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/sci/ - Science & Math

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7712261 No.7712261 [Reply] [Original]


Almost half (48.5%) of jihadis recruited in the Middle East and north Africa had a higher education of some sort, according to a 2007 analysis by Diego Gambetta that is cited in Immunising the Mind, a new paper published by the British Council; of these 44% had degrees in engineering. Among western-recruited jihadis that figure rose to 59%.

A study of terrorists in Tunisia – where an electrical engineer went on a murderous rampage in June – showed similar proportions. And a study of 18 British Muslims implicated in terrorist attacks found that eight had studied engineering or IT, and four more science, pharmacy and maths; only one had studied humanities.

Martin Rose of the British Council blames the “engineering mindset” for why scientists and engineers make for such good ISIS fodder—students with a technical background might tend to see the world as a fundamentally rational machine that can be repaired like any non-abstract mechanism and exists in an array of binary states, like “on or off” or, say, “Halal or Haram.” There’s typically a right answer or more efficient route in the sciences, as opposed to the deliberate uncertainty and endless perspectives of the humanities.

Rose suggests that the British Council, the organisation funded by the UK to spread British cultural influence around the world, should involve itself in education reform, to “humanise” the teaching of scientific and technical subjects. A broader-based education would give vulnerable students the intellectual tools to develop an open-minded, interrogatory outlook – and to question authority, whether scientific, political, religious or scientific.

>> No.7712273
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Valued ISIS member
Suicide bomber
>Nice tits
Valued jihadist breeder
>ugly tits
Suicide bomber


>> No.7712279

The ME doesn't have real STEM education. They publish articles on spiritualism and Allah controlling the motion in universe in their "physics" department's for fucks sake. Even the Nobel prize winning Afghan who reported this atrocious state studied at Western universities.

Anyone have the link to that news article so people know I'm not even making this up? Lemme look through my bookmarks quickly.

>> No.7712281

>"on or off" ; "halal or haram."

Maybe I'm retarded, but tend to think STEM individuals would realize how *irrational* the world is, after studying natural/physical sciences and maths. But hey, that's just me.

Talking out of my ass: the percentage is probably that high because I don't think the parts of the world like the Middle East and North Africa value much other than technical-skills or things applying to industry. Developing countries and places with less stable economic climates don't have much use for liberal-arts degrees. The only way a kid could go to college is to learn some sort of STEM field to apply to industry, I bet.

Also that last paragraph of your post gave me cancer.

>> No.7712283

lmaaao. this.

>> No.7712285

>Implying the entire Middle East is like that

>> No.7712297
File: 18 KB, 412x351, 1428905009234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw brown
>tfw EE major

>> No.7712298

Only the parts that ISIS recruit from.

Iran is cool, for example.

>> No.7712301

>Being born brown
Why? Kill yourself and come back as white master race in your next life. Idiot.

>> No.7712303

I don't listen to Nirvana.

>> No.7712308

I always get a tad freaked out by articles like these when some big-whig at the end has a quotation about using data from one reference to make reform. Like holy shit, chill the fuck out. You didn't even attempt to ration potential causes for the trend. "Hmmm... i don't like this. scientists are inhuman and narrowly educated. let me make a law." We don't need to "broaden" the education of science students in higher education, or to be "humanised." I don't even go to a liberal arts school, and I can tell you that the amount of bullshit language, sociology, history, etc. was way more than necessary and a waste of time for me and other STEM students.

>> No.7712341
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>students with a technical background might tend to see the world as a fundamentally rational machine that can be repaired like any non-abstract mechanism and exists in an array of binary states, like “on or off” or, say, “Halal or Haram.”

So he's saying that ISIS is autistic.

>> No.7712346

>giving gawker ad shekels

Maybe we are not on /pol/ here, but does that mean we have to go full good goy mode?

>> No.7712348


>> No.7712352



>> No.7712357


>> No.7712360

You ain't no autist, bruv!

>> No.7712812

I am not surprised, most ISIS recruits are the cerebrotonic misfit type precisely what you find in STEM.

>> No.7712881
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>an electrical engineer went on a murderous rampage in June
I knew their job prospects were bad but I didn't know it was this bad. Sorry engi's looks like you guys really drew the short straw here.

>> No.7712893
File: 22 KB, 306x306, Disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whether scientific, political, religious or scientific.
> twice

>> No.7712962

I laughed too hard at that picture.

>> No.7713003
File: 40 KB, 490x490, c9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw white
>tfw EE major

>> No.7713025

>students with a technical background might tend to see the world as a fundamentally rational machine
If that were the case they wouldn't be muslim

>> No.7713034


>> No.7713039

Lost my shit

>scientists and engineers see the world in black and white
When will this meme end?

>> No.7713064

>a good chunk of the engineers in my uni were middle-eastern

I guess they like engineering?

>> No.7713065

Islam and logical consistency are a dangerous combination. It's not a general danger of rational thought, it's that Mohammed clearly and plainly ordered his followers to wage a perpetual holy war against other religions, and especially against Jews and Christians, and to bring the whole world under the domination of his personal bloodline.

A rational thinker can either not really be Muslim, or believe that waging a jihad of subversion, terror, and violence is his holy duty (and only way to avoid the fires of hell) until the entire world is brought under the Caliphate.

Leave it to the British Council to conclude that this means there's something wrong with logical thought, rather than Islam, and education should be adjusted to blunt rationality.

>> No.7713095


Here are the links you should have posted:

>> No.7713731

allahu ackbar!

>> No.7714155

>students with a technical background might tend to see the world as a fundamentally rational machine that can be repaired like any non-abstract mechanism and exists in an array of binary states, like “on or off” or, say, “Halal or Haram.”

>> No.7714224

This proves tgat ISIS are a bunch of crazy assburgers

>> No.7715737
File: 69 KB, 757x648, artist-clipart-occupations_artist2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huuuuur duuuu!!!

No, the article said that Scientists and Engineers not Autists.

>> No.7715755

the stem degrees they have are from fucking worthless universities out in the desert.

our average high schooler knows more about STEM than a sand nigger with a PHD does.

there's a reason these faggots can't get jobs and it's not because muh racism either.

>> No.7715794

STEM getting shit done. Nothing new here.

>> No.7715803

>would realize how *irrational* the world is, after studying natural/physical sciences and maths
But it's not irrational.
Not being intuitive for the human mind =/= irrational or complex. The opposite may also be true.

>> No.7716044

>implying there is a difference