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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7761178 No.7761178[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Electrical Engineering
>least saturated


rank and amount per 10,000 bachelors degrees awarded each year

Here is the top ten just to give you an idea what we're looking at here

>#1 with 814 - Business Management
>#2 with 539 - General business
>#3 with 463 - Accounting
>#4 with 448 - Nursing
>#5 with 404 - Psychology
>#6 with 352 - Communications
>#7 with 315 - Marketing
>#8 with 287 - General education
>#9 with 279 - Elementary education
>#10 with 251 - English

basically bullshit degrees that everyone knows is saturated without a doubt and didn't even need to look at this list, but now take a look at what we apparently need so badly...

>#11 with 243 - Computer science
>#14 with 206 - Biology
>#17 with 168 - Electrical engineering
>#23 with 132 - General engineering
>#24 with 132 - Mechanical engineering
>#30 with 91 - Mathematics
>#31 with 83 - Civil engineering
>#33 with 83 - CIS
>#37 with 64 - Chemistry
>#46 with 49 - Computer engineering
>#51 with 43 - Chemical engineering
>#62 with 34 - Industrial engineering
>#73 with 25 - Physics
>#75 with 24 - IS
>#89 with 18 - Biochemical sciences
>#92 with 17 - Microbiology
>#100 with 15 - Aerospace engineering

>> No.7761182

Philosophy major here.

You're welcome, I guess.

>> No.7761186
File: 41 KB, 436x410, 1448571157623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now, there are about 2,000,000 bachelors degrees awarded each year

2,000,000/10,000 = 200

200 x the number that graduate in whatever major you're looking at to get the real number

now if we look back at how many people are actually graduating EACH YEAR with BACHELORS degrees in these fields...

>CS = 48,600
>Biology = 41,200
>EE = 33,600
>ME = 26,400
>Math = 18,200
>CivE = 16,600
>Chemistry = 12,800
>CompE = 9,800
>ChemE = 8,600
>IE = 6,800
>Physics = 5,000
>AeroE = 3,000

I happen to think that you, /sci/, have no idea what you're talking about.


>> No.7761192

why am i supposed to care about this?

>> No.7761200

Because you're a pathetic, overcompensating, engineer.

>> No.7761201
File: 547 KB, 488x488, BE_Logo__RGB_ (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I don't give a shit because muh 4.0 and muh top tier school
>Basically guaranteed a job on graduation

>> No.7761212

All careers have their strengths.
I won't imply that career are useless.

>> No.7761213

but i'm not an engineer. i'm studying applied and pure math.

>> No.7761221

But anon, just because there are more EEs graduating that doesn't mean the job market is less saturated. You have to look at job placement rates

>> No.7761238

>> 7761213
Sounds pretty cool!
My deepest is to study math like that!

>> No.7761241

ur fukken gay m8

>> No.7761245
File: 66 KB, 399x382, 1450993162147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this is literally my post I made today in /r9k/ and then reposted in /biz/


what the fuck

>> No.7761282

>pretending to be me
Fuck off mate.

>> No.7761386

i hate people that do this

>> No.7761667

>Electrical Engineering heading
>No Electronic Engineering heading
>Wonder why EE has so many graduates when some chucklefuck has mixed two different majors under the same name

Yeah, mystery solved.

>> No.7761804

The reason there are so many biology majors is because of the Med school cucks. Get a PhD like a man.

>> No.7761914

Ah, a freshman after first semester I see. Prepare for your GPA to plummet to 3.2, which you will be proud to maintain.

>> No.7761930

>Degrees awarded mean literally nothing
>STEM can get jobs in nearly any industry including finace etc.
>The amount of engineering degrees awarded per capita has DECREASED since the cold war and DECREASED TOTAL in some disciplines.
>You're an annoying cuck who doesn't know anything and argues like a petulant child, go away.

>> No.7761931

I'm thinking about dropping out, going to community college, and just becoming an industrial electrician.

>> No.7762173
File: 225 KB, 682x600, 1406098756551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the bitch who dumped me is in business management

>> No.7762485

kinda rude desu

>> No.7762525

I wear glasses and that gif really really pisses me off. Fuck you jeremy clinton

>> No.7762572

toss in manufacturing too and you will be solid

>> No.7762776

Now present those numbers adjusted for job outlook growth or kindly fuck off with your retarded thread.

Not even an EE major.

>> No.7763021


why do you care, did you not get in? :^)

>> No.7763154

EE is literally decreasing, not growing.

>> No.7763285

i hate that picture, the guy looks like he's poking my eye out

>> No.7763527

lmao dumb cunt
lets see you graduate eecs with a 4.0
no you're not guaranteed a job on graduation either.