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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7723814 No.7723814 [Reply] [Original]

>sociology is just applied psychology!
>psychology is just applied biology!
>biology is just applied chemistry!
>chemistry is just applied physics!
>physics is just applied math!
>math is just applied philosophy!
>i should study philosophy!

>> No.7723822

well, you should

>> No.7723824
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>physics is just applied math
>math is just applied philosophy
Thats wrong though

>> No.7723843

Philosophy is just applied memeology.

>> No.7723849

Philosophy is applied logic

>> No.7723873

Philosophy is just applied philosophy.

>> No.7723875

>this is the explanation my philosophy prof gave for why he chose philosophy over physics

>hes brilliant at what he does and loves it

the poor man.

>> No.7723986

isn’t math applied logic as well though?

>> No.7723994

that's stupid , none of these fields can be reduced to the others with our current understanding of them .
go ahead and try to analyze a sociological situation using chemistry .

>> No.7723998


>> No.7724015

>math is just applied philosophy!
that one is true ,all math is based on making axioms and seeing what true logical statements can be derived from those axioms which is based on logic which is a philosophical field .

>physics is just applied math!
not true ,physics builds mathematical models around physical phenomenon but we cant know if nature can be perfectly described with a mathematical model and if so what axioms is it based on , all physics mathematical models are approximations .

>chemistry is just applied physics!
not at all , while all chemistry is governed by physical laws , chemistry studies phenomenon which we we only have an empirical model for and cannot explain with physics .

>biology is just applied chemistry!
you could say most of it is but living organisms are non-reductionist , and cannot be understood even with an understanding of their whole chemistry , you need to study their chemistry , behavior, evolutionary history and physical structure .

>psychology is just applied biology!
not at all because psychology cannot be reduced to an individual's biology and has to take into account environmental ,social and cultural factors .

>>sociology is just applied psychology!
true but it approaches psychology from a different direction .

>> No.7724021

>is new because he states facts
sound logic you have there .
sadly i can say i've been here since 2006

>> No.7724344

It isn't

>> No.7724352 [DELETED] 

tell that to Leibniz

>> No.7724355

tell that to Leibniz that monad loving fuck

>> No.7724356

I will. Let me at that fuck. WHERE IS HE?!

>> No.7724372

>been on /sci/
>6 years before /sci/ existed
Are you a wizard?

>> No.7724378
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>not true ,physics builds mathematical models around physical phenomenon but we cant know if nature can be perfectly described with a mathematical model and if so what axioms is it based on , all physics mathematical models are approximations .
not true, physics IS mathematical models to describe a reality. Reality (as in "material reality") is not physics

>> No.7724432

Reality is just applied pussyslaying for me

>> No.7724447

Pussyslaying is just applied psychology.

>> No.7724458

>psychology is just theoretical sociology!
>biology is just theoretical psychology!
>chemistry is just theoretical biology!
>physics is just theoretical chemistry!
>math is just theoretical physics!
>philosophy is just theoretical math!
>i should study math!


>> No.7724471

physics and chemistry are yin and yang

physicist: "Bro i have an idea, but i wont act on it until i first spend 30 years theorizing and doing maths"

chemist: "Dude i have an idea too, and im going to try to understand it through trial and error, and then out of the ashes of thousands of failures will rise something new and revolutionary that will advance life on earth"

>> No.7724480

As much as sci hates philosophy, I agree with>>7723822. You should study philosophy.

As far as non stem subjects go, philosophy is probably the most important, and can be fairly rigorous. Don't go and add a philosophy major, just start off reading some entry level texts. Do it in your free time as a distraction from the stresses of your more mathematical studies.

You won't make more money by knowing philosophy, but you'll think more rationally and I believe your life will be more fulfilling.

>> No.7724568

Not a good decision. The only jobs for philosophy majors is teaching philosophy.

>> No.7724666

What about being an aristocrats friend

>> No.7724862

It didn't work because it's okay this time I'm gonna do it at 300 C because this one paper I found

I love chemistry

>> No.7724878

Philosophy is the opposite of logic. Logic is a rigorous field of math. Philosophy is just dumb opinions.

>> No.7724882

No, lrn2Gödel

>all math is based on making axioms
This is so wrong, it hurts to read.

>> No.7724916

>Philosophy is just dumb opinions
Jesus Christ could you be any more misinformed

>> No.7724927

Nice projection. It is you who is misinformed. I read a lot about philosophy and came to my conclusion by means of critical thinking. Unlike you, who blindly promotes empty memes.

>> No.7724933

logic has its foundations in philosophy

>> No.7724936

Logic was formalized by mathematicians and is being researched by mathematicians. Frege, Gödel, Kripke etc - everyone who contributed to formal logic was a mathematician.

>> No.7724941

>by means of critical thinking.

A method born out of philosophical enquiry by the way...

>> No.7724951

>Logic is a field of math

10/10 b8 desu

>being poor

>philosophy is math
>being misinformed

They all use things from each other, but that does not mean they are only applied X. Physics uses empiricism etc, but it is not only applied empiricism.

>> No.7724957

Critical thinking is developed naturally within normal psychosocial childhood development. It has nothing to do with philosophy, it does neither require nor imply any kind of philosophy. Stop acting like a retard, please.

>> No.7724961


critical thinking is a form of philosophy

>> No.7724970

No, it isn't. Philosophy is a distinct academic discipline. The mere act of thinking does neither necessitate nor imply any philosophical methodology. Stop acting like a retard please.

>> No.7724974

Google what happens when children are brought up with little to no actual stimulus

>> No.7724984

Yeah, my hypothesis is that only those children who - for whatever reason - failed to develop normal critical thinking, are the ones who later are proud of reciting low tier philosophy. This would explain their cringeworthiness and their very limited ability to engage in intellectual discussion. Those with highly developed critical thinking on the other hand tend to become successful STEM people.

>> No.7724986

>Buying into the meme of "purity"

In any field there are emergent laws you have to learn because things are too complex to calculate on a lower abstraction level.

Why particle physicists think they know everything is beyond me.

>> No.7724992

I think you need to dig even deeper, those children who have been brought up next to no stimuli, think of a child in a cage, I know it sounds awful but believe me it does happen..

They may lack the Meta-cognition to recognize any Philosophy in their thinking, but their brains still operate on the same logic as our who can comprehend our own thinking or philosophy in a way, A reductionist argument if you will

>> No.7724996

>I know it sounds awful
Not as awful as my childhood lol.

>> No.7725004

>All these retards who don't understand that everything is just unapplied engineering.


>> No.7725012

engineering is just applied woman studies.

>> No.7725021

>math is just applied philosophy!
>i should study philosophy!

Actually math is just programming (think Curry-Howard). Therefore you should study programming.

>> No.7725023

It clearly isn't

>> No.7725034

>sociology is just applied psychology!
>psychology is just applied biology!
>biology is just applied chemistry!
>chemistry is just applied physics!
>physics is just applied math!
>math is just applied philosophy!

For each of these fields, there is a philosophy subfield and a mathematical subfield, e.g.

philosophy of physics - mathematical physics
philosophy of math - mathematical philosophy

I recommend OP pick a field and study both the philosophy and mathematical subfields.

>> No.7725037

My penis is just applied testicles.

>> No.7725040

> It clearly isn't

Says the person who has never used a proof assistant.

>> No.7725055

That's just one definition you dunce.

>> No.7725058
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>> No.7725082

philosophy is the study of truth.

good luck getting anywhere without an objective grasp of truth.

>> No.7725083

LMAO, philosophy denies the notion of truth and objectivity. If you want objective truth, do science and math.

>> No.7725084

a thing can have only one definition - otherwise it would be undefined.

>> No.7725090

A good deal of philosophy is understand the nature of the subjective lens.

If you read what they said, they say "an objective grasp of truth."
That means understand what objective truth even is, and the nature of its pursuit.

>> No.7725092

Hmmm Philosophy as I have studied it starts from truth and works from there

>> No.7725095


Fucking kek'd

>> No.7725130

Speaking of Sociology, does anyone here think if it wasn't filled with half-brained feminazi retards, it might actually be kind of interesting to study?

>> No.7725165
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>Math is just applied philosophy
I'm pretty sure it's the other way around, or at least, they can both be thought of as different applications of logic.
Just because something was conceived before something else doesn't mean that the later is an application of the former.

>> No.7725168

>they can both be thought of as different applications of logic.
Philosophy rejects logic and logic is a strict subset of math.

>> No.7725174

>logic is a strict subset of math.
How do you figure?

>> No.7725176

Logic clearly is a field of math, as it was formalized by mathematicians and is only being researched by mathematicians. It is a strict subset of math because there are many other fields of math which don't make use of logic. Also Gödel proved with his incompleteness theorem that not all of math can be reduced to logic.

>> No.7725214

Newton already did that, the madman

>> No.7725223

Logic is a social construct by definition

Philosophy studies social constructs

Logic is applied philosophy

Everything is applied philosophy, even philosophy

>> No.7726236

Philosophy is the study of how to answer questions. It is not mathematics and uses the psycological term for logic.

>> No.7726278

Math uses philosophy as a skeleton for discourse over axioms that conflict

>> No.7726280


Necessary reading for anyone who actually seriously believes in the "everything is applied physics" meme

>> No.7726284

Forgot "political science is applied sociology" "law is applied political science" "law enforcement is applied law" "security/ corrections is applied law enforcement"

>> No.7726292

>what is biochemistry?
>what is chemical physics?
>what is biophysics?