /b/tards.

>> No.7765256

Lol as if systems of linear equations even fucking get close to the minimum skill this board needs.
The new captcha would be for people, not for bots, fyi...

>> No.7765372

make the equation P = NP to see who knows their shit on /sci/

>> No.7765398

>complaining about anime on an anime image board

>> No.7765402


>> No.7765403

> science and math
> anime image board

>> No.7765656

On a related note, what is the best science anime?

>> No.7765697
File: 121 KB, 1128x383, guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7765702


That's retarded.

Threads will just become circle jerks.

Atleast OPs idea could be tried for april first

>> No.7765740

>1 day only
>no real effort put into verification
>"niggers" become acceptable pass for all captchas

this actually happened BTW. anyone remember when they 1st added capcha to 4chan?

>> No.7765779

I love this but it would have to be a word problem because you could still spam by feeding an equation directly into a CAS.

>> No.7766210


>> No.7766221

Why do I want to read these. I'm not even that much of a weeb.