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7715795 No.7715795 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a /sci/entific way to get rid of my suicidal thoughts?
I've been feeling like shit for months and I don't know what to do

>> No.7715802

You could follow through with them.

>> No.7715805

If you want to get rid of them, you're not really depressed yet. This is only the beginning. After a few months/years of more suffering you will embrace suicidal thoughts. They will become stronger and your entire life will revolve around finally gathering the courage to do it. At least that's how it works for me. Been in therapy and taking meds. Still more and more convinced I'm gonna kill myself after finishing university.

>> No.7715806

Why are letting your emotions control you?

Suicide is the answer only if it's the most logical and rational choice. Which is terribly rare.

>> No.7715811

Make sure that you are drinking enough water and eating correctly. A lack of vitamins and minerals effects your over all health and has an impact on your mentality. Other than that practice being grateful for what you have in life, go to church to reconnect with your community and foster a positive metal attitude by being continuously aware of your mental state, it is the one thing you have the ability to control that doesn't involve killing yourself.

>> No.7715817

Why do edgy teenagers so often believe the best way of dealing with emotions is to become Mr Spock?

>> No.7715822

I'm 21.
I've never been in a situation where my emotions were overwhelming. I understand the bias.

you forget that Spock is half human, some of the greatest moments in the show identified the importance of the human factor, in Spock

>> No.7715824

If the alternative is killing yourself, turning into Mr Spock doesn't sound so stupid.

>> No.7715829

>I've never been in a situation where my emotions were overwhelming
Just like all the other boring normalshits. Lucky you. Probably you never had to fear for your life either. Somehow I envy people like you for having grown up so sheltered, but at the same time I despise you for being emotionally shallow.

>> No.7715840

Why do you assume I've had a 'normal' life based on my emotional bearing?

>> No.7715846

Is it really that hard to imagine that another version of you or OP in an alternative universe handles the same experiences less emotionally? Does that make that version more 'normal'?

>> No.7715961

Get a fucking hobby that doesn't involve 4chan.

You must be interested in something. A sport maybe. Perhaps there is a topic in math or physics that's interesting enough for you to pursue learning.

>> No.7715986

Make assorted changes in your life you think are for the better and see how it changes the way you think. Better thoughts? Rinse and repeat. Still suicidal? Hey at least your life is a little better.

>> No.7716060

>after finishing university.
then why do you make all that effort?

>> No.7717230

OP here.
I've realized that I fucked up and I'm willing to become an hero, any tips?

>> No.7717233

Go see a psychologist. Get counselling and medication.

Doesn't work for everyone, but it's better than nothing.

Also, as another person mentioned, eating properly is often helpful... people who are depressed tend not to eat well, which in turn makes them feel even worse. That's an aggravating factor and probably won't fix the problem entirely... but it sure can't hurt to start.

>> No.7717259

Thank you for being honest. I understand where you are coming from. One day we will all go away to the dark place and there will be no more pain.

>> No.7717272

Im not that guy, but Im doing about the same thing as him. Why fiinish uni when suicidal you might ask? I think its more of a question of why not. We all will die so what keeps you at your university or job? I am depressed but for me the going to uni and working both give me a source of meaning and also communicate to others that im doing fine. It keeps the helpers away, friends and family will pretty much ignore me if I stay on task. I do care a great deal about these people as well. So I just hide the suicidal thoughts and depression from them so they don't have to deal with it. People are busy these days. Im trying to stay out of everyones way. I don't want to be the problem everyone groans about. "if only he would go out more" "why isnt he social" "does he have a girl firend? isnt he getting old". If im working these conversations are kept at bay for the most part. I want to be as little of a problem as possible and then kill myself. This plan fills my life with purpose and gives me a reason to get up each morning. I do it for them.

>> No.7717294
File: 40 KB, 425x516, 1444664702344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go Christian, Anon! It's the only way~

>> No.7717299

Fuck this retard bitch

Go Nietzsche, he goes any way and desu is much cooler than the Christian way

>> No.7717300
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Wasted dubs desu senpai baka

>> No.7717372

You need to find some deeper meaning to the world than what you already have. Talk to a counsilor. Reevaluate what you think about your life.

>> No.7717385

either kill yourself or find something you find really interesting to occupy your time\thoughts .from my experience i start feeling generally shit if i dont have something in my life to strive for , a goal or some hobby or anything that can occupy me thoughts , it can be a book ,vidya ,a tv show ,exercise , anything really .
>go to church
seriously ?, aint even le fodora tippin .

>> No.7717387

*le tips bible*

go play life is strange OP .

>> No.7717389

Face your problems, or learn to occupy yourself while you try to identify what those problems are.

Or run away for years upon years, finding a way to ignore your misery. That isn't meant to taunt you either, it's genuine advice. Do whatever it takes. Suicidal thoughts are perfectly normal, don't be bullshitted. It just matters how you view them, when, and what you do.

>> No.7717729


MDMA talk-session with close friend or relative.
Not even kidding

>> No.7717742

we can partner up

>> No.7717765

this basically

I just keep postponing it until no one who cares about me is around anymore, or until I die in an accident.

>> No.7717789

cognitive behavioural therapy