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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 51 KB, 500x335, stephen.wolfram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7725722 No.7725722 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't anyone here talk about how Wolfram LITERALLY explained consciousness with ANKS? Is it because you brainlets are too scared to face his brilliance?

>> No.7725746

>implying Wolfram's 210 IQ isn't higher than all of yours
>inb4 buttmad brainlets

By age 15 he, began research in applied quantum field theory and particle physics and publish scientific papers. Topics included matter creation and annihilation, the fundamental interactions, elementary particles and their currents, hadronic and leptonic physics, and the parton model, published in professional peer-reviewed scientific journals including Nuclear Physics B, Australian Journal of Physics, Nuovo Cimento, and Physical Review D.

>> No.7725755

Where's his evidence that 'consciousness' even exists?

>> No.7725759

wtf are anks?

>> No.7725770

"A New Kind of Science"

A book that is literally the new "Principia Mathematica." Every "scientist" and "mathematician" should read it.

>> No.7725781
File: 8 KB, 259x194, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol how do u kno
>u can't know nuffin
brainlet detected

>> No.7725792

His stats are really impressive but in that day and age without parents help you arent going to be like that by age 15 and as we all know there are several renowned people in STEM history who were not child prodigies. stephen wolfram will be remembered for wolfram algebra before any of his physics research

>> No.7725795

Nice ad hominem character assassination attempt, but we all know that Wolfram is still one of the greatest geniuses around.

Also I like your refutation of my central point that Wolfram LITERALLY explained consciousness.

>> No.7725802

i liked your explanation of what the hell LITERALLY explaining consiousness entails

>> No.7725805

Wolfram pls stop shitposting

>> No.7725807

B-but that other thread says Langan explained everything, who should I believe /sci/?

>> No.7725809

Just take a look at Wolfram's nose and decide.

>> No.7725842


>> No.7725846
File: 141 KB, 287x344, tipping-intensifies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what sperglords literally say when they get butthurt and have no refutation or argument

>> No.7725860


>> No.7725871

So please can you give reference to his explanation otherwise I'll start my own thread with a picture of me stating how great I am that I've explained consciousness yet provide no links and just shitpost at people replying

>> No.7725880


Have you even read ANKS? I'm not going to bother explaining it to some retard autist brainlet. Go and get it from the library and see if your thick skull can understand it. Then MAYBE I'll take the time to explain it to you.

>> No.7725883

If you need a "link" to talk about a man that you should be very familiar with if you have an iq over 110 they you need to get the fuck off this site

>> No.7725933
File: 1.90 MB, 312x250, 1397847614945.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7725989

Why do people keep replying this picture to me? It's not fair and it hurts my feelings, I have a superior intellect and that's why it scares women, that's why I'm alone

>> No.7725991

This is my least favorite meme

>> No.7725993

Literally terrible. Its such a shame that a genius of Wolframs caliber ended up writing such crap. It reaks of a man who has never been told he's wrong.

>> No.7726525
File: 74 KB, 960x624, 12042792_1694348297461913_518183192553655919_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7726683

He could have been a good scientist. His gigantic ego prevailed though. Today he's just a joke.

>> No.7726688

Am I the only one who thinks that the word "consciousness " means nothing?
What we do and think is just an extension of mechanistic processes.

I honestly couldn't even define what is and what isn't a conscious object.

>> No.7726693

"If you can't explain it to an autist brainlet, you don't understand it well enough." -Albert Einstein

>> No.7726694

why the fuck are all of you falling for this b8
literally the worst attempt i've seen in months and every "/sci/entist" is fueling this shitfire

>sage to oblivion

hell maybe it's just another /pol/ invasion and this is a containment thread

>> No.7726695

You can get a normal discussion about something out of a troll thread once the troll goes to bed. Why people are replying to the OP I don't get though.

>> No.7726703

He only said that because he was a fucking autist himself

>> No.7726708

I thought Feynman said this.

Who really said this... Did everyone say this?
Literally, everyone?

>> No.7726710
File: 48 KB, 170x300, ankh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ANKS is about cellular automata and shit right? What does that have to do with consciousness?

>> No.7726780
File: 237 KB, 300x299, SimuMajoWeb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>man with 200 IQ is a joke
OK, and someone using ad-hominem attacks on a cartoon image board isn't?
Anyone who hasn't read ANKS has no right to even be here.
I see we have another brainlet here.
>consciousnesss is an emergent property of matter
*tips fedora*

>> No.7726793

Reminder to sage and report all shitposting threads.

>> No.7726796

What do cellular automata have to do with consciousness?

>> No.7726801

>can't refute ANKS
>literally too retarded/autistic to understand the ideas
>u r a shitpooster :^(

>> No.7726808

Go away, underage b&. You have to be 18+ to post here.

>> No.7726829

More ad hominem from a literal autist. Try actually reading ANKS, if your brainlet mind can really graps the MAJESTY of Woflram's ideas. then you would leave this board and its FALSE science behind.

>> No.7726830

woolram is penne.

>> No.7726865

>being such a failure you even have the time to shitpost on 4chan

Reflect, my man.

>> No.7726869
File: 1.09 MB, 402x432, aspgif3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice ad hominem, autist.

>> No.7726871

>projecting this hard
Not everyone who posts on 4chan is a failure like you. A true genius like myself can succeed academically and still have free time to post here.

>> No.7726872
File: 103 KB, 1500x841, jvc-projector-1500x841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7726892

Define conciousness than I'll answer your question you massive shitposter.

>> No.7726899
File: 316 KB, 739x335, 1450316633788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7726901

Consciousness is a quantum superposition of complex states that results in free will.

>> No.7726909

>Muh IQ
>Muh brainlets
>Muh fedora

Seriously, anyone who talks like that is on the non-functional end of the autism spectrum.

>> No.7726916

>anyone who points out that I'm a retard is autistic >:(

>> No.7726967

Sorry to hijack this thread away from shitposting and autism but does anyone know any books on a similar subject to anks which isn't just autofallatio? Maybe a digital physics textbook?

>> No.7726969

I'm not a physicist (I'm a mathematician) but you may want to look into Loop Quantum Gravity, which is a candidate ToE that postulates a discrete universe (not sure about digital.)

>> No.7726987

>loop quantum gravity
>not string theory


>> No.7727214

>Loop Quantum Gravity, which is a candidate ToE

LQG isn't a theory of everything, just a theory of quantum gravity. A ToE would unify all fundamental forces.

>> No.7727272
File: 244 KB, 400x618, emperors-new-mind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wolfram explained consciousness
>not based Penrose
Confirmed for pleb.

>> No.7727287

Chris Langan has the only true ToE and explanation for consciousness.