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File: 68 KB, 590x421, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7721286 No.7721286 [Reply] [Original]

>smoking and secondhand smoke is unhealthy
>global warming is contributed by man/man made
>vaccines are never harmful
>just listen and believe you guys

Why are most scientists now total retards? Is it liberalism?

>> No.7721296

>>smoking and secondhand smoke is unhealthy
>>global warming is contributed by man/man made
It's absurd to say either of these is completely false, it's just a matter of extent.

>>vaccines are never harmful
Literally no scientist says this. What they do say is that the benefits outweigh the risks.

>> No.7721314

But this year is going to be the warmest ever recorded.

>> No.7721315

>It's absurd to say either of these is completely false, it's just a matter of extent

The extent is so ludicrously small that it is irrelevant, especially for second/firsthand smoking. It has scientists who obviously hate it making he rules, but those who like smoking have actually proven that it isn't bad for you and is only bad for a very small number of genetically weak people.


>Literally no scientist says this. What they do say is that the benefits outweigh the risks.

A lot of them say that even spacing apart the number of vaccines a child gets and at what age they get them isn't necessary, even though probably it is.

>> No.7721318



good thing we have a total cocksucker from a fan club website spreading expertise on global warming

> the climate is not changing for the bad; it actually snowed in miami!!

>> No.7721337

haha this guy again
I remember you from the climate change denying thread.

yeah an opinion piece thinking the exact ideas you're parroting - what a coincidence

Where does he cite the acceptable levels of any of the 'toxins' he claims come from second hand smoke? Where does he cite the irrelevance in what he presumes is a 'small number' for atmospheric levels, and where does he get the 0.39%?

I mean you don't care about evidence so let me just ask you one thing, why do you care about what scientists say?

You don't so don't talk about it.

>> No.7721339

The image was the closest thing I could find illustrating the alarmist crap in science. I think maybe disputing what's in the OP is more important than ripping apart a political cartoon.

>> No.7721345

just to reaffirm how stupid people like you are, who refuse to examine the evidence for themselves ( which has been around since 1950s including 2nd hand smoking data previously referred to as smoking households - inside smoking was ubiquitous ) let's cherry pick a quote from one of the comments,
"Thank you for your excellent article. Al, smoking may be smelly and/or disgusting but the contention that it will kill you is dubious. I suppose it's an endless debate. There are 100 year old folks who smoke. "

I'm honestly convinced you're a shill, or an idiot, for the writers of the books in the article.

>> No.7721347

Michael Mcfadden is a scientist who actually uses statistics and actual toxicity levels to disprove a lot of the smoking and secondhand smoke fears stated by scientists who likely have a personal distaste for smoking.

He had a website explaining more, but It's currently down, unfortunately.

>> No.7721355

Where's a link to the data you're referring to? Hopefully not the pueblo/Helena one...

>> No.7721358


>> No.7721376

>Record cold

>De-mother-fucking-cember 15th
>51 Degrees

Fuck you

>> No.7721390

Daff, M.E., Doll, R. & Kennaway, E.L. (1951). Cancer of the Lung IN relation to tobaco. British Journal of cancer5(1):1-20.

I can't seem to find the other paper I had that cited household statistics paper :-(

I found a semi-decent article detailing evidence from even further back.

And there is recent evidence that small scale long term exposure to chemicals such as arsenic and fluoride does cause incremental damage to your body, which I'm just going to interpolate to the various chemicals in smoking because I can (benzene, arsenic, nitrosamines) specially because there are more TNSAs in second hand smoke... I will look further.

>> No.7721419

so this is the fucking best i could get out of pubmed so far, which is a great example of what you purport as reality - that confounding factors are immense when you're trying to account for second hand smoke exposure. I wish more 60s journals were online, as I'm sure I read a study looking specifically at household exposure to smoking and incidence of bronchial cancer as a retrospective.

I'm not saying that statistically more sound methods might render second hand smoke difficult to analyze, but saying modern second hand smoking studies would even begin to quantify the effects in the home or pub smoking would have is specious at best. The exposures would be widely different. If this Mcfadden statistician has good results why can't you link me them?

>> No.7721430


Do you have any actual data to bring? Or is this just another "lololol prove me wrong" troll thread?

>> No.7721432

>Michael Mcfadden is a scientist
The only thing remotely close to being a scientist McFadden lists on his resume is that he was an animal lab tech 40 years ago. He is not and never was a scientist.

>> No.7721441

oh god, "allergies and tobacco smoke have at least something of a questionable relationship at any level: allergens tend to be protein-based and, if my understanding of them is correct, would tend to be destroyed by burning" -mcFadden

1 we don't know how allergy begins or is maintained, we have only speculated the origin in bmemory cells and observed the mechanism of acute inflammation and mast-cell release reaction. No one understands allergies, and no smoking doesn't fucking burn up all the protein or clearly you wouldn't see anything but water vapor - you see smoke. Even if it got the majority of particulates it would STILL LEAVE MANY EVEN SMALLER PEPTIDES WHICH ARE MORE LIABLE TO CAUSE ALLERGY IN CHRONIC EXPOSURE. Peptides are what are registered/physically imbued into the immune system as the biomarker to select for immune reactions.

his comment on ethyl-alchol is equally as specious, "1,000 milligrams of that vapor into the air in the space of an hour". One we have been in exposure to alcohol for almost as long as we have been animals (fruitfly is where we developed the genes) and they have been selected for strongly in recent evolution, so we are well equipped to deal with alcohol exposure. That being said no one denies the exposure of alcohol and cancer - it is well established, and subject to the same laws that cigarrettes are in most cases - in my country you are not allowed to drink out doors :D

Again, these points have absolutely nothing to do with his expertise - fucking statistics! Where are the comparisons between smokers incidence rates and non-smokers? How do the data from 100 years ago compare to the relatively smoke free previous 30 years?

Bullshitting about mechanisms of action is what non-scientists or wannabes do, trust me I am one.

he honestly sounds like a shill - give me his book for free and i'll read it

>> No.7721442

>If this Mcfadden statistician has good results why can't you link me them?

He's a chemist that calculates how much the average person would have to be exposed to in order to actually suffer any ill effects from smoking - which is far more than anyone is exposed to in their lifetime, apparently.

His website had some calculations, but it recently went down for some reason. I'm currently looking for studies that he co-authored.

>> No.7721457

>which is far more than anyone is exposed to in their lifetime
that's bull as even just smoking itself beyond cancer will make you lose weight and age you and rot your teeth.

>> No.7721461

>A lot of them say that even spacing apart the number of vaccines a child gets and at what age they get them isn't necessary, even though probably it is.

Do you have a citation for this claim?

>> No.7721466

>He's a chemist

>> No.7721469

Sorry, I meant exposed to secondhand smoke specifically, not smoking.

>> No.7721472

smoking LITERALLY has a fucking huge correlation with lung cancer you moron


>> No.7721473


How the fuck can someone be retarded enough to deny climate change lol holy shit.

>> No.7721474

>just believe and listen
alright just cite some studies disproving those things listed?

>> No.7721507

god damnit you fuckers literally no idea ( both you and him ) how this shit works

and guess what, no one else does either! so speculating on magic threshold number afterwhich you accumulate negative effects is about as valid crystal healing and indigo children - its wild speculation! :D

if you are unlucky one exposure could alter a somatic cell line by affecting a SPM that will lead to fucking cancer, and its clear both of you have no inkling as to how the chemistry of DNA COULD be affected.

again that's not to say it would be but we still have no idea why some people get cancer ( for the most part ) and others don't, which is a great fucking counter example to any of these quantifiable arguments

like you fucking said, you retard, most centennials smoke

does that not imply they are anomalies to exposure rather than they are the rule we should follow logically to apply to the vast population?

man, if he isn't even a statistician i'm not bothering go any further into his diatribe

let it be known in sci that McFadden is a shill, and nothing more.

>> No.7721513

im honestly so mad i wasted any time on your bullshit.... fuck you op

>> No.7721606

>The extent is so ludicrously small that it is irrelevant,

That's a matter of perspective scale.
The distance which the continents move each year is pretty insignificant, and yet they have moved great distances over time.
Any imbalancing factor no matter how "irrelevant" may contribute significantly over time.

>> No.7721616

because none of the faggots pushing it want to use nuclear energy

>> No.7721620

This pic triggers me

>> No.7721688

>record cold

Seriously? This is one of the warmest Decembers on record in the Northeast.

>> No.7721698
File: 5 KB, 105x92, edgy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please go back to pol. A cancerous place where you belong.

It's not global warming, it's climate change faggot.

Smoking and secondhand smoke really, This is fucking bait

>> No.7721721

Like... Okay google.


>> No.7721812

EPA went a bit overboard with the second hand smoke thing.

>> No.7722226

I'm a pretty heavy skeptic of global warming but holy christ why doesnt anyone understand the difference between weather and climate?

>> No.7722239

Unfortunately for you, it has been this hot during December less than 100 years ago.

>> No.7722250

>smoking and secondhand smoke is unhealthy
>global warming is contributed by man/man made

How about you go to China and asked them about those topics. But remember you might have a hard time hearing them on account that their mouths and noses are covered due shit air quality.


>> No.7722254

>introduce shittons of reactive chemicals into your body
>expect them not to react -> cause mutations

>> No.7722274
File: 54 KB, 576x324, it begins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, I love it!
I'm in Illinois, and it's been looking like Silent Hill here for the past few weeks. It's like a lukewarm sauna.

>> No.7722278

I hate you.

>> No.7722279

Fucking go. back. to pol.

It's made for you, why won't you just stay there and enjoy it? You can jerk eachother off about how you totally proved all the mean old sci hippies wrong. You can comfort eachother about the tax boogeyman coming to take your Hard Earned Money™. You can post all of your best memes with everything nicely labelled and laugh it up together.

Just fuck off from here.

>> No.7722312


>> No.7722340

Winter fucking sucks here. You fuckers up in NE get a bunch of pretty snow and the ocean to moderate things.

Every winter I'm just down here in like 20 fuckin layers because all we get is ice; on everything. Balls shattering cold and that's it.

>> No.7722345

Been unusually warm in the Midwest lately.

>> No.7722349

You will honestly deny the impact human beings have on the planet? How could it possibly be natural the amount of oil we burn into the atmosphere and the destruction we cause to the ecosystem. I think you overestimate the environment and stability of the planet.

I think I'm going to believe scientists, people who use logic and method to dig up data about these things as opposed to someone who as strong feelings about these topics. You are the total retard.

>> No.7722359

>falling for this

>> No.7722377

Too many liberal faggots who have never worked a day in their lives complaining about the heat inside their mcshitbox job after their mom kicked them out and are blaming it on global warming.

>> No.7722577

>ITT: people who can't average over a surface

>> No.7722869

>but those who like smoking have actually proven that it isn't bad for you
>implying they aren't biased

>> No.7722901

>I know some dumb liberals, therefore climate change is a lie!

>> No.7723067

Hey, even people who don't smoke can vouch for the longevity and lack of health problems of smokers. Even if they do smoke, how does it make them biased? That's like saying Kevin Folta's connection to Monsanto discredits anything good he says about Monsanto.

>> No.7723093

>this year is going to be the warmest ever recorded.

>this year is going to be roughly equal in temperature to a year decades ago, such that the error bars allow that it might be a hair warmer, although it might actually be cooler.

So now stability for decades proves global warming.

Note that reliable global temperature surface data is only a few decades old, during which time we've seen no significant warming. The instrumental record goes back further, but the methods and standards were too irregular to reliably estimate a global temperature.

>> No.7723127

>using the phrase "climate change denial"
>not an uneducated and indoctrinated faggot

pick one

>> No.7723136

Wow the quality of this board has really gone down the shitter

>> No.7723163

The pattern in general is that if some large group of non-scientists disagree with most scientists on some factual topic, the large group of people tends to be wrong. I'm not a climate change (climate change, not global warming) expert, but history is not on your side.

>> No.7723181

>this ebin b8 thread
>54 replies

>> No.7723192

yo washington was warm as fuck last winter

i bought a stevens pass season ticket and i'm still salty as fuck

>> No.7723199


>> No.7723222

You're literally burning something and inhaling the smoke on purpose. You don't need a scientist to tell you that's bad for your lungs you retard.

>> No.7723692

They didn't just go overboard, they likely popularized the secondhand smoke scaremongering. They also have been known to greatly over exaggerate.

Exactly, this is why people don't take climate change pushing people seriously. The data completely goes against what people claim when they want to laughably push global warming/climate change as a serious issue when their predictions never happen.

The body begins to repair itself after someone is done smoking a cigarette. The effects of even long term exposure to secondhand smoke only harms people allergic to it, which is a very small number of people. Not only is secondhand smoke completely inconsequential to the lives of others, but based on that logic anything similar such as the chemicals in foods or couches or plastic would have the same effect. It would be pointless to avoid.

>> No.7723700
File: 77 KB, 500x682, warming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So now stability for decades proves global warming.

>> No.7723709

>Why are most scientists now total retards?

They aren't. You disagree with them on some of those issues because in fact, you're the one that's wrong.

>Is it liberalism?

This is the source of the disagreement. You are politically conservative. You associate global warming with liberalism and reject it because you dislike liberalism/liberals, not for valid scientific reasons. You've just gone looking for a rationale in support of your ideological committment after the fact.

>> No.7723728

Valid arguments have been stated against climate change on this board and ITT, look harder.

>> No.7724630

>don't agree with someone's findings
>call him a shill

>> No.7724700

>Record Cold
Lmao what? Buffalo new York had record breaking amount software snow in November and December. The surrounding areas were without medication for weeks because the city was impassable in and out.

They have no recorded snow yet. Most of the region has had less than 2 inches of snow.

Denying climate change is borderline retarded.

>> No.7724704

mfw people are using data from the 1970s and onward to show that the climate is changing when Earth is over a billion years old.

>> No.7724710

Like what?

>> No.7724712

Quick question to climate change deniers. What evidence would it take for you to change your mind?

>> No.7724724

Nothing. Only the Lord himself would convince me otherwise. But of course, He know best that contemporary science is a liberal propaganda full of amoral, atheistic bullshit.

>> No.7724744


>Is it liberalism

pretty much

>> No.7724751


the problem with the left regarding global warming is threefold;

first, "global warming" itself is a misnomer, since the planet in many places is actually cooling significantly. hence, liberals shifted to "climate change".

second, the idea that climate change is primarily anthropogenic is bullshit

third, and most important; the idea that climate change can be stopped or will be stopped is foolish. you can't stop it. the best you can do is prepare to survive it, and it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

>> No.7724754

Kansas shouldn't be iced over. It's December and it's been 50 degrees out for almost two weeks.

>> No.7725784
File: 88 KB, 442x852, Gavin Schmidt Admits Theory is Wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hot spot in the troposphere over the equator.
Untampered data (satellite data) showing significantly faster warming in the troposphere than surface temperatures. Pic related. Head of NASA GISS, Gavin Schmidt BTFO. That would be a good start.

And what plausible observation(s) would falsify Climate Change? Remember the theory is based on anthropogenic CO2 so it has to be causally connected to CO2, and clearly differentiated from normal climate/weather.
>nb4 CO2 not being a greenhouse gas. No one says its not. Earth not warming; no one says its hasn't warmed.

>> No.7725789


So one pedantic quibble and two arguments from incredulity.

>> No.7725800

Funny how conservatives keep revising their argument while pretending that's what they've said the entire time, like the news ministry out of 1984.

>global warming is a myth
>We've always said that global warming was real, but only that man made global warming is a myth
>We've always said man made global warming is real, but that the possibility of man reversing global warming is a myth!


>Well it's too late now so there's no point in playing the blame game. And if I recall correctly it was the liberals who said global warming is irreversible in the first place!.

>> No.7725818

What do you consider tampered data and why do you feel temperature records are tampered? Are you advocating a global conspiracy that all scientists and governments are in on?

>> No.7725824

The Earth's Atmosphere and Hydrosphere go through cycles of heating and cooling (Ice Ages and global warming) We really do not know if we are in the heating cycle right now or if it is of Human impact.

>> No.7725830 [DELETED] 

That's a hot opinion you've got there, OP. Thanks for providing facts and figures to back it up instead of blaming a political ideology to back it all up; you've really changed my mind.

>> No.7725839

That's a hot opinion you've got there, OP. Thanks for providing facts and figures instead of blaming a political ideology to back it all up; you've really changed my mind.

>> No.7725878
File: 94 KB, 1600x508, Hansen NASA GISS temp rewrite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> hurr, durr, resort to ad hominem by calling him a conspiracy wack-job.
> I'll distract from the fact that I can't provide a falsifiability criterion.
The only conspiracy nut-job is you for believing that the EVIL oil companies are the only reason someone would doubt an unfalsifiable dogma masquerading as science.

>> No.7725901

You're a fucking idiot

>> No.7725909


Wichitafag here, can confirm it's been downright balmy

Though we did have an ice storm a few weeks ago, so there's that

>> No.7725926

>hurr, durr, resort to ad hominem by calling him a conspiracy wack-job.
He didn't do that, he asked you a civilised question. Then you proceed to ad hom him anyway. This is why people dismiss your kind as morons.

>> No.7725937
File: 76 KB, 211x198, 1408073956273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blast absurd and increasing amounts of carbon dioxide and other miscellaneous gasses into the air at a near constant rate for 100 years
>There's no way this will have undesirable consequences!

>> No.7725952

>saying something that hasn't been proven to be consequential
>using huur durr to discredit opposition

Never change, climate change zealots. You're thankfully at least a step above anti-smokers regarding how tolerable your misinformation is.

>> No.7725984

'proof' of necessary statements from empirical observation is impossible, so you're treating the claims under an unfair standard. But induction tells us that things that exist do things, and if you have a lot of the same things all at once they are going to do a lot of things or do the same thing that just a small amount of those things do, except they do that thing a lot more seriously. Is any of this objectionable to you? Where do you think all the carbon dioxide goes?

>> No.7726004

Here you go guys, effect of human activity on the global climate system.






>> No.7726022

How long until Exxon gets the RICO treatment?


>> No.7726025

That's very likely taken out of context.

Remember how it was "revealed" that tobacco companies supposedly found out through their own research that secondhand smoke was four times as harmful as regular smoke, when that is actually completely unfounded bullshit?

It's all chicken little crap.

>> No.7726072

They didn't just go overboard. Numerous studies have proved that SHS isn't harmful.


>> No.7726124
File: 307 KB, 381x569, 1450219236574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not him but climate change deniers are the literal equivalent of "dindu nuffin" niggas.

>our ancestors spent thousands of years displacing plant life throughout the entire world.
>said plants are also the reason why the planet can currently support the type of life that exist now (we wouldn't learn about this until much later).
>claim more and more "land" to build and replace with man made structures.
>regulate, breed and clone hybrid mutant plants for our consumption and profit. >utilize sub-par, poorly researched methods of farming that cause ecosystem shifts in fragile areas that result in shit like the Oklahoma Dust Bowl.
>untold numbers of plant species become extinct or reach near extinction.
>finally a few people realize that maybe our existence and continued progress has some sort of impact on other forms of life on this fucking rock.
>start building doomsday structures for plants like the Svalbard Global Seed Vault since even big business and governments realize it would be smart to have a backup plan now.

Yet people still talk about "lel nope there's no climate change" and "humans aren't impacting the environment".


>atmosphere composition is changing favoring increase in carbon
>ph levels in the oceans are dropping
>land erosion is becoming more prevalent
>mountains throughout the world that provide water supply for nearby lands are altered. In Africa glacial masses on mountain tops are disappearing while in India a number of small villages are being outright flooded by increase of melting of snow/ice from mountains that feed into local rivers.
>due to increase industrialization/pollution China's clean water supply is running low

It's pretty god damn apparent we are causing climate at this point. People just don't want to accept responsibility for it.

>> No.7726131

I skimmed the article and went to the sources. I eliminated the articles and chose an EPA report at random out of the remaining sources. Straight out of the gate, in the summary:
>Based on the weight of the available scientific evidence, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has concluded that the widespread exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) in the United States presents a serious and substantial public health impact.

>> No.7726150

go to bed /pol/

>> No.7726272

So you just skimmed it? You didn't read that the EPA fucked up, and that studies cited by that guy showed an extraordinarily weak and inconsequential health "risk" with secondhand smoke? Did you even look at Enstrom's study? Or Matthews?

The EPA honestly looks like they blew the whistle too early without any conclusive evidence.

>> No.7726275

>so you just skimmed an opinion piece without footnotes and only cursory references

>> No.7726294

It hardly counts as an opinion piece. It specifically cited epidemiological studies disproving the "serious" risks to non smokers. The most prevalent being Enstrom's study that showed no significant health risks for spouses over a 30 year period. There was another showing no risk for bar and restaurant employees, where SHS levels are high.

The "works cited" including those studies are at the bottom of the article and easily searchable on Google.

>> No.7726295

>that showed no significant health risks for spouses over a 30 year period
That was the one only tracking heart disease and lung cancer rates, no?

>> No.7726363

Well, you can see for yourself


It's the most significant US secondhand smoke study to my knowledge, and it showed no real mortality related harm in non smokers who were regularly exposed to SHS indoors - which would include both lung cancer and heart disease.

A lot of people like to shit on this study but I don't see why, doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it.

>> No.7726370

Lack of religion.
People need religion in their lives, but religion is 'uncool' now so new hip ones have to be created.

Global warming for example is a religion. Its lead by a smaller group of people who claim to know the truth, and has masses of people who dont understand any of it blindly following along. It has religious terms like 'denier'(aka heretic) and its own doomsday scenario.

Basically global warming is just another doomsday cult.

Whether its happening or not is irrelevant to this post. What im pointing out is that its a replacement religion for fedoras.

'Science'-spawned ideologies (i say 'science' because its more 'academia' spawned than 'science' spawned, science values skepticism above all else, whereas academia is just another echo chamber) are the newest set of religions.

Its a simple test. According to real science, if you believe something, you should spend all your time and effort trying to disprove it. In fact you should be so fanatical at this that even when you are unable to do so, you should still assume its probably wrong, but just that its probably close enough that you will roll with it for now, and when it stops working, thats when you have the knowledge to disprove it. Anyone who affirms belief in anything at all that science has shown us, is inherently unscientific.

>> No.7726395

/Pol/, just fuck off, your idiocy is unwelcome here. Stop being so fucking arrogant to think that you're smart enough to redpill all of us.

Just fuck off.

/Pol/ has been making a lot of bait threads about climate change and race, most that are pruned or deleted. Because op gets btfo.

Go away.

>> No.7726402

You could replace /pol/ with 'satan' and you sound like someone trying to exorcise a demon.

If you would have bothered to read my post i clearly pointed out that it has nothing to do with whether the climate is changing of not, of course it is. My criticism is how dogmatic everything has become. Skepticism is fundamental to science, and in the long run dogma is going to seize any progress towards trying to fix things.

>> No.7726406





>> No.7726408

>How the fuck can someone be retarded enough to deny climate change lol holy shit.
Yeah i know exactly what you mean, its warm in the summer and cold in the winter how could you deny climate change

>> No.7726411

Your talking about how things are becoming dogmatic while you're glorifying religion and telling us that people need religion.

Are you high?

>> No.7726413

heh. I smiled for a second then got depressed realizing that the majority of people really behave this way and dont see their own irony.

>> No.7726416

>record cold

it was 65 yesterday. it RAINED three days ago.

>> No.7726418


Let's forget the cases where uncharacteristically extreme temperature differences have occurred including snow in some middle east areas.

>> No.7726422

Where did i do that in that post?

People are inherently hard wired to have religion. Its best to keep science and religion separate. When you lack one or the other, whatever you are left with becomes both. In western europe you see the lack of science, the western church developed scholasticism as a response, now in the west you have the lack of the other, and you get dogmatic academia. You saw the same thing with islam, when they decided only truth is in the quran and literally everything else is untrue, so they burned all the libraries in india.

In contrast the more civilized parts of the world (byzantium) retained both, and kept them separate. To this day orthodoxy doesnt see a need to force one to comply to the other, and is perfectly happy keeping them as two totally separate systems.

>> No.7726432

You dumb cunt, religion has nothing to do with climate Change. To force it into this discussion already shows your bias.

You've prepared these ideas beforehand and you just want to distract this scientific discussion.

There's a reason pol exists, it's for people like you. So do me a favour, screenshot these posts, post them on pol and start some "why are so called scientists so gullible and godless?" and stay there.

Just fucking stay there.

>> No.7726439

Physical climate change? No, but we arent talking about that. If you read the OP of this thread its very clearly not about what sorts of things are actually happening, but about the public perception of things and the behavior of society in general.

The question is why do people act the way they do in regards to these things. And i answer it, because these things have become the new religion.

I then illustrate this by drawing parallels between more traditional religions and the behavior and mentality of the public in regards to these things. And in this very thread even forced some poor practitioner to try and defend himself from me by chanting mantras designed to protect him.

You cant get much more conclusive than that, when it comes to psychology anyway :^)

>> No.7726451

ayy nice sample size bro

>> No.7726463

Difference between science and religion:

Religion: "Book written thousands of years ago is the truth and must be followed for it was written by wise men."

Science:" What we're doing here is based upon research and continually updated models. Our hypothesis are welcome to criticism and if it can be proven wrong we revise our theory and find out where the error lies"

Just because USA aka Dumbfuckistan is dumb and can't understand this, doesn't mean science is anything like a religion.

I fucking hate dumb people who use science as a shield instead of a resource.

Again, fuck off to pol, this is the last time I will reply to you.

>> No.7726470

>Religion: "Book written thousands of years ago

There are plenty of cults springing up all over the place every day claiming all sorts of things. A larger, formalized religion, is just one such cult that managed to take off successfully.

Honestly only protestants even see a book as the absolute foundation of their religion. Even sikhs, who literally have a literal book as their leader (at some point their highest religious authority declared that his successor would be a book, and so now the book is literally the leader), didnt start out that way. If you are going to talk about religion you should know more than american megacurches and crazy protestants.

Even the kinds of logic you use in science were created when the western church decided it needed more rigorous theological proofs. Replace empirical data with centuries of ecumenical proclamations or popespeak, the systems of analysis remain the same.

Religion is not a set of ideas, religion is a way that humans react to a set of ideas. What the ideas are, and where they come from, is entirely irrelevant.

>> No.7726614

Still, it stinks, and I'm glad people are not allowed to smoke in restaurants anymore.

>> No.7726620

>long term
>20 years

for every grain of sand in the beaches there are 100 trillion atoms of a sun molecule burning for over 50 billion life times

-- dr who

>> No.7726642

When was this graph made?

>> No.7727213

That's not an excuse to get rid of it. Perfume and axe body spray smells, you don't see people banning that either.

>> No.7727222

Fuck you, I love winter and snow. You have to be a joy less asshole not to love snow.

>> No.7727812

>A lot of people like to shit on this study but I don't see why, doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it.



>> No.7727852

>global warming
>doesn't use a global map

fucking americans think usa is the whole world

do they even stop and think

>> No.7727865

Just because it was funded by someone you don't like, doesn't invalidate it.

That paper has some serious methodological issues though. Which is the actual reason it's wrong.


>> No.7727923

>funded by tobacco industry
>they must be wrong regardless of the results/nature of the study!


>> No.7728216

Most of those issues are nonsensical

>peer review board didn't have people who were ABSOLUTE EXPERTS on SHS exposure
>therefore it's shit

Come on.

Also, the EPA seems to think there's a massive tinfoil conspiracy where tobacco companies team up and downplay effects of smoke harm. That sounds just as ridiculous as any other conspiracy theory yet people buy into it.

>> No.7728221

>record cold in nevada


>> No.7728258


Wasn't this sort of thing similar to what got Willie Soon in trouble?



>> No.7728372

>>He implied that you were a conspiracy nutter
>He didn't do that, he asked you a civilised question.

>> No.7728374
File: 108 KB, 1440x1080, Predict vs Measure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Them models dindu nuffin.

>> No.7728402
File: 22 KB, 600x497, government-v-soon-funding.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OMG! An evil denier got net funding rate of about $60K per year. Which mean he lied about everything.
Q: What do you call an untenured government funded scientist/meteorologist who publicly doubts climate change?
A: Unemployed


>> No.7728444

Nope. He was sacked for selling his book by using his position at France 2, which was a breach of his contract.

>> No.7728652 [DELETED] 

Who gives a shot of its corporate cash? Doesn't suddenly make the findings wrong.

A lot of studies that "prove" that secondhand smoke is bad also get a ton of government funding and support from politically charged zealots. I'm more willing to doubt those, honestly. But I don't. I look at the best studies, and the best ones show no real risks at all.

>> No.7728664

Ok so let's play a hypothetical here, let's say for sake of argument that global warming is 100% bullshit. Now exactly how does it hurt to switch over to green power? Even if it 100% a lie, I still fail to see how staying on oil and what not is a better option for the environment or anything for that matter.

>> No.7728674
File: 22 KB, 500x333, 2883689145_c2f8c2c9f1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7728694


Who cares if its corporate cash? Doesn't suddenly make the findings wrong.

A lot of studies that "prove" that secondhand smoke is bad also get a ton of government funding and support from politically charged zealots. I'm more willing to doubt those, honestly. But I don't. I look at the best studies, and the best ones show no real risks at all.

>> No.7728769
File: 25 KB, 500x375, slr_prediction_med[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Cherry-pick models that don't fit the evidence
>Ignore all the models that do

And you consider this to be sound evidence?

>> No.7728778
File: 115 KB, 500x333, Climate Change.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7728784

>cheery-pick evidence that doesnt fit my evidence
>ignore scientific method

And you consider this to be sound practice? Good video on topic btw:

>> No.7728806
File: 66 KB, 640x640, 1450218030664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7728814


>make ridiculous claim and argue on a made up basis that makes no sense to anyone
>go away retard

>> No.7728815
File: 67 KB, 944x640, ar5-figure1-4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>cheery-pick evidence that doesnt fit my evidence

Yeah, that's called "proving you wrong," idiot.

>ignore scientific method

How, exactly? I've shown evidence that contradicts yours. You have to show that there is some reason my evidence is wrong. Also, here is some more evidence that contradicts yours: climate models that match our observations and show a warming trend.

>> No.7728821
File: 26 KB, 500x375, sea_ice_prediction_med[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And here's some more evidence, now with papers as well instead of just graphics:


>> No.7728823

A whole restaurant has never smelled strongly of perfume or axe body spray

>> No.7728832

i do too and those are some interesting trips

>> No.7728853

>I know most scientists now are total retards
... riiight, it's teh Libruls, right? Riiight.

>> No.7728871

Why do people defend second-hand smoke? I don't care if you smoke--I just care when your smoke suddenly becomes my smoke. Smoking is a choice YOU made and its impacts should therefore be felt only by the user, YOU.

>> No.7728886

Doesn't matter if it isn't bad for you. Some places or buildings smell pretty bad, does that mean we should regulate smells?

>> No.7728888
File: 74 KB, 620x465, a4c0f901-1e3e-4182-b4bf-4d7385eab418-1024x768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from cherrypicking datasets to cherrypicking poles

>> No.7728892

It literally has not snowed more than an inch in minnesota. Ski places cannot even make snow right now. This is the dumbest political cartoon ive ever seen.

>> No.7728904
File: 94 KB, 855x1280, F5.large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's just measuring ice extent, not ice thickness. The actual mass of ice has significantly decreased across all poles, except for one region of Antarctica.


And this region of Antarctica only has more ice because of short-term uptick in snowfall, not a long-term trend in growth. It's also not enough to offset losses from the other regions.


>> No.7728916

>sea ice
>having any other meaning than slight albedo effect

The paris climate conference has been a complete joke based on false narrative.

>> No.7728925


Shit posted the same article twice. The second-should be:



Are you seriously using some random guy's blog as a source for scientific information? He uses only three years of data to determine that ice growth is at "record" levels, and then uses only one year of temperature monitoring to determine that temperature is at "record" lows. Also, he makes the same fucking mistake you did: he measures ice extent, not mass. The actual amount of ice has decreased, regardless of if it covers more area, because the ice is thinner, and thus has less mass.

This really highlights the dichotomy of this debate. I can cite credible scientific journals, whereas you cite some random guy who knows nothing about data analysis.

>> No.7728955

What about nasa? Is that an authority that can present information that you can take at face value?

The best part
>But it might only take a few decades for Antarctica’s growth to revers

My point is not to prove you wrong. My point is to point out how ridiculous the entire multi-billion-dollar climate change industry is and how blindly everyone takes climate models as an absolute truth, the climate models that completely leave out the deep ocean currents, solar activity/variance (which ultimately is THE source of heat) and milankovich cycles.

>> No.7728968

Are you guys forgetting the huge scale of effort going into ghg abatement, reforestation, pollution cleaning, renewables and sustainability growths?
Don't you think they're having a positive impact?

>> No.7728997

Yes but why force that on people? Why not just tell the truth?

>> No.7729001

That's the problem I have with the media.

>> No.7729047

"Smoking [...] is unhealthy"
Back then 19xx (under hitler)
Scientists in germany discovered a cohalation between smoking and lung cancer

>> No.7729408
File: 49 KB, 500x375, Solar_vs_temp_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That study says that there was only a net gain until 2008, and just asserts that there's some sort of "dynamic thickening" that occurs over thousands of years. They basically tried to model snowfall over thousands of years, but Antarctica is a effectively an ice desert, and does not have predictable snowfall.

Here are two more studies contradicting their findings:


I've now shown four papers with a consistent conclusion (i.e., Antarctica is losing ice), whereas you have simply jumped on the first paper that supports yours with no skepticism of how the claims it makes may have been achieved.

>My point is to point out how ridiculous the entire multi-billion-dollar climate change industry is and how blindly everyone takes climate models as an absolute truth, the climate models that completely leave out the deep ocean currents, solar activity/variance (which ultimately is THE source of heat) and milankovich cycles.

I don't know about deep ocean currents, but I don't think that there is evidence either way to suggest they are contributing or detracting from global warming. The only papers I could find discussed how global warming would affect deep ocean currents, not the other way around.

Are you seriously suggesting that climate models don't account for solar activity? Even if solar activity were a source of the warming trend, then we would have evidence for that. Instead, the sun has shown a cooling trend as of recent years.


>> No.7729416
File: 23 KB, 909x621, Milankovitch Cycles.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


More papers:


And so on. Sun is cooling, Earth is warming. It's not the sun, and you're foolish to suggest we don't study solar activity as a possible cause of global warming.

And Milankovitch cycles are currently in a downswing; we're moving farther away from the sun, and yet the planet is warming instead of cooling.

Your skepticism towards global warming is completely unfounded.

>> No.7729454

Beautiful weather down here in Texas, might take a bike ride later :D

>> No.7729459

>itt: Far too many people arguing with anecdotes

I thought this was a /sci/ence board

>> No.7729550

Hitler had a personal agenda against smoking. That's widely known.

>> No.7729693

Anecdotes are still worth looking into, hell the MAJORITY (not just anecdotes) of people who either smoke or are around smokes don't suffer any significant illness. Only 15% of smokers get lung cancer.

>> No.7729710

>>global warming is contributed by man/man made
>> [that comic]

You can't just point to a cold winter and say it disproves 'global warming'. Hell, it's not even about getting warm in winter. It's about weather becoming more extreme due to the global average temps going up.

You do know half the globe isn't having winter, right?

This can mean actually worse winters due to what we call 'global warming'. I remember reading how England would get colder

'Global warming' is far from simple. And certainly you can't just pretend that man made factors aren't contributing to it at all just because a buncha big companies are making great profits from doing stuff that probably contribute to it.

You ever think that some junk science out there supporting continued pollution is just propaganda from people who want to continue business as usual, not matter the cost to the rest of the people on this planet?

>> No.7729714

It snowed last night here in New York! That proves global warming isn't real!

>> No.7730298

Yeah, yeah, yeah. People never use their position to sell a book.

What a load of crap.

>> No.7730300
File: 464 KB, 973x648, Climate Summit REAL Hoax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be wrong with destroying our economy? Gosh, tough question to answer.

>> No.7730301

Seems like a totally legitimate source.

>> No.7730306
File: 61 KB, 668x605, Sea Level Tampering.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you trust John Cook, well known liar, to construct an accurate graph?
>wattsupwiththat .com/2012/02/03/monckton-responds-to-skeptical-science/

Now look how the history of rising oceans has been rewritten. Yup, NASA rewrites NASA. Go figure.

>> No.7730315
File: 40 KB, 560x480, AR4 Fig 10-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fraudulent, after-the-fact graph. Here's the actual FAILED prediction from UN IPCC AR4.

Pic related: Close-up of the lower, left graph with updated temps.
Proof that Climate Change is an unfalsifiable pseudo-science. Everytime their prediction fails, they make a new phony graph and hope no one finds the old one.

>> No.7730319

His contract said not to do that or face penalties, that's why he was fired.

We don't know what else was in the contract or how the dealings were done. If you have any questions, twitter him.

He should have been smart about it, not go against his contract. Do you even know how big France 2 is?

>> No.7730324


Fuck off.

>> No.7730328 [DELETED] 

>Most of those issues are nonsensical

What's wrong with the methodological criticism, i.e. "Problems with quality and validity of the the data"? That's the relevant part.

>> No.7730330

>Most of those issues are nonsensical

What's wrong with the methodological criticism, i.e. "Problems with quality and validity of the data"? That's the relevant part.

>> No.7730333
File: 42 KB, 565x596, antarctic ice from 1992.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The antarctic is growing in ice/snow. Even NASA admits it. Could you be more disingenuous. More unfalsifiability.

warmist: Antarctic sea ice will shrink => reality: antarctic sea ice is growing
warmst: We meant land ice & snow => reality: NASA shows gaining snow/ice mass
warmist: Just ignore the regions we don't like.
Pic related: green is new sea ice, red is lost sea ice.

NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses

And yes, they predicted shrinking Sea Ice:
Detection of Temperature and Sea Ice Extent Changes in the Antarctic and Southern Ocean,

Greenhouse Gas–induced Climate Change Simulated with the CCC Second-Generation General Circulation Model
G. J. Boer , N. A. McFarlane , and M. Lazare

>> No.7730334

Citation??? I want to see a picture of the contract, not excuses from a warmist blog site.

>> No.7730336

No, you don't get to post alarmist propaganda designed to overstate the harm of smoking and shs without debunking the numerous studies proving shs isn't harmful and that only a small amount of smokers suffer serious health effects, and that's only after doing it for a long time. Not to mention the fact that other factors are in play (breathing in radon, for instance).

Velvet glove, iron fist is a good example of what's happening with all of the supposed authority surrounding how bad smoke/shs is. People are hellbent on debunking stuff like climate change but apparently smoking still offends their sensibilities enough that they can't see through it.

>> No.7730343
File: 275 KB, 623x788, Warming Arctic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, right. Where are the measurements from the early 20th century and such. Oh, those are just guesstimates. Arctic was warming and melting in the 1940s. Sorry that your buddies couldn't erase the internet.

>> No.7730347
File: 99 KB, 450x491, skepticalscience treehouse boyz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, a graph made up by John Crook. Where is the actual graph?, give the specific IPCC reference (it should be on the internet.) I know where the graph is, in John Cooks head and nowhere else.

>> No.7730348

The data is being criticized for a ton of ridiculous reasons. When it was released it got a slew of hate mail denouncing it due to tobacco ties (why does it matter if he gets money from tobacco companies for funding?) and because of people's preconceived notions about how bad secondhand smoke is. People jumped on that study the second it came out due to the implications of spousal exposure being harmless. It's hard to take the criticism of it seriously.

The other author of the study also wrote at least one informative book on the logical fallacies of connecting health problems to shs. Scientists are still divided on this issue and from what can be observed the anti-smokers are the ones being presumptuous and using scare mongering.

>> No.7730349

Area =! Volume.

>> No.7730352

>picture of a contract
Are you dumb?

I was in France when it happened. The best you can do is look for the article. Hang on let me call France 2 to release a picture of their contract.

>> No.7730353
File: 31 KB, 377x588, ipcc_1_extent_anomalies_fig_7-2ab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is an actual graph of Arctic sea ice coverage from UN IPCC, 1990. Yeah, a real graph, not one made up by John Crook.

Now you know why Crook and company start their data at 1978 instead of 1972.

>> No.7730356

>Things aren't exactly as predicted.
>Must be the liberals making things stupid!
Please stop.

>> No.7730359

Read it again. Both area and mass have increased. mass = volume * density

>> No.7730363

>asking me to make myself up with an real citation???
Yeah, we both know its just trumped up to fire an evil denier. Would he have been fired for advertising a warmist book? Of course not. Prove otherwise.

>> No.7730367
File: 103 KB, 390x530, Warming Arctic2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More evidence of the melting period from about 1920 to 1947.

>> No.7730369

Keep up your victim complex, it's only going to make you stressed.

>> No.7730370

Right. Obviously you have no actual argument against the methodological criticisms, and would prefer to distract with other completely irrelevant things.

>> No.7730374

Wow you have truly proved how retarded you are. 1). Global warming also makes temp, colder, retard 2). Calling scientists dumb because your downy ass can read data is pretty funny

>> No.7730375
File: 86 KB, 663x533, NASA rewrite of Hansen 1981.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it interesting how that graph of solar activity matches early NASA temperature data? You know, before they rewrote the temperature history.

>> No.7730379
File: 134 KB, 783x607, NOAA Temps Change.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And look how well the solar record matches un-"corrected" Historical Climate Network data.
>nb4 U.S. is not the world
The U.S. has the best surface temperature records in the world and its anomalies strongly correlate with global temp anomalies. The rest of the surface temp record is much more speculative especially oceans and poles.

>> No.7730382

>I can't answer the question, just BS-ing to protect a politicized dogma masquerading as science.
Why am I not surprised? In your defense, getting fired is better than going to the gulag.

>> No.7730390

Unfortunately for you, 2015 is the hottest year ever recorded since we started taking records

>> No.7730393

Ohhhh right, because I'm a filthy commie :D stay strong comrade!

>> No.7730395
File: 110 KB, 800x372, 0 Warming 19 years.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Earth is warming
False. The most accurate temperature data says otherwise.

>> No.7730397
File: 7 KB, 568x320, south troposhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Earth is warming.
Antarctic pole not warming.

>> No.7730401
File: 37 KB, 880x715, MSU UAH ArcticAndAntarctic MonthlyTempSince1979 With37monthRunningAverage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Earth is warming
Arctic pole temps are flat to negative for the past decade.

>> No.7730402

>Earth is warming.
And AGW predicted stratospheric cooling. But the stratosphere hasn't cooled for 20 years. And it only cooled before then due to volcano activity.

Isn't it funny how the most clean and reliable data, satellite data contradict AGW?

>> No.7730407

So the entire report is invalid, all of the thousands of studies it cites, just all alarmist propaganda?

Here's a random snippet for example:

>Cigarette smoking also has a number of effects on the coagulation system that promote thrombosis. Smoking increases the generation of von Willebrand factor, thrombin, and fibrinogen, and it impairs fibrinolysis, a process that is critical to the dissolution of blood clots (Matetzky et al. 2000; Sambola et al. 2003; MacCallum 2005). Moreover, endothelial dysfunction caused by smoking reduces the release of tPA and increases the expression of PAI-1 (Newby et al. 2001).
>The binding of activated platelets to leukocytes results in both pro-inflammatory and prothrombotic effects. This binding is modulated by the cluster of differentiation (CD)40 receptor and its ligand. Smokers demonstrate both an increased number of platelet-monocyte aggregates and greater upregulation of the CD40/CD40 ligand system (Harding et al. 2004).
>Cigarette smokers have higher levels of thrombopoietin than do nonsmokers (Lupia et al. 2010). This is important because thrombopoietin is a growth factor that simulates the proliferation and differentiation of megakaryocytes, resulting in increased numbers of mature platelets and enhanced platelet activation in response to different stimuli.
>Smoking also changes the structure of platelets, with smokers demonstrating altered platelet membrane fluidity, which is associated with the effects of oxidants on lipids. Smoking changes the ultrastructure of the fibrin network and is associated with a more prominent globular nature and increased pseudopodia formation (Pretorius 2012).

Care to show us these numerous studies disproving it? Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

>> No.7730409

Do you think that that's going to be instant? Do you think it's going to immediately offset the amount of growth India and China are experiencing right now as they industrialize? Those attempts to reduce GHGs are to avoid the Worst Case scenario, or to at least keep it at bay.

>> No.7730412

>Earth is warming.
How come the most accurate data, satellite data says the troposphere is not warming, even though AGW predicts it would warm faster than the surface? Even the head of NASA GISS, Gavin Schmidt admits that
>nb4 satellite & radiosondes in troposphere is really inaccurate.
Funny, they were accurate to 0.1 C until experiment contradicted theory. Suddenly the instruments stopped working.

>> No.7730415
File: 20 KB, 675x276, stratosphere temps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic here.

>> No.7730416

No shit that's the point. Global scale changes take time. That's why on graphs you see a curve no an instant change.

>> No.7730504

Studies are still perfectly capable of being crap. Some science/medical journals will publish anything.

>> No.7730521

So every study that doesn't agree with your bias is crap. How convenient. I'll give you a 6/10 for keeping me going this long. Please put more effort into your trolling next time.

>> No.7730529 [DELETED] 

I'm serious though, it's perfect fly capable of happening. John Bohannon made an example of that.

Shs isn't linked to lung cancer according to Stanford, and shs is constantly linked to heart attack/other health problems that don't involve cancer even though the correlation is far reaching and dubious. Quite a few tobacco researchers (not just scientists, researchers, or whomever you consider smart people, but actual tobacco researchers studying the specifics) have came to this conclusion.

And while you mention biases, a ton of people won't even look at a study funded by anything resembling a tobacco company or a front group, discrediting it without even looking at the evidence.

>> No.7730531

I'm serious though, it's perfectly capable of happening. John Bohannon made an example of that.

Shs isn't linked to lung cancer according to Stanford, and shs is constantly linked to heart attack/other health problems that don't involve cancer even though the correlation is far reaching and dubious. Quite a few tobacco researchers (not just scientists, researchers, or whomever you consider smart people, but actual tobacco researchers studying the specifics) have came to this conclusion.

And while you mention biases, a ton of people won't even look at a study funded by anything resembling a tobacco company or a front group, discrediting it without even looking at the evidence.

>> No.7730532


Marc Morano kicks John Cook's as in a debate (starts at 2:00)

Cook quiet little mouse, getting his ass kicked.

>> No.7730625
File: 34 KB, 560x480, figure-1-4-models-vs-observations-annotated[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What exactly is the source of your graph? Because all I can find is links to other /sci/ threads by reverse Google image searching it. Did you just draw it in MSpaint or something? I'm presuming it's a shitty effort to convey this chart from the report, which was an incomplete rough draft that was somehow leaked. Would you appreciate it if your professor graded your un-submitted, rough drafts of an assignment, with all the errors in it, after he stole it off your computer, Anon?

>> No.7730628


I already went over that study, it is clearly flawed. Just read >>7729408.

>> No.7730641


You overlayed two charts on top of one another, one measuring sea level change in centimeters from 1880 to 1982, the other measuring sea level change in millimeters from 1870 to 2015. I know absolutely nothing about how the data was collected for these graphs; for all I know, you were the only who tampered with it by willfully misrepresenting the information. The 1982 graph, from what I can barely read, seems to show that sea levels rose by 800 millimeters (starting from -4 centimeters and going to 4 centimeters), while the 2015 graph says sea levels went from 0 millimeters to 200 millimeters. In other words, the second chart shows less of an increase. So, if you were intending to suggest that the graphs had been re-written to show more of an increase, you showed the opposite. Also, both graphs still show a rise in sea levels. And, to conclude, do you really think in 33 years of climate science, modeling of past sea levels has not improved? Why should the fact that data is updated based on new evidence be some sort of heinous crime, unless the updates don't support a conclusion you want? You are proposing that scientists not adapt their views based on new evidence, which is against the core of the scientific method.

>> No.7730645


You pretend there are quantitative measurements of Arctic ice, and post a Norwegian anecdote and an article from the Canberra Times with only qualitative assessments and no quantitative measurements. Why do you think this somehow shows there are quantitative measurements of Arctic sea ice in the early 20th century?

>> No.7730663


The source is from the Copenhagen Diagnosis, published 2009, located here:


John Cook wasn't even a member of that project, so I don't see how he's relevant.


That graph shows sea ice extent anomaly (i.e. change in the extent of sea ice, thus the trend line would show change in the change in the extent of sea ice), where as mine just shows sea ice extent (thus the trend line would show change in the extent of sea ice). You're comparing two different things.

>> No.7730671


How exactly are you matching these graphs up to the solar radiation graph? These are just temperature graphs. There's no comparison to solar output in either of these charts. Furthermore, you continue to complain about scientists adapting to new methods of analysis and new data, showing that you don't care about the scientific method, but just proving your ideological side correct.

>> No.7730683
File: 864 KB, 900x580, FR11_All[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, the most accurate, uncited temperature data that you just pulled out of your ass or from some random guy's blog. Here is the actual temperature record from 1979 to 2010, per Foster and Rahmstor 2011, a peer-reviewed article posted in an actual climate science journal, found here:


The .gif shows both raw data and the data adjusted to remove El Nino Souther Oscillation, random solar variance, and volcanic activity.


Wow, if you just choose the right specific coordinates on the Earth's surface, you can show whatever trend in temperature you want because you're showing local weather instead of regional climate, and any broader trends quickly become part of all whole bunch of noise. How fascinating.

>> No.7730691
File: 25 KB, 500x405, Cooling_Stratosphere[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That still shows a cooling trend from 1980 to 2010, you just choose to highlight that there's less of a trend over a shorter timescale, two of which were punctuated by large volcanic eruptions that caused a five year "recovery period" in the trend. The cooling trend becomes even more apparent if you choose a longer timescale, per se, from 1960 to 2005, as in pic related.

>> No.7730699


Why should I care about this? What does one guy winning one live debate against some other guy have to do whether or not the facts they are arguing are true or not? For example, it's generally considered that Bill Nye lost that debate with that creationist guy, don't remember if that was last year or just earlier this year. Does that for some reason mean creationism is true? No, the body of evidence for evolution still stands, Nye just didn't present it well. Same thing here, just with global warming. This just shows John Cook is a bad debater, not that global warming is somehow untrue.

>> No.7730700

Those first two graphs are identical, they just seem closer because of the vertical scale.

>> No.7730742

You're just tryin'a confuse Anon with yer fancy peer-reviewed article from an actual climate science jounal, ain'tcha?

>> No.7730789 [DELETED] 

You want something other than methodology? Fine.


I'll have to split this into multiple posts to avoid spam notifications

http://ecigarettereviewed.com/top-10-studies-on-nicotine-you-need-to-know-about/ (not on cigarettes per se but a useful look at nicotine and how it isn't harmful)

And don't give me that "duur blogpost" crap. These posts have relevant information. At least be smart enough to look past your ideology and consider the hard facts

>> No.7730793

You want something other than methodology? Fine.


I'll have to split this into multiple posts to avoid spam notifications

http://ecigarettereviewed.com/top-10-studies-on-nicotine-you-need-to-know-about/ (not on cigarettes per se but a useful look at nicotine and how it isn't harmful)

And don't give me that "duur blogpost" crap. These posts have relevant information. At least be smart enough to look past your ideology and consider the hard facts

>> No.7730795



Please consider the fact that you're biased/wrong. The overall amount of research has concluded no risk. Understand this and realize that you can't control people's actions simply because you don't like the idea of people smoking.

>> No.7730806

Last link won't work for some reason, but velvet glove, iron fist is a good blog for looking into evidence and objective studies proving that shs is harmless.

>> No.7731149

>It's getting cold, isn't it?
Lol not where I'm at
Its like 30+ degrees warmer than it usually is and its been that way all season

>> No.7731153

Same. I'm in the Northeast US, it has been in the 40's (F). Usually it's at least below freezing, if not near subzero.

>> No.7731774

>which has been around since 1950s

you mean the "research" carried out by the tobacco industry?
Some findings of which were kept in the drawer and the people who discovered them were targeted by the tobacco industry?

>> No.7731999

Why are you pretending you can't find the source when I gave the exact link?


Let me repeat, its in the lower left hand corner of that figure, magnified and with updated temps. Thats the final draft; stop trying to hid your failure!

And the group you posted agrees with the graph in UN IPCC AR4; besides the updated temps.
>nb4 simpleton scienz says the start point was wrong
Notice how the models begin at the same year/zero-point as the graph referenced above.

>> No.7732007

OMFG! Please don't tell me that you have a scientific background.
The old graph shows a rise from -4 cm to +4 cm. That 8 centimeters = 80 millimeters.
The new graph starts at about zero and shows a rise to about 150 millimeters. Nearly doubling the rate of ocean rise.

Seriously, please learn to read a graph.

>> No.7732014

>You pretend there are quantitative measurements
No, you're the one who posted that graph; which you failed to mention is based on low-resolution proxies. Those low resolution proxies fail to capture the well known melting history of the arctic, showing that low resolution proxies make for inaccurate comparisons.

>> No.7732042
File: 186 KB, 1592x612, Global Sea Ice Extent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is just a reference to a reference; namely the UN IPCC. Please show the exact IPCC source of that diagram.

>That graph shows sea ice extent anomaly (i.e. change in the extent of sea ice,
The anomaly in the graph I posted was very large, whereas your graph is cherry-picked to end at about 2005, before the substantive recovery.

The arctic has melted several times, e.g., >>7730343
in fact, its ice coverage roughly oscillates with the Antarctic making things roughly constant. Pic related: total sea ice coverage. Let's have a look:

Year: 1979 2014
MAX 22 22 (millions of sq. Kms
MIN 16 15.5

Wow! Amazingly constant. Why do warmists never post this graph?

>> No.7732058

Nope, its not the only study.
The Cryosphere, 8, 843-851, 2014
High-resolution 900 year volcanic and climatic record from the Vostok area, East Antarctica

Snow- and ice-height change in Antarctica from satellite gravimetry and altimetry data.
A. Mémina, , , T. Flamentb, F. Rémyb, M. Llubes

Stop cherry-picking your sources.

And you're being purposefully deceptive. NASA etc. has known for along time that the shown melting is caused by volcanic activity. Please don't tell me that volcanoes are caused by antrhopogenic CO2.

"Melting Antarctic Variable crustal thickness beneath Thwaites Glacier revealed from airborne gravimetry, possible implications for geothermal heat flux in West Antarctica."
Earth and Planetary Science Letters. Volume 407, 1 December 2014, Pages 109–122

" The presence of such inferred warm upper mantle also suggests regionally elevated geothermal heat flux in this sector of the West Antarctic Rift System and consequently the potential for enhanced meltwater production beneath parts of Thwaites Glacier itself."

>> No.7732066

post some volume/mass graphs you fucking retarded dense faggot ass idiot fuck

>> No.7732071
File: 71 KB, 960x720, sunspot and ocean fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you stop acting stupid and ignorant. Its being coming more and more clear that you're acting in bad faith; purposefully mis-interpreting things. The uncorrected data peak in a roughly similar time as the solar data. that's the bottom line.

Now of course, your graph "proving" that solar activity does drive temperature is based on a ridiculous assumption of an essentially linear relationship between basic solar activity (and nothing else).

Even a simple non-linear approach, e.g., sun-spot integrals (and ocean oscillations) explains most of the variance. Pic related.

Seriously, between your inability to read ocean level graphs, your simple minded linear assumptions, etc. I really think you're lacking in fundamental analytical abilities. Perhaps you're just blinded by your ideology.

>> No.7732084
File: 45 KB, 740x666, Thick arctic sea ice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off ass wipe. Look at the enormous amount of thick, multi-meter ice in the arctic.

And get over your failed predictions. The arctic was supposed to be melted by now.

>> No.7732090
File: 180 KB, 847x848, upper troposphere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repeat, no cooling for 20 years, despite an enormous increase in CO2.

The only thing you're showing is the unfalsifiability of AGW.

PIC related, CO2 increase and lack of temp increase in the troposphere.

>> No.7732102

>Only 15% of smokers get lung cancer.


Many get head, neck, thoracic cancer. Also, pancreatic, leukemia, liver, kidney, skin and colon cancer.

Nice try dumbass.

>> No.7732103
File: 107 KB, 1440x1080, 44 Models vs reality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just pulled out of your ass.
I posted data from Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) a analysis company run by warmists. As well as University of Alabama, Huntsville (UAH). Get over it.
Your resorts to insulting shows that you have no real argument.

Where did these after-the-fact "corrections" come from? Let me guess, something run by Simpleton Science. Oh, I was right, there it is in the left corner of the pic. John Crook is getting his ass kicked by actual data and analyses so now he has resorted to making speculative, after-the-fact graphs which only stupid people would take as "truth."

You've only proven that Climate Change "Science" is unfalsifiable.

Pic related, the actual IPCC predictions (untampered by after-the-fact adjustments).

>> No.7732107

> "doesn't drive solar activity"

>> No.7732108
File: 242 KB, 625x672, 1391612770372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Global mean temps or sea ice measurements don't predict the general trend.

For example, the 1922 article mentions changes in species composition. Well, how now, bitches? Ocean pH dropping likely cause of plankton die-off, what do you know, fish stocks falling worldwide.

As for the other graph of extent of ice, if you look closely, the lower trend line actually implies a minimum ice extent over 1 million square miles.

Not that I endorse your copypasta.

Keep typing deniers, that will change the results of global instrumentation output.

>> No.7732109

Marc Morano destroyed the warmist arguments. And John Cook the purveyor of Unskeptical Science, should have had an answer to everything. Instead, he had nothing, just like Climate Change "Science."

>> No.7732110

>those disgusting unkempt fingernails
why would one paint their nails and draw attention to them when they don't take care of them properly?

>> No.7732112

Wrong. The first graph shows a difference of 0.1 C between the red and blue bars. The second one has shrunk it to 0.05 C. The final reverses it. A rewrite of the historical temperature record!

>> No.7732115

What do you think you're here for even if you do believe in salvation.

You're the lab rat, test cases of a being who could only see it fit to make a miserable universe where things must only feed or be fed upon. By our standards, that being has already condemned us to hell. Dangling the possibility of something better in return for compliance is asinine and disjointed.

At that, one must only assume they cannot know the mind of the creator. The creator seems flawed, and its creations readily abandon it. Maybe its creations make it miserable, so it abandoned us.

The only reasonable way to make the irrelevant question of a deity sensible, is to assume it either IS the universe, or exists outside of it and created this as part of some sort of simulation. It cares not.

>> No.7732116

That article confounds Satellite and land-based temps; making it extremely sloppy. Satellite data show no warming for almost 20 years in the troposphere.

And satellite data shows is much more accurate than surface data which has a tremendous lack of temp stations in much of the land outside the U.S. as well as a great deal of the sea surface.

In short, an after-the-fact attempt to protect an unfalsifiable theory from the unpleasant reality of data which contradicts the theory. I really wish you warmists would start practicing the scientific method.

"It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong." - Richard P. Feynman

>> No.7732123

Liberals keep saying titantic is sinking but my end just lifted 200 feet in the air. Stupid libtards are wrong again.

>> No.7732124
File: 315 KB, 933x612, 376f82962175ec69aa0e191e4521ce08[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There are five charts in that IPCC report, and you decided to choose only one of them, model A1B, and ignore the rest, when the others make different predictions that most likely match our observations, such as model B1. You also chose to take a tiny chart that has much larger scaling than yours and compress it down. It is impossible to know if you accurately mapped the old scaling to the new one.


Mathematical errors aside, my point about there being 33 years of scientific advancement still stands. You are suggesting that scientists not update their data when new methods of analysis arise.


But your "well known melting history" is based on two qualitative news articles, not a scientific paper or any quantitative data. I have quantitative data, you don't. Doesn't matter if it's "low resolution." Please try again.


Fine, you want the absolute original source? The chart is based off 13 models used by the IPCC, located at http://www-pcmdi.llnl.gov/about/index.php.. Those models are:


The chart pictured is from Stroeve et al. 2007 (http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

Also, once again you're confusing area and mass. The ice could cover more area but be less dense, in which case the amount of ice has decreased.


The first paper is just talking about the record of eruptions and other events in the East Antarctic. Nothing about recent melting trends in the last 250 years.


The removal of ENSO, volcanic activity, and solar activity was made by the authors of the paper, not Skeptical Science. Only the .gif was made by that site. You should maybe read the actual papers I post instead of just glossing over them and attempting to pin everything on some random source.


>> No.7732125

>Satellite data show no warming for almost 20 years in the troposphere.

>> No.7732217



The second paper says that ice decreased on two glaciers in Antarctica at a rate of around 15.7 cm per year while a different glacier increased at rate of around 5.3 cm per year. So in other words, more decrease than increase, and only focusing on three specific areas.

The third paper only talks about volcanic activity affecting one glacier, not the whole ice sheet system in West Antarctica.


Your reliance on this "uncorrected" data only proves that you are unwilling to accept that scientists adapt their views as new methods of analysis and data arise. Solar irradiance has peaks at 1960 and 1980. The "uncorrected" graph here >>7730379 has peaks at around 1950 and 1990, with no corresponding peaks in solar irradiance. The "uncorrected" graph here >>7730375 has a peak at around 1940, with no corresponding peaks in solar irradiance.

But just to finish off this absolute myth that solar radiation is causing a warming trend, let's just see what the studies say about the sun and global warming.

Foster and Rahmstorf, 2011 (http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/6/4/044022/meta): From 1979 to 2010, solar activity had a very slight cooling effect of between -0.014 and -0.023°C per decade.

Lean and Rind, 2008 (http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= While solar activity can account for about 11% of the global warming from 1889 to 2006, it can only account for 1.6% of the warming from 1955 to 2005, and had a slight cooling effect (-0.004°C per decade) from 1979 to 2005.

Huber and Knutti, 2011 (https://thingsbreak.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/anthropogenic-and-natural-warming-inferred-from-changes-in-earths-energy-balance.pdf): "Even for a reconstruction with high variability in total irradiance, solar forcing contributed only about 0.07°C (0.03-0.13°C) to the warming since 1950."


>> No.7732227



More papers:

Erlykin, 2009 (http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/0901/0901.0515v1.pdf): "We deduce that the maximum recent increase in the mean surface temperature of the Earth which can be ascribed to solar activity is 14% of the observed global warming."

Benestad, 2009 (http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2009JGRD..11414101B): "Our analysis shows that the most likely contribution from solar forcing a global warming is 7 ± 1% for the 20th century and is negligible for warming since 1980."

Lockwood, 2008 (http://rspa.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/464/2094/1387.abstract): "It is shown that the contribution of solar variability to the temperature trend since 1987 is small and downward; the best estimate is -1.3% and the 2? confidence level sets the uncertainty range of -0.7 to -1.9%."

Lockwood, 2008 (different paper, you can check the address)(http://rspa.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/464/2094/1367.abstract): "The conclusions of our previous paper, that solar forcing has declined over the past 20 years while surface air temperatures have continued to rise, are shown to apply for the full range of potential time constants for the climate response to the variations in the solar forcings."

Amman, 2007 (http://www.pnas.org/content/104/10/3713.full): "Although solar and volcanic effects appear to dominate most of the slow climate variations within the past thousand years, the impacts of greenhouse gases have dominated since the second half of the last century."

Lockwood 2007 (he seems to study this quite a bit)(http://www.warwickhughes.com/agri/lockwood2007.pdf): "The observed rapid rise in global mean temperatures seen after 1985 cannot be ascribed to solar variability, whichever of the mechanism is invoked and no matter how much the solar variation is amplified."


>> No.7732281



Scaffeta, 2006 (http://www.acrim.com/Reference%20Files/Sun%20&%20Global%20Warming_GRL_2006.pdf): "since 1975 global warming has occurred much faster than could be reasonably expected from the sun alone."

Solanki, 2004 (http://cc.oulu.fi/~usoskin/personal/nature02995.pdf): "solar variability is unlikely to have been the dominant cause of the strong warming during the past three decades."

Haigh, 2003 (http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=14604941): "Observational data suggest that the Sun has influenced temperatures on decadal, centennial and millennial time-scales, but radiative forcing considerations and the results of energy-balance models and general circulation models suggest that the warming during the latter part of the 20th century cannot be ascribed entirely to solar effects."

Stott, 2003 (http://climate.envsci.rutgers.edu/pdf/StottEtAl.pdf): I ncreased climate model sensitivity to solar forcing and still found "most warming over the last 50 yr is likely to have been caused by increases in greenhouse gases."

Solanki, 2003 (http://www2.mps.mpg.de/homes/natalie/PAPERS/warming.pdf): "the Sun has contributed less than 30% of the global warming since 1970."

Leah, 1999 (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1364682698001138): "it is unlikely that Sun–climate relationships can account for much of the warming since 1970."

Waple, 1999 (http://ppg.sagepub.com/content/23/3/309.abstract): "little evidence to suggest that changes in irradiance are having a large impact on the current warming trend."

Frohlich, 1998 (http://ieg.or.kr/abstractII/G0102523037.PDF): "solar radiative output trends contributed little of the 0.2°C increase in the global mean surface temperature in the past decade."


So on one particular day this year, there was thick ice in the Arctic. This somehow disproves a long-term trend in ice decline?


>> No.7732286

None of that has been successfully linked to smoking in a causative fashion, especially shs which is harmless.

Try again dumbass.

That was because people made shit up in order to attack the tobacco industry regarding shs. They do this all he time with other tobacco products too. Or do you not recall the fact that someone stupidly claimed that tobacco studies proved that shs was four times more harmful than smoking in itself?

Actually think instead of giving into anti-smoking fiction.

>> No.7732294

>and lack of temp increase in the troposphere.
We don't live in the troposphere.

>between the red and blue bars
Which don't correspond to anything, and seem to be placed arbitrarily.

>Ice Thickness (m)
> Look at the enormous amount of thick, multi-meter ice in the arctic.
...what is that supposed to prove?

>Satellite data show no warming for almost 20 years in the troposphere.
What's your fucking obsession with the twenty year trend in the troposphere?
Surface measurements show a strong warming trend.
Ocean measurements show a strong warming trend.
Measurements on longer scale show a strong warming trend.

>> No.7732298

>tobacco studies

*secret tobacco funded studies

>> No.7732307



So, in an attempt to disprove a longer-term trend in stratospheric cooling, you post a shorter-term trend. How does this prove anything? Also, that chart is talking about the upper troposphere, not the stratosphere, and it's saying there should be warming, instead of cooling. And, furthermore, a tropospheric hotspot has been observed in the short-term per Trenberth 2006 (http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/JCLI3891.1)) and Santer 2005 (http://pubs.giss.nasa.gov/abs/sa04100j.html)), and in the long-term per Titchner 2009 (http://camels.metoffice.gov.uk/quarc/Titchner09.pdf)) and Sherwood 2008 (http://camels.metoffice.gov.uk/quarc/Sherwood08_JClimate.pdf).).


If the "corrections" were such a problem, then why does the warming trend still appear without the corrections, but just with larger spikes due to solar fluctuations, volcanic activity, and El Nino effects?


I don't care. This is not evidence for or against global warming, just evidence of someone's skills of debating global warming.


>> No.7732360

What function was religion serving that the theory of climate change and related culture now fill

>> No.7732632
File: 102 KB, 750x563, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. Look at /sci/ arguing with evidence instead of just, you know. Ignoring conspiratard threads.

>> No.7732733

>smoking is bad for you
So filling your lungs with ash should be considered healthy?
>global warming is fake
Correct, only cucks with no idea what they're talking about believe co2 is changing the temperature
>vaccines are bad

Depends on the vaccine and your body, some are some aren't, they're still a mostly good thing

>> No.7732748

You know cancer isn't the only problem with smoking.
Another thing is getting your gums and teeth fucked up, you breathe more badly after every cigarete etc.
I should know I know a lot of people who smoke and I smoked myself and saying it is not bad for you is fucking stupid.

>> No.7732749

From my understanding the problem is that there's more and more co2 in the atmosphere. Due to the combustion of carbon which hasn't been in the atmosphere since very long ago.

>> No.7732755

Hey its possible, but after 200 years of study there's still only a correlation

If you ask me, its more likely human body heat from 6 billion additional humans is doing it, if its happening at all

>mfw Antarctica is growing

>> No.7732759

Wasn't one of the first mass extinction events due to plants? They started to bind co2 into carbohydrates which lead to the planet getting colder?

>> No.7732790

I actually don't know, but I do know that historically more co2 has meant more life

>> No.7732877

It's a worldwide conspiracy against the tobacco industry. Every public health body and their thousands of researchers are wasting their time and money getting people to stop smoking because they all don't personally like it. It's got nothing to do with lowering healthcare / taxpayer / societal costs from all of the retards who get lung cancer and go on unemployment.

Great theory.

>> No.7733005

I'm in Minnesota and I've forgotten what the sun looks like with all this fucking fog & clouds. At this point I'd rather it be the typical wintery hellscape it usually is just so I can get some UV.

>> No.7733054


Because the life at that time had thousands to millions of years to adapt to conditions at that time because they occurred gradually. Also, the last time carbon dioxide levels reached near the amounts we see today, nearly everything died.


>> No.7733330

You're seriously implying nicotine cessetarion products aren't simply profiting off of smokers, and that scientists and lawmakers are doing what they can to ensure that people are kept in the dark about shs? Smoking has been met with a ton of assumptions since the surgeon general declared it was bad for you, and it's being banned everywhere indoors and outdoors despite evidence that there no point in doing that because it poses no risk.

>> No.7733337

I'm not saying it's not bad for you (I don't mean for it to come off that way), I'm saying that for a lot of people it barely poses a health risk, and that shs is harmless.

>> No.7733413

There is one, James Hanson, the retired head of GISS, who advocates massive expansion of nukes.

But because of that, even though he believes in global warming in a big way, he's labeled 'a strange form of denier'


>> No.7733440
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>> No.7733473

what findings shill? there are not findings shill
post them, shill.

>> No.7733615
File: 68 KB, 640x486, 6a00d8341c5a0553ef015390755e91970b-800wi[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>edgy contrarian assertions, more edgy contrarian assertions, more edgy contrarian assertions
Great argument.

And no the taxpayer is getting the burden not the degenerate druggie. Smoking cessation meds are typically covered by low cost or free health insurance like medicare and medicaid in the US.


>> No.7733701

>muh profit
there was much more profit to be derived off of promoting smoking, and so your argument is both fallacious and insane.

You're a filthy degenerate who has convinced himself he is a victim. You kek yourself everyday.

>> No.7733708

1cigarettes are full of known carcinogens
2are you allowed to start a fire anywhere you like
3 >no risk
nothing has NO risk and the fact you need to dichotomy your shitty argument to the extreme makes you appear to have no credibility. you suck

>> No.7733790

>no risk

Shs definitely has no risk, that's been shown time and time again. What are you smoking?

>> No.7733791

it is the refusal of a claim, and I put the verb into another tense, stay mad

you're the one choosing to make it a label :3
>indoctrinated etc etc
of course you don't make any claims, provide any evidence that would answer any of my questions because you already know the answers! You are a messiah of tautology, the wizard of truth. Only you can see the lies tha liberal media is spreading!

Thank you lord jesus.

>> No.7733823 [DELETED] 

that hasn't been not to be causative, and there is no mechanism of action for why nitrosamine exposure wouldn't be bad for your health.

I can come up with the same bullshit arguments you use and they are no less invalid. Statistically there are more citations I can see for C:morbidity and mortality ∝ smoking/household than against it. And the arguments that I see can mostly epistemological, that is to say for the most part irrelevant to the findings of science ( see my first paragraph as to why these arguments are specious ).


>> No.7733830

that hasn't been found to not be causative, and there is no mechanism of action explaining for why nitrosamine exposure wouldn't be bad for your health, along with any of the other chemicals released by smoking. checkmate smoking atheist

I can come up with the same bullshit arguments you use and they are no less invalid. Statistically there are more citations I can see for C:morbidity and mortality ∝ smoking/household than against it. And the arguments that I see can mostly epistemological, that is to say for the most part irrelevant to the findings of science ( see my first paragraph as to why these arguments are specious ).


>> No.7733860

that study that was linked is a difficult one to address and it comes down to the fundamental ideological argument, which is that if you ban it exposure (via ShS) will go down by its majority constituent - everyone. If the only exposure had been via your spouse then I'd have no qualms with the findings. The data is also self-reported ( which is the major wah-factor for discrediting most psych papesmears on /sci ), and the most alarming bullshit tactik of the papesmear is!:Ú…¡;Ú

"Study participants on average were 52 years old at enrolment. Many spouses who reported smoking in 1959 would have died, quit smoking or ended the marriage during the 38 year follow-up, yet surviving partners are still classified as ‘exposed’."

EZPZ git rekt shill

>> No.7733939

>scientific consensus

There's also a scientific consensus on Anthropogenic Climate Change, doesn't mean there isn't a ton of bullshit supporting said consensus.

One of the authors of the study (Kabat) also wrote a book on why linking health problems to stuff like shs or cellphone radiation is fallacious, he explains more regarding why health problems related to shs are unfounded but I can only find excerpts of the book.

>> No.7733943

>even science can be corrupted by money, social norms, and political influence
>this is somehow a surprise

>> No.7733949

In all fairness, though, there is correlation.
Even people in the 17th century acknowledged a link between heaving smoking and lung diseases.

>> No.7734216

>circular reasoning that we cannot trust a large volume of work because ¿
That some of the evidence isn't compelling when used to critically assess other evidence isn't new, it is part of the weighing that every study comes under to generalize a consensus.

Was a known shill who hid this from the scientific community and the only reason that the British journal of medicine did not retract the paper is they deemed it would be unscientific, despite the various flaws in the study and the gross overestimation of its impact.

This is a gross generalization. The topics are complex and it is the problem that people don't have the attention span to engage with primary evidence, and critically examine it in relation to all the evidence ( no one as fucking time for this ) that we end up with vitriolic, and fallacious, rhetoric.

Simplifying it as corruption is stupid. Lobbyism is corruption of the democratic process, but politics are necessarily partizan and therein directing an argument towards furthering an agenda is necessary - re: oversimplifying climate science. If you fucking cry babies want to yell conspiracy, and denounce the data, then fucking get your story straight and start crying about the massive subsidies that green energy is getting without its efficacies at:
generating@T:peak consumption;
ability to ever generate energy @t:peak consumption

Or the clearly divested interests propelling new subsidies:

It should not come as any surprise that rich people don't want to lose money regardless of the way the government is choosing to develop, but to say that developing green energy is bad is stupidity. I agree more money should be spent on basic research grants worldwide to develop new green energy integration strategies ( storage such as molten salt, geothermal tech, or parallelized flow batteries ) all green energy is fine.

>> No.7734287

Not only are you a fucking moron but you're also wrong.

>> No.7734304

>Lobbyism is corruption of the democratic process,

lobbying is absolutely NOTHING compared to the inherent corruption involved in a democratic socialism state
In many places you have a literal voting majority who's votes are BOUGHT AND PAID FOR by tax money

Try to cut wasteful spending on public sector unions? Second coming of HITLER!

Democracy itself is dogshit anyways.

>> No.7734329

>>>7731999 (You)
>There are five charts in that IPCC report, and you decided to choose only one of them, model A1B, and ignore the rest, when the others make different predictions that most likely match our observations, such as model B1. You also chose to take a tiny chart that has much larger scaling than yours and compress it down. It is impossible to know if you accurately mapped the old scaling to the new one.

Why didn't you post the charts! We're talking IPCC AR4. Let me guess, they have an enormous range of predictions; essentially rendering them meaningless. Sorry your models failed. Just like the diagram that was going into UN IPCC AR5, which showed the utter failure of the models. Then ooopss, time to do the cover up.

>>>7732007 (You)
>Mathematical errors aside, my point about there being 33 years of scientific advancement still stands. You are suggesting that scientists not update their data when new methods of analysis arise.

Learn to read charts. No there's not advancement. Just dogma. You are making the false equivalence of dogmatically sticking to a theory which insists on catastrophic/disruptive/whatever Climate Change to the point of unfalsifiability. That's not science. You are falsely equating the scientific method which changes to new theories, with the sticking to the gospel of climate catastrophic theory no matter what (just changing the particulars). Science changes, it changes by rejecting theories.

>>>7732014 (You)
>But your "well known melting history" is based on two qualitative news articles, not a scientific paper or any quantitative data. I have quantitative data, you don't. Doesn't matter if it's "low resolution." Please try again. Yes, its does. The melting of the arctic is well documented. Saying "qualitative" doesn't make that go away.

Crappy low resolution proxies don't make it go away either. And why didn't you mention the shift from to proxies. That is so dishonest. (surprise, surprise).

>> No.7734331

>Also, once again you're confusing area and mass. The ice could cover more area but be less dense, in which case the amount of ice has decreased.

You reek of desperation. Gosh, maybe, just maybe the density changed! Do actually read what you write?

>> No.7734336

>>>7732103 (You)
>The removal of ENSO, volcanic activity, and solar activity was made by the authors of the paper, not Skeptical Science. Only the .gif was made by that site. You should maybe read the actual papers I post instead of just glossing over them and attempting to pin everything on some random source.

This is ad hoc, after-the-fact modeling to maintain an unfalsifiable dogma. Its absolutely amazing how the data always has to be "corrected" after the fact! Why do i never see data which appears to fit a model, "corrected" to data that doesn't fit?

Again, if the data doesn't fit the model, so much worse for the data. That is the exact opposite of science.

>> No.7734341

>muh winners and losers, muh corruption
someone is going to pick them, and if we had a more direct democracy then you'd have your say regarding key issues like muh winners.

But love how you scream at democracy at the same time too it is pretty funny. So do you have a point at all? Is your point corruption is a part of human nature? I wouldn't rebut that.

>your models failed
every model is fail, show me a complex model that succeeds haha. I'm not the person you're responding to, I just find all this bullshit about models hilarious.

>> No.7734342
File: 243 KB, 588x533, predictions wrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your sir, are a denier.

>> No.7734345

>The second paper says that ice decreased on two glaciers in Antarctica at a rate of around 15.7 cm per year while a different glacier increased at rate of around 5.3 cm per year. So in other words, more decrease than increase, and only focusing on three specific areas.
>The third paper only talks about volcanic activity affecting one glacier, not the whole ice sheet system in West Antarctica.

Total mass has INCREASED. Melting is due to volcanic activity. Get over your unfalsifiability.

>> No.7734346

Nothing good is ever determined by concensus or popularity contests.

>> No.7734360

>>global warming is contributed by man/man made

There is nothing to contribute. Global warming doesn't exist.

>> No.7734372
File: 127 KB, 586x358, Solar Activity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your reliance on this "uncorrected" data only proves that you are unwilling to accept that scientists adapt their views as new methods of analysis and data arise. Solar irradiance has peaks at 1960 and 1980. The "uncorrected" graph here >>7730379 (You) has peaks at around 1950 and 1990, with no corresponding peaks in solar irradiance. The "uncorrected" graph here >>7730375 (You) has a peak at around 1940, with no corresponding peaks in solar irradiance.

Adapt =/= tamper. The temperature tampering is naive at best. And you're confounding the discussion between temperature tampering and solar influence. So let's talk about solar influence. You keep insisting that only solar luminosity; accounted for in an essentially linear way is the only possible explanation of what is going on (other than anthropogenic CO2). Then with that simple-minded, and false assumption, you go "therefore humans must have caused it." That's as absurd an argument as "gosh don't know how the universe got here, therefore God caused it!" Completely anti-scientific.

And then you show papers vetted by warmist reviewers who never publish anything else. Am I supposed to be impressed? A bit of honesty would acknowledge that some interpret solar variation as being much larger. That significant variation coupled with ocean oscillations explains the majority of recent variance; arguments from ignorance and paid shills be damned. Pic related. And why do you refused to think of other influences on the climate like cosmic rays; or do you deny the CERN research?

In the end, you have an argument from ignorance, backed up by an unfalsifiable dogma. And certainly not a science.

>> No.7734386
File: 103 KB, 641x340, hot spot prediction and measurement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>7732090 (You)
>>and lack of temp increase in the troposphere.
>We don't live in the troposphere.

AGW predicts strongest warming in the troposphere. Lrn2Scienz

>>>7732112 (You)
>>between the red and blue bars
>Which don't correspond to anything, and seem to be placed arbitrarily.

That correspond to an rewriting of the temperature record.

>>>7732084 (You)
>>Ice Thickness (m)
>> Look at the enormous amount of thick, multi-meter ice in the arctic.
>...what is that supposed to prove?

That cry-babies you say that its all about ice mass, ignore the increased arctic ice mass.

>>>7732116 (You)
>>Satellite data show no warming for almost 20 years in the troposphere.
>What's your fucking obsession with the twenty year trend in the troposphere?
> TAMPERED Surface measurements show a strong warming trend. Gosh, they didn't until about 6 months ago? What happened?
>TAMPERED Ocean measurements show a strong warming trend.
>TAMPERED Measurements on longer scale show a strong warming trend.

What is your obsession with bad surface data, when satellite data is much more accurate?

No warming in the mid-latitude troposphere for 20 years, contradicting predictions. And no hotspot
No warming in the south polar region in the troposphere for 35 years, contradicting predicted strong polar warming.
No warming in the north polar region in the troposphere for nearly 15 years, contradicting strong predicted warming.
No cooling in the stratosphere for 20 years despite significant CO2 increase, contradicting predictions.

The theory has failed. You ignore accurate data and cling to poor data to maintain unfalsifiability.

>> No.7734406

>>>7732090 (You)
>So, in an attempt to disprove a longer-term trend in stratospheric cooling, you post a shorter-term trend. How does this prove anything? Also, that chart is talking about the upper troposphere, not the stratosphere, and it's saying there should be warming, instead of cooling. And, furthermore, a tropospheric hotspot has been observed in the short-term per Trenberth 2006 (http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/JCLI3891.1)) and Santer 2005 (http://pubs.giss.nasa.gov/abs/sa04100j.html)), and in the long-term per Titchner 2009 (http://camels.metoffice.gov.uk/quarc/Titchner09.pdf)) and Sherwood 2008 (http://camels.metoffice.gov.uk/quarc/Sherwood08_JClimate.pdf).).

You/someone redefined the lower stratosphere as the troposphere! Could you be more disingenuous? And Trenberth said that if you measure wind instead of directly measure temperature and do a lot of flakey statistics, gosh maybe something hot is there? Science so bad, its not even wrong. And then Sherwood said, gosh, I'll add giant error bars to these data to make them cover the normal (non-AGW) pattern. Therefore climate change is true!

If the error is that large, then you have NOTHING to stand on when it comes to the atmospheric temperature record. Go home and find a different faith.

>>>7732103 (You)
>If the "corrections" were such a problem, then why does the warming trend still appear without the corrections, but just with larger spikes due to solar fluctuations, volcanic activity, and El Nino effects?

It doesn't. McKitrick, R. (2014) HAC-Robust Measurement of the Duration of a Trendless Subsample in a Global Climate Time Series. Open Journal of Statistics, 4, 527-535. doi: 10.4236/ojs.2014.47050.

>>>7732109 (You)
>I don't care. This is not evidence for or against global warming, just evidence of someone's skills of debating global warming.
A highly knowledgable warmist has no answer for substantive and pointed critiques of AGW? Wow, you really are a denier!

>> No.7734422


>Why didn't you post the charts!

Because I did. The chart I posted in >>7732124 has all thirteen models reported by the IPCC in it. It even lists them for you, and I gave you a link to look them up individually.

>Just like the diagram that was going into UN IPCC AR5, which showed the utter failure of the models. Then ooopss, time to do the cover up.

Because it was a rough draft. I already covered this in >>7730625.

>No there's not advancement.

Prove it. You are saying in 33 years, there has been absolutely no change in how computer models are made, how data is collected and analyzed, or anything that could possibly cause you to want to re-analyze previous findings. No new satellites have been launched, no new programs have been made, no new projects have been started, nothing. I find this very hard to believe.

>Crappy low resolution proxies don't make it go away either.

Then post data that has better proxies that proves your argument correct. Until then, I stand by mine, because apparently it's the only actual data we have.


> Its absolutely amazing how the data always has to be "corrected" after the fact! Why do i never see data which appears to fit a model, "corrected" to data that doesn't fit? Again, if the data doesn't fit the model, so much worse for the data. That is the exact opposite of science.

Because there are other random effects that could possibly throw off or re-correct your modeling, and thus either hide or reveal underlying trends, respectively. You even admit this in >>7734372 when you suggest that there could be a non-linear relationship between solar irradiance and temperature if you also consider ocean oscillations.


>> No.7734468


>You keep insisting that only solar luminosity; accounted for in an essentially linear way is the only possible explanation of what is going on (other than anthropogenic CO2).

When exactly did I say this? I've been responding to your arguments this entire time. Even the initial chart I originally posted in >>7729408
was responding to someone, presumably you, arguing that climate models completely leave out the effects of solar activity.

>A bit of honesty would acknowledge that some interpret solar variation as being much larger.

Huber and Knutti, 2011 (https://thingsbreak.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/anthropogenic-and-natural-warming-inferred-from-changes-in-earths-energy-balance.pdf): "Even for a reconstruction with high variability in total irradiance, solar forcing contributed only about 0.07°C (0.03-0.13°C) to the warming since 1950."

Lockwood 2007 (he seems to study this quite a bit)(http://www.warwickhughes.com/agri/lockwood2007.pdf): "The observed rapid rise in global mean temperatures seen after 1985 cannot be ascribed to solar variability, whichever of the mechanism is invoked and no matter how much the solar variation is amplified."

I considered papers which assumed a larger solar variation, and they still found no correlation.

>That significant variation coupled with ocean oscillations explains the majority of recent variance.

So in other words, adding in a second effect to your model to account for some variance proves it correct. How is that not the exactly the same thing that climate scientists do with their modeling?


>> No.7734487

are you arguing with yourself kek?

>> No.7734500


> And why do you refused to think of other influences on the climate like cosmic rays; or do you deny the CERN research?

The CERN research was into how cosmic rays might cause clouds to form, not into how it might affect climate, and the author of the CERN study even stated that "At the present time we can not say whether cosmic rays affect the climate." (http://science.orf.at/stories/1717291/))

And research has shown that cosmic rays do not affect climate:

Muscheler 2005 (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S027737910500048X): Looking at the paleoclimatic record during periods of significant changes in galactic cosmic ray (GCR) activity, there is no corresponding change in climate, e.g. during the Laschamp excursion ~40kya.

Overholt 2009 (http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0004-637X/705/2/L101/meta): Alleged correlations between GCRs and climate in the geologic past due to our sun passing through galactic spiral arms were based on an unrealistic, overly-simplified model of spiral structure and are not valid.

Kulmala 2010 (http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/10/1885/2010/acp-10-1885-2010.html): Examining the change in GCRs in response to solar variability over recent decades or the course of a solar cycle, there is no or little corresponding change in climate.


>> No.7734504

I haven't seen any proof of Kabat being a shill anywhere. The shill gambit is a ridiculous argument anyhow.

And the scientific consensus has turned into a dogma as of late. A lot of the shs danger "evidence" is simply overblown numbers and statistics, not genuine credible studies that are carried out.

>> No.7734520


>You/someone redefined the lower stratosphere as the troposphere!

I redefined nothing. I read a chart that you posted. Why did you redefine the upper troposphere as the lower stratosphere?

>And Trenberth said that if you measure wind instead of directly measure temperature and do a lot of flakey statistics, gosh maybe something hot is there?And then Sherwood said, gosh, I'll add giant error bars to these data to make them cover the normal (non-AGW) pattern. Therefore climate change is true!

There are two other papers there finding the same thing as Sherwood and Trenberth in other ways if you find those papers so distasteful. I see no problem with their methods, and clearly the peer-review boards that they went through to be approved for publishing did not either, despite their errors apparently being so great.

>It doesn't.

Then why is there a clear warming trend in the chart? You know, when the .gif in >>7730683 shifts to having "Raw Data" at the top?

>McKitrick, R. (2014)

This is just a possible explanation as to why there hasn't been as much of a trend in the last 15 years. He says in the abstract, "There is now a trendless interval of 19 years duration at the end of the HadCRUT4 surface temperature series, and of 16 - 26 years in the lower troposphere. Use of a simple AR1 trend model suggests a shorter hiatus of 14 - 20 years, but is likely unreliable." If anything, he seems to be implying that there is a longer term warming trend punctuated by shorter periods of less warming. I do not see how this shows how this disproves a warming trend.

>A highly knowledgable warmist has no answer for substantive and pointed critiques of AGW?

You try being in a live, person-to-person debate with someone then, and see how good you are at bringing up nuanced, highly technical information to defeat bludgeoned arguments. My point still stands: this does nothing to prove that global warming is true or untrue. You are being logically fallacious in asserting so.

>> No.7734535


>A lot of them say that even spacing apart the number of vaccines a child gets and at what age they get them isn't necessary, even though probably it is.

What evidence do you have of this? Every study done thus far has confirmed that no harm is caused by the current vaccination scheduling, so what evidence do you have that upends the consensus of peer reviewed research?

>> No.7734539

>calls others an idiot or troll
>cherry picks from a comment section...

>> No.7734581


>Gosh, maybe, just maybe the density changed!

Except I didn't say this. I said that the ice could cover more area but be less dense, i.e. (to clarify) there's less ice mass and/or less ice volume. Don't make strawmen.


>Total mass has INCREASED.

Neither of your papers say this.

>Melting is due to volcanic activity.

Only on one specific glacier.

>Get over your unfalsifiability.

So, me calling you out on flawed papers shows that global warming is unfalsifiable, but you calling me out on "flawed" papers (as you do here >>7734372, here >>7734336, and here >>7734406) shows that your views are falsifiable?

>> No.7734596

>benzo[a]pyrene doesn't cause DNA oxidation guise, keep lightin' em up!

>> No.7734638

>he settle for benzo[a]pyrene
lulululul KEK!!
i inject benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-dihydrodiol-9,10-epoxide every morn
make me stronger and boosts immune system activity my doctors says nk cells are through the roof so you know it's really workin lol
n alos lumps help give me a shapely physique ;)

>> No.7734852

>provides zero evidence that he's hiding from the scientific community

So I guess you can't prove he's a shill? Fuck off then. Please, explain: how is Kabat hiding from the scientific community exactly? He has credentials that can be looked up. He writes books on health risk. He is an epidemiologist. All of this is easily searchable.


>> No.7734866


>> No.7734869
File: 25 KB, 640x640, 5stages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7735699


Additionally, if your solar theory were correct, then we would see warming across all layers of the atmosphere. Instead, we see warming in the troposphere as shown by the papers in >>7732307 and cooling in the stratosphere as shown by Jones et al. 2003 (http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2003/2002GL016377.shtml)), as predicted by a greenhouse gas based model. We also see more warming at night instead of during the day, per Bagranza et al. 2004 (http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2004/2004GL019998.shtml)), as predicted by a greenhouse gas model, as opposed to more warming during the day than at night as predicted by a solar model.

>> No.7735744


Also, considering that your chart in >>7732071 is unsourced, and thus I do not know the methods that were used to make this correlation between sunspot time integrals and ocean oscillations and global climate.

The potential for self-delusion is significantly enhanced by the fact that climate data generally does have a lot of signal in the decadal band (say between 9 and 15 years). This variability relates to the incidence of volcanic eruptions, ENSO cycles, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) etc. as well as potentially the solar cycle. So another neat trick to convince yourself that you found a solar-climate link is to use a very narrow band pass filter centered around 11 years, to match the rough periodicity of the sun spot cycle, and then show that your 11 year cycle in the data matches the sun spot cycle. Often these correlations mysteriously change phase with time, which is usually described as evidence of the non-linearity of the climate system, but in fact is the expected behaviour when there is no actual coherence. Even if the phase relationship is stable, the amount of variance explained in the original record is usually extremely small.

In short, if you choose the right conditions for your model, you can basically make any correlation between any climate-affecting things.

>> No.7736012

well you simply don't believe in humanity, and to be completely honest you shouldn't believe in your own ability to assess the data independently. You must have the ego of a god. GL with your utopia bruh

>> No.7736017

I know you're very stupid as you believe misrepresentations and aren't willing to do quick fact checks on anomaly papers, so let me google that for you:

You and your pol kind, who are full of shitty rhetoric, and ignore any evidence contrary to your narrative, need to leave. You are the anti-science.

>> No.7736023

You're literally dichotomizing science into dogma vs shill.

You've attempted to discredit all statistics when one of your polnazis linked to a statistical study on SHS, but now the other end of the spectrum is entirely overblown ( not genuine credible studies ). You don't have the capacity to assess the data, so shut the fuck up, or write a review of the data and publish it you fucking contrarian douche.

>> No.7736041

I love how all of you fucking plebs don't even go after the gaping lapses in good statistical methodology ( which i only included the most obvious to me ) but instantly scream when i call him a shill.

He was supported for many years by tobacco money; he deliberately wrote a sloppy paper which was published without knowledge of special exemption status given to the writer by the tobacco industry supporting him.
A brief description of the layers of hogwash and bullshit the tobacco industry has put the scientific community pressuring them to include shitty reviews in their meta analysis. I love how Kabat cannot even control his confounding variables, or stratify his exposures, but cries about meta-analysis.
>wah wah i don't believe in statistics but i'll sure as fuck line up a narrative wah

Yall need to go read more interesting conspiracy's like Clinton's emails being used to pressure the states into ratifying the recent ban on ISIL's funding via Kremlin pressure to leak it.

I mean, yall are filthy smoking plebs who don't wanna feel guilty, i geddit, but find something more productive to do with your time then dredge up old arguments, without knowledge or expertise, and cry about muh conspiracy.

Go learn the field first, and then come back with holes in the narrative; I'm sure it would be easy to do this with knowledge of the subject as almost all clinical trials I have read have obvious weaknesses.

>> No.7736081


>And then you show papers vetted by warmist reviewers who never publish anything else. Am I supposed to be impressed?

If you're accusing me of cherrypicking studies, then you have to show studies that say otherwise. All you've shown is an un-cited model that uses faulty analysis to match itself to a trend. I have 13 years of peer-reviewed published research backing me up. Who really looks more credible here?

>> No.7736392

that's all you're ever going to get out of this /pol/acks

they don't ever review cited papers, they'll endlessly cherry pick the tiny number of citations they can to push their narrative.
because they've brain washed themselves and don't believe in critical thinking

its very likely they are nearly entirely science illiterate as well

>> No.7736871

>>Why didn't you post the charts!
>Because I did. The chart I posted in >>7732124 has all thirteen models... reported by the IPCC in it. It even lists them for you, and I gave you a link to look them up individually.

No, I was talking about all these other global temperature charts that you supposedly were talking about. Apparently you were doing a bait and switch.

>>Just like the diagram that was going into UN IPCC AR5, which showed the utter failure of the models. Then ooopss, time to do the cover up.
>Because it was a rough draft. I already covered this in >>7730625.

No you haven't covered it. The abject failure of the predictions led to a new bogus, chart which you posted. Unskeptical Science made up the bogus excuse that the chart was rejected because it wasn't centered correctly. That of course, is an after-the-fact-lie. The chart is begins and is centered just the same as the UN IPCC AR4 chart i posted.

>>No there's not advancement.
>Prove it. You are saying in 33 years, there has been absolutely no change in how computer models are made,... No new satellites have been launched, no new programs have been made, no new projects have been started, nothing. I find this very hard to believe.
Never said that; stop putting words in my mouth. And your continued clinging to an unfalsifiable belief system is not advancement. Making predictions, watching them fail and then doing after-the-fact excuses, data tampering and altered models (witness the devious change of the modeling results from AR4 to AR5) is not advancement. The theory is unfalsifiable; therefore its not science.

>> No.7736877


>>Crappy low resolution proxies don't make it go away either.
>Then post data that has better proxies that proves your argument correct.
>>>7734336 (You)
I posted qualitatiave data. That is strong enough to debunk low-resoution proxies. More importantly, graphs that combine high-resolution (satellite) data with low resolution proxy data are fundmentally dishonest. That make the false impression of low variance in the distant past and high variance in the recent past. From a statistical point of view, they're garbage.

>> Its absolutely amazing...Again, if the data doesn't fit the model, so much worse for the data. That is the exact opposite of science.
>Because there are other random effects... that could possibly throw off or re-correct your modeling, and thus either hide or reveal underlying trends, respectively. You even admit this in >>7734372 (You) when you suggest that there could be a non-linear relationship between solar irradiance and temperature if you also consider ocean oscillations.

Sorry, I'm not buying it. A theory that going only do after-the-fact data alterations "corrections" or whatever is painfully suspect. And then to equate my observation that there might be non-linear explanations for solar influence with after-the-fact ad hoc remodeling? Apples and oranges.

>> No.7736885

>>You keep insisting that only solar luminosity; accounted for in an essentially linear way is the only possible explanation of what is going on (other than anthropogenic CO2).
>When exactly did I say this? I've been responding to your arguments this entire time. Even the initial chart I originally posted in >>7729408
Your graphic shows no other possible cause of warming besides this (besides anthropogenic CO2). That's how you said it.

>was responding to someone, presumably you, arguing that climate models completely leave out the effects of solar activity.
>>A bit of honesty would acknowledge that some interpret solar variation as being much larger.
>Huber and Knutti, 2011 (https://thingsbreak.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/anthropogenic-and-natural-warming-inferred-from-changes-in-earths-energy-balance.pdf): "Even for a reconstruction with high variability in total irradiance, solar forcing contributed only about 0.07°C (0.03-0.13°C) to the warming since 1950."
>Lockwood 2007 (he seems to study this quite a bit)(http://www.warwickhughes.com/agri/lockwood2007.pdf): "The observed rapid rise in global mean temperatures seen after 1985 cannot be ascribed to solar variability, whichever of the mechanism is invoked and no matter how much the solar variation is amplified."
>I considered papers which assumed a larger solar variation, and they still found no correlation.
>>That significant variation coupled with ocean oscillations explains the majority of recent variance.
>So in other words, adding in a second effect to your model to account for some variance proves it correct. How is that not the exactly the same thing that climate scientists do with their modeling?

The differences is that the models of AGW fail over and over again. So they do after-the-fact "corrections" and use tampered data to cover it up. The fundamental difference is that AGW is heavily politicized. It is not falsifiable and therefore not science

>> No.7736896

>>You/someone redefined the lower stratosphere as the troposphere!
>I redefined nothing. I read a chart that you posted. Why did you redefine the upper troposphere as the lower stratosphere?
You referred to a graph of the stratosphere as work on the troposphere!

>>And Trenberth said that if you measure wind instead of directly measure temperature and do a lot of flakey statistics, gosh maybe something hot is there?And then Sherwood said, gosh, I'll add giant error bars to these data to make them cover the normal (non-AGW) pattern. Therefore climate change is true!
>There are two other papers there finding the same thing as Sherwood and Trenberth in other ways if you find those papers so distasteful. I see no problem with their methods, and clearly the peer-review boards that they went through to be approved for publishing did not either, despite their errors apparently being so great.
>peer-review boards desperate to protect the financial gravy train.
How funny that millions of radiosonde measurements are wrong, not to mention highly accurate satellite temps. But bizarre wind correlates which get tweaked to get the desired effect! How can you look yourself in the mirror while taking that ad-hoc rubbish seriously?

>>A highly knowledgable warmist has no answer for substantive and pointed critiques of AGW?
>You try being in a live, person-to-person debate with someone then, and see how good you are at bringing up nuanced, highly technical information to defeat bludgeoned arguments. My point still stands: this does nothing to prove that global warming is true or untrue. You are being logically fallacious in asserting so.
i've gone head to head scientifically many times. With people much more established in the field i was doing work in; and with much more fame. And I held my own. In fact, a couple of times it was clear that I had the better of them.


>> No.7736904

>>It doesn't.
>Then why is there a clear warming trend in the chart? You know, when the .gif in >>7730683 shifts to having "Raw Data" at the top?
>>McKitrick, R. (2014)
>This is just a possible explanation as to why there hasn't been as much of a trend in the last 15 years. He says in the abstract, "There is now a trendless interval of 19 years duration at the end of the HadCRUT4 surface temperature series, and of 16 - 26 years in the lower troposphere. Use of a simple AR1 trend model suggests a shorter hiatus of 14 - 20 years, but is likely unreliable." If anything, he seems to be implying that there is a longer term warming trend punctuated by shorter periods of less warming. I do not see how this shows how this disproves a warming trend.

OMG no matter how long we flat line the temps, Climate Change is true! Thanks for your unfalsifiability. The dirty little secret is that several Climate "Scientists said that 15-17 years was enough to falsify the theory if there was no upward trend. That happened and all ignored the unexpected result.

Again: There has been no warming in the troposphere for more than 18 years. Ben Santer and several co-authors said that 17 years was enough time to wait, because then you are outside the 95% confidence interval of the models. (2.5% chance to one side of the interval).
"Our results show that temperature records of at least 17 years in length are required for identifying human effects on global‐mean tropospheric temperature."

Paper: Separating signal and noise in atmospheric temperature changes: The importance of timescale. 2011, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 116, D22105

The NOAA said 15 years is enough:
“Near-zero and even negative trends are common for intervals of a decade or less in the simulations..."
Paper: http://www1.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/cmb/bams-sotc/climate-assessment-2008-lo-rez.pdf

>> No.7736932

>Additionally, if your solar theory were correct, then we would see warming across all layers of the atmosphere. Instead, we see warming in the troposphere as shown by the papers in >>7732307 and cooling in the stratosphere as shown by Jones et al. 2003 (http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2003/2002GL016377.shtml)), as predicted by a greenhouse gas based model. We also see more warming at night instead of during the day, per Bagranza et al. 2004 (http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2004/2004GL019998.shtml)), as predicted by a greenhouse gas model, as opposed to more warming during the day than at night as predicted by a solar model.

Stop your dishonesty. No cooling in the stratosphere for 20 years. And stop the strawman arguments. No one said that CO2 doesn't have greenhouse effects; it's just that they're quite weak (logarithmic temp vs. concentration). And no troposphere warming for almost 20 years. This contradicts AGW theory, even the head of NASA GISS, Gavin Schmidt admitted it. >>7725784

Night predictions? Oh you mean the Urban Heat Island effect which is strongest and night. Funny how you love to "correct" data, except when the non-greenhouse gas effects give you the desired results. Sheesh, absolutely shameless.

What you don't seem to realize is what you're doing is an intellectual circle jerk. You assume climate change is true, with all its attendant powerful effects by increased CO2. Then you quote papers written by warmist authors like they're chapter and verse. "X warmist author was reviewed by Y warmist reviewer and approved of by Z warmist editor, therefore climate change is true." You're in an echo chamber; and you remind me of a fundamentalist quoting scripture to prove that their faith is true. "The bible is true because it was made by God. How do we know that it was written by God? Because the bible says so." AGW has ceased to be a genuine scientific endeavour. It is has been reduced to a pseudo-scientific echo chamber.

>> No.7736939

The only reason for record colds is the reduction of sun spots on the sun's surface. Idk much about it.

>> No.7736957


>No, I was talking about all these other global temperature charts that you supposedly were talking about. Apparently you were doing a bait and switch.

What? The initial reply you gave to me in >>7730347 was asking for a source for this >>7728821 chart, which is a chart of sea ice extent predictions. And I gave you the source of that chart. I never talked about global temperature charts when referring to >>7728821, but if you want some then you could look at >>7730683

>Unskeptical Science made up the bogus excuse that the chart was rejected because it wasn't centered correctly.

I never said that it was wrong because it was centered correctly, I said it was an a unfinished rough draft. Please try again, and maybe try reading what I write, unless you're talking about some different chart which you haven't posted, because in that case I don't know what you're talking about.

>Never said that; stop putting words in my mouth.

Then how else was I supposed to interpret the statement "No, there's not advancement," because that's exactly what you said in >>7734329.


>I posted qualitatiave data. That is strong enough to debunk low-resoution proxies.

No, it's not. You posted what basically amounts to two anecdotes. For all we know, 1940 could have just been a particularly warm year. You haven't shown any quantitative data showing trends or anything contrary to my data that isn't fundamentally incorrect. You're insisting anecdotes and stories have as much power as quantitative data.

>A theory that going only do after-the-fact data alterations "corrections" or whatever is painfully suspect.

Then why do you trust yours, especially considering you've provided no citation for it?

>> No.7736974

You keep citing tobacco money as a problem but it really doesn't matter who finds a study, what matters is objectively analyzing the results. Both Kabat, Enstrom, and various others have done studies showing no negative effects of shs, and the best arguments available are "they're shit because they take tobacco money/they didn't consider every single absolute detail/they didn't have tobacco experts analyze their study." Michael Siegel has analyzed tobacco for decades and came to similar conclusions for the most part, are you going to write him off too? He doesn't take tobacco funding so you can't use that as a scapegoat. Brad Rodu also disproves tobacco myths while calling out the FDA on blatant lies, but he takes tobacco money so he's probably dirty, right? Hell Stanford University recently proved shs can't possibly cause or be linked to lung cancer. Because of that I find it highly unlikely that it is a primary factor in anything else.

No matter what science comes up you'll have the preconceived bias against smoking being allowed where you honk it shouldn't be. I've yet to see any studies of the same magnitude and subject load that proved shs WAS harmful. Most of the studies I see point to it having next to zero effect on people.

>> No.7737001


>And then to equate my observation that there might be non-linear explanations for solar influence with after-the-fact ad hoc remodeling? Apples and oranges.

You considered solar variation and then corrected for variation from the temperature record with the non-linear effect of ocean oscillations. How is this not the same thing as considering a greenhouse gas emission forcing and correcting for the effects of solar variation, ocean oscillations, and volcanic activity?


>Your graphic shows no other possible cause of warming besides this (besides anthropogenic CO2). That's how you said it.

The graphic only shows there is not a correlation between solar irradiance and the temperature record in roughly the past 30 years. It actually says nothing about there being no explanation for this besides carbon dioxide emissions. If you want to suggest an alternative reason, then do so.

>The fundamental difference is that AGW is heavily politicized.

So your side has no political bearing whatsoever, despite being highly associated with the US Republican Party and the oil industry. Why do you believe your side is not politicized as well?


>You referred to a graph of the stratosphere as work on the troposphere!

Really, this chart >>7732090 does not say in big bold letters UPPER TROPOSPHERE at the top? Or are you talking about a different chart?

>How funny that millions of radiosonde measurements are wrong, not to mention highly accurate satellite temps.

There are still two other papers there which you haven't addressed at all.

>i've gone head to head scientifically many times. With people much more established in the field i was doing work in; and with much more fame. And I held my own. In fact, a couple of times it was clear that I had the better of them.

Considering your performance in this debate, I find that unlikely. But that is irrelevant.

>> No.7737048


>no matter how long we flat line the temps

Except temperatures also haven't "flat lined," as shown by:

Murphy et al. 2009 (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2009JD012105/full)) and Nuccitelli et al 2012 (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0375960112010389): More heat goes into the ocean than the surface or atmosphere, and this must be accounted for when considering the total temperature difference of the planet.

Fawcett and Jones 2008 (http://www.aussmc.org/documents/waiting-for-global-cooling.pdf): Moving averages of three data sets of temperature records show there has been no "pause" in global warming.

Foster and Rahmstorf 2011 (http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/6/4/044022/meta)), which I've cited several times already: Analyze the temperature records and correct for effects of solar variation, ENSO, and volcanic activity. Find: "the adjusted data show warming at very similar rates to the unadjusted data, with smaller probable errors, and the warming rate is steady over the whole time interval."

>There has been no warming in the troposphere for more than 18 years.

Santer 2005 and Titchner 2009 disagree, as well as the other papers I've posted.


>No cooling in the stratosphere for 20 years.

Then why does >>7730691 show cooling between the 1990s and the recent decade?

>And no troposphere warming for almost 20 years.

Mears et al. 2005 (http://www.sciencemag.org/content/309/5740/1548.abstract)) says otherwise.

>> No.7737054


>Night predictions? Oh you mean the Urban Heat Island effect which is strongest and night.

Urban heat island effect is not the source of warming per Hansen 2001 (http://pubs.giss.nasa.gov/docs/2001/2001_Hansen_etal.pdf)), Peterson 2003 (http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/wmo/ccl/rural-urban.pdf)), Parker 2006 (http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/abs/10.1175/JCLI3730.1)), and Jones et al. 2008 (http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2008/2008JD009916.shtml).).

>Then you quote papers written by warmist authors like they're chapter and verse.

You have cited very few papers, and mostly just used your own graphics or faulty ideas, and the ones you have are either irrelevant or flawed. If you have papers that contradict mine, then post them. You can't just claim I'm cherry-picking if you aren't presenting examples that contradict mine, because it's possible that those papers simply don't exist, and, therefore, I am not cherry-picking, because there's no other choices I could make.

>> No.7738309

>shill vs dogma

And based on the AGW claims in this very thread, you're saying that isn't important? Science can be ruled by dogma/shilling. Just look at people claiming climate change indirectly caused the Paris attacks.

>> No.7738751

he's right

people who support a worldview without exploring the evidence are just... believing.