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7754539 No.7754539 [Reply] [Original]

Whats the weight of the sunlight that hits the earth every year?

>> No.7754543

Photons have no rest mass

>> No.7754545

do plants absorb light and somehow make mass out of it? Sry for being a pleb.

>> No.7754546

>being this retarded

not sure if bait

>> No.7754554

He isn't retarded for asking questions you faggot.

Plants don't gain mass from sunlight. They absorb light to gain the energy to turn carbondioxide into carbon (which they then use to build structures, so that's where the mass comes from) and oxygen (which mostly is a 'waste product' and excreted for animals to breathe).

>> No.7754565


Weight is a measure of force. Light from the sun does exert a force on the planet.

From some shitty simple calculation, with some hastily looked up numbers,

The weight of the sunlight that hits the earth is about 1 billion newtons (200 million pounds.)

>> No.7754567

In photosynthesis, energy from photons is used to drive otherwise non-spontaneous chemical reactions forward. Specifically, it fixes carbon dioxide from the air (along with water) into sugars and oxygen gas. The mass of sugars produced during photosynthesis therefore comes from the atomic nuclei of CO2, but some of the sun's energy is now contained in the chemical bonds of sugars.

>> No.7754570

How much electricity is produced in a day by lightning in gigawatts?

>> No.7754600

They absorb light to gain the energy to turn carbondioxide into carbon (which they then use to build structures, so that's where the mass comes from) and oxygen (which mostly is a 'waste product' and excreted for animals to breathe).
and by that process, they convert energy into mass. Or rather they store energy in molecules which gives them more mass.

>> No.7754664

About three-fiddy

>> No.7754769

Why did I know I would get this response.

>> No.7755209


Addendum: Mass cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed.

>> No.7755628

A lot

>> No.7755635

Hiroshima and Nagasaki disagree

>> No.7755638
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>> No.7755675

e=mc2 says otherwise

>> No.7755680

Only applies to objects in rest. A photon can never be at rest.

>> No.7755691


>> No.7756034

>Light from the sun does exert a force on the planet.

Light is waved particulates that impact and difuse. With the exception of your thought flow, any particulate , waved or otherwise, when impacting at the "speed of light" produces measurable force (Cartwaite, 1967).

With your kind of thinking, NASA won't pick you for a manned flight because you've obviously spent a lot of time already on Uranus.

>> No.7756056

so he only thing that keeps earth from falling towards the sun is the light, pushing it away?

Why dont we get pushed into space?

>> No.7756070

Woah. Trippy

>> No.7756078

This would explain how black holes suck things in. They don't emit the light to "push" stuff away. Brilliant Anon. You deserve a Nobel Prize.

>> No.7756136


>> No.7756140

Photons hqve no weight, BUT we could do some interesting stuff.
If we take the total energy that reaches earth in a year because of photons..
We can use the relativity ecuation
And taking in consideration that photons travel at C... We can just solve for the mass

>> No.7756148

>We can just solve for the mass
do it

>> No.7756350

what's the weight of dust that hits the earth every day? --> 60 tons a day. alrighty then, why is it important for the eath?

>> No.7756402


Dust from the atmosphere? None, it's just regurgitation.

But photons exerting a force may have some significance because they could potentially effect the orbit of the earth. However since that force from the photons is obviosly constant then it's probably just another constant in the fixed forces that determine what path in the gravity well of the solar system earth does take.

>> No.7756408

Can you even do that? I don't believe that's a valid conversion

>> No.7756420

Cosmic dust from outer space.

>> No.7756601


Whatever the weight is, it's effect I would wager are a yearly constant and are factored into the stability of the earth's orbit. All of these things add up and the only things that might change the math would be extremely large asteroids but even with those the numbers would average out over the centuries and millennia.

>> No.7756618
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