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7725061 No.7725061[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is homosexuality no longer considered a mental illness?

>> No.7725063

because that guy is insanely aesthetic, and if he is considered "broken" then what does it mean for 99.9% of the world that are fat ugly gluttons with unfavorable genes?

also no homo

>> No.7725069
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But seriously, anon.
At what point do "mental illnesses" no longer count as aberrant, and just become "differently aligned"?

>> No.7725070

Because mental illnesses are supposed to be rare abnormities. Homosexuality is common as fuck and way too widespread. Just like sociopathy is only applied to males because in females it is normal. Naturally almost every female would be diagnosed with sociopathy. But then it isn't an abnormity anymore.

>> No.7725074

Mental illness is a garbage concept that need to be thrown out and completely, utterly, entirely, stripped of validity and scrubbed from human consciousness. It's time it died and was replaced with intelligent ways of viewing biology and psychology.

It was also the persecution deal that did it for the gays. And saturating the media and popular culture. They made it a thing, then, by extension, they made you a thing. A bad thing. A wrong thing. A bigoted old world holdover, stupid, narrow minded thing. If you disagree with them and their anything and everything.

That's how media and culture works.

>> No.7725128 [DELETED] 

The elites used to need more workers, now they need fewer. The truth is it's not an illness, it's a crime against god that WILL be punished.

>inb4 muh human rights

>> No.7725141

Depression affects 6,7% of MURRKAns, that's not a mental illness then?

>> No.7725144

Well it is.

>> No.7725178

It was so back in a time when people used psychology to pathologize deviant behaviors and reinforce social or religious norms. later in the 60's psychologists found that homosexuality itself caused no ill effects on mental functions.

>> No.7725225

it's a natural trait that was immensely useful in prehistoric times (beta males accept their role and get to procreate instead of fighting to their death) and just doesn't fit into modern times. how is that a "mental illness" ?

>> No.7725238

Because it doesn't interfere with being happy and productive.

>> No.7725240

i consider it a mental illness
anyone who argues its not a mental illness is prejudice against mental illnesses
its not anybodies fault they are gay but it is a fact that their brains are wrong

>> No.7725265 [DELETED] 

>literally putting your genitals in poop
>OK because of muh happiness
You are all going to find out what the Creator thinks about your vile sins THE HARD WAY.
~Maximus, King of /pol/

>> No.7725286

Because now your loaded question alone is seen as indicating a mental condition, a suppressed problem requiring psychological intervention.

>> No.7725313

>evolutionary psychology
>useless junk "science" based on conjecture

pick 2

>> No.7725341

Because ethics and morals
Why anyone cares to talk about it is beyond me

Anyone have anything interesting to say about Science and Mathematics?

>> No.7725396

>At what point do "mental illnesses" no longer count as aberrant, and just become "differently aligned"?

At all points. People who need to put others into "illness" categories are dumb and miserable themselves.

>> No.7725403

Inability to treat it due to neurology being relatively shit compared to other medical sciences.

>> No.7725432

Be honest. Your side doesn't play fair either.

>> No.7725440

I don't answer to your god. And there are many gods which you don't answer to yet commit various sins against. Should people of those religions persecute you for believing differently? Pssst This is why we have religious freedom in the US. So people can't persecute each other. Even if that religious belief is that there is no higher power governing our actions.

>> No.7725449

You do realized that is a biased website? And as a biased website it is completely unreliable for accurate information? I wouldn't expect you to go to some liberalpedia.com either. Just to be clear.

>> No.7725451

you take this shit way to seriously nigga you need to go back to reddit

>> No.7725459

There are no true "sides". This tribal behavior is the exact problem.

I've known a number of gay people / couples, and largely, they just mind their own business and conduct themselves with a sense of perspective and awareness. I don't really care about their sexuality, and I doubt they care about mine. That's fine.

What isn't fine is this other shit. Gay culture, heterosexuals vs homosexuals. Basing one's sense of identity around their sexuality and feedback loops that condone and encourage this behavior. Whatever, marriage is federally legal now and it's fading fast. It'll die down soon. Next up is transexuals and the notion of gender identity, which I hope gets rightfully torn apart.

>> No.7725479
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>> No.7725495 [DELETED] 
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nice refutation there

>> No.7725501

"I disagree with your logic but haven't the mental capacity to actually respond in kind. So instead I will assume you browse this one website and attach some obscure negative connotation to it. Then I will suggest you return to said website you've likely never visited."

You're welcome for making you sound smarter.

There are sides. And I don't draw the line at gay's vs straights. I draw the line at people who agree with it and people that don't. Of course there are the people in the middle that both sides berate.

I absolutely agree with you. Too many people are trying to use their sexuality as an aspect of their personality. Which is terribly wrong. I make the joke that they find themselves so uninteresting that they need to define themselves by something controversial to get attention.

And as far as gender identity goes I completely agree again. That problem is actually rooted deep in our society by forcing social expectations on what a man or woman should be. The concept of masculinity and femininity need to be detached from genders. You don't have to change your gender to fit your personality.

Because simple logic now falls under the fedora law.

I'm not even going to bother with you.

>> No.7725502 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7725505 [DELETED] 

>literal retard tripfag can't refute argument
>I'm nut even gunna buther with u ;^P
This is why all subhuman brainlets should leave /sci/.

>> No.7725520

I don't need to address data from a unreliable source. There is literal mountains of data saying sexuality is not a mental illness and, to be honest, psychology is still very unrefined so I'd say the vote is still out. But I don't see it as being at all harmful so what's the big deal.

Also this isn't an argument. It amounts to the equivalent of waving your arms screaming "you're wrong!"

>> No.7725550

Because they delved deep in to hell and brough back skinny jeans, sequins and the Ace of Base greatest hits collection. We couldn't live without any of these items so we accepted their evil as necessary. Over time, people forgot they were all pedos. They forgot that letting these fiends marry will lead to beastiality and incest. Everyone is just too preoccupied with all the shiny shit they provided unto our average lives. The sooner we can get rid of the LGBT community, the sooner we can get back to leading miserable sequin-less lives, beating our kids and not thinking about that guy at work glistening with sweat.

>> No.7725554 [DELETED] 

>unreliable source
Nice evidence there Shlomo
How many Shekels do you get paid to shill for atheism on 4chan?

>> No.7725564

I actually bothered to read the whole thing. I honestly don't care if my tripcode is on or not. I was just being lazy. I removed my tripcode but sometimes it stays on anyway.

It is literally a biased source. A website founded on political standpoints is not going to release studies contradicting their values. Conservative or otherwise. And I am not atheist. There isn't even a word for what I believe in as far as I know and I'm not even going to bother explaining it.

>> No.7725573

The only reason I even got a tripcode was because I participate in Risk threads on /int/

>> No.7725579

That's exactly how i feel about gender dysphoria. Every time i say it's a mental illness people say "but they aren't bad people" or "that's insulting to them" which are both completely hypocritical for somebody who thinks they're doing the moral thing.

But for gays it's like they fit half of the definitions of mental illness that i've seen. It does affect the way they think compared to what is normal, but many definitions include that a mental illness must create internal distress and dysfunction in ordinary life. The last two being things that aren't as obvious in gays.

>> No.7725583 [DELETED] 

Still haven't seen a refutaiton, brainlet.
And I hope "whatever you believe in" includes OUR LITERAL SAVIOR Jesus Christ or you're on a one-way trip to Hell.

>> No.7725602

G'day sir, I tip myself to you.

>> No.7725617

Because it is so widespread its a statistically significant portion of the population.

It also doesn't affect health or well being.
Despite popular belief, it also doesn't affect reproduction. Gay men have been fathers and lesbian woman have been mothers for thousands of years.

I for one think its just a spectrum. people who claim to be bisexual are somewhere in the middle. I myself identify with heterosexuality, and naturally gravitate towards attractive women, but I've seen myself ogling at particularly attractive pictures of men. even jerked it to some solo man porn. I'm definately not bi and would never want a physical encounter with a man but it doesn't mean that part of my brain doesn't find male sexuality attractive.

I think humans are just attracted to human sexuality. If there weren't any social stigma attatched we'd probably all get down like the Romans did

>> No.7725619

Your savior. Not mine.

And biased information is not relevant. No matter what the political views of the writer are. There is no need to refute clearly inaccurate information.

Seriously though? All these cheapshots are getting old. Come up with something better.

>> No.7725636

Now you need to make a big deal of it and come out to your parents as straight.

>> No.7725695

>t. Alberto Barbosa

>> No.7725702

>t. Alberto Barbosa
This supposed to mean something to me?

>> No.7725712

It is.

>> No.7725719
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>he can't see the premium pics on the gold account
>being poor
>being this new

Here, let me deactivate my account so you can see it.

>> No.7725747

4chan Pass accounts don't have "premium pics". And there is no "Gold" accounts.
That is just a rumor spread to troll newbies.

Points for effort though.

>> No.7725776
File: 96 KB, 507x599, gold-account.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quit trying to troll the newfriends.

>> No.7725813

Okay, not the person you're responding to, but conservapedia once literally claimed that E=MC^2 is a left-wing conspiracy because "Eating a pound of cake does not cause one's energy to increase by the speed of light squared." This is not some random troll edit either, it's the literal founder of the site. If a site's founder is literally too uneducated to recognize the difference between digestion and matter/antimatter annihilation, I don't see how you can be claiming it as a legitimate source on anything scientific.

>> No.7725819 [DELETED] 

Nice ad hominem there, with a dash of strawman.
>implying that special relativity was ever proven
Anyway you're not gonna be scoffing so much when you're in the pit of hell, friend.

>> No.7725840

Why is psychopathy no longer considered a mental illness ?

>> No.7725849

>>implying that special relativity was ever proven
Maybe it wasn't, but failure to acknowledge that matter-to-energy conversion is usually much less than 100% is a sign that you don't know what you're talking about.

>Anyway you're not gonna be scoffing so much when you're in the pit of hell, friend.
That's a classic appeal to force. Do you agree that dictators are in the right when they sentence their opponents to a life of forced labor? Because the Abrahamic god's threats of eternal punishment are basically the same thing. "Do what I say, or I will punish you." Nothing moral about it at all.

>> No.7725854 [DELETED] 
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How's that Dawkins book treating you?

>> No.7725882

Shitposting won't make your God real, nor will it disprove special relativity.

>> No.7725886

Kek sperg, God is real, deal with it

>> No.7725889 [DELETED] 
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>literally you right now

>> No.7725954

God doesn't exist except as a concept, until you can offer some substantial evidence otherwise. This is a science board, you have to follow scientific principles, which include providing evidence to support your claims.

>> No.7725956 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7725970

You assert that God is not real, where is your evidence? It doesn't matter if you don't accept God, the same with science, it still exists whether or not you choose to believe it, you will find faith some day when you give up your dogmatic convictions to "always being right", the world is not as simple as you think it is

>> No.7725981

>You assert that God is not real, where is your evidence?
Burden of proof rests on the one making the extraordinary claim. God *may* exist, but does not appear to act on reality in any meaningful way.

>you will find faith some day when you give up your dogmatic convictions to "always being right"
If god as described in the bible does exist, then they are nothing more than a dictator that rules by force. There would be nothing moral or righteous about following his directives, any more that converting to Islam because ISIS threatens to kill you otherwise would be.

>> No.7725994

Surely dictatorship and conversion of views is a good thing for reducing conflict and a collective unity, if everyone had similar views then there would be no conflict

>> No.7725997

Sure, but that's not the same as morality.

>> No.7726002

Morality is hard to define and more often than not it causes conflicts when people disagree on moral issues. Look at moral policing in India. A supposedly civilized country facing cruelty for holding hands in public.

>> No.7726005

Because it doesn't impair a person's mental function. Men who like dick aren't any more insane than women who like dick or men who like pussy.

>> No.7726008

Nonetheless, most people seem to agree that "might makes right" is wrong.

>> No.7726011

That is a fair point and all but what do you do when faced with someone taking the "might" approach to morality?

>> No.7726013

Physical looks != mental illnesses

Besides, most of these /fit/ gods are broken men inside. See Zyzz and his shitty heart.

>> No.7726027


its not a mental problem.. its hormonal

>> No.7726028

>Men who like dick aren't any more insane than women who like dick or men who like pussy.
objectively wrong.


>> No.7726036


He is insanely unbalanced. Looms retarded with that wasp waist, big ass, and huge shoulders with tiny pecs.

>> No.7726043

Obviously you don't know what is physically attractive in the male form. And I doubt you could even compare to his physique

>> No.7726062

Are you sure you linked the right source? That doesn't say anything about mental health.

>> No.7726173

Because faggots got butthurt over it and had it removed

>> No.7726712

is this bait? There is nothing useful about being unmotivated to do anythnig and useless in general, and that's what depression looks like, not being 'beta'.

>> No.7726714

I as well believe his physique appears foolish.

Also, his appearance of being muscular is as much a lack of body fat as it is actual hypertrophy.

like man, what are you doing.

>> No.7726721

I suppose when it stops harming you.

>> No.7726886

Homosexuality has only been considered a mental illness during the christian era, before that it was a perfectly socially acceptable thing.

>> No.7727685

well , bc they needed it to destroy the men , all actions taken by governmnet is only to deminish the true power of Men .

Men are the only one possible to overthrow a government .

fags nor feminist cant do it . only Men. so make them a minority and give them so much problems (legal and finance) that they cannot rebel.

>> No.7727710

Mental illness requires that the person who is affected perceives a problem.

Homosexuals often enjoy being homosexual. Those who don't are having more of an identity crisis than being "sick."

An interesting thing to note is that 30 to 50 percent of people with schizophrenia deny having any problem or illness.

Another way to look at it is like how we look at sociopaths. Sociopaths see nothing wrong with themselves but they obviously cause great harm to society. In regards to homosexuality, perhaps being a flamer wearing a speed on Pride day is annoying, but if it is merely demonstration then it is protected speech in a liberal democracy.

>> No.7727791

Thos tan-lines though.

>> No.7727797


Explanation 1: The powers at be want to destroy the goy
Explanation 2: Because "Muh feels"

>> No.7727833
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>utilising memes to explain evolution

>> No.7727842

this is /his/, history and humanities

>> No.7727850


why do you fall for bait you fucking retard?

>> No.7727880


Its either (or both) of those.

>> No.7727933

Because he's autistic.
You can see this guy in almost every thread.
He cannot help himself.

>> No.7728032

>Because mental illnesses are supposed to be rare abnormities
is that why double-digit percentages of people in a number of first world countries are on psychotropic drugs by now?

>> No.7728860

>Just like sociopathy is only applied to males because in females it is normal.
sociopathy is way more common in males
it's not just white matter

>> No.7728909

its /sci/

>> No.7729084


This. The definition of "mental illness" is completely arbitrary, and it entirely depends on how one defines "proper functioning".

>> No.7729107


I'd almost disagree.

Sociopathy is different than psychopathy. You could argue most men tend to more psychopathic than females. That is, they will achieve goals regardless of most ethical reservations.

Females can tend to be the opposite. They don't care about the society as much as a whole (in that a society is a set of self-improving algorithms), and care more about their own feelings, and wouldn't sacrifice their feelings in order to achieve goals.

An extreme example of this would be that a human male would torture and kill you in order to "protect society", forwarding the society's agenda, where as a human female would allow society to be damaged in order to forward her own agenda. Identity politics is this, where feelings and interpretation is more important than reality.

This is all BS pop-psych speculation, though.