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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7715831 No.7715831 [Reply] [Original]

Im studying in biotechnology.

Basicly comps. Sci + biology

I rate myslef 10/10

>> No.7715844

I rate you 3/10 because you're studying a meme degree.

>> No.7715852

Dude, grow up. That's all I'm going to say.

>> No.7715857


>> No.7715859

Biotech? Kek at my school its not even assigned science or arts. Its just "B in biotechnology"

>> No.7715861

Im glad sci is becoming more and more less shit

>> No.7715866

Zoology. And I love it

>> No.7715874


>> No.7715913

It's literally the IT of biology that's why.

>> No.7715975

Medicine. Rate me!

>> No.7716022

>study chemical engineering
>switch to mech. engineering
>drop down two tiers

What, why? Chem was a fucking cakewalk compared to mech. And how is a degree for sitting in a dairy control room better?

>> No.7716024

Plan on taking CS and maybe some religious studies/Foreign Languages

Also why the fuck is foreign languages in suicide tier. You can make a shit-ton being a translator last time I checked.

>> No.7716034

A girl I know dropped that major and became a model, I can only assume it's shit

>> No.7716039

You haven't even started ChemE if you switched. The major starts when you do process control and reaction engineering, everything up to that point is general physics and engineering and some easy mass+energy balance classes to weed out retards.

>> No.7716076
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Nobody ever knows this major

>> No.7716083


>> No.7716085

You made snake's arm?

>> No.7716091
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>computer programming
>god tier
that tier list is a joke, family

>> No.7716093

Anon, one day YOU'LL be able to get snake's arm

this is the future

>> No.7716099

Based geophysics and geoeng master race

>> No.7716113
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>Im glad sci is becoming more and more less shit

>> No.7716125

Does anyone else think 10/10?

>> No.7716129

how's systems engineering?

>> No.7716152

Robo-limbs? You can actually major in that now?

>> No.7716153

I'm doing biomedical engineering.
Is this any good?
It wasn't a really conscious choice, I just got in.

>> No.7716157


>> No.7716228
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nobody cares about your life choices

we all know that they were wrong just by the fact you're posting on 4chan

>> No.7716276

funky combination of data science and ecology

gimme a rate,yo.

>> No.7716286

Dunno. What kind of jobs can you expect to be employed in?

>> No.7716295
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> Biotechnology
Enjoy your new career. Pic related.

>> No.7716313

So is this computational biology, bioinformatics, or neither

>> No.7716329

C-Can I get a rate

>> No.7716377

10/10 literal modern Jesus

>> No.7716382
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Thanks anon

>> No.7716387
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>petro """engineers"""

>> No.7716406

How is biotechnology at all related to computer science? I'm pretty sure you're wrong about that.

>> No.7716422

A liitle of both

>> No.7716428

>Listed twice
So is that doubly good or what?
Also why is Biochem a tier down from Chem?

>> No.7716451

Its very great:-)

>> No.7716506

currently employed, little startup doing machine learning based monitoring for endangered species, probably gonna be here a couple more years then go get my masters.

>> No.7716507

Don't know about the general case but in my university the biochem department doesn't require its students to do uncertainties analysis. If that kind of thinking is representative of the rest of the degree then I can understand why it's lower than chemistry.

>> No.7717323

Damn thats so cool

>> No.7717337
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Food Science reporting in

>> No.7717341
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Reposting from last thread.

>> No.7717343
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Who /realgodtier/ here?


>> No.7717349
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>> No.7717443

Do any flavour stuff?

>> No.7717447

Why is Economics the most based?

Us Economics majors will be making shitloads more than any of you Chem faggots in our first year alone

>> No.7717464

literally not a degree. You are going to learn a whole lot of nothing and end up not doing what you thought you were going to do when you graduate. But if you actually want to do what you want to do you will go to grad school then realized you don't know half of what you should known and you undergrad was so broad it basically prepared you for nothing.

I did a masters in BME and realized it was a mistake, moved to EE for my PhD. There's undergrads doing BME. That degree is so broad you basically graduate not knowing how to do anything.

>> No.7717497

agreed econ > all

>> No.7717582

Goddamn it this is so true. I'm about to finish undergrad in mechatronics and I can vouch for this regarding my own degree. I feel sorry for people who went into biomechatronics/biomedical engineering, you've been so naive

>> No.7717583

What do you mean? Flavor extractions? Sensory evaluation? Flavor formulation?

>> No.7717691
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I'm in the military. This graph is wrong. The military is a very respected branch. If you have a lot of ambition, you can get very high in it. Next to that, it also teaches you very important skills in life and life experience ( It's a shame the draft is gone ). The military industrial complex is also very important in science, if not one of the most important branches. You don't have to be a soldier perse. Lots of highly skilled aerosprace engineers in the military who work on top secret programs.

>> No.7717700

>Lots of highly skilled aerosprace engineers in the military who work on top secret programs.
You don't get into those positions by enrolling or studying at a military academy. You get into those positions by studying engineering and getting hired by the military.

>> No.7717705

Biomech/Mech Eng. or even biomedical is just fine to start, but you're right in the fact it's not really a degree.

If you really want to excel you can't just fuck around in the degree cycle and follow the classes. It's an emerging field, you need to make shit for yourself. Study and build shit on your own. Push that stuff into a portfolio and apply to places like the media lab and the (few) commercial biomechatronics labs. You're not going to get anywhere unless you get up and do whatever the fuck you want in this field.

The JPL wasn't made until some nerds in caltech nearly blew their own dorm up mixing fuel. You've gotta do it yourself, anons.

This dude made a load bearing exoskeleton out of nothing. What you guys should really be doing is making a collaborative thread to share ideas for projects. Even if it's something small like the passive spring loaded walking exoskeleton that NCU did last year - http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v522/n7555/full/nature14288.html

You're pretty much at the cutting edge, anons. Don't complain and whine about how hard it is and how there's no set course. You're lucky as fuck.

>> No.7717707

I'm studying biochemistry. I think I could use a bit more math and physics, but overall pretty satisfied so far. I'll give myself an 8/10.

>> No.7717722
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Objective version.

>> No.7717727

romanticism: the post

>> No.7718185


>> No.7718196

lmao someone is buttmad

>> No.7718200

amazing, the first iterations of career tiers that I see that are actually good

>> No.7718206
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>Guys just grow already we are all equal.
>Dude art is the same as Algorithmic Analysis
Says the women studies major.

>That all I'm going to say and I wont back up my claims with evidence because I expect everyone to agree with me.
wow such maturity. much professional

>> No.7718210

Same Fag.

>> No.7718218

There is nothing to report you horse rape by product. Clearly you are a butthurt Liberal Arts major.

>> No.7718230

Sure there is, these threads are absolute shit. Not math, not science. they foster division and conflict for no reason.

So literally shitpost.

>> No.7718232
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not bioengineering. 9/10.

>> No.7718236

you're right mostly but you don't know what literally means

>> No.7718243
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he is not wrong, faggot

>> No.7718244

I literally do.

>> No.7718247

you don't know what literal means either

>> No.7718248

You're literally annoying.

>> No.7718381

Fuck off, geography isn't shit tier

>> No.7718384

Also geophys is both good and god tier

>> No.7718408

You're right.
It's suicide tier.

>> No.7718464


Foreign languages on the bottom tier. Are you for fucking real?

>> No.7718482

>bad or meme
IT increases productivity many times, just by itself. Apply IT across the business sector and you get a ton of gains

>> No.7718489

It's at least mid-tier

>> No.7718490

Surprised you put Economics in Great Tier while putting Political Science in Shit Tier. Economics is quite ideological unless you're talking about econometrics. Is this more about earnings?

>> No.7718491

Architecture meh tier? Really?

>> No.7718496
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See the real tier list here :>>7717341

>> No.7718506

>Any pure sciences above shit tier
>Finance not in god tier
>Medicine anywhere but suicide tier
You'd have to be retarded to fall for this shit

>> No.7718509

Psych professors are pretty chill, and they barely have to publish anything
They should be at least in great tier

>> No.7718515

Psychology is the biggest meme degree in college you daft goat

>Ohh I'm gonna go psychology!!
>I wanna learn about the human mind!

>2nd most popular major out of every major
>one of the least paying, least respected majors

It's basket-weaving or surf studies tier.

>> No.7718519

Not if you go for a PhD and teach. My General Psych professor this semester was completely bro tier; literally the polar opposite of my cock sucking Organic chem professor

>> No.7718611

Wrong. Its

>> No.7718613

He's bro tier because he's in a meme field. What do you expect?

>> No.7718636
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>God Tier


>> No.7718640

who is this semen demon

>> No.7718646

anthropology = meh tier? I guess im fine with that

>> No.7718661

>unbelievable tier
>all engineering

I have bad news for you engineering fags.

>> No.7718663

>Can't even read a chart

I have bad news for you, fag.

>> No.7718674


>> No.7718717

You mean he is a bro and respectable while having an easy life?

>> No.7718762
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physics and philosophy (hopefully)

Anyone who says they arent a good pairing is pictured to the left.

>> No.7718772

What philosophical questions are you going to discuss better with a degree in physics?

What will philosophy help you in physics?

>> No.7718774

shit exosuit compared to the ones they are making at Harvard right now.

>> No.7718792

Good luck anon
Physics and philosophy are perfect together
Don't get too smug though

>> No.7718793

>Some crappy garage project with scrap metal and some mechanical winches is worse than a project being headed by students studying and training the cutting edge of science at harvard

You just blew my mind, dude.

Also, link?

>> No.7718804

I don't have one. Just saw a presentation from the head of the lab. They are working with New Balance to mass produce it, and use EMG to link the movement of the suit with muscle contractions.

>> No.7718805
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Bro sure. Respectable? In psych? Nah.

>> No.7718817

Are you stupid or something?

Why would you compare a shitty hobby project to something being done at harvard?

>> No.7718839
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>majoring in what you love

>> No.7718864

Why is medecine in the second tier? In my country you have to nail down all courses including philosophy and language courses. Not only that, you have to have ''the right personality'' and pass the interview.

>> No.7718869

>>Algorithmic analysis
>>Can't into functional analysis

>> No.7718881

are you being serious or trolling?

I guess I don't need an answer to that to tell you you don't belong here

>> No.7718900

With both of them you become wise.

>> No.7718901

the bacherlor itself is almost useless. You'd be better off just going mol bi or something like that and taking all easy electives while learning to code project-project in your spare time.

>> No.7718903


this is us

>> No.7718904


>> No.7718907

Wiseness in of itself is useless. If you have no way to express it in the most efficient way, or nothing to use it towards, why does it exist except for self reflection?

>> No.7718908

this board will always be shit because people will always be like "UR MEME DEGREE IS SHIT"

>> No.7718943

lol this


seriously where else did you think it would be?

seriously where else did you think it would be?

i can't believe all of you memorization/artistic babby faggots think your major isn't absolutely useless and/or technologically replaceable

If your job is done by a robot in a century or isn't in some way related to the robots doing those jobs then you are at least partially mentally handicapped and convincing yourself otherwise is only lying for confidence

>> No.7718953


those who shit on math are the ones who think that higher level math is only either category theory abstraction or solving polynomials with x raised to the 15th power

sorry CS majors but we (along with physics and EEs) are taking your jobs. enjoy administering databases at local lawn care businesses and wannabe startups

>> No.7718963

>implying cs majors aren't taking EE jobs

>> No.7719059

lol wat. Every EE knows how to program, and it's not like gardern variety CS jobs require extensive knowledge of algorithms/data structures (that is, typical CS curriculum). Even then, with programming experience those aren't hard to pick up. How many CS students know the ins and outs of circuit analysis or digital design?

>> No.7719106

So I'm a CS major who's minoring in math. I get good grades in it AMD enjoy it AMD try to teach it to myself over breaks. I also know verilog AMD have some self taught circuit design.
I don't want am engineering degree because of the insane amount of documentation you guys have to write.

>> No.7719109

Stupid phone keyboard...

>> No.7719180

self taught means nothing when you're applying to a job against someone holding a degree in exactly that subject, btw. hands-on lab experience is crucial in engineering. It's not just about the circuits - there's a plethora of equipment you have to know how to use too

>> No.7719185

comp sci/math major here. why is comp sci in god tier?

>> No.7719189

my cs program requires 2 courses in digital design. 1 course designing a cpu from gate level, and the next continuing on that to build mips machine. not even a good program..

>> No.7719194

Not OP, but there's a philosophy UD on quantum mechanics at my school, as an example. Obviously knowing QM will help with that. But, in general, both require and advance the kinds of critical thinking skills required in difficult problem solving. The methodologies are similar.

>> No.7719195

>Every EE knows how to program
They may take a few programming courses and even a comp. architecture class, but most my classmates are terrible at it and dread programming in general. Best left to CS/SoftEng. or the few EE folk that can actually code.

But there's no way a CS grad would take an analog design position or anything related to electronics for that matter.

>> No.7719200

Unfortunately its not just how much you know or have taught yourself. The degree in engineering itself in most cases is legally required to practice as a professional engineer.

>> No.7719227

Of course not *every* EE knows how to program, but I'm willing to bet my salary that if given a group of 100 EEs and 100 CS majors, and I selected one from each group, the EE knows how to program and the CS major doesn't know much about circuits at all

>> No.7719231

Studying Aerospace Engineering here.

Next semester's gonna be a bitch.

>> No.7719264

The EE would produce shitty code.

>> No.7719271

I study chemistry. It's pretty niche you probably haven't heard of it. Doubt I'll be able to find a job lol there's only a handful of people that even know my field exists.

>> No.7719625

The CS course from the school I go to is ABET accredited AMD taught by the engineering department. So I can take the FE exam and work as a professional engineer as well.

>> No.7719630

ABET accredits applied science degrees under ASAC, it's not the same as a professional engineering qualification. They also accredited technologists and technicians etc. who have to write tests under ABET.

>> No.7719632

Psychology Premed

Fixing to take the MCAT in the spring

r8 dont 8

>> No.7719634
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>Someone sat down and made this

>> No.7719673

Computer science is accredited under CAC which qualifies for the FE.

>> No.7719823

enjoy your fantasy

>> No.7719829

>CAC which qualifies for the FE.

No, only EAC qualifies for FEs written for PE licenses. There are several "FEs" for example there is a FE for SoftwareE, MechE etc. The EAC only accredits degrees with "engineering" in the name.

CAC might call their accreditation tests FEs, but it's not for "engineering" accreditation, they don't have congressional power to award an PE for EAC fields.

>> No.7719834
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>I lost a year in HS cause I was a shithead and another year working
>21 and first year Uni
>tfw I hate what I'm studying
>tfw it won't even make me good money
>tfw I would lose more than a year changing now
>tfw don't know what to do

>> No.7719872

Same, what are you taking?

>> No.7719881

Start getting industry experience NOW.
Do school part time.

Degrees are oversaturated, experience is scarce in the <25 workforce

>> No.7719901


>> No.7719908

That is very cool, anon
Using computers to save wild life directly. 100%

>> No.7719984

Seems like solid advice, will try, thanks

>> No.7719991

Anatomy in Great Tier? The fuck is a degree in "Anatomy"? Also, what's "Mech." in God Tier? I assumed it was Mech Eng until I saw "Mech Engy" in great tier. This is shit.

>> No.7720000

I want fight you on the respect of the military (I respect people in the military) but I completely disagree with the draft. There's no fucking way I'm military material and thank god people like you aren't capable of forcing me to do so.

>> No.7720001

You've never studied economics

>> No.7720011

I'm more surprised accounting, which is literally high school level studies, is at great tier. Business management usually have accounting included but is somehow meh tier.

>> No.7720012

Fair enough. I would imagine EE definitely have an advantage for the fewer lower level programming jobs out there as well(firmware, device drivers, hardware desgn, etc).

>> No.7720079

why would you need 200 to begin with lol if you're just gonna pick 2

>> No.7720304

>21 and first year Uni

we're gonna make it

>> No.7720471

>BSc Electrical Nanoengineering

Rip me apart.

>> No.7720482

acoustical engineering?

>> No.7720516

[math] \bf M^{E^{M^{E}}}~E^{M^{E^{M}}}~M^{E^{M^{E}}}~E^{M^{E^{M}}} [/math]
[math]\bf E^{M^{E^{M}}} [/math]
[math]\bf M^{E^{M^{E}}} [/math]
[math]\bf E^{M^{E^{M}}} [/math]

>> No.7720530

[math] \bf M^{E^{M^{E}}}E^{M^{E^{M}}}M^{E^{M^{E}}}E^{M^{E^{M}}} [/math]

>> No.7720551

>when linguistics isn't considered a real science
>when we do far more scientific shit than sociology but get lumped in with humanities

>> No.7720576

Why rate Foreign Language degrees last? Sure they aren't as good as STEM but there are a variety of jobs open to foreign language degrees, so long as you don't pick some stupid African language.

>> No.7720625

You obviously haven't taken any actual Chem E classes.

>> No.7720626

So Actuarial Science is a good major? That's what I'm planning on majoring in.

>> No.7720771

Just took Aero Vehicle Performance (essentially a weed-out), statics, Phys II, calc 3, and C++.

Next semester I've got Thermo, Mechanics of materials, Dynamics, Diff eq, Intro to spacecraft design, and intro to aircraft design

>> No.7720824

I just took my thermo final today, it was a fucking disaster. Diff eq is easier than you'd expect, at least it was for me. The rest sounds like it could go either way. Are you a design concentration?

>> No.7720974

I haven't really decided what I want to concentrate on yet, although I'm leaning a bit towards propulsion design.

>> No.7720976

Environmental sciences.
It's ok, I think.

>> No.7721010

Can we stop spreading the myth that econ isn't shit tier? It's literally a glorified philosophy degree where you're taught that people who don't agree with your ideology are fucking retards. Only exception are extremely math intensive and non history/philosophy based programs.

>> No.7721045

Biomedical engineering should be there. I inferred it would be great tier due to related fields, but consider the growth rate of 27% per year for the last several years. That clearly counts for something.

>> No.7721049

27% per year

you are talking peas to water melons

>biomedical engineering industry 10k jobs
>27% incresase (you pulled that number out of your ass)
>2.7k new jobs

>EE 500k jobs
>5% increase per year
>25k new jobs

>> No.7721050
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Aerospace engineer here, most of my coworkers and I majored in ME

>> No.7721125

I don't get why people major in AeroE instead of MechE. Right now I'm trying to obtain a certificate in Engineering Technology because I rather be doing the actual hands on work than rather working behind a computer and in meetings. Also, work experience from what I've been told from people doing engineering(my uncle and professors) is more essential than obtaining let's say a degree. The more you have in your resume the better. I would like to get into genetics like molecular biology eventually though.

>> No.7721138
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Music :^]

>> No.7721223
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I'm a speech pathology major...
R8 me? :^)

>> No.7721288

rocket prop is god tier of all majors
do you have to take a course on PDE's at your school?

>> No.7721547

From what I understand, translators only get paid a significant amount when they're translating official and confidential text or conversations. In which case they're being paid to keep their mouths shut, not translate. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.7721557

Go to grad school sooner rather than later, specialize and do research, if you do all of that then you should be alright.

>> No.7721756

Is earth sci major > geography interms of job prospects. Is geophys best

>> No.7721770


>> No.7721794
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Bs in comp sci and a ba in math doing my masters in mycology. Gonna be a real scientist one day, feels good man.

>> No.7721810

Half EE half computer eng. I don't give a fuck what you neets say that shit is GOAT

>> No.7721820

Where's biomed Engineering?
Thats like combo elec, chem, mech engy, and med

>> No.7721881

No unit = your a faggit

>> No.7721928

Astrophysics, R8 me m8

>> No.7721959
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I have a science major.

>> No.7721974

>mommy! she said that we are equal!why won't you do anything!!
Grow up, nerd :^)

>> No.7722127

Hotel Management rate me m8
I personally think it doesn't deserve a 10/10 it's better than that, it's 100/10

>> No.7722574

EE here
I don't know how I'm gonna get out of college alive but I still kinda do enjoy my studies

>> No.7722687

Just do a Math/Stats degree with some Econ electives. Entry level job market for actuaries is pretty saturated because it became a meme career. It's better to have a degree that doesn't pigeonhole you.

>> No.7722849

i am a PhD in algebraic myrmecology

>> No.7722872

Was in Biotech, now in math. Dude your major sucks

>> No.7722879

Currently in a CC trying to get into the computer engineering major. tfw 27 and no job prospects after I get my bachelor's degree. Oh well, I just want to learn the field.

>> No.7722960

It doesnt even exist lol get a life

>> No.7723193


What if im career military with a masters in Aerospace Engineering?

>> No.7724025

lmao 2bh

>> No.7724219

I'm doing a dual degree in nursing and paramedicine, i rate my degree 8/10 because of high employment and career options.

>> No.7724450

No u

>> No.7724632
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Sustainable developement

>> No.7724652

>geophysics ranked twice

>> No.7725206

these images make no sense.. you can take a psychologist that has an iq of 160 and makes 250k a year and put them against a wage slave petro engineer that does the same thing everyday for 250k. Obviously the psychologist has a comfier and more interesting job.

There are artists that make millions and bio medical engineers that live off of 20k government grants every year.

So ultimately, OP is a jerkoff.

>> No.7725210

>this is what low IQ plebs actually believe

>> No.7725241

clearly your critical thinking skills have suffered due to the lack of rigour in your psychology lessons

they are outliers, and only suggest that there are other factors that have an impact on your wealth. degree subject is in fact one of the most significant determinants of wealth.

>> No.7725475

Geology fag here

>> No.7726354
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Architecture has a 2% chance of being replaced by a machine. By the way I talked to the guy who designed your house and he said he left an important truss out of your roof and it will collapse and the most inconvenient time possible. :)

>> No.7726421


>> No.7726444

So being a autist is high tier? And wanting a interesting job where your more than a human calculator is bad?

>> No.7726452


>> No.7726479

Linguistics is suicide tier? I'm never going to run out of books to read, and I can travel anywhere within thousands of miles and communicate fine. The world is mine. On top of that, I can work online as a translator for dollars and euros while I pay my bills in pesos .

>> No.7726492

"It's a shame the draft is gone"

You are a stain on the underpants of humanity.

>> No.7726508
