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7710062 No.7710062 [Reply] [Original]

When will the "its just a piece of paper" meme die?

>> No.7710068

People don't literally think they're just getting a piece of paper you silly autist.

>> No.7710072

you say that, but I have talked with people who literally view their degree as paper and nothing more.

>> No.7710080


People that view it as that are people that aren't going to use it.

I can call my brain a piece of flesh inside of my head, or I can view it as how I'm going to make my way in the world.

What it actually ends up being depends on what I do.

>> No.7710084

in the end, we are all just pieces of paper.

>> No.7710091

floating through the infinite cosmos, on a piece of paper suspended in a sunbeam.

>> No.7710095

Could god make a piece of paper not even he could shake its hand?

>> No.7710097

This. If it's irrelevant to your life then it's just a piece of paper obviously. The value of anything is always subjective.

>> No.7710098

The neurons in your brain aren't abstract.

>> No.7710099


Jaden Smith pls go

>> No.7710103

M8 that's a highschool yearbook...in that case it really is just a piece of paper

>> No.7710107

but their understanding of mathematics is

>> No.7710132

I can't tell whether she is 16 or 36.

>> No.7710136

When it stops being just a piece of paper.

>> No.7710140

implying you understand mathematics

>> No.7710150

No one gives a fuck about mathematics, Eric.

>> No.7710160

>put in no effort
>get nothing out of it
>somehow surprised

these are the people who audibly sigh in lectures when they're expected to learn something. that happened in an econ class once. the prof wrote a simple calculus proof on the board. some retard asked the inevitable, "WIL DIS B ON DA TEST", prof says yes, the class groans. it's like, why are any of you here? you don't WANT to learn any of this? aren't you here of your own free will?

>> No.7710187

>M8 that's a highschool yearbook..
And 113,880 hours is 13 years, so she's counting every second of time from the beginning of kindergarten until the end of 12th grade.
Which is STILL wrong, because she started kindergarten in September, but graduated in June (assuming).

>> No.7710191

America doesn't understand the value of education.

>> No.7710208

>free will
>[math]kek^{\lim\limits_{x \to 0}\frac{1}{x}}[/math]

>> No.7710217

No, Shanayney. You spent 113 880 hours of your life to get me a burger and a milkshake.

>> No.7710220

I wanna be fossil fuel!

>> No.7710336

What a stupid person. She got educated, or should have. Now she should go to college, but I don't think she would do very well.

>> No.7711298

You can do that without a diploma.

>> No.7711309

whoa there buddy, why don't we stop with the constantly generalizations

>> No.7711340

Is this a meme?

>> No.7711482

College degrees are literally just a piece of paper, and are only necessary since the courts banned testing applicant intelligence as it's racist.

>> No.7711964

...constantly generalizations? You're proving my point m8.

>> No.7712040

>use paper money
>complain that a diploma is just a piece of paper

top wew

>> No.7712043


Really? Cause last time I check the US state and military still use battery tests for intelligence in assigning future roles. And several job interviews I have done involved "live" demonstrations in competency of said skills particular in computer development for positions that are 75k+ salaries.

>> No.7712167

This was me in highschool basically. I didn't try, didn't want to learn, and didn't put in any effort. I quickly learned when I graduated the value if education and you actually have to study in college.

If I could go back and do it again studying and doing homework I totally would. To be honest family.

>> No.7712195

Depending on the major it really is just a paper.

Depending on the university you go to then it's just paper.

The only way to redeem yourself if you go to a mid-tier university is to get a 4.0 and most people can't do that lel.

>> No.7712198

You mean to tell me I can't find a job with my Basket Weaving degree from my local community college?!

But I am now 50k in debt! We need da free tuition cuz I'm broke now! D:

>> No.7712215

If all you got from college was a piece of paper, then you either went to a shit college or you're a shit student.

Probably the latter.

>> No.7712225

You're assuming that she didn't have to repeat a year or go to summer schoool.

It's not a meme, it's the truth. If it were about learning, any grades given to you by the educational facility would be for your own interest and guidance only, and the certification would be done by an unrelated institution, which would not be in a conflict of interest.

>> No.7712235

>We need da free tuition cuz I'm broke now! D:
This is why I'm opposed to the free college meme. 90% of kids who use it would major in gender studies or Caribbean art, and then go on to work at Starbucks, or drive a forklift at Amazon, or manage a gas station, exactly like they would have if they didn't sink tens of thousands of tax dollars into it first.

What we need is tuition assistance for students who show willingness and ability to pursue a degree that actually benefits themselves and the nation, and guess what? We already have that. When I went back to college in 2012, over 2/3 of my tuition was paid for by the Pell grant, and by my senior year it was 100% covered.

>> No.7712237

it serves multiple purposes

>> No.7712340

Nowadays, you can get the paper basically without learning anything.

>> No.7712725


yes but food made by a womens studies graduate just tastes better..

>> No.7712755

>91.18 years

>> No.7712757

If your grades are crap, then for all it does for you it's a piece of paper.

>> No.7713164

poor b8

>> No.7713267

I just came into this thread, my name is actually Eric.

>> No.7714261

>113,880 hours
>13 years worth of 24 hour a day school work

>> No.7714263


>> No.7714298

You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice.

>> No.7714313

ITT: this newfaggot

>> No.7715172

Over 36 billion muslims disagree with this comment, don't let radical muslim agreers speak for the rest!

>> No.7715181

This is literally every single business major I've ever met. They all seem to fucking hate at least 75% of the stuff they see in class and just don't care for the rest of it

>> No.7715724

>going to college for 13 years

>> No.7715740

it's a highschool yearbook. She's calculating all the hours in years from kindergarten to 12th grade, which is fucking retarded.

>> No.7715745


>> No.7716567

No you can't.

>> No.7716584

that's a highschool yearbook you idiot

and they're right, public school is a total joke

>> No.7716610

I know a few people like that.

I think it's a tactic to weed out the stupid people from the labor market. Using theory of mind, you can presume that if you graduate you can say "I did that all of that for a peace of paper", then all stupid students might think "If he graduated, and said it was for a peace of paper, then I can drop out and nu'ttin will matter." That way you don't have to compete with them in the labor force. Most people will not fall for it, but at least some would.

>> No.7716717

Maybe these people are bad at math. I want to learn math but I'm naturally bad at it.

>> No.7716727

she's black
you know it takes them way more effort to learn anything

>> No.7716882

You think you're so fucking clever

>> No.7717378

As long as not every degree is a STEM degree at least some people will realise it's a worthless piece of expensive paper

>> No.7717398

Are you butthurt and in denial about all those wasted hours, OP?

>> No.7717400

Who uses paper money anymore?

Money is just a number now.

>> No.7717667

>i work all day every day plus overtime for a couple of hundred small pieces of paper?